
Chapter 1: Whispers

I woke up and ran to my bathroom. I hurled last nights dinner. This is how most of my mornings start. I don't know why but I just seem to throw up everything I eat. I got used to it in the past few years, it started in the middle of freshman year. Anyways I have long wavy dark brown hair, that match my coffee colored eyes and Im around 5'4. My name is Brittany, Oh and I'm 17 years old my birthday is in about a month. Which means that my parents are coming for a short visit soon. My mother and father are normally always out on business trips. They do come home at least 3 or 4 times a year, around every four months.

I stay home because of school, see I grew up in the town of Lieben , it is a very woodsy place. My parents chose a house for us in the middle of the woods, I honestly don't know why but they said it was so growing up I could play outside. Which I believe because growing up I always loved being out in the woods. I loved always running and the feel of the wind in my hair. That all changed however when I entered high school and when my parents started leaving a lot.

I don't mind being alone, in fact I love that there are like no people ever near my house the only thing that sucks about being a drive away from town is that I have to drive to school and work a lot. I work in a local coffee shop, which my friend Melissa's mother owns. Melissa is my best friend, we've known each other since diapers. We met in the play ground when I was on the swing that she wanted to ride on she pushed me off and took it from me. I pushed her off of the swing afterwards and ever since then we've been besties.

In school Im known as the good girl legit. I have dated before its just the fact that I don't really like the guys at my school. There always to annoying to even make me look, there just low life trash sometimes. Not to be to mean which I probably am starting to sound like a spoiled brat but i've just grown tired of the people here not changing like at all.

After my wake up call... haha, I jumped into the shower washing my hair with my strawberry scented shampoo. I got into strawberries because of my other childhood best friend Logan, unfortunately he moved sometime around when I started my problem. At first I thought it was because of his move but thats just nonsense. The only person who knows about it is Mel. After my shower I went to my room and grabbed a black long sleeved loose shirt, with shorts and a black belt to match. I put on some bracelets to accessories, and I brushed my hair as I dried it with my pink and black blow-drier.

After doing my hair I went and got my bag ready for school because today is my first day of senior year. Which I think will be fun with my partner in crime Mel. Melissa is one of the populars as some people say, its not because she's a hoe. Trust me Mel's awesome in every way, she knows how to get someone's attention easily and can very simply talk to anyone. She's great at it, She's even lucky to be president for a second year running, which is a record at our school. After putting on a bit of mascara and eyeliner I grabbed my now ready bag and went downstairs after grabbing my cellphone and ipod.

I skipped breakfast knowing that I would just have to hurl it once I got to school. I walked out my door with my keys in hand after grabbing a black thin jacket. If you haven't noticed by now I love the color black, I think it goes good with everything. That why my car is black also, I have a volkswagen jetta. I walked to my baby and got in starting the ignition and backing out of my driveway. I turned on the radio as the song 'Wide awake' by Kay Perry came on. I drove down the deserted road that leads to town and though 'Today might actually be a good day'

Chapter 2: Whispers

As if on cue of thinking about a good day Mel called. I turned down the radio and answered "Morning sunshine" "Morning babe" "Whats up Mel." "Oh nothing just waiting for you outside the coffee shop" "Im turning the corner right now see, I see you" I said hanging up the phone and putting it on my lap. I stopped right in front of Mel who opened the door with two cups. "You hung up on me!" Mel said.

"I know but your not supposed to be on the phone and drive at the same time." I said laughing. I knew that pulling the goody toe shoes card was different with Mel, she knows when Im kidding with it. She looked at me handing me a cup of coffee. "Whatever, just don't let it happen again" she said rolling her eyes and closing the door. I waited till she was settled till I drove on the way to school which was a few blocks from the coffee shop where I work and most people hang out.

I took a sip of the coffee, coffee is the only thing my stomach can actually hold down. Which I am thankful for if not for coffee I would like die. Mel took a sip of her drink smiling. "Mel, whats up." I said in a some what annoyed voice. "Oh nothing" she said "Okay with you it is never nothing so spill." "What someone cant look forward to senior year" she said "Ughh Mel your killing me just tell me already" I said actually starting to grow impatient. "Okay fine there are a few new students, there like all really good looking."

"Oh so you have a crush, aww Mel's in love" I said smiling "Oh stop it you know Imo still dating Jake." "Yeah I know, but still the way your smiling I'm sure there gorgeous" I said actually starting to feel happy. I turned into the school parking lot and parked in my spot. Me and Mel were early as usual, She is the president and I'm her vice. "So what are there names, oh so smart and all knowing Mel" I said laughing, she joined in and then she started talking but I zoned out when I saw some guy staring at me. I stared back and then he smiled. I smiled and a slight blush crept onto my face. No ones ever made me blush, I guess this year is going to be very surprising for me.

I looked down but not fast enough to hide it from Mel. "Oh em gee! your blushing, why" She asked. I just smiled at her and got out of the car so did she we grabbed our bags when she looked around and then she pointed to the guy I was smiling at earlier saying "Thats one of the new guys, you have to show him around school since he has a few classes with you." She said. "Thats cool whats his name?" I asked. She looked at me and knew thats who i was blushing at a second ago. "His name is Cameron and Oh em gee your in love" she said. I just laughed. "Really Mel you know me so well but that is false, I haven't dated anyone in a while and I'm not looking." I said finishing my cup of coffee.

She finished her cup and we started walking towards the school when a few more cars where arriving. We walked into the hallway and started walking to homeroom when Mel squealed, which can only mean that Jake is here. I looked at Mel and Jake as they kissed, "Aww guys just get a room already" I said laughing, and they both joined. "You know you could always join us Brittany" Jake said I just rolled my eyes and opened my arms as he hugged me and spun around. Jake is one of my other friends. He and Mel make an amazing couple. "Tempting but, ill just leave you all to Mel." I said laughing. He then put me down with a shrug of the shoulders as we all walked to homeroom, throwing our cups out in the trash. Well senior year here I come!

Chapter 3: Whispers

We all walked into Mr. Deaton's homeroom. We have all had the same homeroom since freshman year. We took our seats in our usual place near the window to the left of the room. We sat Down, I took out my phone checking Instagram. "So you blushed today Brittany" Jake said I just looked at him smiled and another small blush came up at the thought of Cameron.

I took my hands and covered my face, embarrassed that I couldn't help but think of some guy I don't know. "See she's doing it again" Mel said giggling. I just shook my head. "Aww she looks so cute at it, so who's the guy?" Jake asked Mel poked him and pointed at the door, "Him" She said and Jake looked at Cameron. Who walked into the room with another girl, that I don't know. Jake turned to me "I approve, but you might have competition" "As if Jake no one can compare to our Brittany" Mel said smiling and sitting on top of my desk.

"Aww thanks Mel, but it's fine who is she anyways?" I asked looking at the girl and Cameron as if he could sense I was staring he looked over at me and smiled, I smiled back and again I started feeling my blush come so I just listened to Mel tell me about the new students. There were about 6. But Mel only knew about 5, Which was shocking but I let it go. The girl that walked in with Cameron is named Rebecca, She has Dirty Blonde hair with a nose piercing and a few on her ears, I cant deny the fact that she is so pretty. She is apparently very smart just like all of the new kids. Which means there in most of my classes with Mel. Me and Mel kept looking at her and when I started getting tired of glancing over at them I decided to check Instagram.

I Felt something hit my head and looked at my desk to see a ball of paper with pink highlighter on it which means theres gonna be a war. Between me and Mel. I looked over at her and said "Oh its on!" I said loud enough for people to hear and look our way. "Please it's been on" Said Mel, and with that her team and my team split to different sides of the room. The only people sitting was Cameron and Rebecca. I looked at Mel, and walked over. "So which new kid do you want" "I'll take Cameron" I just smiled knowing she took him because I have Jake. "Okay Ill have Rebecca, and be prepared to loose."

I went over to my side of the room with my team, "Five minutes!" Mel shouted. "Okay team we have our ammo ready." They shook there heads "Yes ma'am" Jake said who is my 2nd hand man in war. I trust him with my life, I look at Rebecca who's smiling. "So nice to meet you Rebecca" I said in a friendly way, I mean I don't hate the girl. "Same" She said smiling at me. "Okay so everyone know what to do right" I ask and they all nod. "Okay positions" We break into our positions, on our side moving desks around to block ourselves when your hit three times your dead. The person with a certain bracelet is aloud to bring you back to life, and there are only two me and Jake. but we have to kiss the dead person to bring them back.

I know weird but it makes the game more fun. I get into my position next to jake in the far back. With our newest recruit, "Ok, so you guys ready" I whisper and look at my team mates they all give a thumbs up, then the timer went off. Meaning the war starts, I stand up and look to see Mel doing the same I smile at her as she does the same to me I hold my hand out for a ball and I'm given one. I then toss it in the air and catch it "Ready to loose Mel, again?" I asked because I have won almost every time we play only once her team won because Jake was out with chicken pox and I couldn't revive people alone.

"I think you should shut up and throw the ball Brit." "Well-" I was cut off when the door to the class room opened and in came Mr. Deaton. "Hey there Deat's." I said shrugging my shoulder. "Hello brittany, class" He said looking around "Well I will be in the lounge, Brittany text me when your done, and then I will be back with your schedules." "Okay" With that he left and I threw my ball with the element of surprise and I hit Mel right on her boob. And with that our senior year starts with a war!

Chapter 4: Whispers

The war continued for like 15 minutes most people were dead on her side. Thats what happens when the guy with the bracelet is dead, and she has a boyfriend. So yeah there always screwed in that way. except for a few people like Cameron who are great at dodging and throwing. I look at my team realizing a few people were down and they actually like being out after a while. "Ready to give up Mel." I yell and took a peak up only to dodge a ball aimed near my face.

"The fuck!" I screamed, Everyone looked at me even the dead people. "Do I have something on my face?" I ask already knowing there shocked at the fact I just cursed. Oh well they will get over it. "Oh em gee! Brittany just cursed." Said Mel standing and coming to our side and giving me a hug picking me up a little. Everyone just clapped or laughed. "So you give up?" I asked knowing she's to happily distracted to care. "Hell yeah, Babe you always win" She said laughing and hugging me again. "Okay everyone clean up, I'll go get Mr. Deaton." I said walking out of the class room.

I walk to the teachers lounge, I look around and only Mr. Deaton is there reading his paper. "Hey Deat's" I said going to the vending machine getting two cokes for Mel and Jake. And grabbing a small coffee for myself. "Hello Brittany are you guys done?" He asked while I put sugar in my coffee. "Yeah and we won again" I said smiling. He smiled also. He helped me carry the soda to the room while I sipped on my coffee. We walked in to a very clean looking classroom. I handed Mel and Jake there soda's and they handed me a dollar each for them. They always do that, I told them they don't have to but if I don't take the money it shows up in my locker. "I have your schedules" Said Mr. Deaton

We all took our seat and he handed out the schedules. I got mine and looked it over enjoyed with my classes."Whats your schedule." Mel asked already taking my paper. My schedule was Homeroom, Math, History, Art, Free block, Drama, Science. "Okay we have Math, Free block, science and Drama together." She said happily. See she's into drama like very much, so I joined and we have almost always been partners. "Cool, This is going to be fun." I said smiling. I hand my schedule over to Jake and he tells me we have History together, and Science. So this really is going to be fun. I smiled knowing that this year is going to be amazing.

I felt a pair of eyes on me and looked up to see Cameron staring at me. He smiled and I smiled back, I then leaned towards Mel. "Hey, do I have something on my face?" I asked still smiling and looking in his direction. She looked at me and put her hands on my chin moving my face towards her direction, breaking my trance with Cameron. She licked her finger and wiped something, "So I had something on my face" I said looking at her. She just laughed "No, I just put my spit on you." She said laughing and then Jake joined.

"Oh, shut up!" I said and wiped my hands on the invisible smudge. I smiled at my friends realizing how lucky I am to have them, I looked down at my phone as I felt it vibrate. I had a new message in my inbox, I opened it to see I had a message from my dad. on occasion he would message me to see how things were going with my life, or to tell me when there coming. 'Hey princess, Just wanted to ask how your first day as a senior is going. Im sure it's gonna be full of surprises. Anyways, your mom and I are coming in Three weeks and we will leave the day after your birthday. -Love, Daddy <3 ' I whispered to my self like I do when I'm a bit confused "Full of surprises?"

Chapter 5: Whispers

I looked at the text from my father still a bit shocked, not only from the 'full of surprises' part but the fact there coming longer than usual. Normally they stay for 3 or 4 days not longer. Mel must have noticed something because she took my phone. "Oh em gee." She said, then looked at me with slight wide eyes. I looked back at her confused "Yeah" I said. I took back my phone and texted my father 'Hey Daddy, My first day is going good (: and full of surprises? What do you mean and thats great that your coming soon! I miss you! - Love, Princess '

I looked over at Mel and smiled, she smiled back. "So there coming for like a week? That's a first." She said. "Hun, you just read my mind I wonder whats up. Last time they stayed longer than usual it was because my grandmother died and they knew I would be upset." She just shrugged her shoulders remembering that visit because once they left I cracked a bit and stayed at her house a few nights till I was better. "Yeah, maybe it's nothing." She said smiling at me. I just hope it's nothing.

' That's good that your having a nice day, and with the surprises I mean part of the gift that I sent through the mail so you have it before we come. I miss you lots, unfortunately I have a meeting I will text you later, Bye - Love, Daddy ' I replied with a simple goodbye, saying to have a nice day and showed his text to Mel "So what do you think your gift will be?" "I don't know I will just have to wait and see." The bell rang, which means that I get to go to Math with Mel, Cameron and Rebekah.

I walked over to Cameron and Rebecca, with Mel. "Hello, My name is Melissa and I'm the president of the school. This right here is my partner in crime Brittany, whom is my vice pres." She said putting her arm on my shoulder, smiling at them. Then she continued talking, while I looked at my phone checking instagram. I swear I'm addicted to it I looked at Mel when I felt her nudge my shoulder. "Babe, we need to show them around there classes." "Oh, okay." "Still curious about that text?" She asked knowing they were listening. "Umm, no not really just checking on my drugs" I said laughing. She laughed along and they looked at us a bit shocked and confused.

"You guys will get used to our weirdness in due time." I said smiling at Cameron. "So lets get to math." I said looking at Mel as we made our way out of homeroom. "Soo..." I said not sure what to say with Rebecca and Cameron with us. "So this weekend is mine and Jakes two year anniversary." She said smiling at me and linked our arms together "Ohh... Special time" I said smiling at my best friend. "Mel I want full details next week." I said knowing that they have something special planned. "Oh trust me you will get full amazing details" She said laughing. "Okay, I don't need to know all the details, especially them certain details, gross!" I said laughing along with Mel. I pretended to gag pointing my finger in my mouth and she slapped my arm.

"Fine, but I just know it's gonna be amazing. I cant wait till you do the deed." She said wiggling her eyebrow at me. I smacked her arm and laughed with her some more when we walked into math class and made our way to our table. With Cameron and Rebecca in tow. They sat behind me and Mel. The teacher than walked in "Hello I'm Mrs. Ward and I will be your teacher for this class. As long as you do your work I guarantee you will pass this class."

She then handed out some papers. Like the contract they have all the classes do, which basically says how we will do our best and blah blah blah. She also passed out random stuff that every class gets with upcoming events and such. Then the one were we get to know someone in class. who we aren't sitting next to. Mel turned around and said she was going to work with Rebecca, while I work with Cameron. 'Oh yayy' I thought mentally.

Chapter 6: Whispers

I turned my chair around and faced Cameron. While Mel did the same with Rebecca. I looked down at the packet and put my name on the top, I looked as cameron did the same. Shockingly his handwriting looked nice, and not like chicken scratch. "So.." I looked down at the packet and read some stuff which was just basic stuff. "What your full name?" I asked looking up at his amazing Forest green eyes. "My name is Cameron Oliver Wilson, yours." "Brittany anne Stevenson" We kept asking each other the questions getting to know each other. Then we handed in our packets, I turned my chair back around and couldn't help but smile on the inside. I had gotten to know Cameron a lot more and was shocked to see we had stuff in common. I checked my phone because I had nothing better to do.

I checked instagram and waited till the bell would ring which is in like a few minutes. I looked over at Mel. and Rebecca seeing that they are getting along. The bell rang which means time for history with Jake and Cameron. I hugged Mel, and Rebecca goodbye and walked to History with Cameron. We were half way there when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and i was spun around I giggled and was put down then Jake put his arm over my shoulders "Sup Brit." He said. "Nothing Jake, Cameron this is Jake. Jake, Cameron." I said introducing them "Sup" Jake said to Cam. When we walked in to class and took seats in the back next to each other.

School Went by in a blur after history. I went to all my classes a few of the teachers are gonna be a pain but that's okay. My favorite class is Art, which I had chosen Photography as my main thing. Right now I'm leaving Science with Jake, we go to our lockers which are all right next to each other to see Mel already opening her locker. "Hey there" I said to Mel as I stopped in front of my locker and grabbed the stuff I needed and dropping of stuff that I don't need. "Hey, so how was your day" She asked looking threw her locker. "It went by pretty fast, and was actually very good." "Oh, is it because of Cam." She said looking at me a wriggling her eyebrow. "Shut up" I said laughing just a bit. I closed my locker and looked at Mel she closed her locker and smiled at me. We walk to my car and I wait for her to say bye to Jake. We sit down in my car and I start it up and drive on my way to work.

We get to work on time, well were never late and never in trouble because her mother loves us. I go to the back and put on the little black apron that ties around my waist, and I grab a notepad and pen. I go to my table area and see already a few people waiting for me to take there drinks down "Hello, Welcome to black bean. My name is Brittany, how may I take your order." I asked smiling at my customers. I realize its some people from school they order frappuccinos, and I get them there drinks. That's how my whole shift goes until Cameron walks in with two girls one I recognize as Rebecca and the other is unknown to me. I walk to there seats and put on my genuine smile.

"Hello, Welcome to Black Bean. My name Is Brittany, how may I take your order." I look at Rebecca and smile same with the rest of them "Hey Brittany, Mel told me you worked here." Said Rebecca "Yeah, I've always loved the smell of coffee. Plus her mom loves me." I said smiling at Rebekah "That's great, I'll have a latte. Elizabeth will have the same. Cameron?" She looked over at cameron and he looks at me and smiles. I smile back "Ill take a caramel latte." "Okay, and will that be everything?" I ask writing down there order and giving them a smile "Yes, were good thanks" Said Rebecca. I walk back to the counter and get there drinks.

I walk back and see them talking, but they stop when I came with there drinks. I place there drinks in front of them and smile. I walk back to the counter and get orders for some other tables. Then they leave after giving me a great tip. A few hours later my shift is over I said goodbye to Mel's mom and Allison another girl that works with us. "You sure you don't wanna spend the night?" Asked Mel "Im fine I'm just gonna go home and sleep." "Okay be safe getting there." "Aren't I always safe." "No" She said smiling at me, I hug her and walk to my car I look at the sky and see that the sun Is going down fast when I get home it should be dark.

Chapter 7: Whispers

I drive home as the sun goes down and listen to the stereo, when my phone starts buzzing. I get it out of my pocket and see its a text from Mel. Saying goodnight and that she is getting a ride from Jake the next day. I reply with a goodnight and love you. I arrive home a few minutes later, I grab my bag from the back and my jacket. I lock my car and unlock my front door. I drop my stuff inside and grab the mail, I see theres a box from my parents. I open it and read it. It says how there is more money on my card like usual, and that they miss me. I look inside of the box and see theres a smaller box with a note on top of it. I open it and read it 'This was your grandmothers we wanted to see your face when you opened it but she said how she wanted you to have it your first day of senior year, hope you enjoy love mom and dad.'

I open the little box to see and beautiful silver necklace. It was a heart shaped locket, I opened it to see on the left my grand mothers initials and to the right her photo. I hadn't noticed that a few stray tears ran down my face. I just cant help but shed a few tears when I remember her, me and her used to be so close. She would always come here when my parents had to leave, we used to talk for hours about nothing yet everything. She taught me how to cook and such, and she was like my best friend. She held me when Logan left and told me he would be back before I knew it. I grabbed the necklace and put it on, I then grabbed my stuff and went to my room. I did my homework, and took a shower.

I looked in the mirror, and smiled while looking at the necklace. I then laid down trying to sleep but just couldn't, I walked down to the kitchen and got a drink of water. I went and grabbed my jacket, and shoes from the front door. I walked out the back door and decided to go for a walk, there was a full moon so it was kinda bright outside. I started walking down my normal path, enjoying the nice and quit windy night. I don't know why but I just enjoy the dark woods, It might be because of the sounds of the small forest animals or just the air.

* FlashBack * ( 10 years ago )

"Grandma can I go for a walk? " I asked my grandmother " Of course hun, be careful and don't go to far." "Okay grandma. " I then ran over to my grandmother and hugged her and put my shoes on, going out the back door. I decide to take a right, I start walking away from my house. i think nothing of it because at a young age I found happiness with walking in the woods. I continue to walk further from the house, I've never been this far from the house.

I continue to walk when I hear a branch snap, I look down thinking it was me but it wasn't. I then look up to see a wolf, the creature then looked at me and took a step closer, I don't know why but I took a small step towards the beautiful light brown wolf. I put my hand out slowly, when he tilted his head down knowing I wouldn't hurt him. I pet him and he was so soft, I smiled feeling like I know him somehow. He then starts walking backwards. I heard my father shout my name in the distance, I turned around to see he was getting close, I look back at the wolf to see he was already sprinting away.

I turn around and start running towards my father, "Where were you sweetie?" He asked me. "I was walking" "Okay well don't go that far again without me or grandma, okay?" I knew he was worried "Okay." I then smiled at my father.

* End of FlashBack *

I smiled at the memory of when I first met a wolf, I still haven't seen the wolf after that. I go to a small clearing to see a shadow, I started to grow curious who could be out here this late. I look down at my feet to make sure I wont step on a branch. I continue to walk towards the male, who has broad shoulders. He was standing but staring straight ahead to distracted with his thoughts to hear me coming, I reach my hand forward slowly and touch his shoulder. When my wrist was suddenly grabbed and I was being tackle to the ground by this mystery guy. "Ooff" I said when the impact came. I looked up to see ocean blue eyes staring at me.

Chapter 8: Whispers

"Cameron, what are you - Oww." I said in a bit of pain from being crushed by his body on top of mine. "Im sorry." he said while getting off of me and sitting next to me. I look at him with confusion clear in my eyes. "What are you doing out here?" I asked him, I then sat up lifting my hand to my head. "Well I was enjoying a nice stroll in the woods." "This late at night?" "Yeah" "Ok, Why?" "I enjoy the quit it helps me think clearly, u?" "Honestly, I couldn't sleep"

He smiled at me which I gladly returned, "So what are you thinking about?" I asked him. "Life, and stuff." He said shrugging his shoulders. I felt like he wanted to say more but didn't so I just shrugged it off. We sat out in the woods for what felt like hours just talking. Till he walked me home, saying our goodbyes he hugged me and told me to be safe. I told him the same and we shared a small laugh. I then went to the kitchen and ate a piece of chocolate cake, then went to my room and fell asleep once my head hit my pillow.

The next day I woke up to my alarm clock playing 'Hello' By Karmin. I jumped up and went to the bathroom and hurled my piece of cake, I then took a shower and dressed in a pair of black shorts, and a plain red long sleeved v-neck shirt. I did my usually routine and drove to school, On the way there I got a coffee from 'Black Bean' and said hello to my second mother. I Parked my car in my usual spot, only to see a ton of people surrounding a car, I guess the new student is here today, I thought. I then started walking to homeroom.

I walked into the building only to be tackled by Mel. and Jake. "Hey guys" I said laughing at there outgoing selves. "Hey, thats all you have to say." "Yeah, whats up" "Your future husband is attending school here, thats whats up" She said. I start laughing, "I doubt Cameron will ever be my husband, let alone boyfriend" "No not cameron, the new guy." "Oh my god, another attractive new kid" I said shaking my head while walking towards homeroom, I then dumped my cup of coffee into the trash.

Once I walked in the bell rang signaling the start of homeroom. I sat down in my seat, people were staring at me and whispering. I started getting tired of the whispers so I got out my phone and started playing random games after putting on my headphones, i continued with that for like 5 minutes till the classroom door opened. I continued to play my games though, I don't know whats so special about this new kid that everyone is staring. Mel poked me from behind me I glanced back at her and she pointed towards the door, I looked at the classroom door.

At the door, the last person I had expected to see was standing there. He looked around the classroom as though looking for someone, his eyes then stopped and landed on me. He smiled, I removed my headphones then stood up and heard people whispering. I then ran towards him, I jumped and wrapped my arms and legs around him not wanting to ever let go again. I felt his arms wrap around me also, He felt so warm and hugging him I felt little tingles all over my body.

Chapter 9: Whispers

I honestly never thought I would be in his arms again, I smelled him and he still had that amazing woodsy scent I loved so much, I smiled at the thought. I leaned my head back and looked at his face, he looked different, but in a good way. He doesn't have his slightly chubby cheeks anymore, his hair looks darker, he has muscles, but his eyes still remain the same. "Hey Brittany" He said with his amazing deep voice. "Hey Logan" I said. Yes the guy everyone is talking about is my best friend, my very and I mean very attractive best friend.

"I missed you" He said, I smiled. "I missed you to" I then realized that everyone was watching this little scene, but I don't care because I finally have my best friend back. He smiled at me and squeezed me in his arms, while I did the same. I then unwrapped my legs from around him and he put me down gently. I swear I felt like crying, I cant believe he's here, "I told you" Said Mel, I was to busy smiling at Logan to realize she walked over with Jake.

"Told me what" I said a bit confused, but I know she's about to tell me. She leans in to my ear and I lean closure to her so I can hear what she has to say, "Future husband" She whispers in my ear. I smiled at the thought of me and Logan actually getting married and laughed, Like that would ever happen. "Your funny." I said to her, "Okay don't believe me, you will see one day" She said smiling at me with her all knowing Mel smile.

"So whats your schedule" I said facing Logan again. He hands it to me and his fingers touch mine a bit, and I feel tingles shoot up my arm, I smiled at him and he at me. I wonder why I feel tingles, and if he feels them to. I looked over his schedule "We have like every class together except math and drama." I said I felt a bit disappointed that we didn't have math together, but its whatever as long as we have lunch. "Sounds good." Said Logan smiling at me, which I had gladly returned.

I handed him his schedule back and I walked over to my desk, I heard all of them following me back. I grabbed my bag and phone and checked the time, I then started to walk towards the door, once I reached the door the bell rang. I turned around when I got in the hall and waited for my friends, I hugged Logan and Jake goodbye they both have class together. I started walking to Math with Mel.

"You happy he's back" Mel said "Heck yeah Im ecstatic, my best guy friend is back in my life after years of not hearing from him, and wondering if I would ever see him again. So yeah Im happy" She smiled at me "I can tell" I smiled at her "Yeah, I think everyone could considering I ran into his arms." "Yeah, you guys looked like long lost lovers. Well you are, soo…" "We are not lovers O-" "Yet" She said interfering my sentence. I just shook my head, "I have crazy best friends" I said more to myself than anyone else.

We walked into math class and sat down in our seats, "So what are you gonna do about Cameron" She whispered to me, while looking there way. "Umm.. Nothing, there is nothing to do I mean, he's just a friend" I said stating the obvious. "Are you only saying that because Logan is back." She asked me looking in my eyes, "No, I'm not just saying that because Logan is back. Im saying that because it is true, where friends. Plus, I don't have feeling like that for him and he's already in a relationship by the way." I said staring her in the eyes, my best friend is crazy sometimes. When will she realize she doesn't know where my non existent love life is going.

Chapter 10: Whispers

In math class all we did was take notes, Then I started walking to second when Jake did what he usually does after first block, which is wrap his arms around Me and spin me around. I looked at Logan afterwards and he looked pissed off, So I touched his arm like I did when we were younger and he relaxed under my touch. I love the effects I have on him, He's an amazing best friend to have. Then we all walked over to history class, while walking there I saw Cameron. Well more like I feet him staring at me.

When I looked at him he smiled, and I returned it while walking over to him.'Hey Cameron" "Hey Brittany, who's your friend. He seems to be all i'm hearing about." He said looking towards Logan who seems pissed. "That's my best friend Logan, he grew up here, that's why he's all your hearing about." I said smiling "Thats nice, How was your sleep" I smiled, 'It was very good thanks to you." He smiled and reached his hand forward towards my face and brushed a piece of my hair behind my ear, I smiled and blushed. He smiled back at me about to say something when the teacher walks into class.

"Mr. Wilson, could you stop flirting with Ms. Stevenson, and try to keep your hands to yourself during my class." said Mr. Moore, the history teacher. Everyone started staring seeing his hand on my face and started whispering to each other. I shook my head and stared back at Cameron "Bye" I whispered, and started walking to my seat. When I sat down the teacher turned towards the board and started writing todays lessons.

After an awkward history class I walked with Cameron, Jake and Logan to the meet up with the girls at our lockers. When we met up with the girls Mel. and Rebekah were laughing at something that Elizabeth had said. I walked over to my locker and put my stuff in, We then all walked over to the cafeteria. They all got food while I sat at the table alone.

I reach in my pocket and take out the necklace that was once my grandmother's, I put it on and placed my hand over the cool silver. I hear my friends coming, and look up to see all of them walking over. Logan sits to my right and Mel to my left with Cameron across from me and the others next to him. "You sure your not hungry" Said Logan smiling down at me. "Im possitive" I said looking over at Mel. she looked at me with sad eyes I then mouthed 'I know'

I looked straight ahead to see Cameron giving me a confused look, I shook my head and felt my phone vibrate. I reach into my pocket and grab my phone taking it out looking down at it, I saw it a text from a number I didn't know. I open it to see a very long text message from an old friend, saying that he is coming to visit me, and that he will be here tomorrow. I smile while fumbling with my phone sending a reply back, before I hit send Mel. takes my phone. Oh no.

Chapter 11: Whispers


Mel. starts reading the text message I recieved, I reach my hand to get the phone back and she moves it out of the way. "Oh my god" She says, she then looks at me and back at the text. Then back at me, "You little slut butt." I look at her a shake my head holding back a small laugh "Really Mel. that is all you got out of that text. Which part did you read the part about the hotel or the part about all of our memorable nights?" She looks at me, "Both" She say's giggling. "Okay so who is this mystery guy?" she says referring to Tyler.

"Well that information is classified." I say smiling after I took my phone back and sent the text message. "That is so not fair, why not tell me." "In due time I might say," I said smiling at her, and realize that the guys where watching this little episode. Especially Logan, I look down at my phone and see I have a reply that has a picture attachement. I open it to see a very cute picture of a smiling Tyler, saying he misses me and he cant wait to see me. I take a quick pic of myself smiling saying how im excited and cant wait to see him either.

The bell rings then signaling the end of first lunch and everyone gets up to throw out there trash, I slowly get up after everyone and start following them to chill. "So what did our little brittany do, that she won't tell her own best friend.. Hmm.. ?" Says Jake. "Haha, I'm not saying anything." I say while trying to turn away, when arms encircle me.

"Nope you can't get away that easily." Said Jake. And I think I heard a growl come from behind us, which I choose to ignore. "Let go of me." I say turning around a poking his cheek. "Oh so you want to poke now, fine we shall have a poke war" he said as my eyes widen, then he starts tickling my sides. I start laughing and can't help it "Hahah-hahaha please stop, ill do anything." After that came out of my mouth Mel. Decides to jump in on the action.

"Tell me who he is, and what happened." Said Mel. "N-never!" I say in between laughs. Suddenly I feel sparks on my body as I am removed from Jakes hold by Logan. I can breathe again, "Thanks." I say smiling at him, he returns it but it seems a bit forced. I shrug it off and start walking away from everyone heading to my car, I hop In and close my door while just leaning my head on the steering wheel. As I'm thinking about school and how I don't want to go to class, I realize that someone is in the car with me. I guess I was to busy in thought to realize I wasn't alone.

Chapter 12: Whispers

I raise my head and look at Logan who is in the car with me, he must have slipped in when I was thinking. "Hi" I said looking at the way he was sitting, which was a bit stiff. "Hi" he said, voice void of any emotion. "Whats wrong." I asked turning my body to face him, "Nothi-" "Bullshit, whats wrong." I say interrupting him. "You want to seriously know whats wrong?" He asked, I looked at him like he was stupid. "No I want to know what type of toilet paper you use to wipe your ass." I say sarcastically he looks at me and smirks. I can honestly say he looks gorgeous when he did that.

"Wow Bri-Bri I never thought those words would come out of your mouth. To answer your question, Charmin." He then reached his hand out and intertwined our fingers together, "oh and the thing that's wrong is -" he is cut off by my phone ringing. The song 'Good time' by Carly Rae jepsen is now playing on my phone, I let go of his hand and answer the phone. "Hey, I guess it's my lucky day to get a call" I say jokingly, "Well sweetheart I wanted to hear your voice." Said Tyler. I blush a little and I look at Logan, who has his fists clenched. "That's sweet Ty, but you do realize ill be seeing you soon enough" I say smiling slightly starting to worry about Logan.

"Oh I know, and I can't wait to wrap my arms around you." He said, that's when Logan got out of the car and slammed the door storming towards the woods. "What was that?" Asked Ty , "Oh it was nothing I just got out of the car" I say as I too get out of the vehicle. "I'm gonna let you go babe, ill text you later with information." I said "ok bye sweetheart" he said, I then hung up the phone.

"Brit what happened?" Asked Mel. As soon as I got out of the car. "I'm not sure I answered the phone and started talking to Tyler and Logan freaked and stormed off." I looked at the woods knowing he was trying to cool off because that's what we both used to do, "oh so his name is Tyler.'" She said smirking at me. "Oh shit." I mutter

"So we need to talk about you and Tyler, like now." She said her voice filled with seriousness, I guess it's time to let the cat out of the bag.. Poor cat. "We had a fling the summer I went to California with my parents, he made me feel special and happy. Especially since, well you know. He never found out about that but towards the end of the summer he thought I was pregnant, because he found me throwing up. Instead of telling him I just took a pregnancy test, even though I knew it would be negative. Which it was, but we fell for each other in that short amount of time and it was hard to leave. We kept in touch and promised to visit, and that's kinda everything."I rambled in a hushed tone hoping no one could hear, even though no one was outside. I continued to look at my best friends face to see her reaction, but her face stayed void of any emotion. Shit I wonder what is going through my best friends mind, lord help me with this one...

Chapter 13: Whispers

Emotionless. That is what Mel's face looked like. After telling her about me and Tyler she didn't say or do anything until her phone went off with a text message. She ignored the phone and said something that made me feel horrible, "What kind of a Best friend are you, that you don't tell me something this big in your life. I guess you obviously don't trust me enough to tell me." She said with tears in her eyes. Where as my face was of shock sadness and maybe a few percent anger.


"What no, I couldn't tell you because I wanted it to be between me and him. I wanted to have something that made me happy, that no one knew about it and I do trust you. I trust you so much that I tell you everything but I know there is stuff you don't tell me," she opened her mouth to object, but I continued to speak. "Don't even try to lie and say you tell me everything, I know you and I know when you lie and when you have something to say. So I thought I could have one, one thing that I didn't have to tell you or anyone. But hey I guess your happy that you finally got it out of me, anything else you want to know." I say to her as she is mostly speechless.


I then turn around and get back into my car deciding I needed a break. I turned on the engine when she opened the passenger door and got in, "where are you going?" She asks me, "home, I don't think I can take all of this right now." "I'm coming with you" she said already putting on her safety belt. Knowing her she won't leave the car, so I back out of the parking spot and head home.

The whole drive home is filled with a silence, an uncomfortable silence. I don't even risk looking at her, I just continue to stare at the road ahead of me. "You know your right" I then look at her confused, "what?" She stares out the window looking in the woods "I do keep secrets from you." She then glances at me, "but I only do it to keep you safe, because your my best friend and you don't know the pain and danger in this secret of mine." She then looks back at the woods "but don't worry, if my assumptions are right which most of the times they are then you will find out sooner rather than later." Taking all of that in I continue to stare at the road, and take a few glances at her only to see she is still looking outside. I look at her reflection and her face is emotionless as most of the time it is, but I look at her eyes which are filled with sadness and hurt the feelings she has inside.


A ton of questions are going through my head, all about what she has told me, about things in the past, and especially about Logan. 'Why did he leave when I was on the phone with Tyler?' 'What is up with all of these secrets with Mel. Logan, Cameron and heck just everyone in general.' 'Why am I so confused?' 'Why do I always have to be alone with my thoughts?,' and 'why do I need, absolutely need to know what Mel. Is talking about' maybe it's me being protective and worried for my best friend, and maybe it's just because I'm growing curious with living in this small town full of secrets. But, I do know this 'I will most definitely find out all of these secrets everyone is hiding in this small town, one way or another I will. Starting with Logan.'


Publication Date: 09-16-2012

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