

Everybody gets the urge now and then to totally revamp their living space.

The trick to successfully updating your home without spending a fortune is thinking outside the box. For instance, painting molding or cabinets in lacquer. This will absolutely add an instant dose of glamour to your home, and sometimes just changing your light bulbs can make a lot of difference.

Don’t forget the lights are very important in how your decorating works. To set the right mood, add dimmers on all of your lights. Bright isn’t always right.

While the process of decorating your home is thrilling, it also comes with its fair share of challenges.

Regardless of the type of space, you're decorating, there's nothing more important than paying attention to details. Good decorating should express your creativity and personality in style.

Plan Before You Begin To Purchase

While proper planning is essential for any home improvement project, its necessity increases much more when you’re working on a tight budget. After all, no one wants to find themselves in a situation where they’ve found the perfect living room set only to discover that they don’t have enough money in their account. Another situation could be that the non-refundable kitchen counter they’ve ordered online won’t fit into space. Doing a little research beforehand will drastically cut down on the likelihood of encountering an unpleasant surprise along the way.

Looking at your home from a holistic perspective. Try seeing how each room works in the balance against the others. This can help craft a variety in your decor spaces.

Stick to colors like beige or gray, especially on the first floor, where the flow is important. "You want to minimize jarring transitions. Neutral walls give you the greatest decorating flexibility, allowing you to easily switch up your accessories. And if you have two small rooms next to each other, painting them the same neutral color helps them feel larger.

Wallpaper the back of shelves

Paper the back of a cabinet or bookshelf in wallpaper or even faux-snakeskin for an unexpected decor surprise.

You might already be familiar with the rule of thirds for photography and this also works for decor. Designing with odd numbers as a foundation can create harmony and visual interest.

The basic idea of the rule is that details and objects that are arranged or grouped in odd numbers are more appealing, memorable, and effective than even-numbered pairings.

It helps to have groupings of objects in varying heights, shapes and textures. At the same time, there should be something similar to them. This advice seems to contradict itself, but the point is, there should be something that groups your items together, but also something about each of them that is slightly different.

Solve practical problems inexpensively. 
If your kitchen cabinets are drab, for instance, freshen them with paint and change out the hardware. And don't bother installing overly decorative (and very expensive) cabinet hardware on cheaply fabricated woodwork. It will look out of place and the money can be put to better use elsewhere. In the bathroom, something as simple as replacing the lighting can immediately improve the room's appearance.

Paint lampshades for a new fresh look

Buy an inexpensive paper shade and paint it red, which will add a romantic and flattering touch to any room.

Make sure your own personal style shows through, which most likely isn't bland, brown and boring.

Top priority should be proportion, scale, and balance of your furniture and accessories within each room. Don't shove five pieces of oversized lounge furniture into a 15x5 den that has a modest 8-foot ceiling. It will look like a clown car. Conversely, putting only a low buffet and a delicate, round dining table for four into a 20x30 room with a soaring 12-foot ceiling will look equally awkward and unsatisfying.

Every room can benefit from accessories that have a history. Rather than showcasing your collectibles on a shelf, set them out on a table


Mirrors are great for making a small space feel larger. For larger rooms or a room with less natural light, placing mirrors directly across from the windows adds instant brightness. Decorative mirrors can also be used in lieu of art to fill empty wall space. Large or small, mirrors add light and dimension to your living space. Brighten and amplify the light in a room with mirrors on walls opposing light sources. I love mirrors because they double the visual square footage of any room. Hang a series of three or four mirrors opposite a window to reflect the incoming light as well as the view.

When it comes to hanging curtains or arranging furniture, most of us just eyeball it as we go. But there are specific measurements for decorating that make a room look better. Here are a few general measurements to keep in mind:

  • Coffee table distance: Keep at least 15" between coffee tables and sofas. do this leaving about 18" between them.
  • Hanging art: When hanging art, keep its center at eye level, which is generally 56" to 60" from the floor. If you're hanging multiple pieces of art, keep the center point of the whole arrangement at this level.
  • When hanging art above your sofa, make sure it's no more than 2/3 the width of the sofa. You'll also want to leave 5-9" of space between the art and the furniture, Driven By Decor adds.
  • Hanging curtains: It's typical to have 1-3" of overlap on either side of your window. For height, they say you should mount curtain rods 4" from the top of the window. But maybe you want your windows to look wider or taller. To create the illusion of height, you can go beyond the 4" standard, but don't exceed 8", or it'll look awkward. To create the illusion of width, feel free to break the 1-3" standard, too. You might want to go as far as 12" on either side.
  • Tv distance: How far your TV should be on your sofa will depend on its size. The easiest rule of thumb: multiply the diagonal size of your TV by two. That's about how many inches your tv should be from your seating area.

Create do-it-yourself slipcovers to transform your living room

An interesting DIY decorating tip: Drop cloths make great DIY slipcovers. They look like old homespun linen but cost a fraction of the price.

Here are some ideas to repurpose items you already have at home.

  • Place wooden, acrylic, metal or silver trays on top of carts, trunks, and bedside tables
  • Arrange candles with greenery on countertops and coffee tables
  • Hang your favorite plates to create custom wall art.
  • Frame art from children’s books for nurseries and children’s rooms
  • Stack your most beloved books to add a vertical design element

Layering patterns in a range of styles and scales is an easy way to add visual interest to a room.

Start an indoor garden

Pot plants in an assortment of vintage ceramics and line them up on a windowsill.

Don’t underestimate the power of flowers. Perk up any room with a bouquet

Pillows are your friend

Revamp your sofa without spending a fortune changing up your accent pillows.

If you tend to be more reserved when it comes to color choices, step outside of your comfort zone by choosing a bold hue or a tone you really like.

Floor-to-ceiling shelving never fails to add character to a room.

One of the first considerations is choosing a focal point for the living room and especially where you want to create conversation areas. Your selection and arrangement of living room furniture should keep this element in mind. Only then can you move to the details of planning lighting, then choosing area rugs, art and accessories.

Children's Rooms

For decorating kids' rooms, it's still common practice to use themes traditionally assigned to boys and girls, although today's parents are increasingly sensitive to making kids' bedrooms more gender-neutral.

A nursery for an infant has its own decorating needs, especially where young families where budget may be a consideration.

Create a place for those special family photos

Instead of framing all of your family photos, try snapshots in a bowl on a table where everyone can sift through them. Trade old images with new ones every so often.

Scent matters.

Spend a little on a great scented candle. This isn’t where you can go cheap, the scent is everything. Done right, they make a room feel warm and inviting.

The kitchen can be an expensive room to remodel, so you'll want to carefully plan your project. If a complete remodel is not affordable or practical, there are any number of budget kitchen makeovers you can consider—including giving your kitchen deep cleaning, freshening the paint, adding lighting, replacing cabinet hardware, adding new accessories, and replacing the sink and faucet.

You may well have a general decorating style chosen for your entire home, but within the overall style, each room has its own purpose and style. How the room is used, and by whom, should be considered as you arrange each room and choose materials, accessories, and accents.

Consider the needs of each individual room, and research related articles pertaining to those spaces.

Homes decor should reflect your personal taste and interests, but it must also address the particular function of those rooms.

Home Offices

You will have different needs if you will be seeing clients in your home office and using the space for professional reasons. But even if it is just a place for you to conduct family business, there are specific tips for planning and decorating a home office. Where budget is a consideration, seek out money-saving options.


Stuck At Home Helpful Tips

With so much time on your hands, staying at HOME can be quite boring. A few hours could feel like days, and at some point, it could feel like torture, especially if you live alone.

Being at home either for long summer vacations or for two, three days is in itself a great pleasure. For the first few days, you would like to sit idle but gradually you are likely to feel bored of idealism, so to get rid of the same, you need some productive things to do at home.

The good news is, this doesn’t have to be the case. With these easy and entertaining activities,

I'm sending you hugs and hope you are doing well! Lately, with everything that is happening in the world, I am having a hard time concentrating. I am trying to stay active and productive, even though it's difficult. Today, I am sharing some ideas with you, in case you are looking for some creative things to do while you are stuck at home. I've been doing most of these at home, and I especially love origami. It helps me stay focused. Hope it inspires you!

TIPS, you can bring the fun right at your doorsteps.
1. Learn a new recipe
Everybody loves food! What better way for you to spend your time than learning to cook a new dish or try out something fancy from the internet. The options are limited! If you intend to spend less, try out recipes whose ingredients are in season.
2. Play games
Never knew how to play cards? This might just be the perfect time for you to improve on your poker- face. Not a fan? Don’t worry. There are so many games on could play in the comfort of their home. You could choose from table tennis, darts, chess, monopoly and so on.
3. Start your garden
Gardening can be quite exciting. To watch your plants grow from scratch can be quite fulfilling. Other than just flowers, you could grow vegetables as well. Hey, who doesn’t want to have fresh veggies straight from the garden? It is cheaper too.
4. Rearrange your furniture
If you never liked where your coffee table or sofa sat, and you never had the time to arrange, this is your chance. Play around with your furniture until you can finally figure out what is more convenient for and your needs.
5. Declutter
I know what you are thinking, how is decluttering fun? When you declutter, you get rid of old items you no longer need. Each piece is linked to a story, and you will be shocked by how exciting it will go down the memory lane. Other than that, you will also enjoy the extra space.

6. Watch movies
This is the time for you to catch up on your favorite movie and shows. Make yourself some popcorn, grab a drink, and enjoy hours of uninterrupted watching.
7. Listen to the radio
With so many music platforms, you barely get the chance to listen to the radio. You would be surprised just how entertaining radio shows can get. Other than music, you also get to enjoy the conversation and contribute to the topic of discussion. You also get to be updated on current affairs and trends as well.
8. Painting and coloring
You don’t have to be Michelangelo or Leonardo da Vinci for you to enjoy painting and art. Studies have shown that painting and coloring are therapeutic activities and have calming effects. If you feel anxious, this could probably be the activity for you.
9. Learn a course online
You can never have enough knowledge. Register for short online courses and earn a new certificate. This could boost your CV, and you could even be on the run for promotion.
10. Learn a new skill
Just like education, one can never really have enough expertise. There are so many benefits to earning a new skill. For instance, braiding skills can make you an extra penny every time you fix your friends’ hair.

11. Dancing
Other than having a good time, dancing is also a form of keeping fit and losing weight as well. There are so many video tutorials online on different dance moves and categories. Feel free to try out any of them. You sure will have a good time.
12. Yoga
You don’t have to go to a fitness studio or park to do yoga. All you need is a yoga mat, and you can enjoy your session in your living room.
13. Read a book
When is the last time you read a book? Reading books creates cognitive engagement that improves lots of things, including your vocabulary, thinking skills, and concentration. It also can affect empathy, social perception, and emotional intelligence.
14. Host a barbeque
Nothing brings people together and have a good time as well better than a barbeque party. After all, who doesn’t love a good barbeque?
15. Arrange for a sleepover
why do you think most of your childhood was filled with happiness? Because as a child, it was the simplest thing that brought the most joy in your life. So call your friends and host them for a sleepover. Drink wine, play games, and catch up.


16. Watch productive and informative programs:

Yeah! Television is not always the medium of waisting time you, but many times it is also one of the best partners in loneliness and weariness.

Go switch on your television, watch channels like discovery, national geographic or you can even go through the entertaining programs like singing, dancing and so on. These all will teach you one or the other thing and it’s productive in itself.

17. Gardening:

If you have immense love for the flowers, then why not spend time visualizing the moments, feeling the aura of the flowers in your nearby garden or in your home.

Go, water them, change the flower pot settings, plant new ones, enjoy the whirling of a flower petal, the freshness of early dew drops, the moist grass and so on. Ogle at the real beauty and cherish the moment.

18.  Spend time with your pet:

Spending time with pets is lovely. Play with your pet, give it proper food, make them learn new things, go for a walk with it and spent some time this way.

Take care of them and provide them love and adore that moment. This will prove to be your best time and you will recall it whenever feel being alone.

Sitting idle is not great one should always try himself or herself indulge in some or the other work, indulging in work will help you get something fruitful from the whole day and will also provide you a great deal of satisfaction.

Even if you are doing nothing and thinking, that is also productive. Apart from the above, you may even meditate, think, concentrate so as to turn the day into something good.

What You Need to Make a Printable To Do List

List of things to do while you’re bored in the house: *domino trail *prank/scare your family

*do yoga

*build a fort

*stovetop smores

*indoor picnic

*wash your hands

*listen to podcasts

*do literally any youtube challenge

*let your sibling do your makeup

*read old emails

*catch up with old friends/family *write to a pen pal

*binge shows

*follow and subscribe to Keywebco

*binge watch movies

*play a funny game with your family

*do the blanket trick on pets

*wash your hands again

*write a book


*learn a magic trick

*indoor basketball


*cook without a recipe

*catch up on emails

*wash your hands AGAIN

*learn another language *become tiktok famous

*style dad clothes


*talent show

*arts and crafts


*beat a video game

*play a board game or do a puzzle

*spring clean your closet


*you know the drill - wash your hands again! :)

*have a spa day

*read a book

*sock wrestling

There are so many more activities to choose from. And the best part, most of them don’t cost a thing, and if they do, it’s very little. So, the next time you don’t know what to do when you are home, try them out.


Home Safety

  • Ensure that your home is secure by installing deadbolt locks on outside doors and locking devices on windows.  Always lock your doors and windows when you leave home.
  • When home, always lock your doors to protect your family.
  • If possible, have an alarm system installed and place your alarm company’s placard in front of your home.  This will deter would-be burglars.
  • Trim trees and remove objects that would provide intruders access to the roof or a second story area of your home.
  • Utilize outdoor lighting to make your home visible.
  • Never leave a key to your home under a doormat or in an outside hidden key container.  An intruder may observe you place said key in such an area when you leave or enter your home.
  • If you have a keypad for a garage door opener, create a code that is uncommon and difficult to crack.
  • Learn who frequents your neighborhood.  If you see someone who is unknown and acting suspiciously, call the police.



The following points will guide all aspiring gardeners in their gardening projects.

Let's take a look:

Starting a new garden on your own seems like an exciting idea, right? However, to get a healthy harvest, you must be familiar with the various tips and tricks. It may seem obvious, but not all plants grow everywhere, and their growth depends on where they live. If you start from scratch, you should start by visiting some plant nurseries in your area or online, talking with a botanist, and learning which plants are best grown in the expected climate of the city, town, and country you live in will ensure you the best choices.

Start with easy, growing plants:

Of course, you don't want to be disappointed after having spent a lot of time and effort and, therefore, begin to harvest the easy plants. In this sense, growing vegetables is a great option, and if you like flowers, sunflowers, and wonders, it's a great thing at the beginning of the game. Success at the beginning is a true inspiration, and you will feel motivated to move to complex plants.

"It doesn't matter if you are an amateur gardener or a professional; The fun thing that will make your garden look fresh and awesome throughout the season and all year are flowers, tropical or seasonal plants." - Roger Keyserling from the Helpful Tips Show

It doesn't matter if you are an amateur gardener or a professional; The only thing that will make your garden look fresh and lively throughout the year are tropical or seasonal plants.

Be patient:

The vulgar phrase "patience is worth it" applies only in terms of gardening. It is self-observation that you should always remember and follow. You give life to something, and this is no different than caring for your children. Do not immerse them with water in the hope that your plants grow sooner. Proper maintenance is the key.

Provide a structure for health and beauty.

Gardening reduces stress, anxiety, and depression, according to experts. Moreover watching your flowers and plants grow, bear fruits and bloom is a delight. It makes the space greener full of oxygen. All you have to do is to be a little patient; to see your dreams come into life.

The next time you see a park that makes you stop and introduce yourself, ask yourself why it caught your attention so much. If you look closely, you are likely to discover that the garden has well-defined structures, edges, and is well planed.

Draw a plan and investigate:

If you're right. Even gardening requires a lot of research. Gather information about the plants you want to grow. It involves many factors, such as how much they grow for their lives, as well as the required space and many other things. Whether a perennial or creeping plant, different plants have different types of growth. While some may survive from their homes, others need to be exposed to the sun regularly. Knowing more about them will prepare you to start with confidence.

A garden starts with thought and planning but it requires a lot of effort and hard work to produce your own garden. As rewarding as the results are to experience, it can be extremely difficult for beginners to get their gardens growing without any issues. Every gardener knows there are tons of issues that can arise. First off you need to make sure your plant grows.

How can you do this to your garden if you have not already done so? Is there water on which you can put a bridge? Is there a place where you can build a small wall?

Think of beautiful gardens not only as flowers but rather as flower-bordered structures. I drive next to an everyday house with an old tractor in the front yard, using it to surround flowers. They also placed flowers in the pot. Looks good!

Most Important Tips

  1. Design a plan – having proper knowledge of the seeds, plants, sun, and exposure can be helpful. The decision of the distance between the plants, the arrangement of plants according to length and height needs proper homework. You may also want to know the best season for a type of flowers or vegetables. An appropriate study for such information can save you from the troubles of gardening.
  2. The water needs – many people do not understand the need for water by plants. They usually end up watering the plants more than needed. It is essential to understand the amount and consistency of watering. The morning hours are more suitable for watering because it is less hot at that time.

Proper irrigation is crucial:

Never to give water until it is needed. When watering a plant, you must bring water to the roots, and this is how the plant drinks water. What you want to do is make the roots as deep as possible in search of moisture. Therefore, you must give enough water to penetrate the soil with sufficient depth.

Know your area:

Like the real estate project site, it is the most important. Whether you are planning to start a patio garden directly, or choose a plot, study the area thoroughly. This includes the weather to exposure to sunlight and everything else. It is crucial to help you understand the limits and possibilities. If possible, talk to a factory development expert who can inform you about this aspect.

Test your soil:

For you to know your soil details, a sample should be sent to your local nursery. Also, there are some practical test kits that you can do at home. Soil tests will also help you know how acidic the earth is. Not all plants remain at the same pH level, so a soil test will help you determine what to harvest.

Ask for expert advice:

A keep in constant contact with a professional horticultural doctor. You will be asked to get advice on the garden of such an expert person to guide you in the right direction. Many times you can ask the expert to visit your garden and help you see if something went wrong.


Land And Soil

  1. Area – first, you need to understand the climate, soil, sun exposure, possibilities of the plantation, and limitations of the area where you plan to do gardening. It helps in deciding the type of gardening and choosing the right seeds or plants for it.
  2. Soil – there are many home soil testing kits available these days. However, you can take advice from a garden expert also. Check your soil for its PH levels; nutrients level, acidic or alkaline nature. Plants depend a lot on the ground for their nutrient value. Moreover, soil texture also plays an essential part in holding the plant. 
  3. Simplicity – for the first time gardening, don’t go for complicated plantation procedures. Choose simple plants to start with, which need light maintenance and care. When you see your efforts shining under the sun, you will be motivated to move further. Sunflowers are an excellent option to start as they grow faster, taller, and beautiful

Tips For Gardening

  1. Keep changing the type of plants you grow on the soil every two years for enriching the soil with nutrients.
  2. Go for companion planting. It helps to keep a check on the pest and makes maximum use of space. Plants like cabbage, tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, and kale are suitable to grow together. You can find many such excellent combination guides online.
  3. Always use proper quality tools, gloves, and other gardening equipment. You can take great care of your tool by keeping them in a mix of mineral oil and sand. 
  4. One doesn’t need to go for expensive pots and containers. You can always start with home discarded bottles, cans, and boxes to add to the fun.

Use existing structures

What are the natural structures that are already in your yard? Are there trees or fences? How about some huge stones? Before creating human-made structures, first, be sure to decorate them with your flowers.

Did your neighbor put a fence on the boundaries of your property? Use your side of the wall as a structure to build around. Just make sure you're next to the wall.

What about the base of your home? Are you already planted? Before doing that, just make sure your gutters are up to date. During the next rains, pay attention to how the water flows. You don't want to plant anything just to wash it.

Scan your garden:

You must spend time in your garden every day. It is necessary to verify if your plants are affected by insect pests. It will help you treat them before things go wrong.

Meet the plants that grow in your garden


Knowing the identity of your plants is essential because different plants require different care. Not all plants need only sunlight and water, and some plants may need more or less of both. Before planting anything, you should read the seed labels and investigate a little about what you have in your hands. Be sure to take notes on the information you find, so you don't forget it. In this way, you can be sure that you are providing the best care for your garden and will prosper quickly. That's why it's essential to keep in mind the useful gardening tips!

Try not to use chemicals.

This gardening advice is not only good for the health of your garden but also your health. Do you deal with annoying insects that eat all your flowers? If so, you may be tempted to use pesticides. Before doing so, review what you can do on your own. Many types of pests can be washed with a garden hose.

Do some research on the predators of errors that cause a problem. If you can, put these predators in your garden. They will eat insects.

Use your compost instead of human-made chemicals. It will be better for your garden to be cheap for you. If you are not fertilizing, start immediately. There is no better use of biodegradable waste.


Herbs are Great

One of the most useful gardening tips is weeding, weeding your lawn. Weeds are known to absorb the life of their beautiful flowers and make their garden look lush and swollen. You should know how to identify plants to eliminate them, so you should look for popular weed photos on Google. After knowing what your lawn looks like, you should look for it in your garden. If you find any, you must pick it up by hand from the ground and throw it away. This can be a difficult task, but your lawn needs to thrive. Make sure weeds are no longer in your garden after collecting them, as they can sometimes restore their roots. After choosing all the herbs you find, you should invest in weed prevention. This can help you not have to select herbs again! If this suggestion has helped you, then you should continue reading for more useful gardening advice.

Have you ever felt that the great ideas you're dreaming about can work for your home garden as well? Size is never the underlying factor in planning to transform your garden into a living work of art. Daydreaming about the garden that you saw in a program about the rich and famous need not be the case, because creativity is what's in the way of transforming your dreams into reality. Creativity is not a fort for the chosen ones; if you dig a dip inside yourself, you will find that you have a creative heart and mind. All you have to do is stretch your imagination beyond the conventional and predictable design approach and embrace the ultra-modern ideas you can put into your little garden. The following are tips on growing food in a small garden.

Adding wall fountains to your small garden
Wall fountains are a good additions to any type of gardens that are confined to space. The variety of wall fountains to choose from is boundless. From classical Greek figures to modern forms of art, the choice is yours. Most of the wall fountain is pouring water into a basin below which a small pump is located. Made of terra cotta, plastic, fiberglass, cast concrete, or metal, you can choose the right material to blend into your little garden. A great hint is to install a wall fountain on a wall where you can turn the wall fountain on and off from the inside of your home. Although it's going to be more work for you, the end result is fantastic, and you're going to save yourself some trouble.

Adding a tree to your small garden
It is often said that nothing can make the atmosphere of a garden faster than a tree, and that goes for small gardens as well. It is, therefore, of paramount importance to choose the right tree. Otherwise, you're going to spend years complaining about your poor decision. Since your garden is on a small scale, don't go for large trees. Choosing the right trees is often a good idea to see what thrives locally in other parks and gardens. Most likely, they'll do well in your garden if they thrive in your neighborhood. If you don't know the name of the trees you've seen, it's a good idea to take a few pictures of them and visit some public parks and arboretums to identify them. Most of these places label their trees, making your task easier. Another tip is to ask the small garden owners about the trees in their garden.

Create an illusion of space, perspective, and depth
This can be achieved by using color and textural contrast. This can be achieved by keeping bright colors and rough textures in the foreground and softer textures and colors in the background. This technique creates a visual distance between the foreground and the background, making space appear larger. Water features such as swimming pools, fountains, and ponds reflect the features of the garden surrounding them, which enhance the functionality and aesthetics of the garden.

Choose selected flower plants
Get a limited number of plants, shrubs, and trees planted on your lawn. Be selective about your choice. You can consider options such as Lobelia, Petunia, SnapDragon, Achillea, Bell Flower or Campanula, Smokewort, Blackberry Lily, Primrose, etc. to enhance the appeal of your landscape.


Give sufficient space between the plants and the pathway
You need to create some space between the plants, the trees, and the path. With proper spacing, you're going to create an elegant look. To separate the plants as well as the pathway, you can make it a point of bordering the plants with the pebbles.


Create borders around the plants
Bordering the plants is essential to maintain the esthetic appearance of the garden as well as to help the plants get trampled. When it comes to bordering your plants, you can see red bricks as a standard option. Get these bricks planted in a slanting manner by the landscaping pro, and they should be placed one after the other. It's going to make the landscape look more organized.


Control weed efficiently
Proper weed control is a must to ensure that the small garden landscape of your home enjoys a healthy glow for a long time to come. You need to get the weeds trimmed by the pro on a regular basis so that people can enjoy a free view of the weeds in your garden whenever they make a jaunt in it. Make sure you don't overuse water sprinklers as they help grow weeds. Use wood chips, sawdust, and various varieties of mulches to remove weeds from the garden.


Garden accessories
You can revive the appeal of your front yard and give it a fascinating look if you can exude a unique and magnificent collection of garden accessories, such as statues, gazing balls, decorative fencing, stones, lighting, etc.


Get retaining walls installed
By installing retaining walls in your lawn with the help of an efficient landscaping service, you can make sure that the small landscape looks completely renovated. These walls are much better choices than ordinary straight walls, both visually and functionally.


Use flower beds as fences
A flower bed is a very effective way to make your garden look in a true sense. You have the leverage to be innovative and let your imagination run free when you work on the design of a particular flower bed. You can consider mixing a variety of colors when you set up a flower bed. Perennial flowers are the right choice for flower beds. Before you set up flower beds on your landscape, you need to make sure the soil is soft enough. You should avoid those parts of your garden with heavy clay soil.

In conclusion, nature has an invisible and inherent effect on human beings. Nature cleans the air we breathe, and it also attracts a vast array of creatures which, in effect, reveal the natural and environmental distinctiveness of the garden. It is up to us to set up and maintain our garden space for functionality and esthetic purposes.

Don't ignore your gardening duties.

There are many things you should do frequently and regularly to keep your garden alive, including watering your garden. This is an essential duty unless you live in a place where it rains almost every day, so you must stay on top. If you ignore this duty, your garden will have repercussions, and you will have to start over. This is not something anyone wants to do since gardens require a lot of time and energy to build and maintain them. Now that you know some useful gardening tips, you should go out and start caring for your plants! For more details visit us and shop our galleries

Gardening can also be cheap and fun, and if done regularly, you don't need to spend much time. Many people think that because all the plants were put in place during the summer and that their perennial plants bloom in the past, there is no more work to be done. No, there is always work to do.


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Growing Strawberries & Helpful Tips

Strawberries are the most attractive and exquisite fruits. Everything about them is appealing, whether color, texture, or taste, which is why many people enjoy growing strawberries in their home garden. Strawberries are very diverse fruits and used in many delicious preparations such as jams, tarts, cakes, ice creams, jellies, etc. In your home garden, you can try growing strawberries and enjoy picking bountiful produce during harvest time. Many important things to remember when planning to grow strawberries in your backyard.

Choosing plant

Strawberries come in many varieties and are commonly known as June Bearing, Everbearing and Day Neutrals. June bearing varieties grow a single crop annually with the largest berries. Neutral varieties can be harvested up to 3 times a year. The fruits they produce are smaller than June strawberries. Everbearing and Day Neutrals are perfect if you have a small yard, as they yield lesser runners. All these different types of strawberry plants are on the market, so you can choose the ones that suit your needs.

You should select a place that gets full sun to plant strawberries as they grow in a sunny area. The field should have no perennial weeds. Strawberries grow in an environment with strong air circulation and well-drained soil. It is not recommendable to grow strawberries in an area where tomatoes, eggplant, or potatoes have recently grown as your crop may become contaminated with diverticulum rot.

Preparing soil

Preparing the soil is important before planting strawberry. Strawberries can grow in various soil types, but loamy and sandy soils work best. Soil should be rich in organic matter and well-drained. The optimal range for strawberries is 5.5-6.5. Check the soil in a laboratory before developing the plants. If not rich, you can apply fertilizers and manure to improve soil quality.

Planting strawberry plants

You can plant strawberries once you've prepared the soil. They should be planted in the spring season as soon as the soil is ready. Sample enough soil to fit roots and grow strawberries. Ensure there is enough spacing between plants to produce runners. If you plant them closely, then they couldn't grow properly.


Strawberry plants are prone to cold weather. In the winter season, the soil should be covered with mulch to avoid freezing. Mulching is important to save plants from severe winter damage. You may use Hay, Straw, Coarse Wheat, and Crushed Cob for mulching.

Care and Maintenance

You can remove all flowers from the plant during the first year because it helps to reinforce roots and stem. Deflowering ensures plants are strong and stable in the coming seasons for better fruit growth. Watering plants in adequate quantities is essential for growing good quality fruit. Also, regularly check if there are any unnecessary weeds that grow along with the strawberry plants. Uproot the weeds as they use soil nutrients necessary for your plant growth.


The fruits should be picked as soon as they are ripe because if you allow them to stay on the plants for a long time, they will be eaten by insects and birds. Overripe fruits attract rodents and insects to avoid leaving overripe plant berries.

Soft, succulent strawberries are difficult to find store bought but they are very easy to grow.

This member of the rose family isn’t really a fruit or a berry but the enlarged receptacle of the flower. Choose medium-sized berries that are firm, plump, and deep red; once picked, they don’t ripen further.

First cultivated in ancient Rome, strawberries are now the most popular berry fruit in the world. In provincial France, they were regarded as an aphrodisiac. These red jewels may be good for your heart in more ways than one. Strawberries are a high value crop in the United States. The U.S. is, in fact, the world’s largest producer of strawberries, accounting for nearly one-third of the world’s total production

These potent little heart shaped packages protect your heart, increase HDL (good) cholesterol, lower your blood pressure, and guard against cancer.

Packed with vitamins, fiber, and particularly high levels of antioxidants known as polyphenols, strawberries are a sodium-free, fat-free, cholesterol-free, low-calorie food. They are among the top 20 fruits in antioxidant capacity and are a good source of manganese and potassium. Just one serving -- about eight strawberries -- provides more vitamin C than an orange. - Via WebMD

Strawberries’ carbs consists mainly of fibers and simple sugars. They have a relatively low GI and should not cause big spikes in blood sugar levels.

The nutrients in 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of raw strawberries are:

  • Calories: 32
  • Water: 91%
  • Protein: 0.7 grams
  • Carbs: 7.7 grams
  • Sugar: 4.9 grams
  • Fiber: 2 grams
  • Fat: 0.3 grams

Strawberry allergy is rather common, especially among children. Individuals who are sensitive to birch pollen or apples may experience symptoms after consuming strawberries.

Strawberries are low in calories, delicious, and healthy.

They are a good source of many vitamins, minerals and plant compounds — some of which have powerful health benefits.

The health benefits include reduced cholesterol, blood pressure, inflammation, and oxidative stress.

Furthermore, these berries may help prevent big spikes in both blood sugar and insulin levels.

Strawberries are an excellent addition to a healthy diet.

Checklist for establishing your strawberries

• Choose a good site.

• Eliminate all perennial weeds prior to planting and annual weeds as they appear.

• Choose a cultivar(s) suitable for your needs and site.

• Choose a planting system.

• Prepare the soil by adding organic matter and lime, if necessary, and by forming raised beds if desired.

• Apply fertilizer, if necessary.

• Till the soil.

• Purchase certified disease-free plants.

• Plant in the spring, setting plants to the correct depth.

• In the hill system or plants in containers, remove all runners as they form.

• In the matted row, train runners to the row (12–18 inches wide); remove all runners that form after September

• Irrigate as required.

Types of strawberries


June-bearers are among the most productive of strawberries. They have a main crop of berries in June or July and produce lots of runners from which new plants are started within the strawberry bed. June-Bearers form flower buds in the fall and bear one heavy crop the next spring or early summer. After harvesting, renovate strawberry beds by mowing off the leaves, taking care not to damage the crowns. Renovation stimulates new plant growth and reduces disease problems.

• One crop per year (in June and July)

• Produce many runners


Everbearers and day-neutrals have the same general culture. Because day-neutrals set fruit all season long and total yields are higher, their cultivars are replacing everbearers. In very cold areas, day-neutral cultivars offer an option as they bloom over a long period of time. Everbearers bear fruit twice during the growing season, generally during the spring and in late summer.

• Two crops per year (June–July and fall)

• Produce few runners


Day-neutrals will set fruit the year they are planted. Because these cultivars set flower buds regardless of day length, they set fruit from spring to fall. They produce few runners and can be planted either in short rows or in hills. Day-neutrals are sensitive to extreme heat so fruit production generally drops during July and August. They are often replaced after 2 fruiting years as vigor and the fruit size declines.

• Crop almost continuously (late May until frost)

• Produce few runners

You can choose from various cultivars (varieties) available for each type of strawberry.

Capping or hulling a strawberry fruit means removing the green stem and leafy part attached to the berry. You can do this by hand (long fingernails help) or use a strawberry huller, available in most kitchen supply stores.

Note: Some cultivars are easier to cap than others or the cap stays on the plant when you pick the ripe fruit. If you make a lot of preserves or freeze a lot of berries, you may want to consider this when you select a cultivar.

Planting systems choice

• In the matted row, the runners produced are allowed to fill in a space 12 to 18 inches wide

• In the hill system, you must remove all runners that are produced.

• Grow ever-bearers and day-neutrals in a hill system, as these types produce few runners and won’t form a nice matted row. You can grow June-bearers in either system.

Matted row versus hill system

• The matted row requires less labor to maintain and is productive. However, if you let the row get too dense, diseases such as fruit rot may become more of a problem, and fruit will be smaller.

• The hill system can produce both high yields and large fruit, provided you diligently remove all runners that are produced before they root. The plants will branch and become very productive.

Planting Strawberry plants should be grown on raised beds to avoid wet feet and root rot conditions; it also makes them much easier to pick. Beds should be raised as high as possible, 12-18", and formed to 2'wide on top, with 40'' between beds, center-to-center. After beds are raked smooth and pre-irrigated, open a V-shaped hole about 6-7' deep with a trowel. Place a level teaspoon of slow-release fertilizer or ammonium sulfate in the bottom of each hole and cover with approximately 1' of soil to prevent root burn. Spread the roots out in a fan shape in a fan shape in the hole and cover with soil, firming it around the roots. Set plants at the exact level that they were growing in the nursery, not too high nor too deep. Plants set too high will be weak, and plants set too deep will rot. Evenly space plants from 8-15' apart in the bed, depending upon the ultimate size of that particular variety

Strawberries grow well in a variety of sandy or loam soils. These soils provide good drainage and warm up more readily during the day, which is especially important during cooler parts of the growing season.

When strawberry fields are being prepared for planting, the soil is fumigated using an approved broad spectrum pesticide to kill soil organisms that can harm the growing plants or lead to decay of the fruit.

Raised beds are then created and covered with plastic liners which limit plant and berry contact with soil. Protecting the plants and berries from contact with the soil and standing water helps to prevent decay, pest damage, and contamination. The liners also trap heat from the sun, allowing for extension of the growing season, and they limit weed growth. There are various colors of opaque liners that are used in different regions and provide different degrees of heat absorption.

Watering is one of the most essential parts of getting initial plant growth started no matter what you might be planting, and the watering phase is also what inspires new plant growth from there. Berries are one of the juiciest fruits out there, and this should already be an indication for newer gardeners that they are going to require a bit more water than some of their counterparts – but this doesn’t mean you should overwater them, either.

Strawberry plants have shallow roots and require consistent moisture throughout the growing season. Newly planted plants are generally overhead irrigated at one week intervals (1" of water) to get good initial vegetative growth and then switched over to drip irrigation as the season progresses. Overhead irrigation can be used during the growing season but should be monitored carefully to minimize the time period that the plants and fruit are actually wet. Drip irrigation keeps the moisture away from the fruit and prevents fruit rot. It is generally run every day during the summer for 1-2 hours.

Water sources used to irrigate strawberry fields are many from underground wells to surface water. The source type depends on the growing region and resources available to the farmer. Irrigation water is most often delivered to the strawberry plants via drip irrigation systems. These systems use rubber or plastic tubing buried in the raised beds to deliver water to the roots where it is needed. Drip irrigation also protects the fruit from contact with irrigation water, which could transmit plant and human pathogens or cause mildew and premature softening.

Pest, wildlife, and rodent control on strawberry farms is part of a good strawberry safety program. Controlling these pests helps protect the quality and safety of the berries. This is common on many produce farms, not just strawberry farms.

During the growing season in some regions, temperatures can drop below freezing. When this happens, it is sometimes necessary to apply water to the growing strawberry plants to protect them from frost.

Most home garden strawberry plantings are mulched. Any organic material free of weed seed makes good mulch. Hay, straw and pine needles are most frequently used. Mulch should be applied 2 to 4 inches deep over and around the plants after the first freezing weather in the fall. This protects them from heaving and freezing injury during the winter. After the danger of frost is over in the spring, about half the mulch should be raked off the plants into the area between the rows. Mulch left around the plants will help keep the berries clean, conserve moisture and check weed growth.

Checklist for taking care of your mature plants

• Protect the planting from frost if possible. Avoid planting in frost pockets, or use row covers.

• Control weeds.

• Irrigate as required.

• In the hill system, remove all runners that form.

• In the matted-row system, train runners to the row (12–18 inches wide); remove all runners that form after September


• Pick fruit from June to July.

• Renovate the planting after harvest, or remove it if it’s no longer productive.

• Fertilize in late summer.

• Irrigate if necessary.

Everbearers and day-neutrals

• Pick fruit in June and July and in the fall (for day-neutrals, pick throughout the season).

• Remove the planting if it’s no longer productive.

• Fertilize; make three or four applications from spring through early August.

• Irrigate if necessary.


Weevils- several attack strawberries, both above and below ground. Most insecticides are ineffective, and so abandoning the planting and moving to a pest-free area is recommended. Spider mites- these tiny insects produce webbing and stippling of the foliage, stunting the strawberry plants and reducing yields and fruit quality. Dusty conditions contribute to spider mite populations. Overhead watering , especially when combined with an insecticidal soap, is effective in controlling most mites by washing them off the plants and destroying their habitat.

Aphids- can damage foliage, stunt plants, and cause damage to the fruit during the early, cool part of the season. Generally, insecticidal soap applied at weekly intervals provides adequate control.

Leaf rolling caterpillars- the salt marsh caterpillar and cutworm will feed on strawberry plants. These can be effectively controlled with Bascillus thuringiensis (BT), Dipel, Thuriside, etc.

Slugs and snails- feed on foliage and fruit. They can be controlled with applications of Metaldehyde with repeated applications.


Before planting, incorporate 2 pounds of 5-10-5 or 5-10-10 fertilizer or 3/4 pound 21-0-0 ammonium sulfate per 100 square feet into the soil. Beginning before bloom in April, side dress with one-eight pound of ammonium sulfate (21-0-0) per 100 square feet per month until mid-August.

At Keywebco we use our own compost and very lightly use any chemicals.

Commercial growers almost exclusively use chemical fertilizers. Use of compost is rare. Fertilizers can be added by injection into the soil, through the irrigation system by injecting into the water (also known as chemigation), or added as a side dressing in the furrow which is then distributed when it rains.

there’s a lot to be gained from the plant’s harvest. Including a long list of health benefits owing to the fact that they’re much higher in vitamins and minerals compared to fruits that are twice their size.

What could be better than picking strawberries out of your very own garden? Any gardener knows that few things are as satisfying as literally picking the fruit.

Harvesting In the garden, strawberries should be allowed to attain an overall red color and become fully ripe before harvesting. It is at this stage that the sugar content is highest and the flavor is best. It is necessary to harvest every day or every other day during the peak of the season.

Harvest the berries carefully by the stems to prevent bruising. Pick all that are ripe, since they will not keep until the next harvest. Ripe strawberries may be held for a day or two in a refrigerator.

Here are tips for your strawberries

1 – If your strawberries grow in sunny places, you'll get the best flavor.

2 – Strawberries like air, so to say. Give them at least one foot of soil depth and 8 inches between each row of plants.

3- Strawberries don't like waterlogging. Under these conditions, they'll rot easily, so your soil drains well.

4 – One of the best places to grow strawberries is in elevated beds, as you have more influence over the weather.

5 – Try to grow your strawberries where long sunny days and cool nights benefit.

6 – One of the worst enemy strawberries is snow. The best crops will be found from plants planted in early September, but if frost is going to be an issue, then wait until mid-April for summer strawberries. Perpetual strawberries will already be planted mid-April.

7 – Avoid windy spots as it is difficult for insects to pollinate small flowers.

8 – Avoid growing strawberries on land previously used to grow grass as wireworm will make short work of any strawberries before you get a chance. You should also avoid growing strawberries in soil that were previously used to grow eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes, or peppers as this could cause a verticillium wilt problem.

9 – We like strawberries because of their bright color, and they look strange because their seeds are outside the fruit. However, this also means they are attractive to birds, so avoid them attacking your fruits when they start to form by placing wire netting over them when the fruits start to form.

10 – A great final tip is to cover the plant base with stone-secured straw or plastic bin liners when the fruit begins to grow. When they get larger, fruits appear to get weighted down and come to rest on the soil where they start rotting. By the way, if you're using plastic bin liners or similar to prevent this scenario, make sure you 're holes in it to allow drainage or your fruit will rot.

One of the key factors to remember when successfully growing strawberries is the soil. Soil make-up, composition, compositing, and fertility must be considered. The best type of soil for strawberry growing is a soil that allows not only maximum sunshine and sun rays to touch it, but also very good drainage. The best soil for strawberries is hard clay soil and sometimes sandy soil. A sloppy piece of land, as well as a rolling piece of land, will provide better circulation of air and water drainage, which will be great for strawberry plants.

These are the key things to consider when planning to grow strawberries in your home garden. Proper care and maintenance result in healthy plants producing beautiful sun-kissed berries. Use plenty of mulch and periodically change the strawberry site position to avoid the recurrence of diseases and soil-borne problems. Make sure there are no weeds and various other unwanted plants or pests and bugs in the area. There are many simple ways to build good eating habits, and there's a huge difference in how you look.

Picking Fresh Fruits And Vegetable Guide

t’s a common sight in the produce section of the supermarket: people poking, prodding, and even sniffing the fruits and veggies. Everyone has their own not-so-secret method of predicting if the product is ready to use. But how accurate are these techniques? We’ve compiled the most effective ripeness tests for all your favorite fruits and veggies.

Biting into a perfectly ripened piece of fruit is enough to convince you to give up baked goods and plant your own garden or orchard.

The combination of flavor, juice, and sweetness in a ripe mango, apple, peach, plum, or berry is the stuff of life itself.

Many people don't know how to choose fruit that's properly ripe and that is very important for good flavor.

While looks do count, a whole host of other factors should come into play when you decide which fruits are ready to go home with you.

If you rely solely on appearance, you're missing out on a world of flavor.

Apples in spring are generally imported from far away or are being harvested several months before they should be.

The best way to get good fruit is to know what grows in your area and during what season.

Pick up your fruit and heft it: it should feel substantial.

If it's surprisingly heavy and dense considering its size, all the better: that means your fruit has a lot of water weight and will be accordingly juicy.

A light, puffy-feeling orange or lemon is a dry, sad orange or lemon.

Aroma is a good indication of the amount off flavor your fruit will have.

If it smells ripe, sweet, and you can tell what kind of fruit it is even with your eyes closed, then that fruit should go home with you ASAP. If you smell a piece of fruit and you get a faint to the nonexistent aroma, put it back on the stack.

Alas, this trick works only at farmer's markets since refrigeration in supermarkets checks the development of aroma.

For avocados, nectarines, plums, peaches, apricots, mangos, kiwis and other fruits that need to have a little give in order to be flavorful, you can use the face test.

If you gently squeeze the fruit in question and it feels as soft as your cheek, it's past its prime.

If it feels as solid as your forehead, it's not ripe.

If it feels like the end of your nose where the cartilage is, it's ripe.

For many fruits, color indicates if they are ready to be eaten.

As the acids within the fruit turn to sugar, the green chlorophyll breaks down and reveals the bright color underneath.

Berries turn redder or bluer, bananas become bright-yellow, and apples reveal their blush.

Rich, vibrant color tells you that the fruit is ripe enough to eat-especially if that color happens in conjunction with the other factors mentioned above.

Don't be afraid of fruit with discolorations, black dots, and brown spots.

On many fruits, the black spots are signs that bees have been at it, which is a good thing since they head for the sweetest, ripest fruit.

He says that some of the best eating oranges and mandarins bear those marks and tend to have skin defects and also makes a point of buying "Ugly" or misshapen fruit as well.

Most markets reject those fruits since they fear consumers won't buy them.

If you live near an Asian market, check out their produce aisles, since they will stock those fruits.

Some markets will stock "Uglier" fruit and put it on markdown, so be sure to investigate those bins before moving on.

As for brown spots, many shoppers fear that they're signs of rot, but produce workers know that on many fruits, like pears, they're actually signs that the fruit is ready for eating.

Like the passion fruit and Satsuma mandarin, are riper the more wrinkles they get.

Kent mangoes should also develop some wrinkles and be "Suspiciously soft" before they're ripe enough to eat.

Everett advises that you pass up really gigantic fruit since it usually indicates that it's been grown out of season.

I personally rely on a combination of smell and touch to tell when most melons are ripe: sniff the stem end of the melon, and while you're at it, press on the area around the stem.

It should have some give, which indicates the melon was picked when it was ripe and came easily off the vine.

As for the thump test, hold the watermelon in one hand and give it a good thwack with the other.

It's also good to know what fruits continue to ripen after picking, which will get sweeter in taste, which will change color but not in sweetness, and which won't ripen after picking at all

One tried and true ripeness test is to judge based on the size of the vegetable or fruit compared with others of the same type. Smaller than average? It was likely harvested too early and won’t ripen adequately. If it’s dramatically bigger–think zucchini–it was left on the plant too long and will be bland or tough and fibrous. A heavier fruit likely has higher water content and will be juicier than a lighter one of similar size, and certain fruits, such as limes, should be heavier than you expect them to be.

Choosing the ripest, freshest and most delicious produce in your supermarket is not like finding a needle in a haystack if just know the values of sniffing, squeezing or thumping.

How to Store Your Veggies

The next time you rearrange the fridge to make room for your produce haul, move fruits like apples and pears as far away from the veggies as possible. As they ripen, these fruits release ethylene gas, which can cause nearby veggies to yellow and spoil

How to store it Place the head of broccoli in a ventilated bag (such as a perforated one or a plastic bag with the top left open) and keep in the refrigerator.
How long it lasts Three to five days


How to store them
Place whole carrots in a ventilated bag with a damp paper towel, which keeps veggies from drying out. Store baby carrots in the baggie they come in.
How long they last Whole carrots: two to three weeks; baby carrots: about a month. (A whitish color on baby carrots is a sign they’ve lost moisture. They’re still safe to eat; just rehydrate the sticks by placing them in water for a few minutes.)


How to store it Wrap the cauliflower in a dampened paper towel, then place it in a plastic bag in the fridge.
How long it lasts Three to five days


How to store it Refrigerate the cucumber in a ventilated bag.
How long it lasts Four to six days

Leafy greens, like lettuce and spinach

How to store them Store in a clean plastic bag with a few paper towels to soak up any excess moisture that can lead to sogginess. Then place in the crisper drawer.
How long they last Three to five days


How to store them Yes, technically a fruit…but nonetheless, keep whole tomatoes, including baby tomatoes and those that are on the vine, out of the fridge (they lose firmness and flavor when chilled). Once you slice them up, store tomatoes (and any other cut up veggies) in a closed container in the fridge. “This prevents them from drying out and also from taking on the flavors of other foods,” says Garden-Robinson.
How long they last Whole tomatoes: five to seven days outside of the fridge; sliced tomatoes: two to three days in the fridge.


How to store them If the container they came in has holes for ventilation, you can keep the mushrooms in that. If not, place in a paper bag, then refrigerate. (FYI, mushrooms that are stored in plastic bags will become slimy.)
How long they last Three to seven days


How to store them Place the veggies in the fridge—no bag needed.
How long they last Four days to two weeks


How to store it As with cucumbers, you can keep zucchini in a plastic bag in the fridge.
How long it lasts Three to five days

How to Tell If Produce Is Past Its Prime

If you forget to use up a bunch of lettuce or head of cauliflower in time (hey, it happens), check out the food’s color, texture, and aroma to determine if it’s okay to eat. If you just see a few wrinkles on veggies like carrots, celery stalks, or peppers, keep ‘em. These can still be used in soups and other cooked dishes. But if the item is slimy, discolored, smells off or–gag!—you spot mold, toss it, says Garden-Robinson. Definitely not worth getting sick over.



Look up The peony or peony online and it is:

“A flowering plant in the genus Paeonia, the only genus in the family Paeoniaceae.“.

Ok that’s great but not really what I wanted to know so after some research this is some of the most interesting information I learned. Oh. and I added some images of my flowers too.

Peonies are said to symbolize a happy life and a happy marriage. Peonies are native to Asia, Europe and Western North America.

Marco Polo described peony blossoms as “roses as big as cabbages”.

Peonies rarely bloom the first year after planting. It often takes three years before you see an abundant display of flowers. But once the plants do start blooming, you can look forward to a lifetime of beautiful flowers. Peony plants rarely need dividing. If a clump becomes too large for a given space, or you wish to share some of the plant with a friend, fall is the ideal time for dividing.

Scientists differ on the number of species, ranging from 25 to 40, although the current consensus is 33 known species.

I remember asking my Mom “Why Are There Ants! on all the Peonies?“

Many people wonder why so many ants crawl on the peony buds. Don’t worry! They are just eating the peony’s nectar in exchange for attacking bud-eating pests. They are attracted to the sugary droplets on the outside of flower buds or to the honeydew produced by scale insects and aphids. Never spray the ants; they’re helping you by keeping your peonies safe!

Peonies bloom for 100 years or more, but the glory of peony blooms lasts just a week to 10 days in your garden. To extend the time that you can enjoy the season of peony blooms in your garden, plant varieties that bloom at different times within the roughly 6-week period of peony

Many nurseries offer early, midseason, and late blooming varieties, making it possible for you to stretch out the peony season over many weeks and enjoy those lovely blooms for as long as possible!

For me I always only feel it’s going to really be spring when they bloom!

You can also cut and store peony buds and get them to bloom in a vase long after the blooming season is over!

Peonies like full sun, and though they can manage with half a day, they bloom best in a sunny spot that gets 6 to 8 hours of sunlight each day. Provide shelter from strong winds, as peonies' large blooms can make them top heavy.

It may be thought that the peony is a difficult plant to grow, but it's unrivalled in the garden when in flower and is an excellent low maintenance plant, perfect for beginners and experienced gardeners alike

Peonies flower with Roses and Clematis and are lovely with many other perennials

How to Cut Peonies for Bouquets

Timing is key. Buds should be at the “soft marshmallow” stage, meaning if you squeeze an unopened bud, it should feel about as firm as a soft marshmallow. Another way to tell when to cut is to look at the coloring on the buds. Most of the outside of the bud should be green, but you should be able to see about 1/2 inch of colorful petals peeking through. Cutting at this stage reduces the chance of bringing ants inside with the flowers, but it’s still wise to check the flowers before taking them into the house. Place stems in a vase of water and allow plants to open. Change the water every few days, and add Miracle-Gro for Fresh Cut Flowers so the blooms will last longer (vs. water only).

Peonies make wonderful cut flowers, lasting more than a week in a vase. For best results, cut long stems in the morning when the buds are still fairly tight.

You can wrap freshly cut peony stems in damp paper towel and put them in a plastic bag in the refrigerator until you’re ready to use them. When removing the peonies from the refrigerator give the stems a fresh cut and place them in lukewarm water to wake them up.

What are tree peonies?
Although tree peonies are related to regular (herbaceous) peonies, they are much larger, reaching up to 6 feet. Their form is actually more like a shrub than a tree. In colder zones, they will not grow as tall — 3 or 4 feet is typical. Plants bloom just before the regular peonies; flowers are equally fragrant.

When the peonies wilt, I deadhead them. Deadheading is when you cut off a bloom that has run its course. By cutting it off, you encourage the other blooms on that stem to open because the plant is no longer trying to support the wilting flower. Deadheading isn’t necessary, but it promotes root growth.


Raising Chickens For Eggs With Helpful Tips

Backyard chicken keeping is increasing in popularity. There are many reasons for this. Perhaps it is to have a ready source of eggs and meat, or as a backyard help in pest control, or perhaps it is just because they are fun to watch. For me, it is all these reasons. Whatever the reason, chickens can be a great source of enjoyment if properly managed and given appropriate care.

This article is all about raising chickens


There's no boredom buster quite like a good craft project. There's so much satisfaction in making something with your own hands

Arts & Crafts

  • Sewing.
  • Scrapbooking.
  • Photography.
  • Painting.
  • Knitting.
  • Kid Crafts.
  • Crocheting.
  • Recycle
  • Creative

Many children enjoy working on craft projects because they have something they can offer to others or even give up at the end of the process. While craft tools provide children with the supplies they need in pre-cut formats with product-oriented coordination and consistent colors, and this limits children's creativity. The following skills can be transferred to any number of craft projects. It also shares the benefit of using inexpensive materials that can be used in multiple projects.


Use scissors
Show your child how to put scissors on her fingers. Offer to cut straight bars and round or angled shapes. Draw shapes or lines on a color picture or construction paper and have the children follow the lines.


One thing we should point out to children is that they can move the paper while cutting it. Many children move their bodies while using scissors, as it does not make them flip the paper while cutting its shape. Start with basic shapes like circles, triangles, and squares before applying to more complex silhouettes.

Follow the ways
At a craft store, you will find paper, wood, hand foam, and other materials in pre-cut shapes. Why are you interested in teaching your kids to keep track of the shapes they will have to cut later, especially since they won't look as stylish as a robot?

This process develops excellent mind skills and hand-eye coordination. It also allows kids to create their designs or keep them from waiting to go to the craft store to buy supplies, and it prevents you from hearing a request for a ride to the store dozens of times. Use cardboard, plastic, or even cookie cutters as the basis for your shapes.

Another useful tip to share is saving paper. When your child has comfortable pieces of paper, challenge her to work near the edge of the paper or where she has just cut its shape. Children will see a sheet as a monochromatic line, so teach them how to get the most shapes out of the sheet.

Paper flowers use a leftover roll of party streamers, and you can make an entire bouquet while you watch tv.

Get it at: Three Ways to Make Easy Paper Flowers

Everyone loves coloring. You can download these free, printable coloring card templates 

Recycle those paper towel rolls to make this easy, colorful castle your kids will love.

Get it at: 5 Paper Towel Roll Crafts for Kids

Timestamps 00:09 Amazing coloring ideas 00:39 Hand molding 01:32 DIY homemade chalk 02:50 Awesome art ideas 07:28 Awesome cardboard ideas for fun 12:03 “Put a Ring on It” hacks

Are you looking for craft activities inspired by nature to do with your children? Do you want something different from everyday indoor craft activities and outdoor play? These are some of the best nature-friendly craft activities that will help your child during this time.

Paint a paper bag
The most natural craft is to print a daisy paper bag. It is something you need from time to time to give gifts. Ordinary cloth bags can easily be found at gift or craft stores, or you can buy one online. Decorate with beautiful designs and make it as attractive as possible.


Owl family with pebbles
It is an impulsive family of owls that inspires the creativity of the child to the climax. Buy brushes, which may be used in small spaces because the gravel doesn't provide much room for painting. However, brushes and acrylic paint work best for this. Pick up gravel with flat bottoms, so they don't fall off and stand for a long time.


Eggs print sheets
Children love to collect stones and leaves. This is the best craft to teach them different shapes of leaves where you can draw on shells then decorate them. You can also try drawing different shapes of leaves in a wrapper to give them a new look. The eggshell is usually painted with food coloring.
Solar plate
Have your child collect various types of grass that she can find in the garden. You will be surprised to see the number already there. Please choose what you like best and use it to create aboard. Please give her a smiley face to make it more fun. It looks fantastic, especially in the game room, or you can try it on your balcony.
Letters with twigs
Create letters for your kids' names with twigs and color them using ribbons. Place the letters in sequence on your child's bed above her head to personalize her room. You can also ask him to make his name once you are done. Adding the recipient's name to a gift box, in the same way, is also a great way to decorate a gift box.

Upcycle odd bits of fabric into a cute rag wreath. This no-sew wreath can be a beautiful accent for any occasion — just choose colorful fabrics and get started.

Get it at Kids' Craft: Make an Easy Rag Wreath

Chalkboard Kitchen Canisters

Chalkboard paint and easy-to-apply stenciled details transform basic glass jars into customized countertop accessories. Learn how to paint your own chalkboard labels.

Get it at Chalkboard Kitchen Canisters

Vintage Book Planter

Turn an old book into a one-of-a-kind succulent planter with our easy how-to instructions.

Get it at: How to Make a Vintage Book Planter

Polka-Dotted Vases

Give a dollar-store glass vase a DIY makeover with a painters' tape design and a coat of frosted glass spray. See the how-to instructions here, from HGTV MagazineStep-by-Step: Frosted Polka-Dot Vases

Peeps Candy Slime

Grab some Peeps candy and a few household pantry items to make super easy slime the kids will love —no glue needed.

Get it at Use This Easter Peeps Hack to Make Slime Without Glue

Art and craft do not only entail drawing. It also involves keeping your craft equipment. If you are looking for a storage solution for your craft pads, use this handy guide to find the storage method that best suits your needs. There are many ways to store ink pads, so the first thing to do is take out your kit and take out exactly what you have. This way, you will be sure to buy a correct size container, and you will be able to sort the ink pads. Managing your ink pool helps distinguish between different functions.
Here are some craft tips to help you organize your craft kit:
Commercial brand
If you are a literal person who wants to buy coordinated packages from the same manufacturer, this method may be for you. You'll be able to match your ink to individual papers and accents easily.
Sorting your craft gadgets by size is a good option if you have limited space or prefer similar things to be arranged. This method works exceptionally well if your pool contains many bulky inks. Single-size napkins can be grouped and placed in one section in a container.
The color
If you primarily use your letters in your stamp records, start sorting by color group. Additional sections must be created for neutral or rainbow colors. You can easily choose the right ink for your current project, regardless of ink size or type, if organized by color.
Sorting by type will work well if you use special inks for some craft projects. Depending on your group's variety, you can probably order most of your ink pads by ink type. You can also have several specialized pads, such as nesting ink pads, watermark ink pads, mica ink pads, and solvent ink pads. The arrangement by ink type makes it easy to choose the perfect cushion for your trade.
Once you choose your craft grading method, consider the total number of ink pads and the different categories. Inventory and deciding how to organize it will help you make the best and most effective option when purchasing a storage container.

T-Shirt Rug

Don't throw away those old T-shirts — they can easily be turned into a one-of-a-kind doormat for the bathroom or bedside.

Get it at How to Make a Recycled T-Shirt Rug

Crafts Are Cool!

• Arts and crafts promote rich social interactions that help develop

language skills and social cognitive abilities like understanding


• Creative activities are a great way to bond with children and create

lasting memories.

Recycled Tin Can Windsocks are one of my favorite crafts to make, and they only require a recycled can, paint, glue, and ribbon! I add them to my garden

Microwave Puffy Paint is a TON of fun! Simply squeeze the easy 4-ingredient paint on to your paper and microwave your artwork for a few seconds to watch the paint puff up and grow right before your eyes! A fantastic way to combine art and science!

Every day we throw away a lot of stuff that can be recycled. Recycling and upcycling are good not only because it helps to save money. It also helps to save the planet. Today, we collected for you the best crafting life hacks and ideas. And, anyway, why buying toys, if you can easily make them yourself? DIY toys are fun to make. They cost you nothing, and you can craft them with your friends and family and spend a lot of good time together.

Life Of Happiness

Happiness is so interesting because we all have different ideas about what it is and how to get it.

I would love to be happier, as I'm sure most people would, so I thought it would be interesting to find some ways to become a happier person that is actually backed up by science.
Did you know that happy people are healthier people? Studies consistently show that those with a "Glass half full mentality" can boast lower blood pressure, less stress, healthier body weights, and stronger hearts than their less optimistic neighbors.

There's something to having a positive outlook on life.

Exercise has such a profound effect on our happiness and well-being that it's actually been proven to be an effective strategy for overcoming depression.

In a study cited in Shawn Achor's book, The Happiness Advantage 1, three groups of patients treated their depression with either medication, exercise, or a combination of the two.

We've explored exercise in depth before, and looked at what it does to our brains, such as releasing proteins and endorphins that make us feel happier, as you can see in the image below.

It turns out, it's also important for our happiness.

Our commute to the office can have a surprisingly powerful impact on our happiness.

The fact that we tend to do this twice a day, five days a week, makes it unsurprising that its effect would build up over time and make us less and less happy.

While many voluntary conditions don't affect our happiness in the long term because we acclimate to them, people never get accustomed to their daily trek to work because sometimes the traffic is awful and sometimes it's not.

Two Swiss economists who studied the effect of commuting on happiness found that such factors could not make up for the misery created by a long commute.

If you want more evidence that it's beneficial for you, I've found some research that proves it can make you happier right now.

Social time is highly valuable when it comes to improving our happiness, even for introverts.

Several studies have found that time spent with friends and family makes a big difference in how happy we feel, generally.

We are happy when we have family, we are happy when we have friends and almost all the other things we think make us happy are actually just ways of getting more family and friends.

In an interview in the March 2008 newsletter to the Grant Study subjects, Vaillant was asked, "What have you learned from the Grant Study men?" Vaillant's response: "That the only thing that really matters in life are your relationships to other people."

Actual changes in income, on the other hand, buy very little happiness.

So we could increase our annual income by hundreds of thousands of dollars and still not be as happy as if we increased the strength of our social relationships.

Participants were found to be substantially happier outdoors in all natural environments than they were in urban environments.
One of the most counterintuitive pieces of advice I found is that to make yourself feel happier, you should help others.

Spending money on other people, called "Pro social spending," also boosts happiness.

Participants recalled a previous purchase made for either themselves or someone else and then reported their happiness.

Participants assigned to recall a purchase made for someone else reported feeling significantly happier immediately after this recollection; most importantly, the happier participants felt, the more likely they were to choose to spend a windfall on someone else in the near future.

So spending money on other people makes us happier than buying stuff for ourselves.

As opposed to actually taking a holiday, it seems that planning a vacation or just a break from work can improve our happiness.

In the study, the effect of vacation anticipation boosted happiness for eight weeks.

Happiness quickly dropped back to baseline levels for most people.
The scent of this fruit is one of the most positive and arousing things you can smell, according to a study conducted in the journal Chemical Senses.

In the same Chemical Senses study, participants ranked the smell of vanilla bean right up there with Clementine as a super-uplifting scent that'seven more relaxing.

Imitating a "Happy walk" can actually make you happier

Which means it will improve your mood more even more than the sight of your latest selfie.

Because clutter elevates stress levels, organizing your stuff can be the perfect anecdote to a bad mood: It literally clears the way for better vibes.

The sound of her voice can mitigate stress and muster up the feel-good hormone oxytocin - two things that pave the way for happy feelings, according to an experiment in which researchers purposely stressed the shit out of girls, then let them call or see their moms.

While researchers know that materialism can make people miserable, gratitude can curb the effects, according to recent research.

So jot down a quick thank-you note - even if it is just a "Thank you for being you." You'll feel way better about buying that new bag for yourself.

People who listen to positive music while trying to be happier are more successful than people who listen to any old playlist, according to research conducted at the University of Missouri.

Not to throw shade at your shoe collection, but science says buying material things doesn't breed happiness.

When you spend money on experiential things like tickets for a concert or a trip, you benefit from the anticipation, which provides instant happiness that lasts throughout your countdown.

The same goes for buying things that provide an experience, like a new song, book, or podcast, according to a recent study.

One study found that people who ate chocolate after they'd given it up for a week were significantly happier than people served the same stuff without any previous food restrictions.

The anticipation should brighten your mood instantly, with benefits that peak when you get to dig in.

When you can't get outside, open the blinds or turn on some lights: In a study where older adults suffering from depression were exposed to either one hour of pale blue light or one hour of dim red light every morning for three weeks, the blue light improved people's moods and reduced their stress more than the dim red light, with results that lasted into the evening.

A white light will do the trick too - the brighter, the better.

Instead of being passive aggressive to your boyfriend or complaining about him constantly to anyone who'll listen, just say, "Babe, it bothers me when we leave the bed unmade. When you'rethe last one to get out of it, can you please make it?" Expressing succinct complaints to the person who can fix them can help you resolve the issue asap, which paves the way for happiness that is there to stay, according to a study recently published in The Journal of Social Psychology.

Letting your mind wander makes you substantially less happy than focusing on the task at hand, according to over 650,000 real-time reports collected by the Track Your Happiness iPhone app, which monitors people's happiness in real time.

If you can't take the time for a vacation right now, or even a night out with friends, put something on the calendar even if it's a month or a year down the road. Then whenever you need a boost of happiness, remind yourself about it.

Meditation literally clears your mind and calms you down, it's been often proven to be the single most effective way to live a happier life.

Research even shows that regular meditation can permanently rewire the brain to raise levels of happiness.

Practice gratitude - increase both happiness and life satisfaction.

There are lots of ways to practice gratitude, from keeping a journal of things you're grateful for, sharing three good things that happen each day with a friend or your partner, and going out of your way to show gratitude when others help you.

Results indicated that writing letters of gratitude increased participants' happiness and life satisfaction while decreasing depressive symptoms.

Quick last fact: Getting older will make yourself happier.

How to Be Happy Every Day: It Will Change the World | Jacqueline Way | TEDxStanleyPark

TEDx Talks

The World Happiness Report states “Over 1 billion adults suffer from anxiety and depression.” How do we get to happy? Jacqueline Way, Founder of shares a secret to happiness so simple a 3 – year old can do it. Jacqueline is a mother of three boys and social good activist dedicated to changing the world 1 give, 1 day at a time. You will learn through her powerful story of how your body is hard-wired for giving. Researchers from all over the world have been studying the science and physiological of giving for decades. They’ve discovered giving makes you happy, makes you high, is our bodies natural “Fountain of Youth” and reduces stress. Her inspirational journey with her son and thousands of children will inspire you to start a daily giving habit that will make you happy and change the world. Jacqueline Way is the founder of a charitable organization dedicated to educating, empowering, and inspiring children to change the world "one give, one day at a time." You can reach Jacqueline at

As a final point, it's interesting to note that as we get older, particularly past middle age, we tend to grow happier naturally 22.

Researchers, including the authors, have found that older people shown pictures of faces or situations tend to focus on and remember the happier ones more and the negative ones less.

"Sea + sun = happiness: science" by the University of Sussex.

Multiple studies suggest that meditating -focusing intently and quietly on the present forset periods of time - can help lessen feelings of depression and anxiety.

Research in long term meditators - Buddhist monks, for example - shows that these peoples' brains have well-developed areas that could be linked to heightened awareness and emotional control.

While it's possible that people with such brains might be more likely to meditate in the first place, other studies do show that people who complete a meditation program tend to show brain changes linked with self-awareness, perspective, and memory.

A small 2012 study found that even when people simply read about someone else's awe-inspiring experience, they were more satisfied, less stressed, and more willing to volunteer their time to help others compared with people who were simply shown something that made them feel happy.

How To Be More Happy, Healthy, Motivated, & Successful!

Jeanine Amapola

Hey guys!! I get asked questions all the time like "How do you stay so motivated??" Here are some of my best tips to rock every day, be more successful, happy, grow mentally, and so much more!! I hope you find this helpful!!

One study found that a group of students sent into the trees for two nights had lower levels of cortisol - a hormone often used as a marker for stress - than those who spent the same two nights in a city.

In another study, researchers found a decrease in both heart rate and cortisol levels in people in the forest when compared to those in urban areas.

Experiencing positive emotions not only appear to have the power to neutralize negative ones but can also encourage people to be more proactive.

A study that examined the anxiety, depression and life satisfaction of over 50,000 adults in Norway offered an interesting link: People who participated in more cultural activities, like attending a play or joining a club, reported lower levels of anxiety and depression as well as a higher satisfaction with their overall quality of life.
If you're one of those people who like to make to-do lists on a regular basis, then listen closely: When you're setting your goals, it's better to be specific and set goals you know you can achieve.

Instead of setting a goal like "Save the environment," try to recycle more.

Ever heard someone say, 'If you're angry at someone, write them a letter and don't send it'? While that might seem like a waste of time, science reveals recording your feelings is great for clarifying your thoughts, solving problems more efficiently, relieving stress, and more.

People who have a positive attitude of optimists paired with the rational outlook realists tend to be more successful and happy, according to psychologist Sophia Chou.

Breathing in the smell of dirt may lift your spirits, according to a study which found that a bacteria commonly found in soil produces effects similar to antidepressant drugs.

Low levels of serotonin are what causes depression in people.

Getting outside in the sun was key to staving off misery - people who ate in parks had a more positive attitude about their jobs than those who chowed down at a restaurant or at home.

Working hard to improve a skill or ability, such as learning how to drive or solving a math problem, may increase stress in the short-term, but makes people feel happy and more content with their lives, in the long run, a 2009 study reported.

"People often give up their goals because they are stressful, but we found that there is a benefit at the end of the day from learning to do something well. And what's striking is that you don't have to reach your goal to see the benefits to your happiness and well-being," co-author Ryan Howell said in a statement.

When it comes to happiness, older people seem to know something that the rest of us do because a number of studies have found that older people tend to be some of the happiest people around.


Life can be very fulfilling and prosperous but it can also have its trials and tribulations that may result in emotional instability triggered by events. They include job loss, family and relationship difficulties, grief and loss, addiction, physical and mental disabilities, etc. Everyone has a right to lead a peaceful life.

"Stress, though grossly undesirable, unfortunately, is an eventuality we have to contend with every now and then. There are many things or events around us that are likely to trigger the issue. Knowing how to reduce stress is definitely a wise thing to do. We devote the entire length and breadth of this article to do just that." - Roger Keyserling

Stress And COVID-19

What you can do

1. Remember that knowledge is power. Understanding the factors that affect a person’s immune response to COVID-19 will matter as much as, or more than, understanding the virus! Poor lung health caused by smoking, lack of adequate health care, suppressed immune systems, and/or populations particularly susceptible to infectious diseases, such as the elderly, have been particularly affected by COVID-19.

2. Don’t accept everything you read or hear. Look beyond rhetoric and arm yourself with information. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides information and frequent updates on the COVID-19’s spread, severity, risk assessment, etc. To subscribe to the CDC’s email and text message service, visit CDC Subscription Service.

3. Get your emotional support system in place:

• Maintain familiar routines in daily life as much as possible; take care of your basic needs and employ helpful coping strategies: rest during work or between shifts, eat healthy food and engage in physical activity.

• Stay connected with others and maintain your social networks:

Have the emails and phone numbers of close friends and family at your fingertips. Stay connected via email, social media, video conference and telephone.

Always check with The CDC or other official source for verification!

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

Get the latest information from the CDC about COVID-19.


Below are some of the hot tips that have been noted to reduce stress:

Maintain a Positive Attitude

“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he,” goes the old English saying. It is imperative that you maintain a positive attitude all the while. That is the only way you may suppress and even fade away the negative thoughts that eventually build up and cause stressful situations.

Accept your Circumstance

In many cases, people get stressed simply because they just have refused to accept their circumstances. You should never fall into this trap at all. Just accept that there are indeed things that are beyond your scope as a human being. That will save you lots of stress, going forward.

Teach you how to self-observe — without judging.

Many who suffer from anxiety are ashamed that they feel so controlled by their worries and fears. Meditation teaches you to recognize your own thought patterns and identify where they lead to anxiety — without berating yourself for feeling the “wrong” way.

1. Check-in mentally

2. Give up bad habits to create a way for the new

3. Set a goal And steps for each day

4. Fuel your body with movement and whole plant-based foods

5. Learn something new every day to exercise the brain

6. Nightly cleanup mentally and physically

7. Keep the situation in perspective

8 Dimensions of Wellness in check - Emotional - Spiritual - Intellectual - Physical - Environmental - Financial - Occupational - Social

Attempt some Relaxation Techniques

Some relaxation techniques have the impacts and ability to relieve stress or slow down the pains that come about. Examples of these techniques are those that border on meditation and tranquility. They give your body space and freedom to dissipate the buildup of pains.

Exercise Regularly

On the whole, your body can fight stress better when it is fit compared to when it is out of form. That is why it also pays for you to attempt some exercises on a regular basis. As you do so, you will also enhance the flow of blood to the whole body.

Exercising at least three days a week can have benefits far beyond weight control. Exercise has been shown to create new brain cells (helping you stay sharp in stressful situations) and produce a calming effect on the brain, allowing you to respond to stress without slipping into an anxious overdrive.





Cold Weather Tips

If you workout at home all the time or are temporarily doing home exercises because of the current situation, this is exercise is one that you simply cannot skip. In this video, I’m going to show you how to perform the face pull to improve your posture, shoulder health, and correction of small muscle imbalances that will help you to lift more weight on your big lifts regardless of whether you do them at home or at the gym.

You cannot expect to have a better life if you neglect your body. Your body is like a casing. It is not the real you but what is seen on the outside like you. You consist mainly of what is inside you. What is within you is what really identifies who you are.

Things like character, ideologies, belief systems, values and the like, are what define you.

And these are what make you valuable to others. Although people may like you for your body shape, they will only love you for who you are on the inside.

But your body is important too. It’s the house where your emotions, thoughts, etc live in. It is also what carries you from point A to point B.

And if you neglect it enough, it falls apart through deteriorated health and disease. At this point, not only will you suffer, but so will those close to you.

Eat Healthily

The kinds of foods you eat also have a bearing on the likelihood of the stress to be relieved or not. Organic foods and those are rich in vitamins and fluids are particularly awesome. You have to incorporate as many of them in your diet as can practically be the case.

Manage your Time

How you manage your time may also impact on the stress levels you might have. Effective time management has been noted to play a significant role in diminishing the stress levels considerably. Thus, you should also consider planning and adhering to your time faithfully.

Create and Operate within Strict Boundaries

As a long term measure, you should create and operate within strict boundaries. Particularly, say no to requests that are likely to generate excessive levels of stress in your life. Know what makes you happy and what is likely to make you sad. By doing this, you will reduce the possibility of the emergence of stress.

Set aside Time for Hobbies and Interests

Hobbies and other forms of interest, just like exercising, have the ability to reduce the levels of stress by a considerable margin. It is for this reason that you want also to set aside some time for them. Find out the hobbies that are likely to elevate your moods and keep you stress-free.

Sleep and Relax Well

While sleep cannot really cure stress, it does contribute to the dissipation of the high-stress levels in the body. For this reason, you should always strive to get sufficient levels of sleep all the while. Do this especially at those times and in those circumstances when your levels of stress are high.

Cut down on Alcohol and Drugs

Alcohol and drugs normally cause stress levels to spike. They have quite harmful ingredients that cause this issue to arise. To be on the safe side, you want to cut down on your intake of alcohol and other drugs considerably. Take plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables instead.

Seek out Social Support. Self-medicating with alcohol or drugs may provide an easy escape from stress, but the relief is only temporary. Don’t avoid or mask the issue at hand; deal with problems head on and with a clear mind.

It is never advisable to stay in solitary confinement if you are stressed or under anything that is likely to cause stress. Such a state will only seek to worsen the situation. Instead, spend ample time with those whom you love most. These could include your friends, relatives, and colleagues.

Talk Calmly to Yourself

In some instances, you may have to talk to yourself about the issue you are going through. Try to inquire why you found yourself in such a state and what you may do to come out of the same. As you talk to yourself, some of the stress will simply thaw away gently Laugh It Off

Next to talking to yourself, laughing out the problem may also contribute to the alleviation of stress. Laughter releases the ‘feel-good’ endorphins hormones that do improve the moods and reduce stress levels. It also dupes your nervous system to make you feel happy even when you are not.

Listen to Soothing Music

Other than meditating or exercising regularly, music has also been noted to play a vital role in calming stress. It is hence in your best interest yet again to consider listening to it. Insist on that genre that is smooth, slow, calming, and therapeutic. Hymns, rhythms, and blues are particularly awesome.

Relaxing Music

Beautiful relaxing music for stress relief, composed by Peder B. Helland. This instrumental music ("Frozen in Time") works well as sleep music, ambient study music, meditation music or relaxation music.

There are a lot of benefits from listening to music. Here are just a few:

  • Reduces stress
  • Eases anxiety
  • Decreases depression
  • Promotes relaxation
  • Increase in concentration
  • Boosts immune system
  • Decreases blood pressure
  • Elevates mood
  • Alleviates pain

So, yes, listening to music is a wonderful way to relieve stress and much, much more!

Have a Winning Attitude

Life is a journey, but it’s also a battle. Life is full of opportunities, but obstacles exist too.

Daily routine or schedule. Make time for some fun and relaxation. Fatigue and overworking result from having a poorly-planned schedule. Set aside some “me-time”. Do not forget to laugh or smile every day. This includes making sure you get enough hours of sleep in a day.

Take some Breathers

From time to time, do take some breathers. Breathers are brief pauses, rests, or getaways that are designed to cool you off or unwind you. The length of the breather depends on the level of stress. A more stressful situation no doubt requires a similarly longer breather, and vice versa.

Express your feelings instead of bottling them up.

If something or someone is bothering you, be more assertive and communicate your concerns in an open and respectful way. If you’ve got an exam to study for and your chatty roommate just got home, say up front that you only have five minutes to talk. If you don’t voice your feelings, resentment will build and the stress will increase.

Enroll for Guidance and Counselling

If the symptoms and the severity of the stress persist even after taking the intervention measures we have delineated above, you should now enroll for guidance and counseling. The guidance and counselor will no doubt take you through every step of the journey and help to reverse the effects.

Meditation for Beginners -  Featuring Dan Harris and  Sharon Salzberg

  1. Find a quiet place to meditate.
  2. Sit in a comfortable position, with a cross-legged posture. It's important to have a straight back.
  3. Partially close your eyes and think about your breathing. Breathe through your nostrils naturally, and feel the breath as you breathe in and out. Your distracting thoughts will gradually fall away, although this might take practice.
  4. Do this each day for about ten to fifteen minutes.

Relax & De-Stress With These Daily Free Meditations

Check Back Each Day at Noon for New Meditations

Listen Now - KIDS

Listen Now - ADULTS

Here's what we've offered so far on the Free Daily Meditations Page day-by-day.

Start a stress journal

A stress journal can help you identify the regular stress causes in your life and the way you deal with them. Each time you feel stressed, keep track of it in your journal. As you keep a daily log, you will begin to see patterns and common themes.

Write down:

What caused your stress (make a guess if you’re unsure)

Wrong Ways to Cope with Stress

People cope with stress in various ways, without realizing that some of these ways may be actually unhealthy, and cause them more harm in the long run. Avoid these stress-coping ways.

  • Smoking, which is bound to cause other health problems
  • Drinking too much alcohol
  • Binge on junk food
  • Becoming a couch potato and doing nothing but watching television all-day
  • Becoming an introvert and shutting everyone out, including your family
  • Medication, which can lead to addiction
  • Violence and antagonism, driving everyone away

There are better, productive and healthier ways to cope with stress. You can do it, as long as you put your mind to it. You are your own stress manager.

Overall, stress is not a deadly phenomenon. However, it has the impact of degenerating into depression if not mitigated in time. That is why we emphasize the need to put in place appropriate intervention measures as soon as you detect the rise of stress. A careful reading of our discussions above will no doubt provide the necessary guidance.


How Is Roger and Keywebco?



“The best results come from people working together to learn…because everyone has different viewpoints, experience, and ideas.” - Roger Keyserling


Who Is the Man Behind Keywebco?

I'm Roger Keyserling and my life’s story began in NYC back in 1966 with limited sight at birth. I really don’t remember much of NYC since I was just a small child when I lived there. I have, however, been back there numerous times, so the majority of my memories of the Big Apple are from later in life.


About My Family

My mother and father worked for the Federal Jobs division of the Social Security Administration until they retired. My sister is a graduate of Trinity University of San Antonio, TX. I really enjoyed living so close to her when I was working there. Now, she’s working for Social Services in New Orleans. To this day, my parents are very active in a variety of projects. In fact, my father was recently a special guest on a radio show.


My Many Likes


I like classical music, i.e. Chopin, Handel, Mozart, and Tchaikovsky.

I also like numerous types of contemporary music.


I like reading mainly topics involving astrophysics and science.

I especially like reading research documents.


I like movies like Star Wars but also appreciate classic dramas and historical fiction.


I have a special love for classic cartoons in black and white like Felix the Cat, Betty Boop, and Popeye. In fact, I even named my dog Betty Boop.


Coast-to-Coast Moves

After attending kindergarten in New York, my family moved back to my mother's hometown of Odessa, Missouri. I ended up being one year younger than the other students in first grade. That was OK though since I was really busy both at school and with outside activities. My school activities included band, debate, drama, journalism, and photography. I was already an enterprising young man and sold cards, jewelry, Merlite jewelry, and seeds, Burpee seeds, during study hall.

My after school activities included being a member of Eagle Scouts, going on Explorer hikes, being a member of the Kansas City Ballet for a short time, attending the Kathy and Rick Murphy Dance Studio, and being a member of Youth Community Betterment. I also went on a Mid-America Orchestra Group European tour where I played with clarinet, the oboe, and the saxophone.


In 1984, I graduated from High School and then attended Northwest Missouri State University as a psychology major. After that, I decided to opt-in to a Missouri Department of Mental Health training program to start working in state facilities. I graduated after working at Saint Joseph State Hospital with multiple licenses. I continued on at St. Joseph’s for several years. Since then, the hospital has been converted to a prison. They do, however, still have a museum filled with memorabilia from when it was a state facility. It’s called the Glore Psychiatric Museum. Please note that some exhibits may not be suitable for young children.


I moved to Orlando for a short period of time and then to San Diego, CA. I worked there at the Shelby Fine Arts Gallery and sold limited edition lithographs. Today, the name has been changed to The Aristocrat Gallery. One of my favorite jobs was working in thrift stores where I bought boots, coats, dresses, gowns, and all kinds of clothing and resold them. I would also purchase knickknacks and other items that I sold at flea markets. One memorable thrift store where I worked was Family Thrift Stores.


I later moved to Kansas City, MO, and worked at the Revco Drug Company. At the same time, I also sold art and furniture privately in consignment shops. Next, I moved to San Antonio, TX, and took several corporate jobs, working at a number of small companies where the jobs were good, although quite varied. I moved to Tampa for a short time to work at a variety of other corporate jobs and also helped a close friend to set up a new business.


One day, I received a call from an old friend who lived in San Antonio. He and I both loved collecting vintage cars and the two of us often visited an Austin classic car club. At the time, I was driving a Lincoln Mark 3 and his family had a large local car dealership. He suggested that we could start a vintage limo service and I liked the idea so much that right away I moved back to San Antonio. Unfortunately, the idea wasn’t successful and I ended up working at several other jobs. During that time, I also kept buying and selling merchandise but not online as of yet.


Major Changes in San Antonio

For starters, I founded Keyhole Production Studios, which actually started as a strip-a-gram company but not for long. The “performers” involved weren’t quite used to working for a non-trashy business like mine. In addition, I rapidly learned how much they were paying in commissions, while dealing with scheduling issues, etc. On the other side of the coin were bar and club owners as well as special events. The people involved were continually upset about the unprofessional operations in the business.

So, I devised a method for doing real professional shows and my company became an instant hit with everyone due to the professional choreography, lighting, pyrotechnics, sets, theme costumes, and so much more. My prior experience in the theater was a big help and I was able to assist the set technicians with tasks like setting up backdrops. And, all my years of reselling items like clothing, I knew exactly how to go about taking care of the costumes. In addition, I had plenty of contacts for getting them custom made. One other advantage was that I had the innate ability to attract all of the top performers from all over the state of Texas as well as from out-of-state. With my company, not only were they no longer getting gouged by their promoters but they also didn’t have any of the other issues that they had to deal with before with other companies.


On the other side of the equation, the club-owners started flocking to me and booking shows. Since I was both creative and organized, I only had to do a few shows that included good choreography and performances, great lighting, and nice music. Before long, my company had 150 employees as well as shows and tours booked in more than 26 states but mainly in Louisiana and Texas.

Everything was going well for several fantastic years and I was really happy. The money that I was making meant to do everything with my business that I wanted, including marketing and growing rapidly. I had even landed a major contract where I would be touring just about every state in the country. I was making plenty of money and had a beautiful home.

I also had a beautiful 300ZX Nissan, which I loved. However, one night while at a gas station, a crook showed up, shot me, and stole my car. The bullet to my neck resulted in my dying three times and then coming back. For a very long time, I was completely out of commission and couldn’t breathe without tubes. Eventually, I healed and could finally breathe unassisted but bye-bye wealth.


There was a valuable lesson to be learned from being shot. Not only did I lose my wealth, died several times, and was incapacitated for quite a while but I also discovered that my business was so complex that it required my complete attention and really couldn't be handled by anyone else. And, when you add to that the fact that I was so young and had not properly planned the business to run without me, it was the downfall of my company.

Without proper medical coverage, all of those medical expenses had to be paid, and, believe me, it was a lot. So, the lesson is to make sure you always have adequate insurance coverage as well as a backup plan for keeping your company running if something happens to you.


To this date, I suffer from PTSD but am getting it under control. It was so bad at first that I stayed at home in San Antonio for a year following the shooting incident. Then, my grandmother became very sick and needed home care, so I packed up and moved back to Missouri so that I could care for her. She passed away unfortunately and I moved from her house to a 70-acre farm on the highway. I was on disability for a while but it didn’t take long to discover that I couldn’t survive on that and not working or doing anything was no good. So, I moved from that 70-acre farm to a 60-acre farm, which is where I live now and also where I have my business as well as a herd of cattle.



In 2012, I started Keywebco on eBay although I didn’t know anything about ECommerce or eBay. Or. Our original products were Barbie dolls, other new toys, and pre-owned clothing, and our sales grew. Then I discovered a number of opportunities for growing the business. Our niche included a wide range of products, fast service, and lots of inventory numbers. Basically eBay shoppers could find anything they might be looking for. Social Media Marketing became the key to my business success. Before long, I became an authority on Internet marketing and selling online, speaking at a variety of events and eCom conventions. I have even started and run six marketing groups and 25 Facebook business pages as well as multiple stores on a number of platforms.

Now I do not use Facebook, LOL

My current projects include blogging, vlogs, building websites, and publishing. I am also now selling on my own websites and several others. My and sites have more to offer each and every day, like using video chat and much more. From our blogs, where everything you could ever possibly want to know about can probably be found (topics from A to Z) to our Keywebco App, which is absolutely free and user-friendly, you can find a wealth of subjects, apps, and help all in one place. And, the Keywebco App will work on any device (even PCs) and offers you everything in one app.


Keywebco features include:


Get a website

You need to hire the best Website developers. We are known to offer the best website development serves. There are several aspects involved in website development. For example, you would like to have graphics for the website and several navigations. Ensure you get a high-quality website that will make you accomplish your given needs online. The website we will design for you will help you in the following ways:


Cost-Effective marketing

You need to look for a way you can market your e-commerce platform affordably. You need a website that ranks high in search engines. As the best experts in the field, we will help you come up with a website that will easily attract new customers. People from all ways of life would like to take several measures to ensure they have a professional website. There is no need to worry about how to get started. Our experts are dedicated to offering you the best website design. We will take into consideration several factors after which we will ensure we avail of the best website design services. We have helped people from all walks of life get top quality websites. Work with us and we will make it easy for you to have the best website.


Wider Demographic Reach

The website we will design for your company will work perfectly in reaching a wide demographic. Remember the website will represent your online presence. You need to let other people know about the services and products you offer. The best way to go about it involves getting the best experts to carry out website design services. Our experts will ensure we design for you a high-quality website that you can use to accomplish several services. We have taken several factors into consideration to ensure we avail to you the best website that will target your specific audience.


Creating Business Credibility

Your online business will be more successful if you can make people know you are credible. Many potential buyers would like to research more about the business they are about to deal with online. With a website we will design for you, we will ensure we provide all the necessary information customers need so that they can trust your business and start doing business. We have managed to work with many businesses in creating high-quality websites. The business website we will create for you will look professional so that we can make many people trust your brand and do business. From our research, several businesses we have helped create websites have achieved great success. You need to try our services for the best results.


Around-The-Clock Availability

You need to have a website that is available all-round the clock. There is no need to worry about how you can take advantage of people ready to do business online at odd hours. We know the right steps to take so that your website will be available online to serve people at any given time. You need to choose the right website host and have a reliable website so that you can remain online for most of the time. Our experts are dedicated to making life easy for you. You can count on our experts to help you create a professional website that will be online most of the time.


Consumer Convenience

People are looking for ways they can easily do business. You need to have an e-commerce website where you will easily interact with the customers. The website we will create for you will be very reliable. For instance, our experts will take into consideration several factors to ensure we avail of a top-quality website that will work perfectly to allow you to enjoy the best performance.


Increased Sales

You need to make efforts and ensure the sales increase in your business. There is no need to worry, our experts will work on your website design and ensure we avail a top-loading website that will make many people do business with you. Remember the website should be safe and reliable at all times. Our experts will work with determination and ensure your website will remain safe for the potential buyers to easily do business with you. Try to make your customers happy by making it easy for them to do business with you. We are here to help you realize the best results. Each time we work on a website design project we have helped the owners achieve great success. Our rates are very fair and we will help you realize the best results.


Get a blog

Apart from a website, you may need a personal blog where you will get to share ideas with other people. Blogs are very necessary for celebrities and influencers who are looking for platforms where they can impact the sociality positively. There is no worry, we can help you come up with a reliable blog. Here are some of the benefits you can enjoy after you let us help you with the blog development:


Express Yourself and Share Your Passions

You may like to share tips about an issue in society in a professional way. In such a case, you will have to do it on your blog. Our experts will take necessary measures and ensure we design for you a blog that will serve your given needs. We have taken time to ensure we avail of a top-quality blog that will serve you perfectly. We have been working hard to assure you the best blog for a wide range of applications. Your blog should also fast to assure you of great performance. We have experts who work with a high level of experience to assure you great performance.


Share Your Knowledge

A blog will make it easy to share your knowledge with other people. Our experts have been working hard to assure you the best experience. You can work with us at any given time and we will assure you the best blog design. Each blog we design we ensure it meets the intended purpose. For example, you may like to have a blog that can help you achieve certain needs. We start by knowing about your given needs before we start the blog development.


Refine Your Writing Skills

You may like to improve your writing skills by writing on your blog. There is no worry. We have experts who are ready to make for you a blog where you will get to enjoy the best experience as you write about what you love. A personal blog can be a great way to practice writing what you love. We have helped people from all walks of life achieve great success in their personal blogs.


Here are some more of the services we can provide. Be Sure To Use Our Menu and Look Below The Footer For More!


Make Money Online

You can use a blog to earn money online. For example, if you would like to make money in the process, then you need to work with experts who will guide you on how to make a professional blog. We work with determination to allow you to come up with a reliable blog you can apply to accomplish different tasks in your life. The blogs will also help you in building your professional network, earn more exposure, and become an authority in your industry.


Get SEO Boost

After designing a website you would like to make it rank high. Our experts know the right tactics we can apply to help you rank your blog or website high in google search pages. There are several SEO tactics you can apply. We adhere to safe practices so that we can help you rank high in search engines without the worry about penalties. There are several people we have helped and in most cases, most of them have achieved great success. We work hard to assure you several benefits through our SEO services. Here are some of the reasons why you need to try our SEO services:


Better User Experience

With our SEO tactics, we will work on both on-page and off-page tactics so that we can help you achieve the best results. The high-quality services we offer are aimed at making it easy for you to realize the best user experience. People landing on your page will easily navigate. You need to have a website that is easy to use. Our tactics are aimed at making it easy for you to realize the best experience.


Source of Leads

The SEO services we offer will be a source for the lead on your website or blog. The experts will check your website based on several ranking factors after which we will work to fix different uses on the website so that we can make it easy for your website to rank high. There are several steps that we have taken and we have managed to achieve great success in our ranking efforts. You will achieve the best experience after you decide to work with us.


Higher Close Rates

There are several factors you need to check out so that you can increase close rates on your business website. There is no doubt about how to go about it. We have experts who will utilize the latest technology to help you realize the best results. In the search engine optimization services we offer, we are dedicated to asking it easy for our customers to realize the best services ever. Our SEO experts work hard to assure you a high conversion rate.


Builds Brand Credibility

When people search about the services you offer and your site appears on top of search engines you will make them trust your services. We have taken the necessary measures to ensure we assure you the best SEO services that will contribute towards improving your brand credibility. There are several sites we have been hired to carry out the SEO services. In most of them, we have managed to assure them great results. You need to work with us and we will help you realize the best results in your SEO services.


Helps Establish Brand Awareness

Your brand should be known so that potential buyers will prefer it over others. There are several steps you need to check out so that you can improve the brand. Our experts will develop a professional website after which we will proceed to implement the best practices on your site so that we can make many people trust your site.

Enjoy our free pages loaded with content

You may like to learn a new skill in digital marketing services. Our experts share information on our free loaded pages. You can take advantage of free content and start building your site. The content on the pages is professionally created to serve the purpose. You can work with us and we will ensure we offer you the best services possible. We are dedicated to making things easy for you as far as website management is concerned.


Use our free apps and guides

There are those who would like to develop apps. Our free pages and guides will play a great role in offering you the necessary introduction to the development of the app. We are here to assure you the best experience if you can work with us. We are here to assure you the best experience in digital marketing.

Watch us live daily on YouTube

You need to get the latest information. Our YouTube videos will keep on updating you using the latest technology. You can work with us and we will help you get the right information in your learning process. Our videos are developed and made by Keywebco.

Keeping Upbeat!

As online sellers we often work many many hours very hard. We have to go back and edit things that we've already done because we found out we did them wrong. There's a lot of things that happen that can be very frustrating and aggravating. We can get returns that we know are not really returns.

Even when these things happen it's easy to maintain a very good attitude. Look back at the things you've already done to see how you overcome obstacles how you learn from your mistakes. Then look forward and figure out ways to improve on what you're doing now. If you're thinking is right your attitude becomes right. The hardest thing is when a big obstacle hits that you were unprepared for. So the best way to keep a good attitude is to try to be prepared for more things. Try to think ahead and think about what things could happen. Plan, think, and figure out ways to prepare. For example if you're selling a product don't think every single product you sell is not going to have a return or have damaged in shipping or actually just be damaged from the factory in new in the package that does happen. In your business model prepare for those things set aside a certain amount to be returned lost and shipping etc. If you're preparing your less frustrated when these things happen.

The sound of Cha Chings from doing the best you can is a good feeling too.

Most of all try to set realistic goals for yourself. Don't beat yourself up when you can't do something you thought you could. Work every day don't put your work off and then it becomes a chore. Plan it all out to be done in small increments.

It is important to remember as sellers to enjoy what we're doing. I always make a point every day to go on Facebook or a social media site and enjoy conversation, or a post for the enjoyment of the interactions available. I always make sure that I do that, then go right back to work so I can list list list.

It's important to enjoy what you do not only for your own peace of mind, but it does make you more effective at doing your job. You get more things done in less amount of time; because you enjoy what you're doing. You're not waiting, hesitating, or dreading; you're enjoying your work. If you know it or not that feeling will come through in your listings, and how you as a seller appear to your buyers.

This is even more important when dealing with buyers in email. I make sure I do not show anything but a good attitude, to keep upbeat with all communications. This has helped bad situations become good on a few occasions.

Hard work and good customer service and proper business planning will make things go easier but no matter what there's going to be complications just work through them try and be happy that you can. Do it and know that you can do it!



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Text: Roger Keyserling
Images: Keywebco, Roger Keyserling and Pixabay
Cover: Roger Keyserling
Editing: Roger Keyserling
Translation: Roger Keyserling
Layout: Roger Keyserling
Publication Date: 05-22-2020

All Rights Reserved

Everyone who lives and loves Life. My Mom and Grandma are the ones who started me in Gardening. My home decor skills come from a very old friend I helped open a decorating business years ago.

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