
Chapter 1

I looked out of the window as the plane landed at last. I stood up and got off of the death machine as I walked into the airport. Monroe, Louisiana was the only airport close to where my family lived. I looked around for people I knew but didn’t catch a sight of them. Great, this is just great. I headed over to the bag claim thing as I waited for my black suitcase.

I didn’t want to be who I was but when you are me you don’t have a choice. My name is Max Walker. Yeah I have a guy’s name but what ever. I’m only sixteen but I can do more than you could do in your whole life time. I had dark brown hair and the greenest eyes you have ever seen. I was short for my age but that helps me get around faster.

I looked around till I saw a guy that was taller than me but younger than me. I smiled as the brown hair almost black headed guy walked up to where I was at. I smiled as his brown eyes said it all. His name was Linus Night. He was like my brother for we are close in the group.

I stood there as he looked down at me. I smiled as we headed out of the crowded place. I saw that two dirt bikes were there. Mine was the blue one with green flames on it. His was the black one that looked like it came from the pit of fire itself. We looked at each other and jumped on them. I strapped my bag to the back and we were off. I loved the feeling of the air in my face but hate flying in the air.

I looked at Linus as he was behind me. I looked forward as the gang saw us. Please don’t follow us. I turned around to see five motorcycles following close behind us. Great now we got to figure this one out. I looked at I20 and saw that there were people everywhere. Okay so let lose them in the tarrific.

“Linus fast and moving,”I called as he knew what that meant for us to do.

“Let’s roll then,”He called as I kicked it up a gear.

We let the bikes go as fast as we could and zigged zagged in and out of cars. The good thing about being us no one can see us if we don’t want them to. I looked back as they were copying us. Okay let’s play hard ball. I took out my weapon. It was a sonic blaster that was my knife. I looked to my side as one of them got up to me as I took it out.

I started to knife fight the guy as I saw a double eighteen wheeler side by side with another one. I grinned at the guy and sped toward it. I slid right between it with ease as the other guy hit the outside of the one on the left. I laughed as Linus followed suit with me. Okay now only four of the puke brains to go.

“On your right,”Linus called to me.

I turned to face the nit wit as I saw Rayville come up. I grinned and took that exit. He followed me but I slowed the pace down for the curve as I had went back up the exit ramp to get back on I20. He didn’t and went on a one way trip back to where he came from. I looked at Linus as he was now ahead of me fighting two at once.

I pointed my knife at the one on his left and sent out a bright light. He disappeared that minute as the other two looked at me. I sped back up and locked my bike with Linus’s. I jumped over and landed on the back of the one to his right. I smiled as Linus finished him off. I drove the deathrider to the last one and sent it flying after him. I backflipped off landing on mine as it hit the other one.

“Not bad for your first day back,”Linus said as we exited off at Delhi,”The headmaster would be very please with that.”

“Yeah for he’s my dad,”I said.

We drove another five miles south till the countryside showed up. I looked out as the school was here. We rolled into the courtyard for the school was a five story building with little ones around it. It was home to me and I knew that dad would not be happy to see me back so soon.

I walked into the building with Linus since my mom made arrangement for me. I walked to the third floor and fifth door on the right from the elevator was the office. I opened it to see that dad was there looking at me ticked. I exhaled as Linus looked at me with pity. I sat my things down and took the seat in front of my dad.

“What are you doing here?”He asked as I looked at him.

“For I belong here now,”I said as he didn’t like that answer,”I know I failed one mission but I promise it won’t happen again. Even mom thinks that I can do it.”

“That’s not why,”He said sitting forward.

“Come on,”I said standing up,”Dad I need to be back in the game. I can’t just stand around while everyone else fights. I need to be here.”

“Still…”He said standing up to get closer to me.

I pulled out the dagger he gave me when I was five and stab the desk next to his hand. I peered into his blue-grey eyes as he looked at it. He knew I needed to be here but won’t freakin admit it.

“I gave you the right answer,”I said removing the knife,”Now where is my room.”

“You should know,”He said sitting down,”And next time if you stab at me I won’t be so nice.”

“Yes Mr. John Walker,”I said leaving,”It won’t happen again.”

I walked with Linus to my room as we laughed at what I just did. I walked into the same blue, black, green, and silver room I had since I was little. I threw my bag to the wall as it unpacked my things for me. I love the magic here. I looked around the place as I still had the same posters of heroes.

I was what you called a shadow saver. The people that were meant to stay dead well that's our job to make them stay there. We are not shadowhunters or the RIPD. We are simply magical beings that have to work harder than the next person to stay ahead. We watch after the earth to make sure it doesn’t go to heck.

Linus was a demon and on our side. He was like the main one here for he was the first. There are five demons. Linus though is also part human coolly. I think that makes him more unique. He also can shadow travel through anything he wants to.

My dad was a regular hero like a great one. He was the one that had a history of great fighters. He could make the elements do whatever he wants to. I could make it where people couldn’t see me but he had to act like they were insane about what happened.

I on the other hand was an angel of darkness. My mom was that and I got all of her cool powers. Dad though thinks that I need to be trained to fight off people like me. AS if I was the problem with all of this now. I was really a good kid but he saw me as a future threat. He cares for me but when it comes to the job and the world he takes it seriously. Meaning no pity to his own kid.

Those guys we fought earlier was really the people my mom use to work for. The first one that I got rid of was someone that use to be my friend. But he turned on me and tried to get me back on his side. I didn’t want that but to get the lost souls back home to where they belonged.

“You alright?”Linus asked as I saw that the shadows were coming up.

“Yeah I am,”I lied as he nodded.”I guess I’m just trying to get back use to this again.”

“Are you sure bout that?”He asked at the door.

“Yes Linus,”I said at the door as well,”I’m fine.”

He nodded as I closed the door and the room was cast into shadows. I hated it when I was being check up on like I was a little kid. I opened the window up to see the night sky coming up. I smiled as staying with my mom was a nice changed after every thing. I just wished he hadn’t done that to me.

I turned my back to the window as a note flew in and over to my bed. I walked over there and picked up the piece of paper. On the front of it was the nice and fancy writing of my mothers. I loved how she wrote everything. It was so elegant and perfect.

Dear Max,

Hello baby girl. I wanted to see if you are doing alright in the getting back use to everything. I know you just got off of your plane back and having you was fun. I miss my little girl. I know that you are going to be having some laps in the getting back to normal. But sweetie I want you to know that we are trying everything to help you out. Now have a good year and don’t get your father all rally up.



Thanks mom. I looked out as I know that she was trying to find him again. Why can’t life be so much easier than it is now. I threw myself on the bed and took in a deep breath. I hate it when the world seems to be fighting against you instead of trying to help you.

I was suppose to be normal and not like this. I was suppose to be a fighter for good and not some toy that the sides can play. I was to be the good girl who nothing bad happened to. But NO I have to be right in the middle of the firing zone. I closed my eyes hoping for one night of a normalish stupid no good Life. That’s all I want right now.

Chapter 2

“Come on Max,”Nathan said to me,”We should be at our post by midnight by now.”

“You said that two days ago,”I said going up after him,”I told you we should have stopped following the death livers and should have went with what my dad said.”

“You don’t want to be the goody good forever,”He said taking my hand,”Plus we can get the best leads this way. Don’t you trust me Maxy.”

Nathan was his name. He was my best friend like Linus was. He was actually my boyfriend at this time of our lives. He was an angel of dark like me and we were the only two allow at school. He had beach blonde hair but had the brownest eyes you have ever seen.

We were suppose to be watching for activity in the west over route but he saw this Death Livers as we called them and decided to follow him. I been protesting over and over that we should stay at the post but he refuses to go back. I smiled as he took my hand and kissed it.

“I guess it won’t hurt to stay a few more hours,”I said as he smiled at me,”Then we go back.”

“Deal,”He said as we went on our way.

We walked for hours till we got to a little hut and we saw the death livers. I smiled as my dad was never able to find a hide out like we did. I stayed close to the ground like Dad had taught me as I watched them. I went to turn to Nathan as a rock hit the back of my head.

I woke up hours later strapped down to bed. I look around as my hands were tied to the sides and my feet to the end. I looked around as I saw Nathan in the corner. He smiled sadly at me as someone walked into the room I was in.

He was taller than me and Nathan put together, and Nathan in taller than me. He had greying hair and white eyes. He looked at me like I was a prize. I squirmed trying to get away as Nathan looked away from me. The man looked at Nathan with pride in his eyes.

“Good job my son,”the man said as I looked at Nathan.

“Nate,”I said in a small voice.

“I had to,”He said walking over to me,”Please understand me Max. If I didn’t they wouldn’t let you live at all.”

"I thought you were my friend,”I cried as the man raised my head up,”I thought you cared for me.”

“I do that's why I had to,”He said as the man looked at me again.

“She’s yours when we are finished with her,”The man said as Nathan looked at me again,”Don’t worry about her. We are only going to take her memory and replace it with a better one.”

“Ahh,”I screamed shooting up in my bed stabbing the bed,”Not again.”

I removed the knife and got out of bed. I had always felt bad for that night. But thankfully right before anything happened Dad came with Linus to save me. He then took it a step further and shipped me off to my mom for two years. Yeah that was my dad for ya. I loved him but he can get on my last nerve.

I went to my closet and picked out a simple black tank top, black t-shirt, shorts, and my black combat boots. I slipped all of that on after a quick shower and went to my bed side table. I picked up my spiked gloves and slipped them on my hands. I picked up my Ipod and put it into my pocket. I put my earbuds in and turned on Up All Night by Nightcore.

I smiled lipsinging it as I ran out my door. I went down to the first level and ran all the way around the room. The first floor was like a little training room. The rest were rooms for us to live in. I ran my laps as I saw dad walk out to the middle. It has to be around five in the mourning for he never comes down here unless no one else is awake.

I turned my run into a jog as I watched him practice techniques I’ve seen only once or twice before. I stopped and watched his movement as they were like an elegant dance. He jumped into the air spinned around and landed on one foot and did many things like that.

“Wow,”I whispered to myself.

I stayed there as I watched him move like he was in a battle with someone. He had his eyes close like this was natural and he didn’t need to see what he was doing. My song changed to Savin Me by Nickelback as I watched his movement. I watched him sing the song as I hide in the shadow I was in. He stopped in the middle and looked up at the sky. I saw a tear roll down his cheek as it was like he was crying now.

“Where did I go wrong?”He asked the sky,”Where did I go wrong in raising my little Max?”

I watched as he looked around the room as if trying to see if anyone would answer him. I exhaled as he stood there looking in my direction. His eyes didn’t leave mine but stayed on me like I was his new prey.

“Max I know you're there,”He said as Angel of Darkness by Nightcore played in the room and in my ears,”And don’t try to shadow travel out of here.”

“Yes sir,”I said walking into the light.

“You saw that didn’t you?”He asked me as I looked away,”I’ll take that as a yes then.”

“I didn’t mean…”I started but he put his hand up to stop me.

“I know,”He said looking at me,”But why are you here at this hour? You should still be asleep.”

“Bad dreams.”

“You can’t be thinking about that day. It will try to get in your head. That’s why I sent you to your mother. So she could help you with that.”

“I been trying. It’s just that it happens alright. I can’t control when it happens it just does.”

“Calm down before you take down the school Max”

I looked around the room and saw that the shadows were taking forms of people and animals. I took in deep breathes as they stopped. I looked at him as he looked at me softer than he would if people were here with us. I looked into his eyes as I wanted to scream at the top of my lunges right now.

“Now go up to your room and relax some,”He said now giving me orders.

“I was down here first father,”I said facing him,”So I should be able to stay down here till I want to go up.”

“Up Now,”He said as I stared at him.

I didn’t break the stare off as I knew he wants me to listen to him. But if I listened to him about staying in that one area he would have never found one of their hang outs. He glared at me as I felt my eyes go pitch black for the first time since I been here and away from the danger outside.

He looked at me as I saw that he was cracking under the pressure of my eyes. He looked away as I had won for the first time ever. He glared at me before walking off leaving me there. Did I just win a fight between us? I watched him disappear as I stood there. He just left without pulling me back to my room for the first time ever.

“That’s a first isn’t it,”Linus said from behind me.

“Yeah,”I said facing him,”When did you get here?”

“During the stare off,”He said holding up a letter,”But this came for you.”

I took it as I didn’t know who it was from. There was a nice looking seal on it. The seal was blue with a teardrop in it. The envelope was green with a little blue heart on it. It reminded me of Nathan a little bit. I slowly opened it not knowing if it was safe or not. It didn’t explode so I unfolded the paper and read it. The handwriting was bad though but still readable.

Dear Max Walker,

I know that I shouldn’t be writing to you for you hate me right now. But I’m sorry for what I did to you. I had to save your life and that was the only way for me to. I know that you think it’s wrong for me to not tell you about that but I had to get you there and like I already said that was the only way. Please forgive me for that. I do really feel bad about putting you through that. I just want you to be safe from it all. I promise that is all that I wanted from it. I had no idea that they were going to erase your memory like that.

I guess what I’m saying is that I don’t know what to do anymore Max. I’m lost and as you proved on I20 you are better than me still. Please think about at least being my friend again. I need you in my life somehow.

From your old friend,


I looked at the letter as it was something he did to see if I was alright. I had wrote him to leave me alone and he did. I folded it back and went up to my room. I needed to be alone right now. I had to clear my head on what just happened.

I ran to my room and hide there. I didn’t want to see anyone right now. I wanted to just hide from the sun and the world. It hated me and that was the truth but at the same time a lie. I looked at the now raising sun as it showed in my dim lighted room. Why must it be so hard to chose who you are? 

Chapter 3

I don’t want to live right now. Nope that’s not what I’m suppose to be thinking right now. I sat on the end of a long table and ate by myself. I felt everyone’s eyes on me as I sat by myself. I never was like everyone else for they looked up to me. I was what everyone liked to say was the top of the top.

“What are you doing here Walker?”I heard her voice ask behind me.

“None of you business Catherine,”I said looking at her.

Catherine Elizabeth Grey was the one girl who thought she was the better one here. Everyone was afraid to stand up to her but me. I turned to meet the eyes of everyone in the cafeteria. They all looked at the redhead and green eyed girl. I stood up as she was a little bit taller than me.

“That wasn’t the answer,”She said stepping forward at me.

“Last time I check you weren’t my parent,”I said mocking her movement,”So back off.”

“Make me Angel of dark,”She said pushing me.

I looked at her as I saw my dad look at me. He shook his head as she smirked at me. I clenched my hand as she smirked at it. I watched her dare me to make a move. I turned to my dad again as he shook his head at me again. I went back to her and grabbed my soda. She laughed as I poured it all over her.

“You freak,”She bellowed as I looked at her.

“I wouldn’t play innocent anymore sweetheart,”I said walking off.

“Mr. Walker look at what she did,”I heard her scream as I left that room.

It could have been worst for her. I could have destroyed what she held close to her. I should have...No don’t step to that level Max. You are the good guy and not the bad one. You are stronger than that. Keep your head on straight.

I went down to the lake as I saw no one was there for once. I exhaled as I took a seat under a tree and faced the water. It was peaceful for once. No one was trying to hunt me down and I felt like a regular kid. I smiled happily as that was all I wanted now. To be normal and not someone people thought that was evil and suppose to be on the wrong side.

“You ruined her favorite shirt with that Dr. Pepper,”Linus said sitting beside me,”But she had that coming to her.”

“Yeah,”I said not even paying attention.

“What is it Maxy,”He said making me face him.

“Nothing Linus,”I said looking out at the water.

“Liar,”He said doing it again,”I know you Max Artemis Walker. Now what is wrong or I will do it.”

“It’s nothing really.”

“You have three seconds to tell me or I will.”

“I’m being honest Linus.”


“If you dare do it.”

“Two. Then get it out before I hit one.”

“I’m being honest Linus. I’m fine.”

He looked at me before standing up and walking off. I watched him as he left me there. He knows me and I know him. He knows what is the matter with me but he knows I don’t want to talk about it. Life is just so hard right now. Trying to be the perfect little girl for my dad. Trying to show him that I don’t need his help anymore. It is all too hard for me.

“You alright baby girl?”I heard a voice say.

“Why would you care?”I asked holding my knees now.

“For I am your father and I care for you,”I heard my dad said sitting beside me,”Now are you alright or not.”

“What do you think?”

“I think a little girl is taken on the world a little bit too much at a time.”

“You got that by just looking at me?”

“I got that because I watched how you handle that. Max what is wrong and don’t lie to me.”

“You should know,”I said turning away from him.

“Is it from the things people believe you are to be,”He said looking out at the water,”For you thinking that you have to stand up to those thoughts. That you have to prove something to everyone.”

“Yep that one.”

“That’s not all of it is it.”

“That day.”

“I knew that one was there. What is it really?”

“I don’t want to talk about it,”I said looking out at the water again.

“Max you have to talk about it sooner or later,”He said letting me lean on him,”It might help if you get it off your chest that way.”

I nodded and kept my mouth shut. He exhaled as I let a tear roll down my cheek. I closed my eyes as I cried for the first time since I been here. He held me as I let out everything. I could hear their voices in my head as I had led them into that one. I was the one that...Maybe I should explain what had happen.

I was eight years old at the time. My dad was on this mission and that left me, Linus, and Nathan with the guards. We were at my mother’s where I was sadly a princess to everyone. We were in a circle as it was just another day. I looked around as I got this bad feeling about something. I stood up and went to Alex to see if he knew what was going on.

“Ali,”I said as he got down on my level,”I don’t feel so well right now.”

“It’s alright Max,”He said rubbing my arm,”Tell me about the feeling.”

“I just got one and I don’t like where it’s going,”I said looking around,”What’s going to happen?”

“I’ll let you know when I find out,”He said as I nodded my head.

I went back to the circle as there were also five other people that I knew. There was Mackenzie Summer, Alicia Night, Jason King, Mason Jacks, and Maria Fulford. We were a close little group and that was nice. Well, soon after I sat down the alarms went off and Alex rushed me to get everyone to the secret room where they couldn’t get us.

We all ran as fast as we could but when we reached the door so did they. I looked at my friends and took out my knife. I stood in front of them wanting to keep them safe. I stood tall as I fought one but he was taller than me and sadly being short was a waste of time. He picked me up as his men grabbed my five other friends and walked off with them.

That day I lost them but also that’s not the day I was talking about. When I found them again they were strapped up to tables. We were now thirteen and I had allows wanted to get them back. I unhooked them and tried to bring them back. But when I did they attacked me and I had to whip them off the map. I froze them and I couldn’t figure out how I did that. It was my fault that had happen to them in the first place. I was the one who did it to them all those years ago.

“I just wanted to help,”I cried into my dad’s chest,”But all I did was make it worst.”

“I know you feel that,”He whispered into my ear,”But you had to do that to save them and us. Max it’s not your fault and you know that.”

“But I should have told them about the feeling sooner,”I cried as I felt a change in arms,”I let them get kidnapped. I let them get frozen like that. It’s my doing and I can’t undo it.”

“Then figure it out,”I heard Linus said as I looked up to meet his face,”For you are good at fixing things.”

I looked at him as he held me close and I heard my dad laugh at me. I closed my eyes as I heard their voices in my head. I had to fix that but how. How as I suppose to undo something I didn’t know I could do? Why does this always happen to me? I looked at Linus as he smiled down at me. At least I still got him. 

Chapter 4

~John Walker~


I left the two right there and went to see if I can figure it out. She cried that day for her closest friends were in deep ice. She can control more than just darkness I learned that day. I lite a little bit of fire in my hand as I went to the basement where I had put the five kids in the ice. Where her past was hidden from the world.

Max was a good girl. She had always wanted to save everyone and keep up with everything. She was bright but got in her own way. Max looked like her mother the most and was like her mother, but she had something that neither of us gave her. She had a good heart and saw the bad times as evil but saw the good times as the past. She was complicated that way. I don’t know if that was for me or for herself.

“Elizabeth,”I said to the door and it opened for me.

I used her mother’s name for passwords and she has figured that out. But this room has two locks. I walked a little ways till another door showed up. It was black with golden wings on it. I had it made that way to help her figure it out when she knew what had to happen to save her friends.

“Max, Daddy’s angel,”I said as the wings opened up.

She was the one thing that I loved more than her mother. I just never could say that to her mother’s face or I could die. As soon as I took one step in you could see the times Max wanted to hide from the world. Her black eyes shone as she destroyed a city to get the monster down. The time she and Nathan fought over what to do and failed both ways.

Everytime she had messed up and wanted to hide it from everyone. But she did learned how to do it better the next time. I went to the middle as the five stood frozen with pure black eyes. I let the fire dance around but the ice put it out. Strange magic is at play here but how it undo it was the real question.

I looked as I saw that the kids here have aged with Max. I saw that each even looked like they wanted to fight against the will that drove them to fight her. It was like looking into the past of a hurt girl.

“Don’t trust Nathan,”I heard Jason of them say in my head.

They did that for it was like they were trying to warn her about him. I looked at them as you could see the look of fear in their eyes. They had watched her get ready to hurt them to save everything. But she was too loyal to do that. So she wanted another way out and that’s what she got. It kept them alive but she doesn’t know how she did it. Max was lost after this happen to her friends. Nathan was her way back to the normal world. I just wished I got that he meant to hurt her like that before he did.

“No not hurt,”Maria said,”He wanted to make sure she would be alright. To know that what happens she would still be with him.”

I looked at the ice block and wonder how they still knew about all of that. I turned to see that it was right in front of them. I watched the horror on her face as he was told to leave the room. As his father turned to her. I had to look away as I felt the pain for letting her go back out after she said that she shouldn’t.

“It’s my fault,”I said as I looked at her hidden times,”I did it to you.”




I looked at Linus as I had cleaned up from my little cry fest. I looked at him as we both walked out of my room and down to training. I looked around and saw that not many people were here. I smiled as I hate it when it’s pack full and I have to do my advanced training. I went out to the middle and took a stance as Mickel stood in front of me.

Mickel was my trainer. He was like my dad and I mean that he was his little brother. Uncle Mickel had taught me things that my dad couldn’t for he was busy. We been doing this for years now actually.

“Ready Bug,”He said as I nodded,”Now I want you to focus on getting me to the ground but try to think about other ways to do it.”

I nodded and put in my head different way to do it. I faced him as I nodded my head to let him know that I was ready. He charge at me and I put my hands out. He blew away from me as I went wide eyed. How did I do that? I put them down as he gave me the ok. I looked at my hands as I could see the wind swirling around my fingers. Then I thought about that day with the ice and they iced over.

What in the world just happen? I stared at my hands as I thought about rocks. Some flew up and landed in my hand. Ok this is kind of cool now. I looked at Linus as he was smiling at me. Wait I froze them for I didn’t want to hurt them. Maybe I can undo it with fire.

“Linus,”I said as I saw dad go up to his office,”Do you know where Dad put them?”

“Yeah in the basement where he puts everything you want to hide,”He said as I smiled,”Why?”

“We are going down there to see if I can undo it,”I said walking that way,”Come on.”

“If we get caught,”He said as I laughed.

We ran down the long hallways and took three rights and two lefts. There was the door to the basement. It had a lock on it but I know my dad pretty good now. I walked up to it as Linus looked around to make sure no one saw us.

“Elizabeth,”I said and it opened,”Still the same password as when I left.”

We walked in and I looked around the hallway. It was plain but had boxes everywhere. Weird but nothing here is what I’m looking for. Whopped! Ow that hurt. I rubbed my head as I saw another door there. What in the world is this. I went to push it open but nothing had happen.

“Password,”It said as I laughed.

“Elizabeth,”I said.

“Sorry wrong password,”It said as I looked at it shock that it wasn’t right.

“No that’s the password,”I said trying to open it up,”He uses my mom’s name for everything.”

“Hey the doors remind me of you Max,”Linus said as I looked at them,”Max, Daddy’s angel.”

“That’s not funny Linus,”I said but the doors open,”No that was it.”

“Point me,”Linus said walking in.

I rolled my eyes and followed him in. There were videos of the times I hated the most. I looked around as I saw the fear in me. Or the anger I was facing. I shook it out and went to the ice block. I saw the angels stuck there. They were regular angels that had white wings and nothing to do with darkness like me. And I did this to them. What kind of a friend am I?

I touched it as the fire went around my hand. But nothing had happened. What! I looked at Linus as I held out a small flame in my hand and watch the ice take it away from me. I touched it as I heard their voices telling me about Nathan. I groan and tried again but like last time nothing.

“I don’t get it,”I said as shadows shot out,”Fire is the opposite of ice. It should have melted.”

“Hey it cracked,”He said as I looked where he was pointing at.

There was a little crack there. It was small but still there. I touched it and it grew a little bit. I wasn’t using the elements but the one thing I knew all too well. I was using shadows to get my anger out. I took a step back and thought about the one point I wanted to break open. I closed my eyes as I felt the power around me. Okay here goes nothing.

I opened my eyes and sent a black beam at the crack. I fell backwards as the ice broke a little bit. I sat up to see Jason was there on the ground. The others were still in it and I couldn’t do another blast like that again. He coughed a little bit as Linus helped me up. I was light headed and the room was spinning a little bit.

“Bout time,”Jason said standing up.

“You try figuring that out,”I said holding my head,”Wow that is a headache.”

“You are not going to be able to get the rest out the same,”Jason said helping me out of there,”It will take two of you to finish the job.”

“What do you mean?”I asked as we headed to my room.

“You and…”Jason started as I looked at him.

“Who,”I said as he looked at me.

“Let’s get you to your room first,”He said looking away.

“Just answer the question,”Linus said as I was about to pass out.

“I don’t want to,”Jason said as Linus carried me bridal style.

“Just say the name.”

“Fine I will,”He looked at me and smiled,”Nathan.”

“Kill me now,”I said right before darkness took me. 

Chapter 5

 I laid there thinking about what had to go on. I didn’t want to have him help me. After what he did to me. I would rather be shot in the head with a rusty bullet that slowly went through my brain. Okay that hurt just thinking about it. But I would like that more than getting his help. But it’s the only way to get them out of the ice block.

“Wake up Maxy,”I heard Linus say into my ear,”We got to sneak out tonight or we are not going to be able to do this.”

“But I don’t want to see him,”I said sitting up,”Where’s Jason?”

“He can’t come with us,”Linus said helping me up,”If he does then bad things will...Jase told me that he can’t help us but tell us how to free them.”

“Really,”I said as he handed me my bag,”Well who all is coming with us?”

“Me and you.”


“We got about three minutes before the gates are lock to get out of here.”


“Yeah and they have a full tank.”

“Let’s go.”

We ran out of the my room and past by Jason as he was going to distract my dad for us. We went to the bikes and threw our things on the back. I started up the bike and we zoomed out of there right as the gates were closing on us. I looked back as I saw Jason and my dad running outside. He looked at me shock as I left behind the one place I could have been safe in.

No turning back now. I looked forward and thought of all the places where I could find him. There was the old house where we use to hang out at. No that would be too in plain sight. Maybe the old meadow where we first met. People know where that’s at and what it is to us. Maybe it could be…

“What are we looking for?”Linus asked dragging me back down to earth.

“Umm…”I started as I really didn’t know.

“Let’s try asking your mother,”He said getting right beside me.

“Then that means we have to go all the way to Washington,”I said looking at him,”Or all the way to Dallas if she is even there.”

“That should be good to start in Dallas.”

“Then to Dallas.”

We didn’t talk much after that but kept our heads in the game. I looked at the moon shining bright above me. It was nice to see in a time like this. I closed my eyes for three seconds and opened them back up to see that Linus was now in front of me. He looked off in the distance as if in deep thought about something. What could he be going through right now?




I went ahead of her afraid to see what would happen if she looked back. I was staring at her for a while but I knew I shouldn’t be. Why must I have to fall for the one person that I knew wouldn’t tell me she had feelings too? I liked her more and when I saw what Nathan did, I wanted to kill him. I had to do something to keep her safe from him. So I sent him to the dark lands and when he showed back up the other day, she sent him back.

Now she needs him to set her other friends free from the ice. Isn’t life just great to us. Note the sarcasm there for it is. I looked at her in the mirror as she had her hair flying down her back. It flowed like it was a river and she was truly an angel. No stop that you know it won’t work out for you.

“So where is the address to the place?”I asked trying to think of something else.

“I can’t say it out loud,”She said getting right next to me,”But it is the right of left and the north of south.”

“So if I’m right next to Walmart,”I joked as she laughed.

“No the right to left is two turns,”She said looking at me,”Then the north of south is not Walmart.”

“Then what is it?”

“I can’t say.”

“Why not?”

“Look behind us.”

I turned around and saw that there were two people following us. I looked closer and saw that they were demons. But one was familiar. Oh no it can’t be her. I looked at Max as she faced forward. I hoped she didn’t notice the woman and man. Or at least that they looked like me.

“So what’s the plan?”I asked eyeing the two.

“Well we both are at full strength right now,”She started,”So we could go all power but then that means they are as well. That would leave very little for us…”

“I got this one,”I said as she looked at me,”You go ahead and leave them to me. I’ll meet you up at the place. For north is of south.”

She nodded kicking it into high gear. I watched her zoom off as the other two didn’t chase after her. I rolled my eyes and got off at Millhaven. I went down an old road to a spot that no one could see or get hurt on. I smiled as I put it in park and saw that they both chose to follow me here.

I looked at the woman as she had the same eyes as me but had white hair. The man was like a little version of me. I frowned at them as they stood in front of me. I set my helmet on the handlebars and stood in front of them. After all this time and today they chose to do this.

“Linus,”The woman said,”You know why we are here.”

“Sadly I do,”I said taking out a scythe,”But I don’t have time for that today.”

“Come on,”The man, or boy I should say, said,”You don’t have anytime for this. Then why are you here right now.”

“For I know you also want Max. And I’m not letting you get her.”

“You know I use to look up to you.”

“Yeah then what changed in you?”

“You turned to the wrong side of this for some idiot girl. I bet you don’t even know why you are really on that side.”

“For what we did was wrong Nick. And I would have hoped you would see that,”I snapped getting ready to fight if I had to.

“Don’t speak to him like that,”The woman said.

“Then how should I Carol,”I snapped at her now.

“That is no way to talk to your mother,”She said getting ready for our fight.

It took me just a few minutes to tick off my little brother and mother. That has to be a new record or something. Nick ran after me as I dodge his attack and let the scythe cut his arm and he disappeared. I turn to my mother as she looked at me horrified. I spun the weapon in my hand as she looked at me.

She got on the bike she rode on here and left me there. As she went on her way she yelled one thing at me that I knew only she and the rest knew about. I looked toward the ground as it came to me.

“You were the death to all not the saver of the world,”Was what she screamed at me.

I was about five and I was already taking lives from the innocent. I honestly didn’t like it but people never thought about us as the same people like the angels and all. I spun the scythe around my neck as a girl with dark brown hair walked up. She had to be the same age as me. I smiled and put the scythe to her neck. She looked at it before her eyes went black and she disappeared into a shadow.

Okay that never happened before. I looked around for her but had no luck. I heard a laugh and looked up in a tree. There she stood on a branch above me.

“You are funny you know,”She said smiling.

“I’m not funny,”I said hitting the tree as it fell.

“Why do you kill people?”She ask jumping out of it as it fell,”You are better than that.”

“For everyone hates me,”I said holding her at point again,”For I’m death and everyone knows that.”

“Well I’m darkness and you don’t see me killing people around the clock.”


“I’m Max Artemis Walker.”

“Linus Hades Night.”

“That’s a cool name,”She said smiling again as she walked around the blade,”I’m a dark angel and my dad is THE warrior John Walker.”

“Your dad is him.”

“Yep,”She said popping the ‘p’.

I looked into her eyes as they changed to a nicer green color. I lowered the weapon as she leaned on the fallen tree. I watched as it straightened up behind her as if she wanted that. I looked at her as two people came up. The woman looked like an older version of her while the man was different but he was John Walker.

“Max what are you doing?”The man asked picking her up.

“This is Linus Night,”She told him,”He’s a good demon now.”

“No I’m not,”I said but even I was doubting it,”Or at least I don’t think so.”

“Linus why is that family still alive,”I heard my father ask.

“Who you talking to,”Max said as her father put his hand over her mouth.

“Not you,”Dad snapped at her,”Linus.”

“Well,”I said looking at the girl as she licked her father’s hand,”Why do we kill people?”


“Why do we kill people?”

“For they don’t deserve life,”He said looking at the family,”And unlike this family we know who are suppose to live and who are to die. So finish the job Linus.”

I looked at her as she smiled at me. It was like she knew who I was. Like she knew what I was going to chose. I turned to my father and shook my head as he stared at me.

“Finish it Linus,”He said taking out his scythe,”Or I will.”

I didn’t move so he went to. I watched her smile as I thought about him disappearing. I closed my eyes knowing they weren’t going to do anything but hurt him. But it went silent. I opened my eyes up to see that he was gone. Everything of him was gone. I looked around for him but I couldn’t find where he had went.

“You sent him to the dark Island,”Max said standing in front of me,”See your not bad just misunderstood.”

I looked up at the sky to see the moon was full tonight. I use to murder people till she came. I turned my back on my family and sent my father to somewhere I can only send them as we had learned.

“Linus are you coming here or not,”I heard her say through the helmet.

“Give me a minute,”I said putting it on,”I just had to think about something.”

“You did get rid of your family right?”She asked as I gave off a half laugh.

“Nothing gets by you does it,”I said getting back on the road.

“Nothing,”She said as I heard voices,”Give me one more minute. I got to go.”

“Have fun.”

“I try.”

“I know,”I said going to the place.

Chapter 6

I looked at Charlie as he had to tell me that my mom wanted to see me. I turned on my heels making sure he got a mouth full of my hair as I walked away from him. I heard him act like he was blowing it out as I walked down the hallway. I looked at a picture of me and this girl that looked like my dad. Whatever. I went back to what I was doing as I went back to what was going on.

Her name was...We don’t have time to go over the past. I kept walking down as I saw more of me and that girl as we were around the same age. I looked at the huge black doors I stood in front of. There was a grand room where my mother shorted out arguments like that. Or should I say with a fight if it was bad.

I pushed the doors open as I saw two of my cousins there fighting. I gave a laugh as I had to flip through the swords to keep from getting sliced. I rolled as I came back up and they clapped for me.

“Hello mom,”I said trying to pull it off that I was in control of everything and not like when I left Washington.

“Where’s Linus?”She asked looking at me.

“He’s on his way,”I said as thing one and dumb two stopped what they were doing to look at me,”He had some family issues to deal with.”

“You are bringing a demon here,”Travis said.

“You remember what happen last time he was here,”Kevin said.

“Yes I do,”I snapped,”But he is on our side of the problem idiots. Mom does dumb one and two have to be here right now?”

“Yes honey,”She said sweetly,”now go to your room and I’ll send Linus up when he gets here.”

I nodded and bumped my shoulder into the two idiot’s. They looked at me as I ran up to my room. I shut the door, as my room was on the third floor sixth door down from the stairs. I slammed it close and took deep breathes as I felt something different inside me for once.

Best friends forever,A girl’s voice said in my head.

I turn to the window and opened it. I hadn’t told anyone about the voice since the whole me getting kidnapped thing happen. I looked at the night sky as I knew that the girl was from my past. She was someone I had pushed away from me for I was scared that she would take everything from me. I can’t even remember what had happen to her.

“Stop thinking about her,”I yelled at myself throwing my hair brush at the window making it shattered,”She is not important any more. And will never be to you.”

But you miss me,The voice said in my head again.

“Get out of my head,”I said falling to the ground,”Leave me alone.”

I curled up into a ball on the ground as I knew the voice sounded older than what I been hearing. It was like the same age as mine now. But she been gone for...I don’t even know how long. I let out tears as I heard footsteps come up. I looked at my clock and saw that it was already one in the mourning. I got myself together as Linus walked in. He looked at the glass I had shattered and then up at me.

“Someone tried to attack me,”I said as he saw the brush I had threw.

“You threw your hairbrush at them,”He said as if in doubt about that.

“Yeah for it’s fun to chunk things unlikely to do anything at people to make them leave,”I said smiling,”So how was the fam?”

“Still insane.”

“So I’m going with good crazy.”

“That would be it. Why is the window really shattered.”

“I got mad at it.”

“That doesn’t happen to a window Max.”

“For me it does.”

He rolled his eyes at me as I smiled brightly at him. He gave me a laugh as the voice said ‘Awww’ in my head. I sighed as it wasn’t leaving anytime soon. He took a seat on my bed as my mom walked in and looked at the window again. Let’s just say that it has happened before and I used the same excuse every time.

“Note to self get shatterproof glass for Max’s room,”She said as Linus looked at her,”Yes it has happened before many times. I don’t know how you can get mad at a window like she does.”

“I’m special,”I said sitting down.

“Yes you are,”Mom said looking at me,”So this is about finding Nathan.”

“Yep,”We both said.

“Well then you should know where he is,”She said looking more at Linus than me,”For that is where he is. The last time I heard of him was when Max was sent here to me. So this is about unfreezing those kids now.”

I smiled shyly as she nodded at me. I looked at the window as she waved her hand and it fixed itself again. I really got to stop taking out my anger at the window.

“Next time aim for the mirror or something besides the window,”She said leaving the two of us,”Or at least don’t throw anything at it.”

“Try not to,”I called back as things one and two came in.

“If anything bad happens,”Kevin said looking at the demon.

“We will not…”Travis started but I cut him off.

“You two are not twins!”I yelled at them,”So don’t try to be like that. And if you dare say something to Linus about bad things happening I will personally send you on a one way trip to the dark island.”

“You can’t even do that,”Travis said.

“We will see,”I said getting into his face.

You see Travis is older than Kevin by a year but they also look exactly like each other and think the same way. So they think they are twins. They do know that they are not but they just want to be that way. I had also figured out that Travis is the lead man on everything they do. They had black hair but had golden eyes. They were also angels of darkness like my Aunt Sara and Uncle Jacky.

“I would like to see you try,”Travis said as my eyes went dark.

“Fine I will,”I said as everything around me started to swirl around me.

I looked at Travis as he was looking at me terrified now. I focused till I heard him scream for me to stop. I did and looked at his sorry face. I took a step forward as he fumbled back. Kevin looked at me and they both ran out of my room as the window shattered again. I really need it to be shattered proof.

“Cousins,”I said throwing myself on my bed,”I can just live without them.”

You said that about me and now look at what is going on,The voice said again.

“I could go without family,”Linus said laying on my back,”This is a comfy bed.”

“You’re on me,”I said into my pillow.

“What was that?”He mocked me.

“Get off,”I said rolling over.

He fell off the bed and to the ground. I laughed as he stood up and went to the door. I watched him as he stopped at the door. It was like he was thinking about something. He turned to me and watched my features as he was scared of what to say I guess.

“I know where he is,”He said looking at me,”I put him there.”

“Where is he?”I asked hoping I was wrong.

“The dark Island,”He said leaving.

“I had to guess that,”I said as I threw myself to my bed,”Why does the world hate me?” 

Chapter 7

I looked at the girl as she smiled back at me. I saw that a younger version of me walked into the room and looked at her. I watched as the younger version looked around then back at her.

“Maxy why can’t I meet your friends?”The girl asked as I watch them.

“For they are mine and I don’t want you stealing them from me,”Younger me said,”Plus you are not like them and won’t understand Linus.”

“But he’s cute,”The girl argued,”Please give me a chance Maxy. I won’t misunderstand them.”

“I can live without you in my life,”Younger me said as she turned around and the room started to swirl,”I could really.”

I watched as the glass shattered and the girl that wanted to see my friends disappeared without another word. Younger me turned around and saw nothing. She ran around looking for the girl and saw the window as it was fixing. She looked in it and saw the girl there on an island. I watched as the younger me picked up a brush and chunked it at the window.

“Max what was that,”Mom asked as younger me looked around.

“The window took her,”I said running to her,”So I had to break it.”

“We’ll get her back,”Mom said as the room around me disappeared.

I shot up wide awake. What was that? How did that happen to the girl? I looked around and went to the window. Sure enough there was the girl smiling at me. I looked around and saw that the island was something I didn’t know of. She put her hand through the glass and I picked up the book next to me and threw it at the window.

I watched it shattered and mom was at the door. I looked at her as she came to my side. What is going on with me? She pulled me into her lap as I cried out of fear now. Who was that girl?

“Max is there something you’re not telling me?”Mom asked in a calming voice.

“I’m hearing voices in my head,”I said looking at her,”It was a child’s at first. Now it is the same age as mine. Mom what is going on with me?”

“I wish I knew sweetheart,”She said standing up,”I really wish I knew.”

I looked at the door to see Linus looking at me. All that girl wanted to do was meet him. But I sent her away I think. But where is that? I stood up and got my stuff ready. He looked at me as I turned to my mother. She smiled at me and nodded her head to me. Okay this should be fun.

I stood next to Linus as he was ready to go. I looked at mom as her eyes went black and the room started to reach out at us. I closed my eyes as I was wrapped up in a blanket of shadows. Everything was swirling around me. I kept my eyes closed as the world I knew went away from me.

When I hit the ground I opened them up and saw the island. Great now I have to go through this. I looked around and I didn’t see Linus anywhere. Oh no I forgot that we would be separated if not holding hands. I was on one side of the Island where people like me go while he was on the demon side.

“I’m an Idiot,”I said shouldering my bag.

I began to walk to the west since I knew that I was on the east side. I looked around me as I wanted to scream my head off. I knew there was eyez on me as I walked with pride in each step.

“Where you goin?”I heard a familiar voice ask.

“To find my friend,”I said not stopping,”He’s a demon name Linus.”

“Linus is here,”The voice said,”Son of King Mason Night. Death.”

“Yep that one,”I said back to him,”Plus his dad is not a king.”

“Here he is,”The voice said turning me here,”When he came here he took over everyone. No one was safe unless they stayed where their part of the island was. If your friend is his son then I wouldn’t go looking for him.”

“Why not,”I sassed.

“For King Mason wants revenge on his son and the girl that changed the boy,”It said.

“Do I know you?”I questioned looking at the guy.

He was taller than me and by a lot. He had brown hair and blue eyes. He looked very familiar to me. He just looked at me as if saying ‘what do you think’. I looked at him and he realized that I didn’t.

“Yes you do Max,”He said looking at me,”I was there when you first busted up a fight between my group and a human. You sent us here with help of your dad. The name is Adam Pate.”

I nodded and began to walk again. He caught up with me as I tried to lose him. But he kept following me. Leave me alone! I weaved in and out of the trees as he disappeared from behind me. I looked forward and saw a cliff. I tried to slow down my pace but slide off and was hanging by a root that I caught.

“Are you alright?”Adam asked looking down at me.

“Yeah,”I said trying to climb back up it.

“You need help,”He said coming to help me.

“No I don’t,”I said slipping down a little bit,”I got this. Now just leave me alone.”

“No you need help getting back up here,”He said as others came and looked at me,”let us help you Max.”

“I don’t need it,”I growled at them as I got my grip back,”I can do this by myself.”

I looked at the top and focused on for my wings to come out. But nothing had happened. What? I looked at the root as it was shrinking on me. No, no, no. I looked up as I lost my grip and about five pair of hands grabbed my hands. They all pulled me up at once. I looked around as everyone there was asking me if I was alright.

“I’m fine,”I said looking at Adam,”Why couldn’t I fly back up here?”

“The island you send us to is enchanted that when we are in the certain sections we can’t use powers,”he said patting my back,”You are in one of those. That’s why I left and went to get help. But if you want to help Linus out you have to find a certain person.”

“Let me guess Nathan,”I said as he looked at me.

“Yes how did you know that?”

“Let’s just say that I think the world hates me.”

“It has those days to us.”

“Where is he?”

“Five miles north from here.”



I began my way up there thinking of everything I could be doing right now. I could be training with my dad at the academy. I could be goofing off with Linus at the nearby park. But no I have to find the one person who was so desperate to save me that he had to give me to the other side. Isn’t this just great.




I can’t believe they left the school without telling me. More importantly while Jason was talking to me in person. I looked at him as he been sitting in my office the whole night now. He won’t even tell me where they had gone.

“Jason at least give me something to work on to find them,”I said again as he looked at his watch.

“They went to her mother’s,”he said leaving.

What! I ran to my car and jumped in. I can’t believe they went there. Why did they go there in the first place? I drove all the way there going faster than the human eye can see. I was at Dallas in under three seconds. As I went there I ran straight for her room. I looked at the window shattered on the ground. Note to self get shatter proof glass for Max’s room.

“Elizabeth!”I yelled as she walked in the room.

“You just missed them,”She said looking at me,”But why did you give them an order to go to the Dark Island is beyond me.”

“They went where?”I asked as she looked at me.

“The Dark Island,”She said looking at me,”Max ran in here yesterday saying that you told them that they had to go get Nathan for something big. You didn’t did you?”

“When she gets back She is grounded for the rest of her life,”I yelled.

“She’s going to get him for they need him,”Jason said in the doorway.

“How did you…”I started.

“First you need a better system to keep students in,”He said walking to me,”I also got into the car before you sped away.”

“Why do they need Nathan,”Me and Elizabeth asked together.

“To get the others out of course,”He said,”She isn’t strong enough to break the rest. For it takes darkness and only her and Nathan can do it.”

“Why them two?”Elizabeth asked for me.

“For he was there when she found us,”He said looking at the window,”He and her did the same thing. What happen to the window?”




I hate this island! When I landed I was right at the feet of my father. I looked around for Max but she was nowhere to be found. I laughed as I saw my brother there as well. Great she is over on the angels side while I’m on demon kill land.

“Hey,”I said trying to act like it was old times.

“I was hoping one day you would have to come here for Nathan or someone else,”Dad said coming at me,”Oh so that you know there are no powers here. Unless you move to someone else territory.”

“My king I just got news of a girl,”Someone said,”Max Walker is on the other side of the island looking for Linus.”

“Well look at that,”He said then turned to my brother,”Get her and finish the job.”

“Will do my king,”He said running off.

“King?”I said as he looked at me.

“When you sent me here I took over,”he said coming at me.

I don’t think so. I said running under him and to the other side of the island. Gotta get out of here and fast. I looked at a bike and jumped over it. I grabbed a match and lite it. I threw it at the bike and BOOM no more bike and they can’t get to me. I laughed but hit something hard.

I stumble back and saw big Mike. Okay is my whole family here or something. I smiled at my cousin as he laughed at me. As he went to grab me I went under his legs. That’s what you get when you are as tall as a mountain Mike. I reached a cliff and didn’t stop at that. I jumped sliding down the side as everyone else stopped right there.

“Have fun at the pits,”Dad yelled as I looked at where I was going.

“You got to be kidding me,”I said as I stopped right before I fell in.

I looked back up and saw that they were circling me. Okay no way back up and I don’t want to go down there. I looked up at the sky as the sun was beating down on me. Isn’t this a nice day. I rolled my eyes and walked around the edge of the pit. If I go that way maybe I can go under ground. But then how would I get back up to the other side?

“No and no,”I said looking at my spot in this,”I guess I’m sitting this one out.”

I made camp for myself as I saw dad telling them to make sure I don’t get killed by anything else but him. Wow that is so nice. Well I hope Max can find Nathan and me before the world ends for me. 

Chapter 8

I just want to get this over with. I been walking for hours and Adam was with me for I have no Idea where I’m going. Walked three circles before I asked for help. I looked at the sun as it was really hot to me. I had to take off my short sleeve shirt to show my blue tank top I had on. I was in blue jean shorts, combat boots, and my spiked gloves. It was simple but yet moveable.

“How much longer till we get there?”I whinned for the eighteenth time today.

“Soon,”He said looking back at me,”You really aren’t use to this are you?”

“I lived in Washington for two years and Louisiana for the others,”I said as he nodded,”Hey why are you helping me out anyways?”

“For the world needs you,”He said stopping,”We all knew that but it took being sent here to figure that out. Nathan was the only one that got off for he found the girl in the window.”

“The what in the what,”I said knowing where this was going.

“A girl in the window,”He said,”She lives in the pit for it really is another island where the warriors go when they are sent here. She looks like John Walker a little bit.”

“I sent her here,”I said in a small voice.

“If you don’t think about it you might remember her Max,”I heard a familiar voice.

I looked up to see Nathan’s older brother Josh. He laughed at me as I stared wide eyed at him. He got taller and looked nothing like Nathan with his blue hair and grey eyes. He was also tan which was new about him.

“The island changes you,”He said going up to Adam,”I got her from here big guy.”

“Well see you later Max,”Adam said leaving us.

“Come on before the demons get here,”Josh said leading me.

“What?”I asked as he looked around.

“They know you a here,”He said,”My dad still wants you out of his hair. He is now helping King Mason get to you. Nathan and I were the only ones to find her but she said that she can send one back for help. I told Nathan to go and see you.”

I nodded as we walked under trees and a cool breeze hit my hot body. It felt nice to have cool air again. I looked forward and saw a little hut in the tree line of a beach. I looked at Josh as he smirked at me. Boys are so weird sometimes.

I walked inside to see it was like a little house. I walked around to the living room where a TV and Wii sat. The kitchen was like a regular beach house. It was a simple beach house out here. I was amazed by it. I walked around till I backed up to someone and their arms wrapped around my waist.

“Hey there,”His voice said into my ear.

I spun around to see Nathan there. He hadn’t changed one bit from that day. He gave me a sad smile as I looked into his eyes. They were still the same ones that I had trusted for so long. I had to look away as that day came to mind.

“I’m really sorry for that day Max,”He said raising my head to face him,”I didn’t know they were apart of that place. And when I attacked you I was trying to get your attention.”

“I get that Nathan,”I said looking at him,”But right now I need your help for two things now.”

“Like what?”He asked sitting us both on a couch.

“Well me and Linus came to see if you would help me get them out of the ice block,”I said as he went wide eyed,”I got Jason out but I can’t get the rest. Now though I need help saving Linus from…”

“His own family,”Nathan said bringing out a knife,”Like the one that’s been listening in on the talk.”

He threw it and pinned Linus’s little brother to the wall. I watched Nick kick at us and a shadow grabbed at Nathan. Nathan stood up and went to the young boy as if this was normal. I stayed seated as I watched them talk about two different things. Nathan was talking about Linus and his where abouts while Nick was going on about the need to destroy me.

“Last chance before we give you to the pit,”Nathan said as Nick’s eyes went wide,”Where is Linus?”

“He is at the edge of the pit,”Nick sang for us,”He was trying to get away and fell down the cliff. He thought that it was a good idea til Dad said that it was the pit.”

“Wow that’s all you had to do to get him to talk,”I said as Nathan smiled at me.

“Yeah now for the fun part,”He said as Josh got Nick down and tied him up,”We can’t use our powers in our parts of the island but when you cross over to another one you can.”

“So what now,”I asked as Nathan got his things.

“We take him back home and go get Linus,”He told me taking my hand.

He lead me out as Josh bond Nick’s hands in some weird vines. I looked at him as the girl in the window showed up in my mind. She mouthed words to me as I shook her away. I looked at him and smiled as she was singing in my mind.

You and him are cute together,She said in my head.

The voice followed me here of all places. I looked away as we began our walk away from the amazing house they stayed in. I looked back as it disappeared right in front of me.

“It does that,”Nathan said with a half laugh,”We made it so that it comes when we need it the most.”

“How did you do that?”I asked with amazement.

“The same vines we used to tie up Nick there,”He said,”They can prevent powers being used but they also allow some magic to work like the house.”

“Are you still the same,”I said looking at him as he gave me a confused look.

“Yeah I am Max. Why would you ask that of me?”

“I guess after the whole getting my memory erased thing, I have doubts.”

“Well I am and what Linus did to me was alright.”

“Linus did this to you!”

“Yeah but he had the right to. I did scar you for life with that.”

“You did that. But I would have never figured out that my dad has two passwords.”

“You are still the same girl.”

I laughed as it was like old times. I leaned my tired body on him as I felt like the world was on my shoulders now. It gave me a headache just thinking about that. I closed my eyes as I felt someone picked me up. I put my arms around Nathan’s neck and let my head rest on his chest.

“Go to sleep if you want to,”He said,”We’ll get to Linus and her soon enough.”

“Who’s her?”I asked as the dark past took me.

“Dad can I meet Max’s friends?”The girl asked.

“No!”Little me snapped at her.

“Why not?”Dad asked me.

“For they are mine and only mine,”I said crossing my arms,”And I don’t want her taking them from me.”

“I won’t take them,”She said.

“Yes you will,”Little me said,”You took Aunty Mace and Uncle Jeff from me. They love you more and our whole family does. But I’m the stronger one. I should be getting love like that.”

I watched as dad looked at her and Nathan was knocking in the door. I remember this day well. I turned and looked at the girl. I looked at dad as if saying for him to take her out of here. He shook his head as the doorknob turned. I ran to the door and slide through the cracks. I faced Nathan as he smiled at me.

“Who were you talking to?”He asked as I smiled.

“Myself,”I said as her voice was asking our dad to take her out here.

“There it is again,”He said going for the knob.

“That was me,”I said taking his hand,”One of the new talents I’m working on.”

I woke up as he had put me down and was hiding. I looked at him as he smiled knowing I was awake. I went to his side as I saw a huge dog. The thing was not a dog though. It was a cross between a wolf and what I think use to be a very uncle bear on steroids.

“You need to mimic your dad’s call for a lion,”Nathan said as I looked at him,”You can do that can you.”

“Of course I can,”I said getting the fake in it,”I just havn’t heard it in a while.”

“I know you lied to me that day,”Nathan said looking at the thing,”But right now you really need to try to make that sound like him.”

“I don’t even remember what it sounded like,”I confessed.

It was a mix between a lion and a scream,The voice said in my head,It is that weird sound he did that scared the…

“Heck out of you,”Nathan finished for her,”The voice I can hear it too you know.”

I looked at him as he laughed at me. Here goes that awful sound. I closed my eyes and went for it. As soon as I heard it I stopped and the thing ran off. I looked at Nathan as he laughed at me. Whatever egg head. I stood up pushing him down and went on my way.

“Why didn’t you let her see us?”He asked as Josh followed behind us with Nick complaining.

“I don’t even remember her,”I said honestly,”So how am I supposed to know the why if I don’t even know the who.”

“Maybe for you locked them up,”He said as I stopped with him,”Josh can we have a minute.”

“Yeah,”He said pulling Nick away,”You can get a break now.”

“What do you mean by that?”I asked him as he looked at me.

“I think you just locked them up for you are afraid of it coming back,”he said,”The girl in the window is the girl in your head. You know who she is and they are just now coming back to you. Max I think you would be shook at who she was and how she got into the pit.”

“Nathan how do you know that?”I asked as he smirked at me like it was right in my face.

“For the two of you are more alike than you probably have ever thought of. She even looks like your dad Maxy. With a thing for someone close to you.” 

Chapter 9



I been sitting here for who knows how long. But someone is helping me I think. I know that it’s a girl for sure but the how is not there. Every few hours something would come up from the pit and it would be something good for me. But when they send a guy down to see what is doing it they would get attacked and run back up.

I didn’t know what to do about it or what to do with it. But right now I’m not complaining about it. I watched as the hand came up with what looked like a note of something.

“Take it,”The voice said nicely.

I did and her hand disappeared again. That is one weird kid. I looked at the blue piece of paper as it was small but as I unfolded it the little paper got bigger. She must have a lot of time to learn how to folded it that small. I turned it the right way and read over the fancy writing on it.

Dear Linus,

Yes I know your name and your past. I’m here to help you out till Max and Nathan get here. I know you want to know who I am and why I’m helping you out but trust me that will soon be answered. Right now all you gotta do is make it look like the pit is an evil place where you go to die forever. Or at least that is what they think it is for.

I’m also going to give you a little background information about me. You can’t know my real name but I use to be call KK. I’m like John Walker with the power and what I am thing. I have always watched over you and Max. Plus your crush on her is so cute.

They are looking for you and are on their way. It might take a few days for them to get here but you will be alright if you stay near the entrance like you are.

Your helper,


I looked into the pit as I heard laughter ring out of it. I looked up at the others and they cowered away from the edge but looked over it at me. This should be very fun. I stood up and made it look like I was falling into it. A little weird tentacle came out to look like it was getting me.

“Stay back you thing,”I said cutting it off as what looked like fake blood came out of it,”Okay that’s gross.”

“You didn’t just cut that,”Maxwell said.

“I just did,”I said sounding a little like Max now,”Why you asking?”

“For now it’s angry with you,”He said sinking back from the edge,”We have to find a way to get him out without it getting us.”

I rolled my eyes and looked up at the sky. It was starting to get dark now. I looked over at the edge of the pit and saw blue-grey eyes staring at me. I looked closer and I think I saw a little bit of Max and her dad in those eyes.

“Here you go,”The voice said in a whisper,”And thanks for making ‘it’ mad.”

“Your welcome,”I said taking the basket from her,”Also where are you getting all of this?”

“There’s a little island down here,”She said nicely,”I live on it with a few other people. We keep the island here safe and sound for you all. We help you all out and if we think you deserve another chance in the other world we send you there. That’s how Nathan got back but Max send him back for who knows why.”

“He was attacking us,”I said sitting down.

“No he was trying to warn her and apologies,”She said leaving me.

I looked in to it trying to see the rest of the girl there. I had no luck but as I looked through the basket I saw fruit and things that I liked. Okay it is so weird how well she knew me. I went through the basket and saw a picture in there as well. I took it out and looked at it. It was Nathan, Max, and Me. How did she get this picture of us.

We were standing in front of the school. Nathan and me had hands together with Max standing on our arms. We looked like we were trying to be the next big thing and which Max was. She had it hard for everyone thought she would turnout to be like her dad.

“It’s sad really,”The voice said again.

“What do you mean?”I asked it.

“I mean that Max has to be an example for everything,”She said giving me more pictures,”I watched all of you worked together. I seen how you all thought you could push the norm for everything. But you forgot that Max has a lot more on her shoulders than you had thought.”

“Everyone thinks she can do it all. I wished she could just see that…”

“That she doesn’t have to be like that.”

“How did you know that?”

“No reason.”

She disappeared again as I looked for a way to bring the girl back. What was that in the first place? I looked in there but saw nothing. I rolled my eyes and laid on the little bed I made up. It was mostly on the what I found in my bag type thing. A little sleeping bag and some straw that was down here. I watched as the stars moved around the sky as it was really a nice thing to do when you have nothing to do.

“Is he still down there?”I heard dad ask.

“Yeah and he cut it’s tentacle off,”Mike said as I looked up at them.

“Still don’t get why that’s a bad thing,”I sang to them and whispered,”I been around Max way too long.”

“For you have made it mad and now we all are going to die from it,”Dad said for me.

“Yeah that sounds fun,”I joked around.

“Any news from Nick about the job?”Dad asked ignoring me again.

“No sir,”Mike said looking at him,”I think Nathan got him again. Or someone from side goody-good.”

“Goody-good,”I said as they looked at me,”What are y’all three.”

“No that’s what we call them for they think acting good the pit will let them go back to the real world,”Mike snapped at me,”A whole group of Dark Angels do it.”

Dad smiled evilly at me as I waved at him. He really hates me and that is a fact. I watched as a man came out from a shadow. He was Nathan’s dad. What is he doing right here? Dad turned to him with a smile on his face now. What is he going to do now?

“Send your troops after that son of yours,”Dad said looking at me,”If Nick has been taken free him and leave the girl for him. I want them both gone.”

“It would be my pleasure King,”Nathan’s dad said,”I will also bring their bodies here to let good old Linus see his friends dead bodies.”

“If you dare touch them!”I yelled as he laughed down at me.

“Oh I have some business to work out with the two of them,”He said leaving,”I’ll tell them you said hey.”

I looked at my dad as he laughed at me. I looked at the pit as fire shot out of it. I heard her slightly yell out a ‘if you touch my…’But stopped knowing something. I looked back up and saw that they all had scattered away. I looked back as all of the underworld broke loss. I had to dive out of the way as fire, air, water, ice, and many other elements flew out of there.

“You did this Linus,”I heard my Aunt Nikki yell out as she dived out of the way of a rock.

“I think it was you this time,”I called back as I stayed down where it was safe,”I rather take the pit over y’all any day.”

“Linus you have to stay down from the attack,”KK said to me,”For people don’t insult Max and y’all.” 

Chapter 10

I want to get this day over with. We had fought five of those weird dog things, four weird flying giant bugs, and one demon looking tree. Yes a tree attacked me and I needed to be chop out of its hand, branch. I looked ahead as I saw the area around us became lighter in the forest. I looked at Nathan as he seemed to smile some.

“Try making a small flame,”He said as we walked into the lighter area.

“OKay,”I said doing it and getting a flame,”Are we out of it now.”

“Yep and right in time for the night sky,”He said as Nick looked at me.

“So we are suppose to fight people without powers,”I said as Nick looked at me,”Isn’t that wrong though.”

“Not this time,”Nathan said looking at Nick as well,”They are not helpless. The Demons learned how to work without their powers. They can survive on just simple weapons and the way they fight. That’s why you don’t see many of them leave here when they are good.”

I nodded and looked at the stars. I use to love looking up at them with...With...I can’t even remember the with. Nathan put his arm around me as I was brought back to earth. Why can’t I remember things that are so important now. Like who that girl is to me.

For we are really close and you thought if you locked the memories away you would be able to sleep again,Her voice said in my head,Knowing what you did to me was too much. It blocked your powers from growing like you. I stay quiet so that you could grow again.

Why did you do that? I looked at the sky as the stars twinkled like like diamonds.

For I wanted you to be the best you are Max. I was always there and when that thing happen I knew it was time for me to talk to you like this again.

“She feels really bad KK,”Nathan said as Josh lead Nick ahead of us,”How’s Linus doing now.”

He’s good Nathan,She said.

“Did you call her KK?”I asked as something clicked a little bit.

“I did,”Nathan smirked a little bit,”Why?”

“I use to watch the stars with a girl name KK,”I said looking up,”She loved seeing them glow like little diamonds in the sky. It was like watching her eyes sparkle with them.”

“See you are remembering her a little at a time.”

“We use to spend some days running around chasing butterflies and catching fireflies.”

“Can you think of a name for her?”

“No just KK. Why can’t I remember anything else!”

“It’s a start,”Nathan said taking my hand,”You’ll get there sooner or later.”

I nodded as I looked forward and saw what I think was movement up ahead. I looked closer and everything looked like it was moving at fast forward. What in the name of everything good is going on? I went forward as Nathan looked at it a little bit scared by it all.

“Nathan where are we?”I asked as I faced him.

“Max behin…”Nathan started but I didn’t get the rest as something knocked me out.




I knew that dad was here when everything started to move faster. I tried to warn Max about him but he had knocked her out. I faced him as Nick was by him holding up Josh. I looked at the two as this was not how this was suppose to go.

“Hello again Nathan,”Dad said smiling at me,”It’s been a while.”

“What are you doing here,”I said taking my bag off.

“To finish some old business,”He said as Nick took Max by her hair,”And to make sure this boy does what his brother couldn’t.”

“Really for by the looks of it I would say that you are here to talk,”I said as a little figure of a rabbit bounced out,”Hey a bunny.”

“Where?”Nick said as the shadow jumped to him,”Bunny.”

“Boy leave the animal alone and take the stupid girl,”Dad said facing Nick as I smiled,”We don’t know anything about when she will wake up.”

I jumped on his back as the little harmless bunny went evil on Nick. Dad tried to get me off as Josh woke up and saw what was happening. I jumped off and landed by Josh and Max. She was still out cold and we had two very upset very powerful beings in front of us.




I stayed on the ground as I heard Josh and Nathan stand over me. I let my eyes run around with my thoughts as I had a stupid idea now. As I heard them get closer I made the three bags get closer to us. I felt them latch to each other and to the one on my back. I grabbed Nathan’s and Josh’s ankle as I knew Nathan hates it when I do this.

“You’re not,”Nathan said as I shadow traveled to the nearest edge of the pit,”And you did.”

“You’re welcome,”I said standing up.

“Why are we here of all places,”Nathan said as his dad walked over to us,”We are literally five feet from where we were five seconds ago.”

“Trust me,”I whispered stepping forward.

“That’s my stupid line,”Nathan said looking down.

“Come and get us then,”I smirked as Nick and Nathan’s dad ran at me.

I ducked down as the other two did as well. I heard yelling as I went to the edge of the pit. Powers don’t work in the area around the pit. Learned that the hard way. I watched them struggle to hang on to the branch as some weird looking arm came out to grab them.

“Help us,”Nick yelled at me.

“Why,”I said as they looked at me.

“Please,”Nick said again,”You are suppose to be the good guys. You help people.”

“True but that’s only the good people,”I said sitting down on the edge,”You are not the good people.”

“I can change,”Nick cried to me,”Linus changed so can I.”

“I saw the good in him when people couldn’t see that. You are a little worst than he was.”

“I promise I can be good.”

“Shut up boy,”Nathan’s dad said as I laughed,”We both know she is not going to let us hang here forever.”

I stood up and we went on our little way. I heard screams for help as Nathan and Josh laughed at me. I am the good guy but not when you knock me out and try to kill me without a fair fight first. I looked up at the sky as I thought about everything I could about this KK person now. Nothing much came up and I knew I had to think of another way to do this before dad figures out how to get here and I’m grounded for the rest of my sad life.

“You alright,”Nathan said as I looked at him.

“Why you asking,”I said as he smiled.

“I missed that voice,”He said with a blush coming to his face,”I missed you a lot actually.”

“Nath why did you think that would had helped me?”I asked wanting to know.

“For when they figure out how to reopen the island so it can go two ways everything good would be destroyed unless it is already saved,”He said,”Dad gave me three things that I wanted to save. He knew that I was good but my mom had me on her save list. So I choose you and that was all I needed. Now though I also said Linus and KK. We would need them in the world if they figure out how to do that.”

“You should have said that instead of trying to make me go there the way you did,”I smiled at him,”Then I would have understand that more.” 

Chapter 11



I looked into the mirror to see the kids on two different parts of the island. I looked at Jason as he gave me a sly smile. That kid is the reason she went to this stupid island to find the boy that hurt her the most. Why would he do that? I went back to the mirror as I watched the two struggle there.

I looked into the pit as blue-grey eyes looked up from it at the two hanging there. Wait that can’t be...It has to be her. KK was there in the pit. I thought she would have been sent to some other place like...I can’t think of one right now.

“She outsmart them,”Jason said leaning on the doorway.

“Don’t you have school work to go do,”I said now trying to get rid of him.

“Done with that three hours ago,”He said coming by me,”Right now I wanted to know the passwords to go see how the ice is doing.”

“Why?”I asked as he looked at me now.

“I’ll show,”he said as we took off.

I lead him down to the basement and went down to the ice. I whispered the passwords to both doors as he looked at me. I already have Max knowing them I don’t need Jason knowing. He went in first as I saw that it was slowly melting now. I use to be the size of the room now it was only half that size. Why was this happening.

“Both Max and Nathan did it,”Jason said explaining,”So when she broke it with what she held it started the progress of melting. If they don’t get here in time we are going to have to put them somewhere where they can’t get damaged. I wanted to tell them that but I knew if I did Max would never have left to get him.”

“So we need it almost freezing in here to save them all,”I said as he nodded,”That’s just great.”

I went over to the computer since I was lucky and everything here could be freezed without damage to it. I locked it down and set the temp down to as cold as I could get it. I turned to Jason as we left and the cameras came on to help keep track of them.

“Will they be able to do it,”he asked as I looked at him.

“It’s Max, Nathan, and Linus,”I said looking at the window,”With a plus one. I think they can do it.”




I watched Max move to the left of the pit as they were in Were territory now. The wolves were good people but had tempers like a dog. Hey that’s funny. I went to check on Linus to see that he was still in an argument against his father. Demons can argue and argue all day long.

“KK came in here,”I heard Mrs. Tate call for me.

“Ok,”I called back going from the pit.

I ran into the beach house thing we stayed in. It was me and her here. There was also about ten other people like us here but we stayed to ourselves. I opened the door to see that she was fixing something for Linus again. I smiled as I loved helping people out. It made me feel like I was helping the world out like my Dad and sister.

“So how are they doing with the time crunch?”She asked as I smiled.

“Good for it is half sized plus Jason just got the room beyond freezing cold,”I said getting the basket ready,”Max and Nathan are bonding again and soon all three or four will be here for us to send back home.”

“Maybe five,”She said as I gave a confused look,”With Max and you both doing the same thing you could go back home with them.”

“I thought the others said that was impossible for me to go back home,”I said as she filled the basket up.

“It’s not,”She said pushing me out the door.

I walked up to the edge as I saw Linus was laying there done with their yell off. I giggled and forgot it echoed. I covered my mouth as he shot up and looked at me. It’s a good thing that the pit, as they called it, made it where you can only see eyes and hands.

“KK?”He asked as I gave him the basket.

“Yeah,”I said as he smiled.

“Why are you helping?”He asked looking up.

“For you and Max need to go back together,”I said placing my arms on the edge,”Or the others could have been like that forever.”

“That’s not a very good why you know,”He said smiling at me,”What’s the real Why?”

“Maybe I should let Max tell you when she remembers,”I said looking out toward the island,”She could explain it better to you than I can.”

“Why are you helping me?”He asked touching my hand,”That’s all you have to say.”

“For you are her best friend. Without you she would be lost in this fight with herself. I’m helping you for she needs you in her life.”

“Friend zoned.”

“But I know that someone else likes you though.”

“Yeah right.”

“I really mean it.”

“I guess you could be right,”he said laying down again,”But who would?”

“Me,”I whispered going back into my little life,”I had always cared for you.”

I went to the center of the island as the windows showed my how they were doing. I looked at one as it was in the pocket of something. How did it get there? I watched it as a voice came out.

“Hey let’s stop here for a while,”Max said,”I need to do something.”

“Ok but you can’t be long,”Nathan said as the piece seemed to move like someone was running.

I watched it closely as it was removed from the pocket and turned to face Max. She looked like Elizabeth King Walker. Max looked into it as if trying to figure something out.

“What is it Max?”I asked as she laughed.

“Who are you?”She asked as she looked around,”Better question is how did mom slip this into my...Wait when she was holding me.”

“Don’t want to know why,”I said as she looked at me again,”I’m not going to give anymore information than you already have.”

“Come on please,”She said doing her puppy dog face NO ONE can say no to.

“NO,”I said knowing it won’t work on me,”It only a you thing.”

“Can you at least tell me how you been helping me out a little,”She said looking around,”Or at least where I am at right now.”

“You are in the Were land.”

“Werewolves. Fun.”

“You will be going around the edge and you can find Linus sitting at the edge of the pit.”

“How do you know that?”

“I know a lot of things Maxy,”I said walking away from it,”You just don’t why yet.”

I went to the center of the island where training was for us. I sat in the middle and looked at the starry night. I wished Max could be here to enjoy this with me. I looked as Mason walked up. He was like my big brother. His dad sent him here on accident like how Max did to me. When it happen with her though it locked the power away from her. I really didn’t get why though.

“Thinking about her,”He said joining me.

“When am I not,”I said as he laughed at me.

“You are going back with them,”He said looking at me,”We are going to get you back.”

“How,”I said looking up at the night sky,”We tried for years. It won’t work even with my…”

Chapter 12

 I looked at the rising sun as I knew that soon we would be back home. I looked at Nathan and Josh as they were ahead of me now. I fell behind trying to think of who KK was really to me. I knew she was someone close to me but why did I not want her to meet my friends. I’m such a horrible person to do that to her.

I ran to catch up as I felt eyes on me. We were now in vamp land. So I’m a little worried that they would catch on to who I was since I sent most vamps and demons here with dad’s help. I ran a head of the boys as I heard a swish to my right.

“Max you good,”Nathan asked as I stopped and looked around.

“You don’t feel the eyes on you,”I said going on code red,”They are everywhere.”

“Just cool it down some,”Josh said as I faced them,”Nothing bad is going to…”

Whapp! I went tumbling down the slope of the pit. I grabbed a hold of the root that was half way down as Nathan and Josh were looking at what did it. I looked up and saw his red eyes staring at me. Why did he have to do this to me?

“Hello Max,”He said as Nathan and Josh got held up with two others,”It’s been a while.”

“Yeah I know,”I said struggling to hang on.

“How have you hanging,”He said as the others laughed at the joke.

“You know something I been not hanging,”I said pulling my heart locket off that I had forever,”But let me get up there to show you.”

I let go as it turned into a bow and arrows. I took one out the quiver and notched it. I took aim and shot a nearby tree. It went in and I yanked hard on the string that was attached to my arrow. I shot up and landed right in front of Chonny Lester.

I smirked at him as he had pale white skin and glowing red eyes. He was my height at around 5’4”. I sent him here when he was trying to kill an innocent girl when she was just trying to sale him girl scout cookies.

“Now what was that,”I said as he glared at me.

He went to grab me but I spun the bow around and the sharp ends of it caught him. He went back holding his hand as I had took it off for him. They looked at me as I loaded another arrow ready to fire. They looked at me as I grinned evilly at them. All at once took up Chonny and ran for it.

I put the silver and black bow up with swirls in it on my back. My bow had sharp points on the end made up of gold and silver. I had forgot who gave it to me but I had always kept it with me. My quiver was like the one Hawkeye used in the avengers. I had an arrow for any problem and they never ran out like his did.

“What are we waiting for let’s go,”I said as it turned back into it’s golden heart locket.

“Maybe for you to explain what that was,”Josh said as they both looked surprise.

“When did you learn to shot that,”Nathan said as we walked again.

“I had always known how to shot,”I said as we headed to the next place,”I never knew who gave me the locket but that I just had it my whole life. Maybe someone close to me or someone who knew me.”

They just nodded and we went on our way. I pulled out my Ipod and lucky for me it was still fully charged. I put my earbuds in and blasted the song. It was See You Again by Carrie Underwood. I smiled as I thought about KK. What is her real name? I opened the locket up and saw that she was in it with me.

Best friends forever,Her little voice said in my ears again.

There we were standing up with an arm over the others shoulder. We looked like my parents. I looked like my mom and she my dad. I sighed and closed it as I looked out at the waterfall in front of us. Josh and Nathan stopped and was looking around for something. I went up to the water and they both yanked me back together.

“Don’t go in,”They said at the same time.

“Why?”I said to them.

“Mermaids are the next ones,”Nathan said as I looked at him,”You would be surprised that they are good but are here to keep us on the island. We would have to go around the waterfall.”

I rolled my eyes and jumped in as they all looked at me. I closed my eyes and thought about seeing the mermaids. I have a time schedule and going around is not on that. I opened my eyes and saw three looking at me. I stayed where I was as they allowed me to breath underwater to talk with them.

“Hello Max,”Lindsey said,”Why are you here of all places to be right now.”

“Long story,”I said looking at them all.

Lindsey was a purple tailed mermaid with brown hair and greenish eyes. Mackenzie was next to her and Mack was a blue tailed one and grey eyes. Lastly Olivia was the one with a green tail and blue eyes. They were sisters and I knew them well enough.

“Me, Nathan, and Josh need to get by but we can’t cross they said,”I said as Lindsay looked at me,”So may we get across to save Linus?”

“Of course you can Max,”Lindsey said was we went up,”You all but need to ask us.”

“How did you do that?”Nathan said as we came up.

“We get to cross?”Josh asked still in disbelief.

“You have to ask and I don’t got time to go around,”I said smiling and swimming to the other side,”So come on.”

They jumped in and thankfully we were at the base of the falls we swam across it. I got out and waited for the two slow pokes to get here. I dried off as they climbed out and got ready to continue the walk. I looked at the sun and saw that we were indeed at about 10:30 am. Wow they day is going by faster then when you are sitting in a classroom doing work or not.

Wow using powers under water is smart,KK said in my head,When did you figure that one out?

I smiled as it was something dad had showed me. I was ten and he was teaching me how to use a power he called mind talking. It could be used when the lights are out or when you are in trouble. You had to think about the thing or person you wanted to talk to and then do it.

I was being chased by something big that I still have no idea what it was. I ran to a cliff and almost fell off of it. The thing got closer and closer till it ran into me and we both went off the cliff. I was sadly caught in a current and couldn’t get out. I shut my eyes and thought about mermaids. Soon two men came to my rescue.

I had learned two things that day. One I could get out of almost anything using some form of a power or something with my brain. Second was that when you stop on a cliff always grab the closest thing hanging from it. I gave off a laugh as Nathan looked at me like I was weird.

“I was thinking of something funny,”I said as we walked by each other.

“What was it?”He asked as Josh ran ahead most likely not wanting to be around the two of us anymore.

“When I was running from the thing and we both fell of the cliff into the water below,”I said as he looked at me,”Learn an important lesson that day.”

“To grab a hold of anything sticking out of the cliff to save your life,”he said as we laughed,”Linus was going mad when you said that you almost died from the current.”

“I wonder what he’s doing right now,”I said looking at the ground,”It seems like we been together for everything but this.”

“It’s Linus,”Nathan said making me face him,”King of death. He has been your friend since...Well forever I guess. How much trouble can he get into without the...Wait a minute make that a lot.”

Chapter 13

I sat in a tree branch as it had been about three or one week since we been here. Yeah it took that long to walk the whole island. I had my bow and arrows out as Nathan and Josh went to see if we could get to Linus safely or if we would have to figure something else out. I looked through some water I had in my bag at the sun. It was weird when it didn’t hurt my eyes but something was different when I looked back at the pit.

I know you know who I am,KK said in my head.

I looked out at it as the world seemed to have disappear around me. I closed my eyes as my body fell limp against the tree I had tied myself to. I closed the world around me as the past went all in front of me.




“KK,”I whispered as people were looking more into joining me down here,”KK!”

“What Linus?”She said stepping up so I could see her eyes,”What is it?”

“You sound like Max when you said that,”I said as her eyes glared at me,”But they are getting braver. What am I supposed to do?”

“Try to play it off still,”She said sounding scared,”I really don’t know what to do.”

“Great,”I said as she disappeared.

I looked up as I saw two figures get thrown down here with me. I watched them roll down the slope and landed by me. One of them sat up and to my surprise Josh was the one. So that means Nathan is the other one down here. But where is Max?

“Well the answer to that is no,”Nathan said looking up at the edge,”Now how do we tell Max that?”

“What are you doing here?”I asked them.

“Here to get you,”Nathan said facing me,”And everything went wrong. But we have bigger fish to fry now Linus. Where is KK?”

“Right here Nathan,”She said as he kneeled down to face her,”We are all ready when you are.”

“Okay but do you think you can get to Max?”He asked looking around,”For the monster can work if she is here as well.”

“She is remembering me,”KK said as he looked amazed and a little angry now,”But I can try for you.”

He nodded at her and she disappeared again. Josh looked up and yelled at them that the monster was coming out soon. They laughed at him as Nathan stood up and faced me. He looked like he was going to deliver the worst news ever.

“The two of you are in so much trouble now,”He said as I somehow knew what he had meant by that.

“Have mercy on us,”I said looking up at my dad again,”Just a little bit.”




I knew who she was again. I knew what had happened that day. I knew the why behind it all. I opened my eyes up to see someone who I knew all too well. I am so dead when we get back home. I sat up as he helped me out a little bit. I smiled as he looked at me with disappointment.

“Hey daddy,”I said as he looked at me.

“Max Artemis Walker,”He said looking tick at me now,”You are lucky that it is for a good reason you are here. Now let’s get to Linus, Nathan, Josh, and Kristen.”

“She wouldn’t want to see me,”I said pulling my knees up to me.

“Why not Max?”He asked sitting by me.

“For I did this to her,”I said as a tear ran down my cheek,”I was a jerk to her while she was nice I was the mean one. All she wanted to do was meet them and I was selfish to her. Maybe I’m the one that is suppose to be here and not her.”

“We shall see then,”Dad said making me get up,”For now that ‘king’ needs to be put in his right place.”

I nodded and we ran near the edge of the pit. I saw the Kristen in my head as she smirk at me. Okay so no going the way we wanted to I guess. She nodded and disappeared from my head. I looked ahead as I saw the demons on the edge thinking about going down there now.

No you are suppose to fear the pit and not want to go in. That’s not how it works here. I pulled my charm and got my bow back out. Dad looked at me as he took out his swords. I climbed up a nearby tree and saw that Nathan was looking for me.

“Fear the great monster of the pit or you shall be destroyed,”I yelled out and my voice seemed to say it with an echoed like a monster was saying it.

“The girl is here,”Linus’s dad said looking around,”We shall not do what a little girl said for she wants to save her friends.”

“Have it your way then,”I said firing an arrow that was on fire at him.

It went into his foot and then the Monster came out. I saw twelve people like my dad climb out of it and went on the attack. As they fought you could only see different types of monsters. The mask were doing the magic for them. I looked at dad as he waved me down.

I jumped down and followed him into the pit. I ran to Linus as he looked glad to see me. KK walked over to us as I smirked at her. She handed me the same mask she was wearing. A dragon's face. I shook my head no and ran up there.

“What are you doing Maxy?”She yelled at me as my wings grew.

I had pure golden wings and when I was like this my eyes showed gold as well. My hair changed to a pure emerald color like I was changing forms. I flew up high as everyone looked at me. Nathan did the same thing as well and came to my side. Josh stayed there and played with the mask.

Nathan was the opposite of me. He had silver for everything that was gold on me. His hair was ruby colored and surprisingly he looked like he could have been from something totally different. We flew down and used the power we had to take out everything that hated us.

At one point the other angels of dark came to join us. Adam or as we really know him from the pack, Slade, was there telling everyone what to do. Half way through the warriors retreated back and we had to follow them. Nathan and I turned back to normal as we were in the island of wonder now.

“What was that?”Linus asked looking at me.

“Something really stupid,”I said as he laughed at me,”I see you met KK.”

“Yeah she is really cool and may I say helpful,”He said as KK walked up to me.

“You look like her,”She said smiling at me.

“You look like him,”I said as we both laughed,”I’m so sorry I did this to you KK. I was just…”

“It’s alright Max,”She said hugging me,”You just wanted to have friends that only saw you. I was the one who pressured you into doing this.”

I nodded as dad came up to us. He told us we all had to put a hand in the center of our weird circle. We did and he looked at KK and me as I knew what had to be done. I looked at her and she looked at me. I let my eyes go golden and black and hers went golden.

“Think of home,”He said as I looked at Nathan.

Nathan knew what I was going to do. The island wants one of us and I knew that I was going to stay and let KK have the fun. As they thought of it I gave myself a time limit while I was there. Nathan grabbed my hands and he took it as well. We landed in the basement of the school where the ice was.

“It’s freezing in here,”I said as the two of us went to it.

Nathan and I took hands and let everything out on the ice. As I heard it shattered I opened my eyes to see my friends there again. I looked down at my hands to see they were going lighter and lighter. Nathan’s were as well. I put on a fake smile as I saw that KK looked happy to be back home.

“Go do it,”Nathan whispered into my ear.

I took a deep breath in and went over to the people I called my friends. I looked at all of them and saw how happy they were to be back here. I saw KK looking around taking it all in. I took out my window piece out of my pocket and held it in my hand.

“Hey guys,”I said as they turned around to face me,”I want to ask something of all of you.”

“Go ahead Max,”Linus said smiling at me,”You know we are here for you.”

“I know that,”I said looking at KK as she saw what was happening,”That is Kristen Kayla. I want you all to take care of her like you have of me. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. I want you to do that for me.”

“Of course Max,”Linus said as Nathan came to me,”But why are you saying that to us right now.”

“You didn’t,”KK said as my body started to disappear,”Max why?”

“For it’s you turn to save the world,”I said as Nathan and I landed on the Island’s beach by the house,”So save it from itself KK.” 

Chapter 14



I just lost the person I loved to that stupid Island again. I looked at KK as she looked heartbroken at something. She looked a lot like Mr. Walker with a little bit of Max in her. I pushed it away as the others were talking about how they should follow out Max’s wish.

“You know Max was not for you,”Mr. Walker said next to me.

“What?”I asked as he looked at me.

“That day you met Max,”He said looking at KK,”She knew you were good and knew you would fall for her. But she also knew that you were not right for her at all.”

“Still making less sense over here,”I said as KK looked around the place to see everything on the walls of Max’s bad times.

“Max wanted you to be the one KK would go to when she needed someone the most,”He said like it was right there,”Max knew you would be perfect for KK but wanted you as a friend first. She didn’t let KK meet her friends for she knew that when you all meet her you would go to her more than her.

“Max was jealous at how everyone would go to KK for almost anything. It was something she grew to hate till one day she sent KK away. Max was upset and wanted to help her. Soon Max forgot about KK till the thing with Nathan and his dad.”

I watched KK as she walked around the room and it seemed like she was lost in thought. I saw her look at me with want and it was like I needed her to be there. That was what he meant about that. KK was so much like Max as she wandered around the room.

I laughed as she touched something and it went off. She freaked out and tried everything to shut it off. Everyone looked at her as she smiled slyly and went on with it. Max would do that everytime something went wrong. She would try to play it off with a smile and surprisingly every time no one would make fun of her. It had always worked as well.

“What’s Kristen’s full name?”I asked as he smiled at me.

“Kristen Kayla Walker,”He said looking at me.

“What!”I said looking at her.

“Max’s twin sister,”He said with a smirk,”The one who has a massive crush on you.”

“Daddy,”KK said as she looked at us,”You weren’t to tell him that part.”

Lord help me right now. For we all need that in our lives. Now more than anything. I looked into her eyes and saw that she would be someone that I could loved and felt my...


Publication Date: 02-03-2016

All Rights Reserved

This is to my friend Layne Reddick who helped with the story. He is also one of the charectors in it. Also her dad is after a friend of mine names James Feroben. He been by my side through everything just like Layne. Slade Pate who is also another charartor.

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