
Nuskha-e-Shifa Qalb o Ruh

Nuskha-e-Shifa Qalb o Ruh

Prevention and treatment of Physical and Spiritual ailments of Muslim Ummah in the Light of Glorious Quran and Sunnah in general, and in reference to Hajj in particular, and responsibilities of Muslim Scholars and especially Muslim Youth in Particular to save Muslim Ummah from these Calamities.


اَعُوْذُ بِا للہِ ِمِنَّ ا لشَّیْطٰنِ الرَّجِیْمِ بسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْم
Aaouzubillah hi minas Shaitaanir rajim, Bismaillah hir rahmaan nir rahim.
Thousands of Books have been written on Hajj and will be written henceforth. The main reason to write this book is due to a particular incident that happened during Hajj in Arafat. Almighty Allah has blessed me by calling in His Home several times and each time by incidents or otherwise Youm e Nahar was held on Friday. I offered Zohar prayers at Masjid Khaif, Imam 1st recited Khutba e Jummah then Khutba e Eid.
But this time in 2009 when I offered the Zohar prayer, Imam offered only 2 Rakats Salat ul Kasar. Neither Khutba e Jummah, nor Khutba e Eid was recited. And on enquiring from the Learnt I was told that the Shaitan has misled many people and they have started offering full prayers.

To stress upon the true way of Sunnah, this step has been taken. May Allah save Ummah from Shaitanic attacks. (Aameen)
Besides this I have tried to find out the root cause of downfall of Muslim Ummah World Wide. And the Prevention and treatment of Physical and Spiritual ailments of Muslim Ummah in the Light of Glorious Quran and Sunnah.

Dr. ZafferAllah Mohammad Iqbal Kraipak
Child Specialist, Doda City, Jammu & Kashmir, India.
Ph: +919419168582, e-mail:



CHAPTER 1:- Shaitanic Tricks that are defaming Hajj and Hajjis and the
remedies laid down in Quran and Hadith.

CHAPTER 2:- Treatment of Shaitanic Attacks.

CHAPTER 3:- Ways and Means of Safety against Physical Ailments.

CHAPTER 4:- Etiquette in Madina tul Munawra. And the need of Hour.

CHAPTER 1:- Shaitanic Tricks that are defaming Hajj and Hajjis and the remedies laid down in Quran and Hadith.


Shaitanic Tricks that are defaming Hajj and Hajjis and the Remedies laid down in Quran and Hadith

Verily, he (Shaitan)and Qabiluhu (his soldiers) see you from where you cannot see them (Al Quran, 7:27)

Beware, Beware, O Pilgrim,
Evil one’s on Your Watch,
From Minnah their Chief Satan
Guides them to waylay you
And thus taint Your Hajj.
So Beware, Beware, all the time.

Don’t take Shaitan and his army lightly at all. One must train himself for at least one year before proceeding to Hajj. Make invoking taawuz (Aaouzu billah hi minas shaitaa nir rajim) and tasmia (Bismillah hir rahmaanir rahim) before every act.

Know and Understand the tricks Saitan is to play on You.
Elders have compared Hajj to forty days of rigorous training which should ultimately result in four things:
1) Recognition of Allah
2) Knowledge of Stanic Tricks.
3) Control of self against evil.
4) All actions to be done to Please Allah.

A pilgrim must spent poise money on Hajj from His income on which Zakat has been paid. Allah is poise and accepts only pure things. A Pilgrim must settle all the claims of Claimants’, even Mehr of Wife should be paid before Proceeding. Those who suffered at your hands must have forgiven You, before You Proceed. If some of them are dead, the Pilgrim should make a Tawaf on their behalf, and ask for forgiveness from Almighty.

Show off, which has become a ritual should be avoided. While leaving for Pilgrimage on return, relative and friends often make a show off by garlanding, sloganeering etc. These acts bring in the Psyche of the Pilgrim a sense of Superiority and Pride. It thus open the gate of Satan’s entry. A Pilgrim must show Humbleness and defend oneself from Satan’s attacks by ZIKRULLAH and must keep giving Thanks to Allah who called Him to His House.

Long Journey Crowds of Men and Women often cause discomfiture to a Pilgrim, so he must remain Patient and exhort others to show Patience. Younger must be treated with Love and Elders with Due Regards. Be in Wadhu all the time and keep busy in Allah’s Praise.
When Our Prophet(S.W) was asked, whose Hajj is Superior, Prompt came reply, “who did Zikr most of the time”.
Quran ordains in Surah Baqrah, one who intend to go for hajj must keep away from Rafas(Sexual activities), Fisq(Sinfulness) and Jadal(Fighting and Quarrelling). Satan is most interested in our Fights and Quarrels.
In whole of Holy Quran, three verses deal with good conduct and all verses end with the instructions to ask Allah’s refugee from Satan and Stanic Acts. (Ibn e Kathir).

In Surah Aaraf, Allah says, “Forgive and Forget and preach virtuous things, keep away from uncivilized and if Satan instigates, ask for Allah’s refuge.”
In Sura Mumnoon , Allah says, “Remove and ruboff vice by virtue and Pray to Allah that Shaitan may not come near You.”
In Surran Haa mim, Allah says, “Vice (Badi) and Virtue (Neki) are not same. Ruboff Vice by Virtue then one can see How Your Foes become Your Friends. Only People with Patience and good luck reach this stage.”

Forgive and Forget those who angers you and reply Evil with good and at such times Prophet has advised invocation of Taawuz. Hadith says, that ummah shall get divided into 73 sects and only one sect will get deliverance. Allah says in Quran, those people who have divided themselves into groups have no relation with their Prophet (S.W) (Surah Anam). The order of Allah is worth DEEP CONCENTRATION, that the people who divided into groups have no relation with the Prophet, and we believe that it will be the intersession of the Prophet that ll deliver us from Hell.
How we define a group, a group is defined as per Surah Asr:

وَالْعَصْرِ۝ۙ اِنَّ الْاِنْسَانَ لَفِیْ خُسْرٍ۝ۙ اِلَّا الَّذِیْنَ اٰمَنُوْا وَعَمِلُوا الصّٰلِحٰتِ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْحَقِّ۝۰ۥۙ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْرِ۝
“I swear by the time, Most surely man is in loss, Except those who believe and do good, and enjoin on each other truth, and enjoin on each other patience”

It is grouping which is the choicest aggression of Saitan for Muslims. Remember when Shaitan attacks from the side of Faith it is very difficult to defend oneself unless You have full knowledge of Quran and Sunnah.

Hajj is such worship where one can see People of Different Schools of thought offer Prayer after a single Imam e Kaaba. But here also for some last years Satan has spread his tentacles in an inconspicuous manner. If knowledgeable People do not rise against it, it ll be difficult to contain this divisive disaster. In Arfaat and Minna during Hajj one group of People instead of offering Prayers as Kasr after Imam in Masjid Khaif, preach to offer Full Prayers in their tents. A Madrasa in Maakkah openly preaches offering full prayers in their tents and many ignorant pilgrims have fallen pray of their Teachings.[Scanned copy of the Madrasa is attached at the end, ] Muslim Scholars must identify the mischief mongers.

So what is the right path as per the Hadith at the time of Hajjul Widdah, Prophet said, “Learn the conduct of Hajj from Me and follow the same strictly”. In minna and Arfat, Prophet offered only two rakat. During the Khilfat of Abu bakar and Umar, 2 rakats were offered. But during Usman’s Khilafat, He offered 2 rakat during early periods of Khilafat, and latter offered 4 rakats. A Prophets companion Abdullah bin Masood, said Innalillah hi wa inna ilauhi rajioun and prayed to God Almighty that He should count it as only 2 rakats which he used to offer after Prophet (S.W) [Sahi Bukhari]

When Imam Malik was asked to clear this point, He said during Umar’s Khilafat, He came to perform Hajj, He(Umar) told to the people in Makkah that He and his followers from Madina were in journey, so local need to offer full prayers. He then said nothing in Minna and Arfat.(Mouta Imam Malik).

In Minna and Afat, Locals offer only 2 rakat, whereas many people from the sub continent offer 4 rakats. When asked the reason for this thing, some of them quote the order of Kasr. In this regard one must understand that this is the Kasr of Hajj and has no concern with the ordinary Kasr, even if their assertion is understood to be correct then why they do not join the Salah after the Imam e Kabba, they can complete their Sallah there as well if they Like, These are the people who cause division in the rank and file of Muslims. These are the enemy agents and are Satanic mischief. Arfat is the main Piller of Hajj offering daytime prayers Zohar and Asr in Masjid Namrah is the spirit of Hajj after the Salah wakoof at Jabl e Noor is Supreme. Considering Long gatherings all can not accommodate in Majid Namrah or Jabl e Noor so praying in one’s own tent and wokef in tent or nearby hills is justified. But again remember Zohar and Asr must be said at the same time and doing Kasr is the correct way.
In Arfat when You do Waqoof Sincerely You can feel the Allah’s Grace and these experiences can not be pen downed. At sunset You start moving towards Muzdalfa from Arfat, this night is like Shab e Qadr for Pilgrims. Your Prayers which remained unanswered in Arfar will be answered and accepted in Muzdalfa. Be very careful here about Shatanic tricks, because Shatan is most damaging when one is near one’s goal. So keep him away with Zikrulallah. Shaitan created doubts in the hearts of Hajjis which is most evident in Minnah. Hajjis are allowes to return on 12t, but staying at Minnah upto 13th is Sunnah. But most of the Hajjis return on 12th and Suffer much because of crowded Roads and Tunnels. Those who return on 13th travel comfortably and with satisfaction in their Hearts.

Muslim Ummah is the victim of Enemy Conspiracy at present. The circumstances through which Ummah is passing is dreadful.

Shia and Sunni conflict is one result of this conspiracy. Jewish and Christian Missionaries have entered in the rank and file of Muslims in the garb of Preachers and Teachers. Even British Newspapers publish these stories which are the challenge to the Muslim Ummah. It is only our educated Youth who can understand these tricks and Nullify them. So Shia and Sunni Youth Should put their Head together and try to identify and oust the unislamic things put in the practice by our ignorant ancestors. A Hadith says, gardening the Islamic boundaries for one night is worth more then selfless worship of 100 years. These 100 years are fasting day time and worshiping whole nights. So some of our Youths especially Doctors and Medical Students should come forward and be proficient in the knowledge of Quran and Hadith along with the science and technology. Thus these youths can face the onslaught of the Islam’s Enemies. The diseases of the Ummah are very Chronic, one needs a lot of Patience to treat it. That is why I am insisting medical students and doctors to come forward, because doctors treat the chronic ailments till the last with great patience. But it is not that others should ignore this, It is the duty of each and every Muslim Youth/Old to guard the boundaries of Islam.

O Hajji Brothers! Now You have accomplished Hajj. People will watch You, and keep an Eye on your Ordinary and Small things. If you do good others who copy you ll also benefit you by way of Reward from Allah, if you do evil you ll bring Bad name not only to you but also to the Hajj and its punishment and downfall for you. So keep your dealings clear. Salat, Fast, and Hajj are not the only measures of Righteousness. Righteousness is measured by Allah’s fear which exhibits during your business, travel, day to day dealings, behaviour and conduct. May Almighty Allah save all of us from Shatanic attacks.




وَقُلْ رَّبِّ اَعُوْذُ بِکَ مِنْ ہَمَزٰتِ الشَّیٰطِیْنِ ؁ وَاَعُوْذُ بِکَ رَبِّ اَنْ یَّحْضُرُوْنِ۔
Wa Qul Rabe Aoozobeka Min Hamzati shyateen wa Aoo zobeka Rabe An(y) uhzoroon

This Prayer has been taught by the Prophet (SW) for all Muslims to
read. This is very effective against Shaitans and Jinnats. [Marful

2) Taaouz, اَعُوْذُ بِا للہِ ِمِنَّ ا لشَّیْطٰنِ الرَّجِیْمِ should be recited 10 times morning and evening.
[Imam Jafer Sadiq]

اَعُوْذُ بِکَلِمَاتِ اللہِ التَّآ مَّۃِ مِنْ غَضَبِ اللہ ِوَ عِقَابِہٖ وَ مِن شَرِّ عِبَادِ ہٖ وَ مِنْ ہَمَزٰتِ الشَّیٰطِیْنِ وَ اَنْ یَّحْضُرُوْنِ
Aoozo Bekalematelahe Tamate min Gazbelahe Wa Eqabehe Wa Min Share Ebadehe wa min Hamazate Shyateen Wa An(y) Yohzoron
Hazrat Khalid was prescribed to read these kalmats by Prophet for
the treatment of insomnia.
[ Marful Quran, Surah Muminun.]

4) First four verses of Surah Baqrah, Aaytal Kursi, and the Last two
verses of Surah Baqrah. (Ibn e Kathir)
Hazrat Ali has said, who so ever has a little brain left in his head, he
ll not sleep without reciting these two aayats.

5) First three Aayats of Surah hadid.
6) Recite اَعُوْذُ بِا للہِ ِالْسَمِیعُ العُلَّیم مِنَّ ا لشَّیْطٰنِ الرَّجِیْمِ۔ “Aaouzubillah hi samiul alim minas shaitaanir rajim” then Last three Aayats of Surah Hashar (Three times in the morning and Three times in the evening)
7) Recite three times Last three Surats of Al Quran, then blow air on ur hands from the mouth then rub ur hands and spread them on every part of your body. Do it three times. This ll prevent Shaitanic attacks, and is also the best treatment of fatigue.
8) اَعُوْذُ بِا للہِ ِمِنَّ ا لشَّیْطٰنِ مِنْ نفحۃ وتفحۃ و ھمزۃ
Aaouzubillah hi minas Shaitaan min nafhati wa tafhati wa hamzah
[Abu Daoud, Ibn e Maja ahmad]
9) بسم اللہ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ لَاحَوْلَ وَ لَا قُوَّۃَ اِلاَّبِا اللہِ العَلِیِّ الْعَظِیْم ۔
Bismillah hi La Hawla wala quwata Illabillah hil aliyil azim. [7 times in the morning and 7times in the evening] (Imam Jafar Sadiq)
10) Qalmai e Taweed (4th Kalima) 10 times in the morning and 10
times in the evening.
10) A great Saint has prescribed following treatment for the Kashmiris in particular and muslims in general which can remove all their sufferings, Qunot e Naazila be recited after morning and evening Prayers. Instead of looking towards America and Geneva, Pray to Allah only. Ask for His forgiveness individually and collectively especially against Shirk. Allah has Promised in Quran that He ll remove your fear and give You Khilafat of the world, if you don’t make partners with HIM. (Surah Noor)
11) Abul Hasan Shazli has prescribed reciting of “Hisbul Beher” by some of the Muslims, and Leave everything to Allah. He has also said that if the people of Baghdad had recited this, Changez Khan could have never concurred Baghdad.
12) Hazrat Mujadad Alif Sani(R.A), is the Mujadid for 1000 years, hence He is our Mujadid also. He has Prescribed, “Lahawla wala quata illa billa hil ali yel azim” 500 times after Asr Prayers along with Darud Shreef 100 times before and after. This Prescription is for all the difficult Situations. One must read his Maktubaats, many of Your doubts ll be cleared.
13) Hazrat Kahab was a Jewish scholar who accepted Islam, used to recite some verses and would say that if he did not recite these verses daily Jewish magicians would make donkey out of him. When asked what are those verses he narrated the following verses .After reciting these verses magicians can not harm you(Mota’ Imam Malik)

اَعُوْذُ بِوَجْہِ اللہِ الْعَظِیْمِ الَّذِیْ لَیْسَ شَیْءٌ اَعْظَمَ مِنْہُ وَ بِکَلِمَاتِ اللہِ التَّآمَّاتِ الَّتِیْ لَا یُجَاوِزُ ھُنَّ بَرٌّوَّ لَافَاجِرٌ وَ بِاَسْمَآءِ اللہِ اَلْحُسْنیٰ کُلِھَا مَا عَلِمٰتُ مِنْھَاوَ مَالَمْ اَعْلَمْ مِنْ شَرِّمَا خَلَقَ بَرَأَوَ زَرَأَ۔

14) Many Youngsters who have read the Translation of Quran put questions about Quran is a way of Life, it is a prescription from Almighty towards humanity. Any body who ll act on it will be benefitted in both the worlds. What if one ll hang doctors prescription around his neck or read it again and again, can the disease be cured? Yes this is the right path and at the same time this is also correct. But this is a super speciality subject to understand it I ll tell you a small story, during English Period, One of their Rulers got ill in Delhi, Doctors came from England to treat him but he did not improved. Some one suggested to consult Hakim Ajmal Khan who was very famous Hakim those days. He came and examined the patient and Prescribed to recite some verses of Quran besides giving medicine. On hearing this people sitting there Laughed at Him. Hakim Ajmal Khan said “NONSENSE”. You can imagine when a servant says Nonsense to his master, what could be the situation. He was asked to leave, he humbly said “Sorry” and said “NONSENSE” is a word of English Dictionary, if after hearing this word your B.P went high by 200 %, what then if Quran is recited will have no effect? From this they also felt sorry for their behaviour, and He was allowed to treat the patient and the patient was completely treated by his Treatment.




Hajjis must undertake all the vaccinations provided and prescribed by the government along with complete medical check up before proceeding to Hajj. If Pilgrim is taking some medicine for some disease He must carry a doctor’s prescription along with these medicines.

Simple precautions for Prevention of Diseases:-
1) Wash ur hands with soap and water, thoroughly after meal and after using the toilet.
2) Cover ur moth and nose while coughing and sneezing and use ur own handkerchief or tissue paper.
3) You are the guests of Allah in holy Haram, don’t spit or through the waste materials on the road side, Always use dustbins,
4) Take fresh food and avoid stale food.
5) Drink Zam Zam water as much as you can.
6) Flu is a very common, Hajjis from all over the world come to this Holy City, so if anyone of you catch Flu, he must take precautions like using the masks which can be used even during Ahram. Carry your own prayer rug with you, and immediately consult the doctor.
7) Perform full ablution (Wazu) before flight. During flight avoid taking water, tea, or juice, so that u don’t need fresh ablution till you reach Jedah. The baths in the plane are very small. If possible keep the Fast on the day of Flight. Same precautions should be taken during bus journey. Because buses don’t stop on the way.
8) It takes a couple of days for the people of cold regions to get acclimatise to the Makkah’s Climate. One needs not to worry on this. It is better to avoid rice and curds for some days, and take Sulaimani tea, and lots of fruits and fluids.

Hajj Provides a unique chance to give up Smoking. Avoid Smoking when ever You are in Ahraam.
On sighting Kaaba One cannot hold one’s wits and as a result keep making Tawaf tirelessly. This often cause Weakness and Sickness in some Pilgrims and it could result in missing of any Hajj Obligations. One should make Tawaf as per his physical energy.
In the end we must take care that One should spend most of the time in Harmainshareefain, and avoid purchases in the market which are filled with the most beautiful things of the world before Hajj. These things can be done after the Hajj too.

One should keep watch on the weight of baggage allowed by the government, otherwise Shaitan will put you in trouble in this route also.




Allah says in Quran, Keep Your Voice Lower then the Prophets Voice, less your good actions get lost and you may not know anything about it. Keep this Warning of Allah always in your mind. Keep your Wadhu intact always. Watch your conduct. Keep your eyes lowered, Speak Low, and Recite Darud as much as possible. Behave nicely with the people and if some thing undesirable happens bear it with Patience.
When you enter the Holy Mosque, Masjid-e-Nabvi, after praying two rakats of Tahtul Masjid walk towards the Roza-e-Mubarak and offer your Salam. For Kashmiris it is better to offer Salam from Avrad-e-Fateha. Different people of the world offer their Salam in groups, one should also join them. You maybe awarded for your humble bearing. Don’t peep through the network or try to kiss it. Now turn towards Kaba and ask Allah for what You Desire. Here it is better to remember verse 43 to 45 of Surah Nissa, which says, “Those who harmed themselves by their doings and then ask forgiveness from Allah, and Prophet also intercessed on their behalf, they ll surely find Allah forgiving them.

Here you ll find that one side of the Roza-e-Mubarak is blocked, So that it may not take the shape of tawaf, which is only and only Permitted for Kabba. This is the most important lesson Hajjis learn that when we don’t make Tawaf of Roza-e-Mubarak of Prophet (S.W) and we ask help from Allah and not from our Prophet directly, this is the message which we must spread throughout the Islamic world, because of the fact our ignorant brothers and sisters under the influence of greedy so called Holy men, make tawaf of the graves of the Awliyaas and ask for Help directly from them. I believe that Muslim Ummah’s sad straight of affairs throughout the world is the result of this ill practice. Quran time and again forbade us from Shirk. Shirk is giving Allah’s status to others and Allah has warned in Quran that Shirk is Zulm-e-Azim and He ll never forgive this Sin.

All most all of the Islamic organizations that do Dawah have stopped visiting these Ziyarats. So there is nobody to guide our innocent Brothers and Sisters properly. Infect people involved in Dawah have interpreted Tawheed and worshiping graves in such a way that our youngsters who are involved with these organizations have developed hatred for AwliIkraam itself, the result of which we have seen in neighbouring countries that the suicide attacks were carried in the Mazar of Data Darbar and Baba Farid, and a saint was taken out of his grave and disrespected. One thing we must remember that our masses are uneducated, So our educated youth, graduates and Post Graduates and Knowledgeable people living in the vicinity of these Ziyarats should highlight the Life and Work of these Holy Men who have dedicated their whole life for the cause of Islam. The Educated Youth of the attendants of Ziyarat, should be involved in this poise deed. In India Non-Muslims have great respect for our Awliyaas, but we could not do them any good and instead we adopted their way of Prostration and started worshiping the graves. Our Awliyas have spread the Islam by their Wisdom and many Mazars prescribe Kawalis to attract Non Muslims who are found of Singing and dancing. But latter on we made it a custom and lost the real sprit behind it. Some years back, our many Historical Places were destroyed in the name of Tawheed in Saudi Arabia. In those days a great Scholar, Anwar Shah kashmiri was alive, He went to the Saudi Arabia met the King and the Ulmaas and convinced them in reference of Quran and Hadith that Some remains of Aal e Musa and Aal e Haroom are in the custody of Angels which carries solace for Bani Israil, so the remains of Our Prophet and His Aal and companions must also carries Solace for Muslims, so they accepted his submissions and there was no further destruction of the Holy monuments. Our muslim nation as a whole is a very egoish nation, if you criticize from outside You ll never be able to stop them from wrong doings, Even if this wrong doing leads them to hell. To make a change we must enter the system. In Surah Anfaal, Almighty Allah warn Muslims that you save yourselves and your people which ll not involve those who have committed crime, but all of you ll be punished. Ibn e Kathir writes in its interpretation, He swears by the name of Allah that when you stop doing “amr bil maaruf wa nahi ani munkar” Allah ll punish You and ll give you under the custody of Zalims. This is what is happening to us through out the world. In Surah e Luqmaan, Allah says, Don’t show your back towards people, continue preaching the good and forbade the wrong doings, and have patience in all this, these are the actual great works.
Unless all the Educated People especially those that are involved with the Dawah, act on this commandment of Allah this problem will never be over. In this time Muslims are divided into different sects, and one sect doesn’t tolerate the other. It reminds me of the editorial written by a newspaper “The Hindu”, during Gujarat riots, “I have seen a strange thing that different groups of Muslims were sitting on a table to discuss about how to save themselves till yesterday they were not seeing eye to eye with each other.”

These are our weaknesses and Shaitan enters our ranks through these holes. Conspiracies against the Muslim Ummah are taking place throughout the world. Shia and Sunni and other infighting are the results of this conspiracy. Jewish and Christian Missionaries have entered our ranks in the form of Imams and Preachers. British News Papers give open challenge to the Muslims to counter this, if they can. So our educated Youth should accept this challenge. Shia Sunni Youth should put their head together. Hadth says, Guarding the Islamic boundaries in one night at the time of danger is better then 100 years of Worship which has fasting during days and praying during nights. You can also get this great Sawab by guarding the Islam with your PEN provided you attain the proper knowledge of Quran and Hadith along with Science and technology and give befitting replies to the enemies, identify them and counter them.

The need of the hour is that our Islamic Universities like Avantipura and Rajouri, should establish chairs in honour of their Awliyas as there is Nurud din Noorani Chair in Kashmir University. Many seminars are held every year, but the new generation in college and universities know almost nothing about this. Any body who ll do this job ll do a great job to this Nation. Because it is the new generation in colleges and universities who must accept the challenge faced by the Ummah throughout the world and counter it through every means they have got including the internet. In Europe and America thousands of Books are being written against Islam with only one motive to distance their educated Youth from Islam because most of their Educated youth want to know the right path and when they see the uncivilized acts of their religious leaders they get inclined towards Islam. Recently Pope Paul made apology to Christians all over the word for the bad acts of their religious leaders. In America and Europe there Right of Speech , our educated youth should take benefit from this as has done by our Dawah groups in Spain, where Muslims ruled for 800 years and when they were deviated from their Deen they were eliminated by Almighty.
But today there are Lakhs of Converts in Spain. The Dawah groups working there pledge to bring whole of the Spain into the folds of Islam again. May Allah help them Aameen. In year 2010 the Eid day was called as a National Holiday in Spain. This is the lesson our youth should take from them. In the 1st step Shia and Sunni Youth should cooperate with each other and try to remove all unislamic practices put in practice by the Shaitanic Influences. They should concentrate on Surah Furqan’s Verse no.72, that when ever you are told about any order of Allah from Quran and Sunnnah don’t fell on it Blindly, understand it properly and then act on it. What ever clashes with the quran and Sunnah Leave it. There is a page on facebook for the very same cause, here is the link below:
Please join it and change your religious views from Shia/Sunni to Muslims. May Allah grant such people more Knowledge of Deen along with the Science and technology and accept them to spread this message throughout the world. AAMEEN

Instead of all the sects we have and the differences among the Muslim Ummah that Saitan has created hatred among the sects, every one believes in ONE GOD, ONE PROPHET, ONE QURAN, and ONE QIBLA. Today World is a global village, when the moon is sighted in Makkah the whole world should follow that calendar only from that day, and start fast and hajj on that calendar only. One most important thing we must think and ask our respective Ulmaas and Muftis that if we spend whole year in Arfat and remain abset on 9th Zil Hajj, you ll miss the Hajj ccompletely. Last time when there was 11th Zil hajj in Saudi, we in J&K were celebrating 9th Zil Hajj. These acts of ours and differences of our religious leaders has only pleased Shaitan. All these problems can only be solved when we establish the old Khilafat system. During Hajj we see with our own eyes the benefits of the Islamic system of governance in Saudi Arabia, the crime rate is almost Zero. People leave their shops open during prayers and nobody complaints of any theft. Saudi Government’s arrangements during Hajj is exemplary. So Let us strive to make the Imam e Kaba as our Khalifa, and Aayetullah as deputy Khalifa. And Let us start this movement from India which was fully supported by Gandy Ji. Because KHILAFAT is the only possible solution for all of the Problems and Sufferings of the Ummah…

May Allah help Us, give wisdom to our Leaders to settle their internal dispute and unite with each other to restore the lost glory of Islam.

May Allah Accept Your Hajj, and also accept You for the work of his deen. AAMEEN


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Publication Date: 12-16-2011

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