
Completely stunned he staggered to the huge gate. He reached for it and remained a moment to breathe, as a deafening howl resounded close. Ian gripped the iron bars in panic and pulled it. What luck! With a loud creaky noise it could be opened. He quickly slipped through and closed it quickly behind him.
Suddenly he lost his strength and collapsed. The world began to spin, a low groan escaped Ian's lips. The towers and battlements of the huge castle that loomed over him seemed to dance around him. Far away he heard soft footsteps through the pleasant darkness.
Then, at last he fell into the long-awaited unconsciousness.

A gentle female voice came in Ian's consciousness and brought him slowly back to reality. She hummed a wonderfull melody.
He opened his eyes flickering. The first thing Ian saw was a pair emerald green eyes that looked at him lovingly. The lovely melody had ceased, but the gentle voice now spoke to him, 'Here, drink this.'
A cup of water was given into his hand. Ian sat up carefully and drank so quickly that he choked. 'Careful.' The voice sounded caring beside him. Ian looked at the young woman. She looked so delicate and lovely as her voice sounded. Her hair was black and fell in thousands corkscrew curls over her bare shoulders. Her eyes glowed in the most beautiful emerald green and her lips were full and soft.
'Where am I?' Ian asked with his voice still scratchy. 'You are in the castle, you fainted-' 'Oh my God,' Ian interrupted the young woman and retreated back in panic, so he bumped his head on the wall.
'You, you are!' He stammered, staring wide-eyed at the long canines of the woman before him. She looked a bit concerned at him. Ian grabbed, still completely appalled, at his neck and checked it frantically, made sure there weren't any wounds.
The young woman took his hand to make him calm down. 'Nothing happened to you. I have saved you and I'm watching over you. You really don't need to be afraid, no one will do anything to you.' Finally he calmed down a little. 'But you are-' 'In reality I am not much different to you!' She gave his hand free and filled his cup with Water again.
Ian was watching this very closely. A vampire! A real vampire sat there and took care of him! It seemed absurd, he had had an entirely different picture of these creatures. Ugly and brutal blood-suckers, he had imagined them, not so lovely and graceful as the young woman infront of him.
She handed him the cup again. Ian hesitated for a moment but then he grabbed it, did not drink but kept the cup holding it with both hands in front of his chest.
'You live alone in this big castle?', he finally ventured to ask. She laughed, amused. What a wonderful laugh she has., Ian thought. 'Do you really think so?' She asked. Her eyes sparkled at him. Ian was confused. But then she further talked: 'No, this is the castle of my father. There are a fiew of us living here.'
'And are here even more -' Ian hesitated for a moment. 'Humans?' He asked. She shook her head slightly. 'No, you're the only one. And you are allowed to stay here only because I begged my father for it.'
Ian took a sip of water, then he put the cup away. 'But why? Why did you do that?' She looked at him a bit embarrassed and kneaded her hands nervously. 'I don't know exactly. I guess I felt sorry for you. And maybe I thought you look kinda like a nice guy...' He was amazed.
Suddenly she looked into his eyes again and grabbed his hand. 'You will stay here with me, right?', she asked and her eyes seemed to begg him. Ian looked at her a little frightened. His eyes wandered, without him noticing it, down to her dekoltee. Her round breasts pressed themselves with every breath against the dark red corset which she wore over her dress.
'I, uh.' he stammered. 'I'm actually not so sure-' 'Please!', she begged and came a bit closer. Ian's view still stucked on her breasts. 'I beg you! It can be so great here, you'll see! Please stay with me! No one will harm you!' Ian nodded just totally hypnotised.
'Great!' She shouted in youthful enthusiasm, jumping up. Ian shook his head like when he was suddenly snatched from a kind of trance and looked at the young woman who had turned around and was now walking toward the door.
'I'll just tell my father!', she exulted. 'Wait!', he called after her. The hand on the doorknob, she stopped and turned with a bewildered look on him. Ian had been thinking to tell her that he would not stay with her, but this sweet face!
'What's your name?', he finally escaped from the situation. The bewildered expression in the young womans face turned into a soft smile. 'Anna.', that was all she said and then she disappeared through the door.
One moment Ian was still staring at the massive wooden door. The urge to jump up and flee just gradually disappeared, somehow, he suddenly had the feeling that something great awaited him here. It had probably been his fate that he had ended up here.

Anna ran through the vast corridors, which were illuminated only by candles.
As she passed a door she stopped. The door led to one of the many balconies and there stood a tall man, slim with narrow hips. He wore fine material to the body and a leather pants. His hair was white-blond and with silver streaks in various shades of gray, it was long and he wore it as always in the neck tied in a braid. His face was turned to the full moon, which was enthroned at the starry sky.
Anna leaned against the frame of the open door and folded her arms over her chest. 'Are you dreaming again, brother?', she said teasingly and almost reproachfully. He looked at her over his shoulder with the same emerald colored eyes, as her own. 'What do you want?'
Anna tosses her curls behind her shoulders and also entered onto the balcony in the fresh night air. 'I have him so far, Gabriel!' It did not seem to interest him and he looked up again.
'He begins to trust me.' She leaned back against the stone balustrade beside her brother. 'I'll wait until he has fallen completely for me and gave me voluntary surrenders.' She raised her right hand and ran her finger over her lips with relish. 'Then his blood will taste so delicious that I will nearly burst in sensation! And I'll enjoy it to the last drop till his heart stops beating!' She laughed madly.
'Why are you telling me, Anna? You know very well that I think your doing is disgusting! You are so dastardly!' Anna grinned and looked at him. 'That's exactly why I tell it to you, Gabriel! Because you are such a tender little soul!'
Suddenly Gabriel turned around, grabbed her by the collar of her hooded cloak, and showed his teeth furiously. In his eyes flashed anger, but Anna just laughed at him. 'Don't you dare to say something like that again!', he hissed angrily out from between his bared teeth. But Anna just laughed even more. 'You do not have your emotions under control, brother.', she said badly grinning and looked him straight in the eyes.
Gabriel pushed her disgusted away. 'Get out of my eyes, crazy woman!'

Ian opened his eyes, wild dreams had haunted him, but he could not remember their content.
He looked to the side. There she sat again and looked at him lovingly. 'Anna.' He said, still a little confused.
'Have you been dreaming bad?' She asked anxiously and laid softly her hand on his forehead. Ian took her hand and led it to his lips. 'Now it is much better.' , he said, and looked into her eyes. She looked embarrassed at the floor and pulled her hand back. For a moment she remained so, but then again she seemed to grasp. 'You are certainly curious, I will show you the castle!' Ian said nothing, he simply got up. Anna also stood up. She was standing quite close to him and looked up at him. He sank into her eyes, was enchanted by these sparkling jewels.
After a fiew seconds she took his hand and pulled him gently to the door.

The castle was huge! It was dark, but that changed nothing of its beauty and splendor.
The walls seemed to rise up to infinity, with ornate windows. Everywhere were stone figures, gargoyles grinning down from above on Ian as if they knew anything, that cheered them up in a cruel manner.
The impressions seemed to flood Ian, so he was not even able to hold them all. There was so much to see. And Anna showed him everything.
Outside the castle there also was a lot to see, the courtyards were at least as impressive as the Castle itself. Abandoned, small houses, large gardens which stretched into the darkness.
Then she led him to a small lake, surrounded by trees that stretched their crowns into the sky. And here they stayed at last.
'You like it?', she asked smiling. Ian, still overwhelmed let slip from his lips a pleasant sigh. 'It's incredible!' She smiled at him, then she grabbed softly into the material of his shirt and leaned her head lovingly on his chest. 'It's so nice to finally, after all this time have someone at my side.', she sighed. Ian raised his arms and wrapped them around her delicate shoulders.
Then he suddenly discovered a figure in the darkness. It was a man, leaning his back against one of the trees. He was tall and slim, wore beautiful clothes. His long hair shimmered in the moonlight.
'Who is that?' Ian said quietly. Anna raised her head and followed his gaze.
'That's my brother, Gabriel.', she said suddenly in a very different tone. Ian looked down at her. 'You seem not to have a good relationship with him.' 'That is not really important.', she said, and took him back to his hand. 'Come, let us go back in, I'm getting cold.'
They stepped back into the room and sat down side by side on the bed. Anna now seized his other hand and looked deep into his eyes. 'You are so dear to me. I am so happy now that you're with me.' She leaned closer to him. 'Although I do not really know you, you are doing something with me, you resolve a strange but pleasant feeling in me when you're near me. I feel so comfortable with you.'
Ian suddenly grabbed the desire to kiss those tender lips from which these words were breathed sweet. His fears by now were completely forgotten, had simply vanished into thin air. And he bowed his head down to her soft lips to caress them .
A sweet sigh escaped her. But then she drew away from him and stood up. She put her finger to her lips as she could not quite believe what had just happened. Then she turned quickly and hurried out the door.
Ian remained. Had he acted too hastily?
He got up again and decided to seek her to apologize to her.

Gabriel was still leaning against the tree and looked at the reflection of the moon dancing on the restless water. He thought about his wicked sister. Even for one so ruthless vampire love should be the most sacred commodity on earth. No, no one should play with love, not even for the ever so delicious taste of blood, the only something they had remained out of life.
A gust of wind caused the leaves on the trees rustle. Gabriel breathed in the clear night air as he suddenly noticed an incredibly sweet scent in the air. He looked where this scent was comming from and then he saw him. This mortal man Anna had brought into their castle. He looked about searchingly.
His hair was slightly shorter than shoulder length and brown. He was slim, but his body was reflected again in spite of all the result of long hard work. The sweet scent of his blood was surounding him.
He had noticed him and came up to him. Gabriel tried to ignore him, but it did not seem to bother him, he just came closer, until he finally stood beside him. The smell was now so intense that it almost robbed Gabriel of his other senses. But it probably just seemed to him so strong because he had not been drinking blood for at least two weeks by now and his body longed for it.
'You are Gabriel, aren't you?' Gabriel was back to reality.
'I am. And you should better disappear, you have no business here, that is not a good place for you!', he said in an indifferent tone of voice. Then he looked at him. His eyes were dark blue, like the deep sea inviting you to sink in it.
But he seemed not to understand what Gabriel meant to say. 'Have you seen your sister here somewhere?', he just asked.
'Don't you got what I just said?', Gabriel said angrily and grabbed him by the shoulders. But this had been a mistake. He pulled his hands back quickly and turned, overwhelmed by his sudden feelings to hastily. 'I have not seen her! And now disappear!', he said.
'Is something wrong with you?', asked the man, 'I said you should disappear! Leave me alone!' Gabriel began to shiver.
At last the man turned around and went back. Gabriel looked back and watched him a moment before he disappeared into the mists of the night.
But his' sweet smell still remained a few seconds longer hang in the cool night air and Gabriel inhaled the delishious smell deep. He still stared at the spot where the man was gone.
What had just happened to him?

Ian ran to the small lake, there still was this man. Something told him that he absolutely had to go to him. He called his name, but he did not seem to hear. Ian had almost reached the sea, when suddenly someone grabbed him by the hand and withdrew.
Anna was standing behind him. And suddenly shot its head forward, and her teeth dug into his flesh. Ian screamed full pain.
Awakened by his own scream Ian almost fell out of bed. But two hands kept him from falling. 'My goodness, Ian!' He looked to the side and looked directly in Annas wide-opened eyes. 'This indeed must have been an incredibly horrible nightmare!', she said and sat down beside him in bed.
Ian breathed rushed in and out, his heart still raced. When he had finally calmed down and realized that it was only a dream, he took Annas hand. 'You always seem to watch over my sleep.' He said, not knowing whether he felt this was a good or a bad thing.
Then it suddenly growled loudly. Anna laughed. 'Well, no wonder that you are afflicted with nightmares.', she said amused. 'You're hungry!'

Ian sat on the mighty table in the dining room. Was there in this castle for nothing in a normal size? Obviously not. Even the food brought to him shortly after by Anna was a real feast, so much that he certainly could have it five times a full meal! He resorted to grateful and filled up the empty stomach.
Anna just sat by and watched him. 'Don't you want to eat as well?', Ian asked her. She opened her mouth for a moment, as if she wanted to say something, but then closed it again and slightly shook his head. She looked at him with a slightly pained smile. 'I think I should not eat here ...!', she finally said quietly.
Ian had to think a moment about the meaning of her words, until it occurred to him suddenly and painfully again. He passed the fork on the edge of the plate and swallowed the last bite down painfully. He suddenly became ill.
'Is something wrong with you?', asked Anna worried and touched him shy on his shoulder, but Ian jumped up. 'I need some fresh air! I think I ate too much!' With these words he hurried out of the dining room and let Anna back alone. He hurried down the aisle in search of the next balcony to grab some fresh air.
Then he suddenly hit with someone. 'E-excuse me.', Ian stammered and looked up, as Anna's brother stood before him. His expression was at first as surprised as Ian's, but immediately gave way to anger.
His green eyes flashed. He pushed Ian to the wall and held him there. 'Didn't I told you that you shall disappear?' Ian squinted in anticipation of another outbreak, but it never came. Gabriel's grip in the material of Ian's shirt dissolved. One moment his fingers glided over and then he removed them again. Carefully, Ian opened his eyes. He was still standing infront of him and stared him with a thoughtful and confused expression on his chest.
Ian's heart was racing. Then suddenly Gabriel saw in his eyes, but his thoughts seemed to be still somewhere else. His face seemed carved out of ivory, pale and smooth. He had opened his lips slightly, breathing heavily as if his thoughts were pretty hard to handle.
Suddenly he pulled his look away from Ians eyes and looked away. 'You should not stay with my sister', he said and just went away. Ian, with his back still pressed against the wall, looked after him. Something wrong with this man, he acted very strange. But Ian was quite confused. And so he stayed a few more minutes before he went to his real target: the balcony.
The cool night air took all his confused thoughts away. He breathed in and out deeply grateful. Then he leaned on the balcony railing and looked down. In the darkness he saw some figures, the other vampires which Anna had told him about. Until now he had not seen any of them.
A hand was laid on his shoulder. Ian was terrified, and drove around. Anna looked at him anxiously. 'Sorry if I scared you.', she said shyly. 'Is all right.', he said in short supply. Anna looked up from below. 'Do you hate me now?' She seemed near tears. 'No.', said Ian now warmly and held her in his arms. She sank with a sigh eased into his embrace.
After a while Ian broke the hug and looked up at the stars. 'The night is beautiful', he said dreamily. 'It sure is.', said Anna, looking up as well.
Then he remembered the encounter a short time ago. 'Your brother behaves very strange.', he said. Anna sucked in her breath sharply. 'Did you talk to him about me?', she asked somewhat brash. Ian looked at her again, she seemed not at all enthusiastic about it.
Then she turned her gaze back to the distance. 'You'd better go out of his way. Gabriel is not happy about the fact that I'm with a mortal! He certainly has mentioned such a thing, didn't he?' Ian nodded, lost in thoughts. 'It is certainly not the best thing ...', he said quietly. Anna threw her arms around his body.
'Don't say that!'

Gabriel was sitting on a chair before a large mirror and stared at his not existing reflection.
Suddenly the door opened the cracking noise tore him from his thoughts. He saw Anna come furiously rage stormed at him. Angrily, she showed her teeth.
'Why are you interfering in my affairs you dirty bastard!' She grabbed him with tremendous force on the collar and pulled him from the chair into the air. He said nothing and looked not once at her. She shook him roughly. 'Listen to me kindly!', he turned his face, but still said nothing. Anna seemed somewhat confused.
Suddenly she released him and stepped back. She looked at him in disbelief and shook her head. 'Oh no. I know what's going on! You better banish those thought out of your head!' And she gestured wildly with her hands in the air. 'Forget it!', she screamed at him. 'Do not even think about it!' She breathed in and out stunned. Then she grabbed him by the collar and shook him again. 'I warn you not once you interfere in any way again! Do you understand me!?'
He still kept quiet. With a furious outcry she pushed him away. Still furious she rushed out of the room and struck with a mighty crash the door shut.
'Don't you dare!', she screamed in the corridor again. Then her steps withdrew from the door.

Gabriel grabbed the screaming young woman by the arm and pulled her to him. She struggled frantically, trying to escape his iron grip. He dug his teeth into her neck and began to suck her blood from her trembling body.
Gabriel swallowed, but it seemed to taste bitter. He did not want her blood. He stoped and turned the young woman that she had to look at him. The last drop of her blood he spat out and wiped his hand across his lips.
He saw into the girls fear-filled eyes. 'You should not walk around at night alone.' With these words he pushed her away and looked after her as she ran away.
What was the matter with him? Gabriel was completely dissatisfied, however nothing seemed to help. He had not been drinking for more than two weeks by now and he did not want to. Although he was nearly mad with thirst, he was not satisfied when he drank.
Completely absorbed in thought, his feet carried him back to the castle.

Ian just came out of the bathroom, his hair was still wet and he had tied it back in the neck. Anna had asked him to come to her after the bath, she wanted to tell him anything obviously. And so he went through the corridors in the direction of their apartments.
As he rounded the corner he cought someone in the eye. There was a man, he leaned panting against the wall. The silver-blonde hair was long and loose and fell wildly over his shoulders. Ian went closer and saw that it was Gabriel. What was the matter with him? Ian was worried so he went up to him. When Gabriel arrived, he laid his hand gently on the shoulder.
'Is there something wrong with you?' Gabriel suddenly grabbed Ian's wrist, pulled him around and pressed him against the cold wall. He pressed both wrists hard against the stone. 'Gabriel!', called Ian out a little frightened. But he just saw to the ground and was breathing heavily. The long hair hung down. Both were silent. Only Gabriels heavy breathing could be heard. His body shivered with each breath.
His grip on Ian's wrists grew stronger and stronger, until it was almost impossible for Ian to bear. 'Gabriel, I-' Suddenly Gabriel looked up. Ian was shocked when he saw his eyes. They were blood red! His mouth was slightly open, so Ian could see his long canines.
'Ian.', he pushed out from between his clenched teeth still breathing hard . Then he came closer to him. He laid his head on one side and led his lips so close to Ian's neck that it almost touched him.
A strange feeling transit Ian's body, he began to tremble and his heart was pumping his blood through his veins like crazy. Gabriel inhaled his smell. What was happening to himself? Ian could not move, he was rigid. Because of fear?
As Gabriel opened his mouth, his head bent a little further. With the tip of the tongue he licked the skin. Ian's whole body trembled.
When the tips of his sharp teeth touched his skin Ian finally found control of his body again. He tried to free himself from the grip, but he was adamant.
'No.', he whispered softly, squinting his eyes. He could do nothing. Suddenly Gabriel stopped. Ian felt his breath on the skin
Then he loosened his grip and pulled back from Ian's neck. He looked into his eyes. The red was gone from his eyes and they shone again in emerald green.
'Forgive me.', he said, and let Ian's wrists finaly go. For a moment they stood still and looked just at each other. Then Gabriel looked away and disappeared.
Ian stood and rubbed his wrists. Had that really just been happening? His thoughts were confused and he could not collect them. Completely confused he just stood there and stared at the spot where Gabriel had disappeared into the darkness.
'Ian?' A voice echoed through the corridor. Whose voice was that? 'Ian?', it echoed again. He turned and saw a woman coming up. The black curls bounced with each step up and down. She had the same eyes like he had.
'Ian, there is something wrong?', she asked. Suddenly everything came back and he touched his head. He was still dazed a bit. 'I was worried because you have been taken so long. Are you feeling bad?' Ian shook his head slightly. 'I think I bathed only a little too hot, sorry.', he said with a gentle smile, laid his arm around Anna and they walked together to their apartments.
'You should lie down a bit.', Anna said to him, but Ian was not in the mood. He began feeling better and he had decided not to think about what had happened again. So he sat on the edge of the bed and saw Anna in the eyes. She smiled warmly again. 'You always smile,don't you?' She just smiled even more and laid her head on his lap. Ian she gently stroked her tresses from her face. He wanted to see her beautiful eyes. Anna enjoyed it for a moment, then she began to speak: 'My father gives a ball tomorrow.' She took his hand and stroked it gently.
'Everyone will come. Will you with me?' She looked into his eyes. 'Everyone will come?' Ian said softly. 'Yes.', Anna said, frowning slightly. Ian did not know why he had asked that. 'Of course I'll go with you!' He took her hand and kissed it gently.

'You will come!'
The door was slammed infront of Gabriels nose. He had no choice. He had asked his father not to have to come to the ball, but there was no point.
Gabriel didn't want to see Anna ending her disgusting game. If he already could not stop her, he really didn't want to watch it. But his father was adamant that the ball was tradition.
Gabriel went to his room and began to dress himself. For him, there seemed to be no happy ball with dancing and singing to be, it seemed more like a cruel execution.
What was the matter with him, normaly he was not like this.
Gabriel recalled the last night, when he had met Ian. How had this been happening? Normally he could resist his blood-thirst. But when Ian had been comming he had suddenly lost control. Did he really just wanted his blood?
There was a knock on the door. 'Gabriel, your father sent me to bring you to the ball.' A voice came in from the outside. What? Was it so late? How long he had been sitting there and had been thinking?
'I'm coming!' He got up and walked to the door. There was anyway no point to think about all the thoughts.
This man was almost dead anyway.

Ian looked around. The ballroom was huge and beautiful. Everywhere people were standing in the most beautiful gowns. And there were children, but they where not running around laughing and playing , they were with the others, talking lively. A strange image when children were treated like adults, but they were of course no children for long anymore, they were only caught forever in a child's body.
A shudder came over Ian. He did not really feel comfortable in his skin, He could clearly feel the vampires watching him from the side clearly.
'Is something wrong, Ian?', asked Anna next to him. Ian swallowed hard. 'I'm not welcome here.', he said quietly. 'Oh.', said Anna and took him by the arm. 'I think you're imagining things.' Perhaps she was right..
She moved on. Ians eyes wandered around searching. What was he looking for? Even though he knew the answer he did not dare to admit it.
As Gabriel walked into the hall, he had his hair tied back in the neck with a band together again. On the upper body, he wore fine fabrics in several shades of gray, plus a leather pants and boots. All flattered his body so much.
Ian could not take his gaze away from this charming man. In a strange way he put him on. What was it? Ian behaved in his presence always so strange.
Then Gabriel looked in his direction for a moment their eyes were sticking together, but then he turned away and disappeared into the crowd.

Gabriel leaned against the wall. He could watch Ian through the crowd. When their eyes had met for a moment a strange feeling had let his body tremble.
But now while he was watching him talking with Anna, as they laughed and his sister embraced him, another feeling took possession of his body.
Was it jealousy?
No, it could not be. He was sure just mad because his sister was playing with this person. And yet, why it bothered him at all what they did?

The music began to play, Ian was thrilled. It was music he had never heard before, but it pulled him into its spell. He watched the dancing vampires. It was an incredible sight! They moved so gracefully, and yet supple rhythmic. It was a dance he had never seen him before.
'You should be lucky, Ian.', said Anna and with talking to him she tore him out of his trance like state. 'Not many people can experience something like that.' She looked at him, smiling. 'Are you happy?' 'Of course I am, it's breathtaking!' Ian turned his gaze back to the action on the dance floor. Anna took him by the arm and turned him back again. 'Are you happy with me, Ian?' Strange way, Ian was suddenly no longer feeling good. Like he was driven in a corner.
'I-I think so.', he gave as an answer. Anna smiled happily and his doubts disappeared. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned against him. 'I want to be together forever with you, Ian! I can not think of anything else.' She stood back up straight and looked him in the eyes. 'This is my biggest wish.' She stood on tiptoe and kissed him.
Again a strange feeling came into him. The kiss was beautiful, her lips were soft and tender, but it really did not satisfy him. It was not what he really wanted.
She left again on his lips. Ian felt that he was being watched, he could feel the eyes watching him from behind. Anna looked at him, she looked at him with her beautiful, emerald green eyes.
'I love you, Ian!', she said softly. But out of her mouth it sounded somehow wrong. She raised her hand and stroked him gently on the cheek, but Ian could feel her fingernails. Something was not right.
'You do love me too, don't you Ian?' Something had changed in her eyes.
'I-uh.', Ian gasped for air. He felt uncomfortable. The looks from behind seemed to be getting more and more. Did he love her? A few days ago he would have said yes without hesitation, but now? There was something inside him that he tried to stop him from saying it. Something gnawed at him. And suddenly it was clear to him.
'No, Anna. I do not love you!' Ian was incredibly relieved.
'You- what?' Anna's voice was shrill. Her face was disfigured from fury. Ian took a step back. What was going on here? She showed her teeth and the green of her eyes vanished and a menacing red replaced it. Just now Ian noticed that the music had stopped playing. He wanted to run away, but he could not move his body nor take his eyes from her furious eyes. She grabbed him by the neck.
'What I've done all the work for you little piece of shit?' She dug her fingernails into his flesh. Ian could not do anything, he could not even scream out his pain. 'I will tear you into pieces! You're not worth it that I drink your dirty blood!' Ians heart raced with fear, he could do nothing.
He was condemned to death, he had been from the beginning!
Then suddenly someone grabbed him by the arm and pulled him away. Once the eye contact was broken off Ian gained his body control again. Anna screamed with hatred, and her long canine teeth were bared completely terrifying.
'Gabriel! I'll kill you you damn bastard!', she screamed hysterically and was about to run after, when her own father grabbed her by the shoulder and held her back.
Ian looked forward. It was Gabriel who had actually saved him. He ran quickly and pulled Ian with him, out of the ballroom, out of the castle, and far into the forest.
After an feeled eternity to Ian he stopped at last. He did not look at him. 'Gabriel.', Ian said, still out of breath. 'Why?' Gabriel, who was still clutching Ians wrist turned and pushed him against a tree. Ian snorted a bit amused. For some reason it always ended in this position.
'Listen.', began Gabriel and looked down. His hands trembled. 'It might sound strange, but I can not change it.' Ian's heart was beating faster than it already was doing from the effort. 'I could not allow her doing something to you because- because I-' He took a deep breath. 'I want to know more about you, I want to know you, Ian. I think I've fallen in love with you.'
A small smile played around Ians lips. 'I-' he began, but Gabriel interrupted him. 'You don't have to say anything, if you want you can go.' However, contradictory to his words, he still held Ian.
'I do not want to go. It's the same thing to me!
'Gabriel looked up. His stunning eyes glistened. 'Really?' He asked incredulously. Ian freed himself from Gabriels grip and put his hand on his chin. He went to him and kissed him. Yes, now it was right. That was what he had been waiting for the whole time.
Gabriel put his arms around him and pulled him to the ground. He leaned over him. Then he let go of his lips and licked passionately the blood from his neck.
Ian moaned softly. He had taken a decision. 'I want to stay with you for all eternity, Gabriel.' He drew him to him and kissed him deeply, tasted the metallic taste of his own blood.
'Are you sure?', Gabriel asked. Ian nodded and put his head to the side. Gabriel bent down. When his teeth penetrated him gently and his body rose up with desire he groaned quietly.
'I love you Gabriel.'

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. I also hope that you can help me with my writing mistakes. I tried my best, but english isn't my mothertounge so i'm pretty sure there are a fiew mistakes I missed.

Miss Riddle


Publication Date: 07-12-2010

All Rights Reserved

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