
Chapter 1

"Bitch you betta watch you’re fuckin back!" I screamed as my best friend Lia held me back. We had just caught my man all up on some other trick at a party. Hykeem went to apologize to the girl as I tried to calm down.
"Girl she not even worth it!" Lia told me.
"Nah, I will beat that bitch if I see her with my man again! That fuckin gold diggin, I-need-a -new -mothafuckan -weave ass bitch!" I yelled. I took off my Giuseppe shoes and held them. Hykeem walked back over to me and my lips corked up into a smile, but he wasn’t smiling.
"Get yo' ass in the fuckin car!" HE yelled. He hoped into his black, drop top, BMW. I said goodbye to Lia and hoped into his car. He sped off leaving car tracks. They hit the parkway and he wouldn’t slow down, instead he kept speeding up. When we passed the exit they usually take, Katia was nervous.
"Where are we goin?"
"Shut the fuck up!" He yelled. We finally turned down another exit and he drove to a secluded area. He stop the car making the car make a "Skeet" Sound. "Get the fuck out" He yelled as he got out of his car.

"No" I said crossing my arms.
"Bitch" He took me by the hair and dragged me out of his car. "How dare you embarrass me in front of all my friends!" He yelled taking his belt off.
"Who was that bitch you were with?" I yelled.
"None of your fuckin business! for someone i fuckin helped be somebody, you got a lot of nerve to be askin me questions" He hit me with the belt. He kept beating me until blood was gushing out of my body. Tears were running down my face and I tried to stand but was too weak. "Now what you gotta say?" He said pulling my hair to see my tear stained face.

"Fuck you" She said dryly.

"Fuck me right?" He said letting me go. He kicked me in the stomach and then beat me again. After that, I fell unconscious.

Chapter 2

I woke up, looking around the hospital.
"Where am I" I asked the lady who was fixing my IV.

"Oh goodie, you’re up, let me go get your doctor!" The lady left the room leaving me alone.

"Oh good evening Katia, how are you feeling?" The doctor asked. I tried siting up
"Like I’m in hell" I replied.

"Well i would get that, you have bruised ribs and I fixed your shoulder, you needed 6 stitches. Can you please tell me what happened" He asked.

"Well my boyfriend-"

"Hey babe" Hykeem said walking in with flowers.

"Stay away from me Hykeem!" I yelled. The doctor held him back.

"Sorry sir, you cannot be here"

"Who said?" Hykeem asked.

"Katia does not want you around her right now"

"You know what, fuck you bitch, were through, imma bring your shit to this fuckin hospital and you gonna have to find a new home!" He yelled. He threw the flowers at me and I jumped.

"You okay Katia?" The doctor asked.

"Yes and thank you"

"No problem"

Later on, after Hykeem dropped off my belongings, and i went through my contact list at whom I can hit up. I called my best friend Lia but she was being salty about sharing so I decided to rent an apartment.

Chapter 3

I was having the time of my life in club passion. I kept throwing it back on every guy that came up to me. My long legs made me look sexy in my white, off the shoulder club dress. My Jimmy Choo heels complemented the accessories. I decided to go get a drink and as I did so, I was looking for the balla's. I took a drink of my apple martini and at the rim of the cup, I spotted Nasir. A wide smile formed on my face. I pushed her boobs up a little and fixed her lips. She walked over to him with a smirk.

"Hey Nassir" I said touching his chest.

"Hey Katia, what's up?" He asked.

"Nothing, you know just lookin to have a good time" He chuckled.

"Oh word" He whispered something to his friend who walked away.

"So, do you want to have a good time?" I asked licking her lips. He grabbed my hand and led me into a private VIP room. He sat on the couch and patted the seat next to him. He took his long dick out.
"Suck" He ordered. I did exactly that. I sucked until he came all over my face. He took a deep breath, put his dick away and threw $100 on the couch. "Clean yourself up" He said leaving the room. I found a towel and did exactly that and then left the room. She saw mad guys and girls looking at her but she didn’t care, she had her rent money for the month.
As I made her way out of the club, somebody grabbed my arm. I turned to see some cute guy that was wearing a shirt that said “Security”
“Excuse me ma, my nigga wanna talk to you” I gave him a questioning look.
“Who is that?”
“This nigga Killah”
“The rapper?”
“Yeah” He chuckled. I followed him to the VIP section and saw him sitting there with his homies and some chicks drinking all sort of shit. I saw ciroc bottles, mascato, Hennessey, and grey goose. Killah stood and shook my hand and shooed his security guard away.
“Hi” I said smiling but I still didn’t know why he wanted to see me.
“Hey ma, come have a seat” He said Holding my hand. He sat next to me on the comfy red couch. “You thirsty?” He asked and I shrugged my shoulders. He poured some Ciroc in a red cup and I grabbed the cranberry juice to mix it with. “So, what’s ya name ma?”
“Katia” I said taking a sip of out my cup.
“So Katia, tell me why you here by yaself?”
“Well, I was supposed to be here with my girls but they had something else to do so I decided to come anyway”
“Oh so you solo right now”
“So you wouldn’t mind leaving this place and chillin with me?”
“Oh course not” I smiled. He flagged down his security guard and whispered something in his ear. The guard led us through the club and we made it outside in the fresh air where his car was waiting for him. Killah opened the door for me and helped me to get into the truck and then slid in after me.
“Tell them niggas ill see them later” He said shutting the door and soon, we were off.
“Where are we going?” I asked as soon as we hit the parkway.
“You’ll see” He said looking out of the window. I had to say, it was beautiful in the city at night. All of the lights shining and what not. Before I realized it, I was knocked out and being carried into an elevator. I just went back to sleep and decided to do something tomorrow.

Chapter 4

When I woke up, I had no idea where I was at. First, I was half naked not considering the fact that I had on a thong. I sat up in the nice comfy bed and looked around. The room was so nice; there were red and black sheets on the bed. The whole room seemed pretty chill. I stood up and decided to snoop around. Unfourtanetly, there wasn’t anything in the drawers or closets. I opened a door and saw the bathroom. I couldn’t find my dress but I knew I needed a shower and I jumped right into the shower. The hot water on my skin felt so good. I washed my whole body with the soap that was in one of the cabinets, although it was men’s body wash, I needed a shower ASAP.
A half our later, I shut the water off and dried off with a towel. I grabbed the robe that was folded in the cabinet and tied it around my waist. I opened the door that led to the hallway and looked from room to room. I didn’t see another soul, and then I realized where the person was when I smelled the food coming from downstairs. I ran down the steps cautiously. When I made it to the kitchen, I saw him standing there with no shirt on and he was tatted up with all sorts of things. He had tiger scratches across his back and it was dripping blood. He turned around and saw me standing there. I felt so self-conscious so I made sure my robe was tightened.
“Good morning beautiful” Killah finally spoke.
“Good morning” I said blushing.
“Come have breakfast” I sat at the island in one of the chairs that was there. He had made pancakes, bacon and eggs and 3even hash browns. I ate slowly as he was chowing down. I wanted to know why I was there, how I got there and where my clothes were.
“What’s the matter?” He asked looking at me.
“Did you undress me and put me in the bed?”
“Yeah, my bad if you feel violated at all but your dress was wet from the champagne you spilled”
“Oh” I looked down “Thanks” I said eating my pancakes. This breakfast was bangin but I aint wanna tell that.
“Is it good?”
“Its aiight”
“Just aiight?” He chuckled. I looked up at him grinning.
“Nah, it’s bangin, where you learn to cook like this?”
“Well, my mom’s taught me how to cook when I was younger so I could help feed my little sister”
“Oh, well she taught you well”
“I know right” He looked like he was in a deep thought but then he went back to eating. I still wanted to know why he wanted me. I helped him clean the dishes although he kept declining my offer, then I just took charge and helped clean. We went back into the living room and sat on opposite sides of the couch. We kept looking at each other than the couch.
“Uhm, do you know where my clothes are?” I asked.
“Well your dress is at the dry cleaners and you know where your underwear is but I can let you borrow my basketball shorts and shirt and come back for your dress” He said. I nodded and he let me to his room and gave me a pair of all black basketball shorts and a white V-neck shirt. I ran into the room he left me in and put my bra on. I wasn’t outing my underwear back on cause that’s just trifling. I put the basketball shorts on and tightened then around my small waist and then put his shirt over my head. I grabbed my pumps and my purse and went downstairs to see him all fresh to death. He had on a pair of true religion jeans, all white forces, a white Hollister shirt with a blue bird on it, a dolphins snapback and his Rolex. He smiled and grabbed his keys.
“Ya ready?”
“Yeah” I walked out of the door before him and he locked his house up. He opened his garage and I saw a white Benz and a black BMW. We got into the Benz and we were on our way back to my house. We hit the parkway and he decided to turn the radio on. Trey Songz was playing through the car and Killah was nodding his head and then decided to blast the song.
“I only came for the bitches and the dranks” Trey was singing and I started nodding to the music. I then decided to dance as the song was getting better. Killah looked at me and laughed. The song ended and he turned it down.
“Nice moves ma”
“Whatever” I said laughed. I looked at him and he looked back at me.
“What’s up ma? Is something on ya mind?”
“Yeah, I was wondering why you chose me out of every girl in the club”
“Because you are pretty and I wanted to meet you” He said matter of factly.
“What? I’m dead ass”
“So you had no intentions of sleeping with me?”
“Nah, I really just wanted to get to know you and then decide if I wanted to give you my number or not” I laughed “I’m serious” We were now pulling up on my street and soon, we stopped in the front of my condo.
“Thank you very much Killah”
“Please call me Damion”
“Okay, Damion, good bye” I said leaving the car. He waited until I was in the house to pull off. I went upstairs to take another shower and to get out of his clothes. I had to work in a half our so I quickly threw some stuff into my bag and left. I got into my infinity and sped over to Paradise, the strip club I work at.
When I went to the back, of course these bitches hated me. It wasn’t enough that I was going to graduate from my night college courses to be a nurse but also, Every nigga out there wanted a lap dance from me and will tell these hoes to come get me and they do sometimes. I heard girls whispering and rolling they eyes at me but I ignored them and began to get dressed.
“Ayo Kat, lemme talk to you real quick” this tall ass girl named Amanda said to me. She walked towards me as I put baby oil on my skin.
“What?” I asked clearly annoyed.
“Don’t get slick, was you at the club with Killah?”
“Just answer the damn question”
“Fine, to answer your question, yes I was” She rolled her eyes and walked away from me. Soon, these bitches was flocking me, asking how he and all sorts of stuff. I just ignored their questions and went out to dance my heart out, just to get some more money to pay off the last of my student loans finally. When I stepped on the stage and was grinding all on the pole. Then I walked up further and began popping it when I stared in the eyes of the nigga that made me be like this…Hykeem.

Chapter 5

I quickly ran to the back to change and count the money I received. In this club, nobody is allowed to throw singles so you know I was always stacked.
“Kat!” Roscoe yelled walking towards me.
“Your requested in the VIP room.” I quickly put my stuff in my purse and put a lock on it then put it in the lockers that were provided by roscoe,, although we had to buy our own locks, I felt everything was safe.
I walked into the VIP room to see Hykeem and some of his boys there. I rolled my eyes and went on the mini stage and did my thing on the pole. When I was done, I was gonna leave until Hykeem asked for a lap dance. I rolled my eyes and gave him his lap dance.
“So this is what you doin for money now?” I ignored him and then he slapped my ass hard and I smacked him in his face.
“No touchin mufucka” I said and he clenched his jaw.
“I can touch my girl if I want to” I laughed in his face.
“I’m not ya girl” I said getting up and collecting my money. I went to the back and of course there were a few girls back there. I counted out 4 G’s and was smiling ear to ear. I put my money away and when I turned around, I saw Hykeem standing there. “You can’t be in here” I said walking back to my vanity mirror.
“I can be wherever I please Katia” I rolled my eyes and he looked at me in the mirror. “You look beautiful”
“Whatever Hykeem” I said getting up to find my last outfit of the day.
“I’m serious ma” He grabbed my waist and I pushed him off of me.
“Keep your hands off of me Hykeem!” I yelled.
“Bitch, who the fuck do you think you’re yelling at?”
“You mufucka” He slapped me and I fell to the ground.
“What was that now?” I punched him right in his balls and soon, we had a brawl. He had the upper hand but I was still kicking his ass.
“Get off of me” I yelled as he pinned my down.
“Nope, you wanna play right?” He said snatching my underwear off.
“GET OFF OF ME” I screamed louder and he bit his bottom lip as he pulled his 8 inch dick out of his pants.
“Come on, you know you want daddy’s dick”
“Stop Hykeem please” I yelled and soon, Roscoe came in and held a gun to Hakeem’s head.
“Get the fuck off of her mufucka” He yelled and Hykeem stood up. I curled into a fetal position and Roscoe threatened Hykeem.
“This aint over” Hykeem yelled and I got scared. At least he doesn’t know where I live. Roscoe and the girls tried to help me get together. I put my regular clothes on and cut roscoe off with his 5% and I left the club. I went home and on the doorstep was a vase with Rosses inside. I smiled and picked it up before going in the house and reading the card.
“To the most beautiful woman that caught my eye

I smiled and was gonna call him until I realized I didn’t have his number. Luckily, my cell rang and a number popped up.
“Hello?” I answered.
“Hey, did you get the roses? Damion asked.
“Of course, their beautiful, thank you, you just made my day a lot better” I said smelling the roses again.
“Awe, I’m happy…you want to talk to me about your day?”
“It’s a long story” I sighed.
“Well, how about you get changed and come outside and escort me to dinner”
“Your outside?” I asked looking through me window.
“Yeah” He waved and I chuckled.
“Well park and come in cause it’s gonna take a while” I said opening the door for him. We hung up and he made his way up the stairs. I hugged him as he entered the house.
“Wow, nice apartment”
“Thanks, let me hop in the shower, make yourself at home” I said going into the bathroom to shower. I took my time making sure I was fresh and clean and when I got out, I saw this dude listening to Ne-yo singing on the television. I shook my head and went into the bedroom to get dressed. I made sure I looked nice and came out to see him looking on myself at the pictures I had.
“You ready?” I asked him as he examined one of the photos.
“Yeah, but uhm, who’s that?” He asked pointing to my older sister.
“My older sister, she’s a model now”
“That’s where I recognize her from…she was in one of my music videos” He explained and I nodded my head. WE walked to his car and we were off to dinner.

Chapter 6

As the waitress sat us at the table, we looked over our menu’s.
“Everything sounds good, what you getting?” He asked me.
“Hmm, well as an appetizer I just want a salad, my meal, this lobster meal sounds good”
“It does” he agreed.
“Well I want to start with a salad” I said closing my menu. The waitress came back to the table.
“What would you like to drink?” she asked us.
“Give us a bottle of Merlot” Damion said and the waitress left. “So, tell me about your day” He said and I sighed.
“Well, how about I tell you my whole story? It all connects”
“Okay” He said sitting up straight.
“Well, when I was 16, I met this guy named Hykeem. He took my virginity and then we had this on again off again relationship. Since he was 20, he said we couldn’t be together or he’d get in trouble so we would just chill and have sex then won’t talk to each other again. When I turned 19, I was fresh to death when he decided to pop up. He asked me out and promised me the world. It was all fun and he was committed until a few months ago when he beat me almost to death. Luckily, I found a job and I get good money. I had to find an apartment and luckily, he sent my clothes to me. Today, I ran into him where I worked at and he-“
“Here’s your bottle” The waitress said sitting it into the ice. Damion thanked her and told me to go on.
“Well, he tried rapping me. He did beat me, that’s why I put make up on to cover the bruises on my face” I said pointing to the bruise on my cheek and on my forehead. “But ya know, you run into situations like that, but I keep my head up. I’m currently in school trying to be a certified nurse so I can get real money for something I love” I ate some of my salad that sat in front of me.
“Come here” He said leaning in. I did the same and he kissed my cheek and then my forehead. I looked down and he put my chin up with his hand. He kissed me on my lips and I felt shocks all over my body. That one minute felt like an hour to me. I leaned back and he smiled. “I’ve been waiting to do that for a while” Damion said with a cheesy smile. I laughed and we started talking about him.
“I lived in the hood as a child, struggling to take care of my family. My father was shot and my mom was taking care of us. She had three jobs and it wasn’t enough to get us the food we needed, so I decided to step up. I took a job to feed both me and my little sister and I had money to buy clothes. I aint gonna lie, I sold drugs and was on my way to be affiliated with a gang but luckily my sister talked me out of it. I of course knew I couldn’t do that shit knowing I’d be putting both her and moms in danger. I was caught with a possession of an unlicensed gun and drugs at the age of 16. Luckily, they only gave my 7 years and I got out with good behavior so I ended up doing 3. I went back to high school and got my diploma. I was gonna go back to the street life cause I was getting better offers from street niggas instead of record labels who said I was good, but not good enough. Finally, a rapper discovered me as I was in a bar fight. He told me to call him and I did exactly that and look at me now” He started flexing and I laughed.
“Yup. I bought my little sister her own condo and I’m helping her pay her way through college and now law school” I swallowed some water.
“What about your mom?” He had a blank expression on his face and he then shook it off and cleared his throat.
“My mom was shot repeatedly when I was incarcerated. I found out when I came back home and saw some white bitch living in my old place. She told me my sister was put into the system and when I went to find her, they claimed she ran away. I was determined to find her and I did. She was strung out in one of my ex-boys’ house. He told me she gave great head but she never dropped her pants for nobody. I knocked that nigga out and carried her with me back to the raggedy apartment I owned and now, she changed her whole lifestyle around”
“Wow, that’s one hell of a life story”
“Yeah I know, but that’s how it is” We continued talking about everything under the sun. Son, the bill was being placed on the table and we both reached for it.
“I got it” Damion said laughing.
“You sure?” I asked still not letting go of the bill.
“What part of me inviting you on a date have you paying?”
“You’re right” I said letting go of the check. This guy really passed mad standards in needed in a nigga. He left a generous tip and we left the table. I of course had a doggy bag and we went to his car.
Of course some reggae music had to come on and I kept winding my hips in the seat and I saw Damion look at me and smirk.
“Wanna go out or something?” He asked looking at me partyin’ in the passenger seat.
“Nah, I gotta work tomorrow”
“But it’s a Saturday ma”
“Yeah, our most busiest day”
“Aiight” He nodded his head.
When I got home, Damion walked me to the door. I gave Damion a long kiss goodnight and our breaths started to increase. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. I got down from him and was gonna lead him inside until he froze.
“What’s the matter?” I asked.
“Nothing ma, I just don’t want to rush things. When we have sex, I want to make love to every part of your body and I want to please you. I don’t want to fuck you and diss you” He kissed my hand. “Goodnight Katia” He smiled and then ran down the steps. I stood in the doorframe dumbfounded. This nigga just turned down free sex. I shut my door and went into my bedroom. I was way too tired to shower so I put on new clothes and hopped into my queen sized bed. I buried my head into the pillow and like that, I was knocked.

Chapter 7

“Another day, another dollar” I said massaging the baby oil into my skin. I went on that stage and did my thing. Dropping into a split as my finale, I heard the crowd roaring. I collected the money and then put it away. I went back out to the floor and men kept asking for a lap dance and I did that.
When I was done with one of the men, I felt a hand grab me.
“Hey ma, what’s up?” Nasir smiled at me.
“Hey Nasir, want a dance?”
“Yeah, come on” He pulled me along to the back of the room. I gave him his dance and when I finished he wouldn’t let me go.
“Nasir, let me go, I gotta get ready to go”
“Wanna make some extra money? Meet me in a half hour in the back of the club” I rolled my eyes and walked back to the dressing room to get ready to leave. My cell started ringing and I saw Damion’s name.
“Hello?” I answered as I looked at my reflection in the vanity mirror.
“Hey ma, what’s up?”
“Nothing, in about to go home, I’m leaving work now”
“Oh word, Whatchu doin tonight?”
“I aint really have no plans, I do have to stop at my school and to drop off a paper that is due as my final and then I’m going home, why what’s up?”
“Well, it’s Saturday night and I’m having an album release party, how about I come scoop you and bring you as my date to the party?”
“Uhm” The girls came barging into the backroom and laughing making mad noise. “Shut the fuck up!” I yelled and paid attention to the phone as the kept talking shit. “Yeah sure, meet me at my place” I hung up and grabbed my bag.
“Stupid bitch think she the shit cause she goin to school, bitch you aint gon’ be nothin’ but a stripping as hoe who suck dick” The light skinned blond bitch said.
“Yeah, but you forget one thing…Friday is my last day and I don’t have to be like yall hoes no more…You guys are invited to my graduation party” I said smiling and they gave me a fake smile and rolled their eyes. I went to Roscoe’s office and paid him.
“Imma miss you Katia” He said as I handed him his money “You the only one that bought in some good money, these other tricks be giving me chump change” I smiled and walked out of there. I walked to my car and drove over to the community college. I ran into my teacher as she was leaving.
“Oh hey Katia, is this your paper?”
“Yes” I said handing her the thick paper “Sorry I got you before leaving, I know you’re ready to go home”
“Actually I was heading out to eat, want to join?”
“Actually, I was meeting with a guy I met a while ago, thanks though. I actually I have to head home to meet him”
“Okay, have fun and I’ll look over this. Hopefully the next time I see you is Thursday for practicing going to get your degree” She said excitedly “You’ve made it a long way, finally it’s here”
“I know” I said grinning ear to ear.
“Oh and here” She was digging through her bag and gave me a card.
“Dr. Lauran?”
“Yes, she’s a very close friend of mine. We were in the same dorm room and we decided to be in the same sorority. When she needs something I help her and vice versa. I told her about you and if you don’t mind, I told her your story and she said she’ll give you a job in the intensive care unit. They just let go of one of the women there and she needs help with the patients there. Your one of the best women that I had in my classroom. You’re ready to do this so call her immediately” She hugged me and I thanked her. I walked back to my car and waved to her as I drove home. When I was in the parkway, I got a phone call from Nasir.
“What happened to meeting me in the back of the club?”
“Nasir, this little fling we had is over. I’m done with that life, I can’t go around fucking dudes and sucking their dicks and stripping. I’m done, I’m sorry but I am done with this life”
“I feel you boo, do ya thing. I’m happy I finally heard a woman say that shit to me, now I gotta find another chick to suck my dick like you did” We laughed.
“Bye Nasir, have a good life” I pulled up to my house and I saw Damion fresh to death. He was wearing a white button down polo with the sleeves rolled up, white cargo shorts and a pair of white and yellow high top addidas.
“Hey Damion” I hugged him and opened the door to let him in.
“Hey, what’s up ma?”
“Nothin, you can have a seat, I gotta hop in the shower”
“Take ya time” I threw my bag on my bed and ran into the bathroom. I showered and washed my hair since I smelled like sweat. I wrapped my hair in a towel and wrapped myself in another towel. I ran into my room after putting my clothes into my hamper. I massaged baby oil into my skin then wiped the extra oil off so I didn’t seem too shiny. I put my bra on and my underwear then forgot to ask Damion why he was wearing all white.
“Damion!” I yelled.
“Is this an all-white party?”
“Aiight” I closed the door and decided to wear white anyway. Niggas didn’t know parties even if they threw them. I put my black pumps on and then blew my hair out with the blow dryer. Unlike other chicks, I had some really nice hair that was real. It came down to the bottom of my titties and it was naturally curly. I decided to just flatten my bang and keep the rest curly and I did that and went ahead and grabbed my white clutch. I put my phone, keys and money inside with some makeup and I put some perfume on.
I went out to the living room to meet with Damion.
“Damn ma, you look good as hell” I blushed and he kissed my lips. He opened the door for me and I walked out of the house. I was going to reach for the car door but he stopped me. “I’m supposed to do that ma” I laughed as I sat in the car. He jogged over to the driver’s side.
“You know I can open the door myself right?” I said as he started the car.
“I know but a man is supposed to do all that for you” I laughed and soon, we were pulling up to this huge building. We got out of the car so the valet can park the car and he took my hand. There were like 6 paparazzi men out there and he stopped so they can take a few photos of us. We went into the building and it was a hotel. I shook my head as he asked for the suite card. We went all the way to the top floor and we got out of the elevator and I heard music blasting and I saw people kissing in the hallway. He kept saying hi to his friends and giving niggas pounds and shit. We entered the room and we heard cheers and people clapping. He grabbed a glass off of the silver tray the woman was carrying. He handed me one and grabbed another for himself.
“I just want to thank everyone for coming. Lots of work was put into this album. Shout out to big E, he been there from day one, when I was on YouTube and shit trying to get signed. Also, shout out to E-Money records for giving me my break and my manager Lisa, thank you. Thanks to everyone that contributed to my success” With that everyone clapped and drank their glass. Damion grabbed my hand and we walked towards a group of guys that were there.
“Yo nigga, I can believe this is really happening. You the hottest nigga in the streets right now” One of the guys said as he gave him a brotherly hug.
“Yeah I know but guys I want you to meet the someone special In my life, This is Katia, Katia this is Big E, Josie, Beez, and X” That looked me up and down and then looked at Damion.
“Nigga that aint yours” Big E said and all the guys were laughing.
“Think that shit if you want but if I catch any nigga talking to her, it’s ya life” The guys laughed.
“Mmhmm, whatever but you know Valarie gon be mad Bruh” Big E said
“Fuck her”
“Listen mas, if things don’t work out, don’t hesitate to call me” Big E said trying to give me his card. Damion snatched it from him and hit him in the back of the head. We walked away and sat in a secluded area. As we talked about how much stress and everything he went through to make his album and then some girl screamed his name. He rolled his eyes and the girl stood before us.
“What do you want Kris” he said with an attitude.
“Why you actin like that huh? You know I just wanted to talk, who is she” The girl said using head to point to me.
“She’s my girl” He said.
“Oh, so you and Val over?”
“We been over, she the one who slept with Gotti and made it perfectly clear she don’t give a fuck about me, she want my money”
“Whatchu think this trick want?” She yelled pointing to me.
“Bitch who the fuck you think you’re calling a trick?”
“Kat chill, Krystal it’s a difference between her and Val. I pursued her, Val pursued me”
“Mmm, anyway do you need a dancer for the new video?”
“You need to talk to Robert about that”
“Aiight, bye” She said looking at me. I stuck my middle finger up at the bitch and smirked.
“Who is Val?” I asked as she left.
“Nobody you need to worry about” He kissed my forehead and looked over at his blackberry.
Soon, this nigga left me by myself sitting down. I had to pee so I decided to get up and try to find him. I did exactly that, ignoring the niggas trying to dance and talk to me. I did a quick glance at the corner of the room and I thought I saw him. I looked again and saw him kissed up on some chick. I walked over there and smacked the back of his head.
“Who is she Damion?” I asked upset. He just stood there shocked and she smirked and walked away. Oh hell no, this bitch didn’t. I pulled her by her long ass weave and started punching this bitch in her face. I felt arms around my waist pulling me off this trick and I spit right in her face. I was in the hallway and the person put me down. I turned and saw Damion and I slapped him in the face and walked towards the elevator.
“Katia!” I heard him scream. He grabbed my arm as the elevator opened.
“Let go of me Damion” I yelled.
“No Katia” He pulled me into another suite and pushed me onto the bed as he put the chain on the door so nobody can enter.
“Damion let me go now!” I yelled trying to get out. He pushed me back on the bed and kissed me. “Im not playing Damion. I want to go now” He kept trying to pull my dress up and when I slapped him he stood up.
“Damn Katia, why you actin like this?”
“Nigga, you tryna fuck me knowing that I’m mad”
“Why you mad Kat?”
“What? I can’t believe you just asked me that knowing I just witnessed you kissing some bitch! Is she the reason why you aint wanna fuck me? What was I just some chick to make her jealous?”
“Man it aint even like that”
“Whatever, bye nigga” I left the room and waited for the elevator. When it finally opened, I felt someone lead me inside the elevator. I saw Damion shut the doors and stop it as it was going down. He picked me up and pinned me on the wall. He kissed my lips and then went down to my neck and hit the spot. I let out a soft moan and he kept kissing my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled my dress up a little. He let me down and put one of my legs up. He pushed my thong to the side and started eating me out. I was in ecstasy. I hit my climax and I felt weak. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. I felt his manhood enter me and it was huge.
“Uh” I yelled in ecstasy. He kept pumping in and out of me. I bit down on his shoulder and he sped up. “Damion” I yelled his name.
“I’m about to cum” He yelled. He sped up a little faster and he came. My legs were weak as I tried holding myself up. He took his manhood out of me and then took his condom off. He placed it in his pocket and pulled his pants up. The elevator was moving and I pulled my dress down. WE kept breathing fast and as the door opened, we saw mad people standing there clearly upset. He smiled and took my hand into his. People scrunched their faces up at us and we just laughed.
Damion dropped me off at home and kissed me before I left the car. I went right into the shower after all of that. I felt like I might actually have feelings for this dude.

Chapter 8

The week went by so fast; it was all like a blur. The only thing is, I haven’t seen or talked to Damion since the night of the party. I guess all he wanted was to fuck, oh well. Today’s my last day at this strip club and I was guaranteed a job at the nearby hospital. The good thing about it was I only work Mondays, Wednesday’s and Friday’s so I’m lucky. Plus, I get paid more than what I got paid at the strip club each week. I was so happy. Although some of the girls here didn’t like me, they gave me a cake congratulating me. I smiled at them and hugged each of them, although I was half naked.
“Kat!” I heard Roscoe yell as he made his way through the girls.
“What’s up Roscoe?”
“I’m gonna miss you boo” He hugged me.
“Imma miss yall too, I’ll come visit every once and a while”
“Imma hold you up on that but I need my best girls in the VIP room ASAP. Lolli, Candi, Krystal and Kat, go out there” He looked at me “I mean if you want to Kat” I shrugged my shoulders.
“I need to go out with a bang” I said and he laughed.
“Imma miss you girl, now get out there and make me some money” He said slapping my ass. I shook my head and made my way to the VIP room. All the girls were squealing and shit but I wasn’t paying any attention until I made my way to the mini stage they had. My jaw dropped.
“Bro, aint that Katia?” Big E said to Damion whose jaw was clenched. He stood up and pulled me by my arm out the back of the club. Roscoe tried to stop him but I waved him off.
“What the fuck is your problem Katia?” Damion yelled as the door shut behind us.
“Whatchu mean what’s my problem? What’s your problem?”
“I didn’t know you were a stripper”
“Yeah well I guess you never asked besides, today is my last day. I’m graduating tonight and I plan on starting my career on Monday”
“Doing what? Prostitution?” He crossed his arms over his chest and it stung what he really said. I walked away from him and he kept calling my name. I went right into the dressing room and changed my clothes. I gave counted out Roscoe’s money and kept my money. I walked from the back and saw Damion standing there. I walked right passed him. “Katia!”
“What!” I yelled upset.
“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to say that”
“Well you said it, what you think I’m easy and that ill fuck any guy for a buck or two? You gotta be out yo mind, I can’t believe you” I walked into Roscoe’s office to pay him.
“Keep it Kat, my graduation gift to you” I was shocked.
“Do you know how much money it is?”
“Nah, but you keep it. I need to make sure I’m good too cause if a nigga get shot, I don’t want you playing games with my life” We laughed.
“I would never” I winked at him and he gave me one last hug. When I left his office, one of the girls gave me the rest of the cake and I said goodbye to this club. When I made it outside, the cold winter air slapped me in my face. I tightened my trench coat and drove home so I can take a nice shower and get my hair and nails done for the graduation tonight.
After I finished my nails and hair, I rushed home, relaxed in a vanilla bubble bath..i loved the smell of vanilla. I just sat there until I heard my cellphone alarm go off indicating that if I don’t get out and get dressed, imma be late. I dried off and went into my room and was about to get dressed until arms wrapped around my waist. I quickly elbowed the person in their stomach and turned my light on to see Damion holding his stomach.
“What the fuck Damion!” I screamed throwing my pillow at him.
“Damn Kat, I aint know you can hit that hard”
“Well now you do, how did you get into my house?” I asked grabbing my baby oil and applying it to my skin.
“Your extra key is under your flower plant. I rolled my eyes and put on my red lace bra with the matching thong. I wiped any extra oils off of me and then slipped into my black long sleeved dress that hugged my curves. I put on my zebra patterned shoes that sparkled and then I put on my diamond earrings with my tennis bracelet. I was about ready to go when Damion came back into my room.
“Damn ma, you look good as hell” I smiled and then walked passed him. I grabbed my graduation robe and yelled Damion’s name.
“I gotta go if I don’t want to be late!” I yelled and he ran into the living room.
“Aiight, let’s go” He took my hand and I snatched it away. “What’s the matter ma?”
“Nothing” I said and he tried to take my hand again and I pulled away.
“Aiight Kat, I’m dead ass right now, what’s up?”
“I’m still mad at you, I don’t know why you come to my job spazzin and shit and we haven’t talked since Sunday at that party. You didn’t even send me a text and I don’t want to hear no bullshit like I was busy cause we both know damn well you would’ve text me asking how my day was”
“Fine Kat, truth be told, I was going through a crisis”
“Which was?”
“You remember that chick you fought at the party?”
“Well, she just told me she might be 3 months pregnant with my baby and I didn’t want you to be in it cause I just met you and I actually have feelings for you” I shook my head and stopped myself before tears fell down. He took my head into his hands. “Katia” He kissed my lips. “I love you” I smiled as the tears ran down my eyes. He kissed each tear away and I looked at the time.
“Crap imma be late” I said kissing him. “I love you too” He grabbed my hand and we ran out to his car. He sped all the way down the parkway and got off at the exit. I ran into the building and luckily, I wasn’t late. My teacher stood there hugging me and looked Damion up and down.
“Is that Killah?” I heard somebody yell. I kissed him and told him to sit down and wait for me. As fast as the ceremony began, it ended. We all got our diplomas and left. Of course, mad people were joking Damion and asking him to signing their diplomas. I shook my head as he really stood there signing. I beeped his horn and he snapped out of it and waved everyone else off.
“You seriously had to do all that?” I asked as he slid his body into the seat.
“I had to please my fans” I shook my head and looked out the window. “Where you want to eat at?”
“Home, order a pizza or something, I’m tired”
“But babe, you graduated, celebrate”
“I will tomorrow at the party” Damion shook his head and ordered a plain pizza. When we made it to the house, the pizza man had just arrived. Damion pain and I opened the door for him. After our pizza, we went into my room and I was knocked.

Chapter 9

“Katia, you better open this fuckin door!” I heard my bestfreind Lia scream over the music I had blasting. I turned the music off and wiped my hands off on my baggy t-shirt. I opened the door and she rushed into the house. “Hey bitch what’s up?” She said looking inside my place.
“Hey, uh what are you doin?”
“Where is he?”
“Stop playin’ with me, where is Killah?”
“Oh, he left earlier to get ready for the party, wait how you know about him?”
“Girl, the whole hood talkin about you and him bein togetha!”
“Oh and plus yall are on the cover of almost every magazine I saw at the grocery store” she threw magazines on the coffee table. My mouth was wide open as it had photos of us hugging, kissing and eating dinner together. The headlines read “New chick of the week or Killah?” I threw them back on the table and went back to making the mac n cheese for the party.
“Lia, can you help make something?”
“Like what? It’s your party not mine”
“Then why are you here?”
“To chill girl, you now ray-ray got those badass kids over at the house! They keep jumping on my couch and yelling my name and shit, It’s not cute but You know ray-ray “awe look at my lil solders” , fuck outta here” I shook my head and put the mac and cheese in and put on a timer. I started the collard greens and then I put the yams on a tray to cook when the mac and cheese was done. I sat down next to a sleeping Lia and as soon as I exhaled, the doorbell rang.
“Oh my gosh! Who is it?” I yelled opening the door. I saw Damion standing there with a seductive smirk on his face.
“Hey babe, you need help?” He asked kissing my neck.
“You know your late right?”
“Oh man!” He said jokingly. I playfully hit him on his arm and I put my finger up to my lips so he wouldn’t wake Lia. He sat on the couch and I sat on his lap and kissed his soft lips.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you babe”
“Oh really?” I asked cocking an eyebrow.
“Yeah, actually the whole time in the studio, my mind was somewhere else, that’s why my manager told me to go home” I laughed.
“You need a vacation anyway boo, when do you get that?”
“Well, after all of the videos are shot and the awards show is over, I can have a vacation” I nodded my head. “Or I can say fuck em and we just run to the Bahamas tonight?”
“I would If I could but” I looked over at Lia who was moving in her sleep. “I have to get my clothes for my job tomorrow”
“Oh yeah, I almost forgot you got hired”
“Yeah, and I do not want to make a bad impression on the doctors”
“OH MY GOSH, IT’S REALLY HIM!!!” Lia screamed standing up from the couch.
“Lia, calm down”
“Don’t tell me to calm down, you siting on Killah’s lap, I can’t believe you really know him!” Damion and I laughed.

“Nah ma, we don’t know each other, we love each other” Damion said.
“Yall go out!” She looked at me and I looked away “Oh my gosh! I’m so excited; I’m putting this shit on Facebook”
“What, look at the magazines, everyone already know, imma just say every bitch that was hatin on you can kiss your huge ass and suck a fuckin dick because you really go out with Killah”
“His name is Damion Lia”
“Damion, Killah, whatever” She said waving me off. I saw her tapping fast and hard. I looked Damion who wasn’t paying any attention but was reading the article about our night. He laughed and shook his head.
“These people are funny gawd” He said pointing at the photo of him kissing me at the restaurant when we poured our hearts out. He kissed me and of course out the corner of my eye, I saw a flash. I turned and saw Lia taking a picture.
“Lia!” I yelled.
“What, I needed a photo for proof” She said shrugging her shoulders and I was going to chase her but Damion held me tighter.
“Then you need a better photo” He said putting my legs on both sides of his so I was cradling him and he kissed me. I had my arms around his neck and his hands were on my ass and I pushed him back.
“Okay, that’s enough damn, they gonna be thinkin were in a threesome” Damion and I laughed. I was completely turned on and I could tell he was too by the way his manhood was poking me.
“Wanna go to the bedroom?” I whispered in his ear and then the bell went off. I got off of him and ran into the kitchen to take the mac and cheese out. Damion held a pillow on his lap as Lia wouldn’t stop talking to him. I placed the Yams inside the oven and then I grabbed a snack from my cabinets. I sat down on Damion’s lap again and his hard on had subsided.
“Ooh, can I have one?” Damion asked as I munched on my crumpet.
“There are no more” I said biting into the first one.
“Well let me have the other”
“Uh, let me think, No” I smiled and he grabbed it out of my hand. “Come on, stop babe” He laughed and gave it back.
“I just want one” He said giving me the sad face as I pulled out the other half.
“Let’s share this one” I said putting one end in my mouth and had the other end out. He laughed and played along. We ate the crumpet like the lady and the tramp. When we backed up from each other, we had crumps all over our faces and we laughed at each other.
“Awe, yall so cute, unlike me and Ray-ray bum ass” I shook my head and went to the door since somebody was knocking on it repeatedly.
“Who the fuck is knocking on my door like that!” I yelled opening the door to see Ray-ray big ass.
“Lia” He yelled brushing past me.
“Uhm, excuse you nigga, don’t be rushin’ into my crib without saying shit, now get the fuck out” I yelled pushing him out. I was about to walk away from the door when he rang the doorbell. I opened it and he finally knew better.
“Hey Kat, is Lia here?”
“Yeah, come in” I opened the door and
“Lia!” He yelled at her.
“Keep yo fuckin voice down” I yelled and sat down.
“My bad Kat, Lia, why you leave the house?”
“Cause I told you I aint beat to be watchin’ those badass bebe kids of yours”
“Don’t say that about my kids yo”
“I’m just statin facts I mean, look at them. They ruin the furniture, they draw all over the walls…the little girl cut my Versace dress and I loved that dress, the little boy was playin with your gun and almost shot me and not to mention your oldest daughter was fucked some dude in our bed and then was smokin weed!” Ray-ray stood there upset.
“They not bad kids, they just need some discipline”
“Yeah, and you know Whatchu need…a fuckin belt to whoop they’re asses. I bet their mommas beat they ass, why don’t you?” I was just watching them argue back and forth about these kids and Damion looked at me shaking his head. I laughed and then went back into the argument.
“Fine, ill beat them…just can you watch them while I go to work”
“WORK?! Nigga you a hustler, you go to work when you want” Lia yelled standing up this time. “How about you work on a strategy to beat these kids or punish them for all the shit they’ve done!”
“Fine, let’s go Lia,” Ray-ray sighed and looked at me and smiled “Katia” He said singing my name.
“What” I sang back.
“Can you watch my kids while I go talk to Lia”
“Hmm, let me think, no”
“Why?” He asked and I looked at this fool like he’s crazy.
“Uh, cause they’re not my kids, plus I have shit to do and also, I have company” I said pointing to Damion. Ray-ray nearly passed out when he saw him.
“Killah?” He asked looking at him. “Yo, imma huge fan, I like that song you did called hustlers pov, yo that shit was deep as hell”
“I was hopping people would understands a hustlers struggle”
“Yeah, that part when you said ya moms was shot in the head two times, and yo sister out there suckin dick for a dime while you incarcerated and all this shit. That was deep because I know when I was locked up, my baby moms started sucking dick to get money and I heard some niggas shot my mom house up but they told me she had a heart attack and died, I was struggling bro and when I was released, I promised to kill every nigga that shot my mom’s house up until I heard your song then I was like fuck them niggas, I’m makin money and I aint going back to jail”
“Keep yo head up nigga, watch you go somewhere with that determination shit” Damion gave Ray-ray some dap and then Ray-ray left the house.
“I gotta start listening to your music” I said sitting on his lap and kissing him.
“Why haven’t you?”
“Caus eim more of a RnB chick” He nodded his head and then picked me up and led me to the bedroom. He placed my body on the bed and kissed me from my lips on down, removing clothes as he got lower. I heard the bell for the yams ding and I wanted to get them, but what he was doing to my body felt so good.
“Mmm, Damion” I moaned satisfied, but also trying to get his attention. He kissed the insides of the thighs and that made me melt. He reached for the lines on my panties and I knew I had to stop him before the yams burned. “Damion” I said and he looked up. “I have to take the yams out” He looked disappointed as he got up off of the bed. I threw on any shirt and ran into the kitchen and took the yams out. They looked good and I put them on a tray to keep it warm. I stirred the collard greens and then went back in my room to see Damion playing Trey Songz- Last time. The video to this song had me in tears and I don’t even know why. I guess the fact that Trey lost both of the girls hurt me I mean damn, If I was his main chick and I was following him, I would’ve know what I was gonna see but no, the bitch was acting shocked and ran away crying. Anyway, I snuck up behind Damion and kissed his neck as I hugged him from the back.
“Wanna finish where we left off?” I asked and he turned around and picked me up. He laid my body on the bed and took off all of his clothes but his boxer briefs. I took my shirt off and kept my underwear on. He kissed me as he massaged my titties. It felt so good. I moaned in pleasure and he started sucking on one of my nipples. Soon my nipples were at attention as he went from each of them to suck. He got lower and then kissed my thighs. He pulled my underwear off dove right into my sopping wet cootie.
“MMM” I said leaning back onto the bed. He blew on my clit and then sucked it and then placed one of his fingers inside my opening. It felt so good and then he put another finger inside, and kept going in a slow rhythm. My hips went with the rhythm he was going out and I was about to cum. “Uhm, yes Damion!” I exclaimed about to reach that climax but he took his fingers out and sucked them. He kissed me yet again and then took his boxers off and laid back on the bed. I climbed right on top of him although he told me to wait, I couldn’t. I needed that dick. I rode this nigga in a nice and slow fashion. Each time he wanted to go faster I’ll stop and then he’d stop and I’d continue with the pace I was going. I was driving him crazy, I could tell by the way his cock was throbbing inside of me.
“Babe” He let out and I kissed his lips.
“Yeah?” I whispered.
“You really about to make me cum”
“Wait til we both reach that point babe”
“Speed it up”
“We cant, we gotta keep this slow rythem so we can savor eachothers love button” We laughed.
“Fine” I sighed and was about to get up but he didn’t want me getting off of his dick. He rolled over with me on the bed and him on top and started fucking me fast. It felt so good but not better than what I was doing.
“Ughh, babe, im almost there” I told him and this time he went deeper and he hit my spot. “Oh shit” I said sitting up. He kept hitting my spot and it didn’t take but one minute for the both of us to hit that climax. He collapsed on me and we fell right to sleep.
When I looked over at my alarm clock I saw 10:52 pm on it.
“Oh shit!” I exclaimed gettingup. I tripped on all sorts of stuff. Damion wasn’t in the bed and frankly, I aint care. I ran into the shower and then went back into my room to change. Goodthing I knew who the DJ was cause I swear, I think he would’ve never been able to set up if I wa still asleep. I put on the dress I planned on wearing and ran to the door and I saw everyone in the living room.
“Surprise!” They yelled and I saw Damion grinning from ear to ear. I stuck my middle finger up at him and he laughed.
“You know, a surprise party is supposed to be unknown to the person your throwing it for” I said and everyone laughed. The DJ started playing music as I went around hugging people I knew. I made my way to Damion who couldn’t stop laughing.
“Why didn’t you wake me up?”
“Cause, you were sleeping, besides, I had to go home and get some clothes”
“Mmhmm” He stood up and hugged me around my waist, and I placed my arms around his neck. He kissed me and I still felt hat electricity like from day 1.
“I gotta tell you something Katia”
“Go ahead”
“Later, right now, enjoy” He said and of course I ended up on the dancefloor/ my livingroom. All of my furniture was in my basement and of course I was having a ball. I finally got Damion to get up to dance with me and of course I was drunk. I did some stripper shit and hey, I couldn’t help but work with what I got. It felt like eyes were all on me as I threw my ass back on Damion. He bit his bottom lip and I started laughing. I guess he saw all these guys looking at us cause he finally stood me up and bought me to the back of the room.
“What time is it?” I asked
“3:15 am”
“Oh shit, everybody gotta go!” I yelled. I went to the DJ who announced the last song. He did exactly that and soon, everyone was outta here.
“Wanna clean up?” Damion asked as soon as the DJ left.
“Nah,, ill do it tomorrow, I just need to sleep” I ran into my room and just fell right to sleep as soon as my head met the pillow.

Chapter 10

Weeks had passed since my party and still people were talking abiut it. They were talking about how I was dancing or Damion. I just rolled my eyes at them and continued working. In another month, it would be Christmas and I was excite .I knew exactly what I was gonna get Damion, and I was gonna get it on black Friday. Thanks giving was next week and I was planning on buying everything. I made a list of things I need, things I want, and things im buying for everyone else for their Christmas gift. I was so happy, everything that was on my list were at three stores that were beside eachtoher. Now all I had to do was make sure I was strapped because if anyone, I mean anyone cut me, im murking a bitch.

Black Friday came and of course I aint have no gun, instead, I had my pocket knife and nobody dared to cut me. I was in the front of the line and people kepts talking about what they were getting and what not. I just shook my head, I knew what the first thing I had to get was and they only had about 4 in this store so I had to run. I had my cart and everything As soon as the clock striked 1, the doors opened and I rushed right inside. I grabbed everything I needed, I almost had to fight a bitch for the last IPod they had. Luckily, I brought my knife and that was enough to scare her away. I went in line and they rang everything up and I ran to put everything in my car, making sure my alarm was on, I ran to the next store and of course they weren’t opened ye so I went to check the other, and I saw Lia standing in the front.
“Hey girl, whats up?” She said startling me.
“Oh hey, I aint even see you, they not open yet?”
“Nah, just two more minutes” She said acting like she was getting ready. I laughed at her and she said I could cut her. People started talking and snapping and shit.
“Bitch get in the fuckin back of the line” Some nigga said trying to drag me out of the line. I smacked the shit outta him.
“Keep ya muthafuckin hands off of me fat bastard!” I yelled and he tried to charge at me and I grabbed my pocket knofe and he got scared. He tried to get back in his original spot, but the woman that stood there wouldn’t move so he tried snapping but instead the girls man stepped up and the guy got scareed again and went to the back of the line. “’punk ass bitch” I said and Lia laughed. The doors opened and I ran right inside the sote. I bought everything I needed that was on my list and I still had a couple more things to get out of the other store. I rang everything up and I went to my car and locked the rest of this shit inside the car. Then I went to the next store which opened right after I placed everything in my car. I ran in, grabbed Damion’s gift and a gift for Lia and left. I went over to the mall and went inside to get a couple pairs of sneakers. A couple turned into almost the whole store. I wore a size 6 and I bought mad Jordans, Nike’s and I even bought a pair of Lebrons. I then went to get some heels ,then I bought a couple of snapbacks I thought would look good on Damion, finally, I went to Victorias secret to buy some lotions and stuff and when I entered, they gave me a bag full of lotions and shit, For free, I of course was happy, they said I was the 100th coustomer so I got the prize. I laughed and took my stuff with me and bounced. When I got back to the house, I realized I bought mad shit and I had to do more than one trip to and from my car. Of course, me living in the hood, I had to keep locking my door and unlocking it until all of my stuff was in my apartment. Right away, everything I bought for Damion I threw into my closet and I started cleaning my house. I bought mad new pots and pans so I threw that in the garbage, I bought new spoons, forks and knives so I thew that shit away, I also bought a new blender and the keurig coffee maker and I threw my old ones in a box just in case. I had a new microwave and I threw the old one in the trash since that was barely working, I also bought a new toaster because the old one was rusting. After my whole kitchen ws in order, I went into my bedroom and stripped my bed. I put my new sheets that I bought on the bed and it made my room look sexier. The sheets were red and the blanket was black with silver and red lines at the head of it. The blanket was silky and then I put the pillow cases that matched it on my pillows. The whole room looked hot after I was done with it.
I then went and fixed my bathroom up with the shit I bought. I got a shower candy for myself when I take showers, I can out my washcloth and soap and stuff on there instead of on the side of the tub or anywhere else. I went back into my bedroom and organized the whole thing and as I was picking up shoes, I saw a little fury thing run across the closet.
“Aaahhhh!” I screamed running to my bed. The thing left the closet and then my room. I was shaking so bad, I called Damion and his phone went straight to Voicemail. I kept calling and it did the same thing. This time I left a voicemail and I saw the little fury thing again.
“Aaahah!” I screamed dropping the phone. “Oh my gosh, I cant be in here” I said to myself “Where is my clothes and my eys at?” I yelled looking around the room. I put my pants and shoes on the floor cloesest to the closet. “Fuck!” I screamed and looked inside my drawer and found a pair of sweatpants and socks. I was shaking so bad that I started to cry. “Ohh m-m-my gosh” I said crying out. I slipped my sweat pants on and put my sneakers on. I ran out of the bedroom after grabbing my cellphone and then darted out of the house. Luckily, I had an extra key inside my car. It was so cold outside and I was trying to break into my car.
“Hey ma, need help?” Some sexy ass light skinned dude asked.
“Yeah, can you please open my car for me, I locked my keys inside”
“Aiight, hold up, let me go get my tools” He winked and ran across the street. That guy was sexy. He had grey eyes; he was at least 6ft 2, with curly hair that was cut low. His swag was on point considering the fact that it was cold outside. He had on his brown polo boots, a pair of true religions jeans, a red Hollister sweater and his bling was like woah, a chain hug from his neck that was a diamond incrusted cross. And he had a Rolex on his wrist. In a matter of minutes, he came back and helped me open my car door.
“Thank you very much”
“Aye, no problem, but uhm can I ask you a question?”
“Sure, ask away”
“I was wondering if you had a man?” I chuckled
“Actually, I do and I don’t know where his ass is at right now cause I’m going through a crisis”
“Anything I can help you with?”
“Maybe, actually, I have a mouse in my apartment, can you please get it out for me?”
“You need traps ma”
“Yeah I know but im scared to sleep in my room knowing theirs a mouse inside”
“Aiight, come on” He took my hand and I shut my car door, double locking it. “Wheres your room at?”
“First door on the right” I said pointing from the livingroom.
“Where did you see it last?” He yelled from in my room.
“On the floor near my bed” I yelled back and I went inside the kitchen to get something the drink. When I turned around, I saw the fury beast running across the floor.
“AAahhh!” I screamed jumping on the counter.
“What?” He yelled and saw the mouse run across the floor. He grabbed a broom and told me to be quiet. The mouse came out again and he swept it hard so it hit the wall. He then swept it all the way outside of my apartment and shut the door.
“Thjank you soo much” I said giving him a hug.
“No problem, you know, you could repay me with a date?”
“I don’t know, I gotta ask my boyfriend before I do anything”
“Aiight, I understand..Loyalty is your policy”
“Aiight, then I aint even gonna ask you on a date, but trust me, If ol dude mess up, call me” He handed me a piece of paper with his number on it. And was about to leave.
“Wait, whats your name?”
“Everyone call me E”
“So just E?”
“Yeah, for now” He shur the door behind him and I went in my room to put some real clothes on. I was gonna put E’s number in my phone when I realized I was still on the phone with Damion. Uh-oh. I hung up, put E’s number in my contacts on an app I had and sent him a text, thanking him again.

Chapter 11

I grabbed my brand new concords and put those on my feet and grabbed my black pea coat and went back outside with my purse in hand and key in the other. AS soon as I sat in my car, I heard tires screetch and park beside me, blocking me inside of the spot. Damion looked pissed.
“Katia!” He yelled slamming the door.
“What Damion?” He pulled me by my hair and dragged me out of the car. “Ooowww, get your fucking hands off of me!” I screamed trying to hit him. He threw me into his car, locked the doors and went back into my car to grab my shit and put the lock on the door. He came back inside of his car and sped off.
“Who the fuck is E Katia?”
“Some guy that helped me when my own man was ignoring my phone calls!” I snapped and he pressed on the break fast.
“If im ignoring your calls its becaue im working, and that menas wait until I call yo fuckin ass back!” He screamed pointing his finger in my face. I snacked his finger away.
“Keep yo fingers out my face” He then smacked me hard as hell. He spede up the street again and then we hit the parkway. This felt like Déjà vu. Instead, he took me to his house, pulled me by my hair out of his car and dragged me inside. He threw me on the floor of his kitchen and started slapping and punching me. I screamed in pain and I tried fighting back but it was no point. I wasn’t as strong as I thought I was. Yeah my punched did hurt but It seemed like he wsant giving up.
“Help!” I sceamed for the hundredth time and this time someone actually helped me.
“Damion!” I heard a female’s voice. He kicked my in my stomach and I groaned and rolled over to my side. “Oh my gosh, Damion what the fuck did you do!” The girl screamed at him and I guess he left. “Are you alright?” That ws the last thing I heard befor ei blacked out.

When I woke up, I saw the nurses standing over me checking my IV’s and taking notes. I tried to sit up but it hurt. The nurse told me to stay in the position I was in and soon, the doctor came in. This time it was the woman that hired me, Dr. Lauran.
“Hey Katia, don’t say anything, it might hurt. I have good news and bad news. The good news is, well if you didn’t know, you are pregnant” My eyes were widened. “I guess you didn’t know, well you are three months pregnant, now heres the bad news. No more drinking. The baby is okay as far as we know, The female that bought you in told us you were kicked in your stomacha dn beaten terribly. She said her brother did it and she wants to come in too speak with you, but first, blink once if you want us to tell her your pregnant” I blinked of course I wanted her to know. “Okay, well were going to get you something to drink so you can talk, you have been asleep for three days and the only way weve been able to feed you was these tubes the nurse is going to take out of your throat now” The doctor nodded at the nurse and she instructed me to open wide and not to squeeze my thoat muscle. I did that and the uncomfortable tube was out of my throat. Then a woman came in with water and I drank it like it was my last. The girl came into the room with a worried expression on her face.

“I am so sorry” She said looking at me.
“It’s fine” I swallowed more water.
“So, I heard youre pregnant”
“Yup, that’s new information to me too” We laughed.
“You gonna keep him or her?”
“Of course”
“So what about my brother?”
“Damion? I don’t know, after all of this, I think imma need to be a single parent”
“But still tell him, it is his right”
“Of course it is”
“Well yeah, tell him, you never know” I chuckled.
“Yeah but will you be there wwith me, I know you don’t really know me like that but hey, this is your brother and if he tries to hurt me again, I will kill him” We laughed.
“Trust me, ill be there, especially if he tries hurting my little nice or nephew” she sat down and we talked about everything. Visiting hours were over and she had to go. I managed to give her a hug and then I laid back in the bed, and was knocked.

Chapter 12

When I was finally released from the hospital, the doctors told me that I have to make appointments for the baby. They gave me antibiotics to take and all of that and when I walked out of the hospital, Damion’s sister Rose, was there in her Mercedez. She hugged me and rubbed me belly then led me into the car.
“So, you wanna go to my brothers house first?”
“Nah, take me home, I have to take a shower” She took me to my apartment. I let her in as I put my medicine on the table near my door and ran into the bathroom. I took a nice hot shower and then went to get changed. I put on a pair of jeans I was shocked I could still fit, a white t-shirt, my burgundy Hollister hoodie and my timbs. I put my hair up in a messy bun and grabbed left. I forgot all of my shit was still with Damion and all I had was my spare key.
“Alright im ready, I need my stuff from your brother ASAP!” I yelled opening the door. I was completely pissed at this point. Hormones I know but damn, he took everything. My car keys, my house keys, I’d. License, my credit cards, my insurance cards, my job I’d, my gym membership car, all of my money I had, my checks I was supposed to cash but since I was in the hospital I couldn’t. He has everything, including my 9mm that I kept in my bag just in case of an emergency.
We pulled up to his place an di didn’t even wait until she stopped the car. I got out and ran up to his door banging.
“Katia, calm down” Rose said “You don’t want to harm the baby” She was right. I breathed in and out like she was instructing me. Damion came to the door trying the snap and I was getting mad again. Rose led me into the house, rubbing my belly.
“Okay im calm” I said and she stopped.
“Damion!” She yelled his name as he tried to sneak up the stairs. “Get yo ass down here now”
“Who the fuck do you think you talkin to rose?”
“You nigga, sit your grimey ass down, we have to tell you something” He came into the kitchen and I was on the verge of crying. “Tell him” Rose encouraged me.
“I want my stuff now Damion” He looked at me and laughed.
“Your not getting that back”
“Yes she is Damion, Now go get it cause it’s an emergency” He looked from both Rose and Me and ran upstairs to get my stuff. “Why didn’t you tell him?”
“Because, I want my stuff before I tell him”
“Okay, here he comes, tell him” Damion threw my bag on the table. I looked threw it.
“Everything is there”
“Mmhmm” I kept looking and sure enough everything was there except my gun. “Where’s my 9mm?”
“Your not getting that”
“Nigga, Give me my shit!”
“Calm down Katia!” Rose screamed and she was right.
“Okay im sorry, I want my gun Damion, now”
“Go get her gun Damion” He rolled his eyes and went to get it. He came back down and I inspected it and put it in my bag.
“Okay, is that it cause I have company coming over” Damion said.
“Go ahead, tell him” Rose encouraged me.
“Okay, well…Im 3 months pregnant” He looked shocked and then shook his head.
“It aint mine, I don’t know why you tellin me, Got talk to that Nigga E, Now can yall please go, my company should be here” Rose was shocked.
“You muthafucker, she’s serious and you have the nerve to do this shit to her, I should kill yo ass!” Rose screamed and I tried to calm her donw.
“Rose, it’s okay seriously”
“No it’s not Katia, this nigga always talkin about how good of a father he is gonna be but yet disclaiming his own seed!”
“Let’s just go rose” I said pulling her.
“finally” He said under his breath but I still heard him. As he opened the door, we saw some tan skinned chick with blond hair. The hair style was cute but she looked a mess.
“Hey babe” The girl said.
“BABE?” Rose started up again. “You asshole, I should kill you, just wait nigga, im coming back watch”
“Rose, lets go, Goodbye Damion” I said and my heart sank. I tried to not have my tears fall but they were rimming up in my eyes. I sat in the car and Rose go in on the other side. “I told you I didn’t want to come”
“Im sorry, I just thought he’d react another was, but I guess my brother has changed over the years” She still seemed angry. She sped all the way back to my apartment and dropped me off.
“Call me if anything okay”
“alright” I said smiling. I was still hurt. As I walked to my door, Rose sped off and I was stopped. I turned around and saw that dude E.
“Hey ma, whats up?” He said smiling.
“Hey, how are you?” I asked feeling a little self-conscious about the bruises and cut I had on my face.
“Im aiight, I been waiting to see you but I haven’t seen you since black Friday”
“Yeah I know” He peeped the hospital bracelet.
“You was in the hospital”
“Yeah” I looked down.
“What happened?”
“I was beat pretty badly” He lifted my chin. He examined my face and for a second I let my eyes connect with his.
“Who could do that to someone as pretty as you?”
“Hm, I heard that before” I said aloud.
“Yeah, but who actually meant it?” I stood there for a while.
“Want to come in and get some cocoa?” He looked behind him.
“Uhm, surem I guess I can” I opened my door and led him inside.
“You can have a seat on the couch” I said and I set up my keurig. I made two cups of cocoa and dressed it with whipped cream and chips of chocolate.
“This is good” He said licking the whipped cream off of his face.
“I know right, my granma taught me how to make this” I licked the whipped cream of fof my face. He laughed at me.
“You still have whipped cream on your face”
“Really, where?”
“Right there” He leaned in and pointed.
“Here?” I said wipping.
“No, let me get it” He kissed me and of course it felt good. He pulled back and smiled.
“Im sorry” I started and his smiled faded.
“It’s okay, I shouldn’t have”
“No, it’s just” I sighed “Well, ijust broke up with me boyfriend last week and I have mad problems”
“Well let me know your problems and ill make them go away”
“Well, this problem I don’t want to go away, and I don’t think it’s gonna go away for another 19 years”
“Yup, im pregnant” He looked defeated and then he looked at me.
“What did your ex say about it, we the baby?”
“He isn’t gonna claim it, he thinks we had an affair and it’s your baby, I haven’t had sex with nobody but him since I met him” He nodded.
“Wel, if you need any help, im here for you”
“Thank you” I finished my cocoa and we sat on the couch watching movie after movie that played on HBO. It got to the point where he was massaging my scalp and soon, I was knocked.

Damion’s POV

Damn, What Katia told me was crazy. She’s Pregnant?
“It aint mine, I don’t know why you tellin me, Got talk to that Nigga E, Now can yall please go, my company should be here” I said cold-heartedly. I know that is my kid but she gotta understand, whats mine is mine, I aint sharing her with no nigga.
“You muthafucker, she’s serious and you have the nerve to do this shit to her, I should kill yo ass!” Rose screamed and Katia tried to calm her down. I just yawned at her attempt to scare me.
“Rose, it’s okay seriously” Katia said.
“No it’s not Katia, this nigga always talkin about how good of a father he is gonna be but yet disclaiming his own seed!”
“Let’s just go rose” Katia said pulling her.
“finally” I said under my breath. As I opened the door, I saw Mikah, this tan skinned chick with blond hair I met the day after I hit Katia.
“Hey babe” Mikah said running up to me.
“BABE?” Rose started up again. “You asshole, I should kill you, just wait nigga, im coming back watch”
“Rose, lets go, Goodbye Damion” The look in her eyes told me she wanted to cry, but it also said this was my last chance to stop her. I just shut th door and Mikah couldn’t stop roaming her hands all over my body. I smiled and slapped her ass and we ran up the stairs to my room. She gave me the best head and then started fucking me. Only noise I heard was my balls slapping her ass each time she came back down. I then turned her over and started hitting it from the back. Soon, we both came and she got up and took a shower while I sat there thinking about what Katia told me. I removed the condom and threw it in a waistbin making sure I tied it. I know bitched be doing that grimey shit, untieing the condom and butting cum in a turkey baster and sticking it up their pussies to get pregnant, I saw The Game.

Mikah came out of the shower and got dressed. I led her out of the house and she leaned in to kiss me and I gave her my cheek. This bitch just sucked my dick, she think she gonna kiss me? Fuck outta here
“See you tomorrow babe?”
“Maybe” I said licking my lips as she walked away. I shut my door and when I turned around I saw my sister standing there with abaseball bat.
“We need to talk!” FUCK.

Chapter 13

Weeks had passed and of course, today was my first appointment. Derek aka E told me he was coming with me. He has been a great guy from the start. He comes over every night when I get off of work, massages my feet, help me cook dinner for the both of us and he leaves once I fall asleep. I of course was happy with him. This happiness would be a way better happiness I had with Damion. But, this was a friendship based relationship we had. He kept telling me, as soon as im ready to date again, tell him. I don’t think imma be ready until I have this baby.
Rose has been there too. Although she doesn’t like the fact that E is always around, shee applauds him for standing up to the plate since her brother keeps denying the baby. Hell, I don’t really give a fuck about that nigga…anymore.
“Hey you ready to go?” Derek asked coming inside the house. Of course I gave both him and Rose a spare key just in case.
“Yeah, lets go” I said grabbing my purse. I hate that fact that my curvy figure is disappearing now that I have this baby. I have to wear maturnity clothes and its not cute stuff either. Derek drove all the way to the hospital for my check up and soon my doctor, Dr. Weesle was ready to see me.
“Okay Katia, are you ready to hear the sex of the baby?”
“It is…a boy” I was so happy.
“a boy?”
“yup” I smiled and looked at Derek.
“Hoping you were getting a boy?” The doctor asked Derek as he contined to look at the baby. I felt bad cause he didn’t knoe Derek wasn’t the father.
“Yup, now I can teach him how to be a real man”” I smiled at him and he kissed my forehead. The doctor nodded and I laughed in my head. I wanted to know what he meant by being a real man.
“Well, the baby looks healthy” The doctor said pulling my shirt back down over my huge belly. “Keep doing what your doing and the baby should be out in no time” He smiled and we followed him out of the check up. As I left, I ran into this girl I knew from school.
“Hey Charmella, whats up?” She seems too distraought to talk.
“Oh, uh , hey Katia, what you doin here?”
“Check up, what about you”
“Same but uhm, im scared to go in”
“Well, do what you gotta do, I advise you do or your gonna stress about the baby’s wealfare”
“What about my welfare? The baby’s father isn’t in his life and my life is over” She cried. “you know what, fuck this, im getting an abaortion” She stormed passed me and went to talk to the nurse. I shook my head and Derek led me outside.
“That is one crazy chik” He said shutting the door behind me. He ran to the other side of the car and we drove off.
“She’s always been crazy” I laughed thinking about when this boy named Kris tried to holla at her at a party, she went loko on him. She was talking about how small his dick is and shit, all I could do was laugh, but this was serious. I couldn’t laugh at the fact she was getting ready to abort a life. Well, maybe just a fetus but still, it was a life form. When Damion and I finally got to my house, I had to pee. I opened the door and people pop up and screamed “Surprise”
“what the hell?”
“It’s your baby shower” Derek said kissing my cheek and hugging me from the back. Evryone was smiling and hugging and kissing me. Even my brother who I haven’t seen in years showed up.
“Daquan” I said hugging him tightly.
“Hey sis, whats up?”
“Whats up, do you not see this baby growing out of me” he laughed and rubbed my stomach. Some pretty tan chick came up behing him. She resembled that girl Emily on pretty little liars and her eyes were like kimora lee’s. Overall she was pretty.
“Oh sis, I forgot to tell you, This is Kahli…She’s my wife”
“Wife? You mean to tell me I finally got a sister?” I said hugging her. She just laughed and I let her go.
“So how many months are you?”
“4, about to be on to 5 soon but today was my first appointment since I recently found out I was pregnant so you know I just found out the baby’s sex”
“Ooh, I know youre excited”
“I am”
“Is that the baby’s father?” She asked pointing to Derek.
“Nah, the baby’s father isn’t going to be in my life nor my childs life for safety purposes” She nodded and my brother eyed me.
“What do you mean safety purposes”
“Nothing Daquan”
“Did he hit you?” As asked looking at my face and I pushed him away.
“No D damn, leave it alone”
“Who is the father? He asked with his jaw clentched and Kahli tried to calm him. I just walked away as she pulled him into a corner. I know he is older then me and everything but damn, this nigga had no right to show up 5 years later and get ready to fight niggas. I shook my head and walked over to rose who immediately introduced me to her family. It wasn’t that many people. Just an aunt, uncle and three cousins. Before the party ended everyone wanted me to open my gifts and I did exactly that. I looked through everything and thanked everyone. When I opened the last present, I saw it wasn’t much but a couple of pacifiers and when I opened the card, there was atleast 10 hundred’s inside. I looked around and everyone looked confused. I read the card outloud and with the signature it just said anonymous. I just smiled and said thank you out loud.

Everyone was leaving and of course Derek, my brother his wife and I were stuck with the mess. Of course the guys didn’t want us to lift a finger so I just took the baby stuff into the spare room I had that was used for my office that I cleaned out for the baby’s room. Kahli helped me set up the crib, the rocker and then helped me put the babys clothes and stuff in the drawers. Of course nobody knew if I had a boy or not so I had to return half the girl shit I had in the bags. When I went back into the livingroom, I eard the guys whispering something and I heard my name so I stopped. I stood in the hallway near the livingroom.
“Yeah yo, he beat her pretty badly, she needed stiches near her eyebrow but luckily the baby was fine. He just lost it ya know and I been here trying to teach her how to trust niggas and give them a chance but you know she had relationships and niggas beat her pretty bad.”
“So whats this niggas name?”
“Some cat named Damion, he a rapper, he go by Killah..I doubt you can get to him but his sister rose is getting her boyfriend to come visti and beat the shit outta him. She don’t like that disrespectful shit and neither do I, I asked if she wanted me to but she don’t like me, I guess cause im being friendly with Katia you know?”
“Yeah, I feel you, oh well, lets just see what happens. I wish I could get to that nigga and beat him like he did my sis but I trust everything will work out”
“Mmhmm” There was a slight quietness.
“Oh shit, you saw that shot?” I rolled my eyes and made my way into the living room and sat beside Derek like I heard nothing.

Chapter 14

“Push Katia” Derek tried influencing me but I was so tired. This baby was taking my energy away and he aint even out yet. “Come on one last push” I gave this one my all and soon I head a baby crying and I passed out. When I woke up, I was in my room and I saw Derek cradling the baby.
“What you wanna name him?” He asked.
“Lets name him, Josiah Malik Parker” He nodded and kept talking to the baby. He then handed me Josiah who was hungry. I of course was gonna breast feed him for now until I got home. I felt awkward with Derek rubbing the baby’s head as I breast fed but hey, shit happens right?
Derek’s phone starting vibrating and he answered it and his face dropped. He looked nervous as hell and hungup.
“Imma come back later ma” He said kissing me on the cheek.
“Everything aiight?”
“Yeah, just some business I gotta take care of, imma catch you later” He said running out. I sighed and laid back looking the baby in his eyes. He was beautiful. His eyes were a pretty brown like mine, his hair was silky smooth and his cheeks were so red. His lips were dark like Damions and his nose was the same shape. I shook my head and I saw the baby smiling. It warmed my heart to see him smiling.
“what you like that?” I asked shaking my head again and he smiled. I put my pinky in his hand and he squeezed it. This little boy is gonna be my life.

Derek’s POV

I left the hospital and made my way back to the hood. Of course I heard some shit about my baby momma Katifa putting my daughter Yasmine in danger and I had to go. When I pulled up to the house, I heard yelling and crying. I ran inside and saw shit thrown all over the place.
“Shut the fuck up stupid cunt” I heard a slap and someone drop. I ran upstairs and saw my baby momma on the ground crying and some nigga on top of my little girl. I let off 8 rrounds into that niggas body and of course Yasmine screamed. I made her get as much shit as she needed and to hurry up cause I was taking her with me.
“What about me E?”
“What about you? I told you to keep niggas like him away from my daughter and you don’t listen…hell you cant even defend yoself, let alone my daughter, nah fuck that” I grabbed a bag from my daughters hand and we ran outside. My daughter was 14 and everything but still, this my little girl and imma treat her like she’s 5 until she’s old enough to drink leagally. I sped back to the hospital to tell Katia goodbye but instead, I saw a nigga in her room already…That nigga Damion.

Damion’s POV

I had to see the baby. Rose called me just o let me know Katia had the baby and I had to make sure the boy looked like me, and he did. I picked him up from the bed he was laying in and saw Katia sleping peacefully. I held him tightly to me and he snuggled up on my chest. I heard the door shut and when I turned around, I saw the nigga im assuming to be that nigga E.
“Who you?” I asked looking him up and down. He looked nervous as hell and sweaty.
“Why nigga? Who I am don’t have shit to do with you” I said as I placed the baby down.
“Actually it does if youre here visting my girl”
“Your girl”
“Yeah” He chuckled.
“Last time I checked, she left yo ass and she damn sure don’t want to see you” He walked over to the other side of the bed to wake Katia up.
“Leave her alone she’s asleep”
“And?” She moved a little in her sleep and finally opened her eyes.
“Derek?” She then looked at me “Damion? What the fuck is going on”
“Listen ma, I gotta tell you something” Derek started but I cut in
“Katia, I miss you babe” Derek and Katia looked at me and she rolled her eyes at me.
“Can you please leave Damion I really don’t want to see your face” She sounded disgusted and it angered me.
“Katia, this is important and I gotta say this fast” Derek said as the news showed and it had his face plasterd on it as a murderer.
“you gonna have this murderer around my seed Katia” She looked stunned and looked at me and Derek.
“Both of you get out”
“GET OUT!” She yelled and I followed her instructions.
“Katia, im leaving and I just wanted to tell you I love you, imma miss you” I heard a smack and I looked near the door and saw a little girl with blood on her shirt and her clothes twisted up. Derek came out and told her to hurry up. The elevator shut and that was the last time I saw him.

Chapter 15

Those niggas are crazy. I love how they played me like some sort of fool, telling me they loved me but they both ended up as goons. Fuck them. I sat staring at the wall for a while and I even told the nurse I didn’t want anymore vistors but Lia and my brother and his girlfriend for the rest of my stay. Rose was cool but I wasn’t telling her my plans after I left.
“So listen, I plan on moving” I said as even cowded the baby.
“What?” Lia cocked a brow.
“Yeah I mean, I don’t want to live here anymore. This isn’t a good neighborhood and I have nothing here for me but my job which I cant go back to for the next month or two, I’d prefer to move.
“So where do you plan on moving to?”
“ I don’t know…maybe California or Florida…or no maybe Georgia”
“California? Why? So your son can grow up acting like a spoiled brat?” Lia asked.
“No, I just love the beach out there”
“Well, I think well do better in Florida”
“We?” I asked shocked.
“Hell yeah, I aint tell you I left Ray-ray broke ass since he aint listen to me and disciplined those kids. This time that badass daughter of his took my brand new coach louie backpack and spilled something on it. I cant get the stain out and not only did she try to say it was fake but she ripped the shit. He wasn’t gonna give me my money so I told him im leaving his ass and I did, so you know im single” I laughed and my brother shook his head.
“Florida is nice sis, you should move out there” He said.
“Okay, imma go house hunting online and imma find a nice big house”
“Wait, what about Damion?”
“What about him? He made it perfectly clear he aint gonna claim my son then fuck him” I said as the nurse came in.
“Ms. Parker, you have to sign this and you and the baby will be ready to check out”
“Okay thank you” I signed my realease form and she smiled and left. I got all of my stuff ready and they came in with a wheel chair which I aint need. They then rang up both my baby and my bracelet and I was velar to go. Daquan had the car outfront waiting for me and Lia helped me into the car as I strapped my son inside his carseat and locked him inside.

Weeks had passed and of course the crying was pissing me off but atleast I wasn’t alone. Lia helped and so did Daquan and his wife. I found a hosue and made a deal over the phone since I paid a professional to look over the beach house and it was in tip-top shape. Lia and I pack box after box and decided to ship it a day before she took the plane so it wouldn’t be long when we got to Florida that it arrived.
As we packed the last box, I heard someone knock at my door. I opened it and saw Damion loking upset.
“Lia, where are you going?” He snapped.
“None of your buisnedd now get the fuck out my house”
“Actually it is my business if your taking my son”
“Oh, so now it’s your son since he was born, fuck outta here bye nigga”
“Lia if you take my son out of the state, I will have you arrested”
“For what? You denied him and you wasn’t even there to help me before I had him… I wish you would have me arrested caus ei will ruin your life now leave nigga!” I yelled and he warned me once again before I shut the door in his face.
“We still leaving?” Lia asked me.
“Hell yeah, who is he to tell me I cant move casue he wants to see his son, that nigga aint seeing him, he just want me to stay so he can feel in control, fuck outta here. Come on and helpt me load the boxes so I can get ready to drop them off” After we were done oading the boxes, Lia drove them to the airport to pay for everything so it could get shipped by the time we got there. Tomorrow, our flight was at 1 am and the boxes wasn’t expected to arrive until 6 am. I looked arount the emoty apartment and said all of my goodbyes. Imma miss my hood bad as hell but you know, I cant be a hood chick for the rest of my life.
The plane was crazy. They almost said I couldn’t take the baby on the plane with his food and his carseat. Luckily the manager told them to allow it since the baby is only three weeks old. We made it to Florida safetly and we took a taxi to my new furnished home.
“This state is hot yo” Lia said looking out of the window.
“I know right?” WE pulled up to the ocean viewed home. We ran inside and I put the baby in his room where his crib was already set up at. Everything was already inside but my wardrobe.
“New life, Less drama” I said outloud and I fell back on my bed. My cellphone started to ring I was gonna ignore it but the ring was getting on my nerves so I answered it.
“Katia im gonna kill you, bring my son back now”
“What son Damion, your not his father, your just the sperm donar nigga bye!” I yelled and hung up as he yelled. Rose then called me.
“Katia where are you?”
“Cause, I think Damion should have a right to see Josaiah”
“No he doesn’t, he lost that right once he put me an dmy son in danger, goodbye rose” I hung up and decided to turn my phone off. Tomorrow I was gonna buy a new phone. I fell asleep with a new motto on mind: Fuck niggas, raise my son and do me!

Chapter 15

Damion’s POV

This bitch really took my son out of Jersey. I cant believe this bitch. I was pacing back and fourth, thinking about where she could possibly be at.
“How dare she?” I yelled and punched a hole in my wall. “That’s it, im calling a judge so I can get custady of my son” I said to myself. I looked through the yellow pages and my manager as well as Big E helped me. I found a judge Watkins who told me that I have to find a lawyer and all of that and then I gotta go see him. I did exactly that. I found a lawyer and I kept trying to call Katia. He phone was disconnected.
“I know this bitch didn’t change her number!” I yelled. I threw my cellphone across the room and everyone jumped. “What the fuck!”
“Nigga calm down, we gonna find her, Do you know if she left with a friend or something?” My manager said.
“Lia” I mumbled and I ran to grab my keys. Luckily I knew where she stayed at cause her boyfriend and I was chilling over there a couple of times. When he opened the door, he was high as fuck.
“Wassup bro?” He said giving me dap and allowing me to go in.
“Shit, listen I gotta ask you something”
“Is Lia still here?”
“Nah, she moved to Florida with ya girl” Florida, this bitch gotta be crazy.
“Oh word, you got Lia number?”
“Yeah, why?”
‘I need to call Katia, it’s important” He gave me Lia’s number and I left the house. I was shaking I was so angry. Florida? Seriously.
“Hello” Lia said in the phone.
“Put Katia on the phone” I barked.
“Nigga she apperantly don’t want to tlak to you!”
“Fine, then tell her she has 24 hours to come back to jersey or im getting full custady on my son” I hung up an di knew that would get her down there asap.

Katia’s POV

When Lia told me what he said, I knew I had no other choice but to go down there, but I wasn’t bringing my son. I called my brother and told him to get his friend that was a lawyer to defend me and of course he was more than happy to. When I came back to NJ, my brother grabbed my carry on and we walked to his car.
“This asshole has the nerve, the fuckin nerve to say he wants full custady, mind you, he denied my son”
“Well atleast you can get him on the beating her gave you since you have hospital records, also his name isn’t on the birth certificate. You should’ve bought the baby cause he might want a DNA test” Harold, my lawyer said.
“Lia told me she’ll drive him back cause he was crying the whole time on and plane and I agreed with her, she should be here tomorrow since she left before me” I said brushing my teeth.
“Okay good, well all we have to do is go to the hospital, get the records of you being beaten and also the judge may want a witness and proff”
“Well, Rose should be there and she should be on my side”
“Well, she might lie. Think about it, it is her brother”
“Fine, and do you have a record of any sort or did you do drugs or anything?”
“Alright, well we have a solid case” I was so happy. When I got to Daquan’s hosue, I had to take a shower and get ready for court.

Chapter 16

In court, my dude was doing pretty good. There were cameras everywhere snapping photo’s of both me and Damion and the judge ordered them out since he couldn’t hear what was happening woth the camera snapping.
“Okay, Ms. Parker why would you take baby Josaiah Malik Parker out of this state?” He asked looking at me confused.
“Well, ive lived in the hood my whole life and I saw people get shot and die and even got beaten to death. I didn’t want my son growing up in the projects”
“But what about his famous father, he could’ve lived with him”
“No, I do not want my son to be under the wing of Damion, I want him to be a real man, a gentleman not a woman beater”
“I knew you were gonna go there Katia!” Damion yelled.
“Whatever Damion, you knew that why you even bother bringing me to court then”
“That’s enough you two. Now Ms. Parker, what do you mean by woman beater”
“Well, in November, Black Friday to be exact, I was at home and I was putting all the new stuff I brought away. As I did that a mouse ran across my floor and I was blacking out. I tried calling Damion who was my boyfriend at the time, so he could rescue me. Instead his phone kept going to voicemail-“
“Because I was working your honor” I rolled my eyes
“Anyway, the last time I called him, I saw the mouse again and I gotdressed and ran outside. It was freezing out and I didn’t have a coat on and my keys were still in the house and then some guy I had met helped me break into my car and then he helped me get the mouse out. He did that and then gave m ehis number-“
“Does this story have to do with getting beaten?”
“Yes, anyway, I looked at my phone and realized I was still on the pone with him and hung up. He then rushed to my house, He had been pulled over for driving on the phone, withougt a seatbelt and also running a red light so I found out. Anyway, he pulled me out of my car by my hair and then drove all the way back to his house speeding. He then dragged me into his house and started beating me. Luckily, his siter was there and she broke it up and I was rushed to the hospital and he disappeared. At that point I was 3 months pregnant and he kicked me in my stoamach and luckily I didn’t loose the baby.

Also, When I got out of the hospital I told him I was pregnant with Josaiah and he denied him. He denied him and kept denying him and I had help by a friend of mine throughout the whole pregnancy. All in All your honor, Damion wasn’t in my life and he has no right to say he wants custady of my son. Besides, his name isn’t even on the birth certificate. If he wanted to be the baby’s father, he would’ve atleast attempted to show up to his birth to sign a birth certificate” The judge looked at me and sighed.
“Okay Mr. Freidman, you can speak now”
“Okay your honor, I admit to everything but that is my son, I can tell by when I look at him besides, she’s not a good parent. She’s a stripper and trust me, she’s brings all sorts of men into her life. I don’t want my son asking men “Are you my daddy” Every time they come and go-“
“Uhm, your honor I have my degree in nursing and I had a job at the hospital and I aslo have a new job at sunset hospital in Florida, the stripping is way in my past.” I said and Damion rolled his eyes.
“Whatever, anyway She also had a man by the name of Derek Greenwood who was arrested for murdering a man”
“Derek greenwood is a hero. His daughters mother told everyone what happened and his daughter even proved she was gonna be rapped so the fact that your calling him out isn’t relaly helping in your favor”
“Okay fine your honor, well he was around my son. Aslo, she didn’t make it easy for me to take care of her or my son. She said she didn’t want me around her because she was afraid I was gonna hurt her, I wouldn’t do that”
“Again” The judge said.
“Yes again”
“You know what Damion, I don’t know why you bothered having a trial, I mean look, She has more stuff on you than you do her. She has a stable job, she doesn’t smoke or do drugs, she doesn’t have a record and in my eyes she’s right for leaving you. Hell, your luckily youre not arrested for beating this poor girl. AS far as your name not being on the birth certificate, I would usually have the DNA test but since I already have my ruling, im not going to. Also Damion, you are a celebrity. You need to stay in your carrer. You don’t have time to take care of Baby Josaiah anyway, so Ms. Parker, im granting you full custady with visitation privledges on holidays and the baby’s birthday, cour adjourned” I smiled ear from ear and looked at Damion who was clearly pissed. He stormed out of the courtroom and with his lawyer behind him. I folled my lawyer out of the courtroom and we split ways.

Chapter 16

1 year later..

“Happy birthday Josaiha” I said as he blew his candles out. I had a huge birthday for him nd invited everyone. My brother, His wife and their 8 month old twins, Lia was there and finally she got back with Ray-ray and his bebe kids changed their lives. They were more respectful and actually good thaks to the belt. My cousins and their kids came and even my uncle showed up with his new wife. I cut the cake and handed it out to everyone. I still had half a sheet left so I cut a few extra pieces and left them out and went into the kitchen to put the cake away.
“Hey Katia” I heard a manly voice say. I turned around and saw Damion looking good like always.
“Hi Damion” I said rolling my eyes. Although he had the right to be here, he should’ve called or something. “How did you get into my house?”
“Your cousin I guess let me in” I rolled my eyes. “Can I tell you something?” He asked and then my boyfriend cam ein. Damions jaw clentched as he kissed my in my lips and hugged me.
“Ready for the piñata?”
“Yeah, hold on” I smiled and kissed his cheek. Derek looked Damion up and donw. “Oh, Damion, do you remember Derek, the guy you tried to use to take my son away from me?” Damion nodded his head clearly pissed. Deerek laughed.
“Ill set it up”
“Okay” I said grabbing the stick we were gonna use. “What were you gonna tell me?”
“Nevermind, huh give this to Josaiah”
“You give it to him, I bet he wants to see you” I rolled my eyes and I grabbed Josaiah and bought him inside. Damion smiled at him and gave him the card. He hugged him like that will be the last time hell see Josaiah.
“Goodbye little boy, I will always love you”
“Damion, whats going on?” I asked concerned.
“I just, gotta go away for a while” He looked nervous and smiled at Josaiah. Damion left after kissinme on the cheek. I shook my head and went outdie and finished playing with everyone.
When the party was over, it was around 7 and Derek cleaned up while I took the baby’s toys to his playroom. I then took all the card and opened them. I saw Damions card and opened it and read it.

Dear Josaiah,
You may not ever know who I am but know I an your father. The reason why im not in your life is one of two reasons. One, I lost a custady battle and two, im possibly dead or hiding. I realized messing with drugs could kill you and I want you to know, say no to drugs. Even if your friends are doing it say no. If a hot girl pesudes you still say no because you become an addict and then your whole carrer will be over since your so addicted. Im realizing now that I took everything for granted. Your mom, my life and even you. I tried to deny you but now I realized I fucked up. I hurt your mom really bad and I realize now, if I could go back, I wouldn’t have never done it but a drug by the name od cocaine took over my system. I love you, I want you to know that and I need you to do me a favor. Well, I need your mom to do me a favor. Go to the bank of America and take all of my money out and transfer it to your account. Save me!
Love Damon Fried man AKA Killah or Man in need of help 

I was in tears. I still had feelings for him but I knew I needed to leave him for my life. I went right to the bank and transferred the money.
“10,352,688. 42” The bank teller said smiling. I smiled and nodded my head.
“Thanks Damion ,where ever you are” I said to myself as I walked out of the bank with the money in a duffle bag so I could put it in my bank account.


Publication Date: 11-25-2012

All Rights Reserved

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