
Fun Math Verses

Fun Math Verses

Nabal Kishore Pande



"Discover a vibrant collection of engaging and educational math-themed poems designed to spark the curiosity of young learners aged 6 to 10. These playful verses ingeniously simplify mathematical concepts, from counting adventures and shape exploration to understanding fractions, and measurements, and even diving into algebra and geometry. Crafted to make learning enjoyable, each rhyme transforms complex ideas into relatable, imaginative stories. Explore the world of numbers, shapes, time, and practical applications of mathematics through captivating verses, fostering a love for math in a fun and creative way. Dive into these rhymes to unveil the joy of learning math in everyday life and watch young minds embrace numbers with enthusiasm!"

PoemTop of Form

Poem 1: Counting Fun

Counting sheep before you sleep,

One by one, don't make a peep.

Two and three, they hop and play,

Four and five, till dawn, they stay.

Count them all, don't lose your way.


In the garden, what do we find?

Six butterflies, colorful and kind.

Seven flowers bloom so fine,

Eight ladybugs in a perfect line.

Count them up, they'll make you shine.


At the zoo, animals roam free,

Nine monkeys swing on a tree.

Ten lions roar with all their might,

Count them all, it's quite a sight.

Learning numbers, oh what a delight!


Addition is a piece of cake,

One apple and one more to make.

Two plus two, we see,

Equals four, as easy as can be.

Adding numbers, happy as can be!


Subtraction is a game we play,

Five candies, take two away.

Four left, now that's just fine,

Three balloons in a line.

Subtracting numbers, we'll all shine.





Poem 2: Shapes Galore


A circle is round, like the sun in the sky,

No corners or edges, it catches your eye.

A sphere is 3D, just like a ball,

Round and smooth, it doesn't stall.


Square, oh square, with four equal sides,

Four corners, four angles, where joy resides.

Cube is a friend, with squares all around,

Six faces in total, never to confound.


Triangle, triangle, with three sides so neat,

Three corners, three angles, such a treat.

The pyramid stands tall, with triangles for walls,

Faces and edges, it never falls.


Rectangle, oh rectangle, long and not so wide,

Two pairs of sides, they stand side by side.

Cuboid joins in, with rectangles for faces,

Edges and vertices in different places.


A diamond is special, with corners that gleam,

Four equal sides, a symmetrical dream.

Rhombus joins the fun, with angles so acute,

Learning shapes is a delightful pursuit!



Poem 3: Time and Measurement

Tick-tock, the clock goes round,

Twelve hours in a day are found.

Morning, noon, and then it's night,

Telling time, it's such a delight.


Ruler, ruler, measuring tool,

Inches and centimeters, that's the rule.

Length and width, let's measure right,

In math, measuring is a delight.


A gallon holds lots, a big amount,

Quarts and pints, they all count.

Cups and ounces, small and light,

Learning measurement feels so right.


Days in a week, seven in sight,

Sunday, Monday, shining bright.

Months in a year, twelve in all,

January to December, they stand tall.


Seconds tick fast, minutes stroll,

Hours pass by, a day's whole.

Time and measurement, we understand,

With practice, we'll take command!




Poem 4: Addition Adventures


Two kittens play, then meet one more,

Three fluffy friends on the floor.

Add one more, what do we find?

Four purring pals, so sweet and kind!


Five shiny stars up in the sky,

Add two more, they catch your eye.

Seven stars twinkling up high,

Adding numbers, oh, we'll fly!


Eight toys stacked in a big heap,

Add three more, they leap.

Eleven toys, a playful scene,

Adding up, it's so serene.


Twelve cupcakes baked with care,

Add four more, they're quite fair.

Sixteen treats, oh, what a sight!

Adding numbers feels just right.


Seventeen shells by the shore,

Add three more, not one less or more.

Twenty shells, a treasure find,

Adding numbers, oh, how kind!



Poem 5: Subtraction Stories


Ten balloons floating in the air,

Subtract two, and how do we fare?

Eight balloons sway and glide,

Subtracting numbers, enjoy the ride!


Fifteen apples on a tree,

Subtract five, how many do you see?

Ten apples left, so bright and red,

Subtraction's fun, it's widely spread!


Twenty books on a shelf,

Subtract four, just help yourself.

Sixteen books, a cozy read,

Subtracting numbers, what a deed!


Thirteen birds fly in the sky,

Subtract three, they wave goodbye.

Ten birds soar, a graceful view,

Subtracting numbers, you'll get through!


Eighteen fish swim in the sea,

Subtract six, how many are free?

Twelve fish dance, a watery scene,

Subtracting numbers, it's serene!




Poem 6: Multiplication Magic


Two groups of stars up in the sky,

Three in each, so bright, oh my!

Six stars twinkle, what a sight!

They are multiplying numbers, shining light!


Three rows of flowers in the park,

Four in each, not one in the dark.

Twelve flowers bloom, oh so fine,

Multiplying numbers, it's divine!


Four wheels on each car that roll,

Five cars pass, fulfilling goals.

Twenty wheels spin, in a line,

Multiplying numbers, oh how they shine!


Five groups of birds upon a tree,

Six in each, chirping with glee.

Thirty birds sing, a melody grand,

Multiplying numbers, it's in demand!


Six-packs of crayons, colors so true,

Seven in each, a vibrant view.

Forty-two crayons, creativity's game,

Multiplying numbers, it's never the same!



Poem 7: Division Delights


Ten cookies on a plate so wide,

Divide by two, and come take a side.

Five cookies each, what a treat,

Dividing numbers, it's so neat!


Fifteen candies in a jar of glass,

Divide by three, don't let them pass.

Five candies per share, a sweet sensation,

Dividing numbers is a joyful equation!


Twenty apples in a basket grand,

Divide by four, it's in your hand.

Five apples each, a healthy sight,

Dividing numbers, oh, what a delight!


Twenty-eight balloons in the air,

Divide by seven, it's only fair.

Four balloons per bunch, they soar high,

Dividing numbers, reaching for the sky!


Thirty-six shells upon the shore,

Divide by nine, and count them once more.

Four shells in each pile, you see,

Dividing numbers is so fancy and free!




Poem 8: Fraction Fun


One pizza cut into halves,

Two pieces that make us laugh.

One-half for you, one for me,

Fractions are as easy as can be!


A cake split into thirds, so neat,

Three parts, a delicious treat.

One-third for me, two for you,

Fractions are fun, that much is true!


Four pieces of pie on a plate,

Each one-fourth, don't hesitate.

One-fourth eaten, three remain,

Fractions are easy to explain!


Five oranges shared among friends,

Each one-fifth, the sharing extends.

One-fifth for each, a juicy delight,

Fractions make sharing a pure delight!


Six chocolates in a box so snug,

Each one-sixth, a tasty hug.

One-sixth gone, five await,

Fractions are sweet, they're just great!



Poem 9: Shapes in the World


Circles on wheels, rolling by,

Round and round, oh so spry.

Wheels on cars and bikes that glide,

Circles are everywhere, take a wide stride!


Triangles on flags that wave,

Three sides, a shape so brave.

Pointed roofs and sails on boats,

Triangles abound, as the story floats!


Rectangles in books we read,

Two long sides, two short, indeed.

Doors and windows, walls so neat,

Rectangles around, they can't be beat!


Spheres as balls that bounce and play,

Round and smooth, throughout the day.

Oranges and globes that spin,

Spheres in the world, a spherical win!


Cubes in boxes stacked up tall,

Six sides, squares, don't let them fall.

Building blocks and dice we throw,

Cubes around, they steal the show!




Poem 10: Money Matters


Pennies, nickels, dimes so bright,

Counting coins is quite a sight.

Five cents here, ten cents there,

Learning money, oh how fair!


A dime and a nickel, what's the sum?

Fifteen cents, you've got the thumb.

Quarters, too, let's not forget,

Counting money, a fine duet!


A dollar bill in your hand,

Holding value, oh so grand.

Four quarters, they equal that,

Money math, it's where it's at!


Buying toys with coins in hand,

Twenty-five cents, a plan so grand.

Half-dollar shines, a fifty-cent star,

Money's fun, no matter how far!


Counting bills, ones, and fives,

Tens and twenties, where math thrives.

Coins and notes, their values told,

Learning money, a pot of gold!



Poem 11: Measurement Marvels


A meter long, a measured span,

Three feet make it, quite a plan.

Length and distance, oh so clear,

Measuring things, there's nothing to fear!


A liter of water, a liquid hold,

A thousand milliliters, as we're told.

Capacity and volume, in a jug or cup,

Measurement's fun, let's fill it up!


A kilogram of apples, a weight so true,

A thousand grams, a measure to view.

Mass and weight, they're quite precise,

Measuring things is a helpful device!


Centimeters and millimeters are small,

Measuring length, they stand tall.

Rulers and tapes, tools to use,

Measuring things, no need to confuse!


Degrees in circles, angles round,

Protractors help, they're quite sound.

Angles and turns, in a spin,

Measuring angles, a cheerful win!




Poem 12: Time Adventures


Seconds tick, so quickly, so fast,

Sixty makes a minute, unsurpassed.

Minutes tick, sixty, then they're through,

An hour passes, and time flies too!


Days in a week, count them all,

Seven in total, they stand tall.

Sunday, Monday, week's delight,

Each day brings joy, oh what a sight!


Months in a year, a calendar's lore,

Twelve in total, we explore.

January to December, a year's round,

Time's journey, so tightly wound!


AM and PM, day and night,

The clock tells time, oh what a sight.

Twelve hours, then it's noon or dawn,

Time keeps moving, a cycle drawn!


Past, present, and future ahead,

Time moves on, not one thread.

Learning time, a rhythmic flow,

Understanding clocks, it's time to know!



Poem 13: Problem-Solving Quests


Math problems, puzzles to solve,

Addition, and subtraction, revolve.

One train leaves, another arrives,

Mathematical quests, where learning thrives!


A box of chocolates, shared among a few,

Dividing equally, here's what you'll do.

Fair shares for all, the puzzle's knack,

Mathematics solves problems, it's right on track!


A garden plot, rows of flowers in line,

Counting and measuring, it's simply fine.

Square feet, lengths, and widths to heed,

Mathematics in gardens, planting the seed!


Buying toys with coins to spare,

Calculating costs, it's a fair affair.

Adding, subtracting, money in hand,

Mathematics in shopping, a concept grand!


Shapes in a puzzle, fitting just right,

Matching sides, oh what a sight.

Triangles, squares, and circles too,

Mathematics in shapes, it's a breakthrough!




Poem 14: Geometry Gems


Lines that stretch, straight and clear,

Connecting points, oh so near.

Segments, rays, lines that meet,

Geometry's world, isn't it sweet?


Angles formed, corners in space,

Right, acute, or obtuse in place.

Ninety degrees, a square's delight,

Geometry's angles, shining bright!


Polygons, shapes with sides,

Triangles, and squares, are where math resides.

Pentagons, hexagons, oh what fun,

Geometry shapes, for everyone!


Circles round, no corners found,

Radii and diameters, they're around.

Circumference, a circle's span,

Geometry circles are a perfect plan!


Symmetry shapes that mirror,

Reflections were clear, they couldn't be nearer.

Bilateral, a mirror's friend,

Geometry's symmetry is a joyful trend!



Poem 15: Algebra Adventure


Variables and constants, letters in play,

Equations solve, in a clever way.

Solving for x, a mystery to unfold,

Algebra's world is a story untold!


Expressions form, with terms in line,

Addition, and subtraction, intertwine.

Simplify and solve, it's the key,

Algebra's journey, join and see!


Equations balance, on both sides,

Unknowns revealed as the rule abides.

X equals four, or maybe more,

Algebra's magic, at its core!


Graphs that plot, points on display,

Lines and curves lead the way.

Coordinates pair, x and y unite,

Algebra's graphing, what a sight!


Word problems speak, in numbers and prose,

Equations arise, as the story goes.

Solving puzzles, with math's embrace,

Algebra's challenges are an exciting race!




Poem 16: Fractions Fiesta


Numerator, denominator, they unite,

Fractions in play, oh what a sight!

One-half, two-thirds, in every way,

Fractions make math a colorful array!


Adding fractions, a simple blend,

Same denominators, a trend to extend.

Three-fourths plus one-fourth, see?

Fractions add up, it's as easy as can be!


Subtracting fractions is not a chore,

Common denominators, open the door.

Five-sixths minus two-sixths, clear as day,

Fractions subtracted, showing the way!


Multiplying fractions, a joyous spin,

Multiply straight across, let's begin.

Two-thirds times three-fifths, don't fret,

Fractions multiply, a math duet!


Dividing fractions, a math divide,

Invert and multiply, with nowhere to hide.

Four-fifths divided by one-third, you see?

Fractions divide, it's a mathematical spree!



Poem 17: Measurement Melodies


Temperature's rise, in degrees it speaks,

Celsius or Fahrenheit, numbers are unique.

Thermometers gauge, hot or cold,

Measurement's story is a tale untold!


Lengths and widths, in meters they stand,

Area and perimeter, they command.

Square units, rectangles in sight,

Measurement's world, a realm so bright!


Volumes of shapes, liquids in store,

Cubic units measure, it's never a bore.

Cylinders, cubes, their volume's known,

Measurement's volume, a fact well-grown!


Mass and weight, scales align,

Grams and kilograms, just in time.

Balance and compare, heavy or light,

Measurement's balance is a useful might!


Time zones roam, around the earth they stray,

Different hours, night or day.


Measurement of time, at its very best!




Poem 18: Number Sense Serenade


Numbers are friends, they speak and play,

Odd and even, in every way.

One, three, five, a pattern found,

Number sense, so very sound!


Prime numbers stand, unique and true,

Divisible by one and themselves, too.

Two, three, five, and seven they're near,

Number sense, so crystal clear!


Factors and multiples, they dance along,

Numbers they share, a happy song.

Six factors? Two and three, it's a pair,

Number sense, it is everywhere!


Place value's tale, digits' place they show,

Ones, tens, hundreds, a pattern to know.

Thousands and more, they form a line,

Number sense, it's simply divine!


Number lines stretch, from here to there,

Positive and negative, they do share.

Left or right, they always align,

Number sense, a concept so fine!



Poem 19: Decimal Delight


Decimal points, they take their stand,

In between whole numbers, they expand.

0.1, 0.5, numbers precise,

Decimals join, oh, what a device!


Adding decimals, a task so clear,

Line up the points, no need to fear.

2.3 plus 1.7, what's the sum?

Decimals add up, it's a mathematical hum!


Subtracting decimals, a rule to employ,

Line them up, oh what joy!

5.6 minus 3.2, let's derive,

Decimals subtract, they'll revive!


Multiplying decimals, an elegant twist,

Multiply straight across, don't resist.

2.5 times 0.4, let's be swift,

Decimals multiply, it's quite a lift!


Dividing decimals, a method to grasp,

Move the decimal point, don't lapse.

7.8 divided by 2, let's pursue,

Decimals divide, a math breakthrough!




Cooking recipes, ingredients in line,

Measuring cups and spoons, are just fine.

Math in cooking, it's a taste so sweet,

Everyday math, is hard to beat!


Building blocks, towers rise,

Counting and stacking, what a surprise!

Math in Building, a Structure’s Guide,

Everyday math, with numbers we stride!


Shopping lists, items galore,

Calculating costs, at the store.

Math in shopping, budgets to meet,

Everyday math, is a skill so neat!


Time on the clock, ticking away,

Schedules and plans, every day.

Math in time, a rhythm's flow,

Everyday math, helps us grow!


Games we play, scores to keep,

Counting points, not falling asleep.

Math in games, strategy's key,

Everyday math, it's fun, you'll see!




These poetic explorations aim to make math concepts like number sense, decimals, and practical applications of mathematics relatable and enjoyable for young learners, encouraging a lifelong love for numbers and problem-solving!



About Me:

I weave words into worlds where learning meets delight. Through poems and stories, I invite young minds to embark on thrilling adventures, discovering the joys of knowledge through rhyme.

Learn with Me:

Join my video courses crafted for professionals eager to enhance their skills. From creative writing to effective communication, let's dive deep into the artistry of language together.

Stories That Intrigue:

I pen captivating tales, from mysterious detective stories that unravel secrets to heartwarming narratives that spark the imagination. Adventure awaits within the pages of my storytelling realm.

Designs that Inspire:

Explore my collection of POD (Print-on-Demand) designs for clothing and home decor. Vibrant, engaging designs that infuse spaces with creativity and bring style to your everyday wear.

Follow me on this journey of exploration and learning. Let's dive into the realms of words, uncover mysteries, and adorn our lives with creativity!



Publication Date: 12-21-2023

All Rights Reserved

In the world of wonder, Where verses come alive, Join in, young minds ponder, As learning dives. Through rhythm and rhyme, Adventures we'll explore, In this vibrant paradigm, Knowledge opens its door. So gather close, dear friends, Let's embark on this spree, Learning's journey transcends, With rhymes, easy and free.

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