
Where the fuck am I?

I woke up in restraints, my head was spinning continuously and I was left naked on the cold, rock floor. I couldn't remember what happened before I was like this, I think I was walking home and some cloth was over my mouth and I dozed off. My eyes froze in shock when I saw myself here, Tears ran down my delicate cheeks and I felt ashamed of myself. I knew something bad was going to happen, something that will leave emotional scars within me till the day I die. I screamed for help, no sound could be heard. I was gagged. I faced difficulty in breathing and I just wanted to die at that moment even though nothing bad happened yet. I put much force into getting out of the bondage but it was of no use, they were buckled too tightly that I could not move an inch. I remember that my family told me to come home early, they must be worried sick. My father, Samuel Jones was a rich businessman along with my mother. I was their only child and they loved me to bits. They fulfilled every demand of mine and treated me like their son. I wish I had a sibling, It was a lonely childhood but I went through it. I am now 17 and I am the heartthrob in college. I am excellent at studies and I am currently studying to be a scientist, I love science. I used to hate maths and all the other subjects because I was awful at them. I failed in all the other subjects except science. I got the highest marks. Tears ran down my cheeks while thinking of the fabulous memories I had. I suddenly heard an eerie of laughter coming towards me. I tried my best to get out of my restraints but it was of no use. I thought it was someone to help me but I was mistaken...

Oh shit..

 4 men came laughing, beginning to unzip their trousers, walking towards me. I looked away, I couldn't believe this was happen. THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING. THIS IS ALL A DREAM, RIGHT? I was mistaken. They began to whistle and look at my bare, nude body. I was helpless. I shaked the bondage hoping for it to come off but no, They had a good grip on it and began, intense pain going through my whole body. I squealed, nobody could hear. They all took turns and spent one good hour penetrating their garbage up my vagina. A pool of blood streamed across the room and my eyes froze, locked onto the blood. Tears ran down my cheeks while the 4 men were in pleasure, delight and joy. And on the other side was me, Dominated, Used, in pain. The trauma was unbearable. I couldn't face myself. What would the society say? Will anybody understand me? Will people support me? Or will I be asked questions such as, "What were you wearing?"? All theese questions were spinning through my mind. They laughed and teased me. They also beat me brutally and whispered in my ear "Get used to it, your now here forever, this is your new home, your now our personal sex slave" I never knew men could be like this. Tears ran down my cheeks and I just said to myself "Just face it, it will be alright" but that was not the case...





No mercy

 They spent the whole day raping me with pleasure. One of them men whispered in my ear "You and your pussy is our propperty now, we own it." This was mental torture. I wanted to end myself at that very moment. Rape was a horrible thing. I saw so many rape victims in pain and humiliation and now experiencing it myself I know how it feels. Its definitely not a good feeling. The 4 men gave me so much pain that I could not even feel my body. They went harder everytime. I just could not take it. No victim can explain the torture they face during 'rape'. Its a henious act which destroys a persons life completely. Sex is meant to be a wonderful experience with both peoples consent, It creates new lifes and pleasure to a persons life. But this is literally the opposite, only one persons consent and that person makes the victims life miserable. After a couple of hours they suddenly stopped and went out of the room and said "It's a surprise for you.." I waited impatiently thinking about what more do I have to face. I heard footsteps aproaching the room. I felt a chill down my spine as the 4 men appeared with...


 A 5th man which looked EXACTLY like my dad. Or was he my dad? "No, no what am I thinking? He cannot be my dad, he can't. He loves me to bits and can never do such a thing with me, Silly me. How could I think of that?" I thought to myself. He approached towards me and kissed me on the forhead and said, "Hello sweetie, remember me?" He sounded exactly like my dad and my dad would always call me sweetie. My mind is playing a trick on me, he cannot be my dad? One of the men came foward and said "Remember him, He's your dad." I was gasping for air in shock. I rustled the restraints and tried to speak but I couldn't. My doubt was confirmed. HE IS MY DAD. I could not believe this. This is not true. My father could never take part in such a henious act, especially when HIS DAUGHTER is the victim. He said to me "Remember when your mother nearly commited suicide, it was because of me." He said, giving a smirk. I knew my mum nearly commited suicide, but I never never it was because of my father. He continued and said "She pretended to be happy all the time but she wasn't, I did the exact same thing to her like your doing right now, I kidnapped her and she was my sex slave, then she was forced to marry me otherwise I would kill her family." "Remember, I would never let you enter our room at night because I would rape her every night with no mercy, she deserved it." "I even told her that her daughter will have the same fate as her, she will be raped daily, by me." I could not believe what he said. I never knew my father was acting for 17 years that he was an ideal father but instead he rapes without mercy. That is why I always see my mum crying but whenever she would see my she would quickly wipe her tears away and give a smile. I never knew my father was going to show his true colours. I would think of him as my god, Now I think of him as a DEVIL. When I was 5 I once grabbed the newspaper and I saw my mothers picture and it said my mother was raped and forced to strip in office, of course, I did not know what it meant at that time but my father quickly snatched the paper of me and I asked him what it meant. He said that, "Your mother recieved a big contract and she is forced to go to America for a month to complete the contract." When I grew up I knew what theese words meant and I asked my mum if it was true and she just said "Rumours." Now I know the truth, it was DAD. He doesnt even deserve the be called a dad, SHAME ON YOU, DAD!!

This time, it was my dads garbage.

 "ALL OF YOU MEN GET OUT OF THE ROOM AND LET ME AND MY DAUGHTER HAVE SOME QUALITY TIME TOGETHER" He ordered. The 4 men smirked and left the room and locked it from the outside so there was no way to get out. He began to unzip his jeans and I was pleading for mercy, but no use. He started. Pools of blood streamed across the room and he got his belt and whipped me everywhere possible. It was unbearable. I felt like I was going to die at that moment. I wish that was true, Its only been one day and I have come to know so much about my father and the truths of my past. Its all beginning to make sense now. I guess this happened for good. If it did not happen, I would never know the real colours of my father and I would never know what my mother had to go through for all her life. He spent three hours with pleasure giving me pain and whipping me brutally with his rock hard belt. He threw a stone at me which hit my head bad. My head began to spin continously and I was about to doze off. My father then stopped and got a bucket of EXTREMELY HOT WATER and poured it all over me. I screamed and my blood was roaring, I turned red and my body could not take the heat. He grabbed my chin with much force and sat on top of my lap. He asked me, "Shall I stop?" I tried to speak but no word could be heard. "A no, that was? Okay then, your choice." He began again, the pain was intense. He said "I will tell you the whole story, from the beginning" Okay..? I nodded and listened with pain as he said the story.

The story, from the beginning

 He said "Your mother was a beautiful women and was the heartthrob in college, she has a heart of gold. The whole college including me were smittened. She was flawless, every boy tried their best to impress her but she ignored every boy she saw, including me." "One day, there was a prom and every boy had to participate, so your mother created a competition and whoever she thinks is worthy enough to go to the prom with her, gets to go with her. Every boy in the college took part and apparently, I won. Everyone was red with envy seeing me and your mother with out arms linked, dancing and having dinner together. It was the happiest day of my life. I informed my dad about it and he said I could invite her over, and so I did. When she came into my house my father was shocked to see her. He told me to come with him for a minute and so I did, leaving your mother, Becca behind to eat it in the dining room alone for a few minutes. My father said to me " WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE?!" He was angry which could be seen on his face clearly and I said "I told you didn't I, a girl called Becca was going to come over?" My father calmed down a bit and said "Sit down son, I'll tell you the story."  "Your grandad, which is my father was killed due to Becca's father, they were both business enemies and one day Becca's father had a big loss due to my father and Becca's father killed him immediently. It was a brutal death and only I could understand how painful it was to lose my father at such a young age, and you could never see him, he was a hardworking man, he helped everyone and never wished bad for anyone at all, he was an idol, he was my god. My mother could not take it and commited suicide by jumping off a cliff, At that moment, I was shattered, I had no one. I was an ORPHAN. I grew up in isolation, desolated. I was poor, no one to go to. I was adopted by a rich man and I had a luxurious life. I was a businessman, just like my father was. No one will understand how lonely I felt without my father. I married a beautiful women and she gave birth to a son, which was you. I spent much time and effort into your education and hope you get the best life possible and I took care of my health and made sure I was alive, well, atleast throughout your childhood so you would not have to face the miserable childhood I had to face. One day, I was going to tell you the whole story, which was today, I grew you up so you could get revenge for my fathers death, won't you, son?" I was shocked and I never knew Becca's father could so such a thing, this was terryfying. "YES, OF COURSE. I'LL MAKE BECCA'S LIFE SO MISERABLE THAT HER FATHER WILL REALISE HOW IT FEELS." I said with much confidence and grief. "Good, My son, I'm proud of you." He said, with a slight smile on his face. I stomped my way out of the room to see Becca still waiting for me, she had not even ate a morsel. "Whats wrong, you seem angry?" Becca said, her blissfull smile turning into a frown. I ignored her and stomped in the kitchen and smirked. I got a cloth and put some medicine in to put her to sleep. She was about to murmur my name untill I quickly put the cloth over her face and she dozed off. I threw her in the car and drove to an isolated place, with no one around. There was a mini old house full with cowebs. I dragged her inside there and tore her clothing, tied her, legs and arms apart. She woke up, confused. She was shocked to saw me and I gave her a smirk, and told her the whole story. She could not speak due to the gag on her mouth, tightly buckled around her head, giving her suffocation. I gave her pain, torture and raped her till she begged for mercy. I forced her to marry me otherwise I would kill her father. I made her marry me and I did that everyday with pleasure. It felt good seeking revenge, inflicting harm. After all, she deserved it. She should die in pain for being a daughter of such a father who killed someone just because they were enemies, business rivals. I gave her mental torture and that made her try to commit suicide 3 times. She got pregnant and I forced her to have this child so I can do the same thing with you. I pretended to be an ideal father and fulfilled all your demands. I kept you in darkness for 17 years and now that you know the truth, you and your stupid pathetic mother will both get this torture everyday till the day you die, You and your mother are little bitches, pathetic, useless people. Both of your pussys are now my propperty and it is my wish for me to put whatever I want up there and chop it off if needed."



What the fuck did I just hear?

I gulped in fear and I just wondered what my life has become. From the heartthrob in college to a slut who owns me now. I never knew mum had to face all this. I felt so ashamed to be a daughter of the man called Samuel Jones. He is a fucking bitch, it was Mums fathers fault, not mums? Is dad out of his mind? Wait.. Why am I calling him dad? He doent even deserve to be called a human after what he has done.  I thought he was an ideal human being but no, He was worse. He was an animal, he was a devil. I could curse him forever but that will make me as just as bad as him. I guess I'll have to face it...


After all, men think they are more powerful than women. They think their so called weapon called a dick can tear a women completely. Its not true, many women are strong, like my mother herself. She is my idol, my hero. She faced rape for nearly half of her life, its a big thing. That too, everyday. With much force. The man who she loved with her dear heart decieved her and used her as his property. Eugh, I hate my dad






Wait.. Who's she?

I cannot call my dad, dad anymore. He doesnt deserve to be called one. He's a devil. So anyway, The devil spent the whole day laughing while giving me pain. Its only been a day and so much has happened. After an hour, he left me and kissed my forehead and said "Sweet dreams, your pussy is fantastic, Anyway, theres a surprise for you tomorrow." I gulped as he stomped his feet all the way to the door. I thought to myself "What surprise now?" -.- He's already done so much, what now? Is he insane? Who does that to your own blood, your own daughter. The person who I missed the most was mum, I wish she just came out of nowhere and saved me. I couldn't take it. I wonder how mum faced it if I cannot face it for one day. I suddenly heard footsteps coming towards me, My heart skipped a beat as I saw it was a figure in the background. It came closer and closer and whatever the devil said kept on replaying through my mind. She looked familiar, just like my mum. Wait... MUM?!!!!

In that one split second... :'(

 She tiptoed towards me and hugged me tightly. I was relieved to see her fine. She quickly unbuckled my restraints and took my gag off. She whispered very slightly to me "DONT SAY A WORD, OTHERWISE YOUR FATHER WILL HEAR YOU." I nodded my head and smiled. "How did you even face that devil for half of your life when I couldn't face him for one day. The pain I felt was unbearable, how did you bear it? How? Your a superhero, your my idol, my hero." I hugged her tightly once more and she said "I just did, It was hard, very hard but I tried. I knew that there was no escape. Nothing could be done about it. If I told anyone, I'd be classed as a slut and awful questions would be asked. I couldn't face that, I guess there were lots of emotional scares, but I faced it. It was a difficult time, I was red with envy and scared to death whenever I would hear footsteps come towards me, I knew it was him. I could see his shadow, unzipping his jeans and jumping on top of me. If I cried or sobbed, it would ruin his mood and he would hit me brutally with his belt, and that hurt, a lot. I just put a fake smile on and dealt with it." I said with curiousity "How did you know I was here?" Mum answered, saying "Your father, or shall I say, devil took me to this exact place. I was raped here itself. I often used to visit here when you were not alive and I would sob in this exact place. I could see my blood dried up on the rock hard floor, it was an awful moment, It changed my life." "Oh mum, why did you not tell me anything, why did you hide your feelings within you and let your heart be teared apart within you?" I said. Mum replied with a frown saying "He would have done the same thing to you." Mum wiped her tears away and quickly said, "Come on, lets escape quickly before he comes." I waddled up and fell down onto the rock hard floor, my bum landing flat on the ground, It felt like I broke it. I stood up again and whispered to mum "How will we escape?" My mum had a knife in her hand and cut a square out in the wall and we escaped from there, mum went first and I did too. One foot was remaining inside but as soon as I tried to get my foot out I felt a hand on my foot and a voice saying


"WOAH, HOLD UP YOU SLUT.." A voice appeared out of nowhere.


I pulled my foot out of his hand but he has a good grip on it. He bit on it hardly and I screamed with pain as he dragged me back inside, along with my mum...

Hopes shattered

 It was no other but the devil, with a smirk on his face.



"MEN!!! COME AND GRAB THEESE TWO NOW" He demanded, with a grin on his face.

Me and my mum tried to escape but nothing could be done, By the time we decided to run the 4 men grasped us and tied us up once again and left us lieing there naked, on the cold, blood drenched floor. Me and my mum stared at eachover and then looked away and just faced the pain. Mum was used to it, she had to face it everyday, but it never happened to me before, NEVER. I could never imagine this happening to me.



All 5 insulted us and whipped us with no mercy, they took turns to put their garbage up our holes. They began laughing, getting drunk at the same time. Tears ran down my cheeks and I just faced it. One ungagged me and put his garbage in my mouth and i bit the living hell out of it, but he was enjoying it for some reason.


My mum just closed her eyes and for the past hour, she continued to close her eyes. They spent the whole night raping us and they were still not satisfied, they continued for the whole of next day..



Finally, they stopped and went out of the room. We were both still tied, humiliated and disgusted at the devils actions. He disgusted me. It felt like tears of blood came out of my eyes...






Hopes revived, or maybe?

 I saw that the men fixed the wall and removed all weapons around us, luckily, I still had a razor hidden beside me. But I thought to myself, what will this razor even do? Im tied, it will do nothing. I can't even make an effort to cut the ropes. I had a long eyelock with my mum and saw how much she was bleeding. I cried and she gave me a sign with her eyes 'Dont cry' I could understand her by her expression, thats how well I know her. She was a hero, she was always tiring for my cause, she is so damn spirited, I love her. I LOVE HER. She faced so much and did not let a person know what she was going through.


I felt a buckle getting a bit loose...

I put all my power into getting that buckle off but footsteps, again appeared near the door.


"YOU FUCKING BITCH, YOU CAN'T ESCAPE THAT EASILY" The devil said with a wicked laugh. 


He kicked me hardly and stood on top of me. My num squealed and my dad slapped her till she bled. Tears came out of my eyes and my dad began to laugh.





I gulped and just, didn't know what to do...

Lets end the pain, together.

Its been a month now and I just cannot take it. My mother is critical and she needs urgent medical support and I, I just cant even feel my body, Its like, I'm paralyzed. They came again, did the same, and went. They've been having lavish breakfasts and inviting people over to rape us for money. People game and gave dad money and jumped on top of us and started. Me and my mum have not had anything to eat for 2 weeks, 2 weeks before my dad just gave us both some leftovers, which was a very tiny amount. They dont even need to work, they just bring people over to rape us and take money from them, they are now living a luxurious life. 


My mum and I just spent the whole day staring at eachover. My mum suddenly felt a strong stabbing pain in her chest, I screamed for help, no one came. I cried and knew that she will not be saved, she will die. She is too weak, she cannot face it. I found a razor next to me, and was about to cut my wrist untill my mum squealed and looked at me, I could tell through her eyes she said "Lets end the pain, together."


I nodded in pain and we both tried to stretch our arms in order to hold eachovers hand, after many tries, we managed. My mums hand was drenched in blood and her hand felt extremely light due to weakness.


In a few seconds...

I will be dead

I got out my razor

We both cut our wrists and cried.

We both looked at eachover as we slowly closed our eyes.


It was a relief, atleast I could get rid of all the pain I recieved.









Publication Date: 02-01-2015

All Rights Reserved

To all them women around the world who had to face this horrible violent act.

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