
New Rooms
I am so glad to be back! Not that I won’t miss my friends, but my true family is right here. I went to run up to my room only to find it completely different. The wall were each different. They all had black for the base color, but neon colors had been used to make hearts on one wall, stripes on another, and flowers on the third. The one wall window is the one thing that didn't change. My bed had been replaced by a toddler bed, letting me know Jade had moved in here. I saw a hidden door and when I walked through, I was amazed. My room had been perfectly remade only bigger, upstairs. The attic looked like its own house. There was a kitchen, living room with TV, DVD, VCR and two computers. It was amazing. "Pyper." I called.
She screamed really loud, "Where are you?"
"Attic!" I called back. I remembered the stairs on either side of the main staircase, so I knew she would soon be upstairs. When she got there, I saw the same look of amazement on her face that had been on mine.
"No wonder Barbie didn't mind me coming. It looks like they never want to see us."
"Actually," Jasper said scaring her. "I will change rooms if you feel offended. They meant to make sure everyone was happy." She seemed to honestly think about it.
"Which room is yours?" She asked.
"The one next to Emmett's." I said remembering from our last visit.
"Unfortunate for me..." Jasper muttered rolling his eyes.
"Okay." She said smiling, which meant we were spending the rest of the day covering things so we could paint. I had never known Pyper to be so rude before. Knowing her, she probably just wanted to be close to Emmett, not that I'm complaining. I love Jasper so much and no one is telling us we can't go downstairs. They were thinking of the fact that Pyper would have to go down two flights of stairs just to eat or watch TV. It was a matter of convenience and the door in Jade's room is so that if she gets scared, she can come up without having to walk the whole house. I think it was a brilliant idea to set it up this way.
"Thanks." I heard Sparkles mutter. 'You thought this up?' I mentally asked. He chuckled softly and muttered, "Yup, I knew you'd like it Punk."
"Why am I Punk?" I yelled. Jasper cracked up.
"Because you're the younger of the two brats here, so you're Punk and your sister is Brat." That actually made me laugh. I would rather be Punk than Brat, and Pyper sure earned her name today. Sparkles chuckled at that. You know, I think me and him might actually be able to get along this time. "Whatever you say, Punk." He muttered and then he got in his car and drove away.
Returning to Forks
It has been almost four months since Shay and I were in Forks with Sparkles, Nessie, Bella, Jasper, and the others. I find myself missing Emmett Not only was he my boyfriend, but he was at the same time my best friend. The thicknesses of the books have doubled in size and it's not even funny. Shay and I are sitting in Algebra II right now. Was that all really just a dream? The button that Carlisle put on my bag was still there. Even so, I was still confused about it all. I just couldn't get it out of my head. "Earth to Pyper! Pass down all the papers." shay said waving her hand in front t of my face. I blinked.
"Sorry." I muttered passing down the papers.
"What's wrong?"
"I just can't stop thinking about it." She sighed.
"I know right? But I don't let it distract me during class." She said scowling. I shrugged.
"I know, I'm just confused."
"Still," She said not really sure what to say. I haven't touched that button at all since we returned. I'm surprised no one has noticed that our names were in the books. Or maybe they have, they just didn't have the common sense to put two and two together? Either way, they really need to pay more attention to things. I focused on doing my work. Shay and I ended up arguing over a math problem. Sad is it may seem, we always do this and the teacher always gets dragged into it. Yet again we had to ask the teacher to confirm which one of is right, and it's usually me, but not today. "See, I was right."
"Only because I was distracted." I muttered rolling my eyes. The bell rang and we went to our fourth hour classes. Not only was I distracted by my thoughts, I was also really tired. I sat in my seat and stared at the button on my bag for the longest time. I pressed it, but nothing happened. I shrugged and rested my head on the table and fell asleep sometime later. When I woke up, I heard some excited voices. I opened my eyes and was completely speechless at what I saw. Emmett, Jasper, Alice, Esme, Carlisle, Bella, Nessie, Sparkles, and Rosalie were all looking at me. Shay was just sitting up next to me. "Holy shiznits, it worked." I said in disbelief. Sparkles rolled his eyes. "Don't start it with me Sparkles." Nessie giggled at the name.
"Honestly, I didn't think it would work." Shay said shaking her head.
"I know right?" Nessie, Jade, and Alice glomped us. They weren't as heavy as I thought they'd be. Oh yeah, I'm a half vampire. They let Shay and I get up and then I was being hugged by Emmett. Shay was being hugged by Jasper.
"These two weren't themselves while you were gone." Esme said smiling.
"Yeah, they were just moping around the house all day. It was stupid." Rosalie said rolling her eyes.
"No, it was pathetic." Sparkles said rolling his eyes. Emmett and Jasper growled at him.
"Now, now, no fighting." Esme said in her motherly voice. I chuckled and hugged Emmett back.
"I'm glad you pressed the button, because I didn't feel like singing." Shay said grinning. I rolled my eyes.
"You never feel like singing."
"Do I really say that a lot?"
"Yeah, you say it almost every time we walk into third hour."
"I do not!"
"Uh, yeah you do."
"No I don't!"
"But you do." I said smirking.
"Ugh! Forget it!" She said glaring at me. Emmett laughed. Not so mopey now is he? Sparkles rolled his eyes. You know, you would've moped too if Bella had ever left and Jasper and Emmett would have said it was pathetic. Heck even I would've said it. He sighed and nodded. Surprisingly, he apologized to them. He rolled his eyes at me. Rosalie took her room aback and all my stuff was put in boxes and was in the garage. Gr. Oh well, I did kind of take the room from Rosalie in the first place. So I guess we're even now.
Plushies and the Game I felt bad for being so rude to Jasper, so I apologized to him. "What do you know? The cold-hearted brat can apologize and actually mean it." Sparkles said smirking. I glared at him and walked way. "What? No comeback?" I just ignored him and went into my soon-to-be room. I took in a deep breath and calmed myself down. I can't believe he thinks I'm cold-hearted, jerk. I thought as I put tarp over the now empty room. Jasper moved his things into Alice's room until Shay and him finishes up their room. I decided to decorate my room differently this time. It's still going to be purple though. For the walls, I painted them lavender and when that was dry, I painted black swirls and emphasized them with sparkly silver. I don't know why I decorated it that way, but that's just how I felt.
Emmett helped me with the ceiling, carpet, and furniture. The carpet was black and my favorite part was that it was fuzzy. I grinned at the thought. I had Emmett put my bed on the west wall with the end facing the east. Believe it or not, but I have an old black chest, which I had Emmett put at the end of the bed. For now it's empty, but I'm going to fill it. With what is the question and for now, I have no idea. After I was satisfied where all the furniture is, I took a break. I had myself a snack and watched a little TV with Emmett. Then I went back to work. I still had to put all my clothes in the closet, which isn't much by the way. I spent most of the evening in my room decide on what I was going to use to fill m trunk. Then I got an idea. I got up and ran into Emmett's room and jumped on his couch. He and Jasper are playing video games. I rolled my eyes. "Did you know that if you stare at TV for a long time, that your brains will eventually turn to mush?" I asked grinning. They rolled their eyes and paused the game.
"Alright, what do you want?" Jasper asked.
"Ugh! I lost the game!" They looked at me strangely "That's beside the point. Anyways, anyone want to go to Vintage Stock?"
"I do!" Emmett yelled, grinning.
"What is the game exactly?" Jasper asked curiously.
"If I told you, then you would get stuck playing it for eternity and you can't stop playing it.” I said shrugging.
"I LOST THE GAME!" I heard Shay yell. I chuckled.
"Now I really want to know." Jasper said looking confused.
"Okay, the rules of the game are: 1) if you think of the game or someone comes up to you and says 'the game' then you automatically lose the game and everyone else around you who play loses too. 2) When you lose, you've got to announce it. 3) If you see a Fed-Ex truck then you automatically lose the game. And for reasons that I don't feel like explaining, you can only say 'the game' after thirty minutes of losing the game. Fed-Ex trucks are exceptions to this rule." He nods.
"That means I'm stuck playing it too, huh?" Emmett asked after awhile.
"Technically, everyone in this house who heard the rules are stuck playing it." He nods after awhile.
"Let's go to Vintage Stock!" He yelled grinning. I chuckled.
"Okay!" So we went to Vintage Stock.
"So what are you getting here?"
"Plushies." I said grinning.
"Plushies?" I nodded. He laughed. I stuck my tongue out at him. He stopped laughing after awhile. "Okay, well I'm going to get me some new games." I rolled my eyes. He grinned and kissed my forehead and then he turned and went to the game section. I smiled and went to the plushie section. Let's just say, I got almost all of them, including some tee shirts, and pocky; a lot of pocky. I also got some Anime on DVD's. I grinned at the cashier’s expression. Emmett laughed. "How exactly did you get all of this up here?"
"You know what? I don't know." I said thoughtfully. He chuckled. The cashier ringed it all up and put it all into bags and then Emmett and I somehow managed to get them all to the car and went back to the house.
"Think you have enough stuff?" Shay asked as we carried all the bags in. I grinned.
"Nope, I need more." She rolled her eyes. We got all the bags into my room.
"I will leave you to your plushies." Emmett said grinning. I rolled my eyes. Then he left after giving me a hug. I put them all in the trunk, but it turns out they won't all fit. So I put some on one of the bookshelves that was in there and filled half of it. My room was finally complete, so I had some dinner, took a shower, and went to bed. Today was a long and tiring day.
You would think not being able to sleep would make me bored, but really I’m still really busy. Stepping as mom of a preschooler doesn’t really leave time to rest as it is. There always seems to be cupcakes to make and clothes to wash. Not that I’m complaining. I love Jade with all my heart. It’s just a good thing I never need sleep. Jade has a school program coming up and I make the best cupcakes, or I’m told, so they want me to make six dozen cupcakes for this Friday. This would be easy if I was anybody else. But I have a thing about each of my cupcakes having to be noticeably different. I make those little candy shapes for each one and make as many different flavors of cupcake icing I can. Jasper says at the rate I’m going, I’ll be able to open a shop soon. I asked him what I’d call it and he told me ‘The Cullen Cupcake Shop’. It did have a nice ring to it. And unlike all the other bakeries, I’d only need about an hour’s notice to have gourmet cupcakes for any occasion. “Someone is thinking too much.” Sparkles mumbled as he walked by. “Stop Punk, before you give yourself a migraine.” Just then Renesmee came running in and stole one of the cupcakes.
“Yummy, blueberry with strawberry frosting!” She said with her mouth full.
“Don’t talk with your mouth full Princess.” Sparkles scolded her. That’s the other reason I’m always baking. The only food she’ll eat is my cupcakes. I had blueberry, chocolate, vanilla, banana nut, pumpkin, and a mixed batch. I had strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate icing with all kinds of sprinkles and candies. Some of them even had candy baked in the middle or cream filling. I had plans for Jade’s fifth birthday, which was just a month away.
“Hey Shay.” Pyper said yawning. She looked like she’d just woke up. I looked at the clock; two-thirty in the afternoon.
“Way to sleep all day, Pyper.” I said rolling my eyes. She stuck her tongue out at me.
“I’m tired of this game.” Sparkles grumped. “Love each other or shut up!” The whole room groaned as Pyper and I yelled loudly,
“I lost the game!”
“Oh no, I think Sparkles has lost his mind! He’s talking to himself!” Pyper said grinning. He rolled his eyes. Emmett, Jasper, and I laughed.
“Seriously, who were you talking to?” I asked him.
“The new people in town, I don’t know them, but they are even more annoying than Mike Newton and Jessica Stanley’s love child.”
“What?!” Pyper hollered. “They’re still together!?” Pyper groaned.
“They have a love child?” I asked confused.
“Yeah.” Jade said to both of us. “Her name is Marissa and she’s in my class!” That was a complete and utter shock.
“Guess what you guys?” Carlisle said smiling. “Your friend Angela is three months pregnant.” Wow! Was nothing what it used to be? Angela and Ben will make great parents, its poor Marissa I feel sorry for. Mike and Jessica were never exactly the picture perfect couple. They’re Bella and Edward’s unwanted trash for crying out loud. The only reason I think they were together in the first place is that they were both rejected. But enough about that, I decided to take a dozen cupcakes and figure out who our new ‘neighbors’ were. It was a cloudy day but it wasn’t raining so I decided to walk. I could hear their arguing as soon as I stepped out of the house. They were the closest thing we had to neighbors, as they had cut down part of the woods to build it. It annoyed me they had done this without telling us about it, so I was eager for the quit of having stolen land from such nice people to sink in. When I got within human earshot they stopped yelling. I knocked on the door and a girl, maybe six at the oldest, opened it. “Hello?” She said shyly.
“Is your mommy home?” I asked sweetly. She shook her head no. “Your daddy?” I asked. Again she shook her head no.
“They took me.” She whispered, fear on her face.
“Abby! Who’s at the door?” A sweet voice hollered.
“I brought cupcakes, just a welcome to the neighborhood.” I said with a smile. I know I had to play it cool at least until I talked to Carlisle. “I’m Shayla Harper.” I introduced.
“I’m Abby Marks.” The little girl said looking me in the eye. “And that is my mom Becky.” When she said mom, she couldn’t look me in the eye. “My dad just left. We moved here from Tallahassee, Florida.” This little girl was obviously smart. She had given me her name and the state she had been taken from, plus the name of one of her abductors.
“I will be back soon.” I whispered only to her, and said loud enough for Becky to hear. “It was nice meeting you.” Then I headed for home.
Trouble Stirs
“Pyper!” I rolled my eyes. “Where are you!?” I’m sitting in my room on my bed and trying to read, but Shay keeps calling for me.
“I’m in my room, what do you want!?” She walked in and she looked like she had something urgent to tell me.
“Come downstairs, this is important!” I sighed, marked my place, and sat my book aside. I followed her downstairs and saw that everyone was gathered around the living room.
“Okay, what’s so important?”
“Our neighbors,” She took in a deep breath. “They kidnapped a little girl from Tallahassee, Florida! Her name is Abby Marks! And one of the abductors names is Becky!”
“Okay, how do you know all of this?”
“Abby told me. She’s pretty smart for a little girl. Anyways, I told her I’d come back for her. I wanted to know what you think I should do Carlisle.” He looked stumped.
“I don’t know what to say, but if you give me a few minutes, I’ll think of something.” Carlisle said a little unsure.
“Why don’t you just invite the over to dinner or something and try to catch them that way?” I asked curiously.
“What would we do if we did?” Sparkles asked rolling his eyes.
“It was just an idea, sheesh.” I said rolling my eyes too.
“I know! I’ll go over and tell them I could baby sit Abby for a night!” Shay said grinning.
“What if they refuse?” Sparkles asked.
“I’ll figure it out when it gets there.” I rolled my eyes. Carlisle sighed.
“I’ll go with you, I don’t want anything to happen to you.” He said sternly. Shay smiled.
“Okay.” While they went and did that, I went up to my room and went back to reading. The only thing was, I couldn’t focus. Why? Well I keep feeling like someone is watching me. Stupid I know, but I couldn’t shake the feeling off. It was really starting to really creep me out. I put my book down and looked around the room. There wasn’t anyone there. I went to the window and looked around the yard. I listened for any sound that was suspicious. The next thing I know, I’m on the floor in pain and glass shards were scattered all over the floor. There were some yelling, growling, hissing, things breaking, things ripping, and my name was being yelled repeatedly.
Then I couldn’t see or hear anything. I only felt pain. When I came to, my cheek was stinging and someone was yelling. I opened my eyes, but regretted it because the face I saw had to be the ugliest and smelliest face I’ve ever seen or smelled. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like smelling people’s faces, it’s just I couldn’t move. My body felt drained and my energy was sapped. The ugly face spoke. “Good you’re finally awake.” I attempted to roll my eyes, but it didn’t work out so well. “Now, I don’t normally like half-breeds whether it’s part vampire and human or any other combinations of creatures, but I need you to deliver a message.”
“What makes you think I’ll deliver it?” I asked smirking.
“Oh? A mouthy one, huh? DO you know what happens to those who mouth me back?”
“Oh, I don’t know, this?” I asked making him slap himself. I would teleport, but my body’s too weak. He growled a not-so-nice word and slapped me.” I felt blood run down the side of my cheek. He smirked. “What are you smirking at Ugly? I’m not done yet.” I said smirking. He growled, but was cut off short because I made him twirl around like a ballerina.
“What the hell are you doing you idiot!?” Another ugly yelled walking into the small room we were in. Hello Ugly number two. I thought smirking. I made Ugly 1 and Ugly 2 dance the Salsa. Now, figure out where I’m at. I found myself chained up; great. Then I got an idea, I’ll just make one of them unchain me, but I didn’t get the chance when a big ugly guy walked in. I’m guess he’s the boss.
“Are you idiots going to let that half-breed mess with you?” He said in a demanding voice. The two stopped what they were doing and began to look nervous. Yup, that guy’s the boss. “Now, look here. I’m being nice and letting you live, so don’t make a fool out of my men, even if they are a bunch of idiots.” I’ll say…
“May I ask, what exactly is this message you want me to deliver?” I’ll be honest, I’m curious.
“Tell the Cullen’s to hand over the other half-breed or else there’s gonna be some trouble from us.”
“Oh, is that all? Well too bad, I can tell you now that they won’t hand her over.” I said imagining Sparkles getting angry and growling. The boss man set his jaw and narrowed his eyes at me.
“Do you want to die?”
“Do you?” I asked smirking. I can’t help it.
“Are you threatening to kill me when you’re all tied up?”
“No, not me,” I said shaking my head, as my strength slowly returned. “My boyfriend you see, he’ll be pissed off if you kill me. I’m sure he’s out looking for me and if he were to show up and find me dead, then you’ll get killed for sure.” I said shrugging as much as my restraints would let me.
“We’ll see about that.” He said smirking and cracking his knuckles. Let’s just say, he beat me until I was halfway dead. Before he could land the final blow, I teleported y way out of there and ended up in the middle of the living room floor of the house.
“Pyper!” Shay yelled. Carlisle ran in and patched me up. When he was done, I said in a completely serious voice,
“Take Nessie and run.”
“Why?” Sparkles asked.
“If you don’t, they’ll end up killing her. They’ll come back here and kill her. If it weren’t for the fact that I can teleport, I would’ve been dead right now.”
“Why didn’t you teleport earlier?” Shay asked curiously.
“I didn’t have the strength or energy to do it. So take Nessie and run.”
“But where would we go?” Bella asked.
“I don’t know, anywhere but here. I’m not lying and I’m not messing around. Those guys, if they got their hands on her, she would be dead in no time flat.” I said dead serious. Sparkles frowned.
“Daddy, what’s going on?” Nessie asked walking into the room. She looked like she had just woken up from a nap.
“It’s nothing Princess, Mommy is going to take you on a trip.” Bella looked at him alarmed.
“Really, where are we going!?” Nessie asked excitedly.
“Are you coming with us?” Sparkles we can handle things here, so go with them. I know Bella can take care of herself, but she can’t take care of herself and Nessie at the same time. He sighed.
“Yes, I’m going with you.” Nessie squealed with excitement and then Bella took her and they went to their cottage with Sparkles right behind them. He paused at the door. Then he looked over at me and said, “Thanks.”
“No problem.” I said a little shocked. Then he left.
“So what are we going to do about those guys?” Shay asked.
“I’m not sure yet, but I’ll think of something.” Carlisle said sighing a little.
“Oh, what happened with Abby?” I asked curiously.
“We persuaded Becky to let her stay the night and she’s upstairs taking a nap in my room.” Shay said looking proud of herself. I chuckled.
“That’s good.”
“You need to go rest and that’s a doctor’s order.” Carlisle said sternly. I sighed.
“Okay, you’re the doctor.” I said shrugging. Then Emmett picked me up and pretty much carried me to my room, even though I told him to put me down and that I could walk. He just grinned and kissed my temple. He put me down on the bed and I got under the covers and lay down on the bed. He smiled and left. I have a feeling he’ll be listening for me. I sighed and painfully turned over on my side and fell asleep. I was a little exhausted.
Abby woke up about the same time Jade got home from school. Jaz had been doing research all morning. We immediately went to Charlie with the information after we got Abby cleaned up. I also had pictures of Becky with her, but never the guy. When we got to the police station, Charlie looked stunned. “This little girl has been missing for three years. How on earth did you find her?”
“The people who moved into our woods are the ones who took her. We told them we would have her sleep over with Jade and Renesmee, so they don’t know we are on to them.”
“Okay,” Charlie said with a sigh. “First off, state your full name.”
“Abigail Rachel Marks.” Abby held my hand through every moment of her story. “It was Christmas day 2007. Mommy and I were looking at Christmas lights in town. One of daddy’s friends kept calling to her. The more he called, the faster we walked. I remember it was snowing and I kept slipping and falling. Mommy picked me up and ran. The last thing I heard the guy say was ‘you can’t hide her forever, she’s gonna learn the truth.’ I remember Mommy starting to cry. She just kept patting my hair and telling me I’d never lose her. WE went to Becky’s house. She and my mom were best friends. Becky said she’d watch me for the night. Then as soon as my mom left, she took me to the guy in the street. I don’t know him very well. All I know is that Becky keeps saying he’s my daddy.” Abby looked very upset, so Charlie stopped recording.
“Are you okay?” Charlie asked worriedly.
“I’m scared.’ She whispered, starting to cry. “What if Becky finds me again?”
“We won’t let that happen.” Charlie said promising her that they’d find her parents.
“What can I do to help?” I asked wanting to help Abby as much as possible.
“You can go and look for evidence that will hold up in court that Abby was kidnapped. Here is a warrant. Go through e-mails, texts, rooms, wherever you think there is something to find. I’m going to call her parents.” Abby wanted to talk to them, so Charlie agreed to call me when they were done. I ran back to Becky’s and immediately hacked into their computer. There were e-mails from a doctor in Tallahassee that were almost seven years old. They talked about Abigail’s mom agreeing to carry Becky and a guy named Bob’s baby. There was another one from the day Abby was born stating the baby was being kept and Becky and Bob only had visitation rights. As the baby grew, Bob became more aggressive to the point he lost all visitation rights.
This was followed by archived pictures of Abby that looked like security footage. There were shots from winter and summer every year of Abby, always with Becky. The last picture was actually a poster; a missing person’s photo with Abby and Becky from three years ago. Then another one with Abby age progressed to now. I printed out everything. Then I cleared the memory so no one could track what I had found. Then I searched the rest of the house. When I walked around I started feel bad for all of this. Abby wasn’t in any kind of danger here. There were pictures of her smiling with Becky while taking ballet lessons, going to amusement parks, soccer games. She wasn’t being neglected or abused. If I didn’t know the truth, I’d think they were her real parents. My phone rang, so I stopped. “Hello?” I said.
“Can you get me some of my Barbie’s and my teddy bear?” Abby asked.
“Sure.” I said smiling. Toys were another that she had plenty of. I got dolls and her teddy bear and added them to my pile of things to take. That’s when I saw it. Under Abby’s pillow I could see the corner of a letter. I opened it:
Dearest Abigail 1/1/08
I made them promise me you’d read this as soon as you knew how to read. I miss you very much, but you must stop fighting them. I’m not in a position to take care of you right now. Daddy lost his job and has no money. But keep an eye out. If you see a poster with your face on it, call the number. Becky will understand. If you can’t, try and find help. Bob will not be around much, but what they say is true. I’m your mommy but he’s your daddy. I don’t expect you to understand sweetie, but he’s not supposed to see you. I will try and write more.
Rachel (Mommy)
This was an important piece of information. I stuck it in the middle of all the stuff I’d printed and left for the police station. Someone had slashed my tires while I was inside. I cautiously started walking away. I ran full speed when I heard footsteps behind me. They threw something gat me and it knocked me out.
Pyper to the Rescue = Scolding and Lecturing
I’m still recovering from getting the crap beaten out of me. I know that Shay and Abby are at the police station. Sparkles, Bella, and Nessie left at five thirty this morning so they’re already gone. Right now, I’m in the kitchen eating some lunch. It hurts to walk and move but I’m hungry. Emmett still carries me around to where ever I need to go. It’s sweet, but I don’t feel comfortable with him standing outside the bathroom door, when I have to go. I rolled my eyes at the thought. He won’t let me leave the house or do anything on my own. SO I was stuck inside all day doing nothing. What’s bad is that my craving is sneaking up on me and no amount of food or drink made it go away. So I ended up having to tell Emmett and so he took me hunting. When I had my fill, Emmett took me back to the house and, at my request, took me to my room. I was tired. Carlisle has been monitoring me as well, making sure I didn’t push myself too much. I fell asleep and sometime later I was being shooken awake. I opened my eyes to see that it was Emmett. “What’s wrong?” I asked sleepily.
“I’m sorry, but we went looking for her and couldn’t find her.” He said looking guilty.
“What are you talking about?” I asked fully awake now.
“Shay, they got her.” I froze and blinked in surprise.
“How?” I asked shocked.
“From the looks of it, they’ve been following her around. How did we not notice?” He muttered shaking his head. “Anyways, Carlisle wants to talk to you downstairs.” I nodded. He picked me up and took me downstairs. Abby was crying into Bree’s shoulder. Emmett put me on the couch.
“What do you remember about the place that you were taken to when you were kidnapped?” Carlisle asked.
“I was in a basement-like room chained to a wall. There was a water heater up against one of the walls. It was dim, uh, I heard water dripping. All I could smell was mold and dirt.”
“Were there any windows?”
“No, but I heard some arguing from upstairs.” Then I remembered the day Sparkles heard that Becky person and whoever arguing. “I have a feeling that Shay’s a lot closer than we think.”
“You mean to tell me that they’re in our neighbor’s house?” Jasper asked.
“Possibly, but I don’t know what Sparkles heard when he heard those two fighting, but I did hear some people arguing.” I said trying to remember as much as possible.
“Can you thin k of anything else?” Carlisle asked.
“No.” I said after awhile. I couldn’t think of anything. Carlisle took a moment to think.
“Let’s just watch the house for now to see if there’s any suspicious behavior. I’m sure Charlie is conducting an investigation of his own, so I’m sure he’ll let us know if there’s anything suspicious.” I could tell Jasper wanted to go busting down the door of Becky’s house and turn the whole place upside down and inside out to look for Shay. I wanted to do that too, but I wasn’t in the condition to do it.
“Jasper I know what you’re thinking.” I said sympathetically. “But if you were to barge in there right now, then they would’ve killed her right then and there and then we would’ve wasted our chance to get to her.” He sighed but nodded. Esme hugged him tightly. Emmett hugged me and I hugged him back. Carlisle sighed.
“They’ve caused quite a ruckus.” He said shaking his head. Seth walked in with a depressed-looking Jacob. Emmett and I let go of each other.
“Man, what happened to you?” Seth asked me.
“You didn’t tell him?” I asked Jacob.
“Whatever it is, he’s been moping around and hasn’t told me anything. I can’t get a single response out of him.” Seth said shaking his head.
“Oh really?” I said smirking. I got up, ignoring the pain and Emmett’s protest (which resulted in Emmett pouting and me chuckling) and walked up to Jacob and punched him in the gut.
“Ouch!” He yelled and glared at me.
“Well, we got a response out of him now.” Seth rolled his eyes.
“What was that for? And what do you mean by response?” Jacob asked still glaring at me.
“Ask Seth.” I said smirking. I was in the mood for messing with people and Sparkles wasn’t here. Seth didn’t say anything. I rolled my eyes. I turned to him and said, “Some guys kidnapped me the other day and pretty much beat the crap out of me. They threatened to cause trouble if we didn’t hand over Nessie, which we didn’t, because Sparkles, Bella, and Nessie are gone as you can see, so now they’ve come and took Shay hostage. Now you’re up to date.” I said shrugging.
“So that’s why Jake’s been depressed.” Jacob and I rolled our eyes. “So do you know where Shay is?”
“Sort of, but if we went, then they could kill her before we get the chance to rescue her.” Seth nodded.
“So you’re just going to wait?” He asked getting upset.
“That’s all we can do for now. Charlie is probably investigating that house, so we’ll know something sooner or later.” Esme said comfortingly.
“Wait, she’s in that house next door?”
“We’re not exactly sure, it’s possible, but we’re not sure and don’t go busting down the door. I’m serious, they will kill her.” I said sternly. He sighed.
“Fine.” I rolled my eyes. He’s such a little kid. A day passed and we were all getting anxious and then the next day, we all got tittered of waiting. Emmett, Jasper, Seth, and I were all ready to go and turn that house upside down and search for Shay.
“Wait,” Alice tried to calm us down.
“We’re done waiting Alice.” I said impatiently.
“I just wanted to say that I’ll come with you. I know Esme and Carlisle will be mad at us for going against their decision, but I want Shay back.” Yes, Esme and Carlisle doesn’t want us to go there, but I can’t wait anymore! Alice didn’t like the idea at first, but I guess she changed her mind; like Hermione in Harry Potter. That’s right I made a Harry Potter reference. I love those books. Anyways, I kind of don’t want Alice to come. It’s not that I think she can’t take care of herself, because I know very well that she can, it’s just I don’t want her to get killed. I didn’t mention this earlier, but those chains left a burn mark on my skin. They’ve healed, so you can’t see them anymore. Carlisle didn’t see them either. I didn’t notice them until I took a shower last night. Also I fear for Emmett the most. I know he’s big and strong, literally, but those guys proved to me that they could kill anything in a flash. I don’t know what they are, but they’re dangerous and they could definitely kill us. We all got ready and snuck over to the house. I could hear the usual arguing but then there was another voice; it was someone screaming. Oh my God! I thought my eyes widening.
“Shay.” I whispered almost losing it. Emmett pulled me into a hug. I calmed myself down with some help from Jasper. “Thanks.” He nodded.
“There might be traps, so be careful.” Alice warned. We all nodded and tiptoed around the perimeter of the house. Here, I thought about Naruto; yes, another reference. There could be a trap within a trap. I looked carefully for wires and motion sensors. It doesn’t hurt to be careful. When we got to the house, there wasn’t a sign that showed people were home, so we picked the lock on the front door and let ourselves in. Maybe they left or finally learned to shut up. The screaming was louder in here. I took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. We followed the screaming and came to a basement door. We snuck in slowly and slowly went down the stairs. Ugly 1 had one of those hot, metal stick thingies and was pressing it against Shay’s skin. I glared into his eyes and he stopped and was frozen on the spot.
“What’s the matter?” Ugly 2 asked. “Hey!” He yelled when Ugly 1 didn’t respond. Jasper got Ugly 2 and ended up killing him. So they weren’t vampires. I noticed as blood dripped from Ugly 2 and onto the floor. They can’t be werewolves either. I thought as I made Ugly 1 break his arm and it didn’t heal itself. Yes, I’m making him suffer. I didn’t get to make him suffer for much longer because Boss Man came down the stairs, so I had Ugly 1 kill himself. The boss man glared at me.
“So I suppose you’re not going to hand her over, yes?” He asked me.
“You got that right.” He sighed.
“You’re so difficult.”
“Thanks.” I said not smiling. Had it been any other situation, I would have. Suddenly, he pounced and knocked me to the ground. He held a hot blade to my throat.
“I warned you half-breed.” He said growling. Then he was knocked off by Emmett. Emmett beat the crap out of him. I helped Jasper with Shay and Alice helped Emmett when he needed it. We got Shay out of her restraints and Jasper carried her on his back and when I looked over to Emmett, the boss man was dead.
“Carlisle isn’t going to like this.” Alice said sighing a little.
“What do we do with them?” I asked looking at the dead bodies.
“We’re gonna burn them.” Emmet said is if it’s the most obvious thing.
“These guys, believe it or not, are human and if Sam and the others catch wind of this, we’re in trouble.” I said looking over at Seth.
“Hey, don’t look at me. I’m not going to tell anyone, not after what they did to Shay and you.” I smiled.
“Thanks.” He nodded.
“So what?” Emmett said. I rolled my eyes.
“They’ll smell and those guys will know for sure.” He sighed.
“Okay, what do we do with them then?”
“Take them to Tanya, I’m she’ll know what to do with them.” Alice said smiling.
“Okay, I’ll be back as soon as possible.” Emmett said rolling his eyes. He pulled me into a hug and then he grabbed the bodies and left. Alice and I cleaned up the basement as Jasper and Seth took Shay to the house. As we did we ran across some powder-like stuff, but left it alone. It didn’t have a smell to it. Is that why we couldn’t smell their scent, because they used this stuff to cover their scent? Well whatever the reason I guess we’ll never find out. Near the end of our clean up, I accidently kicked up the powder stuff into the air and I’m not quite sure what happened but it was like it attacked my eyes or something. My eyes were burning like crazy and they were itchy and I just wanted to claw them out of my head. I ended up screaming and Alice tried to get the powder out with water, but it only made it worse. I finally stopped screaming when my voice went hoarse but I was still in pain. Alice got me out of there and we went back to the house. Carlisle was about to jump us until he saw that I was in pain. Emmett came back and started to get frantic about what happened with the powder stuff, so Esme and Alice tried to get him to calm down. After a couple hours of running around like a chicken with its head cut off, Carlisle finally got the pain to stop. The only thing is, when it cleared up, I couldn’t see at all.
“Guy’s I think this powder stuff might have done more than made my eyes itch and burn.” I said looking down at what I assume is my hands, because I couldn’t see anything.
“Why, what’s happening?” Carlisle asked.
“I can’t see anything. All I see is black. I think I may be blind.”
“I’m going to go look for a book or something to see what’s in that powder and see if the blindness is permanent or not.” Alice said. Carlisle sighed.
“Alright but just be careful and don’t think this will get you off the hook you four.” He said sternly.
“Okay.” We said in a defeated tone. Alice was pretty much gone all night. Shay is now recovering, but she’s still knocked out and is now in her room. Jasper is staying with her. Emmett carried me to my room and stayed with me all night. Sparkles, Bella, and Nessie came home around midnight, according to Emmett. I couldn’t sleep as images of Shay being all beaten and her screaming entered my mind. This was going to be a long night.
Chapter 8 nightmares
I might be home, but all my evidence is lost. I keep trying to communicate, but moving my mouth, or even opening my eyes for that matter, is too strenuous. I keep seeing those people attacking me everywhere. Pyper might have had it bad, but I do believe I got it slightly worse. They had another little girl in there with me. They kept asking me over and over where the brat was. I kept telling them I didn’t know who they were talking about. They shoved picture after picture of Renesmee and Abby in my face. Those were the brats they were looking for.
I refused to tell them where they were and so they started burning me. They kept me chained up and had the little girl at gunpoint, threatening to kill her if I didn’t start talking. She kept screaming and screaming until they finally killed her. I know vampires can’t cry, but I can’t think of any other way to put it. I cried for her. She was Abby’s age and now she was dead. Then, they started branding me. There is writing in Greek all over my back, but I don’t know what it says. The only symbol I was familiar with was the moon they placed on my forehead. It is their way of marking me for what I really am: a vampire. Rachel has been calling every day to check on me, trying to make sure I’ll be okay.
She is so grateful to have her baby girl back that she is moving into the cottage in the woods where Becky and Bob once lived. They are now safely behind bars, where they will never get near Abby again. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that there are more of these uglies that will show up in our future. “Jasper” I manage to whisper. He shows up in a flash with a glass of blood.
“What is it, sweetheart?” he asks, concerned.
“Can I talk to my sister?” I ask quietly. I knew her hearing wasn’t as good as the rest of the house. He helps her up the stairs.
“What’s up, sis?” she asks, curiously.
“The dust that’s in your eyes is ground garlic and silver” I rasped. “They dumped it down my throat in large doses, just to see if it worked. It managed to prevent me from talking for days and even now I have problems speaking. However, I am able to talk, and my voice is getting clearer every minute. Maybe your vision will work the same way.” Pyper smiled at me.
“Thanks, Shay. I appreciate any information you can give me. At least we have a little hope, right?” “Yeah” I said, thoughtful. Then I lay back down. My energy isn’t at its best.
Werewolf Issues
I’m glad that Shay is getting better. Carlisle is still upset with us for going against his decision. And Shay was right; my eyesight is surely but slowly getting better. I can see blurs now and the outlines of them. Sparkles, surprising, comes in and visits me every now and then. I guess he felt bad about what happened while he, Bella, and Nessie were gone. I keep telling him not to worry about it but he just isn’t listening. When I told him this he got mad and went off on me. “Don’t worry about it? Shay was nearly killed, a little girl got shot in the head, you went blind,”
“Not permanently.” I muttered interrupting him. He growled. I rolled my eyes.
“And now Carlisle is furious.”
“Because we disobeyed him, not you.” He sighed.
“My point is, if we hadn’t left, none of this would’ve happened.”
“Who cares!? It’s already done and over with! We can’t change what has happened, so get over yourself and stop blaming yourself for every little thing that happens, geez.” I snapped rolling my eyes. I could feel the shock rolling off of him. He sighed again.
“You’re right. There’s no point in dwelling in the past is there?”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you the past few days.” I said annoyed. He chuckled lightly.
“Thanks again.”
“No problem.” I heard him leave and sighed. See this is why I didn’t like him or Bella for that matter in the books. They always blamed themselves for something they didn’t do and assume the wrong things and make big problems out of the littlest of things that are ridiculous. Since I can’t read or watch TV, I’ve been really bored. So Emmett has been trying to come up with ways to entertain me. Like just the other day, he took me mudding in his jeep and I’ve got to say, it was amazing. I was all muddy and may have gotten a little whiplash, but it was amazing. Let’s just say that Esme wasn’t too pleased about us tracking mud into her clean home and then dirtying up her clean bathroom. I felt bad about that. I was going to try and clean up the bathroom, but seeing as I’m blind, it was nearly impossible. I say nearly because I had Emmett help me in there. Of course he did the majority of it, so I guess I can’t really say that I cleaned the bathroom. Oh well, at least I tried and it’s the thought that counts right? Esme wasn’t too mad at us when she found out that me and Emmett cleaned the bathroom. Right now, I’m sitting on my bed bored out of my mind and irritated. Why you ask? Well I’m tired of seeing blurs all the time and to be honest it hurts my eyes. So I have to close them every once and awhile so they don’t hurt as much. The best part is I don’t have to have someone escort me to the bathroom every time I have to go now.
I just want the blurriness to go away. I don’t know what it’s like wanting your voice to come back so you can talk but I’m pretty sure it’s not as bad as what I’m going through. I closed my eyes again as it started to hurt to keep them open. I felt like crying really, but I didn’t because I know crying isn’t going to make it go away. It sucks being blind. I sighed at the thought. “I’ve got ice-cream!” Emmett’s loud voice said as I heard him walk into my room. I couldn’t help but smile. He always knew how to make me feel better. The frustrating part was that he wouldn’t let me feed myself. “Nope, I’m going to.”
“Fine.” I said childishly and crossed my arms all the while pouting. He laughed and kissed my cheek.
“Open.” I opened my mouth and felt him stick the spoon of ice-cream in my mouth. It was cold at first but I adjusted easily to it. “Feeling any better?” He asked. I could hear the concern in his voice. I smiled.
“Yeah, I feel better.”
“Good.” I could hear the grin in his voice. “Now open.” I rolled my eyes but did as he said. When the ice-cream was gone, I heard him sit the bowl down and then he pulled me into a hug. I opened my eyes and saw his blurry chest. I hugged him back. This time I can’t blame my eyesight for the blurriness; I started crying silently. He hugged me tighter and kissed the top of my head. I calmed myself down and got myself to stop crying. Emmett let me go and I wiped my tear streaked face on my shirt. I blinked in surprise as I noticed things were clearer and no longer blurry as I looked up. “What?” Emmett asked curiously. I grinned and kissed him.
When I pulled away, I said “I can see perfectly clear.” He grinned and kissed me. He pulled away and said,
“That’s great.” I laughed and shook my head. He let me up and we went down into the living room where everyone was sitting. Well, they weren’t sitting for long, because of their hearing is so darn good, they knew I could see now. I guess crying does make it go away. I thought grinning. Sparkles rolled his eyes but smiled.
“Now Shay just has to get better.” I said looking at her. She smiled and sighed.
“I’ll try my best.” She croaked softly but smiling. I was in need of some blood so I went out hunting. I wanted to go by myself because I haven’t been able to do anything by myself for five days now. That’s right, I’ve been blind for a week since all that has happened. We went back to our normal every day routines and Abby has started to go to school with Nessie and Bree. I breathed in the crisp winter air as I jumped from tree branch to tree branch in search for food. The bears have just started to hibernate, so I picked a really good time to go hunting. I grinned at the thought. Grizzlies are easier to get when their half asleep and disgruntled. That way they can’t swipe at you and claw you to death.
I stopped when I spotted a cave and grinned. Food, here I come. I thought licking my lips. Wow, I’ve never gotten this bad. I thought shocked at myself. I snuck into the cave and saw three big grizzlies. Good. I was about to jump one when I heard a growl and it wasn’t the grizzlies. I froze on the spot. I turned slowly and saw a black oversized wolf and it was definitely not Sam. I realized that when it started walking towards me slowly. I backed up a little at a time. I also realized that this was a real werewolf when I looked up at the moon and saw that it was a full moon and the werewolf’s eyes were pitch black and the part that was supposed to be white, was yellow. It growled again showing its teeth. I tried to jump over it to get away, but failed as it caught me by the waist with its oversized yellow teeth. It hurt a lot and I ended up screaming. I could have teleported but since I haven’t really eaten anything besides the ice-cream all day, I’ve been low on energy. I felt like a dog toy as the werewolf shook me around, ripping my stomach even more. Next thing I know, I’m on the ground and I’m in even more pain and the werewolf started yanking on my arms with its teeth as if to bite my arm off. I could feel my skin stretching and ripping and it was not pleasant, I’ll tell you that. Now I felt like a rag doll being torn apart only I’m screaming my head off and as far as I know, no one as heard me. The werewolf gave up on my arm and started eating at my stomach. Just kill me now. I thought as my eyesight was starting to fade. My screaming was cut off when the werewolf but its oversized paw on my throat and I was having a hard time breathing.
Then I hear more growls thinking it was the pack that the werewolf came from. Oh great, now I’m going to get over killed. Surprisingly, the werewolf was thrown off of me and hit the grizzly bears setting them off. Oh great I’m definitely through. I thought as I started coughing. Next thing I know, the grizzlies are being thrown out of the cave somewhere and the werewolf was gone. I ended up blacking out as I heard a lot of paws walking towards me and circling around me. When I woke up, I was in the hospital. Shay, Emmett, Jasper, Alice, and Sparkles were gathered around the bed, looking at me in concern. “Oh God, I thought you were going to die.” Shay said frantically. Jasper took her hand and calmed her down. I chuckled, or at least that’s what I tried to do. It sounded raspy and low, like a grunt.
“Do you need something to drink?” Jasper asked. I nodded slightly. Emmett put a glass of water to my lips and I pretty much drank all the water.
“Thanks.” I said just above a whisper. My throat was hurting.
“What happened? Sam said that he heard you screaming and he and the others rushed out to find you and when they did, they found a werewolf and three grizzly bears all looking like they were going to kill you. And you looked like you were mauled by one of them.” Sparkles said.
“That was a real werewolf.” I whispered bitterly. “It sneaked up on me when I came across that cave. I tried to get away but it got me by my stomach with its teeth. Sam and the others showed up and knocked the werewolf into the bears and woke them up.” I shrugged as much as I could and said, “That’s what happened.”
“How are you feeling?” Carlisle asked as he and Esme walked in.
“Like I just got mauled by a bear and almost eaten alive by a werewolf.” I said frowning. He chuckled.
“Well, good news is that you’re healing just fine and you’ll be completely healed in two days.”
“Bad news is since I got attacked by an actual werewolf, I might turn into one.” I muttered grimly. I’ve heard the stories, so I know it’s going to hurt like hell when I end up going through the change. Carlisle grimaced.
“I wasn’t going to tell you that until you’ve recovered some, but you beat me to it.” He said sighing. “We don’t really know what will happen until it does.”
“It’d probably be best that I’m far away from anyone when it does happen though, just to be safe.” I added the last part when Shay and Emmett were about to protest. Shay pursed her lips and Emmett pouted. I chuckled.
“Yes, I agree with you there. I’ll talk to Sam or Jacob and see if they could check up on you every once in awhile and I’ll have one of us come and check up on you as well.” I nodded. That makes me feel a little better. I won’t feel as lonely if they come and check up on me every once in awhile. Sparkles looked at me with pity in his eyes. I rolled my eyes. Just when I can finally see, I get attacked. This is going to suck.
“Alice, are you sure you can’t see anything?” Esme asked, her voice filled with hope. Alice nodded her head sadly.
“It’s alright dear, it can’t be helped.” Esme said sadly.
“You guys make it sound like I’m dying.” I said rolling my eyes. Emmett grinned.
“It feels like that.” Shay said flinching a little. I sighed.
“Really, I’m going to be just fine. I’ll be a werewolf, but fine none the less.” Sparkles chuckled and Esme smiled.
“That’s true.” Shay said smiling. I rolled my eyes.
“Well, we’re going to go and let you rest.” Carlisle said looking sternly at the others, mostly Shay and Emmett. They all nodded and left. Emmett was the last one to leave before he placed a kiss on my forehead. I smiled. I also noticed that they left me some of my books. I picked up one of them and started reading. It made the time go by faster and by the time I looked up from my book, the nurse was telling me that the lights had to go out. I sighed, still wanting to read, and marked my place and put the book down. I closed my eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep thankfully. Later on that night, I woke up. Then I went back to sleep, but had nightmares. They were mostly of oversized wolves’ intent on killing me. They chased me and chased me. I noticed I was also an oversized wolf too. Some of them got so close behind me that they bit my tail, making me yelp in pain and speed up. When I woke up the next morning, I was covered in sweat and somehow ended up on the hospital floor.
“Oh my.” A nurse said rushing in and helping me to my feet and back on the bed. “Are you okay, dear?”
“Yeah.” She nodded and left the room. I sighed and wiped my sweaty face on the hospital gown I was wearing. Carlisle came in ten minutes later.
“I heard you were found on the floor this morning, are you okay?” He asked concerned.
“Yeah, I’m okay. I usually fall off the bed when I’m having a nightmare anyways.” I said shrugging. “Hey my throat doesn’t hurt anymore.” I said smiling. Carlisle chuckled.
“That’s good, do you feel any pain anywhere else?” He asked as he gave me a check-up.
“Not particularly no.” He smiled.
“That’s good. Everything looks good. It looks like you get to go home early.” I grinned.
“Yes!” He chuckled.
“I’ll call Shay and let her know.”
“Tell her to bring me some clothes, please.”
“Okay.” He said pulling out his cell phone. It wasn’t even two minutes before he hung up. “The moment I said you could come home today and that she needed to bring you clothes, she hung up.” He said chuckling to himself. I rolled my eyes.
“That’s Shay for you.” I said shaking my head. He smiled and left the room. I sighed and waited impatiently for Shay to get here. I’m assuming that Emmett is going to be here too and Jasper and Alice will also be here. Shay finally showed up with my clothes and gave them to me. I went into the bathroom and changed and when I came out, I was being hugged by Emmett. I smiled and hugged him back. He sat me down on my feet and now Shay and Alice were both hugging me. Jasper just ruffled my hair smiling. Guess he’s not the hugging type. I grinned at the thought.
“We drove here in Jasper’s car and Emmett drove here in his jeep.” Shay said.
“She’s riding with me.” Emmett said grinning and picking me up. I rolled my eyes. Shay laughed.
“Okay, but when we get home, we’re going to shopping with Alice.” Emmett and I both groaned at the same time but for different reasons. He just wanted to hang out with me and I didn’t want to go shopping right after I just got out of the hospital. Alice giggled.
“Emmett, you can come if you want, we’ll need help carrying all the bags.” Alice said smiling oh-so-innocently. Emmett grinned.
“Okay.” I face palmed my forehead and groaned.
“What?” Shay asked.
“I don’t want to go shopping.” She grinned.
“Well, too bad. We’re going shopping whether you like it or not, because we won’t have much longer to hang out, remember?” Alice said sternly. I sighed.
“Fine.” Jasper chuckled. “If I’m going, he’s going.” I said narrowing my eyes at him. He grimaced.
“Deal!” Alice said grinning. I smirked when he groaned and glared at me. Shay laughed.
“Then Edward has to go.” He said crossing his arms. In the end, all of the Cullens including Shay, me, Abby, and Bree, ended up going shopping. Carlisle got out of it because he had work and Esme was busy doing house chores. So ha! If I have to go, then so does everyone else! I thought grinning. Sparkles rolled his eyes as we all walked through the mall.
“Hey it was Shay’s idea.” I said shrugging.
“No it was Alice’s and I agreed to go.” She defended herself.
“That doesn’t explain how I got dragged into this.” He said grumpily.
“Well, I said I’d only go if Jasper had to go too and then he said he’d go if you went and so on.” I said grinning. He muttered something like ‘childish brat’ and then he was dragged off by Bella and Nessie. Emmett laughed. Alice and Shay dragged me in and out of stores putting me in clothes that I would never think of buying. Emmett really liked the ones that showed a lot of cleavage. Typical Emmett… I thought shaking my head. They put Abby and Bree into outfits too; even Jasper and Emmett. I’ll admit that they looked sexy in some of the clothes Alice and Shay picked out.
“It’s too bad Edward, Bella, and Nessie aren’t here.” Alice said pouting.
“I think Bella dragged him and Nessie off because she knew you were going to dress them up.” I said grinning. She stuck her tongue out at me.
“But you and Emmett didn’t.”
“No, because I knew you wanted to spend some time with me before well you know.” I said shrugging.
“Aw… I’m loved!” She said grinning. Emmett laughed. I grinned. We stopped at the food court so Abby and I could get something to eat. We saw Bella and Sparkles and went over to them. They got food for Nessie. It was nice eating, since I haven’t eaten anything at all today. After two more hours of looking around the mall and buying stuff we went to the house. I was exhausted from walking so much, so I went to my room and took a nap. I woke up an hour later and went downstairs. I was starting to feel feverish. Carlisle was home, so he must be on his brake.
“Carlisle, I think the symptoms are starting.” I said leaning on the door frame of the kitchen. He got up and walked over to me and put a hand on my forehead.
“Your temperature has risen considerably high.” He muttered. “I think it’s time to take you far away from here.” I nodded but stopped because the room started to spin.
“I’ll take her.” Emmett offered. Carlisle nodded and Emmett picked me up. I rested my head on his chest to see if it would help make the room stop spinning. It helped slow it down but it didn’t stop. Eh, I feel like I’m on a never ending merry-go-round. Ugh…
“Careful, she might get sick.” Sparkles said concern showing in his eyes.
“Thanks.” I muttered. He nodded. Emmett took off out of the house. Carlisle followed us.
“I talked to Sam and he said we could use one of the caves on their side of the line since all the caves on our side are filled with bears. Also he said he’d have someone come and check up on you or he will. Jacob said that he’d come and check up on you too.” Carlisle said as we slowed down and stopped at the invisible line where Sam, Embry, Quil, and Paul stood there waiting. I looked over at them.
“Hey, guys.” I said my words slurring. I frowned. Stupid brain.
“What’s with her?” Embry asked as Paul asked, “Is she drunk?” I ought to kill him but I won’t because he’s one of my favorites.
“No, she has a really high fever.” Carlisle said shaking his head.
“Then why is she slurring?” Quil asked.
“I don’t know.”
“We’ll take you to the cave.” Sam said. Carlisle nodded.
“Thank you for doing this.” Sam nodded and Emmett and Carlisle followed as he and the others ran off. We came to a cave deep in the woods and far away from the Rez and Forks. That’s good, I don’t want anyone to get hurt. They waited outside the cave with Carlisle as Emmett took me into the back off the cave. There were some blankets and my books. I smiled. Emmett put me on the blankets and kissed me. I kissed him back and then he pulled away.
“We’re going to have one of them bring you some food every day.”
“Okay.” He kissed my forehead and then rested his forehead on mine.
“I love you.” I smiled.
“I love you too.” He kissed and hugged me one more time and then he left. I was sad to see him go. I hope he comes to see me tomorrow. I was getting exhausted and fell into a dreamless sleep.
To Save an Angel
Things have been kind of boring without Pyper around. She’s only been gone for 2 days and it already feels like months. I try to throw myself into my cupcakes again, but that is hard without my sister there to help me through it. She used to talk to me and make jokes the whole time I was making them. Now, no one really talks to me if I’m in the kitchen. It’s almost like I am unapproachable. Abby comes over a lot after school to try and cheer me up. Her favorite kinds of cupcakes are strawberry with crème filling and blue frosting. Renesmee really likes chocolate everything, so I do my best to keep them both happy. I can’t take it anymore. I make a batch of vanilla cupcakes with banana crème filling and sprinkles and decide to go see my sister. “Carlisle, I’m going to see Pyper. I’ll be back later” I holler as I run out the door. He won’t like it, but I did tell him, so he won’t worry too much…hopefully. I decide to walk so I don’t risk dumping the cupcakes in anyone’s car.
At least this way, I won’t ruin anything, except maybe my clothes, but they don’t matter. I was walking through the woods when I saw a little girl. She looked scared and she was hurt. It looked like an animal had attacked her, but she wasn’t bleeding. “Help” she whispered, and I could tell she wouldn’t last much longer. I ran over to help her and saw the most beautiful pair of wings ever. They were white and feathery, and from the looks of it, broken. I immediately knew this girl was an angel. I put down the cupcakes and ran to help her. When I touched her, the only thing I could see was bright white light. I’m pretty sure I was out for a few minutes there. When I finally was able to see again, I saw 3 tiny balls of light and heard the tinkling sound of children’s laughter. I get up and only then realize that I now have wings. Great. I go and pick up the cupcakes and fly the rest of the way to the cave. When I get there, I hardly recognize my sister. She’s filthy and it looked like she had run into the woods at one point and killed something. But, for the moment being, she was just Pyper. “Cupcakes!” she yelled, excited.
“Yep. I made them just for you” I said with a smile. She grabbed a cupcake and then looked at my back. “What’s with the wings” she mumbled, her mouth full of food.
“Apparently, if you try and help an angel, not only do they disappear, but you become one, too.”
“That is so cool! You should really leave though. It’s not safe for someone who could get hurt to be out here.” I gave her a hug and left her to eat her cupcakes in peace. I flew home, enjoying the feel of the wind in my hair. When I got close though, I decided to try something new. I concentrated real hard on making my wings disappear. They melted into my back and by the look in the lake, I didn’t look any different. I walked in and felt every eye land on me.
“You smell like angel food” Alice said, with a frown. “And you disappeared, and then reappeared in my vision. What happened?” I explained everything to them and waited for reactions. I got looks that ranged from shock, to horror, to confusion. The only one who truly seemed happy about it was Jasper.
“She’s always been an angel to me” he said “now she’s got the wings to prove it.” I was exhausted and I wasn’t sure how that worked, so I sucked in my wings and went to lay down. I was out within a few minutes.
I’m so glad that Shay came by to see me. Lately I’ve been feeling a little depressed because I miss everyone, but I guess that’s a symptom too when you’re turning into a werewolf. I just can’t believe Shay is an angel now. She’s lucky her process wasn’t painful and depressing. I sighed at the thought. I finished off the cupcakes in no time flat, shocked at how much I’ve gotten a bigger appetite lately. I don’t move too much now, because I’m starting to get lower back pains. The fever went away thankfully. I also learned that I can still use my powers which I’m glad for because if I teleport then I won’t have to move a whole lot and then I can use my other power to lure prey in and kill themselves. It sounds lazy I know, but it hurts too much to move. I’ve read and reread all the books that I have and now I’m bored with them. I sighed at the thought. Sam and the others have come and checked up on me daily, I mentioned to Sam that he should tell Carlisle about the back pains, because I was sure Carlisle would want to know about how the process to becoming an actual werewolf happens. He’s a curious guy. I chuckled at the thought. Well he is a doctor. I thought lying back on the now dirty blankets and saw that it was a full moon out tonight but thought nothing of it. I really haven’t had a shower for two days and I feel nasty. I’ve tried to get clean through the river, but it doesn’t help much, not to mention that I froze my butt off when I went into the river. Stupid winter.
The blankets aren’t all that comfortable, but I’ll live. I’ve been really bored the past few days. I really wanted to bug someone but Sam and the others never stayed long enough for me to do that. Jerks… I thought as my vision began to fade. Why does this always happen to me? That was my last thought before I blacked out. All I remember from then on is screaming, cursing, thrashing, bones breaking and reforming, skin ripping and repairing itself, and blood; a lot of blood. When I woke up, I was in pain and my eyesight was clear as day only it was night. Also my body was trembling and I was naked. What had happened while I was out? I covered myself up with the dirty blankets as much as I could. Then Sam walked in with Leah, who threw some clothes at me, and Paul. “Do you remember anything from earlier this evening?” Sam asked.
“No, I only remember Shay visiting me, eating her delicious cupcakes, and pain; a lot of pain.” I said frowning at the end. He sighed. “I didn’t hurt or kill anyone did I?” I asked my eyes wide.
“You didn’t kill anyone, but you severely injured Seth and Jacob.” I felt bad now.
“Oh God, I’m sorry; anyone else?” He sighed.
“No, but when you’re out of here, I don’t want you over on our side, got it?” I sighed sadly.
“Sure.” Then they left. I felt miserable and upset that I ended up hurting some people after all. I put on the clothes that Leah threw at me and just sat there in misery. I felt horrible about what I did and Sam will never know. Emmett poked his head in and I looked up at him with some tears in my eyes. He walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back.
“It’s not your fault you didn’t know what you were doing.” He said comfortingly. I sniffled.
“Thanks.” I said once I stopped crying. I wiped my face on the shirt that Leah got me. “Where are the others?”
“Sam only allowed one of us to come over to get you, so they’re waiting at the line.” I nodded as he let me go. I grabbed my books and let Emmett carry me back to the line on the other side. He sat me down.
“They’re going to be okay.” Carlisle said when he saw my expression. I nodded. Shay hugged me around my neck.
“I missed you.” She said and smiled when she let me go.
“There really wasn’t anything you could’ve done to prevent what happened.” Sparkles said sympathetically. I sighed.
“Thanks.” I said smiling.
“Now let’s get you back to the house, you’re filthy.” Alice said scowling. I rolled my eyes. She laughed and grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the house. I decided to make it easier for her and teleported us to the bathroom. She blinked when she saw the bathroom. “You still have your powers?” She asked shocked.
“It appears so.” I said shrugging. She turned on the water and pulled the stop thingy and made the water go through the shower head and then she took my books and left the room. Then she came back with my clothes and sat them on the counter top and left again. I stripped the clothes that I had on and got in the shower. I scrubbed really hard and made sure all the dirt and grime was off and washed my hair about twenty times to make sure it was really clean. Then I got out and all that jazz. I ended up brushing my teeth like ten times before they felt clean to me. I’m a little bit of a germaphobe but whatever. When I was satisfied with my teeth, I left the bathroom and once I was out, Emmett was picking me up and hugging me. I chuckled and hugged him back. He kissed me and pulled away after a few minutes, grinning. I smiled and he put me down. Then he took my hand in his and we went downstairs and into the living room.
“Alice told me that you still have your powers.” Carlisle said thoughtfully.
“Yeah.” I said as Emmett and I sat down on the couch.
“So you don’t remember what happened to Jacob and Seth at all?” I shook my head. “If you would like to go and see them, they’re up in the guest bedrooms.” I nodded and went to go see them. I wanted to see how bad it was. Sparkles followed me.
“You don’t have to do this to yourself you know?” I sighed.
“Yeah, but I feel horrible even if I couldn’t control myself.” I said stopping at one of the guest bedroom doors. He sighed.
“Just don’t beat yourself up over it too much. I doubt that Jacob and Seth will blame you for what happened.” Then he walked away. I opened the door and went on in. Seth was lying on the bed staring up at the ceiling.
“Having fun?” I asked walking over to the bed. He jumped a little. I chuckled.
“No, Carlisle won’t let me get up.”
“I think you should listen to him because he is a doctor you know.” I said shrugging. He rolled his eyes. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, it was an accident. Okay, maybe not because when we intercepted you, you actually tried to kill us.” I winced. Then he said quickly, “You didn’t know what you were doing so don’t feel bad about it okay?” I smiled.
“Okay, although I don’t think Jacob is going to be as nice as you.” I said sighing.
“Nah, he’s just cranky because he’s on bed rest too.” He said grinning. I chuckled. “You’re gonna go see him, huh?”
“Good luck with that.” I nodded and left and went into the other one. Jacob was doing the same thing Seth was doing when I walked in.
“I don’t get what’s so fun about looking up at the ceiling but whatever.” I said shrugging. He rolled his eyes.
“What do you want?”
“Alright Mr. Crankypants, I was just coming in here to apologize but fine, if you don’t want to listen then I’ll just go.” I said rolling my eyes. I turned facing away from him.
“Why were you going to apologize? There’s nothing to apologize for…” He muttered. I could imagine him rolling his eyes. I smiled and left the room. I went back downstairs and into the kitchen. I was starving. Esme smiled and sat a plate of food down on the table.
“You’re welcome.” Then she left the room.
“Hurry up and eat!” Alice said walking into the room.
“Why?” I asked after eating my first bite.
“Because, we need to take you shopping and replace every article of clothing in your closet.” Now that I think about it, the clothes I’m wearing now are a little tighter than I remember. I shrugged.
“Okay.” I ate my food in no time flat, but I was surprised that I was still hungry. I made myself a sandwich and we left. Alice rolled her eyes. “What? I’m still hungry.” Shay and Emmett rode with us.
“I guess the appetite comes with it too, huh?” Shay asked grinning. I rolled my eyes and finished eating my sandwich.
“Are you still hungry?” Alice asked.
“Not so much as I was earlier but yes I’m still hungry.” I said grinning. She rolled her eyes. Emmett cracked up laughing and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back. We arrived at the mall and got out. When Alice said we were going to replace every article of clothing in my closet, she wasn’t kidding. We spent all morning looking for the exact shirts and pants and stuff that I have at home only in a bigger size. Then we stopped for lunch, because I was hungry. Alice actually let me fill my stomach up but only because she didn’t want to hear me complain about being hungry. I grinned at thought. We ended up staying at the mall until closing time trying to replace all my clothes. Unfortunately we still had some clothes to replace. We threw out the ones that we got replaced and put the ones that we didn’t in a pile on the closet floor. I was exhausted from walking all over the mall and I was hungry again. Now this is just annoying. I thought rolling my eyes. Sparkles chuckled as he walked by. I shook my head and made myself three sandwiches and devoured them all in seconds. Those will just have to do. I thought as I went up to my room. I was tired and I didn’t feel like staying up to fill up my stomach. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. The next day, we didn’t get to go back to the mall as early as Alice had wanted because Carlisle kept asking me what kind of pain I experienced during my transformation. I think I’d rather answer these than go to the mall. I told him all about the back pain, the skin ripping and tearing, my spine breaking and rearranging itself and what not. Surprisingly, it didn’t really bother me all that much.
“That’s sounds awful.” He said but he was still writing stuff down. I rolled my eyes. Jacob and Seth walked down the stairs grimacing.
“What?” I asked looking at them.
“How can you describe all of that without it bothering you?” Seth asked shaking his head. I chuckled. It appears that Carlisle has given them the okay to move around.
“It just doesn’t bother me.” I said shrugging.
“Did you get all you needed?” Alice asked Carlisle impatiently. He chuckled.
“Yes Alice, you can take her away now.”
“Ugh.” I groaned. She rolled her eyes. Yes I’d rather tell Carlisle about all the pain I experienced rather than go shopping that’s for sure. Sparkles chuckled. I stuck my tongue out at him.
“Wow, you’re mature.” He said shaking his head. I let Alice drag me out of the house, that’s how much I didn’t want to go. She put me in the car and slammed the door shut. I stuck my tongue out at her as she went around the car to get into the driver’s seat. Emmett laughed and kissed my cheek. Shay rode with us today again. We spent all morning there and then Alice finally let us go home. Right when I got inside, I went straight to the kitchen and I got myself something to eat. Jacob and Seth were in there too, so we decided to have a food eating contest and guess who won, me.
“You cheated.” Seth said pouting.
“How exactly do you cheat at eating contests?”
“I don’t know, but you cheated.” I chuckled. Jacob rolled his eyes. “It’s too bad Sam won’t let you go over the line. You’d give Paul a run for his money.” Jacob chuckled.
“That’s for sure.” I smiled. The rest of the day, I spent most of it with Emmett. Then later that night, I took a shower and went to bed.
I’m Healed, I’m Healed!
I absolutely love having Pyper home. Being an angel didn’t seem to have changed much in my life. I had to wear spaghetti straps that were low in the back around the house because it took too much energy holding in my wings all the time. Abby was the most understanding little girl ever. She just played with Jade and didn’t ask why I had wings sometimes or why Pyper hid so much or even why no one seemed to eat. I keep finding myself drawn to sweet foods, like cake and candy. It seems the more of them I eat, the happier I am. It wasn’t until we went to the mall that I discovered my new power. I can hear people’s problems that might be doubting God and fix them, whether through miracles or everyday fixes. It makes me feel amazing to fix things for people and bring them joy. The others don’t really notice this since they are all caught up with Pyper, but that’s the best thing. I love going unnoticed, especially since it’s so hard to do most of the time. Jade is turning 4 soon, so I took off to find her a present. I found a shop where you can make your own stuffed animals. I made her a stuffed wolf since she seems to be close with Seth. Then I found a Disney store and got her a bunch of dress-up stuff, since she’s gotten big on dress up. Then I bought some party bags and wrapping paper and wrapped everything at one of the tables in the food court. I was just finishing up when I saw a little girl and her mom talking. “Mommy, it’s my birthday! Why can’t we eat while we’re here?”
“We don’t have the money, sweetie. I lost my job and daddy is gone. We can’t afford any extras right now.”
“Ma’am” I said, politely. “I would love to buy you and your daughter a proper meal for her birthday. No one deserves to go hungry on their birthday” I said with a smile. The little girl’s face lit up.
“No offense, but she doesn’t need it. If you really want to help, give us the money. We would rather have a house than the food at the mall.” The little girl’s face fell.
“If I let you stay with me, would you please let me buy you both lunch?” I saw the lady think it over.
“Who are you?” she asked.
“My name is Shayla.” The lady smiled and agreed to lunch.
“I am Lily and this is Lizzie. Her dad walked out about 2 months ago and I lost my job trying to take care of her on my own. My job agreed to take me back, but I have to have someone to watch her.”
“We take in children all the time, so you could go back to work and we’ll watch her for you.” I said with a smile.
“Why are you doing this?” she asked.
“Well” I said, letting my heart take over “I just wanted you to know that God loves you and will always provide for his followers.” She rolled her eyes and mumbled something, but I couldn’t hear what it was. Maybe that was for the best. I gave her my cell number and she promised to call before she brought Lizzie over. That would be for the best, since we are officially a house full of freaks. We have more “monsters” in our house then the average spook house around Halloween. That might not be the best way to convince her that we are a strong, Christian family. Then I found Pyper and the others and we went home. Seth was still in a lot of pain and I felt bad for him. “I want to try something, but you have to trust me” I told him.
“If it helps the pain go away, try anything” he said. I started thinking about healing him and my hands started glowing. “Whoa!” he screamed and started to inch away.
“Stay still” I ordered him. He froze, but he looked honestly scared. “Where does it hurt the most?” I asked him.
“My back and chest” he said. I put my hands on his back first and he relaxed considerably. I started mumbling in Greek, but I had no clue what I was saying. Whatever it was, it seemed to be healing Seth. I moved on to his chest, then his other injuries. When I was done, he just kept staring at me. I didn’t understand till I looked in the mirror and saw I was glowing. I looked way different. I had become blonde and taller and thinner. When I stopped speaking in Greek, I went back to my normal self. “If I were you, I’d talk to Carlisle” he said, but he barely whispered it. He kept staring at me in amazement and I was starting to get uncomfortable. I switched over to Jake’s room and did the same thing. He had the same reaction.
”What is wrong with this house?” I practically yelled down the hallway. “You live with vampires and act like I’m the weirdest creature here!” Sparkles started laughing at that.
“You changed languages and started glowing, Punk. That makes you the weirdest in the house.” I threw a cupcake at his head and it actually hit him! He grumbled about me being the most demonic angel he’d ever met.
“She’s the only angel you’ve ever met” Seth defended for me. I smiled and he honestly looked “dazzled”. It made me laugh, and sparkles did too. I started to feel tired, so I went to sleep.
Mind Reading Sucks!
While Shay was playing God and not being examined like an insect, I was trying to enjoy my day with some anime but no, Carlisle had to keep on asking me about what it’s like being an actual werewolf. I like the guy and all, but he’s starting to become very annoying. Of course, I don’t ever tell him this because I don’t want to hurt his feelings and all, plus he let us off the hook, so I’m letting him do whatever. I was eating one of Shay’s wonderful cupcakes when I heard, “What’s wrong with this house!? You live with vampires and act like I’m the weirdest creature here!” I almost choked on my cupcake laughing. Next thing I hear is Sparkles mumbling something about a demonic angel. I couldn’t stop laughing. God, I love my sister. I thought grinning.
“Well sometimes I don’t.” Sparkles muttered walking into the kitchen with a cupcake embedded into his hair. I chuckled.
“You got a little something in your hair.” I said grinning. He rolled his eyes.
“I know that.”
“You want any help getting it out?” He looked at me with doubtful eyes.
“Oh you’ll help me out all right.” He said sarcastically.
“No, I’m serious. It’s not like I’m gonna pour a bucket of water on you or anything.” I said rolling my eyes.
“I’ve got it.” He grumbled and then went upstairs. I grinned.
“You wanted to pour a bucket of water on him didn’t you?” Seth asked grinning as he walked into the kitchen with Shay.
“Yeah, but I’m trying not to be so, what’s he call it? Annoying? Yeah, that’s it.” I said grinning. Shay laughed.
“Well, good luck with that.” She said in between laughs.
“Oh, I told Paul about how you could beat him in a food eating contest.” Seth said grinning.
“What’d he say?” I asked curiously.
“He said he’d give you twenty bucks if you do, but you know how Sam is.” He said shrugging.
“Yeah, that’s too bad, I could’ve gotten myself twenty bucks.” I said grinning. Shay rolled her eyes. The rest of the day went by pretty slowly and then it was time for me to go to bed. I was so tired I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. The next morning I woke up to yelling and no matter how my times I tried to block it, it wouldn’t go away. I even put a pillow over my head and squished it against my face to the point I almost suffocated myself and it didn’t work. I groaned and got up. I got around for the day and then I went down the stairs. “Who the heck keeps yelling?” I asked grumpily, sitting down at the table.
“No one’s yelling Brat, have you lost your mind?” Sparkles said with amusement in his eyes. I rolled my eyes.
“No, but I’m about to if someone doesn’t stop yelling.”
“Pyper, no one is yelling.” Carlisle said walking in looking at me concerned. I sighed.
“Well, someone obviously is because I’m not crazy.” I said rolling my eyes.
“What are they saying?” Sparkles asked curiously.
“Oh something about…” I paused. “Oh my God, that is so disgusting!” I said shaking my head. Sparkles grimaced.
“I agree.” He said in distaste.
“Oh my God, those two just agreed on something.” Emmett said grinning while also walking into the kitchen. We rolled our eyes but then I froze.
“I think I know what’s going on.” I muttered still disgusted by what I just heard.
“What?” Seth asked coming in with Jacob behind him.
“You!” I said pointing at Jacob. “Can you not keep your nasty thoughts to yourself?” I asked rolling my eyes.
“Are you saying you can read minds?” Carlisle asked.
“Yeah, but only him and Seth.” I said shrugging.
“Really, that’s fascinating.” Is it? Is it really? I thought sarcastically. Sparkles scowled at me. I stuck my tongue out at him.
“Can you control it?” Jasper asked walking in too.
“I can try but it’s going to take some time if their thoughts sound like their yelling.” I said rolling my eyes. “I’m gonna have a heck of time trying to sleep.” I muttered shaking my head.
“Oh you’re just mad because you can’t sleep in anymore.” Shay said rolling her eyes. I stuck my tongue out at her.
“And your point is?” She sighed and shook her head. I grinned. “I win!” Everyone but Emmett groaned.
“I lost the game!” Shay yelled.
“Darn, I lost the game too.” I said pouting. She grinned. “I still win!” She stuck her tongue out at me.
“Why do you two have to be immature?” Sparkles muttered shaking his head.
“Why do you have to act like you got a stick up your butt?” I asked grinning. Emmett, Jasper, Jacob, Seth, Alice, and Shay all cracked up laughing. He glared at me. “You know I’m just kidding right?” He sighed and rolled his eyes. They all finally calmed themselves down and stopped laughing. I shuddered at Jacob’s next thought. Let’s just say, he was thinking about Nessie when she gets older, much older. I just about gagged. Sparkles scowled at him.
“Sorry.” He said smiling sheepishly. Sparkles and I sighed at the same time.
“This is just weird.” I muttered shaking my head. He chuckled.
“I’m glad I’m not the only one that thinks that.”
“Dude, you guys are really starting to freak me out.” Emmett said grinning. I rolled my eyes.
“I agree, you two never agree on anything.” Jasper said shaking his head.
“Well, you would if you heard what Jacob’s been thinking.” I said rolling my eyes. Sparkles nodded in agreement.
“Okay, I don’t see any pigs flying so this must be a dream.” Alice said giggling at the end. I rolled my eyes.
“I’m telling you, a lot of things are going to happen when pigs fly.” I said grinning. “But I guess me and Sparkles agreeing with each other isn’t one of those things.” I shrugged. She rolled her eyes.
“I wonder if you could read Sam’s too.” Carlisle said thoughtfully.
“It’s mostly likely that I can since I can read theirs.” I said shrugging.
“Wanna go find out?” Seth asked grinning.
“Not really, I don’t think he likes me anymore.” I said shrugging.
“Oh come on, he’s just being cautious.” He said rolling his eyes.
“I don’t think so.” I said remembering the look he gave me when he told me I wasn’t allowed to go onto that side of the line. He looked like he wanted to kill me, bring me back to life, and then kill me again. Sparkles rolled his eyes at me. What? I’m not exaggerating. That’s literally what it looked like. He sighed.
“Fine be that way.”
“I will.” I said grinning. He stuck his tongue out at me and left the room.
“Look at that, you’re so annoying you can make people leave the room.” Emmett said grinning.
“Or they make me leave the room.” I said remembering the time Carlisle kicked me out of his office. Sparkles chuckled.
“Was this when Bella and I were away the first time?” He asked amused.
“You guessed right.” I said grinning. He chuckled.
“So you did miss me then?” I rolled my eyes.
“Don’t push it.” He chuckled again. Shay laughed. I stuck my tongue out at her. She grinned when she stopped laughing. I rolled my eyes. “For an angel, you’re mean.” I said sticking my tongue out at her.
“See I told you.” Sparkles said smiling. Shay rolled her eyes and left the room and Jasper went with her.
“I mean, I know I’m annoying, but I didn’t know I was that annoying.” I said grinning.
“You know when you’re really annoying when Carlisle kick’s you of the room.” Emmett said grinning.
“Yes and you know that all too well don’t you?” Sparkles said chuckling to himself. Emmett rolled his eyes.
“You know what we should do?” I asked Emmett grinning.
“What?” He asked me curiously.
“Go mudding in Sparkles’ Volvo.” He grinned.
“No.” Sparkles said glaring at me. I rolled my eyes.
“I was just kidding. I meant Roselie’s car.” Roselie glared at me. “Chill, I’m kidding.” I said rolling my eyes again. “Geez you people have no sense of humor.” I muttered leaving the kitchen. Emmett followed me and we went to his room.
“Wanna play some video games?” He asked grinning. I grinned back.
“I would love to.” We set everything up and planted our butts on his couch. I scooted as close to him as I could because oddly enough, when I touch him, his skin feels soft, before it felt as hard as a rock. He chuckled and gave me a one-armed hug. I hugged his torso and then we let go of each other and started our game. I wasn’t really sure what I was doing, but I’m pretty sure I kicked his butt because he started swearing up a storm. I grinned at this and kissed his cheek.
“Man, I just can’t stay mad at you.” He said grinning and pulled me into a bear hug. I hugged him back.
“Alright, I’m coming in and you both better have your clothes on!” Alice yelled opening the door. Emmett and I just stared at each other and laughed. I looked over at Alice and she giggled.
“What are you talking about?” I asked curiously when we both stopped laughing.
“Oh, that hasn’t happened yet? Then I guess it’s later.” She muttered to herself.
“Alice, what did you see?” I asked slowly. She grinned.
“You’ll find out later. Anyways, there’s a thunderstorm tonight and so I was wondering if you guys wanted to come play baseball with the rest of us.” She asked biting her lip a little, trying not to smile.
“But how can we have a thunderstorm when we’re in the dead of winter?” I asked curiously. She shrugged.
“I just saw it.”
“That doesn’t explain anything.” She grinned. I shook my head.
“Alright, baseball!” Emmett yelled grinning. I chuckled.
“I guess I’m in too.” Alice pouted. I looked at her confused. “Aren’t you supposed to be happy?” She grinned.
“I’ll see you guys downstairs!” She said and then she took off out of the room.
“What the heck did that girl see?” I muttered shaking my head. Emmett got this perverted look on face and I rolled my eyes. I playfully smacked his arm and he pouted. I just grinned and kissed his nose and then I took off out of the room and into the living room. Emmett came in soon after still pouting. I rolled my eyes.
“Shay’s not playing because she’s taking care of Abby and Jade and neither is Bella,” Alice said.
“Because she’s taking care of Nessie.” I finished. She smiled.
“Yup, oh and Bree isn’t playing either because she has to help Shay with Abby and Jade.” I heard someone huff in annoyance. I chuckled. We all went out to the snow-covered clearing and set up the baseball field.
“Why did you have to go and get the most depressing song stuck in your head?” Sparkles muttered annoyed. I grinned.
“It’s not the most depressing and I like that song so,” and I stuck my tongue out at him. The Ghost of You by My Chemical Romance was stuck in my head. The thunder was really rolling as we started the game. I was up to bat first. I made sure to hit it out of Sparkles reach and what do you know? I did it. I made it to home and I was rewarded with kiss from Emmett. I chuckled as Sparkles narrowed his eyes at me. I decided to put my mp3 player on while I played, it helped me focus. I got some disapproving looks when Blood from My Chemical Romance came on. I grinned. Good a distraction. I thought mouthing the words to the song as I went up to bat again. So far we were 7-0. On my team were Emmett, Jasper, and Carlisle. On the opposing team there were Sparkles, Roselie, Alice, and Jacob. Seth was the catcher for both teams since we didn’t have enough players. Emmett, Jasper, and Carlisle all lined the plates, so it was up to me to send us home. Na na na came on and I felt my eyes light up. I love this song so much! I planted my feet into the ground firmly as Alice pitched a fast ball. I swung and I sent it flying out of the park and Esme called a home run. I took off and we all made it to home. So we now were 11-0. Emmett pulled me into a hug and when he let me go, Jasper slung his arm around my neck and gave me a noogie. I rolled my eyes. A hug would’ve been just fine, but no he had to give me a noogie. He let me go and we returned to the game.
Somehow they got us out three times, so we switched sides. Sparkles was up first and he hit it pretty far. I predicted where the ball would go and teleported there and caught it. “Out!” I heard Esme yell. I grinned when Sparkles started swear. “Edward!” He sighed.
“Sorry.” I chuckled. Somewhere in the middle of the game, Emmett and I sneaked away. I guess we really didn’t sneak away because Sparkles could hear our thoughts and Alice was giggling like mad. We went far up north when we stopped fifteen feet from the invisible line. We went as far as the mountains. I really just wanted to get away from the game because I was getting bored with it and Emmett sensed my boredness and so we left.
“Let’s have a snowball fight!” I said grinning. He grinned back.
“Okay!” We scooped up big piles of snow and packed them into balls and started our snowball fight that somehow turned into an all out snowball war. We jumped and dodged each other’s snowballs and slowly made our way back to the clearing. We didn’t see the others watching us as we pummeled each other with snowballs. I did notice Alice’s disappointed face. What the heck did she see, dang it!? Soon we were all having an all out snowball war. I enjoyed hitting Sparkles in the face with a snowball. I grinned as he threw one back but I dodged it and it hit Alice. Alice turned around and threw one back and I dodged again and this time the snowball hit Sparkles while he was in the middle of throwing one at Jasper who had apparently thrown one at Sparkles. I fell in the snow laughing. I couldn’t help it, his face was priceless. Emmett got me in the face, but I was laughing too hard to throw one back. I decided while was down there to make a snow angel. Alice made one too. When I stood up and looked at it, I saw that someone had drawn little horns at the top. I rolled my eyes, knowing it was Sparkles, so I threw a snowball at him. I looked at him curiously. Oh Sparkles. I thought to him grinning.
“What?” He asked. You saw what Alice saw about me and Emmett right? He grinned. “Yes, but I’m not telling you.” I frowned.
“Gr.” Then I picked up a snowball and threw it at him. He chuckled. Alice giggled. “You’re not nice people, so I’m going back to the house.” I said sticking my tongue out at them and then I took off. Emmett followed me. When I walked in through the door, Emmett pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back. “I’m gonna go take a shower.” He nodded and let me go, but he was pouting. I chuckled and kissed him on the cheek. Then I went to my room, grabbed some dry clothes, and into the bathroom. I took a warm shower and got out. When I was through in there, I went into Emmett’s room and found him lying on his couch, reading. This is the first time I’ve ever seen him reading. I thought in amazement. He looked up and grinned when he saw me.
“This is the first time I’ve seen you read.” He rolled his eyes. I chuckled. I walked over to him and sat on his chest when he put the book down. He pulled me down to where I was lying on top of him. He hugged me to him and I hugged him back. I got strangely comfortable and fell asleep some time later. I heard him chuckle as I slipped into a dreamless sleep.
Adventures in Babysitting
Everyone left for the baseball game, finally. Not that I don’t like having them around, but it is so much easier to keep the kids under control when there weren’t so many people in my way. I was just getting dinner on the table for them when my cell rang. “Hello?”
“How early can you take Lizzie? I was told I could come in tonight if you will watch her.”
“Sure” I said and I gave her the address. “Bella?” I yelled. She poked her head out from upstairs. “There is a new little girl I will be watching. I am gonna try and keep her as blocked off from our world as possible. I will keep my wings hidden, but I will need you to let the others know so that when they get in, they’ll know.”
“Sure thing, Punk.” She said with a smile. Great. Now she was calling me that too.
“Does Renesmee want a cupcake?” I ask, knowing Bella hates to deal with a hyper Nessie. She came running downstairs at a somewhat human pace.
“How was that?” she asked.
“Wonderful” I said, right as the doorbell rang. I went to the door and saw Lizzie packed for an overnight stay.
“I will come and get her tomorrow since I will be working so late. Is that fine?”
“Sure” I said, smiling at Lizzie.
“She hasn’t eaten yet, but I can buy her something if that’s a problem.”
“Not at all, I was just getting the other kids fed, anyways” Lily left and I took Lizzie to the kitchen. “What do you want to eat?” I asked her. She reached for a cupcake, but I told her she needed to eat something else first. She ate a grilled cheese sandwich and some macaroni and cheese, same as Jade. Then, I took the kids upstairs and they played with Renesmee for a while. I had the easiest job in the world, just watching these little girls act like princesses, at least I thought, until I heard Jade.
“Does your mommy grow wings, too?”
“Mommies don’t grow wings, silly.” Lizzie said, laughing.
“My mommy does” Jade said, pointing at me.
“No, I don’t, Jade. Why don’t we play with the dollies?” I said, trying to think fast.
“Hey, can you watch Nessie? My husband is being stupid.” Bella asked, throwing on her coat.
“Sure.” I said. Leaving me alone with 4 kids, plus Bree, seemed like an excellent idea to the girl who grows fangs. To me it seemed like a nightmare since the girls wanted to talk about things that shouldn’t exist. I decided that it was time for dessert and took the kids down for cupcakes. Then, I turned on cartoons and before I knew it, they were out for the night. I heard the others start to come in, see the kids and silently go upstairs. Jasper came down and helped me carry the girls up to their rooms. When we got to Lizzie, I told him to put her in my bed. “Did you have fun?” I asked him once the girls were all tucked in.
“Yeah. They had a snow ball fight and we totally beat Edward’s team. What about you? Did the girls wear you out?” he asked, laughing.
“Jade decided to talk about my wings with Lizzie, who I really don’t want knowing yet. Her mom is kind of nervous to leave her here already. I don’t need her thinking I am a freak.”
“You aren’t a freak, Shay. You might be different, but so is everyone else in this house. It’s a matter of dealing with what is handed to you and making the best of it. As for Jade, all little girls exaggerate. Lizzie will probably think that she means a tattoo or dress up or something. Even if Lily did find out, she knows how kids are, I’m sure. She won’t believe it.” Jasper wrapped me in a hug and I started to feel a little more comfortable and relax a little. We played Uno for a while and I started to get tired. Jasper wouldn’t let me sleep on the couch, so I slept in his room and he watched me until I fell asleep.
The next few days have been weird and confusing. Weird, because Shay is watching a little girl that she’s trying to keep away from our world and Emmett for some reason seems to be drawn back. Like he’ll give me hug or two, but then he’s starting to leave the room when I walk in. I don’t get him and that’s the confusing part. If I did something to upset him, then he should tell me and we can work it out, but when I ask him about it, he just changes the subject or finds some excuse to leave the room. It’s starting to annoy and piss me off, but I don’t say anything. I’ve decided that if he doesn’t want to tell me then he doesn’t have to, but I’m not going to be able to go on like this any longer. I’m getting sick and tired of it. I’m out walking in the forest right now trying to get some air and trying to get away from Emmett. He’s really annoying the hell out of me and that’s coming from someone who annoys people for the fun of it. Also lately, I’ve been getting weird notes from someone. They’re annoying too. Like this morning, I went into my room and was planning on taking a nap, hoping that when I wake up, Emmett would come and say that he was just joking around with me and that none of this stuff ever happened, but I saw a piece of paper on my pillow. There was writing on it and it said, ‘Having trouble with your mindreading? I can help.’ I was curious, how did this person know? I’m surprised that I actually want to contact this person and see what they know. Of course, Sparkles stopped me on my way out and told me that it probably wasn’t a good idea to go looking for the guy. And I agree, it’s not a good idea and yet I’m out here walking around. I’m not looking for the guy if you think I am. I just wanted to get out of the house. This is so frustrating. I thought as I sat down on a fallen tree trunk after I dusted off the snow. I looked up at the cloudy sky and sighed.
“Why so blue?” A deep voice, that I’ve never heard before asked. I looked around and saw a guy with spiky dirty blond hair, green eyes, a lot of muscle, tan, about 6’4, he was just wearing a pair of ripped up jeans and shoes, and I must admit, he looked sexy. “Thank you.” He said grinning. Wait did that guy just read my mind? He rolled his eyes. “No dip Sherlock.” I rolled my eyes.
“So if you can read my mind, then why do you ask?” I asked looking back up at the cloudy sky. He sat down next to me.
“I don’t know you look like you need someone to talk to.”
“I’ve never seen you around here before, so you must be new in town.”
“My family and I are staying here for a week. We have some family members in Alaska that we’re going to visit. One of them passed away.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” He shrugged.
“He was an idiot. He thought it’d be cool to go jump off a sixty foot iceberg and into the ocean.” I shook my head.
“I’m sorry, but that’s the most idiotic thing a person could do.” He chuckled. “You’re obviously not a vampire, so what are you?” I asked curiously.
“I’m like you. Well, my family and I are like you.”
“Oh? Then I’m guessing one of your family members attacked me, yes?”
“You caught me.”
“You were the one who attacked me?” I asked surprised.
“Yeah, sorry about that, I wasn’t really all there if you know what I mean.” I shrugged.
“So do you want my help or not?”
“So you’re the one who’s been leaving me those notes. I’m sorry but that was cheesy.” He chuckled.
“Maybe so, but I got your attention didn’t I?”
“So you can help me with my mind reading thing?”
“If you want me to.”
“What’s the catch?”
“What catch, there’s no catch.” He said a little too quickly.
“You just told me there is.” He chuckled.
“You’re a smart one.”
“I don’t know if I should take that as a compliment or an insult.” He shook his head.
“You’re right, there is a catch.”
“The only way I can help you is if you will come stay with me and my family and be mine.”
“Okay, I wasn’t expecting that.” I said a little surprised. He chuckled.
“You don’t have to decide now. I’ll let you have two days.” Then he frowned. “I’ve got to go.” Then he jumped up into the trees and took off.
“Brat, that’s a very bad idea.” Sparkles said stopping next to me and looking after the guy as he left. You know, I didn’t ask for his name. Sparkles growled. “That’s not important. If you hurt Emmett, I swear,” I glared at him and said,
“It’s not Emmett who will end up being hurt.” Sparkles was surprised by this and I took off. I was mad now. I spent the rest of the evening up in the mountains. Now Sparkles is pissing me off. If I could have made up my mind right now, I would’ve said that I’d go with that guy just to get away from Emmett and Sparkles, but I know that if I had said yes, then I’d regret it and I don’t want to leave knowing I’m going to regret doing it. I sighed and slid down the cave wall. I don’t even want to go back to the house I’m so mad. I took in a deep breath and let it out trying to calm myself down. I did this several times. I’m being a big baby. If Emmett doesn’t want to be with me anymore, then that’s his choice. You can’t force someone to like you and to be with you. After reasoning with myself for two hours, I went back to the house. Sparkles looked at me apologetically and was about to say something but I stopped him and said, “Don’t worry about it. You were just worried about Emmett.” He nodded and I went to my room and just decided to go to bed. I fell asleep two hours later and had dreams about the guy I was talking to earlier. When I woke up the next morning, Emmett was sitting on my bed, looking guilty. “What’s wrong?” I asked sitting up.
“I’m sorry I just don’t want to be with you anymore.” He said looking down at his lap. I sighed inwardly. I knew this was going to happen.
“Okay, I understand.” He looked over at me.
“Are you sure?” I nodded.
“If this is what you want then it’s okay with me.” He smiled.
“Do I still get hugs?” I chuckled and shook my head.
“Yes, you still get hugs.” He grinned and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back. I’m guessing he’s going back to Roselie, but that’s okay. We let go of each other and he left the room. I got up and got ready for the day.
“Mommy, Renesmee took my cupcake!” I heard Jade yell. I rolled my eyes. Go get another one. I thought as I walked down the stairs.
“Renesmee stop taking Jade’s cupcakes.” Shay scowled as she walked into the living room. I went into the kitchen and made myself something to eat. Sparkles kept sending me sharp looks. What? I haven’t thought about it until now. I thought to him rolling my eyes. He sighed. I actually almost forgot about what that guy told me yesterday. Alice has been mopey lately too, which makes me wonder again about what she saw. Oh well. I looked around the kitchen and spotted a note taped to the fridge. I looked at it and it read, ‘Tyler Simons’ I smiled. I guess I know his name now. Sparkles rolled his eyes. Did you tell them about our conversation? I wondered curiously. He shook his head ‘no’. You think I should tell them, don’t you? He sighed, but nodded. I don’t really know what to do. “Seth stop being noisy, you’ll ruin it.” I looked out the window and saw Seth and Jacob sneaking up to the house.
“Okay, what are they doing?”
“Don’t look at me, how should I know?” Sparkles said rolling his eyes. The next thing I know, they’re yelling and throwing water balloons at me. I dodged them and they all hit Sparkles. There weren’t any water in them that’s for sure. Sparkles growled. Seth and Jacob ran away laughing. Sparkles was cover from head to toe in oatmeal.
“Sorry about that.” I said fighting back a laugh.
“Dude, what happened to you?” Emmett walked in laughing. Sparkles glared at him.
“Oh my God, what is that?” Shay asked walking in too.
“Oatmeal.” I said smiling.
“Did you do it?” Jasper asked curiously.
“No, Seth and Jacob did, although I think they were aiming at me.” He chuckled. Sparkles left the kitchen and I assume he’s going up the stairs.
“Shay, Pyper, we’re going!” Alice yelled.
“Where are we going?” Shay and I asked at the same time.
“Shopping!” I groaned. “It’s the least you can do since, well anyways, let’s go!” I shook my head and sighed. Shay and I followed Alice and I out to the car and got in. “Now then, Pyper I saw you talking to someone in a vision, who is it?” Alice asked as she pulled out of the driveway and got onto the highway. “And don’t say, ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about’ either.” I sighed.
“He’s the guy who attacked me.” I said shrugging.
“And you say that so casually.” Shay said rolling her eyes. I grinned.
“So what did you talk about?” Alice asked curiously. I shrugged.
“His idiotic relative that died in Alaska and him asking me if I wanted his help on controlling my little mindreading thing.”
“He said the only way he could help me is if I stay with his family and be his.” I said rolling my eyes.
“Are you?” Shay and Alice asked at the same time.
“I don’t know, he said he’ll give me two days to think about it.”
“Are you seriously going to consider it?” Alice asked shocked.
“Well, yeah, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that I’ll do it.” I said shrugging. She sighed.
“I don’t want you to go.” Shay said frowning. I sighed.
“I know.” I don’t want to leave my sister, but then again, I don’t want hear every little nasty thought that Jacob and Seth have; especially Jacob. I mentally shuddered at the thought. Also, I feel lonely. I know I live with a houseful of people, but I feel like I’m by myself. I’m the only actual werewolf in the house and I seriously need help with my transformations every month. No one in the house knows how to help me with that and Sam and the others don’t want to help me and probably don’t know how to help me either. I know Shay must feel weird being the only angel in the house, but being angel seems a lot easier than being an actual werewolf to me. Yeah, I don’t have wings sticking out of my back, but she likes helping people. I bet right now, she can hear my problem. Yes, she told me about her power to hear people’s problems and then can fix them. I honestly don’t think she can help me with mine. She’s not a werewolf and she can’t possibly understand how it feels to not know if you hurt or killed someone after blacking out for a long period of time or how guilty you feel after you hear you hurt someone. I mentally slapped myself. Stop thinking like that, I’m sure she doesn’t want to hear your problems anyways. We arrived at the mall and got out of the car. I let Shay and Alice drag me all over the mall and make me put on clothes and stuff that I don’t like or feel uncomfortable wearing.
We just finished going through JC Penny’s and walked out of the store. I just about fell flat on my face when I saw Tyler leaning up against the wall near Old Navy, where we’re going next. He was smirking. I saw what you were wearing in there and I must say you looked pretty sexy yourself. Holy, did you just speak to me in my head? He rolled his eyes. No dip Sherlock. You’re making yourself out to be a stalker you know. It’s okay if I’m peeking at my soon-to-be wife. What!? I thought startled. He smirked. Yeah, that’s what I meant when I said be mine. What did you think I meant? My girlfriend? “What’s up?” Shay asked. “You look like you’re about to faint.” I shook my head.
“It’s nothing.” Oh but it’s not nothing. You look excited to be my wife. I don’t even know you that well. Don’t worry; if you decide on coming to stay with me, then we’ll have all the time in the world to get to know each other. Werewolves live long lives too, just a few centuries short of a vampire’s life. When we walked by him, he grabbed my butt. I smacked his hand. Alice and Shay looked at me weirdly.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine.” I said rolling my eyes. Yes, very fine indeed. Would you shut up and get out of my head? Sorry, but I can’t help myself but be near you and your thoughts are very interesting. You have a nice butt. I should call security and file a report for sexual harassment. I thought as Shay and Alice led me to the back of the store. Oh come on, I’m trying to get a feel for my wife. Stop saying that. Why don’t you come over here and make me? You are really irritating you know that? That’s what my sister tells me, but I know you’ll start to love that about me. I scoffed.
“What? It’s not that bad.” Shay said holding up a purple tank top with some bead work on the chest area.
“Sorry, I was scoffing at that lady over there with her crying child.” I said pointing over at her. The child was wailing and I mean really wailing and it was starting to give me a headache and the lady wasn’t doing anything to stop the child. She was on her cell phone. Alice rolled her eyes.
“Oh, those jeans would go great with that top!” Alice said spotting some jeans with the knees ripped. That was good cover up. I pictured myself strangling him. That’s not nice. It wasn’t intended to be. I peeked over at him and he was frowning. What? I was hoping for a sex scene. Oh my God I wanted to hit him so badly. Then walk on over here and do it. I am not falling for that one. What? Oh you know what. I’m sorry but I don’t know what you’re talking about. I could imagine the smirk on his face. Piss off. I thought gritting my teeth. Oh come on now, I’m sorry. It’s just too bad I can’t talk to you at night with that one vampire hanging around. Sparkles, was it? It’s Edward and only my sister and I can call him that. Oh alright, but I would really love to talk to you. I know, let’s meet at the mountain tonight at midnight. And what makes you think I’ll come? You like talking to me and don’t feel lonely. Oh he was good. Perfect, I’ll see you tonight. I looked back at where he was standing and he was gone. Strangely, I felt lonely and he’s right, I am starting to love that irritating side of him. He keeps the conversation going and no matter how irritating it is sometimes, I love that about him. God, I want to gag.
“Earth to Pyper!” Shay said waving her hand in front of me.
“What?” She rolled her eyes.
“Which one do you like the best?” She held out the purple tank top from earlier with the jeans Alice pointed out and then in her other hand she held out a black tank top that was longer than the purple one, and it had stars made out of those plastic diamonds and blue jean skinny jeans.
“The black tank top.” I said blankly. Alice grinned.
“See, I told you she’d pick that one. Guys are going to be staring at her for sure.”
“Wait, what?” She giggled.
“We’re going clubbing tonight, just you, me, and Shay and you’re not getting out of it.” I sighed. Wait, what about Tyler? I hope he doesn’t get too mad about it. Wait, why do I care if he gets upset about it or not? Ugh! Alice bought the clothes and we left Old Navy and headed to Victoria Secret. “We’ve got to get you some sexy underwear to go with your outfit.” She said when I looked at her confused. I sighed. She’s going to make me look like a prostitute. Frankly, I’m a big fan of those. I thought you went home. Actually I hung around for a little bit and I’m glad that I did. Since you’re going out tonight, I’m going to go and scare off any guys who even look at you. Jealous much? No, I have to look after my wife. So what you’re saying is you don’t trust me? Oh, so you do want to be my wife. I am so going to hit you the next time we meet. Is that a threat? Would you please leave me alone? Fine, but I will be seeing you tonight. I rolled my eyes. “What? You don’t like them?” Alice asked holding up some black lacey underwear, no scratch that, lingerie. Oh, I like those. GO AWAY!!! Alright, alright, I’m going. I glanced to my right and saw him leaving. “So you don’t like them?”
“No, I don’t like them.” Especially if he likes them. She shrugged and put them back.
“Okay, how about these?” They were like the first one, but they didn’t look like lingerie to me.
“Sure, why the hell not?” I muttered wanting to go home. I was exhausted and not because we’ve walked pretty much this whole mall, no it was ‘talking’ to Tyler. Why does he wear me out so much? She giggled and threw them into the basket that she picked up at the door. I pretty much spaced out after that and didn’t see that she slipped the first pair of ‘underwear’ that I said no to into the basket and Shay let her! After going through almost all the underwear/lingerie in the store, we went to the food court and Shay and I got something to eat. “Question: What shoes will I be wearing since I know you won’t let me wear any of the shoes that I have at the house?” Alice grinned.
“You’ll find out once we go through the shoe stores.”
“You mean we’re not done yet?”
“I hate you.”
“I love you too!” I sighed and ate my food, since I know I was going to lose against Alice. She laughed. I rolled my eyes. When we were done, we went to all the shoe stores in the mall. “Oh, how about these?” She held up black, strappy high heels, and the heel had to be at least two inches tall.
“I will kill myself wearing those.” She sighed.
“You’ve said that on every pair I’ve showed you.” She said pouting.
“Because it’s true, I couldn’t walk in them to save my life.” She sighed.
“We’ll find something.” Shay said grinning. Traitor… I thought glaring at her. She just smiled oh-so-innocently. Then she ran off towards the boot section and pulled out a pair of black leather boots, with a half inch heel. “Try these on!” I sighed.
“Fine, but if I break my ankle in these, it’s your fault.” She rolled her eyes as I sat on one of the seats they had and put them on.
“Now stand up.” Alice said grinning. I did as she said and then she said, “Now walk.” I sighed and started walking.
“Wow, I’m surprisingly good at walking in these.” I said surprised at myself. Alice giggled.
“Now let’s try on those strappy black heels.” I sighed.
“Fine.” I grumbled sitting down again. I took the boots off and Alice handed me the black strappy heels. I stood up and walked around in them and surprisingly I didn’t stumble. “I guess being a werewolf gives you a good sense of balance.” I whispered. I didn’t want anyone over hearing us. Alice laughed.
“I thought you had a good sense of balance before.” She said shrugging.
“Trust me, she didn’t.” Shay said grinning. “At home, she dragged her feet really badly to the point where she couldn’t even try to walk in them.”
“Wow.” I shrugged. We bought the shoes and went back to the house and got ready for tonight. When I walked into the living room, I got a few wolf whistles from Jacob, Seth, and Emmett. I rolled my eyes. I hate you, Alice. I really, really hate you. Sparkles grinned.
“She loves you too.” I stuck my tongue out at him and then Shay and Alice dragged me out of the house and into the car. We drove to Port Angeles and parked the car in some random club parking lot. I spotted Tyler not even two yards away and rolled my eyes. See, I told you I was coming tonight and I must say you look sexy. Are you wearing those new- I cut him off by throwing a rock at him when Alice and Shay weren’t watching. He dodged it and sighed. Was that really necessary? Yes. He shook his head and I went on into the club with him following me. We had to stop at the front door because a group of people got in front of us, so Tyler got close enough to run his hand up and down my back and on further. I kicked him in the shin when I threw my foot back. Okay, that hurt. Good. I thought smirking. I heard him sigh and froze when his warm breath hit the back of my neck. I didn’t realize he was that close. Oh didn’t you? Before he could do anything else I rushed after Shay and Alice and followed them to the dance floor, even though I can’t dance. Just move your body to the music. No. Quit being stubborn and do it. Trust me, it works. I sighed and did as he said and for some odd reason it felt right. See? I told you so. Oh shut up. After about three songs, I needed a break and went to the bar to get some water. I sat down on one of the stools and the bartender asked, “What would you like?”
“A water please.” He nodded and got out a bottle of water and gave it to me. “Thanks.” He nodded and went on to other customers.
“So are you enjoying yourself?” I froze when I realized that I sat down next to Tyler. He chuckled. I sighed.
“As a matter of fact, I am.” I said and then took a drink of my water. A guy walked up to me and started to say something but then Tyler cut in and said,
“She’s taken.” The guy walked off looking scared. I rolled my eyes.
“Since when?”
“Since yesterday.”
“I don’t remember agreeing to this.” I said shrugging.
“Oh but you will.” He whispered in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. “I can feel it.”
“Pyper, come on, let’s go dance!” Alice said running up to me and grinning. Tyler had already gotten up and left the bar. I was surprised at myself for feeling disappointed. That’s a first. I’ll have you soon enough. I drank the rest of my water and let Alice drag me to the dance floor. We danced the night away and I didn’t hear from Tyler after talking to him at the bar. When we got home, I immediately took Tylenol. I got a headache somehow and I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. I felt a little feverish, but I knew it would go away. I took a cold shower and went to bed, exhausted.
Chapter 16: Princesses and Frogs
It is finally the day of Jade’s birthday. She told me she wanted to have a Princess theme, so I did the best I could. I made her a cupcake cake. I bought her a tiara and wand and all the other girls got dresses and wands, but not tiaras. We were all set to have a little tea party when I heard Abby scream. “What?” I asked, panicking.
“FROG!” she yells, jumping up and down. And there, right in the middle of the room was the world’s biggest frog. Great, just great.
“JAKE!!!” I yelled “LEARN TO SHUT THE DOOR!!!!!!”
“I wasn’t the last one in!” I heard his muffled holler back.
”Sorry” I heard Seth mumble, grabbing the frog. It was then, looking around the room that I noticed it.
“Seth, there are frogs all over the living room! Sorry just won’t cut this one!” the girls all looked around, looking panicky.
“I’ll handle it” Seth said. “You just handle the party” But there is no way you can have a party with thumps and ribbits going on behind you. The girls kept jumping every time they heard one and spilling their tea. I finally gave up and we went upstairs to open presents. She loved the stuffed animal I got her the most, at least until Seth showed her a handmade dollhouse he built for her. How can I beat that?! Whatever. I tried. Once the living room was finally defrogged, we went downstairs and ate cupcakes. Then, all the girls ran upstairs to play.
“Mommy, thank you for making my birthday so special.” Jade said. Then, she hugged me and ran upstairs. Jasper watched the girls while I started cleaning up. I was glad that Jade appreciated my work for her, but I was even happier that her birthday had been special. That little girl has been through a lot and she deserves to feel like a normal child. Once the dining room was cleaned up, I went upstairs to watch the girls. I find myself wishing sometimes that I could be that little and innocent again. Life just gets confusing the older you get.
“What’s wrong?” Jasper asked, wrapping me in a hug.
“Life is just confusing is all” I said. If someone would have told me even a year ago that I would be an angel raising a daughter, I would have called them nuts. But the more I think about it, the more I know I wouldn’t change anything. Sometimes, I miss my parents, but then I think of the fact that I am raising my own family and I can’t live without them. As the day ends, I tuck the girls in and go to bed, thinking about all that has changed.
Chapter 17: Kidnapped!
It was torture listening to those little girls scream about frogs. Stupid Seth, leaving the door open like that. Did he grow up in a barn? How the hell did they go unnoticed for so long to have that many of them in the house!? Then to add to the stress Tyler is ‘stalking’ me every time I leave the house to do whatever and I’m only safe from him when I’m in the house, which drives me crazy cuz of all the kids in this place. So I have to choose to be stressed out by little kids or Seth’s and Jacob’s nasty thoughts inside the house or stressed out by Tyler outside the house. Fun…not! I need a vacation or something. I thought as I plopped down onto my bed sighing. Suddenly I couldn’t feel anything, then I couldn’t smell, hear, taste (I guess), and last I couldn’t see. When I got my senses back, I noticed I wasn’t in my room for one and two: I could smell human blood. I wrinkled my nose in distaste. I knew exactly who did that to me, Alec. Speak of the devil and he shall come… I thought as he walked into the room I was in. The walls were made of bricks and there were fancy furniture and décor all over the place and the bed I was on was the comfiest I’ve ever been on, it’s comfier than my bed at least at the Cullen’s house. “I see you’re awake. I may have accidently hit you on the head a little hard.”
“Oh don’t worry, I didn’t feel a thing.” I said rolling my eyes. “Besides, why did you kidnap me when I’m not even a vampire anymore?”
“Oh that’s the reason right there. You see, Aro caught wind of your transformation and how you still have your little abilities.” He said smirking a little. I rolled my eyes again.
“Well that’s a stupid reason. What? Does he still want me to join? Or what?”
“I don’t know, he just told me to take you, so I did.”
“Okay?” He chuckled.
“I came here to see how you were doing and it seems you’re fine. My sister doesn’t like me being around you though.”
“Why, because she and my sister got into a fight or something the last time?” He smiled.
“Possibly, but I really don’t know.” He said shrugging. “She never really tells me things like that.”
“So you came here to see how I’m doing right?” He nodded. “Well, I’m starving.” He chuckled.
“Human food right?” I nodded. He left and came back five minutes later with five carts of food. “Right, I’ll just leave you to it.” Then he left. As soon as he did, I started devouring the food on cart number 1. I want to know why Aro is still interested in me but I don’t want to be here. It makes me feel uneasy. I thought as I finished up the second cart. Yeah, I’m really hungry. Weeks pass and I haven’t seen Aro or the outside of the room that I’m in. Also little by little I’m starting to learn more and more about Alec. He’s actually pretty nice but I wonder if it’s just some facade. He’s probably just doing that to get me to trust him and to get information out of me, which I haven’t given any. Yeah, I’m a little paranoid like that. If there’s one thing that I’ve learned about the Volturi, it’s that they’ll go to any length to get information out of a person. I’m starting to get worried though. Alec has informed me that this room conceals Teleportation and I’m too paranoid to try. I think that’s what he was counting on. I haven’t seen any of the Volturi members except for Alec. I’m getting bored really fast too. They don’t have TV and I’ve read every book in the room at least five times each, and I don’t have my music or anything to draw on. It sucks arse. Two days later, Alec comes in and tells me that Aro wants to see me, so I follow him cautiously to whatever room Aro is in. When I walk in, I’m surprised to see not only Carlisle and the others, but Tyler too. He was being held back by Demetri and was trying to break free of his grip.
“Ah, Miss Harper, it’s been awhile. I do apologize for keeping you locked up in that room. According to Alec, you seemed to have been getting bored very easily. Well, Carlisle, just like I promised, she’s fine and we haven’t harmed her.” I looked at Carlisle confused. “Ah, you’re probably wondering, it seems your sister has decided to giver herself up to me in exchange for you. She has agreed to join us.” I looked at Shay alarmed. She just looked sad. I sighed. “Do you wish to say something? Then go ahead.”
“Shay you’re an idiot.” I said shaking my head. Then I looked into Aro’s eyes and made him attack Caius and I punched Alec while I was at it. Soon we were all fighting. Sparkles, try to get everyone to get a hold of me, I’m going to try and Teleport us all back to the house. I thought to him. He nodded and took off. I got to Tyler. “Stay close to me, I’m going to get everyone out of here and I’m going to need you to hold on.” He nodded smirking a little. I smacked him. “I’ve been in here for five minutes and you’re already thinking,” I didn’t even finish my sentence and shook my head. He grinned. I can’t help it. He followed me as I made it to Carlisle. All the Cullens were in the middle with Shay, me, and Tyler, and the Volturi surrounded us. “Everyone connected?” I asked.
“Yeah.” They chorused. Then I closed my eyes and Teleported us all as close to the house as possible. When I felt the ground beneath me, I opened my eyes and saw the house. I sighed in relief.
“That was a close one.” I muttered and collapsed on the ground.
“Are you okay?” Shay asked.
“Yeah, I’m just a little exhausted. It seems Teleporting a large group of people takes a lot of energy.”
“I just can’t believe they took you without us noticing it.” Carlisle said surprised. I shrugged.
“I definitely don’t want to ever go to Italy ever again.” I muttered. He chuckled.
“Not all of Italy is like that just Volterra.” Sparkles said smiling.
“But I agree, let’s not make any more visits to Italy for awhile.” Esme said sighing. We all nodded and went inside except for Tyler. He took off and thought into my head, I’ll be watching you more closely. Great, I’ve been gone for a month and I’m back to where I was in the beginning. Joy…
Chapter 18: Boy Trouble
I am so glad that Pyper is back. I can’t even think about the fact that she was gone for a month. I mean, it makes me look like the world’s worst sister that I didn’t notice she was gone for a MONTH! In my defense, I have a lot going on. Jasper wants us to legally adopt a boy or two. There are a set of twins who are about 2 named Ethan and Alex. They live in California, but they are willing to bring them up here to meet us and let us adopt them in the comfort of our own cloudy state. We have forms already forged for each of us in the house and Jade looks to be legally ours from France. Abby’s mom told me that she would take off the day of the meeting so that we could better concentrate on the twins. I was lying in my bed reading when the phone rang. “I’ll get it” Renesmee called, running to the phone. A few minutes later, she came running upstairs. “Phone’s for you” she said, handing me the phone. I closed my book and took the phone.
“Mrs. Hale. I am calling about the twins. We were wondering when would be a good time to come by and interview you.” I was thrown off for a minute by the last name until I remember the documents had me and Jasper married, therefore more likely to be allowed to adopt the children. I mentally told Sparkles to get Jasper here, now. I needed to know a date. Jasper came in.
“Tomorrow” he said, smiling big.
“Is tomorrow ok?” I asked her.
“Yes, ma’am. We will be there 10 o’clock tomorrow morning” she said.
“That sounds great” I said, writing down the time on a piece of paper. We said goodbye and hung up. “Family meeting, ten minutes.” I said loud enough it got out to the whole crew. Everyone gathered in the living room and I cleared my throat for silence. “Tomorrow morning at ten there are going to be people coming to interview us about our life, which means we need to all be on the same page. This house is full and we make it work since most of you don’t sleep. However, tomorrow we need all the wolves to walk around in town for a while. Leah can stay so you will know when you can come back, but the rest of us can pass as family, you guys can’t. Leah will be helping me babysit tomorrow morning. It’s too late for me to cancel having Abby here so we will act as at home babysitters. Carlisle works tomorrow and Esme cleans house. Bella and Edward agreed to take Renesmee and go to the store until we are done. This leaves Pyper, Emmett, and Rosalie. Lily said Pyper and Emmett can use her cabin through the interview and Rose, I suppose you can just hang around upstairs. This is important, so everyone please try your best to help us. We need some boys around here. Jade and Abby are both familiar with Leah, so I think everything will work. For now, we need to clean the house. It needs to be spotless tomorrow. There needs to be no reason in the world why they shouldn’t give us those boys.”
We all started and had the house spotless in plenty of time for dinner. Everyone covered their things well and most of the wolf stuff was put in duffel bags in my closet. By the end of the day it looked like a great house for the new twins. I went to sleep and set an alarm for the next morning. When I woke up at the next morning, all the wolves except Leah were gone. Leah was making blueberry pancakes for Abby and Jade. Pyper and Emmett were walking to the cabin and Esme was telling Carlisle good bye on his way to work. I decided to jump in the shower and get dressed so I could start the day. Jasper had already showered and was ready for the day. Bella and Edward were taking a still sleeping Renesmee to the car to go to the store. “Good luck” Bella told me with a smile.
“Thanks” I said back, relaxing a little knowing the whole house was willing to help me. Everyone, that is, but Rosalie. She was storming around grumbling about having to be upstairs all day. “Rose” I said “you can go to the mall if you want or do whatever you want, but be downstairs. I have everyone having jobs and if you want I can do the same with you. I just want this to go perfectly.” She took her car keys and drove off, probably to the mall. I looked at the clock. I had 20 minutes to eat. I ate a couple of pancakes, plain, and brushed my teeth. Then the doorbell rang. The girls were still in pajamas, but they ran upstairs to change. Leah followed them and Jasper answered the door. The first thing they did was tour the house. The girls were getting their hair brushed by Leah when we walked by and I explained everything as we walked. The lady seemed fascinated by Jade and asked her what it was like living here. She handled it great and told her all the great things about the place. Finally she asked me and Jasper why we wanted the twins. When the interview was done, she said they would call us by the end of the week to let us know if we get them. I was nervous, but Jasper thinks we won them. I was exhausted still so I went back to bed.
Pyper’s Day of Boredom
Well, this is weird. Shay just had to have me and Emmett stay in the cabin by ourselves. I sighed inwardly. Things have become a little weird between me and Emmett since we broke up, but we’re slowly getting over it and getting more comfortable. I guess Shay really wanted those twin boys. I wonder what they’re like. I hope to God that they’re not brats. Tyler kept his word. He’s been keeping a very close eye on me and it’s getting annoying. Stupid Alec, why’d he have to go and kidnap me? I guess this is better than being stuck with Jacob and Seth. “Wanna go mudding?” Emmett asked grinning. I grinned back.
“Why didn’t you say so earlier?” Shay never said we couldn’t leave the cabin. We left the cabin and snuck into his big jeep and we took off into the forest. It rained good and hard the other day so the ground is nice and muddy. Hey, we may not be together but we can still have fun. We arrived back at the house two hours later covered from head to toe in mud. Roselie stared at us in disgust. Emmett grinned with an evil glint in his eyes and Roselie’s eyes widen and then narrowed.
“Emmett, don’t you dare!” He pounced at her and pulled her into a big bear hug. She shrieked and I just about fell over laughing. She glared at me. I can’t help it, it’s so friggin’ funny. I was laughing so hard my sides began to hurt. Oh my God that was priceless. I wish I had a camera.
“No worries, Jasper got it all.” Sparkles said grinning.
“I’d go and hug him but Shay would probably be mad if I got mud on him.” I said grinning too. I should probably go and hose off. I thought and went back outside. I hosed off the mud and wringed out my hair and clothes and then I went upstairs and took a hot shower. When I came back downstairs, Shay was grinning as Jasper was doing something on the computer. I walked over there curiously and cracked up laughing. He was putting the video on YouTube. “She is so going to kill you when she finds out.” I said snickering.
“Don’t worry, she won’t.” Jasper said grinning.
“So how’d the interview go?” I asked curiously.
“It went great.” Shay said beaming.
“We’re definitely going to get those boys.” Jasper said smiling.
“Oh I sure hope so.” Shay said with a worried look.
“Hey, if it went as well as you say it did, then there’s no way they can turn you down.” I said sympathetically. She smiled.
“Thanks, Pyper.”
“No problem.” I said grinning. Later, I got bored and decided to watch some JulianSmith videos on YouTube. I love this guy’s videos. They’re stupid and random, yet entertaining.
“What the hell are you watching?” Sparkles asked with an irritated expression five videos later.
“JulianSmith.” I said grinning.
“You just thrive on irritating me don’t you?”
“Pretty much.” He rolled his eyes and walked off. I’m watching the hot Kool-Aid one at the moment.
“How can anyone see that as entertaining?” Roselie asked looking at the video with disinterest.
“Well, this is what happens when someone gets so bored that they feel like they have to entertain others just to entertain themselves.” I said shrugging. She scoffed and walked off. I rolled my eyes. I still don’t like her. Shay walked up to me.
“What are you watching?”
“JulianSmith videos.”
“Oh, I love those!” She said grinning.
“I know right?” I said grinning. The rest of the day went by pretty much uneventful, unless you count me tripping Sparkles and annoying the crap out of him as eventful. I went to bed that night exhausted and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

there well be more later on :D


Publication Date: 09-02-2011

All Rights Reserved

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