
My Little Addiction

Chapter one-fire in the eyes

“Oh don’t look know but Mr.dreamy is walking our way” My best friend Scarlet said, bringing her sunglasses down onto the bridge of her nose, revealing her deep green eyes, with lash’s coated in mascara to give a clumpy looking effect and just the right amount of eyeliner coated on. “God I must be the only girl in this whole school who finds him a pig headed jerk.” I said, while slamming the passenger door shut, causing it to make a slight banging noise.

Both me and scarlet watched as he walked passed, his brown floppy hair in a mess on the top of his head, his skin looked as if he had caught a tan over spring break. “Oft, can he get any better looking?” Scarlet smiled practically drooling over him. “No comment, now come on we are going to be stuck in all break with Mr. Tanner spitting over as us, while lecturing us on being late. Again” I said, while swinging my backpack over one of my shoulders and began walking out of the student car park.

“An this is the reason you are still single babe. I mean any guy would keel over to get a date with you, but you reject nearly everyone who asks you” Scarlet said, pushing her sunglasses back up covering her deep green eyes.

I guess she was right, I did just rejected most guys. Of course I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of thinking she was right. “That’s not true!” I replied. “Fine prove it.” She smiled as she brushed a hand through her bleach blond hair. “Fine, How?” I said, pulling open the doors to the collage. “How about this. The first guy to ask you out on a date next, you have to say yes.” A small sleigh smile crept up onto her lips. “Fine!” I snapped back at her. She knew I hated to idea of failing and that I was always determined to prove someone wrong, even if I knew I was the one in the wrong.

“Great, then you ought to know here the rumour that’s going around!” Scarlet smiled before, turning off into her first period lecture. I stood still for a second thinking about what she had just said. I had the idea to walk into the class and drag her out myself, but I decided to leave it, and not let it get to me.

Of course that was easier said then done. As I walked down the corridor I found my room and walked in, to the sound of whispered chats. Luckily the teacher hadn’t shown up yet. I looked around the room looking for an empty seat. Two at the back. I walked up the stairs and slid past a few people, before finally taking a seat in one of the two chairs.

After a few minutes the teacher had finally entered the class and began babbling on about something I wasn’t all that interested in, the sound of faint knocking of what I could here, banged on the door to the room.

Standing just on the other end was two students, who just happened to be Scarlet and…Oh joy Darren. All I could hope was that Scarlet could get to my spear seat before Darren, seeing as it was the only one.

I tried to try and make out what they were on about but the voices were to far and sounded all muffled to me. But I soon worked out what was happening. Scarlet was leaving the room and Darren was making his way up to sit by me. Oh the joy.

As He got closer I took the time to jot some notes down and pretend to look busy, and totally focused as the teacher went back onto babbling. Darren took a seat next to me and brought out small black note book and turned to face me. “Hey, you mind If I see some notes? Or just copy the whole thing?” He smiled as he asked me.

I looked down at my few notes I had written down and just turned to book to face him, so he could see the words. If I didn’t talk to him, he wont talk to me. I thought as he began copying down the notes. “Thanks. I’m Darren and you are?”

“I’m the girl you tipped your milkshake on last week, oh and the girl who you called a geek.” I smiled lightly, before turning my notes back to face me. Talking idea, may be a little harder than I thought. I told myself as he began to open his mouth to say something just before the bell went. An I scooped all my things into my bag quickly, trying to avoid conversation.

I slammed my bag down onto the table in front of Scarlet, making her flinch slightly. “Oh. Right.. Yeah. Well He had a higher grade level than me so your teacher put him in the class over me. Sorry?” She smiled slightly. Not one of those warm welcoming ones more of the ‘I’m Sorry.’ one.

“What’s the rumour?” I asked letting out a little sigh as I took my seat opposite her. “Well you know how you do cheerleading for the towns football team. Yeah Darren’s made the team.” Scarlet said before taking a mouthful of pasta.

“WHAT! No one is meant to know I do cheerleading, for the towns team. I mean I don’t want to have people crowding around me nagging me about the football team! And if Darren goes and makes the team he’s going to be seeing me every time at practice and you know what outfit I wear.” I snapped, folding my arms and banging my head down on them a few times before looking up at scarlet who was still eating her pasta not wanting to say anything.

“When does he start..” I murmured, finally calming my tone done. “Today after school…” God was it me or did she know everything about this boy? Or was she just really in on all the gossip, considering the town isn’t actually that big a town. But before I knew it the bell was ringing and sending us away from eating.

Chapter 2- Why me?
Soon the day came to a closer and left the only thing left on the to do list. Turn up at practice. Of course Scarlet dropped me off like usual and I changed in the wide rather surprisingly nice changing rooms. I was soon dressed in my red and black cheer outfit. Which consisted of a short, now when I say short I mean bend over see your tight shorts or undies short skirt. An a cheer top that would sometimes show off my flat stomach.

Once I walked out of the room and caught up with some of the girls who were a few years older than me, who know all the gossip, an Scarlet assured me would come in handy one day. I noticed some of the football members come over and told us about the new member. I pretended this was actually news to me, an that I was excited and was happy for the team player, until Darren walked over with his smug smile smothered on his face.

“Alyssa. Alyssa Grey?” Darren said his eyes flickering over my uniform and my golden tanned legs. Which wasn’t a stupid cheap wash of fake one. “Close your mouth Darren, you might start drooling if you don‘t.” One of the football players said, whilst nudging him in the ribs.

“What?” I said, his mouth hanging half open. “Nothing, you just look so different.” He smiled, his face once again turning smug. “Sure, what ever” Was the last thing I said to him before walking of and beginning practice. I was just hoping he wouldn’t see my tight short I had on underneath that looked a lot like underwear.

Practice soon came to an end, and I stood outside in the car park waiting for Scarlet to pull up with her white Mustang. Although just before she did I felt a soft tap on my shoulder, and turned to meet Darren. Ergh him again. I thought.

“Hey Alyssa, I was wondering maybe Saturday.” -Oh no, please don’t ask me on a date please, anyone but HIM!- “You’d like to go on a date” Just as those words left his mouth the window to Scarlet’s car had folded down, so she caught every word. There was no way I was going to prove her that I rejected everyone. Shit. Was the only thought that had crossed my mind. “..sure..” I said hesitantly, trying to avoid eye contact.

The drive home was most defiantly not the best I had ever had. “You knew that would happen didn’t you.?” I asked my eyes slitting into thin little daggers over at Scarlet, who seemed focused on the road with a huge cocky grin.

“No.” She said, as she pulled the car over onto the curb just outside my house. I sighed as I opened the car door and jumped out. “See you tomorrow Ally” Scarlet smiled as she waved before driving off down the road as I slammed the door shut behind me and sighed. I always hated people calling me Ally. It wasn’t my name.

Buzz Buzz.

I heard my phone going from under my pillow. I groaned slightly as I lifted my head up to see that it was an unknown number ringing me. Of course out of stupidity I answered it. “Hello?” I asked and instantly knew who was on the other end as the voice replied. “Hey Alyssa.” Darren. But how did he get my number?

“So about Saturday. Were would you like to go?” I knew he was most likely smiling cockily, and I wasn’t in the mood to discuss this I was tired and sleepy. The perfect excuse. “Can we talk about this tomorrow in school. It’s just I’m really tired. And-” Before I could finish he cut me off.
“If you don’t want to go out on Saturday just say.” He sounded genuinely serious, and I could actually see him not smiling in my head.
“No No I really am looking forward to it!” I lied, putting as much enthusiasm into my voice as I could manage. “Its just you woke me up”

“Well I’ll see you tomorrow to talk about it then. And sorry!” I heard him mutter as he ended the call.
What had I got myself into. I thought as I slammed my head back down onto the pillow.

Chapter 3 - Coffee and Marshmallows Mix. But Do We?

Morning came sooner than usual, small beams of sunshine peaked in through the small opening in the curtains. The room was relatively light, making me blink a few times before throwing the white duvet covers of off me and swinging my legs over the side of the bed.

I wandered down the wooden floorboard stairs, barefooted and down into the kitchen. I was greeted by the smell of freshly made pancakes brushed past my nose catch a the scent of lemon. “Morning, Alyssa” My younger brother said smiling sweetly as he raised his hands up for a hug, as I walked over to the table where he happened to be sat.

I leaned down into the hug tightly wrapping my arms around him. “Jeremy. Let Alyssa go and hurry up eating, we need to get you too school soon.” My mother said as I had lent down into the hug, and quickly let go following her instructions.

Jeremy had already missed so much school after spending so much time in the hospital. He seemed to be eating and eating, but one day he just started cutting down and even when he ate and ate he never seemed to put on weight. Of course being only 6, he was into all his football and running around causing him to lose more weight. Soon he got worse and was taken into hospital, for a while and started being feed by a tube. An him having Dyslexia effected him with his school work, and me and mum were forever trying to help, after school.

“Pancakes, honey?” My mother asked pouring some more of the mixture into the frying pan. “Yes please.” I smiled back, taking a seat next to my step father Drake. Drake was neither mine nor Jeremy’s father. But he was the best we ever had. Considering our real father was a drunken, drug addict.

Soon I had finished breakfast and was finished getting ready. I had my black heels, my jean shorts and my All Time Low band top on and ready for Scarlet to come get me. Until I received the text saying she wasn’t coming in. The day I needed her most was the day she fell ill. Great. Just great.

‘Looks like I’m walking.’ I muttered to myself as I walked out of the front door, onto my street watching most people climb aboard my old high school bus. I smiled lightly, walking down until a black jeep pulling up next to me, with the windows rolled down, caught my attention.

“Hey Alyssa, you need a ride?” Darren’s smile wasn’t cocky nor smug. It was normal. Darren Brooks was smiling, normally? Wow. Well since I guess It was either walk and be late or grab a lift and get the subject of tomorrow night sorted, giving me the whole day to myself. “Sure..” I smiled, running around to the passenger side, and jumping in.

“So, where’s Scarlet today then?” He asked as if he didn’t actually care. “Ill.” I sighed, this not really being the subject I wanted to get over and done. We soon came to the student car park and as usual there was a mass of girls crowding around the area where the school football team always seemed to park. “Thanks for the ride.” I smiled as best as I could manage before grabbing my bag and swinging it onto my shoulder, as I hoped out of the Jeep.

Of course I should of known that most people would be staring with mouths hanging half open. I just continued to walk on until I felt a hand wrap around my wrist. No doubt this was Darren. “Wait I forgot to ask what do you wanna do tomorrow?” He smiled as he released his hold, and walking backwards, now in front of me.

“Surprise me” I said smiling softly before bringing my wrist out of his grip and walking up into the college.

Thank god that was over. I thought to myself as I could here the sound of Leah stumbling my way. Her bleached hair in a slight mess and a whole lot of cup-caked makeup on. I sighed slightly, but managed to send her a warm smile as she reached me.

“Guess what news I heard!!” Her words left her cherry red lips, almost singing it to me. “That I got a ride to school with Darren Brooks?” I asked, pushing open the door to my homeroom to take my usual seat in the middle of the room. “Yeah. I mean I thought you hated him? And now your getting rides with him to school?!”

The constant reminder of my lift to school with Darren haunted me for the day. Unfamiliar and familiar faces asked and repeated the question to me constantly. I wondered if Darren had been bothered so much. Well I guess I could of asked him in my last lesson, but that would only give people more gossip and assume we were talking about something else.


“Welcome back Alyssa” I heard Jeremy say with his beaming smile , whilst wrapping his arms around my waist. “Thank you Jer. So how was school?” I asked smiling softly down at him, even though he wasn’t really listening. He just lifted his head up, showing me his smile which dimpled into his chubby cheeks, before running off into the living room at the sound of his favourite T.V program.

I just smiled softly before wondering up the stairs and began looking my closet for clothes I could wear tomorrow. Why was I doing this. I don’t know. Why should I care what Darren thinks of me, and why should I try to dress up for him. All those answers were something I couldn’t answer.

I keep rummaging through the brown closet until I found me white blouse and a black skirt with some fishnet tights. I even had the perfect shoes to go with it. My black pumps.
Chapter 4- Am I thinking straight?
Diner was quiet with the few conversation’s here and there. Jeremy was already tucked up in bed, him only being 6. Well he isn’t really 6 but I class him as six, since his birthday is this Sunday.

“So Alyssa any plans for the weekend?” Drake asked whilst casually twisting the stir-fry noodles onto his fork, before eating them. “Well if you class going out with Darren brooks plans, then I suppose so.” I shrugged taking a prawn cracker out of the plastic bag, from the middle of the table. Whilst my mother just smiled at me softly.

My mother had always been the biggest fan of Darren. I mean even when I would come home and tell her, he had split his milkshake over me, she would still just make up some excuse for him. I mean what was up with that.

“It’ll just be like when you were little. I always thought you two would end up together” My mothers smile widened at the thoughts. “What are you on about mum?” My eyebrows raised slightly in confusion. I mean me and Darren chemistry when we were younger! What on earth was wrong with this planet?

“You don’t remember? They day you fell over in the park and he came over to see if you were okay, and when he helped you up you simply smiled and ran under slide out of sight. Well you both thought you were out of sight, and you both kissed each other. Oh it was so sweet honey. Are you sure you can’t remember?” My mother asked, taking the plates over to the sink, whilst Drake just wandered out of the room.

I excused myself from the table and grabbed my phone from the table and began making my way out of the table. Yes none the less was I going to right Scarlet and tell her about this. I mean who else was I going to babble to apart from Jazz and my teddy shady-bear.

I dialled in Scarlet’s number, and waited for her to answer. But no, it sent me straight to voicemail. Either sleeping or her and her father were once again arguing over something small and stupid.

I flickered over to the check the time on the small clock, on my bedside table noticing it read 11:30. I then knew Scarlet was busy on her T.V watching her T.V programs. Instead of re-dialling and trying again , I climbed under the covers and tried not to think to much of tomorrow. Before I knew it I was lost in my own little dream.

A small figure could be felt quite close to me, as if a smaller person about half my size was cuddled up next to me. Breathing heavily onto my back. I opened one eye to read the clock which read 11:30 a.m. Then opened the other and turned slowly to find Jeremy, cuddled up next to me.

Yes this did often happen on a daily basis instead of going to mum and Drake it was me he came to. Rather sweet you may think? Well you wouldn’t be thinking that when he walks in throwing up all over your bed and floor. Yeah that has happened a few times.

I nudged Jeremy slightly, his eyes slowly flickering open. “Jeremy.. Jer.. You planning on telling me what your doing in here?” I asked, pulling myself up and looking around, at the rather clothe dumped room. You could of sworn that my closet had been thrown all around my floor, and then put back with no clothes lift in it. No, the reason they were on the floor is because I had no more closet space and being an average teen, I don’t tend to grasp the idea of ‘Clean’

Jeremy shifted under the duvet hiding his face, as I looked down at him before jumping out of the bed. “Well I’m getting up.” I said slipping my feet into the panda slippers, beside my bed.


I had finally showered and finished dressing, all that was left was to dry my curly wet hair, that lay a mess on my head. I switched on the Hairdryer my mother had bought me the other week, after the other one almost going ‘BOOM’

I flung my hair forward drying from the back, giving it a little volume when I flung it back, and smiled at the reflection before swapping the hairdryer for the white ghd straighteners, dragging down my hair giving it a dead straight look.

Soon the minutes passed and I was finally ready, my black skirt, matched up my black pumps and white blouse. Oh and of course my tights. Just as I was about to take a once over check of my self, the door bell sounded through the house.

Okay, so I would of ran down the stairs but hey the boy isn’t my most favourite person, besides my mother would beat me to it. An of curse that was were I was right.

“Alyssa, Darren’s here!!” My mothers cheery tone called up at me as I wandered down the last flight of stairs to meet Darren in a pair of grey skinny jeans, and a white shirt, his brown hair still a floppy mess on his head.

His smile light up as he saw me walk towards the door. “Well ought to be going then shouldn’t we before it rains or anything” I smiled, trying to get him out the door before my mother could of said anything embarrassing.

As we got out the door his smile was gentle and soft. “You ready?” He asked smiling lightly. I nodded and walked around to the passenger side of his car, before climbing in like him.

The car ride was quite and peaceful, songs blasted out through the radio which I was dying to sing along to. We soon came to a stop out side Starbucks coffee house, My favourite coffee house ever. Me and my cousin Daisy would forever go their every time she came down from London, to stay with me and my mum.

“Hey, you do like coffee right?” He asked, jumping out of the car and slamming it shut, as I did likewise.

“Yeah! I love star bucks” I said with my lips curving up into a small smile. Maybe this ‘date’ isn’t going to be that bad after all. I thought until I opened the door to see four girls, who had, had and obsession over Darren since the day they meet him. They had even started their own Darren club.

I ignored them and walked in, waiting for Darren who wasn’t that far behind me. His smile had become slightly more cocky, what a surprise. He wrapped his arm around my waist, leading me over to the counter.

What did he even think he was doing?! Could he not be so touchy touchy with me, who did he think he was! King of my body.. Okay maybe I’m a little over the top.

“2 Hot chocolates please” He said, his muddy brown eyes looking down at me. “That okay with you, Hun?” I nodded, I was to busy focusing up into his brown eyes. I got myself out of the somewhat trance I was in, and began walking over to a small booth before sliding in, and letting Darren place the tray down.

“Darren, Why did you even ask me out?” I asked, somewhat regretting I had. “Well, why wouldn’t I your really pretty, and you seem like an great person” He smiled his eyes focusing somewhere else. I turned my gaze to follow what they were looking at to see, one of the guys from mates lip talking to him. I let out a little sigh. “Sorry” He said, lifting his mug up to his lips and sipping it slowly.

“Its fine.” I smiled softly, reaching out to pick up my drink before a cold substance could be felt tipped over my head. My mouth let a little moan escape my lips. “What the hell do you think your doing!” I heard Darren’s voice nearly yell, although it was filled with anger.

“She disserves it the little slut.” I heard the voice murmur, before walking away. I lifted my head up shooting them a glare as they walked out of the coffee shop. “You okay?” Darren smiled softly, wrapping his jacket around me, and picking up one of the napkins and drying off my head.

I smiled and looked up at him. He wasn’t actually that bad, he was actually really sweet.

I couldn’t believe I was actually thinking this. What was wrong with me?

“Hey you want me to drive you home?” I nodded as response and let him lead me out of the
shop, forgetting about or drinks.

Chapter 5- Jerk much?

“Alyssa, what happened to you?” My mother asked, seeing my a little damp, with Darren’s jacket wrapped around me. “Some idiot tipped milkshake over my head, cause I was with Darren.” I muttered, stomping up the stairs into my room before she had time to respond.

The suddenly a blond turned around, her smile flashing me a show of her perfectly white teeth. “DIASY!” I exclaimed, bringing her into a tight, friendly hug. I hadn’t seen her since last year.

“Alyssa! You look beautiful, like always. Although I may say not your best” She smiled sitting back down on my make-up stall chair.

“Yeah. Long story, how about I tell you about it when I get out of the shower?” I smiled, walking into my en-suit. “Sure!” I heard her call out as, I closed the door behind me.

Darren’s P.O.V

As soon as I had dropped Alyssa off, back at her house, I hit the main road to get back down to my grandparents house. Since this was my home, I didn’t actually have parties there. I mean I couldn’t do that to them. I mean they had brought my up. I wasn’t that ungrateful to throw parties at their every weekend.

I pulled up outside the house bringing the jeep to a quick stop. And hoped out after turning everything off, and pulling the keys out.

The house lights were all off, and no sound was being made. The clock read 5:30 surely, they weren’t already in bed? That’s when the little note on the table, where we kept all the keys. My eyes skimmed through the lines, that’s when I felt the world come to a sudden stop. Everything around me froze, as the lines. ‘Darren, when you get this please don’t get too worried but your grandfather is in the hospital after just having a heart attack, after you left.’

I felt the tears stream down my face. I couldn’t go through this again. I picked up my keys again, that’s when my phone in my pocket buzzed. I thought for a moment before answering it. “Hello?” I said, trying to hold in my shaky tone.

“Hi Darren, Its Alyssa… Is this a bad time?” Her voice.. There was something about that made me feel so much better, than I had a moment ago. “Um… Kinda.. Hey can I call you back?” I asked, before the last beep of my connection gave way. Shutting down my phone.

This day was not my day.

My grandmother Elizabeth, and I waited for about an hour and a half before we were allowed to go in and see my grandfather.

He was laying quietly on the bed, Elizabeth was mumbling stuff to him when his eyes began to flicker open. My face lifted my mouth up into a smile that dimpled into my cheeks. That sheer fact he was still here with me, brought me so much joy. I couldn’t go through losing him as well as my parents.

Alyssa’s P.O.V

“She what?!” Daisy said in shock as I told her about Ashley, my ex-friend. Tipping the drink over my head. “So this was because you were with Darren? But you didn’t really want to be there until the end?” She asked raising an eyebrow trying to make sense of this.

“Yeah, pretty much!” I smiled, wrapping my damp hair, up into a towel, and slipping into my panda slippers, before sitting down at the edge of my bed facing her.

“Hey, we should ring this lover boy and see if he wants to meet up sometime again! And maybe go somewhere, where you CAN’T get a drink tipped over YOU!” She smiled, picking up my phone and digging through my contacts, before she came across Darren’s.

“Thought you said you didn’t like the guy?” She smiled pointing to his number saved into my cell. “Parties. He held some and gave out his contact number.” I shrugged. Not really listening to her until she hit the green dial button. Shit.

She handed over the phone and smiled at me, raising a hand into the wait and winking at me whilst she held her thumb up. A slightly shocked, worried voice answered on the other side. Although you could tell he was trying to hide it. “Hey, Is this a bad time I asked?” And waited for a few moments until the phone went blank.

“He hung up on me” I said, staring down at the phone. “Hey, maybe his phone died. But since their was no answer, Lets go out and maybe go waiter spotting?” Daisy said a small smile beginning to spread up onto her face.

“That sounds tempting but, I have cheer practice” I said, sighing slightly. As much as I loved cheerleading, anytime Daisy was here visiting I didn’t exactly want to go do my cheering.

“Well I’ll come down and watch, maybe do some quarter back spotting!” She said smiling softly. I laughed softly, before pulling out my DVD box from under my bed.

“Well what shall tonight’s video be, after ‘we’ get back from my practice.” I asked, smiling softly, hoping she’d choose P.S. I love like ways.

“How about P.S. I love you, and ‘Day and Night’” She said, pulling them out of the box, whilst my mouth yelled up at us. “Coming!” we both yelled back down.


I woke rather startled, my phone buzzing under my pillow, from someone calling me. I picked up and quickly pressed the answer button. “Hello?” I said, during a yawn. I could then make out Scarlet’s voice on the other end. “Oh God! I’m sorry I didn’t get your call last night babe, I was out. My mother took me wedding dress shopping. Let me tell you how much torture that was later over coffee, and gossip about your date?” She rambled on. On the other end of the phone. Whilst I sat up and rubbed my eyes with my free hand.

“Sure. Oh but Scar, Daisy is over you don’t mind if she comes?” I asked, sliding out from under the duvet. “Your cuz is in town!? Sweet, meet me in the coffee shop at 11?” She said before hanging up. Although her meeting part sounded more of a question to me.


Publication Date: 02-25-2011

All Rights Reserved

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