
The Cruise

It was a splendid day and subsequently, the much awaited 7-day vacation had finally arrived, as Ronald Baldwin, Land Surveyor for NCI Developers boarded the magnificent cruiser liner for an exciting voyage to the island of Barbados.  While mirthfully drinking his cocktail as he spent a couple of hours browsing around observing the fabulous view and the exceptional amenities of the ship then later he hurried to his cabin to settle and refresh in preparation to dine with Captain for an exquisite dinner.

The distinguished robust 34-year-old bachelor’s optimism was to indulged in casino gambling, while acquainting with alluring women and to quaff in some of the finest cocktails aboard.

Miraculously while dining, he noticed the most spectacular vision of beauty he’d ever seen sitting slightly opposite of him when she smiled and avidly he had to meet her acquaintance but his aggressive and temerity approach was a bit antagonizing when she rashly walked away.

“Damn!  I guess I was being a little too persistent!”  He thought.

Amazingly, the evening began to flourish from the live entertainment of an exceptional female group called the “Esquires” when one in particular caught his interest and he was compelled to meet her backstage after the show.

Her name was Star Lord, a 29-year-old lead vocal singer of the group when he asked if she would accompany him for a drink and she gladly accepted.  Their interaction was quite jovial, obviously fondly attracted to one another; consequently they stayed connected throughout the trip and after her shows they would relish time together.  Days pasted as time dwindled, his voyage had come to an end and feeling quite melancholy he didn’t want to depart from her and in conclusion, he couldn’t live without her.  So he purchased a diamond ring from the ship’s jewelry store to propose to her in the presence of the other Esquires and surprisingly she accepted.  They married a month later in August at a small chapel near the Florida shores when she ardently resigned from the group.  He moved her to the small town of Bell Florida, a small-populated town of nearly 500 people to a unique little suburb of which he dwelled.  The community was quite diminutive but very neighborly as he introduced his new bride to his neighboring friends and they were all delighted to meet her acquaintance. 

Although some of the neighbors felt that Ronald was quite eccentric yet affable, they’re intuition was that Star had to acquire some of the same qualities to attain a nuptial association with him.

Until late one evening in mid spring, the Wyatt’s who were the neighbors across the street known for their excessive eavesdropping, witnessed a fracas between the couple observing they’re distinct silhouettes through the sheer window drapes of the partly opened window seal.  Their blaring dispute obviously could be heard throughout the small neighborhood; even so, the Wyatt’s stared and listened from their concealed front porch.  The brawl went on for hours until the lights finally went out.  Weeks past as the neighbors noticed Ronald’s unusual commute activity during the day as well as his wife’s sudden disappearance.

“I wonder where is his wife?  I haven’t seen her set foot out of that house in weeks!  Not even to get her mail from the mailbox!”  Mrs. Wyatt observed.

“Maybe she left honey!  That was a pretty nasty altercation they had over there three weeks ago.  Maybe she packed up and left.  I’m willing to bet that’s what happened?”  Mr. Wyatt proposed as he stared across at the secluded small brick home.

“Well I’ll see what happens in a few days and if I don’t see any sights of her, I’m going to go over and check on her.”

“And what if she doesn’t answer the door then what?”

“Then the next time I catch him home, I’m going to ask about her!  She was such a nice young lady!”  She concluded.

A couple of months had gone by and the neighbors couldn’t predict Ronald’s inconsistent commute to or from the home; in addition often there were times when he traveled with his company and would be away for weeks yet there was still no sign of his wife Star.



It was a Saturday morning, the inception of July when the neighbors witnessed a lawn crew at Ronald’s home, obviously he was home for lingering stay as his vehicle was idled in the driveway.  The lawn crew finished their immaculate lawn work leaving his yard nicely cut and well pruned.  Later the arrival of a florist van and a crew of wedding planners arrived.  As the neighbors inquisitively stared, they’re clear assumption was that a wedding was about take place.

“It appears someone getting married!”  One of the neighbors mentioned as several of them assembled out in the yard to chat.

“Yeah, I wonder who it is.”  Another neighbor inquired.

“Perhaps it’s a relative or something, surely it couldn’t be Ronald’s wedding because we know he’s already married.”  Another confirmed.

“You know this could very well be his wedding because we haven’t seen his wife Star in months!  Not since that big confrontation they had months back.  I think she left him!”  Mr. Wyatt stressed.

“Oh yes, we did hear them arguing but it was none of our business.  Besides all couples argue sometimes but now that you’ve mention it, I don’t think we’ve seen much of her since then either!”  The couple expressed who lived next door to him.

“Oh I would be so disappointed if that were true!  I thought she was a very nice young lady and sadly they were only married for such a short time!”  She winced.  “But now if it is Ronald’s wedding, I think it’s impolite not to invite his neighborly friends to share in the ceremony!”  Mrs. Wyatt protested.

“Yeah but to be honest, I really would like to know what happened to her.   I wish I could have been a fly on the wall to see what really took place that night.  I must admit, that son-of-gun quickly got his divorce though and is about to remarry again!”  Mr. Wyatt voiced when they all conspicuously glanced across the street.

Later that afternoon, a


Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Text: Debbie Lacy
Images: Debbie Lacy: Flickr
Editing: Debbie Lacy
Publication Date: 05-26-2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-2980-3

All Rights Reserved

To my Family, Friends and Fans with much Love! Thanks for your support! May God Bless!

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