

I was walking home in my kindergarten line when I heard whimpering. I stopped and looked around searching for the source of the noise when I saw a cute little puppy. I left my line in secret to go and help the puppy it sounded hurt and there was red stuff everywhere. When I got to the puppy it looked at me and whimpered again.

"It's ok puppy. I won't hurt you. Where is your owner?" I looked around again in hope of finding the puppy's owner but found none.

"If you want you can come home with me. I live with Laney; my parents aren't home all the time and I get really lonely there."

The puppy wagged its tail and limped toward me with pain in his movements.

"Oh no, don't move your hurt." I scooted to him and picked him up. "I'll take care of you I promise. I won’t leave you never, ever. Well maybe when I have to go to school and other things but I won't abandon you."

I started walking home my line nowhere in sight but I wasn't worried I felt as if someone would protect me

"Now what should your name be?" I thought a moment "I got it how about ash because your fur is all ash colored" the puppy looked at me as if it liked the name. Alright let’s get home before Laney starts to worry.

chapter one

- 10 Years later

    I was sitting in my favorite spot in the woods ash at my side and book in my lap. I looked at ash lying there patiently waiting for me to lead the way home. Ash has been with me since I was seven; he looked more wolf then dog and bigger than a dog too. He is loyal to me and I am loyal to him. He knows all of my dirty little secrets, he is the only real friend I have being the freak of the school. I tell him all my fears doubts and other things. 

"Alright boy, I think it is time for us to head back it's getting dark out." 

 I get up and look at Ash; he was looking at me to then gets up and stands by my side. I start heading home when I feel a chill at the back of my neck. Ash starts to growl with his hackles raised. I look around but see nothing but the chill is still there. I start to speed walk Ash staying close to my side. I feel a pressure on my arm then I’m yanked down and a twisted being is on top of me. I fought as hard as I can but the thing is strong. I yell out in pain when I feel him bite me. He is then pulled off of me and the last thing I see is my wolf tearing into the monster that almost killed me.

  I wake up disoriented and I feel a soft warm fur by my side. It all comes rushing back to me and I whimper. Ash must have heard me because he is now circling me trying to get me to stand up. I follow his orders and get up. He starts to push me in the direction of my house. I look around wondering where the monster was. I spot it and it looks at me with its dead, hateful, eyes. A tear slips from my eyes and I hear Ash whimper and tries to get me to move again. I follow his command trying not to notice the blood on his muzzle and fur.

I see my house in the clearing and I head on in, not expecting anyone to be home. I strip out of my clothes and examine my wounds. They weren’t too bad a few bumps and scratches. I also found bruises along my arms and sides. I sigh then climb into bed and shut my eyes. Before I fall asleep I feel Ash hops on my bed and carefully lies down beside me.

I wake up to a pain in my sides and a buzzing in my ear. I shut off my alarm clock and got ready for school. 

"Ok Ash, breakfast." I yell because he is a heavy sleeper and doesn’t wake up unless food is ready. I sit at the table and think of what to do about the attack. I sit there for a moment and decide not to tell anyone. Any who would believe me, Jake? No, I didn’t think so. I start to head to school knowing that Ash is already doing whatever he does during the day. I don’t know why he stays with me. Oh well he has his freedom.

I arrive at school shivers still running down my spine from the attack. I head toward my art class and arrive 5 minutes early. I start setting up my station and wait patiently for the class to start. People start arriving and things go as planned on a normal day. The teacher enters with a look of excitement on her face.

"Alright class, I have some very exciting news so need all of your guys attention."

We all look up from our latest project. I feel at home in this class and can’t wait for the news.

"We are going to a wildlife sanctuary with the football team and their peppy supporters (teacher’s nickname for cheerleaders). We are leaving in a week from now so I expect permission slips to be back here before then." 

Excitement coursed through my veins at the announcement, and then fear kicked in. I raised my hand and waited for the teacher to call on me.

"Yes Luna?"

“How long are we going to be gone?"

“For a week at most. This will be great experience for you guys to learn the natural flow of the forest and how to learn how to catch the essence of it."

Some kid raised his hand "why are the other people going if it’s for the art club"

The teacher looked upset at that comment and answered "they are coming because the principle wanted them to learn responsibility during this trip"

We got the rest of the information regarding the camping trip and we each got a permission slip and a list on what we can and cannot bring. I dreaded this trip for two reasons. One I would have to leave my wolf and two I would have to spend the week with Jake and Samantha the schools popular, stereotypical, kids. This should be an interesting experience.

chapter two

An hour or so after I got home from school my wolf appears at my side. I look down and see worry in his eyes.

"It’s alright buddy I’m just a little sore. I have bad news in a couple weeks I’m going on a camping trip with a bunch of other people. Almost all of them hate me so that shouldn’t be uncomfortable and I say that sarcastically. The worst part is that I can bring you with me." I look at him and see a surprised look on his face. I know he understands me, he always does.

I put my head on the table losing my appetite. I look at him painful and yaps at me a little then snuggle at my side comfortingly.

"I know you can fend for yourself for the week I hope. I have no one that would be willing to watch you. My parents are gone for the month and Lonny is on maternity leave. Please forgive me." I kneel beside him and give him and tight hug.

I look at him and his eyes look forgiving and I relax instantly. I kiss him on the cheek then start to make dinner. I keep watching him to make sure he was comfortable. I can’t believe I was leaving my only support system for a week. At least I was spending all my time that I could with him.

 The week after that went faster than I expected. My parents called my art teacher to confirm it was ok that I went on the trip. I was set and ready to go as much as I could be. I felt horrible my wolf licked me goodbye one last time and I was off to school dreading the whole way there.

When I arrived I caught a few hateful glares but I was used to the whispers and the looks. I signed in and started to load my things. My suit case was really heavy from all my supplies for the trip. I failed at lifting it a few times then a stranger came to my rescue.

"Thank you so much I don’t know why it’s heavy." I looked up only to find the one guy that I actually had a crush on.

He smirked "no problem at all" he walked off and I stood there dumbfounded but I soon came to my senses and went to board one of the buses. I found a seat at the back of the bus. I put my head against the window and hoped that the week will fly by faster than the other one had.

chapter three

 I must have fallen asleep during the bus ride because we were here. I don’t know how I fell asleep it was louder than a construction site in here. I look around and saw the beauty of the forest. I was mesmerized by it. I was last to get off and I head toward the van full of luggage. I could already tell that mine was buried between the cheerleader’s one thousand bags of death (their luggage) and the football teams gear. I sighed and started moving things around to find my bag. 

I heard a screech and looked up it was one of the preppies. "What are you doing that is designer and you’re scratching it. Watch watt you’re doing you freak" I kneeled there speechless my ears still ringing from her tone. I mumbled something that sounded sorry and kept rummaging around for my luggage. I spotted it. SUCCESS! I went to grab it then I got ambushed by the other campers. I barely escaped with my things. I scurried over to the teacher to find out what tent I was in.

I think the fates hate me. I have to share a tent with the shrieker and a few others. At least most of them were the artists but even they could get annoying. I quickly unpacked my things, grabbed a notepad and pencil and darted to the woods.

I was easily drawing and in my zone wen I heard footsteps my way. I looked up expecting ash.

"Ash? Is that you I thought you were hunting......" I trailed off wen I remembered where I was. I looked around and found that Jake was looking at me like I had a third eye.

"Umm I’m sorry I thought I was alone" I tried to find a good excuse as to why I was alone at the time but he didn’t seem to notice.

He looked at me with interest “who is Ash?" I looked at him closer surprised.

"Oh um he is a wolf I know. I forgot that I was here normally he watches me draw and he sometimes hunt. Why?" 

"Well since you called me Ash I wanted to know who I was thought to be" I started blushing a deep red. I slowly got up and dusted myself off. 

"Mabye we should head back I heard the dinner bell" I finally found an excuse to leave and I started to head toward camp. I heard his foot falls behind me but I didn’t look back afraid that I would get a hateful glare from him. I could stand the glare of anyone else but him.

When we arrived I sat down at an empty bench with my food in hand. I ate quietly and looked around examining who was eating. I caught Jake staring at me but I didn’t read too much into it.

After dinner the art club got the assignment that would have to be done while we were at camp. They didn’t look too hard just some painting and drawing with a few things here and there. The night came quickly and I fell asleep with thoughts of ash and Jake on my mind. I noticed that it was colder without Ash to warm me.

chapter four

I woke up to sunshine in my face and yells around the camp. I hurried out of my tent still in my pajamas. I looked around and spotted three of the preppies screaming and pointing. I looked down and saw a dead rabbit at the foot of our tent. 

I went to pick it up but I heard screaming again. I looked back at the girls wondering what was wrong now so I asked.

"What it’s only a dead rabbit?"

They looked at me in horror. "You don’t know where that has been and you’re going to pick it up?"

"Yeaah. Its food and I’m not all about wasting it so once I skin it I can eat. Rabbit is quite good when roasted."

I could see the shock and disgust in their eyes. "You are a freak." they ran off and I laughed to myself. I couldn’t believe they actually thought I was going to eat it.

I picked it up carefully and put it by a rose bush. I sat down and started to draw it; intrigued by the way it looked. 

I heard movement around me and I quickly looked around thinking that I caught a glimpse of Ash.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I thought back to my attack in the woods and I started to get shivers up my back.

"Yeah it’s me." I saw Jake step out from behind the tree. 

"Jake you startled me I thought was something else."

He smirked that drop dead gorgeous smirk at me. "I seem to be getting that a lot this week"

I feel myself blush deeply and I quickly look down at my drawing. I saw the sketchpad catch his eye and I tried to hide it. Little to my luck he was fast and he quickly snatched it away from me.

"HEY. Give that back!" I started jumping up to gram it but he kept it easily out of my reach. Curse my shortness. 

"No way am am I giving this back your drawings amazing. I think I will keep it."

"But that has my assignments in it. Do you want me to fail my art class?" he started to look a little guilty and he reluctantly gave it back.

"Fine but I want one picture out of it" I sighed and nodded my head in agreement not wanting my all my sketches taken by him. What is one sketch it couldn’t hurt?

"Which one do you want?"

"I want the one with the wolf with a flower in its mouth" 

"How did you know I had a picture like that?"

He looked a bit guilty but he quickly covered it up. "I saw it when I took the sketchbook."

"Alright" I reluctantly believed him but I looked for the sketch and gave it to him. "Now will you stop stalking me?"

"Nope you are too interesting." I grunted when he walked off sketch in hand.

chapter five

I started to hear the dinner bells calling for the campers to come and eat. I got up and brushed myself off thinking about how Jake is starting to actually talk to me. I grabbed my lunch when I got to the main camp and sat down in my usual spot. I saw someone sit down across from me and I looked up. I was surprised to see Jake.

"Well hi there what brings you to this freaky table Jake?"

He just shrugged "I got bored of the cookie cutter jocks and the sluts they call cheerleaders"

My eyes went wide. "That’s a little harsh, I mean aren’t you the football captain?"

"Yes but that doesn’t mean I act like them"

My eyes relaxed a bit. I looked over at the jock table and all of them were either glaring at me or giving looks of surprise.

"I don’t think they like the idea of their football captain sitting with the known freak."

"Then I guess they will have to get over It." he shrugged with ease.

"Well, ok then" I continued eating trying to ignore his occasional stares.

I finished my meal and whispered a quite bye and scurried back to the woods to find a good thing to paint for my assignments.

I was still searching when it became dusk. I looked toward the sky and thought that I better get back to camp. I started to follow the trail back when I saw Ash facing away from me. I would know him anywhere. I started to walk toward him but he started to shimmer and I got scared and hid behind a tree still watching.

When the shimmers died down I only saw a fully clothed Jake. I stared in surprise but I couldn’t move. I saw another wolf trot up to him and shimmered. I started shivering uncontrollably but still barely managed to keep quite. After the shimmers died down gain they revealed Jake’s best friend Trent.

I started to hear them speaking and I listened in.

"Jake, why were you sitting with that girl at dinner? Are we not enough for you?"

"No you guys are my pack and my friends. I am also your alpha but I have found my mate. I have been around her for a while and I can’t keep away any longer. That is where I have been going when I’m not around. I normally lay beside her in my wolf form when she is drawing or any other projects she has. I don’t think she suspects anything but I have to claim her soon my wolf is starting to gain control when I’m around her. The urges are becoming quiet tempting."

"Whoa bro, ok calm down. I hope you have a plan to tell her she will find out eventually"

"Yeah I know that is what worries me."

"Well man I can’t help you in this kind of situation because I haven’t met my mate yet, but I hope you come to a conclusion soon or your wolf might take over and you might shift in front of her and claim her against her will."

"We better head back before people see that we are gone and start looking for us"

They start to head back but I start shivering and panicking. I headed back to camp looking like I’ve seen a ghost. They were talking about me and my Ash was really Jake and he is a werewolf. I start panicking more and more. I catch a glimpse of Jake and I start walking faster. 

He easily catches up to me and gives me a weird look. I look in his eyes and he slowly looks like he knows what I have seen.

"Are you ok Luna?"

"Am I ok? I found out that the guy I like is really my wolf Ash, and that I am his mate. I also found out that you know absolutely everything about me." I look away and rush to my tent.

I hear him call out "wait, Luna let me explain"

I enter my tent and curl up in a little ball feeling the sense of betrayal and hurt as I drift off to sleep. 

chapter six

I woke up with tears in my eyes hoping that it was all just a dream. I got out of the tent quickly knowing that no one was up yet. I headed toward the forest where I could be alone. I found a spot that was quiet and sat down and closed my eyes. 

I heard footsteps make their way to me at a quick pace. My eyes flew open. I quickly got up and started to run. Before I got three steps though, I was yanked back with my back against the tree. I was staring into icy blue eyes.

My heart started beating in fear.

"What do you want Jake?" 

"I want you to listen to me"

"I already did and I am not up to being lied to"

"I never lied to you" he leaned in closer our lips almost touching. Sparks shot through my skin making me shiver.

"Fine I’ll listen but you have ten minutes"

“Ok, Luna I know you feel betrayed, but you have to remember I am still that wolf, I still am there for you. I will never leave you and I am still the same person you know. I love you and you are my mate. Remember when you first met me you said that you would never, ever leave me. I will also keep that promise. I will protect you throughout the way. I won’t let anything hurt you. Please, please, please let me love you." he started hugging me tightly and I could barely resist it.

"How will this affect me though? How am I going to live knowing that if you get hurt I can’t protect you?" my vision started going blurry with my tears.

He pressed his face into my neck "oh my love, if you do accept me you will be able to live with me forever," he started kissing my face with a passion. I moaned in pleasure my knees giving out. He caught me with ease and pressed closer to me.

I started crying and pushed lightly against his chest. "How are asking me this? I still have a life! I can’t give up on my parents. I love them too much" he looked at me in disbelief.

"So you are rejecting me as your mate?" he looked hurt and I instantly felt guilty.

"No, no definitely not. I just need more time to think. You can’t expect me to make this big of a decision at this time. I love you, I do. You are still my wolf, but you have to remember I still have family." I hugged him close and closed my eyes at the warmth.

"Alright, I can do that, but at least be my girlfriend. Let me show everyone that you are mine." 

"Yes, I can do that." I smiled evilly. "I wonder what all the preppies will say."

He laughed and held me tighter to him "they will finally leave me alone" 

He looked at me lovingly and leaned forward slowly. I knew what he wanted and I tilted my head up as a sign to continue that journey. He took the opportunity and kissed my lips gently at first.

I moaned lightly and he started to devour my lips. He licked my lower lips begging for the entrance to my mouth. I gave it to him gladly and his tongue swept in my mouth with ease. I pressed closer deepening the kiss. 

He pulled back with a flushed look on his face. I smiled brightly and leaned back against the tree. He grabbed my hands and tugged lightly.

"Come on before people start to wonder where we are." we took off to camp. I am filled with a feeling I haven’t felt in a while; love.

Mystery P.O.V

I watched them silently but my wolf was howling with violence. She was mine, and he went and stole her from me. I will have her soon, and nothing will stop me.

chapter seven

I was still flushed from our kiss when we got back to camp. I saw everyone eating their breakfast and in response to the food my stomach rumbled loudly. Jake looked down at me smiling. I looked up guiltily. 

"What? Look me in the eyes and tell me you’re not hungry." I gave him an expectant look.

"That, I cannot do because I am hungry." he started dragging me to place where we got our food.

Once we filled our plates he took my hand and started leading me to his table. My eyes went wide with surprise and I started tugging at my arm trying to get it back. He looked at me confused.

"What’s wrong Luna?" we stopped walking.

"I don’t think your friends are going to want to meet me."

"Don’t be silly. They are my pack and they know that you are my mate. Not that you are agreeing yet." I gave him a look and he sighed.

"Ok. You don’t have to sit at the table if you don’t want to, but at least sit there today." I sighed then nodded my head.

He smiled down at me than took my hand and started to lead me to his table again. When we got there all of them looked up in amazement.

"Hey guys, this is my mate Luna. She is going to sit with us today so don’t be the weirdoes I know you all are." they all gave him a look but smiled at me.

"Welcome Luna. Sit down and eat." one of the jocks smiled at me.

Jake smiled a bit and sat down, pulling me with him. He started eating and I squirmed in the presences of strangers. Jake looked at me sensing my unease.

"Ok Luna let me introduce you to the forest moon pack". All of them looked up and nodded when they heard their names. Some of them gave me welcoming looks but most of the preppies gave me snide faces and dismissed me.

"And finally there is Marco and Delilah, and you know Trent." Trent waved a little and so did Marco and Trent.

I started to grow more comfortable around them after a few minutes. Later after that I started to get a feeling. I only felt when I was little. It felt like I was home.


Text: silvermoon
Images: silvermoon
Editing: jayfeather
Translation: silvermoon
Publication Date: 07-03-2013

All Rights Reserved

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