
The First day back home


"Give it to me, Zane." I said aggravated."Nah. I'll just keep it." He said as he shot a smirk at me. I groaned and jump on top of him trying to grab my phone from him. "Oh so your trying to rape me now."He said. "Yes Zane I was trying to rape you."I said saracastic. "Haha you admited it." He laughed. "It was Sarcasm You idiot." I got off of him and saw Josh standing there leaning against the wall."I leave you guys for five minutes and you can't even get along." Josh said while he crossed his arms. "It's been ten minutes not five." I corrected him. "What was you doing up there anyway?" Zane asked as he raised his eyebrow and smirked. "Psh nothing." He said as A blond head girl walked downstairs and kissed Josh on the cheek. She then told him goodbye and walked out of the front door. As soon as I heard the door close. Zane and I were laughing. "Shut up Love birds." He said with a smirk. "As if I would date that." Zane pointed at me. "And I wouldn't date a Man whore like him." I said as I rolled my eyes and pointed at Zane. "Man whore? I'm not a man whore, Chris." He said pissed off now. Yeah I know Chris is a boys' name but it can also be a girls' name. I love my name and it fits me. I'm no girly girl as you can tell. I'm more a tomboy with Black hair and blue eyes. As for Zane, he had dark brown hair with chocolate brown eyes that's porbably why all the girls wants Zane. Then theres Josh, he had dark brown hair with blue eyes just like our father but our eyes come from our mother. About our parents they're on a tour somewhere in Africa. I don't know why but thats them. I snaped out of my thoughts. "You never listen do you." Zane said even more pissed off. "Sorry. I dosed off into my thoughts again. I guess anything you say is boring because as soon as you get mad I go into my thoughts." I said as I grabbed my phone from his hands and got up off of the couch. I turned to Josh. "Control your best friend or I will." I said as I walked upstairs to my room. I laid down on my bed and stared at my ceiling. I heard the front door slam and car start up. When the car drove off I heard footsteps coming toward my room. I sighed as Josh pushed the door open and sat down beside me on my bed. "It's your first day back home, Chris. Give Zane a break. He hasn't seen you in a year." Josh said looking at me serious. "He doesn't even like me, Josh. So why would I care? He's a no good man whore, who sleeps with the whole entire cheerleading squad." "Your wrong, Chris. He hasn't slept with any cheerleader and he practically stayed here for a year when you was gone." " my room on my bed for a year?" I said a little mad. "Don't be mad at me, Chris. He had a family problem. Anyway he only slept in here for two days the rest he slept on the couch." "Ugh. Don't ever leave me with Zane again for a blond girl. Got it?" He nodded and patted my head as he stood up. "You can hate him, dislike him, or even not talk to him but if you ever judge him please just keep it to yourself." Josh said as he shut the door behind him. I stared back at the ceiling. The first day of school is tomorrow and If Zane is pissed at me. What will he do? I lookd at my alarm clock and it said 6:46 p.m. I sighed and looked at my phone. I'll text Hannah and see if she can come over. I set up and text,"Hey Hannah I'm Home. Do you wanna come over and stay? Josh will drive you to school. If your up to it." I sent it to her and waited for my phone to buzz. I stood up and walked downstairs to Josh laying down on the couch. "Hey Chris. Zane is kinda staying with us." Josh said without hesitation. "OK. By the way Hannah is staying with us." I lied and my phone buzzed. "OK but that won't change the way I fell about him." Hannah texted back. I text back,"I know. See ya soon." I put my phone in my pocket. "Who are you texting?" Josh asked. "Hannah." "What she want?" He asked me as he got up and sat in the chair. "She texted me that she would be here any minute." I lied. There was a knock at the door. I walked over to the door and opened it. Of course it was Zane. "Zane." I said. "Chris." He said back. He bumped my shoulder with his as he walked into the living room. I shut the door and sat down on the couch beside Zane. I heard another knock and Josh walked over to the door. He opened the door and said,"Hannah it's so not good to see you." "Shut up Josh." She said as she walked over to the couch and sat down beside me. I laughed as Josh zombie walked back to the chair. "Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you Josh. You have to take Hannah to school tomorrow." He's smile went to a serious look. "Fine..." He groaned and got out of the chair. "Come on Zane." He said as he walked to the staircase. Zane got up and looked at me with his darken chocolate brown eyes. A chill went down my back as he followed Josh upstairs. What the heck was that? I never felt something like that ever. Hannah grabbed my arm and pulled me up the stairs into my room. She shut the door and sat down on my bed. "Is there something between you and Zane?" She said raising her eye brows. "NO...Why?" I asked her. "No reason. Anyway what are you wearing to school tomorrow?" She asked me. "I dunno yet." I said sitting down on the bed beside her. She looked me with curious eyes. "Are thinking about the 'IT' Crew?" She asked me. That's the name we give this group of mean popular girls, who think there all that. I shake my head no. "Then what are you thinking about." "About how we're gonna rock tomorrow." I lied. She smiled. "We should get some sleep for tomorrow." I nod and stand up to turn the lights off. I walked over to the light switch. I heard Zane agrueing on the phone with someone. I turned the lights off and walked over to my bed. I slid under the covers and hannah did the same. I listen to Zane as Hannah began to fall asleep. I can always tell when shes asleep because she breaths deeply in her sleep. I get up and tip toe to the door. I open the door slowly and shut it quietly were I don't wake Hannah. It was silenty for 20 seconds but when I reached the staircase I heard Zane yelling from downstairs. I rolled my eyes and ran downstairs to the living room. "Zane. Shutup Hannah is asleep and probably Josh is to." I whispered. He didn't hear me at all. "Oh really?! Then why don't you tell that to my face!" He yelled into the phone and hanged it up. He threw it down on the couch. He looked like he wanted to punch something. "Now will you be quiet." I whispered, which made him jump. "...Yeah." He said. I turned to go back upstairs when he grabbed my arm. "How long have you been standing there?" He asked me. "I just came downstairs when you yelled Oh really? Then tell that to my face." I said. "Oh...haha sorry." Oh my god Zane just apologized. I can't believe that man whore. He is hiding something and I'm going to find out what. "I would let you punch me but I'm not in the mood for explaining the bruise to Josh." I said as sweet as I could. "Why are you being so nice to me?" He asked curious. "No reason." I said with a smirk. "uh-huh sure. Anyway you should get some sleep for school tomorrow." He said raising his eyebrows and smiling. What was he thinking? "OK....." I said walking up the stairs slowly.

My phone starts buzzing so I pick it up and walk down stairs. I push the talk button and put it to my ear. "So you have the nerve to call me." I said in a rude voice. "Come on, Zane. I'm sorry." Stella said. "You can tell me sorry a million times but I won't forgive you." "Please Zane. How can I make it up to you?" She asked me. "Tell James off in front of everyone at school." I said. "Haha your kidding right." She said. "Nope." I said popping the P. "I hate you Zane. I will never do that to James." She said. "Oh really?! Then tell that to my face!" I yelled into the phone and hung it up. I threw it at the couch. "Now will you be quiet." Chris whispered. I saw Chris standing there at the staircase, which made me jump. "...Yeah." I said. Chris turned to go back upstairs when I grabbed her arm. "How long have you been standing there?" I asked her. "I just came downstairs when you yelled Oh really? Then tell that to my face." She said. "Oh...haha sorry." I apologized to make her think I wasn't up to anything. "I would let you punch me but I'm not in the mood for explaining the bruise to Josh." She said it nice to me. "Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked curious. "No reason." She said with a smirk. "uh-huh sure. Anyway you should get some sleep for school tomorrow." I said raising my eyebrows and smiling. I have a great plan to get Stella back."OK....." She said walking up the stairs slowly. As soon as she disappeared out of sight I sighed and laid don on the couch. "Stella Johnson." I whispered closing my eyes and falling asleep.

The feeling of Hatred

"Chris! Hannah! Wake up!" I heard yelling coming from my door. Hannah covered her head with her pillow. "Don't make me come in there and kiss you Chris!" I heard A familiar annoying voice. My eyes shot open. "NO! Don't even try zane!" I yelled as I fell off my bed. I hit my face on the floor and heard the door swing open. Zane began laughing at me. "Did I do that?" He asked and I knew he had a smirk on his face. "No Zane My maginary fairy did it." I said sarcastic as I stood up. "Get ready Tomboy and sleepy beauty." He told Me and Hannah as he walked off down the hall to Josh's room. I shut the door and walked to my closet. "Hey Hannah theres a 50 percent off sale!" I lied but yelled. Her eyes shot open and she jumped up. "Where?!" She asked unpatient to find out. "I was joking. Anyway get ready." I said as she groaned and walked over beside me. I pulled out short shorts with black stockings, A black long sleeve with rips in the arms of it, a white long sleeve shirt, my black and white converse, and a pair of black shade glasses. I put the clothes on my bed and head to the bathroom. I close the door behind me and strip my clothes off. I put them in the hamper and turned the shower on. I sighed as I walked into the shower and started washing my hair. All of a sudden Zane poped into my mind. Why was I thinking about Zane when I should be thinking of James? James is my boyfriend but I haven't seen him since last year before I went to Texas for the summer. He was my tall, cute, sexy, and wonderful guy. I miss him so much. I get to see him today at school. I can't wait. The water turned ice cold, which made me jump out of the shower causing me to slip and fall on the floor. "ZANE!" I yelled and stood up. I walked to the shower and turned the water off and wrapped a towl around me. I opened the door to Hannah dressed in a black mini dress with her hair straightened, in black high heels, and a black short jacket. Oh yeah forgot to mention Hannah was a 'IT' but Hannah really didn't enjoy bullying people so when I first came to here she became my best friend. "HOw do I look?" She asked me. "I'm not into the whole girly thing so I'm just going to say good." She smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back. "HANNAH!" We heard Josh yell from downstairs. "Ugh. He is so annoying." Hannah said as she walked out of the door closing it behind her. I put on my clothes and didn't even look in the mirror. I grabbed my bag and opened my door. I shut it behind me and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I bumped into Zane. "Sheesh Chris. You must like me because you can't keep your hands off of me." He joked. "You wish." I gave him a evil smirk and walked to the fridge. I opened it and grabbed a water bottle. Shuting the fridge door and putting it into my bag. Zane gave me my skatebaord and then he walked outside. I shrugged and looked at it. "Zane!" I yelled with rage building up. I walked outside. "Why in the hell did you break my skateboard?!" I asked him even more mad than before. "I didn't." He said. "Uh-huh? Sure." "Think about it. If I broke your skateboard I would have to drive you to school and I would complain about it because we hate each other." He said. Yeah Zane is smart but he acts stupid I guess for popularity. "Josh? He probably did it because he knows we don't get long." I said opening Zane's car door and getting in closing the door behind. He got in and started his car up. He shut his door and begin driving. "Who was you talking to last night?" I asked remember what he had yelled into the phone. "Oh nobody special." He said. I changed the subject to school. "What classes do you got this year?" I asked not caring really. "Advance." I was shocked he had advance classes. I had advance classes to because I was smart but it's to shocking if he says he does. "Me to." "Your probably thinking Wow he's smart your kididng right now." He said. "Nah." He pulled into the School parking lot and parked his car. I got out and looked for Hannah. Great no Hannah. She's probably inside. I wave goodbye to Zane and walk into the school's front doors. I saw Hannah talking to some boy. I walked over to Hannah and she smiled. "And there she is now." She said as I stood besided her. "Oh hey I'm Felix." The boy with black hair and deep green eyes that any girl would lose theirselves in them. "I'm Chris." We shook hands and the bell ringed for first period. "See ya." Hannah and I said tp felix as he walked off. "So....." I said. "He is having a party and I would like to know if you can come with me." "OK." I tried not to start a disagreement. "You have to wear a dress." Hannah whispered into my ear. "Why?" I asked her. "Because for me, your brother, your boyfriend, to make boys drool, to make the 'It' group jealous, and you can make Zane fall for you." She said. "Ok....besides the last thing you said." We walked to our first period, which was Advance Math. I sat down in the back and hannah sat in the seat beside me. A boy that sat in front of me turned around. "Can I burrow a pen?" He asked. "Yeah." I said as He scribbled across a paper. "It's not working for me. Maybe you should write your number and see if it works." He flirted with me. "Ew....Did you just flirt with me?" I asked him. "Yeah and did it work?" He asked. "NO." I said loud enough for the teacher to turn to me. "Excuse me If you don't like how I teach maybe you would like to learn in Detention." A student teacher said to me trying to make me feel bad but it didn't work. "Oh ok sounds good to me." I said. She wrote something on a yellow slip of paper and continued teaching. A hour passed and the bell rang. A hour is two periods but it's in the same class though. AS everyone walked out of the room the teacher called my name. I walked up to her and she handed me the yellow paper. I smiled and said,"Aw thanks. YOu got my name right." I gave her a smirk as she rolled her eyes probably thinking how'd I get into a advance class. I walked out of the class room. A tall hard figure bumped into me. I look up to see James. "James?" He looked at me. "Oh hey Chris." He seemed not surprised to see me. "Umm...I have to tell you something-" He got cut off by Zane. "I have to tell you something Chris. It's very important." He said as he dragged me off from James. "Is it more important than what James was about to tell me?" I asked. "Yes." He said as he dragged me to the jainters closet. He opened the door with his hand still on my arm. We walked in and shut the door behind. "I need your help." He seemed kinda helpless. "With what..." "I need Hannah to pretend to be my girlfriend." "Why?" I asked rasing my left eyebrow. "Because my girlfriend Stella was cheating on me with-" He stopped as soon as he realized he said the truth. "What?!" I said mad at the fact he said he was cheated on by Stella. "You were dating my old best friend stella. Did you not know she left me to be popular just like you?" I yelled and he covered my mouth. "Shhhhh...." he put his pointing finger to his mouth. "I never ment to hurt you nor almost tell you something that might break your heart. Just stay out of it and let Hannah help me." He whispered into my ear, which made that same chill from last night come back. What does he mean something that might break my heart? "Ok." I said as I felt like I was falling apart just thinking about what he was talking about. "Anyway I'm just getting revenge on Stella." He whispered into my ear and making my heart race. Why? Why does he make me feel like this? I tired not to insult him but it came out. "Oh so I guess the man whore is going to use my best friend to make a girl jealous. Is that all you do Zane? Use a girl then drop her to the side." I said not meaning it but he thought I did. "And to think you would be supporting me but I guess I was wrong to think that a girl like you would ever help a guy like me. To help a Man whore? Is that right Chris? I'm just a man whore that sleeps with almost every girl in the school. Let me tell you somethng I never told anyone. I'm a virgin. There you go Chris. Are you happy now?!" He yelled as he opened the door and walked off. I shut the door and sliding down the wall to the floor. Why does he make me feel like this? For the first time I felt tears running down my cheeks. I bend my knees and put my head into them. I start crying into them as well. Why did I say that? I never felt this way before. Is it hatred?

I pulled her to the Jainter's closet and I opened the door. We walked into the closet andI shut the door behind. "I need your help." I seemed kinda helpless. "With what..." She asked. "I need Hannah to pretend to be my girlfriend." "Why?" She asked rasing her left eyebrow. "Because my girlfriend Stella was cheating on me with-" I stopped as soon as I realized I said the truth. "What?!" She said mad at the fact I said someone cheated on me. "You were dating my old best friend stella. Did you not know she left me to be popular just like you?" She yelled and I covered her mouth. "Shhhhh...." I put my pointing finger to my mouth. "I never ment to hurt you nor almost tell you something that might break your heart. Just stay out of it and let Hannah help me." I whispered into her ear. "Ok." She said "Anyway I'm just getting revenge on Stella." I whispered into her ear. Chris looked pale and mad at the same time. "Oh so I guess the man whore is going to use my best friend to make a girl jealous. Is that all you do Zane? Use a girl then drop her to the side." She said. "And to think you would be supporting me but I guess I was wrong to think that a girl like you would ever help a guy like me. To help a Man whore? Is that right Chris? I'm just a man whore that sleeps with almost every girl in the school. Let me tell you somethng I never told anyone. I'm a virgin. There you go Chris. Are you happy now?!" I yelled as I opened the door and walked off leaving her behind. I felt rage and anger but I felt something else I never did with Stella. Was this feeling hatred.....

Party at Felix's house...


     I wipe my tears with my sleeve and stood up. I breathed in and out before I open the door. I opened the door and I realized I missed two periods already. It was P.E now. I sighed as I walked to the girls' locker room. I saw Hannah ,who looked like she was going to kill somebody.

"Hannah." I hardly muttered out.

"Chris?! Where the heck were you? I've been trying to find you for two freaking periods." She said.

"Sorry, H. I had a little break down or something like that." I said.

She handed me dark purple violet short shorts with a yellow shirt. I put them on and we walked into the the gym. I saw James, Stella, Josh, Felix, and some other students but no Zane. I guess I do fell guilty but I hate him even more.

"Hey Hannah. I'm not feeling so bright. I'm going home for the day. Tell the teacher I went home sick." I said and she nods.

I walk down the hallway and hear giggling around the corner. I stand beside the wall and peek around th ecorner. I see James and Stella talking but then James kisses Stella. My hearts shatters and I walk around the corner. James sees me and he's eyes widden.

"Stella! Why'd you kiss me?" He asked as if Stella kissed him. 

"Nice try James but Iim not stupid. By the way we're done." I said.

"No I'm the one who breaks up with a girl. James doesn't get dumped. James dumps the girl." He said.

"Not this time." I said as I walked out the doors to the parking lot. I started walking home, which was 7 miles away. 


     I saw a sigh that said 3 miles to 23rd Ave. Street. I groaned. My feet already hurt but I kept walking. I finally got to my house and one of my shoes had a hole in it just from walking 7 miles. I walked to the door and turnd the door knob. It was unlocked. I walked in and shut the door behind. I took off my now dirty holed shoes off. My feet hurt so bad. I began to walk but I could't.

I fell to my knees and cried in pain. I closed my eyes and wished for a miracle to happen like my feet to stop hurting or superman would pick me up and carry me to my room. Just thinking up things to cheer me up. I felt arms around me pick me up and I open my eyes to see Zane.

I looked away because after what I did I don't even want to look at him or even talk to him. He carried me upstairs to my room. He walked over to my bed and laid me down on my bed. I heard the door shut and I let out the air I was holding in. I set up and grabbed my bottle of advil. I took two and laid down until Hannah comes home. It's awkward to be home alone with Zane when you hate him as much as I do but I'm not in the mood to even insult him. I got a text so

I pulled my phone out and opened it. "Hey. You still have to come with me to buy a dress for you and me." Hannah texted me. I text back,"Alright but nothing pink nor girly." I looked at the time and it said 2:58 p.m. Two more minutes Josh and Hannah will be home. I sighed and hugged my pillow. I set up and grabbed the advil. I took two and my feet stop hurting for now. I heard the door open and two voice downstairs. I got up from my bed and opened my door. I walk downstairs avoiding any eye contact with Zane. "Chris and I are going to the mall. Do you wanna go guys?" she asked them.

"Yeah I really need somethings anyway." Josh said. "Any you?" Hannah asked Zane. "Sure." He said. We walked outside and walked over to Josh's car. We all got in and Josh start the car up. Then drove toward the mall. An hour later of silent when got to the mall and parked the car. We got out and walked inside. "I'm going to Sears." Hannah and Josh say at the same time. "Are you going to shoeshow?" Josh asked me. "Yes I have no choice." I said. "Well Zane go with Chris were no jerky pervert touchs her." Josh said as Hannah and him walk off toward Sears. I roll my eyes and grab Zane's hand. I drag him to Showshow and to the converse. I notice I still was holding his hand. I let it go and picked out two different pairs of converse. I held up on pair with Hate

on the left converse and Love

on the right converse. I show them to Zane and then put them down and pick up converse with hearts on them. he pointed to the Hate love converse. I put the other pair away and grab the Hate and love converse. I walked to the high heel isle feeling weird about getting a pair. I looked around for a pair that I liked but I didn't like any of them until I saw a pair of Dark blue skull high heels. I smiled wide and grabbed them. I walked to the check out desk and bought them. The clark put them in a bag after i paid for them. I walk out of ShoeShow as Zane followed quiet as ever. I saw a stupid dress store so I walked into it knowing if I didn't Hannah would of killed me. I looked around looking at all sorts of dresses. Long, way too long, short, way too short, fancy, ugly, or rather disgusting looking. I found a dress that was dark blue and was just a two inches above my thigh. I grabbed it and walked to the changing area. Zane followed behind. I turned to him and handed him the bag of shoes. I walked into a changing stall and put the dress on. Zane handed me my dark blue heels. I came out and Zane's eyes widden. "Your beautiful Chris." I heard Zane whisper. A woman walked up to me and asked if I wanted the dress I shoke my head yes. She scanned it while I was wearing and I handed her the money. She smiled and pulled the tag off gently were she didn't rip it. I walked out of the store and I felt all kinds of eyes on me, which made me feel naked. I saw a black jakcet that suited my liking so I walked in the sore bought it and came back out wearing it. I feel better now. Hannah and Josh came into sight. They gasped as soon as they saw me. "Is that you Chris?" Hannah asked. I nodded. I looked her up and down. "Is that you Hannah?" I asked her even though I knew it was her. She was wearing a red mini dress with a leather jacket and red high heels. We smiled at each other and then at the boys. "We're going to the salon so you guys go ahead and do something." Hannah said as we walked off from them. "So is this the new you or are going to go back to regular Chris?" Hannah asked me. "Like I said I'm not into the girly girl things." She smiled at me and said,"I know just making sure." We walked into the salon and sat down into seats. Two people walked up behind us. "What's your names?" A guy asked us. "Hannah and Chris." We both said. "Ok. Hannah. I'm doing your hair and she'll be doing Chris's. What whould you like me do with your hair?" He asked Hannah. "Make it straightened but silky Smooth." Hannah said. "And you Chris?" The woman asked me. "Curly smooth." That's the only thing in mind. I'm not a girly girl so i don't know about dresses, hairstyles, or anything like that. After they we're down they turned us around and I looked at my hair. Wow Chris you look dashing. Hannah looks at me when I look at her. "You look different CHris." Hannah said. "Different? What's that suppose to mean?" I asked her. "It means your you but in a dress with curly hair." I smiled and we got up and walked outside to Josh's car. Hannah and I got in and they drove off to Felix's party. When we got there we parked the car and got out. We walked to the door and pushed the door open all kinds of people was here. I couldn't believe he got this many people to come. I walked in with Josh, Zane, and Hannah following behind. I bump into Felix. "HEY!" He shouted over the lud music. "HEY!" I shouted back. "I'm Glad you came!" He shouted. I looked at Hannah gesturing to come over her enow. She walked over to me. "Would you like to dance with Hannah?!" I asked/shouted. "YEAH! I would like that!" He shouted back. Hannah and Felix start dancing. I smiled when I walked backwards into ZAne's hard chest. I turned to him. "Sorry!" I shouted. "It's OKAY!" He shouted back. I looked at the floor and remembered what I had said to him in the closet at school. "I'm Sorry for what I said earlier at school!" I shouted. "It's ok. YOur right. I shouldn't use Hannah like that. I don't need to because Stella isn't really my type!" He Shouted back. "I'm also sorry for calling you a man whore!" I shouted. "It's okay! I'm sorry for getting mad like that!" He shouted back. "I didn't know you were a virgin!" I shouted. "Well I am!" He shouted back. "Where'd Josh go?!" "I dunno but would you like to dance!" I shoke my head yes and we started dancing. When a slow song came on he shot a smirk at me. "Ugh. Fine." I said. We started slow dancing when Felix and Hannah irrupted. "May I?" Felix asked me. "Sure." I said as I take Felix's hands and started slow dancing. Zane started slow dancing with Hannah. The song stoped and enw one came on. Felix told me he had to do something so I walked over to the wall. A boy walked over to me. "Oh look it's the hottie that sits behind me in Math class." He said. "Oh look it's the dude who flirted with me or at least tried to." I said. He grabbed my arm. "Come on babe. Let's go somewhere private so me and you can talk with out or mouths. If you know what I mena." He gave me a creepy smirk. "Umm....No. Now if you would get your hand off of me. That would be nice." I said. He tightened his grip on my arm and said in a treating tone,"Come with me babe it's alright. I won't hurt you. I just want a little bit tongue action and then we get to the good part. how about it?" He leaned in closer to me. "No. Now get off of me." I closed my eyes as he tried to kiss me but I heard a voice. I opened my eyes to Zane. "Chris said to get off of her and leave her alone." He said in a threating tone to the boy. "This is none of your concern due so go away." The boy said. Zane grabbed his shirt and slammed him to the wall. "It's rather you walk out that door and walk home or I force you to walk home in pain." Zane said pissed off. "Alright dude. Take a chill pill." The boy walked out the door. Zane looked at me. "Are you alright?" He asked me. "Yeah. Can we go home?" He nodded and grabbed my arm. We walked through the crowd of dancing drunk teenagers. We found Hannah who was kissing some dude. She was probably drunk. "Where's Josh?" I asked Zane. "Upstairs MAybe." He said unsure. We walked upstairs. Damn almost all you heard up here was moaning girls in pleasure or people puking in the bathroom. I shivered of the thought of it. I heard Josh's voice come from the last room. "Oh god please don't tell me he's doing what I think he is." I opened the door to Stella on top of him. "What the hell?" I said confused but glady he had his clothes on. "What the hell is going on?" I heard Zane ask. "Get this physco off of me." Josh said in a serious frightened tone. I walked over to her and grabbed her hair. I pulled her to the floor as she was screaming Ow out loud. "Shut up slut." I said to her as I let her hair go. Josh got up and ran over to Zane. He hid behind him. "I'm not a slut you bitch." She said as she stood up and got in my face. "Yes you are. This is why. One you stole my boyfriend, which makes you a cheater, Two you Tried to rape my brother, Three Wearing clothes that show almost everybody part, and five making out with alot of guys while sleeping with them to. YOu left me for that. Your pathetic Stella and you always will be." I said as Hannah, Josh, Zane, and I walk downstairs and outside to the car. "Hannah is drunk, Josh is kinda drunk, and I don't feel like driving. So Zane please drive for the sake of josh, hannah, and me." He rolled his eyes and got into the driver side as I got into passenger side. He started the car and drove off toward the house. When the house was in sight. Zane drived into the parking spot and parked it. Hannah and Josh were knocked out in the back, "I got a plan. YOu carry hannah to my room and lay her down. I will dragged Josh in and lay him down on the floor." I smiled wide. "Why don't I carry hannah in and then come back for Josh?" Zane asked. "Because I want to get pay back on Josh. That's why." I gave Zane a smirk.

I pulled in and parked the car. Hannah and Josh were knocked out in the back, "I got a plan. YOu carry hannah to my room and lay her down. I will dragged Josh in and lay him down on the floor." Chris smiled wide. "Why don't I carry hannah in and then come back for Josh?" I asked. "Because I want to get pay back on Josh. That's why." She gave me a sexy smirk. Wait...Did I just call her smirk sexy?! I snapped out of it. I picked Hannah up and walked inside. I wlaked upstairs to Chris's room and laid Hannah down on the bed. I walked downstairs to Chris dragging Josh over by the couch. "Since Hannah is in my room. Josh is snoring to loud and to heavy to carry upstairs. That leaves his room." I said as I look at Chris. We both started to run upstairs when we reached the top step. Chris tripped me and I tripped her. We both got up and ran through Josh's door and then jumped on the bed at the same time. "Oh dang it. It was a tie." Zane said. "I'm not sleeping with you. Get in the floor!" Chris demanded. "NO! YOU GET IN THE FLOOR!" I yelled. "Are you seriously going to make a girl sleep on the floor?" SHe asked. "Yeah." "Well I'm not sleeping on the floor so forget it." "Me either." I said. I pulled the covers and it uncovered Chris. She pulled back and it uncovered me. We did it for about 1 minute until the cover was just right. "Good night Zane." I heard Chris say and it sounded like she had a smirk on her face. "Good night Chris." I said back.

The football game

I woke up with my head into Zane's hard chest and him breathing on my neck, which made chills down my back. I was half awake and Then I realized. "AH!" I yelled. "What?!" Zane woke up and saw that we was cuddling. We freaked out. Zane fell off the left side of the bed and I fell off the right. We back away until our back met the wall. Josh walked in rubbing his head. He looked at Zane and then at me. "Do I even want to know?" he asked still rubbing his head. We shoke our head no and Josh turned around walking out of the door still rubbing his head. "I'm going to go get ready." I said trying to hide my face because I was blushing. I ran to my room and opened the door. I shut it behind me and walked to my closet. I grabbed my school's football team jacket. The colors were violet red for the main color and yellow for the buttons and at the end of the sleeve. I out on a White long shirt the covered my butt, Black ripped skinny jeans because Hannah forced me to where them today even thoguh shes a sleep doesn't mean she wouldn't kill me,and my new converse. My hair was still curly from last night. I buttoned the jacket and woke Hannah up. She groaned as she set up and looked at me. "Get ready Hannah." I said as I opened my door and walked downstairs. I walked into the living room to Josh wearing his School jacket to and Zane was to. They both played football. "Aw your wearing it." Josh said. "Yep." I said poping the P. "Are you coming to the game?" Zane asked me. "Yeah duh." I said as Hannah came downstairs. "The monster is alive. ALIVE!" ZAne joked. "Shut up." Hannah said. We laughed and walked outside to Zane's dodge viper. Hannah and I got in the back. Zane and Josh got in the front. Zane started his dodge viper and begin to drive. Josh turned the stereo on and
for the first time by The scirpt

came on. Hannah and I started singing it.

She's all laid up in bed with a broken heart
While i'm drinking jack all alone in my local bar
And we don't know how we got into this mad situation
Only doing things out of frustration

Trying to make it work but man these times are hard
She needs me now but I can't seem to find a time
I've git a new job now in the umemploymentline
And we don't know we got into this mess it's a gods test
Someone hulp us cause we're doing our best

Trying to make it work but man these times are hard
But we're gunna start by drinking old cheap bottles of wine
Sit talking up all night
Saying things we haven't for a while, a while yeah
We're smiling but we're close to tears
Even after all these years
We just now got the feeling that we're meeting
For the first time

She's in line at the door with her head held high
While I just lost my job but didn't lose my flight
But we both know how we're gonna make it work when it hurts
When you pick yourself up you get kicked in the dirt

Trying to make it work but man these times are hard
But we're gunna start by drinking old cheap bottles of wine
Saying things we haven't for a while, a while yeah
We're smiling but we're close to tears

Even after all these years
We just now got the feeling that we're meeting
For the first time

Drinking old cheap bottles of wine
Saying things we haven't for a while, a while yeah
We're smiling but we're close to tears
Even after all these years
We just now got the feeling that we're meeting
For the first time
For the first time
Oh, for the first time
Yeah, for the first time

Oh these times are hard
Yeah they're making us crazy
Don't give up on me baby
Oh these times are hard
Yeah they're making us crazy
Don't give up on me baby

Oh these times are hard
Yeah they're making us crazy
Don't give up on me baby

Oh these times are hard
Yeah they're making us crazy
Don't give up on me baby

We got to school when the song went off. "What time is the game?" Hannah asked. "Three-thirty." Josh said as Zane parked his dodge viper. We got out and walked inside. "See you guys later." Josh said as he made his way down the hallway. "See you at the game." Zane said as he walked downstairs. Hannah and I walk to our advance Math class. When we walked in the teacher gave me a weird look and then started teaching. I sat far away from the freak from the party and Hannah sat in front of me. Blah blah blah......She tought this yesterday. I laid my head down on the desk. The bell ringed. I was surprised that the day went so fast after two periods of advance math, gym, and other classes. It was 3:00 so I walked down the hall to the detention room. Before the last period I asked the principal if I could be in detention for thirty minutes today and thirty tomorrow because I had to make it the football game. She agreed with me because I told her that Josh only had me so It was important to him if I showed up. I walked into detention. Oh great the freak is in detention thats what I call him since I don't know his name. I sat down and he was staring at me. Time passed fasted I looked at the clock in just five muntes I can get out of detention. I sighed as he walked over to my desk. As he touched my chin pulling my face closer to his. I push him away. "Leave me alone Freak." I said agrravate. He slapped me so hard that it echoed the room. Some guy that looked like he was high just looked at him and smiled. Then he turned back to face the front. Fuck the high people they don't do nothing anymore. He laid his hand on my thigh. I was pissed now. "Get your damn hand off of me Freak." He left it there so I stood up and punched him in the face. He fell to the floor. I touched my lip where it hurt and I then looked at bloody fingers. I look up at the clock and it was Three thirty exactly. "See ya tomorrow freak." I smiled evily as I walked out of the room to the front doors. I put on my shades and walk toward the feild. I saw boys and girls gasp at me but Ignored them. I had enough of that freak, I had enough of james, enough of the crap here, but mostly enough of Stella. I walked over to the bench where Hannah was cheering Josh and Zane on. "Who's winning?"I asked her. "Our School." I sat down beside her. "The game is about over though." hannah said. Before you knew it Our School won. Zane and Josh run over to us. "Good job." Hannah said. Josh looked at me. "Chris. What happened to your lip?" He asked. "Oh nothing. I just ran into the wall. It's nothing." "Are you sure?" he asked. "Yes. I'm sure." I said as I hugged Josh and then Zane. "Go change and we can have a awesome bro, bestie, or friend celebration." hannah said. Josh and Zane run into the School. Hannah and I walk to Zane's Dodge viper. I rub my hand on the left side of the dodge viper. "I love you. Where have you been all my life?" I asked the car as I kiss it. "Are you making out with my car?" I heard a voice behind me. "No. I was telling it I loved it and then I kiss it." Everybody laughed as they got in. I as well got in crossing my arms. After a hour and forty-five miuntes of driving when got home. I ran inside and upstairs. I walk into my room and put my bag down on the floor. I walked downstairs to the living room. Hannah was wrestling Zane for the remote and Josh was trying to get them to calm down. I rolled my eyes and sat down in the floor in front of them. "Psh bunch of childish seventeen years old." I said as I snatched the remote out of Zane's hand and turned it to Dora the Explorer. "No, not Dora." Hannah whined. "Yes, Dora. Since I have the remote you have to watch it." I snickered at them. Hannah and Zane look at each other and nod. I look at Zane and then Hannah. They jumped at me. Zane was on top of me when Hannah tried to find the remote. I looked up to see Josh have. I laughed. Hannah and Zane looked up at Josh. Hannah jumped up and chased Josh while Zane was still on top of me. We looked into each others eyes and then............

Hate rises

Chris looks up and laughs. Hannah and I looked up at Josh. Hannah jumped up and chased Josh while I notice I was still on top of Chris. We looked into each others eyes and then............there was a knock at the door. I got up and walked to the door. I opened it to see my ex girlfriend, Stella. She jumps at me and hugs me tight. "Stella? Why are you here?" I asked her in shock. "Please take me back. I'll tell James off." She begged. She seemed really sorry. "OK." I mumbled. She kissed me and I heard a ugh or was it a throat clearing. I just remembered about Chris being in the living room. I departed with Stella and turned to see Chris leaning against the wall. She rolled her eyes. "Oh Hi Chris. Just noticed you." Stella said. "Uh-huh sure. Anyway have a great life because I know I won't." She said with anger and hatred rising between me, Chris, and Stella. Chris walked upstairs. "She's pathetic, Zane. She clearly hates you and me. Give it up. You can't be friends with someone who hates your guts." Stella said as she hugged me. I got the idea, Chris. I hate you and you hate me. There is no friendship in the future for us. There was slight band upstairs but ignored it. Stella kissed me on the cheek and then wrapped her arms around me. "I hear Jenna is having a party tonight...Can you go with me?" Stella asked. "Sure." I said not caring about Hannah, who was irrupting us by jumping in between. "What party?!" Hannah asked anxious to know. "The one that you probably couldn't handle." Stella said as she looked at her nails. "Whatever...Stella. Chris and I will be there." Hannah said as she walked upstairs. "OK. Zane. I'm going shopping for a dress so see you later." Stella said as she walked out of the door. I shut the door and groaned.

I walked upstairs to my room. I punched the wall and then I sat down on my bed. I offcial hate Zane. NO wait. I hate his guts. Hannah walked into my room with her usaul happy-but-we-have-to-do-something smile. "What is it?" I asked her. "We're going to Jenna's party. No excuses. No complaining. No replies." Hannah says with her hand on her hip. "OK. Fine...I'll go." I said as I rolled my eyes. "Oh Honey you had no choice. It's rather go or go." She said serious. I groaned as I laid back on my bed. "What am I supposed to wear?" I asked her. "Hmmmm... We're going shopping." "Alright." I got up and we walked downstairs. Hannah walked to the door and I followed. "Bye Josh! Bye pathetic low life Zane!" I yelled. Hannah opened the door and we walked to Josh's car. She unlocked the door and we got in. "Wait...Why do you have Josh's keys?" I asked Hannah as she started the car up. "Hehe." That's all she said because she was too busy smiling evilly. "Did you take his keys when he wasn't looking?" I asked about to laugh. "Yep." She said popping the P. She drove off when Josh walked outside yelling. We laughed the whole way to the mall. Hannah parked the car and we got out. She locked it and then all of sudden there was a Beep.

Hannah jumped and I saw Zane's car pull up beside us. I groaned as Zane rolled down his window. "WHY GOD?!" I looked up and yelled. "Missed me." I heard Josh say on the passenger side. "No." I mumbled as I made my way over to Hannah. I grabbed her wrist and stomped off toward JcPenny entrance. We walked in and looked around. Of course Josh and Zane followed. Hannah dragged me to all kinds of stores. When it was closing time we walked back to Josh's car.and Zane's. We put mine and Zane's stuff inside of Zane's car. Since Josh was being selfish and put all his and Hannah's stuff in his car. "I'm taking my car." Josh demanded. "I'm going with Josh. Since my stuff is in his car." Hannah said annoyed. I just nodded because I knew if I complained Hannah would of gave me a lecture later. I got into Zane's car and shut the door behind. He's car was a little bit of a mess. "Hey. Your a guy." I said sarcastic. "Hey. Your a girl." Zane said as he pulled out bra. I rolled my eyes. "Jerk." I mumbled. "Dork." He said back. "Pathetic loser." "Nerdy twit." "Low life." The rest of the way home I started out the window and Zane drove. It was silent the whole way home. When he parked the car I opened the door and slammed it shut. I burst inside the front door and into the living room. Zane followed behind me yelling my name. "Chris! Don't ignore me." He yelled at the same time as he demanded. I rolled my eyes and said,"I will if I want to." "Grow up, Chris. Your always acting like a big baby." He said as he crossed his arms together. "Me? The baby? have you looked at the mirror, Zane?!" I yelled/asked him. At that time Hannah and Josh walked into the living room. "Let's go get ready." Hannah said as she looked at Josh and then dragged me to my room. I closed the door behind and the bags were already on the floor. I got my clothes for the party and took a shower. I came out of the bathroom wearing a black thigh length strapless dress, leather jacket, my hair was curled, and I was wearing my black all star converse. "UGH! I'm a tomboy for HEAVEN Sake! Why do I have to wear a dress?!" I yelled at Hannah. "It's a party, Chris. A girl needs her dress and you have your converse." She pointed out. I rolled my eyes and we walked downstairs. Zane, of course was wearing a dark blue shirt with his leather jacket and some dark black jeans. Josh, well he was wearing the 'usual'. Hannah was wearing a blood red mini dress with some red high heels and her hair was straightened. We made out way to Zane's car because Josh was complaining that he didn't want to take his car. We all got in and Zane started it up. Then after a few minutes we were at Jenna's party. Woho.....the most boring yet getting wasted time. I got out and every boy stared at me and drooled. It made me uncomfortable. Hannah grabbed my arm and we walked inside. She let me go when she saw her new crush, Vince. She ran off on me, leaving me alone with bunch of creeps, they raped me with their eyes, and so I walked upstairs. Yeah...You know what goes on upstairs but I had no choice. It's rather getting drugged, dragged to a empty room, and then being rapped. Or other wise being pinned down and raped. Either way I'm doomed. I heard girls screaming in pleasure, which made me want to puke. I heard Stella's voice in a room but she sounded scared so I put my ear to the door. "Let me go!" She yelled. "Don't tell me what to do!" A familiar boy's voice yelled back at Stella. "Get off of me, James!" Stella yelled as she tried to catch her breath. 'Did she say James?' I asked myself. I snapped out of my thoughts and kicked the locked door in. Stella was pinned down on the bed by James. "James! What the hell do you think your doing?!" I yelled at him. James ignored me, which made me get even more mad than I was. I walked up to him and grabbed him. I pulled him back but he turned to me and slapped me on the face. Then he turned back around to Stella as i hit the floor.

I was dancing with two Hot blond chicks when I notice that Chris and Stella wasn't in my sight. I walked around looking for them downstairs and then decided to go upstairs to look. I made my way to a room with Chris, Stella, and James. WAIT....James? I peeked in and saw James slap Chris. She fell to the floor and James turned back to Stella. I was about to run in and attack James but Chris got back up. She pulled on James jacket and pushed him to the wall. "Don't you ever show your face to me and Stella ever again!" Chris yelled in James face. Then I saw something I never wish I had because it made me pissed off. My mouthed dropped and my eyes widen.

~~Stella~~ (NEW POV! WOHO!)
I watched as Chris pushed James against the wall. 'Why is she helping me?' I thought to myself. I saw James kiss Chris and it was more than 5 seconds because James was holding Chris's hands tightly. She was trying to fight James off of her but everything went to a blur. Now Zane was in the room beating the hell out of James. "Zane! Stop!" Chris kept yelling while pulling on his leather jacket. I got up and walked over to him. I helped Chris pull him off of James, who was now unconscious. "Rot in hell." Zane said as he hugged Chris tightly and then he hugged me but not so tight. Was he in love with Chris? Chris had that disgusted look on her face when he hugged her. Is it like Hate to Love? You hate someone so much that you secretly love them to death. I smiled at them both. "Zane?" "What?" He asked. "I'm breaking up with you." I said with a smile. I do like Zane....don't get me wrong. He is a nice, kind, badass, cute, and fun guy but he's not mine. "What?" He asked once again. "Yes. I think you don't deserve a low life girl like me." I said as I winked at Chris. "Ummm....Okay..."He said. "I'm sorry, Chris for ever hurting you. I mean what I did to you was wrong. I took your guy and then your other guy." I said with pain in my chest. "Other guy? And who is this?" Zane said raising a eyebrow at me and Chris. "Psh no body." Chris lied. "uh-huh sure..." Zane said.

"He's so hot and insecure." Stella continued to make Zane wonder off in his thoughts. "Oh yes. Very cute but has a anger problems." I said making Zane raise he's other eyebrow. James groaned in pain. "Shut up, James. We're having fun making Zane think." Stella blurted out. "Oh. I see." Zane said as he walked downstairs. Stella and I laugh as we walked downstairs. We walked outside to Zane's car. "I'm sorry Chris." She said. "It's okay, Stella. You saved me and I thank you for that." I said. I looked at the clock. 11:58 p.m. "Hey Stella. Can you do me a favor?" I asked her. "Yeah." She said. "Can you help me find Hannah, Josh, and Zane?" I asked. "Yeah." She said. We headed inside to find Zane making out with no other than some chick. "Okay...You get Zane. I'll go find my brother and Hannah." I said walking off from Stella. I walked through a crowd of people and found Hannah. She was on some guy giggling. Geez....What Alcohol does to us? I grabbed Hannah's Arm and walked toward Stella. She was trying to get the girl off of Zane but she kept throwing herself back at him. I would of burst out laughing but I was worried about Josh. WHERE IS HE?! I looked around while standing in front Hannah. "Where is Josh?" I asked and complained at the same time. "Oh I saw him." Hannah said wobbling back and forth. "Where?!" I asked. "He was um.....hehe with this girl. They went in a room upstairs." She said. "Great!" I yelled. "Stella watch Hannah and Zane." I said as I walk upstairs. God I hate Parties. I walk down the hall and shivered from the girls screaming in pleasure. I am never coming to a party again.

I heard Josh's laughter in a room, which made me kinda jump because the thought of what he was doing made me want to just leave him here. I knocked on the door and a girl's voice yelled,"We're Busy!"

"It's me Josh! AND I KNOW YOUR IN THERE!" I yelled.

"Um, there is no Josh in here." Josh said in a girly voice. I rolled my eyes at his idioticy.


"No." He said. "UGH! I'm not getting any younger! Just get out here now!" I yelled.

"OH JOSH! You're so wonderful at this!" The girl yelled.

"Fine!" I yelled. I turned around and bumped into Jenna.

"Oh, hey, Jenna." I said.

"Hey...." She said.

"Do you happen to have a key for this door?" I asked.

"Yeah." She said as she handed me a key.

"Thanks. I'll give it back to you later." I said as she walked off. I unlocked the door and swung it open. I rolled my eyes because Josh and a girl was playing...... Candy land or whatever. I grabbed his ear and dragged him out of the room to the stairs. I let him go and he got up.

"We're leaving? Already?" Josh asked.

"Yeah." I said pulling him downstairs.

I drag him to Stella trying to pry the girl off of Zane. I laughed at the scene and grab Hannah's arm. Stella finally got the girl off of him and she dragged him outside and I followed her. We put Zane, Josh and Hannah in the car. Stella got in the passenger and I was driving. I started the car and started to drive back to the house. I pulled up in the parking spot and parked. Zane, Hannah, and Josh were passed out in the back. "Ugh. They're passed out." Stella whined. "I'll get Hannah and Zane. You just get Josh." I said rolling my eyes. We got out and opened the back doors. I grabbed Hannah and dragged her inside. I put her on the floor. That'll be good. I know she's on the floor and that would be mean to leave her there but hey it's payback. Stella walked in mumbling,"Gross." Over and over. I laughed as I walked back outside and grabbed Zane by the arm. I put him around my shoulders and carried him in. "I'm gonna go home before my mom freaks." She said as she walked outside. "OK." I said struggling up the stairs to Zane's room. The only reason I'm taking Zane to his room is because he would yell at me or do something stupid to piss me off. I threw him on his bed and sighed. I yawned and walked to my room. I jumped on my bed and slid under the covers.

New Girl

I woke up to a huge noise downstairs. "Grrr..." I mumbled as I got up and walked downstairs to the kitchen. Josh was on the floor and Hannah was hovering over him. i rubbed my eyes and yawned. "Opps I didn't see you Josh." She said as she stepped around him walking upstairs. josh looked at me and I laughed. "Are you sure she isn't possessed by some demon?" Josh asked as he got off of the floor. "No, She just hates you." I said as I turned around and walked upstairs to my room. I got dressed in my usual clothes and grabbed my bag. I walked downstairs and Hannah followed. Josh was ready and so wasn't Zane. We got into our cars and headed to school. I walked into school and boys were gossiping. Weird...Boys don't gossip but girls do. I heard a couple say there was a new girl and that she was kinda cute. Hannah, Josh, and Zane already left me and went to class so I went to the office. I saw a girl my age wearing black. I mean all black. She wasn't emo for sure but she likes black. "Hey I'm Chris." I said reaching my hand out. She shoke it and said," Hey. I'm Bianca." Bianca? "Cool Name." I said. "Thanks." She said. "So you need help with your Schedule?" I asked her. She nodded. She handed me a paper and i looked at it. Unbelievable she has five of my classes. "You have five of my classes so I'll show you around." I said. Hannah is not going to like this. She only had Three of my classes. Bianca followed me to our first period. Yep...First period.....Stella, James, and me in the same room. I walked in the classroom and as soon as Bianca walked in the teacher nearly threw the book out of his hands. Well yeah he is a student teacher and he did that because the fact she almost looked like she was going to stab him but she wasn't. She was staring at James evilly. Wow for a girl like her she sure knows whose a man-whore jerk around here. "Who are you?" The student teacher asked. "Bianca Burks." She said as she sat next to me. "Okay..." He said turning around and writing notes on the board. Grr...Doesn't he get sick of doing notes. I mean everyday notes, tomorrow I bet he's going to do notes. If he does notes a lot he should marry them. I sighed in boredom and stared at the clock the whole class period. When the bell rang I jumped out of my day dream. I got up and grabbed my stuff. My stomach growled. Man am I hungry. Thank god it's lunch time. I walked out to my locker and threw my books in it. Bianca walked up to me. "Oh...Yeah. If ya want you can sit with me, my brother, Zane, and Hannah." I said. "Sounds great." She said as we walked to the cafeteria to met up with everyone. I got my tray and sat down beside Hannah. Bianca sat between Josh and Zane. I blanked out all lunch thinking about stuff. Hannah shoke me and I woke up out of thought and came back to reality. "It's time for third period, Chris." She said. I stood up and Josh said,"Hey Bianca has third with me. See ya later Chris." He walked off with Bianca. Zane walked off as well. "Did I miss something?" I asked Hannah. "Yeah...Bianca is EVIL!" She yelled. I covered her mouth and asked,"What are you talkin about?" I uncovered her mouth. "When you were in la la land. She was talking with Josh and Zane." "And your point is?" I asked her. "Well...Your brother has a study date with her and shes going to Zane's football practice." She said. "Wait...Isn't Josh supposed to take me to my soccer try outs and i thought I was Zane's practice buddy." I said upset. "Wait...Who does josh and Zane hate the most besides James?" Hannah asked. "Ummm....Felix." I said,"Why?" "Well...He could take us to your soccer try outs." She said. "I know what your doing and OK." I said. "Since he's in my next period. I'll ask him." I said walking off to third period. I walked in the class room and sat next to Felix. The teacher came rubbing her head. "Huh? OK Class. I couldn't make copies and I couldn't get your Essays read so today is free." She said as she sat down. YES! This is my chance. I looked at Felix. "Hey Felix. Can I ask you to do me a favor?" I asked. "Sure." He said. "Can you drive me to my soccer try outs?" I asked him. "Can't your brother do it. It's not like i wouldn't drive you but he hates me." Felix says. "It's okay..He's out having a study date with Bianca." I said. "OK then I guess I'll take you to your soccer try outs." He said with a smile.
we got into Felix's car and he started to drive. "Thanks for doing this Felix." Hannah said in the back seat. "It's okay...I'll do anything for two cute young girls at my school." he said. We mostly talk the whole way there. I like Felix...there's nothing in the world that could change that. He was nice not what josh and Zane thought of him. We got there and I jumped out onto the grass like a child. I stretched across the ground and took a big breath. Felix and hannah laughed at me. I sat up and Felix reached his hands out. I took them and we walked over to the soccer try out line.
"YAY! Chris and Hannah has made the Soccer team! WOHO!" I yelled as I ran around my yard. Felix and Hannah joined in with me. Well just until josh and Zane had to go and ruin it. "Ummm. Chris. I need to talk to you like a now." he said. "Can it just wait?" I asked. "No." he said. "Fine." i said as I dragged myself over to him. "What?" I asked. "Why is he doing here?" Josh asked. "Why do you care?" I asked. "No reason." He said as he walked in the house. I smirked and went back to talking to Felix.
Later I went inside when Felix left. I walked into the living room. Josh and Zane were smirking for I don't know what reason. I really don't want to know. I sighed and made a creepy face at them. They jumped and started to whisper in each others ears. "Ugh! What is it?!" I asked-yelled. "Oh yeah.....Bianca is coming over." Josh announced. My face turned pale. "Really?" I murmured. "Yeah. Oh she's staying to." Zane added. "Oh really.....Where she gonna sleep then?" I asked concerned,"And if you say my room I'm going to drop kick you guys." Zane smiled evilly and said,"In your room. Of course." Ugh! Time for some drop kicking!
I stand over Josh and Zane laughing my head off at their whining. They were on the floor, rolling around, and then there was a knock at the door. I sighed and wiped the tears from my eyes. I walked to the door and opened it up to Bianca. Ugh......Why me? "Hi, Ummm...Chris right? We met earlier." She said all cute n all. Grrr.....I hate it. She was just like me earlier and now she's.......all preppy. "Yeah....." I said, trying to sound nice but in the inside I was saying,'Go fall off a bridge, Bianca.' I walked off leaving her there and Hannah follows me to the kitchen. "What's she doing here?" Hannah asked. "Better yet she's staying." I said, aggravated. "Wait you let her stay with us." She said. "No I didn't. Josh did." I pointed out. "That....That big fat Baboon! I'm going to kill him!" She practically busted my eardrum from yelling. "Calm down but you could do that later....If your up to it." I smirked. She nods and we walk into the living room where Josh, Zane, and Bianca were. They were laughing about something but as soon as we walk in the living room everything got silence. Huh? Hannah winks at me, which means shes about to do something. She sits on Josh's lap. 'Oh god......' I thought as she played with his hair. I couldn't help but laugh at what was happening. I kept my cool though. "So Joshypoo, I was thinking we should go to that party tonight at Jenna's." She started and Zane butted in. "She's having another one." Zane said. "Yeah." I affirmed him. Bianca was staring at Hannah like she was trash. "Well.....Haha.," Josh began,"If Bianca can go with us." I could tell Hannah stiffened a lil and she made a sigh noise. She stands up and looks at me in defeat. One word to say,'Mission Failed

.' I got up and gave that I-hate-you look toward Zane and Josh as I walked up to my room. Hannah was already there and we sat down on the floor of my room. "Hey.I'll be back." I said as I got up and walked to Josh's room to get something.


I nodded as Chris got up and walked off. I sat there for about a minute and someone came in. "Hey...Hannah." Some whispered. I turned to the person. It was Bianca. "What?" i asked her rudely. "We should totally take Chris's guys." Wha......? What did she just say?! I have to get this girl good. "That sounds awesome. Who do you want?!" I said to loud because Bianca "I want Josh. You can have Zane." She whispered. "Sounds good to me." I lied. There are some many reasons now I wanted to kick this girls a$$.
She walked back out of Chris's room and Chris walk in. "What'd she want?" Chris asked me. "Oh nothing really." I said. I have to keep this to myself until I get the girl back.

Me? Nice? When did I ever become nice?


I woke up and smiled evilly. Time for some fun, I thought. Well I might hurt Chris a little but If Bianca wants to try to steal the only people she cares the most for I'm gonna have to. I sighed and stood up. I looked at Chris's bed and it was empty.

"Where did she go so early in the morning?" I wondered. I got dress in the usual and walked downstairs to find Bianca flirting with Josh. ugh she makes me so mad. I mean I don't like Josh, Right?, I thought to myself.
"Good morning." I said loud but Josh and Bianca ignored me. I was mad now and so with that I walked over to Josh.
"Where's Chris?!" I shouted in his face. He stumbled back a little.
"I dunno." He whispered.
"You? You dunno? When did it ever accrue when you never gave a heck where your sister is, Josh. She could be laying dead on the High way by the road. She could of been kidnapped. It might seem a little insane but open your Fucking eyes!" His eyes widen and he was speechless.
"Where's your car keys?" I asked. He pulled them out of his pocket and handed them to me.
I walked off and to his car. I started the car and the engine roared. I took off and headed for the road.


"It's pretty cozy in here. Don't ya think?" I said sitting down at a table.
"Yeah. I've gone here. All my life. Since....hmmm....Since I was five." Felix said with a grin.
"Sounds like a good place to chill out." I whispered. He nodded and took out his notebook.
"So where were we?" He asked.
"A......oh yeah. Bio Class." I said as my phone buzzed. I looked down and it was a text from Hannah. I clicked the text message and read it.

Hannah: Where u at >_<

Truth or Dare?

She just said she liked my brother. Hannah brother.
"Your joking, right?" I asked. She shook her head no. I waited for a minute to let it sink in. It made sense now. Why she hates him so much? Why she picks on him? I smiled at her and then hugged her.
"You like my brother!" I shouted.
"Shhh....geesh. I wish I didn't tell you." She rolled her eyes.
"Hey. I think it's cool that you like my brother." I smiled wide.
"Let's just go home." She said in a annoyed tone. She grabbed my hand and dragged me to Josh's car. I opened the door and got in. Soon after I did she got in and started the car up. She started to drive home.

She parked Josh's car and we got out. She tossed me the keys and crossed her arms. I caught the keys and laughed at her as she stomped off to the door. I walked over to her and she knocked on the door twice. There was no answer and she got frustrated. She walked over to the living room window.
"There too slow......I need to pee." Hannah whispered-yelled. I chuckled and walked over to her.
"I'll climb through the window and unlock the door. You wait here." I told Hannah. Hannah got on her knees and I stood on her shoulders. I lifted the window and got in.
"Zane......" My eyes widen and my throat tightens. Zane and Bianca was making out on my FREAKING couch in my FREAKING house. Oh hell no. Sorry for my language but she already stole my brother.
"Oh sorry for climbing in....Oh wait this is my house." I said as I walked to the door and opened it.
"What took you so long?" Hannah asked.
"That." I said pointing to Zane and Bianca. Hannah's face turned pale. Hannah ran upstairs. Probably to the bathroom. I took one more glace at Zane before going upstairs.

TWO DAYS LATER (still Chris)
I woke up to Hannah in my face. She smiled and shoved clothes at me.
"Put those on." She demanded.
"Why?" I asked.
"It's almost nine p.m. Get up." She said.
"Chris....Come on.Truth or dare?" Hannah begged.
"Nope." I said popping the P.
"If it's because Zane is downstairs. I already know you like him and if you don't go downstairs he'll know you like him." Hannah said.
"Fine..." I said as I threw my covers off of me and grabbed the clothes. I stood up and Hannah pushed me into the bathroom.


I waited for Chris for about ten minutes. I was getting inpatient already.
"Come on, Chris!" I yelled just as the bathroom door open and a girl stepped out. I mean I didn't even notice it was Chris. I walked over to her and looked at her everywhere.
"Where's Chris?" I asked her.
"I'm right here." She said. I gave her a smile and hugged her. After our girl moment we went downstairs and sat down. There was ten people. Josh, Zane, Chris, Stella, Felix, four other people I don't know, and me. Truth and dare went fast. It was Hannah's turn now.
"Chris. Truth or dare?" She asked. If I pick truth she would say,'Do you like someone in this room?' and If I pick dare she would make me kiss Zane or Felix.
"a-a.........well.....Truth." I stuttered.
"Do. you. like. anyone. in. this. room?" She asked me.
I smiled at her and said,"N and O. No.
"Your lying. It isn't call truth for anything." She whined.
"But I'm not lying." I pouted.
"Whatever...." She said.
Everyone left around 10.
I walked to the stairs case and began walking up the stairs. I tripped on a step and fell. I made a thump and my head hit the stair case hard.
"Chris!" Josh yelled as he ran up to me and scooped me up. My eyes were closed and I was tired so I fell asleep.

Lose and gain

I woke up in a room. I moved the hair out of my face and looked beside me. A boy was sleeping peacefully. I screamed and fell off the bed. I pushed myself to the wall. Thy boy eyes shoot open and he sat up fast.
"Who! What! Where!" He yelled. He looked at me and stood up. He began walking toward me.
"No! Stay away from me! You Pervert!" I yell as I run downstairs away from him.I ran into the living room and sat down beside Josh. He was sleeping so I slapped him. His eyes shoot oepn and he looked at me.
"What's wrong, Chris?" He asked with a worried face.
"There was a boy sleeping with me upstairs." I said. Josh sighed.
"Hannah! Zane!" Josh yelled.
"Hannah? Zane? Are on those pills again?" I asked him.
"No." He mumbled. Just then a girl and that boy before ran into the living room.
"We got a prob. Chris lost her memory and she forgot about you two." Josh said.
"What!" The girl and boy yelled at the same time.
"Yeah." Josh said as he stood up and grabbed something off of the table. He walked over to the boy and whispered something in his ear. Josh walked off and the boy stood up. he walked over to me and picked me up bridal style. I started kicking my legs and swinging my arms.
"Put me down! You Pervert!" I Screamed.
"You idiotic dumb***!" I yelled.
"You beautiful thing." He said. I stop kicking my legs and swinging my arms. Instead I elbowed him in the side and he let out a moan.
"Moan? WHY DID YOU MOAN?!" I shouted at him.
"It turned me on!" He said loud and smiled at me.
"Drop the smile, you idiot." I told him.
He sat me down in a seat.
"you." I muttered but he shut the door in my face. He walked to the other side and got in. He shut his door, slid over to me, and put his arm around me.
"What are you doing?" I snapped.
"Relaxing. you should try it sometime." He said. I flung his arm off of me and he closed his eyes. Soon after he fell asleep and my eyes were closing second after second. I put my head on his shoulder and went to sleep.
I woke up and looked around. We was still in the car. I felt a arm around me and I looked up to see the boy. I stared at his face. I notice when he's asleep everything about him changes. His dark hair brought out his eyes.
"Have you been staring at me this whole time?" He asked as his eyes open slowly.
"N-no...." I stuttered. What is wrong with me? I feel like I know him but I can't put my finger on it. I caught his eyes and we stared at each other. I looked at his lips and back at his eyes. I started to lean toward him when a knock irrupted me. I stopped and turned to the window. My brother was smiling at me and opened the door.
"Come on, Chris. The doctor is ready to see you." He said as he stoke his hand out. I took it and he helped me out. Josh started pulling me into the hospital. Why was I even here in the first place? I glanced back at the boy and he had already disappeared. I frowned and made my way down the hall.


I watched as Josh pulled her into the hospital. My heart stopped racing and I sighed. What's wrong with me? She lost her memory and now I'm messing with her. I got out of the car and shut the door. I need to go to the park and clear my mind. I thought. I walked off and out of sight form the hospital.

It happened


I woke up with a girl in my face. She was breathing deep and she stared at me.
"Oh yeah." She said as she backed away. She sat down in the seat beside the bed. I sat up when the doctor came in. I guess I had fell asleep while waiting for the doctor to give us the news. I don't really know what's going on though.
"So how is she?" Josh said as he rose to his feet.
"Well...your lucky." He said as he looked at me.
"How come?" I asked, curious.
"You told me she hit her head off of the stairs, right?" He asked Josh.
"Yeah..Why?" Josh asked.
"Shes got Traumatic amnesia." The doctor said.
"Traumatic amnesia?" Josh said kinda confused.
"It's memory loss caused by a hard blow to the head. People with traumatic amnesia may experience a brief loss of consciousness, or even go into a coma. In the majority of cases the amnesia is temporary." He told Josh.
"How long does it last?" He asked the doctor.
"how long it lasts usually depends on how severe the injury is." The doctor said.
Josh looked at me and then at the girl.
"Well she just had a hard blow to the head so I'm guessing it won't be that long." The girl beside me pointed out.
"Yeah..." I mumbled.
"Well she's free to go." The doctor said handing Josh a little card.
"What's this?" Josh ask looking at the card.
"It's my number. Call me if anything goes wrong or anything happens." He says as he writes stuff down on his clip board. Josh nods and stands up. He puts the card in his front pocket and walks over to me.
"You ready?" He asks me. I nod and he helps me off of the hospital bed. We head out of the room and down the hall. I sighed as we walked outside to the car but....the boy wasn't there.
"Where's that one boy?" I asked turning to Josh.
"Hmmm...I dunno." He said as his phone buzzes. He pulls out his phone and sighs.
"Where is he?" The girl asked Josh.
"At his house." Josh seemed concerned like brother concerned.
"Is his parents really that bad?" The girl asks. Josh nods.
"Anyway let's get a going." Josh said walking over to the driver seat and getting in. I opened the door and got in. The girl closed the door for me and smiled at me. I'm so confused....about...everything. The boy? The girl? Everything?
Josh began to drive home. On the way he turned the radio on and Confused by Olivia Mitchell came on. You probably don't know the song or you do that's how life is. I think she's really good. I sung along with the song in my head.

I don't like it when people make me feel stupid
Then walk away leavin' me clueless
About what I did wrong
I don't like it when people make me feel awkward
When all I want are a few words
About what's goin' on
Did I piss you off
Somehow offend you
Catch you on a bad day when you don't wanna talk
I wish for just an explanation
Since I'm now humiliated
By your harsh thoughts
I am so confused
So shocked I don't know what to do
I was so high but then got knocked on the ground by you
The one I thought I knew
I just don't get it
What did I do to hurt you
What did I do to make you feel the need to bring me down
For a while everything seemed so perfect
Never thought that you'd end up rudely bossin' me around
Did I piss you off
Somehow offend you
Catch you on a bad day when you don't wanna talk
I wish for just an explanation
Since I'm now humiliated
By your harsh thoughts
I am so confused
So shocked I don't know what to do
I was so high but then got knocked on the ground by you
The one I thought I knew
I wouldn't feel such a need to be writing this song
If I didn't care
Didn't care about you
I wish I weren't so distressed but this all feels so wrong
I'm sick of bein' mad
You've drawn this pain out too long
Now talk to me 'cause I am so confused
So shocked I don't know what to do
I was so high but then got knocked on the ground by you
I am so confused
So shocked I don't know what to do
I was so high but then got knocked on the ground by you
The one I thought I knew

When the song went off Josh parked the car and cut the engine off.
"Well....we're home." Josh said with a smile.
"Yep." I said. I felt lost. I felt like I walked into a maze and couldn't find my way out. Josh broke my thoughts by shaking my arm.
"Come on...." He said as he helped me out of the car, which I really didn't need help.
"You know I don't need your help getting out I didn't get hit by a car and have crutches." I pointed out. He chuckles and looks at me.
"I know. Your my little sister I have to help you either way." He said. I smiled at him as he pushed the door open. We walked into the living room and flopped down on the couch at the same time.
"Tell me." I said.
"Tell you what?" Josh asked as he looked over at me.
"Tell me about who I was or all the things I need to know." I said.
"OK. Well that girl you keep calling 'girl' is Hannah. Your best friend. The boy is my best friend, Zane." Josh started.
"Do I hate anyone? Do I like anyone?" I asked Josh curious to know if I liked or hated someone before I lost my memory.
"I can't answer that. Only Hannah can. You guys talk about that stuff probably a lot." He made a weird face and I started to laugh at him. Soon after he laughed along and told me to go find Hannah and ask her a few questions. I did. I found her outside sitting on a hill. I walk over to her and sat down
"Isn't it nice?" She asked me.
"Yeah..." I said as I looked up at the pretty sunset.
"I wished it be like this forever." Hannah said.
"I'm sorry." I blurted out.
"Why are you apologizing for?" She asked.
"For losing my memory and forgetting that you ever exist in my life." I said.
"It's oka-" I cut her off.
"No...It's not. You probably feel like crap because I'm your best friend and I can't even remember you. Even if it's been a couple days we've probably been friends for years. Just a pound to the head and I forget what it's like to be a friend. A 'best' friend." I just snapped and tears began to fall. Hannah was shocked and then she snapped out of it. She hugged me and whispered,"You'll remember."
"I hope." I muttered as I calmed down a bit. After awhile Of silence I spoke.
"Can I ask you questions?" I asked Hannah.
"Yeah. Ask away." She told me.
"I know this is stupid and I hate that I can't remember but How did we meet..." I asked her. She didn't frown nor did she smile it was somewhere in between.
"It all started in School." She smiled.
"School?" I asked but with more of a whiny voice.
"Yeah. School. Anyway I got detention for dumping milk on my 'ex' boy friend for cheating on me. He....ummm...well let's just say he didn't take it well." Hannah said as she tried ot keep her laugh in.
"Tell me." I said in a daring voice.
"After I dumped it on his Fifty dollar shirt he stood up and looked at me. Guess wha the said?"
"I don't feel like guessing. just tell me." I pouted.
"He said,'You selfish brat. We're over. OH I SLEEP WITH Brittany but she didn't pleasure me so I made out with Garry!' Then he turned around and Garry was eye wide and then my ex kissed him hardcore but I knew Garry wasn't gay. He acted gay to keep the girls away and my ex didn't really make out with Garry." Hannah said with a bit of laughter.
"What did Garry do?" I asked.
"He puked all over him. Then beat the crap out of him the next day when his girl friend actual thought he was gay." Hannah said.
"Wow that's nice. Okay, so about us meeting?"
"Oh yeah. Well you, of course got in trouble for T bagging Zane." Hannah said with a grin.
"Really? I T-bagged my brother's best friend?"
"Yeah. That's how we met by detention." She said. I smiled and hugged her.
"Thanks for sticking around." I said.
"Well I do live with you." She pointed out. I pulled away from her.
"Wait...does that me...?" I asked her and she nodded.
"SO it's only You, Josh, Zane, and me, Right?" I asked her.
"Yep." She said popping the P.
"Where's my parents then?" I asked.
"Oh there on tour in Africa but the doctor did call them to tell the news about you."
"Oh.....I wish'd they would just come and see me. Just once." I said as I hold up one finger.
"Well maybe they will. Who knows?" She said.
"Yeah. Who knows?" I whisper. The sun went down and it became dark out.
"Well we better go inside and get some rest." Hannah said as she stood up. I stood up and we walked inside.

I sat down on the couch in dark with a little bit of light. I picked up a picture of Josh, Zane, and me. It was somewhere with a waterfall.
"I wish I could remember everything again." I whispered to myself as I sat the picture frame down. Just as I did the door opened and a black figure stumbled in. I got up and ran over to it. I moved it closer to the light and found out what it is. It was Zane. He was bleeding in several places but not to bad to go to the hospital.
"Zane. What happened?" I ask him. I sat him down on the couch not even caring if he stained it with blood.
"" He asked.
"Yeah. Now tell me. What happened?"
"It's nothing." He whispered.
"It's nothing?! How can this be nothing?" I asked with a worried face. He didn't speak for awhile.
"please, Zane. Tell me." I begged him. He sat up and looked at me.
"Fine.....I went back to my house. The thing is my father really doesn't like me to well and my mother is always to high to even notice that her husband is beating on her son. I went to my house to get something but my dad stopped me. He was drunk....and....and." He said with his voice breaking. I hugged him and whispered,"It's okay. You gut Josh and me." I stood up and walked into the downstairs bathroom. I got the first Aid and walked back to him. I looked at him from his head to his feet. The most blood was coming from his rip that showed a nasty cut.
"Take off your shirt." I told him.
"What?" He asked.
"Take off your shirt."
"No." He refused to take his shirt off when he needed help.
"Take your god damn shirt off." I demanded.
"OK." He said as he took his shirt off and dropped on the floor.
I smiled and said,"Thank you." He rolled his eyes.
"Done." I said as he opened his eyes and sat up.
"...Thanks." He said as he rubbed his head.
"Your welcome." I said as I looked at him. He looked at me.
"You know your more garrulous." Zane said.
"What? No..." I said.
"Yeah. You are." He said with a smirk.
"You idiotic dumb***." I said loud but not loud enough to wake up Hannah or Josh.
"Your sweet adorable little mouthy tomboy." He said.
"Oh, Am I?" I said about two inches form his face.
"Yeah." He said.
"You Man whore." I whispered because we was two inches apart why did we need to speak any louder. I looked into his eyes and he did the same with me but he was kinda mad.
"I'm no man whore." He said as his eyes became darker. I looked at his lips and stared at them for a few seconds. His lips formed a smirk and I looked at his eyes again.
"Are you staring at-" He said but I cut him off by crushing my lips to his. After awhile he responded and he licked my bottom lip for entrance. I let him and we made out for awhile until we pulled a part for a breathe. My head was pounded and my heart was racing. Zane looked at me and smiled. I couldn't help but smile back. Then I got a flash and I remembered some memories of Hannah but not Zane. Why? I sighed in frustration and laid down on the couch. Zane laid beside me and wrapped his arms around me. We was facing each other.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"It's so wrong of me to do this. To you. I mean I can't remember you. All I know of you is your name, that your dad is abusive, your mother is a druggy, that your my brother's best friend, and that you live in my house. I can't love someone that feels like a stranger. It feels wrong for one person to love someone who can't even remember them." I spoke the truth. He stood up and walked off. I didn't even get up to go after him. I just laid there and fell asleep.

A bit of a shocker



I woke up and looked at Chris's empty bed. I stood up and walked downstairs. I smelt breakfast in the kitchen. I smiled and ran into the kitchen. I ran to the person in the chef hat and apron. I hugged them and yelled,"I LOVE YOU!" The person snickered and made a slight laugh. I grabbed the chef hat and threw it off of the person. It was Josh.
"Oh your cooking." I whined as I turned around but Josh grabbed my arm and turned me back around.
"We need to talk." he said as he sat down on the stool. I sat down on the stool across from him.
"About what?" I asked.
"About Chris and us." He said.
"" I said.
"Chris is improving but I'm worried." Josh said.
"About what?" I asked.
"Well She's been recovering fast. I'm just-" I cut him off.
"To worried about her finding out the truth about what happened the last passed week." I said.
"I guess." He said.
"I know that Zane and her kissed that night but she was right about what she said."
"I agree."
"anyway...the other thing you need to talk" I said.
"Oh yeah...." He said.
"Talk before I change my mind and walk away." I said.
"Why do you hate me so much?" Josh asked.
"I don't hate you nor do I like you." I told Josh. I Love you, I thought.
" it's between." He said.
"Well not really......" I said.
"Then what is it?" He asked getting off of the stool and leaning on the table beside me.
"'s..." I started but nothing came out.
"Come on. Spit it out." He said as he leaned in my face about 1 inch close to my face. Yeah that close.
"You ever heard of personal space." I snapped. He back away about four inches away. Leaving five inches a part from each other.
"Chris is leaving for Texas tomorrow. Hopefully she gets her memory back. She already got most of her memory back." Josh says.
"Yeah...talking about Chris. Where is she?" I asked.
"Oh. She said something about taking a walk in the park because she wanted space." Josh said.


"When are you going back to Texas?" Stella asked.
"Oh. What about your friends and family?" She asked as we stopped and sat down on a bench.
"What about them?" I asked.
"Are you serious? Josh is your brother, Hannah is your best friend, and Zane. Zane is in love, Chris. With you. Just you." Stella said.
"Wha...-" I said but she cut me off.
"Who do you have in Texas?" She asked. I didn't speak because I knew where this was going. I knew I had no body in Texas and I knew tomorrow is the day I graduate.
"Exactly. You have no one. Think about it." Stella said as she stood and walked off.
I stood up and walked to Josh's car. Yeah I took his car. I got in and started the engine. I pulled out of the parking lot and drove home. It just bothered me that Zane has been ignoring me this whole week and to top it off he hasn't been around at the house. I turned on the radio to keep my mind off of it and Hit the lights by Selena Gomez came on.

It's the boy you never told 'I like you'
It's the girl you let get away
It's the one you saw that day on the train
But you freaked out and walked away

It's the plane you wanna catch to Vegas
Things you swear you'd do before you die
It's the city of love that waits for you
But you're too damn scared to fly

[Chorus x2:]
Hit the lights
Let the music move you
Lose yourself tonight
Come alive
Let the moment take you
Lose control tonight

It's the time that you totally screwed up
Still you're tryna get it out your brain
It's the fight you had when you didn't make up
It's the past that you're dying to change

It's all the money that you're saving
While the good life passes by
It's all the dreams that never came true
‘Cause you're too damn scared to try.

[Chorus x2:]
Hit the lights
Let the music move you
Lose yourself tonight
Come alive
Let the moment take you
Lose control tonight

It's a mad, mad world
Gotta make an escape
It's a perfect world
When you go all the way
Hit the lights
Let the music move you
Lose yourself tonight

So let's go (go, go, go) all the way
Yeah let's go (go, go, go) night and day
From the floor to the rafters
People raise your glasses
We could dance forever

Hit the lights
Let the music move you
Lose yourself tonight
Come alive
Let the moment take you
Lose control tonight

It's a mad, mad world
Gonna make an escape
It's a perfect world
When you go all the way
Hit the lights
Let the music move you
Lose yourself tonight

I pulled into the drive way when the song went off. I turned the key and cut the engine. I grabbed my bag and open the car door. I got out and shut it. I locked it and walked to the door. I pushed it open and walked into the living room. My eyes widen and my mouth drops. My brother and Hannah was making out. I cleared my throat and they pulled from each other. They looked at me wide-eyed.

"Oh. Calm down. will ya?" I asked them as I sat down. It was silent for about five minutes before Josh said something.

"Look, Chris-" He said but cut him off.
"I might stay." I blurted out.
"What?" He asked, surprised.
"Well if you guys want me to. I've.... been thinking...about staying." I said.
"Really?" Hannah jumped up and ran over to me.
"Yeah....." I said.
"OMFG!" She yelled.
"ugh! Don't yell. It hurts my ears. So are you bro together now?" I asked her.
She shrugged and turned to Josh.
"Are we?" He asked.
"I guess." She looked nervous. Come on she was just kissing him about a minute ago.
"Come you guys was kissing a minute ago!" I yelled as I stood up.
"Calm down, Chris. We're going out." Josh said.
"My mission here is done." i winked at them as I made my way to the front door because I forgot to shut it. I saw Zane. He looked sexy, sad, nervous, and tired.

"Zane..." I whispered. He waved at me and gestured me to come outside. I walked out the door and shut it behind.

"Look I came here to tell you something." He said.
"Tell me then." I said. He cleared his thoughts and sighed.
"I thought about what you said." he said as he put his hands in his pocket.
"And?" I said.
"I think your with that... I've...moved on." He muttered. My heart broke into little pieces bit by bit.
"Oh..." Is all I could say...
"And that I think you and Felix are great together." He said and in his eyes I saw disappointment.
"Do really think so?" I asked but it came out as happy like. I mentally slapped myself. I meant it in a sad way.
".....Yeah....." He shrugged.
"Do you really think so?" I asked again but happy like. What is wrong with me?!
"YES! OKAY!" He shouted.
"FELIX! Why do you think I like Felix?" I asked.
"I don't know! Maybe I don't understand but I know I'm glad i'm over you!" He yelled and then ran off. Tears fell down my cheeks and dropped onto my hands. I felt miserable, tired, sad, heartbroken, and unloved. I dropped to my knees and it began to rain. I put my hands on my face and I heard footsteps come up to me. A umbrella blocked the rain from hitting my now soaked body. The person helped me up and I turned around. I hugged them so tight. I let go and looked up to see Hannah. She smiled at me and hugged me tight.

"Come on. Your going to get sick." She said as she started walking toward the door. We made it inside and I felt dizzy. I closed my eyes and didn't feel Hannah anymore.


What happened to Chris?
Is she going to go to Texas?

-Amber M.

Kiss me (Part 1)

Okay.....SADLY I'm just going to do this chapter and I'll do Kiss me (part 2) Tomorrow :D But thanks for reading my book. I hope you liked it!!! :) ENJOY

-Amber M.

I woke up to the smell of hot soup. I sat up and Hannah was in a nurse outfit. Am I hallucinating? or is Hannah really wearing that?

"Hannah?" I said.
"Yeah?" She said.
"What in the world are you wearing?" I snapped at her. She looks down at her clothes.
"What you don't like it?" She asked with disappointment in her voice.
"YES! I hate it. it's weird....Anyway what happened?" I said to her.
"You must of fainted because you haven't ate for a week! A WEEK?!" She shouted.
"Oh....haha. I ate this week." I lied.
"Don't lie to me, Girl." She said as she pushed her finger in my face.
"Okay...I haven't ate." I said as my stomach growled from the smell of the soup.
"Eat!" Hannah yelled at me as she pointed at the soup.
"Sir! OK! Sir!" I yelled as I picked the bowl up and put it on my lap. Hannah handed me a spoon and I began to eat it.

"Hmmm?" She said.
"Gemme a fork!" I shouted. She laughed and ran down stairs. I chuckled because I heard some bangs and crashes a few times. Then she came up rubbing her elbow and handed me a fork.
"Thanks." I told her.
"Your welcome." She said as she sat down on the end of my bed.
When I finished the soup she dragged me out of bed and told me to get dressed in something nice. I don't know why and I sure don't care. I had grabbed my black short dress. Won't describe it but I'll show it to you.

Something like that. Anyway I also grabbed my leather jacket and my favorite black vans. I walked into my bathroom and laid my clothes on the counter. I stripped off my clothes I had on yesterday and threw them in my hamper over by the door.I turned on the shower and wait for a few seconds to get in.
I stepped in the shower and began washing my hair. Then everything else I had to do. I got out about ten minutes later and got dressed. I added a little bit of make up but not that much. I slipped my vans on and my jacket. I smiled as i walk downstairs. Hannah was giving Josh a lecture about something. I chuckled at their expressions they were making. I finally got to the bottom stair and they stopped talking. They looked at me and smiled.

After a long drive (well it seemed like it) wherever we were going we got there. Hannah looked at Josh and Josh looked at Hannah. Hannah and Josh got out and walked over to my door. Josh opened it up and Hannah grabbed my arm. They covered my eyes and pulled me in some building. They uncover my eyes and turn on the lights.

"Surprise!" They all yelled. I jumped about a foot away. NO. I'm serious. I really JUMPED a foot away.
"....Thanks....." I said.
"It's a goodbye party." Hannah whispered kinda sad.
"How did you-" I began but Josh cut me off.
"We know you, Chris. We just know you." He said. I smiled and hugged them both at the same time. It was weird because everyone was kissing at least someone. I mean WOW. Hannah and Joshed kissed at least five times now, I saw Stella kiss some guy, and I saw James making out with some blond twit. I really don't know who inviting him. I shrugged and walked over to Felix.

"Hey." I said.
"Hey." he replied. It was silent for a couple minutes until Felix grabbed my hand and pulled me into a room. He closed the door behind him and turned to me.

"I need" He stuttered.
"Okay. Tell me." I said as I sat down on the bed and I patted beside me. He came over and sat down. He cleared his throat and looked right at me.
"It's..well...the...reason. I can't explain it so i'll just show you what I want to tell you." he said. He leaned in closer to me and then it hit me. He had kissed me and I kissed back but i pulled away fast.

"What, What's wrong?" He asked.
"I don't like you like that, Felix." I said as polite as I can.
"Oh." He whispered.
"Your a great guy n all but I like it if you'd stay as my friend and nothing more. I mean any girl will be lucky to be with you but me. I I'm in love with someone." I say.

"I understand. Well I fell....stupid. Look I'm sorry, Chris. Your right." He said and then hugged me. I hugged him back and smiled at him. We stood up and walked out of the room. A slow song came on and Felix had asked me to dance with him just as a friend nothing more. I shook my head 'yes' and he started dancing with me.

It was a long day and I'm leaving tonight. I wish'd Zane would be like one of those guys who run to the airport just to tell his girl that he loves her. I Sighed. That would never happen. I had already packed my bags and loaded my car. yeah...I have a car but you'd probably never knew about it cause I always stole Josh's car. I chuckled and started the engine. I turned on the radio and waved goodbye to Hannah and Josh. I swear I saw Hannah cry. I pulled out of the drive way and glad you came by The Wanted came on.

The sun goes down
The stars come out
And all that counts
Is here and now
My universe will never be the same
I'm glad you came

You cast a spell on me, spell on me
You hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me
And I decided you look well on me, well on me
So let's go somewhere no one else can see, you and me

Turn the lights out now
Now I'll take you by the hand
Hand you another drink
Drink it if you can
Can you spend a little time,
Time is slipping away,
Away from us so stay,
Stay with me I can make,
Make you glad you came

The sun goes down
The stars come out
And all that counts
Is here and now
My universe will never be the same
I'm glad you came
I'm glad you came

You cast a spell on me, spell on me
You hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me
And I decided you look well on me, well on me
So let's go somewhere no one else can see, you and me

Turn the lights out now
Now I'll take you by the hand
Hand you another drink
Drink it if you can
Can you spend a little time,
Time is slipping away,
Away from us so stay,
Stay with me I can make,
Make you glad you came

The sun goes down
The stars come out
And all that counts
Is here and now
My universe will never be the same
I'm glad you came
I'm glad you came

I'm glad you came
So glad you came
I'm glad you came
I'm glad you came

The sun goes down
The stars come out
And all that counts
Is here and now
My universe will never be the same
I'm glad you came
I'm glad you came

When the song went off Domino by Jessie J came on. Man! I started singing the whole way to the airport. It was a long drive but at least I have my music.

"I'm just so happy!" I yelled sarcastically.

Kiss me (Part 2)

Last chapter.....AWWWWWWWW!!!! :( But hey it was a good book. Hoped you liked it. Thanks for reading.

-Amber M.

I parked my car and cut the engine off. I got out and got my bags. I locked my car doors and walked inside the airport. I walked up to the check out desk and got my plane ticket.

"Your plane will be here in a hour and a half." The lady had told me. I smiled and sat down at the waiting area. I put my bags beside me and pulled out my Ipod. I turned it on and Who Owns My Heart by Miley Cyrus came on. I didn't turn it I just listen to it.

Creation shows me what to do
I'm dancing on the floor with you
And when you touch my hand
I go crazy

The music tells me what to feel
I like you now, but is it real?
By the time we say goodnight
I'll know if this is right

And I feel you
Comin through my veins
Am I into you?
Or is the music to blame?

Who owns my heart?
Is it love?
Or is it art?
Cause the way you got your body movin's
Got me confused
I can't tell if it's the beat or sparks
Who owns my heart?
Is it love?
Or is it art?
Y-Y-Y-You know I wanna believe
That we're a masterpiece
But sometimes it's hard to tell in the dark
Who owns my heart?

The room is full but all I see is
The way your eyes just blaze through me
Like fire in the dark
We're like living art

And it hits me
Like a tidal wave
Are you feelin me?
Or is the music to blame?


So come on baby
Keep provokin' me
Keep on ropin' me
Like a rodeo
Baby pull me close
Come on here we go
Here we go
Here we go

And it hits me
Like a tidal wave
Are you feelin me?
Or is the music to blame?


Who owns my heart?
Who owns my heart?
Heart, heart, heart, heart...

I felt tired and my eyes slowly closed.


I ran into the house and ran to Chris's bed room. No one. I ran back down stairs and heard sound sin the kitchen. I ran into the kitchen to find Hannah and Josh making out. That's not weird.....

"Ummm...Josh." I said. They pulled apart and Josh looked at me.
"Zane? What'd you doing here?" Josh asked me.
"I have to tell, Chris." I said. His eyes widen and he smiles but then he frowns.
"Dude, She's at the air port." He said. My heart skipped a beat. Without another word I ran out the door and to my car. I opened the door and turned the key but it wouldn't start.

"COME ON! COME ON! NO, NO, NO!" I shouted and then I slammed the door. I began running towards the air port. I know. It's cheesy I fell like one of those dudes that run to the airport just to tell a girl he loves he loves her.

[About an hour later]

I wake up to someone tapping my shoulder. I open my eyes and look up.

"Ma'am. your plane is about here." The lady said.
"Thanks." I said. She nodded and walked back to her desk. I sighed.

I guess I fell asleep, I thought. I put my IPod back in my pocket. I looked around and people were crowded. I was surprised no one had stole my bags. I heard a woman on the intercom that my plane was now ready. I stood up and grabbed all of my bags. I walked over to the long line of people.


I was finally at the airport after running the whole way there. My feet hurt and my legs did to but it's worth it. I ran inside the airport and I looed from left to right. I ran to the check out desk.

"Where's the line for Texas!" I yelled-asked.
"Over there." She said as she pointed to a long line. I ran over to the crowded people and searched for Chris.

"Chris!" I yelled. No body turned or anything. I got into the crowd and yelled,"Chris!" I yelled it again but a lot louder as I turned every direction looking for her. I backed up and bumped into someone. I turned around and smiled.


I heard my name being yelled various of times but I thought my head was messing with me. I heard it one more time but louder and a lot closer to me. I backed up and bumped into someone. I turned around and Smiled. It was Zane.

"Zane? What are you doing here?" I asked him.
"Looking for you." he replied.
"Why-" I said but he cut me off.
"What?" I asked.
"Forgive me." He said.
"I already did." I said.
"What?" He asked.
"I already did!" I yelled.
"No. Not that. I mean Why?" He said.
"Because I couldn't stay mad at you." I said.
"Oh. I have to tell you something." He said as he got closer to me and looked into my eyes.
"I always loved you and I didn't mean what I said yesterday. I was jealous and I wanted you so bad. I wanted you more than anything.....I hope you still like me the way I like you and-" I cut him off this time.
"What?" He asked.
"Kiss me." I said. He crashed his lips to mine. We pulled apart and put our heads together.
"Don't leave me...."He whispered.
"I never planed to." I whisper back. We smile at each other.
"I love you..."He whispers.
"I love you." I whisper back.

With that my story ends here and don't worry my life is now completed.........with Zane.
I guess this is goodbye......Oh who am I kidding? It's just the end.....


Thanks for reading. :)
Hoped ya like the last chapter XD
Check out my other books.
Thank you and have a nice day.
-Amber M.


Text: @Copyright Amber No copying or stealing my book ENJOY :)
Publication Date: 02-04-2012

All Rights Reserved

I dedicate this book to my friend Emily and Toni. Emily just loves this book. Although, it has a lot of mistakes. Well, it is my second book. I have to admit I write way better now. C: Enjoy it anyway.

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