

She wraps her hand around the razor, pressing it on her wrist

"One for sorrow", she whispers.

Taking a deep breath as the cold metal cuts through her skin.

She feels her own blood dripping down her arm and onto the floor.

"Two for mirth", she breathes as she slashes another line into her skin.

Sobs escape her mouth as she stares at two deep slashes on her wrist.

"Three for a wedding", another cut.

"Four for a birth

  Five for silver

 Six for gold", another deep breath

"Seven for a secret that's never been told", seven cuts, each for one verse.

Slowly she pulls down the sleeve of her shirt, wipes away her tears and stares at her reflection in the mirror.

She fakes a smile and that smile masks her pain, her sorrow and most of all: her scars.


Chapter One

She stared at the three slashes on her arm before she covered them with the sleeve of her shirt. She mutters the three verses again "One for sorrow, two for mirth, three for a wedding."

Faith looked up from her srm and stared at her reflection in the mirror: A slender girl stood there; the curls of her mahagoni-brown hair framing her slim face; emerald green eyes piercing back at her. I look happy, she thought as she faked a smile. She turned around and ran down the stairs. "Carmen I'm going out, do you need anything?" As she didn't get an answer she shrugged and walked through the main door, rushing towards her car.


"Vanilla Latte please.", Faith requested from the cashier. "Name, please?", he asked kindly. "Faith", she answered. He smiled at her and nodded. He was good looking; Black hair. silvery-grey eyes, high cheekbones. He handed her the cup and as she reached for it her her left sleeve slid up and exposed the three deep slashes on her arm. "Wow, those are three deep scratches. What happened?", he asked. She pulled her sleeve back down. "I fell in a bush.", she muttered. He sceptically raised his eyebrows and exclaimed: "A very inconvenient place to get those scratches though, isn't it?", pointing at her wrist. Faith shrugged and turned away. She looked down at her cup. "Faith, nice to meet you. - Alec", She smiled wrily. "Nice to meet you too, Alec!", she called ıver her shoulder as she left the coffee shop and heard him chuckle quietly.



In the evening Faith steered her car into the parking lot of her mother's favorite restaurant. "I still don't get why you don't drive, Carmen.", she sighed and turned her head towards her mother who was getting out of the car. "And I don't understand why you stopped calling me <<mum>>", Carmen snapped as they entered the restaurant and sat down at the table nearest to the window. A waiter came to their table and poured them both a glass of water. Faith took a sip just as he said: "Hello Faith, what can I geet you?" She loooked up and almost choked on her water, coughing heavily. As soon as she managed to calm down she looked up at the waiter. "Alec? You work here?", she asked, still trying to catch her breath. She could see how he was trying to keep himself from bursting out into laughter. "Yes, I just started taking the evening shift here last week. Oh and it's great to see you again." She was just about to answer him when Carmen cleared her throat. "Ma'am?", Alec asked. "I want to order. Now!", she barked. Faith felt herself blushing and mouthed "sorry" in Alec's direction, but he just smiled kindly.

After Alec left their table to take care of their orders she stared at her mother and snapped: "What the hell is your problem, Carmen?!" Her mother just shrugged. "Ever since the rape you've changed.", she muttered. "Well of course I changed, but what does that have to do with this?!", she cried waving her arms in the air. "You changed.", Carmen repeated. "Of course I changed! What did you expect for crying out loud? That everything was going to go back to normal? That this won't leave a trace?!", Faith yelled and other people started turning their heads towards them, trying to see what was going on. She felt as if the walls got smaller, the people came closer, their voices getting louder, judging her for her reaction. She stood up and ran out of the restaurant and onto the parking lot, falling onto her knees in front of her car.She looked through her bag, her heart pounding heavily until her hands found the cold metal. She pulled the razor out of her purse and slashed it through her flesh "One for sorrow, two for mirth, three for a wedding.", she muttered as she felt a wave of relief running through her body with every time the cold blade cut into her wrist. "Faith?", somebody whispered and she turned around, only to find a pale-faced Alec standing in front of her.


Publication Date: 08-20-2013

All Rights Reserved

For everybody who has marked wrists For everybody who has suffered For everybody who gave up and for everybody who survived the pain ... ı'm sorry

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