
Forbidden love

By D M Ure

• Preface
• Chapter 1 - A new beginning
• Chapter2 – High School
• Chapter 3 – Mutual Attraction
• Chapter 4 – Premonitions
• Chapter 5 – Confessions
• Chapter 6 – Absence makes the heart weaker
• Chapter 7 – The proposal
• Chapter 8 – The new house
• Chapter 9 – The wedding
• Chapter 10 – The unbelievable
• Chapter 11 – The special delivery
• Chapter 12 – Relief
• Epilogue



I knew the decisions I was making were going to hurt everyone I loved and held sacred to my heart, but sometimes in your life you have to follow your heart’s desires no matter how ludicrous they seemed.
Whether my decision was right all not, I couldn’t ignore the yearning I had for him, even though being with him would result in my violent death I had to be with him.
How can anyone deny the screams of the heart?, but I made my decision, he is what I wanted and needed, and when my death happens in result of that decision then I would gladly accept it, I’d rather live with short time I had with my love then live for eternity without him.

Chapter 1 – A new beginning

Moving again to a new destination was always a tiresome affair. My father William had received confirmation that Port Townsend was the new safe haven for immortals and other mythical creatures. Mythical, those being Were beasts and Vampires, as you may refer them to, but they are very much a reality in our world. So we are moving yet again.
We have to relocate a lot in case mortals discovered that we are somewhat different, or because of part bloods tracking and attacking us.
Part bloods are mixed species of Vampires, the result when rogue purebloods impregnate humans.
The problem with part bloods is that they are highly physcotic and a dangerous to all species. Luckily for us they are sterile and not immortal, they will eventually die, and I know it sounds harsh and cruel, but they are the most evil of species you could ever come across. They are what gave Vampires a bad name, the inspiration to Bram stoker’s ‘Dracula’, and causing fear amongst mortals.
They savagely live for the kill, consuming whatever they can, killing and draining all, be it human, Vampire or any other living creature, and they are also known to play with their food, pardon the pun, torturing you till you beg for them to end your exist.
Luckily I had only met one and that was in 1932, he was that horrific he made headlines across America and even hitting most horrific serial killers in history.
He tore through the small native village we were settled in, killing everyone he came into contact with. It wasn’t till father and Gareth managed to capture him and dispose of him humanely as possible. But the death and destruction he left was devastating, families torn apart, and the grief was overwhelming something I prayed I’d never have to live through again.
So the news of finding a town where mortals, immortals etc... Could congregate and live in harmony, was wonderful and we jumped at the chance.
“You have more chance of survival in numbers,” my father always said.
Part bloods were on the increase because of ancient purebloods losing their minds to boredom and impregnating as many humans as possible, so it made sense to move.
So Port Townsend it was, a place where we could settle and call home on a permanent basis. Thrilled with the idea father contacted the local estates agents who luckily employed purebloods and Were beasts, and purchased a property and decided to move us all straight away.
“Carrie-Ann, get a move on” my mother called to me for the hundredth time.
My mother is absolutely stunning. Unlike me she has long wavy blonde hair the shade of gold, with her eyes crystal blue, that changes to deep blood red when she is need of our supplementary diet, Tall, slender and voluptuous she looks like a Hollywood actress from the early 1930’s.
“I’m coming” I replied. Grabbing my jacket and my last packed box, I took one long glance of my room.
I always felt a pang of sadness whenever we moved; I always became slightly attached to places, hoping they would be our home for more than a few years.
Sighing I closed my bedroom door and went down our wide winding staircase for the last time.
“Why do you have to take so long Carrie?” my father asked as he locked door.
My father’s features were so different from my mother’s. His long black hair fell and rested on his shoulders, his eyes were always burgundy shade of red. He never gave up the hunt like the rest of us, so occasionally if we were out in public he would wear brown contact lenses.
“Move over Carrie - Jeez” my brother complained as he pushed me across the back seat of our Jeep.
My brother Gareth is my twin. We share the same colour hair, Deep brown with hints of red. Whereas I am shy, he is outgoing and boisterous.
We were born two hundred and eighteen years ago, but we look about eighteen, which is one of the many bonuses from being a pureblood Vampire, ageing slowly stopping finally at around 400 years with the appearance of an average 45 year old human.
Sitting in the back seat of out Jeep, waiting for my parents to climb aboard, I glanced around, the removal van pulled off casting a horrid cloud of dark exhaust fumes that vaguely blocked the beauty of the setting sun behind the tall fir trees that surround our home.
I wasn’t too sad to leave Wisconsin where we lived there for past three years; I hadn’t made any friends. Actually I tried not to. I hated making new friends and watching them grow old and eventually die. In fact I don’t have any friends, apart from my brother.
It was just the beauty of the place I was attracted to. I was always one for the raw feel of the wilderness and the scents and sights, unlike my brother he thrived in cities and huge communities. It’s not that I’m not sociable it’s just rare for me to find someone with the same kindred spirit for the wild.
Gareth and I decided that Port Townsend was going to be a fresh start for us both. Gareth was determined to make new friends and finally having a social life he craved for, I on the other hand would be contented with just finding another soul to match mine.
Mother were hoping that we each found a partner and settled down and give her grandchildren she could spoil, something I was definitely in no rush to do . I barely lived myself, even though I am a couple of centuries old, we have lived a pretty sheltered life, this would be a new start and challenged for us all.
Finally my parents boarded the car and we were heading off to our new home. My father decided to drive from Florence Wisconsin all the way to our new home, we tried insisting on flying, but he loves geography and wanted to view the scenery on the way.
So plugging my earphones in from my iPod I zoned out whilst my father started the long drive ahead.
From One motel to another they all blended in along the way, they were all pretty much the same, the stale smell of cigarettes, and stained carpets, this was another reason I hated travelling on the road.
It eventually took us just under two days and a little over 2,023 miles and multiple amounts of arguments to arrive at our final destination.
Port Townsend had the grand population of 9,133 people, now 9,137 and over a 1,000 of them were either immortals like us or Were beasts.
I was instantly impressed, the city was beautiful, with its dense green surrounding forests and local parks, and thriving community. It was also renowned for its arts and literature, which thrilled my novelist parents.
As my father drove through the town of Port Townsend I couldn’t get over the superb structures of the architecture, huge Victorian buildings stood high and proud in the town centre they were beautiful. The town hall was stunning, with its red sand brick and tall clock tower; I was astounded by the workmanship of the design above the clock. Tall wooden boats with huge white sails filled the bay, it was like stepping back in time a history relived, and it was wonderfully peaceful too.
The city its self was immaculately built and cared for. I had a moment of excitement; I felt my stomach tighten with joy at the prospect that this beautiful city would finally become our home.
Finally pulling up at our new home, I was amazed by the astounding beauty of the building. It was a three storey Victorian style building, with a porch that surrounded the front of the house, and it even a huge balcony that skirted the massive wide windows on the second floor.
Painted in light shades of blues and whites it was picturesque.
Small wild bushes with shades of deep reds and luscious greens surrounded the house, along with its long immaculately kept lawns.
The tall trees from the neighbouring Chetzemoka Park were casting dark protective shadows over our home, but something about the park sent chills down my spine. I found myself staring over my shoulder, it felt as though something were watching us, yet even though I had superb eyesight and sense of smell I couldn’t see or smell a thing out of the ordinary, the only smell was that of fresh cut lawns and damp earth.
“Well William, you outshone yourself this time darling, it’s wonderful.” Mother said breaking my trance from the woods
“Got it at a bargain too, obviously there’s a bit of renovation to do but once Gareth and I get stuck in it will be home soon enough.” Father replied with confidence, Gareth looked away at the suggestion of hard manual labour.
“Well come on, let’s explore the house.” mother suggested excitedly as she ran up the white wooden steps that lead to pair of huge white doors.
Luckily the removal men had been and gone before our arrival, the agent, Jenson McCall whom father had purchase the house from kindly offered to supervise the delivery of our belongings and also make sure our dietary needs were refrigerated.
Jenson McCall was a pureblood too, and worked in the local estate agents part time to help keep an eye on the purebloods and Were beast that decided to move to Port Townsend.
He had a duty as part of the council to make sure all new comers obeyed the rules; keep humans safe, keeping the identity of us all hidden and to keep a census of pure bloods and Were beasts.
Father opened the front doors proudly and gestured with his arm to enter. Greeting us was a huge wide hallway, with honey coloured wooden floors that gleamed and shone in the sun’s rays from the windows.
A few white huge heavy looking doors were scattered here and there off the hallway, the door ahead was left open exposing a brightly lit kitchen.
Starting to feel weak from the exposure of the sun, I walked ahead to the kitchen to grab a quick drink of A positive.
One of the many flaws of being a Vampire is the constant need of fresh blood, unlike the stories that you may have read, we can live off a normal human diet, and we only need blood to help regenerate our dying cells from exposure to the sun and other elements.
Our scientists have been trying to uncover an antidote to a genetic disability for centuries but as of yet nothing has been substantial, so we have to use blood of our closest living relatives humans. Up till roughly 50 years ago we had to hunt and drink the blood from the jugular vein of the humans, but now due to modern science and interventions we now order the blood in bulk load from designated blood banks situated throughout the world.
“Wow - mom, look at this!” I called back to her.
The kitchen was very modern considering the exterior of the house looked old, long dark granite work tops , and chrome appliances surrounded the room, with white tiled walls and grey slated floors it was gorgeous.
“Oh my,” my mother sighed “it’s wonderful.”
I nodded with agreement as I opened the tall fridge and grabbed one of the blood bags hanging from the top shelf. Gareth and my father entered as I pulled a glass from one of the nearby cupboards, piecing the blood bag with one of my long manicured nails.
I filled my glass and warmed it up a touch in the microwave.
“Eww Gareth!” I complained as I watched him grab a bag and savagely bite into it, “that’s disgusting can’t you drink out of a glass like civilized people do!”
I dry heaved at the thought of cold blood rushing down my throat, how Gareth could drink like that was beyond me.
“Beats nuked blood any day,” he replied with a shrug of his large shoulders, flashing his blood soaked fangs.
“Well I don’t know how any of you can function on that bagged stuff, I prefer the thrill of the hunt and it tastes sweeter too!” father added with a sinister grin.
Mother sighed and joined me with a glass of A positive. “ok everyone, calm down, we not going to start the discussion of eating habits again, and Gareth you will start drinking from glass, I brought you up better than that young man!” mother ordered as she lightly tapped him on the back of his head.
“Well I’m off out to check the neighbourhood, and see what’s going on in the area,” Gareth said as he discarded his now empty blood bag on the kitchen side.
Before mother or father could call him back to help unpack his belongings, he shot out the room almost instantaneously we heard the front door slam shut.
Another one of the many advantages of being a pureblood Vampire is the speed, 0-60mph in less than a second and Gareth loved the chance to show off exactly how fast he was. Every time manual labour was involved he would race off out at lightning speed.
“Looks like it’s just us again,” I sighed as I turned towards my parents.
My mother had her hands on her hips shaking her head as she looked where Gareth had just departed, and my father was swilling the glasses we had just used.
“That’s ok baby, you go and check your room out – it’s the one at the back overlooking the park, me and your mother will sort things out down here,” father told me I agreed and left my parents to unpack downstairs.
Climbing the huge white carpeted stairs I found my room, it was a good size and had its own bathroom that lead off to the door on the right. Lightly painted lilac walls and cream chiffon curtains, and lightly varnished wooden floors it was very feminine and delicate looking.
Glad to see my bed already made up I sat down and looked around. My bed was central in the room and my computer table complete with lap top were already set up in the far corner; built in mirrored wardrobes reflected the room back and somehow made it look longer and more lighter.
I could see the Chetzemoka Park clearly from my window as father had mentioned and I could faintly see the long beach’s past the edges of the park.
I opened my windows wide letting the summer breeze air my room, the scents of pine and the salt sea air were refreshing, deeply inhaling I decided to unpack my boxes.


Finally putting the last of my belongings and clothes away father knocked my door.
“All settled baby?” he asked as he popped his head round my door.
“Yes, I think so, just going to grab a bite to eat then head off to bed.” I replied.
“Ermm, baby, I need to talk you about something,” he said as walked slowly through my door, this didn’t sound promising.
Deciding to sit on the bed, I was sure that whatever he were about to tell me I wasn’t going to approve
“Ok shoot,” I replied
“Well one of the conditions of living in Port Townsend was that we all try and maintain an almost human way of life,”
“Eh huh, go on,”
He looked uncomfortable and was shifting his feet, staring away from me with a guilty expression on his face; I was definitely not going to like this news.
“Ok, I enrolled you and Gareth into the high school here.” he said in an apologetic rush.
Automatically I stood up from my bed and started pacing my room.
“Oh! Dad, why! I have been there done that god knows how many times! Can’t I just get a job here somewhere? Anywhere, just don’t make me do high school again!” I pleaded.
I couldn’t believe he had done this to me; high school was the only hell of my existence, in all the high schools I have ever attended not one did I fit in and belong. I was always the outcast and not because of my genetic status but because I was a geek as everyone seemed to refer to me as.
“Sorry baby, but all purebloods under 220 years old, have to attend school, it’s a new council rule,” he explained
“Well that’s pathetic! I could teach the students of all ages here, what with the amount of schooling I have had, and I can’t believe they have changed the rules ... yet again I may add!”I argued.
But I knew by the expression on his face that I was not going to win this argument, and I knew Gareth wouldn’t be thrilled about the idea either.
“Baby come on, help your old man out here, this may be the only place left for us all to finally settle down in for good, we all have to make sacrifices baby, go will only have to do a year at the most... Do it for me? Please,” he pleaded.
How could I deny my father’s wishes? For as long as I could remember my parents went out their way to protect Gareth and me. So reluctantly I accepted.
“Fine, when do I have to start?” I asked, giving in with a high exasperated sigh as I sat back down on my bed.
“Not till the 8th of September, just over a week from tomorrow, you have a few days to yourselves before you have to go,”
Great just over a week left of freedom before I have to endure the torture of mortal adolescents, great, I sighed and rose off the bed, not at all happy with this new revelation.
I decided to put it to the back of my mind for now and enjoy the last few days of freedom at least.
“Ok dad... Let’s go eat before Gareth returns and eats us out of house and home,”
Dad laughed and threw his arm around my shoulder and kissing me softly on the top of my head as we left my room.
“Thank you baby,” he said as we left my room.


After dinner and listening to Gareth kick off with the news about our new high school I decided to escape to the confines of my new room to have an early night.
All the travelling over the past few days really drained me out, I grab another glass of blood then I headed up to my room.
After a few sips of my drink I began to feel much better and alert. Too late to go out, and just not mellow enough to sleep I decided to read.
I dimed my lights and turn on my stereo, turning the volume down to just a low back ground noise I changed into my comfy pyjamas and grabbed one of my favourite books and lay on my stomach to read.
I was just getting past chapter 10 when I heard an eerie howl from the park, the hairs on my body stood on end, and my fangs automatically descended over my lower lip as I hissed in defence, my whole body shook.
Gareth appeared in my room instantly.
Gareth could always sense when I felt scared or threaten we thought it were a Vampire thing, but we discovered it was more to do with being twins.
We also had the advantage of hearing peoples thoughts, but we self taught ourselves to block it from each other. But every time I felt scared my brother Gareth was always at my side.
“What the hell was that?” I stammered
“Werewolves, I met a few, and apparently the wolves like to hang out around these parts,” he explained.
More howling continued from several different locations around the park. I hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting any Were beasts up till now. Unlike us they never evolved, legends said that their genetics were mixed by ancient advanced scientists trying to create an ultimate fighting machine.
They had mixed genes from humans and a few predatory animals to create Were beasts. But their creations backed fired and resulted in them being savagely killing their very own creations.
Luckily for us over the centuries they became more civilised, and were able to mix well with mortals.
Realising for the first time, that I will most likely be meeting some I shivered.
“Don’t worry Carrie,” Gareth said as he sat on my bed and hugged me.
I am ashamed to admit I am an absolute disgrace to pureblood history, I am the most unlikely person to fight and I hate all forms of violence, it’s one of the reasons I was eager to change to bagged blood instead of the alternative.
“I met a few earlier, they seem nice enough,” Gareth said in a nonchalant manner
“What were they like? - Are the stories true?” I asked.
Stories claimed that they were very untrustworthy and went around in packs, like their animal relatives, fighting to the death if they felt threaten.
“Nahh, nothing like the stories mom and dad told us to scare us, believe me, I have seen scarier tom cats, nahh they pretty much like us, the girls are hotter though,” he trailed off.
Even so I was more confused by his description and the one our parents told us.
The howling ceased and Gareth stood up and looked out my window.
The night sky was clear and the moon was glowing in the sky causing a ray of shadows that danced across the street below from the tall ferns that shadowed our home.
“Sounds like they are planning a hunt ,” Gareth said as he turned to leave the room , “maybe I will join them and teach them a few tricks,” he added as he walked out.
As Gareth left, I jumped out the bed to glance out my window, I couldn’t see much across the park even with my excellent vision, and I could however hear the shuffling of paws and sniffing loud enough as if it were in the room with me.
Moving away from the window I turned my lights off, as I headed for my bed I caught the glimpse of a beautiful white wolf racing around the edge of the park heading for the beach, he was accompanied by another wolf that was the darkest shade of black I had ever seen. They raced so fast that it became a blur and they were soon out of my line of sight.
Feeling like a fool, for being jumpy and nervous I surrendered to my bed, pulling my thick quilt over my head and falling asleep listening to the wind and the leaves on the trees outside my window.


Chapter 2 – High school

The following week was spent sightseeing; the pebble beach’s were immaculate. Logs of drift wood lay scatter across the beach, I could easily imagine being lost in another world here, the area seemed untouched in some parts and I savoured the images and smells.
It was the first place I have ever lived where I felt comfortable, it had such a homely atmosphere and the people were mostly polite and charming, which surprised me immensely.
Normally new comers were never really made welcome in small towns and cities, well not by my previous experience, yet here in Port Townsend the regulars made me feel part of the town and in such a short space of time.
It was Sunday night; Gareth was off out somewhere again, he makes friends way quicker than anyone I know. Mother and father had gone out for a meal down on Water Street that overlooks the bays, at night with the harbour lights and the sound of the waves it felt like a romantic setting for a movie.
Grabbing a snack from the kitchen I headed to my room, I sat at my window staring over at the park, it didn’t seem as foreboding as it did on my first day, I managed to fit in a quick walk around it earlier in the week , it’s quite remarkable, beautiful and calm.
I was secretly hoping to catch a glimpse of the wolves, especially the white one, I saw him a few times speed past the park , he ran with such fluency it was almost as if he was gliding.
Unfortunately the weather took a turn for the worst, the rain poured down so heavily it was as though I were looking through a waterfall instead of my window.
I gave up my little quest and went to bed, hoping that tomorrow went by quickly as possible.
I fell asleep listening to the heavy rain drops pelting against my windows, in the distance I heard the deep howling of a wolf, strangely I felt comforted and drifted off into a deep dreamless sleep.


The neon green lights flashed September the 8th annoyingly from my alarm clock, sighing I got up and looked out my window.
The sky was dull grey, and cloudy, blocking most of the sun rays, relived that I didn’t have to wrap up to much I went for a shower.
Washing my hair in with my favourite apple scented shampoo, I started to unwind. I had been dreading this day all week; the hot shower massaged my skin and sent chills down my spine.
I soon finished even though I didn’t want to, I stepped out of my shower and dried myself off, trying my hardest not to think about school.

Finally showered and dressed and wearing my new high school sweatshirt that my father sarcastically bought for Gareth and me, I headed for the kitchen.
I poured myself a bowl of cereal and a huge pint glass of blood.
I don’t normally have to consume huge amounts on a daily basis, but under the circumstances I thought it would be wise to make sure I had enough, especially being around humans.
Mother was still in bed, she was up most of the night working on her new novel, and father had left early, off out sightseeing, so the house was relatively quiet.
Just as I was half way through my cereal, Gareth strolled in.
“I feel like a complete idiot,” he complained as he bit into a fresh bag of blood.
“I agree, I hope this year goes fast,” I replied ignoring his filthy eating habits.
Neither of us was used to wearing casual clothes, and we both hated denim, the rough feel of it across our sensitive skins. The only time we dressed down were when we had to blend in with our human cousins.
“How are you getting to school?” I noticed how he turned from me when he asked. He usually does this at the beginning of an argument.
“Same way as you I presume, why?” I was a little confused to why he was asking we always went to school together.
“Huh huh, you’re going to have to find another way sis... I’m taking the Jeep and I can’t have you ruining my rep before I even walk through the doors!” he informed me in a pompous tone.
Gareth has always been a little egotistic, especially when it came to the opposite sex, he would have disowned me over a century ago if he could, me being the boring geek and him the charming sex god as he would always claim us to be.
“What!” I yelled “well love you too!” not hiding the anger in my voice
“Look, I’m not being funny, just... yeah I have my eyes on a few of the girls here and I don’t want them thinking your my girlfriend or something ok?”
I shouldn’t have been so surprised with his reasons, when it came to women he would have abandoned his parents in the dead of night if he thought it would prevent him from pulling.
“Fine, I‘ll walk, but you will have no problem ruining your rep, you vain fool!” slamming my bowl into the sink and quickly finishing the last of my drink, I stormed out the room Grabbing my bag as I rushed out the house without even saying bye.
Deciding it were probably best to calm down and walk at a slow humans pace I headed to the school.
Pulling the hood of my sweater up and popping on my sunglasses to try and block as much of the sun out as possible.
I headed towards Jackson Street which runs along the park near our home. Sticking to the shadows I tried to calm down, knowing that if I remained hyped up and angry I were likely to bite someone’s head off... literally.
Lost in my mood and listening to my iPod I wasn’t really concentrating on what was ahead of me. Blocking out the groans and moans of passing people’s thoughts I were just focusing on the lyrics of the song I was listening to when I collided with him.
He had the most beautiful face I had ever seen in all my two hundred plus years, mesmerised by his beauty I lost my thoughts completely.
So tall he must have been close to 6’8 towering over my pathetic 5’5 with long straight black hair, it was so smooth looking, like silk, crying out to be stroked. What grasped my attention so much were his sapphire blue eyes, for a Native American Indian it was unusual, and his skin was so pale too.
He grabbed my arm as I stumbled into him
“I’m really sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was ok?” I apologised, stammering like a love struck teenager, which I have never been so definitely the first.
He laughed at my lame apology “Sure I'm cool,” he answered in a voice that would make ice melt instantly along with my over pulsating heart. I straightened myself out and turned my iPod off, as he said “I haven’t seen you round here before,” he spoke with a questioning tone,
“No, my family and I only just moved here about a week ago, my name is Carrie-Ann nice to bump into you,” I said as I held my hand out to shake his.
He shook my hand and smiled down at me, I instantly blushed, my heart continued to race and I hadn’t realised I was still holding onto his hand until he said “Ermm can I have my hand back please, and my name is Yas,”
Feeling like a complete idiot I released his firm but soft skinned hand.
“So you’re heading off to P T H?” he asked me as we started to walk ahead
“Ermm yes, how did you know?”I replied a little taken back.
I couldn’t hear his thoughts which shocked me and worried me a little.
He laughed, “Your sweatshirt” the sound of his laugh made my heart melt even more.
I had never been attracted to anyone before, no one made me quiver inside as he did.
“Oh yeah,” I answered stupidly how could I have forgotten I was wearing it, blushing again because of my idiocy I asked “do you go there to?”
“Yeah started about six months ago, when my mother and I moved into the area, it’s not so bad,”
“Cool,” I answered, hoping that a suitable teenaged response, he just laughed
“So where did you move from?” I continued his voice was so deep and smooth I wanted to hear more
“Oh just some small town you haven’t probably heard of it, Centralia,” he answered “Centralia? The ghost town?”
Shocked that anyone still lived there; the numbers in population had dwindled dramatically over the years. Officials had said the cause was due to a mine fire that had been burning since 1962; in fact it was due to part bloods slaughtering the residents. Luckily part of the pureblood council had strong gifts, mind manipulation. And they managed to block memories of the incidents. I was used to holding little random facts in my mind, the sufferings of living with a father that thrived on geographical facts.
“Ermm yeah that’s the one, what about you where did you move from?” he asked.
I had noticed he seemed reluctant to speak any more about his previous home town and I wasn’t about to start prying, knowing exactly what it was like to keep your identity hidden.
“Florence, Wisconsin,” I answered
“I hear it’s nice up there why did you move here?” he continued questioning me. Not prepared to go into details I used the same story my whole family were prepped with.
“My parents are fiction writers, so we constantly move from town to town, it’s a way they find their inspiration, like music artists travelling on the road, it’s pretty much similar,”
I explained the best I could, I tried to be nonchalant about it all, and I could tell he was thinking about that.
Frustrated that I couldn’t hear his thoughts I try to change the subject.
“So what do us youth of Port Townsend do for fun around here?”
“I wouldn’t know I don’t tend to hang out much, maybe just around the park and beach,” he replied in a standoffish sort of way. Shocked by his tone, and the way he stared at me in a frustrated manner, almost probing. I replied “cool,” and let the subject drop
We continued all the way to the school in silence, I was lost for words I couldn’t get over his beauty, and I didn’t want to make myself look even more foolish.
Just before we approached the school main office I turned to him and said “well it was very nice to meet you Yas, I have to go get my lesson schedule so I will see you around?” I hoped that I didn’t seem too eager when I added the last bit in; I would definitely want to see more of this Yas
“No problem, I will catch you later,” he answered as he strolled off up the long corridors.
I knocked the office door, and I heard a deep male voice telling me to enter. Sitting behind a huge counter was a tall grey haired man, his half moon spectacles were resting on his nose as he raised his head up from his book, and smiled warmly at me.
The room wasn’t very large and few posters and announcements were pinned to the walls and a sad looking little cactus plant was on the counter beside a pile of letters.
As I approached the counter I couldn’t suppress a cringe of disgust, as I heard his thoughts
“Wow, they are getting hotter each year!”
Interrupting his thoughts I introduced myself
“Hello my name is Carrie-Ann Smyth; my father enrolled me here just a little over a week ago,”
“Oh yes that’s right, I’m Mr. Davies the attendance officer here at Port Townsend high, anything you need just ask” he answered.
I heard his thoughts as he remembered my father, pleased that my father had made an impression on him, he soon took a back track with his X-rated thoughts about me.
My father had quite a subtle way of embedding fear into those who he disliked just by his posture.
“I have your time table here, and the list of your teachers, if you hang on one moment I will get you your copy of the student hand book,”
“Ok thank you,” I replied.
I watched him walk off to the room on the right, must be some sort of stock room. Standing there I filled in all the medical forms and emergency contact details in lightning speed, I tend to do these mundane assignments at a slightly quicker rate.
After a few moments he returned, smiling as he passed me a slightly dusty copy, he wished me well as I left.
I walked to my first class, social studies with a Mr. Dean; luckily I arrived on time, sitting furthest away from the big huge windows , I sat by the endless book cases.
On the white board, already written out was today’s assignment.
Country Profile Portfolio: create a summary of all key information about your country.
I was instantly relived; at least it was something relevantly fresh.
The classroom started to fill, up as the bell rang for first class to begin. To my surprise Yas strolled in, his back pack was slung casually over his shoulder, he wasn’t wearing his jacket now, and his dark navy blue t-shirt was clung to his perfectly sculptured body, his muscles flexed as he approached his desk.
He must have sensed me staring as he looked over, he met my stare and nodded; I pathetically blushed again, thankful that the teacher walked in and diverted the class attention.
I went over and briefly introduced myself to Mr. Dean before returning to my seat.
Mr Dean went on to explain the coursework details as I zoned out, and I had already done similar projects before so I knew what was expected.
I couldn’t keep my eyes of Yas something about him called to me, I gave up trying to read his thoughts there was something there blocking me, it sounded like an unturned radio frequency, I had never came across anything like it before, and it was giving me a headache. Maybe that’s why I was so drawn to him, I have been able to hear and manipulate everyone I have ever met, even my own parents when I was younger. Something I soon learnt to block, especially Gareth’s thoughts when we went through puberty, not a pleasant place to be.
I couldn’t help but notice that Yas seemed just as bored as I were; he seemed to be doodling in his exercise book, as his neighbour lent over to take notes.
He glanced over and offered a shy smile, his perfectly white teeth gleamed invitingly; I returned the smile and turn to face Mr. Dean as he approached my desk.
“Miss Smyth, please repeat the outline of the task I have set, starting with the last sentence I said...for the whole class to hear,” he said rudely and sarcastically. I instantly took a disliking to him, he had a rather harsh tone, and his thoughts were that he was superior to everyone else. Deciding to toy with the little fool I answered smugly “Which part sir? The part where you discussed economy? Or what are major imports and exports, big industries? Weaknesses? Or you would you prefer me to discuss the insights on international conflicts, what issues are currently at the forefront of public discussion, War, Regional conflict and tension? Or the inner conflict you have knowing that a student on her first day as more understanding on this subject than yourself and the fact you get off on causing unnecessary tension on your students?”
Realising that I went a little over board I stopped, damn I hated the fact I let my temper rule me, but I have always hated pompous teachers that were nowhere near educated enough to teach the subjects they are paid to teach.
I watched as his face turned beetroot red, and gulped as I heard his thoughts, the feeling was mutual; he hated me as much as I did him.
“Miss Smyth, do you have trouble understanding simple instructions? Or just English language in general?”
“I have perfect understanding of the language sir! And I can fully appreciate your little instructions, the last sentence you spoke to me was, ‘Each person should complete two of the following four sections’!”
“Very well, now eyes forward,” he said as he turned to walk from me.
Yas stuck his thumb up at me and stifling a laugh, I grinned back and turn to face Mr. Dean as he continued to drool on.
The bell finally rung, I packed my books away as quick as I could without causing unwanted attention , I stood up to leave when I found Yas by my side.
He giggled as he said “I loved the way you knocked him down a peg a two,”
“Thanks, he deserved it,” I returned a smile.
“What lesson do you have next?” he asked.
I loved the way he stared at my eyes, as if he were feeling the same attraction I was, looking down at my schedule I noticed it was gym.
“Gym,” I sighed.
It wasn’t that I hated gym, I just found it hard to keep at a humans pace, something I still haven’t perfected , the more I concentrate on my movements the more I messed up .
“Me too, can I walk with you?”
“Yeah sure,” I replied thrilled that he wanted to.
I couldn’t help noticed the other students staring at us, I occasionally pick through their thoughts shocked by their feelings
“What the hell does she see in him?”
“Wow he is so hot, what as she got that I haven’t?”
“Just look at his blue eyes so damn lush!”
Most of the students stopped and stared, a lot of the boys felt threaten by Yas height and how muscular he was, I hadn’t felt the threat but saying that I was blinded by his beauty and masculinity.
Arriving at the gym he smiled “see you in there.”
I nodded in response and headed for the girls changing rooms.
I walked through the cloud of intoxicating perfume and hair spray as I watched cheerleaders dress down in the gym gear. I could hardly breath , the bitter taste held to my taste buds and filled my lungs, coughing I moved to the furthest corner away from the vain blonde beauties. I changed quickly into my gym gear, and headed out to the gym.
The smell of the polished floor was just as overwhelming as the hairspray and perfume, with just a slight hint of male perspiration from the previous class, the joys of over sensitive sense of smell.
The teacher instructed us all to sit at the benches; luckily today’s lesson wasn’t going to be so daunting.
All the girls were on one side and the boys of the other. To even refer to Gareth and Yas as ‘boy’ seemed ludicrous as they both strolled in they clearly towered over the rest.
Gareth blatantly ignored me as usual , I projected a thought at him “you arrogant pig!”, just as my thoughts left my head Yas stared over in my direction , confused as if he had heard my exact thought. I swiftly turned away to face the teacher as he informed us of this year’s tasks, goals and schedules.
To say I was confused by Yas’s reaction was clearly an understatement, and I had to admit I were shocked to see my brother and him getting on so well.
The teacher put up a list for those that wanted to try out for the football team, Gareth and Yas high fived each other I just rolled my eyes.
No way was I willing to participate in any group activities with the girls in my gym class, all of them vain and bitchy and I couldn’t help suppress a hint of jealousy over their thoughts over Yas.
After 20 minutes of listening to the gym teacher go on about different activities and criteria for the year he instructed us all to do ten laps of the gym before heading off to the showers.
“Finally,” I thought relived that the hour was passing quickly.
Just as I was running on my 8th lap, Gareth slowed down for me, knowing he wasn’t going to speak to me in front of the blonde cheer leaders, I read his thoughts “looks like you have a admirer sis, I'm shocked!” his thoughts were teasing and rather smug.
“What you on about?” I replied I was a little confused I hadn’t really spoken to anyone.
“Yas you fool!” he answered.
I instantly stopped, a gangly girl ran into me and I turned to apologise, she gave me and nasty look as she rubbed her arm and carried on.
Gareth just shook his head and continued jogging on.
“Wait, what did he say?” I shouted at him through my thoughts.
“Oh wait, ermm, can’t remember,” he answered and laughed as he ran off.
Damn I knew he had no intentions of telling me, he would find it funny making me squirm.
“Fine!” I thought he can play that game all he likes, but he will be playing alone.
The lesson finally ended, I glanced over at Yas and he left the gym heading towards the boys locker rooms, amazed he was glancing my way. I waved and turned to walk into the girls changing rooms when I slammed straight into the door frame. The crowd behind me erupted into howls of laughter, Yas looked a little concerned, I gestured that I was ok as my face flamed red with embarrassment he seemed reassured and we both left at the same time.
The rest of the day just seemed to drag, a couple of guys tried to speak to me, whom I ignored instantly after I read their minds. Teenage boys and their hormones, they should be tagged with a health warning. I was glad when the final bell of the day rang.
Grabbing my bag I headed home, I started to feel the effects of the day, and really starting to crave the need for blood.
I didn’t expect to see Yas waiting outside the school for me, standing there leaning up the wall, my breath caught, and I admit, my heart pathetically raced, as he waved for me to join him.
As I approached a native Indian woman pulled up next to him and ordered him to get in the car, she was beautiful, her hair matched Yas’s long and deep black, her eyes were a deep chocolate brown but the way she gazed at me, chilled me to the bone. It was a warning, a warning that confused me; did she know what I was?
Yas gave her a confused look but obeyed and climbed in the car, he waved to me shyly, trying to hide his embarrassment. Struck by confusion I waved pathetically back as I watched them drive off at a dangerously speed.
Finally able to move I headed home, I almost growled as I saw Gareth drive pass with one of the cheerleaders from my gym class.
I walked home slightly quicker than I normally would have, with the confusion from Yas’s mother’s reaction and my temper at my brother.
Walking through the doors of my new home, I headed to the front room where I found my mother.
“How was your first day honey?”
She was sitting reading one of her favourite books, as I slumped down next to her on the long sofa.
“Don’t even go there mother,” I sighed.
“Aww it couldn’t have been that bad?” she answered half concerned half lost in her book.
“No mother it was fine honest...I’m going to grab something to eat and crack on with my coursework, ok?” she just nodded drawn back into her book, I lightly kissed her on her head and left the room.
Grabbing a light snack and a small glass of blood, I headed to my room. I sat at my laptop for a few hours drafting Mr Dean’s project, before I got bored and gave up.
I decided to call it a night, changing into my pyjamas I went to bed. Another night of howling wind and pelting rain I soon fell asleep.


Chapter 3 - Mutual Attraction

The following months passed by so quickly, and my family and I had settled well in Port Townsend, amazingly well too.
Gareth had got into the football team alongside the gorgeous Yas; and my father was now part of the Council.
The council contain immortals and Were beasts alike; they set the rules for us all to abide by. They are very much like the police, basically they are to us all, and if we broke any of the rules they will and without mercy punish us.
Father was very low down in the ranks he is relative young in comparison to the higher ranking council members, he is only 632 years old, and no one is quite sure how old the highest ranking member is.
He had literally taken his role very seriously, he constantly rambled on about new decisions the council members were discussing and possible changes in the law, one I found myself cringing at was “arranged marriage,” Father was thrilled with this and they are all seriously considering it, to help the immortal population. Like we needed it.
Mother was lost in her writing; her latest novel was taking up all her time, so she were literally lost in her fantasy world, only rising from her work when she was desperately thirsty for blood.
It isn’t the first time she has done this, she usually gets lost in her own little fantasy‘s for months on end, something Gareth and I got used to over the years.
I settled in ok, I still hadn’t made any friends, but I was comfortable with that.
I although had discovered my favourite spots in the local area, and when I needed alone time, the pebble beach that overlooked the tall lighthouse was my favourite of all. So secluded and full of wildlife and that’s where I could be found most days, when I was just out to daydream.
Yas still stared at me from time to time; sometimes I wasn’t sure it was me staring first or him. Gareth never told me the details in the end, but if Yas did find me attractive he hadn’t done anything to make me aware of that. So I gave up on the delusion, so I just enjoyed my physical attraction for him from a distance.


I just woken up and glanced out my window, the morning was better in some ways, the weather was overcast and the radio weather forecaster said that showers are to be expected on and off for most of the day. So I was glad I didn’t have to dress up so much to cover me from the winter sun.
On the negative side it was a school day still, so dragging myself out of bed I showered and dressed ready for the dreaded day ahead. I decided to wear my short sleeve white t-shirt and new light blue hipster jeans.
I knew the weather was turning wintry but we don’t feel the cold like humans do so I didn’t have to wrap us to much, mother bought me the jeans apparently these are the latest craze. My mother had purchased them for me while she was out shopping one of the few times she escaped her little study to shop. Trying to make it easier for me to fit in no doubt. Strangely they did feel rather comfortable, not like the usual denim, they were slightly softer.
Grabbing my light weight jacket, I headed for school.
Gareth agreed to drop me off a few streets away because of the weather, which was a surprise for me, that he would even consider it. Normally he would make me walk to school, but the last few weeks he had been dropping me off a few streets away, very out of character for him.
He drove like a mad man, well its nothing new he always drove a little chaotic, and I was glad when he finally dropped me off on Garfield Street.
I walked briskly to school; with the stupid illusion the quicker I got there the quicker it will be over.
Finally walking through the school corridors I strolled into my first lesson as the bell rung.
I was happy to see that Yas, looking just as luscious has he always been. Today he was wearing a short sleeve black v-neck top, and loose black faded jeans, I found my mouth watering at his image.
Tearing my eyes from him, I took a seat at my now usual spots, the back of the class, furthest anyway from the windows. Nobody usually sits with me, and this suited me fine, I can normally deter people from me with just a glance, and after spending two months already at this high school, nobody apart from Yas, was I even remotely interested in saying more than two words to.
I settled down, draping my jacket over my chair and reaching down to my bag to grab my pad and pen, when I heard the chair next to mine being dragged out. I was shocked when I looked up and saw Yas had joined me at my desk.
“Do you mind if I join you?” he asked.
Like the pathetic fool I was I just nodded and shrugged my shoulders in a casual way trying to hide the fact I were unable to speak, as his superb tenor voice knocked me speechless.
He smiled and sat down leaning back casually, he smelt wonderful, masculine, with a scent of aftershave and hint of soap. I pulled myself together and placed my books on the desk.
I tried to concentrate on what was written on the board at the front of the class, but I was totally conscious of Yas, he was staring at me.
“Ermm... is there something wrong?” I asked secretly hoping I never had pen of my face of something in between my teeth
“Oh no, sorry, it’s’re... so amazingly beautiful, Carrie,” he replied in a seductive tone.
I instantly blushed, I felt the blood rush to my pale white cheeks, and felt my stomach flip with excitement, he found me attractive and it made my heart melt.
“Oh...thank you,” I replied shyly, I couldn’t hide my smile and the excitement in my eyes. He returned an awesome smile flashing his perfected formed white glistening teeth.
I was about to try and say something just as complimenting and intelligent, but I was interrupted by our supply teacher as she strolled in, carrying a huge bag full of text books. She had been in PTH for the past three weeks, and she seemed to always be staring at me as if expecting something.
She looked around mid forty, she was unnaturally attractive, tall, dark brunette with a hint of greying hair, what got me most was her eyes; they had a slight purple colouration, I knew she was a pureblood.
I was slightly taken back that Port Townsend high school had purebloods working on their staff payroll; father hadn’t mentioned that the council were allocating jobs in the schools. Normally we Vampires worked in less crowed facilities, I wondered if they even knew what she was.
Mrs Demurray approached our desk, “Miss Smyth, Mr. Springwater, I think it be wise if you two were separated whilst in my class, Mr. Springwater you can seat over there by Shanice.” She indicated to the front of the class.
I was appalled and instantly raged I stood up to confront her “what do you mean by separating us? What have we done that’s caused you to have reasons to be concerned?” I was infuriated by her, why was she being so disrespectful.
Yas stood up next to me towering over us both; Mrs. Demurray took a step back as she felt panicked “good!” I thought so she should.
What surprised me was that Yas grabbed his bag and turned to me and said “don’t worry Carrie, it’s not you she has the problem with, I will chat to you after class,” he turned and headed over to sit by shanice giving Mrs. Demurray a cold glare as he passed her.
The evil woman continued the lesson; I tried not to glance over in Yas’s direction throughout the whole hour.
I was surprised that Yas wanted to speak me after class, since his mother pulled up and demanded he get into the car he hadn’t said anything to me since.
I wasn’t sure whether it was the drone of her voice or the fact I was made to feel like a 12 year old separated for no reason at all, but the lesson seemed to drag on.
Finally at last, the bell rang and I was up out my seat and almost out the door when I heard the teacher call me back.
“Miss Smyth, may I have a word with you please?”
Sighing I turned round and watched the class walk past me, Yas stared at me and nodded as he also walked past me and left. Finally alone she leant against her desk folding her hands together and rested them on her lap as she began her lecture
“Carrie-Ann, as a member of the pureblood council and a member of the staff here, it’s my duty to officially inform you about dating and possible cross breeding.”
I was absolutely gob smacked, what the hell “I beg your pardon?” I said shocked “how did you get from a couple of students sitting together for class, into the subject of cross breeding? Are you insane? And do you make it a habit going round cornering purebloods about their dating status and choice of partner?”
I couldn’t believe the woman and her nerve
“Carrie-Ann it’s not a lecture, I’m just looking out for your well being and that of our society, I don’t want you to make a it prevention,” she continued in a pompous tone
“Prevention, I call it bloody insanity! Now if that’s all I’m going to be late for my next lesson!” I shouted not caring who she was; all I knew was this woman was ludicrously insane.
I stormed out the class without giving her chance to respond, how she dare make assumptions from, well nothing. Poor Yas he really thought it was something to do with him, how can I explain it’s not him; it’s me, the fact that I am a vampire.
I didn’t realise Yas was waiting around the corner for me and I almost stumbled into him again.
“Oh, hi!” I said, shocked by the look of concern on his face.
“Are you ok? You look as though you have been crying your eyes look slightly bloodshot,” he asked me as he reached up and cupped my face. His hands felt warm, and they felt as though they belonged there, his face was full of concern.
I knew instantly what the problem was, my eyes must be changing shade to their most natural colour red, most likely due to the fact my temper went with Miss Dulally (my new nickname for her).
“No, I'm fine, just my eyes feel a little sore I will be ok,”
I tried to change the subject I didn’t want him to be too aware of my eyes, “have you been waiting for me?” I continued, trying to be as nonchalant as possible.
“Yes...Well, as long as you’re sure,” he answered; he wasn’t convinced I could tell by the way he looked at me.
“Yes, honestly I’m fine, Miss Dulally just gave me a lecture course work and this year’s targets,” I explained.
I hoped that the little white lie would be enough, he laughed at my new nickname I gave the witch.
As his gorgeous laugh settled he began to look really nervous, he nervously raked his hands through his long black hair as he stared at me, I tried once more to read his thoughts but again as I expected nothing.
“So... I was wondering would you like to hang out sometime?” he nervously asked, my heart skipped
“I would love to!”I answered quickly. I was unable to hide the excitement in my voice; he smiled and draped his arm around my shoulders as he led me outside for our first break.
We sat on the on the damp grass behind the tall trees that faced the baseball field, he past me a coke as he sat down
“Ermm... I wanted to apologise for my mother from before you know, she was in one of her little moods,” he said quietly looking away as If he was ashamed.
It wasn’t as if I had forgotten the incident but the fact he brought it up confirmed my deep inner thoughts that it were obviously about me.
“It’s ok, my mother gets the same now and again, but if you don’t mind, what was it about? Was it me?” I replied, I wondered if he would tell me.
He looked away again, as if he didn’t want to answer, “No honestly, it was more to do with me than you,” he looked back at me and smiled
“So where do you want to go?” he instantly changed the subject and that was fine with me I didn’t really want to have it confirmed that his mother didn’t like me for whatever reason she had.
“What about the pizza factory down by the harbour? I heard it’s pretty good.” I suggested.
I was kind of glad of the subject change, I didn’t like seeing him nervous, I loved his smile and the way his eyes held mine as if he was searching my soul and loving what he found there.
“Yeah, sure...ok Friday? About 7 o’clock?” he replied.
“Cool, here’s my number, in case you change your mind,” I said as I scribbled my mobile number on a scrap of paper I pulled off the back of my pad.
As I handed him the piece of paper our hands brushed, I loved the feel of his soft skin, it shouldn’t be so soft, and it was like warm silk. I blushed when he glanced up smiling at me, my heart skipped as I looked into his usual blue eyes.
“I wouldn’t hold your breath Carrie, I have no intentions of cancelling, I have been meaning to ask you out for a while, but I just didn’t know how you would react, I seen you with the other guys in our year,”
It was true, most of the lads in PTH had asked me out over the last month or so, but I refused and I think now looking back I may have been a tad harsh with some.
“Yas, you’re the only one I have been interested in,” I said trying to prove to him how much he appealed to me.
His beaming smile was wonderful, I couldn’t help but smile back, he draped his long arm around my shoulders and I leant my head on his shoulder as we watched the baseball team practice.
I inhaled deeply, Yas’s scent was wonderful, and I was savouring the scent so I could revisit the memory of the smell later when I would be without him.
We both sat there for what seemed like hours, I felt so comfortable around him and I gave up trying to read his mind completely.
After a while we had to leave for our next class. He stood up and helped me up by holding my hand he leant down and picked up my bag, then as He turned to me I expected him to do something there was a glint in his eyes, but the bell rang for next lesson interrupting his move.
He shook his head and then he cupped my face and leaned in and kiss me softly on my pale cheek, my skin tingled where his soft lips kissed me, and I blushed, my heart raced dangerously high.
He laughed at my reaction and pulled away as he put his arm around my waist as he led me back into the school. My heart was racing the whole time.
We walked in silence down the corridors, which were filled with students rushing to the next lessons; I reached the door to my next class when Yas pulled me in to his arms.
He kissed me softly but passionately on the lips, the feelings I felt at the moment were new and so overwhelming I had never ever been kissed like this before. His taste was wonderful, and I could barely taste the lingering cherry cola he drank back at the fields.
The heat from his body as mine pressed against his sent my heart into mini spasms. He released me slowly and I saw that we shared the same excitement in each other’s eyes as mine reflected back in his stare.
In the corner of my vision I saw Gareth watching me, his face was furious I heard him hiss all the way across the corridor.
I pulled up quick out of Yas’s arms, as he too turned to the sound of Gareth as he came storming over in a slightly faster speed than a human.
I noticed that Yas’s eyebrows dipped down as he acknowledged Gareth’s speed and temper, and I was well aware of the students and teachers alike turned to see what the commotion was.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing? Get your hands off her!” Gareth yelled.
His eyes were almost on the verge of changing colour and his face was bright red in temper, he didn’t seem to care about the huge audience that was gathering.
“Gareth, who do you think you are? This has nothing to do with you, just back off!” I shouted back. What was with everyone today, it seemed as though I was getting verbally attacked by everyone, me and Yas have a mutual attraction, but what was it to do with anyone else?
Yas held his arms up and stood in between me and Gareth as if he was protecting me. “Gareth, mate, I like Carrie, I thought you knew?” Yas said politely but firmly, he never argued back as I expected
“Yeah well so does half of the school, yet I don’t see any of them trying their sleazy moves out, only you and I thought you also understood she’s off limits MATE!” Gareth replied sarcastically and pushed Yas across the corridor.
Yas straightened himself out, for a split second I thought I saw some sort of animal characteristics in his eyes.
Through temper his jaw clench shut and his hands fisted next to his side as if he was refraining himself from losing it.
I stood frozen to the spot, I was sure they were both about to fight, and I knew deep down no matter how big and muscular Yas was he was no match for Gareth. Gareth would be able to him kill in a heartbeat because of his immortal strength.
I couldn’t believe Gareth had gone so far.
Yas straightened himself up and shook his head he seemed if he was trying to clear his thoughts and calm himself, I relax a touch.
“I’m not going to fight you Gareth!” he said looking directly at Gareth.
Gareth laughed at the idea that Yas could fight him at any chance.
Yas turned to me and looked deep in my eyes “I will ring you later Carrie.” Yas said, he voice was almost a whisper, he looked down in shame as he spoke, I watched him walk away, I felt a lump rise in my throat as my temper rose. Gareth was still laughing at Yas as he walked away.
I was so angry I could feel my fangs trying to descend; I pushed Gareth and yelled “just get out my life! It’s nothing do with you who I date, do I ever butt into your affairs?”I never gave him chance to argue back, I stormed out the school as fast as I could without drawing too much attention.


I didn’t want to go home yet, I had to calm down, and so I went to my favourite spot the beach, which overlooks the lighthouse.
I sat on the damp pebbles as I watched the sky darkening in the distance. The rain that was forecast looked as though it were definitely on its way.
I sighed to myself as I thought about Gareth and Miss Dulally’s comments today, in my whole existence I have never been attracted to anyone, never dated, not even flirted, so why is everyone jumping on the bandwagon.
I watched as the eagles flew low over the sea, and in the distance I could see the small Orca whales.
There were a small family of them. The locals regularly took boat rides to watch and study the small family.
I watched how peaceful they were and closely they played together the scene was lovely and calming. but not enough.
No matter how hard I tried to calm down I couldn’t shake my temper I knew my eyes were probably red by now, so I removed my sunglasses from my inside pocket and popped them on, it would probably be best if I headed home. Especially how the weather was changing I could sense a storm in the area and the animals around me were acting strange. Whether it was down to me being the most highly predator on the beach or the storm that was brewing in I wasn’t sure.
I got up and brushed myself down I glanced back at the Orca’s one last time as I turned and walked slowly all the way back.
I loved the smell of the beach and the surrounding wood lands I tried to use the scents to calm me down but it was a pointless effort I knew father would be angry that I walked out of school, rowed my brother and one of his precious council members, but at the moment I just couldn’t take any more lectures.
I opened my front door removed my jacket and shoes that were now dripping from the cold winter rain and headed to the kitchen, grabbing two blood bags from the fridge. I heard my father call me from upstairs, I scowled as I heard the angry tone in his voice “looks like there’s definitely a lecture on the way,” I thought to myself
I filled a glass and warmed it up as he stormed into the kitchen; I rolled my eyes prepared for the storm that was about to hit.
He stormed into the kitchen slamming the door across the wall as he pushed it open and his every foot step seemed amplified in the quiet kitchen; I carried on filling the second glass with blood when he began.
His eyes were raged and his face was bright red, his deep vein in his neck bulged; it was a deep purple colour.
I haven’t seen father this angry since Gareth smashed the carriage in a canyon when were mere toddlers so to speak
“What the bleeding hell is going on with you Carrie-Ann, this is the sort of behaviour I expect from Gareth, explain yourself this instant!” he shouted. His hair was dishevelled I could tell he had been stressing and raking his hands through it.
“What’s there to explain, Gareth acted like a complete fool, attacking a Yas in front of everyone, no regard for human life, for me or the rules your precious council set!” I replied in the same angry tone
The microwave rang to let me know it was finished I removed my drink and drank it in one, I placed the second glass and set the timer as I watched my father’s features change from red to purple, his eyes were always a burgundy red , now were truly scarlet in colour and he looked evil.
“Are you dating a human!” he demanded
“No I’m not! And I’m not dating anyone for that matter... don’t you think you’re a little prejudice, it’s ok for Gareth to go round sleeping with all the cheer leaders and what have you, but as soon as one boy takes one bit of notice in me then all hell explodes! Where’s the fairness in that dad?”
My second glass just finished in the microwave I grabbed it out and slammed the door shut that hard that the microwave window cracked, damn, mother wasn’t going to be pleased.
“Well we aren’t discussing Gareth; we all know he doesn’t take these relationships with these, these girls,” he started to stammer
I knew I was going to win as soon as I pulled the Gareth card out the bag.
Gareth had been sleeping around with humans since, he was 50 years old, and continued to do so over the centuries, how he managed not to impregnate anyone was beyond me, yet I was still a virgin, I hadn’t even been kissed up till today, never mind anything else and this is why I was so angry at everyone for going mad at me for absolutely nothing.
“Well I want you to keep away from this Yas or whatever his name is,” he told me, it wasn’t a request it was a demand his hands were on his hips and he looked down at me with pure wrath his eyes.
That was it my temper reached boiling point, I felt my eyes change to a glowing red, everything I saw now was if I was wearing red tinted glasses, my fangs scraped my lower lip causing small grazes where blood instantly appeared as they descended
“How dare you! I am not a child anymore; I can speak to who I want to! And I will date who the hell I want to as well the same way you allow Gareth to be the local tramp!” I hissed at him
“I forbid it and that’s it end of discussion, if you disobey me you will not like the consequences!” his temper matched mine but his fangs were more impressive than mine.
I flinched as he slammed his fist against the marble granite counter which snapped in two followed by the sound of crashing plates and cutlery over the floor.
I gave up and stormed out the kitchen, I raced up the stairs leaving a shadowing blur from my image as I sped at my normal immortal speed; I slammed my bedroom door that hard I almost knocked it off its hinges, the windows vibrated by the impact.
I threw myself onto my bed, trying to calm myself down, I could hear my blood pumping through my veins, my heart palpitating through my temper.
I could hear people walking in the park, their footsteps on the wet earth, the raindrops pelting off their coats, their slow calm heart beats and their mild tones of their voices through their pathetic little conversations.
I wanted to hunt them, something I haven’t wanted to do since my early days. My temper was dangerously high.
I turned to my stereo and turned my music up full blast, trying to drown out the heart beats of passers-by; I sat on my bed, and drank the last of the blood from my glass. I dry heaved as it was slightly cooler than I anticipated, but hopefully regardless, the extra blood intake would help me calm down.
After a few minutes, I felt my fangs return to their normal position, and the colours in my room were becoming more natural, my breathing had calmed down. Yet I still felt angry, I wanted to cry, I felt so low and depressed, and I just wanted today to end.
Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worst, I heard Gareth pull up in the Jeep. Not even a second later he was at my bedroom door knocking.
“Can I come in please Carrie?” he asked through the door
“Go away Gareth I don’t want to speak to you right now!” I viciously spat at him, wishing my words could slice him with the venom I felt for him at the moment.
I could still sense him waiting for me to open the door, well he was going to be in for a long wait there was no way could I open that door and act civil.
“Carrie please,” he begged, I heard his head lean against the door as he spoke, I was adamant I wasn’t going to have him in this room while I was so close to attacking anyone.
I heard him move away and I took a deep breath with relief, I hated losing my temper, and I am not violent ever, I usually took things in my stride, but the way everyone turned on me as If I was an irresponsible teenager infuriated me. I have always been a good daughter, always worked hard, and I always obeyed every rule set. I had never given my family or the council any reasons not to trust my judgement or attack my actions; I have never had my father rage at me like that before.
I was lost in my own thoughts I didn’t acknowledge Gareth’s return this time he never knocked he stormed in to my room knocking the door clean off its hinges.
I stood up and glared at him, my teeth automatically descended over my lower lip, fresh droplets of blood dripped from them over my chin as they grazed my lips.
“I asked you nicely and you ignored my plea like a five year old, now you will listen to me!” he shouted
I wasn’t afraid of Gareth like I was father, even though I knew Gareth once had been a Vampire warrior alongside father against the part bloods, but I wasn’t going to back down and be threaten especially in my own home by my own family.
“How dare you!” I hissed back.
The room faded once more to the tint of red I now saw through my eyes.
“Baby sister, do you really want to attack me?” he spoke as if he questioned my sanity, I knew my thoughts were now projecting as my temper went, and his pompous tone wasn’t helping.
“Do not patronise me Gareth, and get out now!”
“Don’t you think your acting rather immaturely?”
I was raging more, how dare he continue to patronise me with egoistic attitude.
“Gareth just piss off, I am in no mood to talk to you right now, between you, the council and father I don’t think I can take any more so BACK OFF!” I shouted with an acid tone.
I never ever swore in my two hundred years, I was to lady like and mother bought me up with better manners than that, but he angered me so much by his very presence I just couldn’t help myself.
I caught a slip of his thoughts, he wanted to calm me down, and I laughed darkly at the idea, they always said I should toughen up and fight my battles and learn to defend myself, well I was about to show him I could.
“Carrie, you don’t understand, please calm down, let me explain,” he said calmly with his hands up as in a gesture of peace.
“Sod you!” I thought. “Well maybe you should have taken me to one side and explained instead of being the pompous bully you are!” I said in spite.
I didn’t want his explanations now, it was too late the damage was done, he betrayed me and embarrassed me in front of the whole school, and now the council was going to act on our outburst no doubt especially that Gareth attacked a human, and father was already outrage at me because I, well because of me speaking to a human.
“Bully, he asked for it!”He replied in his smug voice.
That did it, I leapt at him in one strike, aiming for his throat I wanted to dig my teeth in and ripped it open, for years he had taunted me over being the weakest out of us all, now I wanted payback.
But he was prepared for me and slammed me down in a clasp iron brace, and held me tight, I felt my ribbed cage closing and my lungs fighting for breath as I struggled to break free of his grasp.
“Carrie for the love of all that’s pure and good please calm down, I am asking you as your brother to listen to me, Yas is not for you, please keep away, this is for your own safety, please sister,” his tone was mild and pleading. This shocked me and stopped me in mid struggle, I read his thoughts and he was being genuine.
He slowly released me giving me a warning stare, till he finally got up, I sat there on the floor, ruffled up in our little wrestling match.
“Please leave me alone Gareth.” I asked, giving up, I felt my body shake as the tears were about to come.
I didn’t hear him leave; I got up and sat on my bed as I continued to cry.


I didn’t notice the night descend I realised I must have been crying for a while.
I still was none the wiser for my families out bursts, I just didn’t understand.
I got up and went to my bathroom to rinse my face, my eyes were blood shot, but thankfully back to their natural tone. I quickly rinsed the cold water over my face and soothing my tired and blushed cheeks, when I heard my mobile vibrate in the next room. Confused to who would be sending me a text, I walked back to my room drying my face on the way.
I lifted the door back up and swiftly fixed the hinges, it wasn’t perfect but it would do for now, I needed privacy from preying eyes and ears.
I turned and picked up my phone and read the text message, it was off Yas asking if it was ok if he could phone me. My heart stuttered with excitement, at least he wasn’t scared off and I desperately needed to hear a kind voice, and I realised in that second it was Yas I needed.
I didn’t text him back instead I called him, I hit return call on my mobile and waited impatiently for his answer, I didn’t have to wait long, the second ring and he answered his superb tenor voice greeted me on the other end.
“Carrie, I’m so glad you called, are you ok?” he asked in a rush, I could tell he was relieved to get my call.
“Hi Yas, yes... I’m ok, don’t worry, I just had to leave early I couldn’t handle Gareth,” I explained.
“When I heard you walked out the school Carrie, I was worried sick, I didn’t know where you would have gone, I didn’t know whether you would still want to see me. I don’t want to come between you and your family Carrie,” again he spoke in a rushed way; I could almost hear his heart break at the thought of me choosing to ignore him.
“Yas, I want to be with you, I have from the very first moment I saw you that morning on my first day at school, don’t you remember?”
He laughed and sighed in relief “of course I remember I still have the bruise,”
“Can you sneak out?” he added
“Ermm yeah sure, where do you want to meet?” I asked.
I have to admit I was slightly thrilled at the idea of sneaking out to meet Yas.
“How about... Chetzemoka Park? By the small bridge?”
“Yeah I know it, I’ll meet you there in five minutes ok?”
“Sure, see you there.” Then the phone line was dead.
I quickly applied some make up, and changed my clothes into more suitable style for the weather.
I grabbed my thick coat out my wardrobe, and I locked my bedroom door and I turned my stereo on and turned the volume down to low mellow back ground noise in case anyone try to disturb me while I was absent from my room.
I turned and climbed out my bedroom window pushing it shut slightly so I could get back when I returned. Silently I jumped from my window sill, down to my side of our front garden; I paused for a few seconds to check to see if anyone had noticed. Happy that no one had I sprinted as fast as I could in the shadows to the park.
I slowed down once the bridge came into view and walked in a normal humans pace.
I leaned against the dark wooden bridge, I was dripping wet the rain was coming down really heavy I wanted to find shelter, but I wanted to wait for Yas.
After a few minutes I heard heavy footsteps running up to me, my heart raced as I turned and saw Yas, his long hair was soaked and sticking to his face, he looked wonderful, his cheeks were slightly flushed from the run.
As he approached me his smiled reached his eyes, he grabbed me and swung me round in a bear hug, I giggled as he kissed me my cheeks repeatedly
“I’m so glad you made it!” he said excitedly. I laughed “would I let you down?” I asked
He looked down and stared at me again, deep into my eyes, and I looked up to meet his stare, the rain poured down over my face yet I never blinked I was scared of missing a moment his beautiful blue eyes.
He leaned even closer, concentrating deeply into my eyes, and then his eyes closed as his lips met mine. I couldn’t control my actions; I thrust my hands through his wet hair and wrapped my body around him as our tongues danced. I never felt anything like it before, our bodies fitted together.
I felt our hearts race as our months moved in synchronisation and our tongues danced, he tasted like nothing I have ever imagined before. Gasping as he released me, and I stumbled I struggled to capture my breath, Yas seemed to struggle to.
“We need to find shelter before you catch your death,” he whispered, all I could do was nod and let him lead me to the small gathering of trees on the far side. I could smell the salty air from the neighbouring beaches as we came into the shelter of the tall thick trees. Most of the trees had lost their leaves due to the winter season, but they were so close together the formed a natural woven roof covering us for the first winter storm.
I leaned against a tree I could feel the rough bark through my coat as I leant back. Yas looked at me; his image was perfect his muscles seemed to stand out more through his wet clothes even more so than I ever noticed before.
He moved slowly like a predator after his prey as in he moved into me again.
I noticed his scent was more potent when he was wet, just him being so close sent a thrill down my spine and my heart swell with an excitement I had never felt before.
“Carrie since the day you ran into me literally... you changed my world; all I can ever think about is you, I'm drawn to you, it’s almost like your soul calls to me”
The way my heart swelled with them words that he spoke I knew in an instant he was being honest and speaking from his soul.
“Yas, I didn’t think you felt the same way, I too feel that way,” I said with a smile. We couldn’t speak anymore words, I felt the urge to kiss him again, he must have felt the same way because our lips instantly met and we fell back into the passion of the kiss.


Chapter 4 -Premonition

I snuck home swiftly and managed to get back in before anyone noticed I was gone.
I decided to have a shower, as I was soaked through from the rain but I didn’t want to lose Yas’s scent off my clothes. I ran myself a shower, and stepped in, I didn’t realise how cold I must have been the water felt so hot on my skin, I closed my eyes as I tilted my face up to the spray from the shower. I was imagining Yas’s lips on my neck, and the good bye kiss he gave me when I left and his promise of ringing me first thing in the morning.
My heart tightened with the images of Yas, and the way the water felt as it ran down my back reminded me of his tender touches and then it hit me. I was more than in love with Yas and he was with me, I found my soul mate. That’s why I couldn’t read his thoughts that’s why our mutual attraction was so strong we had a bond we both felt it, and that’s when I realised no one will ever will stop us being together ever.
I quickly finished my shower and dried my hair, I dressed in my pyjamas and climbed into bed and I grabbed my phone and text Yas, “good night, I love you.” I typed and sent it with a kiss, almost instantly I received a text back from saying “good night baby, can’t wait till tomorrow, love you too.”
I smiled and rolled over into my bed and stared at my phoned till the light died out and I fell asleep with a smile on my face.
I knew I was dreaming, yet I couldn’t wake myself, I was walking along the wooden bridge in Chetzemoka Park, the same bridge where I met Yas earlier, but it felt different, not as if I was waiting excitingly for my lover but more like an impending doom, an impossible fight, that I knew I couldn’t win, as if I knew I was going to die.
It was early evening, the sun was just setting and the air felt damp from an earlier rain shower, the leaves were full in the tree’s and I could hear them rustling above me, I could hear small animals scurrying past, and the occasional hoot from an owl in the distance.
It must have been early spring as the air felt slightly warmer than this afternoon, not that it helped me with my feelings of dread.
I tried to grab the last bit of warmth from the setting sun; the chill in the air wasn’t just from the weather it was more to do with the feelings of dread I felt, my fear was confirmed when all went silent, the animals that I was just listening to seem to disappear. No more hoots or scurrying footsteps, just a deadly silence, just the noise from the trees as they softly danced in the breeze.
I began shaking with fear, the darkness seemed to descend over me as if someone was dimming the lights, and I sensed that I wasn’t alone.
I could smell the stench of body odour mixed with dry stale blood, several types blending with the acidy smell, with an added fresh scent of blood, slightly sweeter but it was tainted with the mixed bloods and body odour it made my stomach turn.
It seemed closer than I expected, the rancid smell seemed to get stronger as the chilly breeze hit me, it made my stomach turn even more, my mouth watered as if I was going to vomit.
I never thought death had such a rancid smell, I always imagined it would be sweeter not so revolting.
I spun around suddenly when hearing slight shuffling of feet and paws behind me, my heart leapt into my throat and my blood ran cold as I saw several things simultaneously at once. Yas’s mother screaming in rage, pulling at her long black hair shaking as she was standing in the shelter where Yas and I confessed our love, the fear in her eyes scared me beyond belief, and two part bloods covered in blood, their faces were almost completely concealed by the matted blood.
Their clothes were torn and filthy, I found the source of the retched smell it was them, one female and one male. they flashed an evil smile at each other as they turned quickly and looked towards a huge bush about twenty feet away from me, I followed their stare and that’s when I felt my heart accelerate and my blood turned to ice.
My heart it felt as though it came to a sudden stop as if someone froze it.
It was the most horrific image I saw; it was that of my white wolf.
He came out limping and yelping, staggering slowly, walking unevenly, His white soft fur was matted together in blood, his back leg seemed twisted in an unnatural way, he held it up, unable to put any weight on to it, and his breathing scared me more than anything else, it was ragged and uneven.
I gasped as I saw the bastards attacked my wolf again. The two part bloods charged at him, they moved so quickly he had no chance to escape, they knocked him to the ground, the sounds of their bodies colliding with him sent a chill down my spine, and it was like huge boulders smashing together.
They laughed as they battered his body, and bit and tore at his back and neck, the blood was horrendous as so was the howls of pain, I was frozen to the spot, unable to move, my temper rising.
It was literally seconds, but it felt like everything was going in slow motion, and then finally as though they were bored they ripped his throat open and drank his blood.
The male was toying and poking his long dirty blood stained fingers into the wolf’s injuries as he drank, they didn’t even seem aware that Yas’s mother and myself was there. We both were staring in horror and disbelief as they drank from his open wounds.
Yas’s mother screamed she wasn’t close enough to save the wolf. I couldn’t understand why she never ran in fear before they turned on her.
The male part blood lifted his head as her scream distracted him from his feed.
My stomach turned as I saw the white wolf’s flesh hanging from his mouth, a slow wide smile stretched over his face as he looked at her, instantly I knew she was going to be next, he spat the piece of flesh to the ground and stood up in a crouch ready to pounce at her.
I tried to run to her to protect her, but my body felt sluggish, my legs still unable to move properly, it was like I was running through thick wet sand I couldn’t get any traction. I tried calling to her to run, but she acted as though she never acknowledge me, and then I witnessed something that terrified me more than the part bloods. I watched her body shake with temper, and then she leapt at the male one of the part bloods changing mid flight into the black wolf I had seen so many times.
Her eyes were pitch black, soulless, but full of rage, she sprinted at the male, his face filled with a taunting grin, he seemed to want the battle, the blood lust was driving him crazy, he crouched down further ready to pounce at her.
I wanted to close my eyes, no way could she take on a part blood, their strength, their speed and they psychotic tendencies she wouldn’t stand a chance.
I screamed again “NOOOO!” but the sound was drowned by the taunted laughter of the female.
In one leap she knocked the part blood male flying they rolled across the grass I heard the screams of pain as she tore through his flesh, the sound of crushing and snapping bones as she battered his bloody body, her growls and teeth slamming together, then the female part blood, stood up as she too watched the battle, her crazed eyes danced with the movements of the fight.
Her body moving in a low crouch, as if she was eager to join the blood bath, she never took her eyes off the wolf.
Just when the male screamed so loud that I had cover my ears to drain out the sound of his pain. When he fell silent, she crouched down further to attack the black wolf while her body was turned away.
My fangs fully descended in rage, no way was I going to let them attack her while back was turned especially.
I felt the adrenalin rush through my blood, melting the cold ice it felt earlier, now it burned, and burning blood full of anger raced through my body, fuelling my rage.
The scene before me went a tinted red as my eyes changed to my natural vampire shade of red, all the objects around me were now deep burgundy’s and red shades.
I turned to look at my wolf that lay dying, his blood looked black, my rage finally peeked as I saw the white wolf shudder and sigh one last breath as he died.
A piecing scream was echoed off the tree tops, the remaining birds that surrounded me fled in fear, only then did I realise it was my scream.
Yas’s mother paused as she seemed to sense the white wolf had left us in spirit, she threw her head back and let out a howl of pain and lost.
I had not ever felt anything like it before, I wanted to wake up now the feeling an ultimate lost caused gaping hole in my heart, and the pain in my chest was unbelievable as though I had been staked through the heart with a red hot poker.
I turned to the female part blood and I didn’t even think about what I was going to do, I knew I wasn’t violent but the rage I felt was too potent and strong for me to fight, I needed to release my wrath on this evil bitch.
I attacked without thought to the last standing part blood just as she leapt at the black wolf; I met her head on in mid air, knocking her to the ground.
The sound of our collision ricocheted of the surrounding trees, it sounded like a deep roar of thunder.
I rolled with her as she tried to wrap her arms around me, I was stronger I pinned her down, using my knees pushing them deep within her rib cage, I felt them break under the force and then I bit into her throat tearing her flesh away. I could taste the bitterness of her warm blood as it soaked my lips and chin, hearing the sound of her flesh as I ripped it from her throat.
The way her blood squirted out from her jugular vein as it hit me in the face, felt a warm blood shower over my face as it ran down towards my neck.
Her gurgled screams made me even angrier I wanted her dead.
The sound of her skin as my fangs pieced her; it was like a stretching pop. I bit her arms as she tried to hit me, biting through the muscle and hitting the bone, I felt her bones crush under the force of my jaw as I continued to bite her arm and shoulders, tearing her arm from the socket, the click, twist and pop, echoed throughout the park she screamed in pain.
I spat it out on the ground next to us and I turned and snapped her other arm back, forcing it out of its socket, when I released it, it just swung lifeless at her side, only held together by her thin greying skin.
The feel of my teeth as their puncture her skin as I tore at her face felt like I was biting into rubber it was such a satisfying feeling to feel it the puncture and tear.
Her screams were deafening as I continued to pound and tear at her body, I never thought my rage was going to subside; every breath she breathed was like it was fuelling my temper.
I never felt such rage or hatred in my life and each punch I smashed into her body wasn’t satisfying enough for me, I wanted to pulverise her into nothing, no matter how hard I hit, how deep I bit into her it wasn’t bringing my wolf back, and I wanted her to feel each wound before I took her lastly worthless breath.
I turned for a brief second to make sure Yas’s mother was fine, I had a brief moment of relief when I noticed she had already demolished what was left of the other part blood, puddles of blood and body parts surrounded her and the part bloods torso lay on the floor in a disgusting heap, her long black fur was dripping with blood and her eyes were on me staring, they were still dark and soulless and full of hatred whether for me or the she part blood I couldn’t tell.
Finally I snapped the neck of the one I was holding, has if it was nothing more than a dried out twig, I could feel her neck bones grind together as I twisted them and then hearing the satisfying click as they snapped, she was instantly limp in my arms.
I threw her away from me with disgust and with so much force she smacked across the nearest tree, her back snapped as she almost folded round the tree and the sound was so high pitched the birds scattered from the tree tops a distance away, her body fell to the floor where she lay in a dishevelled heap, blood forming shallow puddles at her side.
Everywhere was silent for a few seconds all you could hear were the short deep ragged breaths coming from the black wolf and myself, and then the worst pain I ever felt exploded in my chest.
I couldn’t breathe as I felt the hot tears rinse my face of the bitch’s blood, I fell to my knees next to the white wolf, whose body was stained dark black from his blood and the dirt from the woods where he was attacked.
His beautiful face was battered and I could just see his perfect blue crystal eyes, but they were lifeless.
Crying I held him tightly to my chest and started rocking, my hands stroked the damp wet fur of his coat, but it felt wrong, he was no longer warm and soft he was cold and wet and almost solid.
I have never felt such abandonment in my existence, the white wolf died along with my heart.
I continued to cradle him rocking him slowly in my arms, whispering prayers in between my sobs, wishing I could turn back time and bring him back, wishing I could see him run past my window once more.
I didn’t notice Yas’s mother approaching in her human form until she stood before me and my wolf towering over us, with pure hatred in her eyes.
Her clothes were torn and hanging loosely, her hands were fisted as if she was planning to attack, she was still covered in blood and dirt, and her hair messed up and fell in knots covered in congealing blood and mud.
What scared me most were her eyes, they were still black and soulless and the hatred in them as she stared at me was beyond anything I had ever seen before.
Her mouth was covered in drying blood and she looked down on me with so much hatred I couldn’t hide the fear that ran down my spine and straight to the tips of my toes, as if someone a pour ice blood through my veins.
She turned at me and ripped the wolf from my arms, with such force I didn’t think it was possible, she was stronger than I anticipated.
She cradled him in her arms as if he was an infant, yet he was so huge against her small figure, she turned to me and looked even more evil than the part bloods “This is your entirely fault!” she shouted with bitter venom in her voice “I told you to stay away from him, it was your rotten scent that lead them to my boy, now he is gone!” and with that she dropped my wolf at her feet and lunged from my throat.


I instantly woke up, I screamed so loud that my parents and Gareth all simultaneously ran into my room, my fathers and Gareth’s fangs had descended and their fists were raise as if prepared for battle.
I couldn’t breathe my heart was racing and I was shaking so much, I reached for my neck , checking to make sure it was still in one piece, even when I found it was it didn’t give me a sense of relief.
My mother looked panic stricken as she sat on the edge of my bed, stroking the loose strands of my hair from my face. She cradled me and rocked me slowly as she stroked my back.
It reminded me of when I was a young girl and she used to cradle me when I woke from a nightmare, but this dream felt far worse than any dream I had before.
“It’s ok baby...breath...that’s it,” she said I complied the best I could “what happened?” she asked in a soothing calm voice.
I was still unable to talk I lowered my head on her shoulder and sobbed, I still felt a sense of abandonment, I grieved for my wolf I wanted to make sure he was ok, yet I knew it was a dream.
My mother ordered Gareth back to bed; he nodded with agreement casting one look of concern over me before he left my room.
My father spoke slowly and in calming way
“Baby, was it the white wolf?”
Shocked I looked up. “What? How did you know?” I stammered.
The earlier argument seemed so far aware now as if it never happened all I could see was the deep concern in his eyes.
He frowned and looked even more stressed as he answered “a few people on the council have had the same premonition baby, it wasn’t a nightmare”
I froze so this was something from the future, I had premonitions before but never so intense, usually they were something trivial, never a life and death moment.
“But it was my death also,” I replied so quietly it was almost a whisper
“I know baby, I saw it too,” my mother said as she slowly stroked my back, she looked down at me her wide eyes couldn’t hide the fear from me.
I felt so confused by it all, but then I realised for the first time, not only did I see my death, but also Yas was a Were wolf, and that his death I also witnessed.
I began to cry again, not because of the thought of myself dying, but that of Yas I didn’t want to think that this was a possibility of his impending death, I should have been distraught knowing I was in love with were wolf but I wasn’t, it was losing him that I was terrified of.
My father knelt down by my knees and rubbed my knees.
“Baby, don’t worry, just because so many of us had the premonition, doesn’t mean it will happen, we can prevent this,” I knew he was just trying to pacify me.
“I won’t let anything happen to you baby,” my mother spoke with strong conviction
“Is this why you were all so angry about Yas?”I asked.
Even though I knew the answer instantly, I sat up on my bed, I don’t know why but I felt a sense of anger.
I noticed that my father looked up to my mother and they both looked at each other as if they was having a conversation in their heads, my mother nodded and my dad took a deep breath as he sat up next to me on my other side.
“Yes baby, we have known for a long time about Yas, and that he is a wolf, that’s why I flipped out the way I did, I’m so sorry baby.” He explained his voice was almost a whisper.
So everyone knew Yas was a wolf yet I didn’t
“Does he know what we are?” I asked, suddenly I felt panicked what if he didn’t want me if he knew I was a Vampire.
The way I felt about him would never change, them last moments we had last night under the shelter where he confessed his love for me filled my heart, and how could I abandon him. My heart broke with the idea of going back to being strangers, I knew then I couldn’t.
“No baby, he doesn’t know, but his mother strongly suspects us,” my mother answered this time. My father looked away towards the window, he seemed in deep thought, I could tell he was about to say something I wasn’t going to want to hear.
“What are you hiding from me, dad?” I asked as I pulled away from my mother’s arms, as she tried to comfort me, it was obvious they were hiding something.
“Ok baby, calm down ok, just, we saw this coming, we know that if you continue to see Yas, this,” he was struggling with the words, I could see the pain in his eyes, “if you continue to see Yas, then the premonition will....happen,”
He looked down at his hands, they were fisted on his lap, I have never seen my father scared before, and even though I should share the same feeling of fear about my likely death , all I could feel was anger, there was no way I could walk away from Yas, especially now.
I knew if I voiced my thoughts it would end up in a row, so I just nodded with agreement. I didn’t want to carry on the discussion, I was angry everyone knew everything before I did, I was angry that they kept this from as if I was a stupid child unable to make rational decisions for myself, this was my life my future and most importantly my soul mate.
“I think I need to be alone,” I said, hoping they would leave me.
“Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it baby?” my mother seemed surprised about my request and her face was full of concern.
“What’s there to discuss mother, no disrespect, but you guys have had, what, weeks to come to terms with this, I’ve had what mere minutes, I need to be on my own, and I need to think this through.” I answered with an acid tone.
I didn’t want to snap at them but I was infuriated by them at the moment.
“Baby, I can’t let you see Yas again, do you understand, I won’t lose you like that, I still stand by my decision, and you are forbidden to see Yas again!” my father snapped at me in a bitter tone, his face was starting to change colour from the soft pale white to deep pink as his temper rose.
“Now honey, calm down, we can discuss this in the morning, I think Carrie-ann is right, we should leave her be for a while, let her think things through...come on,” my mother said as she stood up and reached for my father’s hand.
I could tell by her face she was in agreement with my father, but she also knew the more he pushed me into a corner I was more like to rebel.
My father rose from my bed giving me one long glance before he nodded and walked out my room.
“Try and get some rest Carrie, things will work out for the better, you’ll see.” She said as she kissed me softly on my head, she then turned and walked swiftly out my room shutting the door behind her.
I laid down back on my bed and stared out the window, I realised that the white wolf I had been secretly stalking was Yas, now I understood what he meant when he said he passed by my house daily.
Even though I couldn’t sense him in his wolf form, my subconscious must of known and that’s why I was strangely comforted by his howl.
Now I was panicking about how I was going to tell Yas I was a vampire, did he already suspect it because of his mother? Would he still want me like I wanted him?
I didn’t know how I was going to approach the subject, but I needed to tell him before we got any more serious.
The one thing I was worried about was if we decided it didn’t matter and that our love would be strong enough, then what, purebloods and Were beasts were suppose to stick to their own species, never in any of histories had there been a couple like us, I don’t even know if we are compatible and what about the consequences of us.
I knew the council will condemn our relationship, so maybe we would have to run away, leave Port Townsend, start a new somewhere different.
I felt my heart break at the thought of leaving my family, but the loss of my soul mate hurt more, I knew they would be angry and hurt by my actions, but I knew I would one day contact them and maybe one day me and Yas would be accepted.
First I had to speak to Yas, I was thinking way too far ahead, I needed to be sure he still would want me when he discovers I am part of his natural enemy, would he still love me.
I fell back to sleep worrying and with images of Yas saying good bye.

Chapter 5 – Confessions

I woke up later than I expected, I rushed my shower and dressed quickly, I planned to rush to school and confront Yas, he needed to know, we both needed to know one way or the other.
I decided if he didn’t want me I was going to leave Port Townsend anyway. In the premonition it was my scent that lead the part bloods to Yas, so if I got far away he would be safe regardless and that was more important than whether or not he wanted to be with me. I couldn’t function if I knew my existence caused his violent and vicious death.
I headed downstairs to grab a glass of blood, I noticed there must have been a late night delivery as the fridge was full of new blood bags, I grabbed one and pierced the bag and fill a sauce pan and put it on the hob on low heat.
Father had fixed the worked top, and the microwave that I broken yesterday had been removed from the kitchen, no doubt thrown out with the garbage.
I stirred the blood in the pan, trying to stop it from congealing, this was always a problem warming blood up by the hob, but I still couldn’t drink cold blood like Gareth.
As I was stirring I wondered whether my supplementary diet would bother Yas, no doubt it would, it’s one of the hugest disgusts the humans have about us Vampires, the fact that we drink blood.
I checked the temperature and was satisfied it was ok, I grabbed my glass and poured the warmed blood into it as my father walked into the kitchen.
He was still in his dressing gown and he didn’t look as though he slept a wink last night, his hair was all over the place and his dark burgundy eyes looked tired and shadowed from lack of sleep and worry.
I said a brief good morning as I sipped my drink, he nodded and grabbed some bread out the bread bin and popped them in the toaster as he switched on the coffee machine.
His face was still full of concern and worry, and then he turned and leaned against the counter as he spoke to me “Carrie, I spoke to the council last night about my fears for your safety, they have agreed with my decision to pull you out of school, there is no longer the need to keep up the pretence, your safety is top priority,”
I choked on my drink as I took the words in, he took me out of PTH without even discussing this with me, and did he seriously think I wouldn’t take special precautions after last night’s nightmare.
“Dad, do you think I would take unnecessary risks, knowing what I know now?”
“Baby, I know you better than yourself, I have watched you grow, since the day you were born, and I can see that you’re in love with this, this Yas!”
I could tell his temper was on the verge of exploding, I didn’t want to hurt him anymore. The pain he must be going through knowing and seeing constantly that his only daughter was going to be savagely killed only a few miles away from their family home.
“Dad your right I do love Yas, but I love you, mom and Gareth too, I’m not foolish, I’m not going to do anything that’s going to jeopardise Yas or myself or the safety of the community, you didn’t need to pull me out of school,”
“Well baby I can’t take that risk, you school was already informed this morning, the council met with Miss Demurray already this morning. The school staff and pupils won’t even remember you by 11 o’clock, they are sending in council members to wipe the memories of students and staff members. Your files have already been destroyed,”
I stepped back and gasped, I couldn’t believe the extremes then went to cover my identity, would they wipe Yas’s memory of me? my heart shattered into a thousand pieces of the thought of Yas not remembering me.
“You, you can’t do this dad! Don’t you think you’re overreacting slightly here, it was a premonition, nothing is concrete, how about finding out that these part bloods are and stopping them reaching Port Townsend before they attack!”
“We already know who they are; we just don’t know the exact time they plan to arrive in Port Townsend,”
This information shocked me, stunned me into silence.
“We will be keeping a close eye on you Carrie, whatever is the reason they are heading here, it’s strongly connected to you, and as your father I am taking no risks with your safety. You will be staying here constantly, one of us will be with you at all times, whether it’s your mother, Gareth or I, and there will always be someone around. Jenson is arranging council members to sit with you in times of our absences, but in the mean time you don’t go anywhere without my prior knowledge,” he added.
So now I was a prisoner in my own home, based on a premonition. I stared at him with my mouth open wide, I didn’t want to believe that he had gone so far and that he was prepared to keep me locked up like some frail human.
“You can’t keep me locked up dad, I’m 218 years old for crying out, and at some point in your life you’re going to have to trust me!”
“Like last night when you sneaked out?” he countered my argument. He had me and he knew it, I wasn’t aware that anyone knew that I snuck out, I shifted me feet as I looked up to him and said “That was before I knew dad, you can’t use that against me,”
“I will use whatever I can to keep you safe Carrie, this is the end of discussion, I need to go and prepare myself for the next meeting,” he leaned down and kiss me on top of my head as I was about to say something.
Before I had chance to counter his argument he was out the room and up the stairs with his toast and coffee.
I stood frozen in the kitchen, the glass in my hand shook with my temper.
Gareth had already left for school, so I went to find my mother to hear her thoughts on the subject.
I knew it was a wasted quest, father ruled our family, but mother occasionally spoke up if she thought father was a going overboard. And this was definitely a time he was going overboard borderline eccentric.
I found her in her study, the room was dark , the only light were that from her lap top, the curtains was still drawn and she was stilling wearing yesterdays clothes. She sat there typing with immense speed, lost in her thoughts she didn’t hear me walk in.
I sat down on the chair next to her desk, she nodded to let me know she acknowledge me and raised her index finger up to pause me as I was about to begin. I sighed and waited for her to finish typing her paragraph, she finally hit the save button and looked up from the screen at my face.
She looked as though she expected me and what I was about to complain about but it didn’t deter me.
“Mother I need your help, father has lost his mind, he has taken me out of PTH and he has arranged to wipe the memories of over 700 people, don’t you think this is a bit eccentric?”
I tried to remain calm, and polite, mother just looked at me with deep concern and fear in her eyes that she which she still held onto from the previous night. She looked down and stared at her hands, it looked as though she was trying to think of what to say in return, then she sighed deeply and shook her head
“Carrie-Ann, I don’t think you fully grasp the danger you are in” I went to interrupt but she held her hand up to stop me “I know you must feel betrayed and angry with us, for our actions sweet heart, but to date outside the species especially with a Were beast is something that would be catastrophic regardless of the premonition, and now because so many of us have had the same premonition, including Were beasts too, it’s extremely important that we take such strict plans to protect you...and Yas.”
I noticed when she added Yas’s name in at the end it had a bit of an acid tone to it, I sighed I knew it was a pointless quest she had sided alongside with father. I shook my head and got up from my chair.
“Carrie, one last thing before you leave,” she said sternly , I turned to stare at her, her eyes now were serious and I knew whatever she was about to say was just going to be the cherry on the cake for me.
“Please, do not risk sneaking out again, I won’t cover for you again, the risks are too high, and don’t be fooled for one minute that I am so preoccupied with my writing that I wouldn’t notice young lady, you will stick to the rules your father has set, do you understand?”
She looked at me seriously, I just nodded, I refuse to make promises that I couldn’t keep, I would do whatever I could to see Yas, even if I had to break the trust of my parents a nod wasn’t a promise I felt safe knowing that.
She nodded back and shooed me out of her study so she could continue her writing. With nothing left to do I wandered back to my room, I booted up my lap top and put my mobile on charge.
There was no point in ringing Yas he would be in first lesson by now and no doubt in a few moments his memory wiped too. My heart shuddered and I felt a tear escape and run slowly down my cheek.
I sat staring at the blank Google engine; it was time now to make Contingency plans, if I managed to escape the confines of my new prison, I needed to confront Yas and tell him the truth about my genetics this was foremost important thing to do.
If we were able to have a proper relationship the fundamental foundations needed to be strong, honesty and trust was the main key to any relationship. I witnessed it first hand from my mother and father that have been together ever since my father found my mother when she was 180 years old, relatively young.
They settled down and produced me and Gareth 2 years later, they have been together ever since and they were always honest with each other.
Then I had to make a decision, one that whipped and tore at my heart, if Yas decided he didn’t want me after he discovers the truth about me then what, I couldn’t stay here and wait for the part bloods to come and attack, I had to leave, find some where I could go to protect every one, Yas, my family and the people of Port Townsend.
Just the thought of leaving them all brought tears to my eyes, the pain thrashed through my body, causing me to shake uncontrollably, but I would do it, to protect them all, I would sacrifice my happiness so they can all live.
I had so much pain going through my mind as well as my own fears that I didn’t know which to do first where to go, I couldn’t afford to go anywhere over populated I wasn’t strong or capable enough to survive that. I needed somewhere, where population was so small, a small town, and no tourists.
Then it hit me, Yas’s old home town, it was perfect. Last count of the population came back as nine people in total, the town people had no recognition of the attacks from part bloods so they wouldn’t expect me to be a Vampire, I could get a job close by just out of town. I could feel the plan working in my mind, but my heart was still screaming at the possibilities of leaving Yas.
I typed in Centralia in my search bar and pressed enter, I came up with loads of descriptions about the bogus mine fires, the pictures were very realistic and so was the witness statements. I searched for properties and found a small apartment on the outskirts of the town, the price was good, not that I had to worry about money I had more than enough.
I had saved and worked religiously hard over the years I accumulated a lot, more than any one person needed in a single lifetime.
I picked up my mobile and made a quick call to the estate agents on the website, they confirmed the property was still for sale and over the phone I paid the deposit and informed them I will pay in full on arrival; they seemed thrilled with the decision and was more than helpful.
I sat back and blew out a tired breath, one huge plan out the way, so I had somewhere to go if need be.
I decided it was best to go downstairs so my parents knew I was still in, no doubt they already was aware of my sulking.
I headed for the kitchen and started making myself a sandwich when I heard the jeep pull up. Part of me didn’t want to speak to Gareth, but the other part yearned for information about what may have happened at the school, most importantly I wanted to know if Yas’s mind had been wiped.
I just finished making my sandwich as Gareth strolled into the kitchen, he seemed apprehensive to see me, as if he was unsure what to say.
“Hi” I said trying to be polite. Gareth could be like father in many ways, if I started off negative it would only end in a row, so I tried to stay calm and polite.
“Hi?” he answered, slightly taken back; he walked towards the fridge looking at me suspiciously.
“How was school?” I asked hoping that my nonchalant manner would fade his suspicions.
“Fine,” he replied as he took a fresh bag of blood out of the fridge, he wasn’t fooled by my questions he knew something was up, there was no point in trying to read his mind, we both managed successfully to block each other’s thoughts only when we wanted a private conversation did we unblock it.
I sighed in defeat, and held my head in my hands; I just wanted to know if Yas was ok, was safe. Gareth must have understood me, for a brief moment I felt his sympathy for my pain.
“Don’t worry, Yas wasn’t at school, he left when he noticed you wasn’t there,” he said, with a dead tone, as if he didn’t want to discuss this.
I knew he only told me to ease my pain, Gareth was tough, and in many ways he was my protector, I knew he didn’t like seeing me hurt.
My heart skipped I felt sudden relief that the council never managed to wipe his mind, but I still felt a pang of nervousness, I still had to tell him I was a Vampire.
I watched Gareth nervously as he drank his blood, I didn’t even comment on him as he viscously tore the bad open with his teeth. After a few moments he turned to me, his eyebrows pulled down and he crossed his arms across his chest.
“What?” he asked, he was clearly agitated.
“Did you speak to Yas?” my voice was almost a whisper. He sighed and turned away from me, discarding his empty blood bag in to the bin.
“No, I didn’t, and I don’t intend to Carrie, your forgetting that you are my sister, I know what happens, father told me, in graphic detail about you impending death if you date Yas. So of course I haven’t spoken to him, it takes all my energy to stop myself from taking him out the picture now and saving us all.”
I froze at his words, I knew he was angry and worried but I had no idea that he wanted to kill Yas.
“You mustn’t Gareth, you don’t understand, you can’t hurt him Gareth, if you killed him it will kill me!”I began to get hysterical, I felt my body shake, everything seemed out my control, my body, my feelings and my love for Yas, did no one understand the depths I felt for him.
“It makes no difference anyway, I can’t touch him, not that it would stop me if he tried anything with you again, you’re my sister and I want you to survive!”
They were his last words as he stormed out the kitchen.
I no longer felt hungry I felt sick to my stomach, no matter which way I turned things were falling apart, I threw my sandwich in the bin and headed upstairs, I needed to be alone.
As I walked up the last few steps I heard my phone vibrate from my room, another text message, my heart leapt to my throat with the hope it was Yas.
I sped to my room and grabbed my phone to read the test.
“Carrie phone me urgently, I need to hear your voice, I need to know you’re safe” it was from Yas, with my heart palpating I rang him back instantly. I didn’t even hear the other end ring out; he seemed to answer immediately,
“Carrie, baby?” he said we some urgency
“oh Yas, I have been wanting to speak to all day,”
I was instantly relived, my heart slowed down to a normal pace, my body relaxed with each breath of his I heard, it was amazing how my body reacted to his voice, soothed almost.
“Why weren’t you at school? I have been worried sick, are you ill?” he asked, his voice was thick with worry and deep concern.
“I can’t explain over the phone, I need to see you, but it’s going to be difficult, I’m kind of under house arrest,” I explained briefly.
I didn’t want to tell him over the phone and he deserved much better than that.
He stalled for a minute taking in the new information, his voiced seemed darker now with a hint of menace “I’m coming to get you!”
“No no! You can’t Yas! You don’t understand they are doing it for our safety, look I can’t explain over the phone can you meet me in thirty minutes by our shelter?” I answered with new fresh waves of panic.
I was scared in case he turned up here, I couldn’t protect him from my brother, and Gareth wanted him dead.
When he answered he seemed confused but just as eager to see me as I him, “yeah, sure no problem I will be there, and Carrie, I just wanted to say, I missed you and I love you.” Then he hung up.
I had thirty minutes to plan my escape, one way to keep my brother out my room was my bathing, so I shouted down to my mother who was still busy typing in her study.
“Mom! I’m going for a quick bath; do you want me to do anything before I jump in?”
After a few seconds, I heard her reply, “No thank you, honey.”
Great all I needed to do now was set the scene.
I knew Gareth would have heard my phone ring, so I went back into my bedroom, and turned my stereo on low and walked to my bathroom.
I turned the shower on and left the door to my bathroom open, I knew the sound of the water would be heard from my bedroom door, this would stop both father and Gareth entering.
I carefully and quietly opened my bedroom window, and jumped down, luckily again it seemed no one had noticed.
I couldn’t sprint to the park bridge as I did last night the day was still to light and no doubt the mortals would find it weird to see me sprint so fast.
So I walked as fast as I could to the park.
I finally got to the park; my heart was racing, my nerves getting the better of me.
Yas had beaten me, and he was leaning up a tree looking just as nervous as I felt. As soon as he saw me, he came running over to me, he stopped just a few steps away, and looked me up and down as if he was checking that I was ok.
Then, finally he took them last few steps in one stride and flung his arms around me and held me in a tight hug as he softly kissed my neck. I took a deep breath inhaling his scent. I didn’t know if this would be the last time I would be able to hold him in my arms.
My nerves subsided a little with him there, it was amazing how my body reacted to him, as if it knew it had lost part of itself and was only at ease when we was united like this.
He looked down at me, deep concern in his eyes, I knew I had to tell him now, but I wasn’t sure where to start.
I took a deep breath, briefly noticing the sweet taste of his scent.
“Can we find somewhere private, so we can talk openingly?” I asked my voiced stuttered and sounded weak.
His eyebrows pulled together and I saw his throat dip as he swallowed, I was making more nervous than I should have, I gave him a warm smile hoping that I could calm him down.
He lead me to a small bench that was sheltered by a willow tree, you could see the perfect pebble beach from where we sat, the air was damp and the rain started to drizzle down.
I turned my body towards him, holding his hand; I took a deep breath to settle myself.
“You are shaking, Carrie, what’s wrong?” he held my hands tighter, his long warm fingers dug in to my soft skin.
I looked up at him, his eyes blue and deep as the ocean, and full of wonder. I took another deep breath and said as calmly as I could, “Yas, there’s some things you need to know about me, and before I explain, I want you to know, that I love you more than life itself, you are my only reason to carry on,”
He looked at me confused “ok, go on.” He replied slowly still staring with concern in his eyes.
“Ok.... I know what you’re a Were wolf,”
He looked startled and a little taken back, his eyebrows pulled down even further “how do you know this?”
He must have thought there was no point in denying, I looked away, no longer could I look into his eyes, and I didn’t want to see the rejection.
“I had a premonition last night Yas, I saw your death and mine... two part bloods killed you, and there was nothing I could have done to save you,” I looked back briefly, his face full of pain, I could see his mind working, the cogs moving as he slowly seemed to understand.
He released my hand and jumped up from the bench, trembling
“No, you can’t be I would have known!”
My heart broke instantly I could see the disgust in his eyes, the way he looked down at me, made my heart splinter into tiny strands of broken glass, each one slicing my insides as it crumpled. I couldn’t control the tears that escaped my eyes, betraying me.
I didn’t want to breakdown and look weak and pathetic; I wanted to be strong. But I couldn’t fight the pain, it was just too strong, I had tried to prepare myself for this, but I never anticipated the strength of the rejection in his eyes.
I lowered my head in shame and whispered “yes Yas, I am a pureblood Vampire,”
I got up and walked slowly away from him, giving him a moment to digest that bit of information. I knew from his reaction that he didn’t want me.
After a few moments of awkward silence I felt his hands on my shoulders, a brief moment of relief flooded through me, melting the ice splinters.
“Tell me about the premonition,” he said we urgency, his expression confused me.
I explained the best I could, trying not to go into so much detail, I still had a strong conviction to protect him. I watched as he lowered himself back down on the bench, he rested his head in his hands; he seemed to have aged before my eyes.
He no longer looked youthful and full of life, his face and eyes were full of worry and deep concern and more worryingly, Fear. He raised his head slowly as he if was deliberating what to say, he took a short deep breath and then said “I can’t be with you any more, Carrie, as much as this hurts us, it’s for our own good,”
That brief moment I had of relief, vanished in that instant, I knew he was going to say this, but it knocked me, with such force, it felt like my insides disintegrated.
“No Yas! We can work this out, if we took precautions, do things differently it could work,” my words broke at the very end, I knew it was a wasted effort; I could see that over his face.
I tried to reach for him, but he was quicker than me, he dodged my hold, and that hurt more than the words themselves.
He began to tremble, and this caused fear to run down my spine, it reminded me of his mother from my premonition.
“Yas, calm down, please listen to me, nothing’s changed, I love you,” I pleaded between the sobs.
He eyes, changed I could see the pain; I knew this was killing him just as much as me. The pain and fear of losing him was more potent than the fear and pain I felt in my premonition and I was sure nothing on this earth could do more damage than this.
He was opening his mouth to say something, when I sensed we weren’t alone, as I turned Gareth sprinted towards us.
His face full of rage and hatred “You, bastard, keep away from her!”
I put myself in between them both of them. If Gareth wanted to get to Yas he had to get through me first. What I never expected was his reaction.
“You stupid bitch! You will stand in front of this mongrel to protect him?” he was livid and he literally flung me out the way.
I shook as I hit the wet ground, whipping my head round quickly as Yas leapt at Gareth. Yas had turned into my white wolf instantly, his lips drawn back showing his bright white K9 teeth, the sound of his menacing growl truly scared me and they charged at each other. The snapping and growls were so loud, I got up and raced towards their tangled bodies. I managed to get in between them, and as Gareth struck out at Yas, he caught my shoulder, the pain was horrific.
My scream of pain stopped them in their tracks, Gareth’s face was mortified and Yas reaction was that of horror, he let out a howl of pain as if he was hurt too and then I saw a huge tear escape from his eye as he looked down at my shoulder.
I watched as he shook his long head and turned and sprinted away.
“Yeah, keep running as well. FREAK!” Gareth shouted towards Yas as he turned the corner.
” You bastard!” I yelled at him, totally forgetting about my injured shoulder.
Gareth tried to help me up, but I just pushed him away.
“Don’t touch me!” I spat, as I slapped his hand anyway.
He never replied I could tell he was too angry to. I knew there was no point trying to escape Gareth, I had to go back home, but I wanted to finish speaking to Yas. We never finished our conversation; I kind of knew it was over the pain in my chest hurt more than my shoulder.


Chapter 6 – Absence makes the heart


I followed Gareth home, refusing to talk to him along the way, my whole reason for living had just left me, and I didn’t care any more.
I hadn’t even noticed the rain falling as it washed my tears away, I really needed to speak to Yas, and my whole existence had changed the moment our lips and hearts met. But I knew he would be gone now for how long I wasn’t sure.
As we reached our front door, my father stood there, his face livid. I no longer cared what he would do or say, chain me to my room, whatever, I will succumb to any punishment, because without Yas what point was there to carrying on.
I barely reacted when I saw his face turn from anger to that of concern, he noted my injured shoulder, and leapt from the steps and ran to me, gently reaching out for me and checking my shoulder.
“What happened?”
“What does it matter, I’m fine.” I replied, my tone was dead, no life to it.
“She stood in between me and Yas as he attacked me, I retaliated and she got hurt.” Gareth answered my father and shrugged his shoulders as if it was no big deal.
My body shook in temper, as I heard his words.
“No! You attacked me, you pushed me to the floor, and Yas was defending me!” I hissed at him ignoring my father’s tight hold.
“Gareth, get in the house, I will talk to you later, Carrie come with me let’s check that shoulder, we can discuss this later.”
Gareth shrugged his shoulders and headed into the house, while father pulled me to one side.
“Where is Yas now?” he asked.
His voice wasn’t bitter or angry and I had to look into his eyes to try and work out his emotions, he seemed interested and a little concerned.
“I don’t know, I told him about us and the premonition, he said....................he couldn’t be more.” I struggled to voice the words, I knew it was the truth, but hearing my words out loud, it anguished and tortured me beyond anything I have imagined.
My legs gave way as I finally succumb the pain, my father gathered me up in his arms and carried me through the house to my room, I vaguely heard my mother panicking in the background and my father’s deep voice reassuring her I was physically ok.
And then I was alone.
I lay there on my bed, the darkness surrounded me, and I wasn’t sure whether it was the night or a product of my own imagination.
I had heard the story’s and legends that when an immortal discovers their souls mate, their whole existence is about them, being absent from them destroys your soul, and weakens you. But this, this is more that what I thought possible, I was just a shell.


The following afternoon, my mother came into my room and sat down slowly on my bed, stroking the loose wild strands of my hair off my face, as I stared blankly out my window.
“Carrie, you have to eat sweetheart,” she said trying to comfort me and wake me from the depression.
I couldn’t find the energy or the will to answer her back. She continued to stroke my hair, I barely noticed the soft strokes, all I could see and feel was the pain and disgust in Yas’s eyes, the last image I have of him, my white wolf crying.
My body spasm again as the pain whipped through me.
“Shhh Carrie-ann I know how you feel, honey, it will pass.”
That got a reaction.
“What!” I yelled “how can you possibly know how I feel, have you ever tried to be away from father, did he reject you because of what you are? No! So don’t sit there trying to pacify me with bullshit, you have no comprehension of how I feel, how Yas is feeling!”
She looked startled and offended and at that moment I truly didn’t care, it was the first moment in my life I actually wished I wasn’t born, and that I wasn’t a Vampire.


After almost two weeks, I was in such a state father threaten to use an intravenous drip to feed me if I didn’t move sooner. So I made myself get up, and made myself walk down the stairs to the kitchen and have my dose of blood.
As soon as the sweet blood touched my lips the cramps in my stomach subsided, my vision was stronger and my hearing improved dramatically. Unfortunately it didn’t cure the pain that was still so intense in my heart.
I finished off three bags of blood, before the memory of the fact Yas was never going to return.
His mother came round a few days after I last saw him, she was wild with anger and she was just as panic stricken as I was over his whereabouts.
She wanted to know what had happened to make her son disappear; my father had to explain I never had the heart to face the woman I had hurt.
My mother had kept in touch with her over the past few weeks, trying to find out the whereabouts and safety of Yas.
I was grateful for that, even though I knew she didn’t want us to be together she couldn’t stand seeing me in this zombie stage.
So the contingency plans I made previously were like a strong calling.
I washed my glass as I thought how I was going to make my escape.
Even though Yas had gone, my parents, Gareth and the innocent people of Port Townsend needed protecting, I had made my decision, I had to leave, it wouldn’t be long before spring was on our door step and I knew it was roughly around that time they would attack.
So I made my decision, all I had to do no was put it into action.
The longer I left it, the more likely I was going to stall, waiting for a lover who wouldn’t return.
I returned to my bedroom and slid open my mirrored wardrobe, I knew somewhere amongst the hundreds of shoes and mountains of clothes was the back pack I was after.
At last behind my old long leather rain coat was the back pack I was looking for.
It was one of them huge camping types with at least twenty plus storage pockets, and one huge compartment big enough to hold at least a week’s worth of clothes.
I swiftly packed whilst the rest of the family were busy, occupying themselves with their daily chores and routines.
I had to make my move when the time was right, when they were either distracted or sleeping. The more I considered the idea the more I was inclined to go in the early hours of the morning not long after mother retires to bed.
I knew Jenson McCall still hadn’t arranged any of the council members to house watch me; he was very busy assisting the higher ranking members of the council with the increasing pack formations in the past few weeks since the mass premonition.
I heard Yas’s mother Tohopka had formed an alliance with several Were panthers and lions. According to the rumour she was the Alpha. She was forming the packs and her own army so to speak because she didn’t trust the council to destroy the threat of part bloods, more so the two that were destined to execute Yas.
So apart from my parents and Gareth I never had any real worries about my escape, apart from literally getting past them first.


It was dinnertime and mother insisted that we all sat down together in the dining room and ate dinner all together for a change.
Father had been working later in the evenings than usual, no doubt due to the Were beast activities, and Gareth had been doing endless practice nights for the football team.
This was the first night we all been home together at the same time for a long while.
I had to make sure my thoughts were concealed, making sure nothing slipped past if my family got wind of my plan I dread to know what the consequences would be.
I made my way down stairs, and walked into the dining room, my mother and father had set the long dark oak table up with all the trimmings. Mother’s best silver was set on the table with soft baby pink silk napkins, and central of the table was a beautiful bouquet of red and yellow Gerberas.
I could smell the roast lamb; the aroma of it with a subtle hint of rosemary filed the air as father carried it in.
“Take a seat Carrie-Ann, don’t just stand there.”
I took my seat opposite Gareth, he always found these sit down meals tedious, and tonight I couldn’t have agreed more.
I still wasn’t hungry; my stomach was already full with dread and despair. I tried to hide my feelings as well as my thoughts from my family; I knew it was going to be difficult as well as the eating part.
My father eyed me suspiciously, I hoped it were because of the lack of interest I was showing to the spread and not my thoughts.
“Looks wonderful mother,” Gareth said trying to break the stares of concern from my mother and father. Gareth slyly kicked me from beneath the table trying to get my attention; I looked up as he projected a thought to me.
“Just eat for crying out loud!”
I never answered, I still hadn’t forgiven Gareth for his actions against Yas, and I had no intentions of forgiving him any time soon.
I ate a few mouthfuls of the boiled lightly seasoned baby potatoes but as soon as they hit my empty stomach it caused me to cramp.
Mother and father began making idle conversation with Gareth over trivial things at school, the football team etc...I lost interest and just stared absent-mindedly at my plate, moving the cauliflower around with my fork.
I hadn’t noticed my family had stopped talking , I glanced up to see them all staring at me with concern and pain in their eyes, all except Gareth, his face portrayed that of anger.
I didn’t realise I was crying. My father looked ill at ease and I tried to sort myself out, so much for false pretences.
“You’re pathetic! It’s just a dog! Maybe we should get her a Shih Tzu and be done with it!” Gareth yelled across the table.
“Don’t you understand Gareth, when an immortal finds their soul mate, everything changes, whether its 5 minutes of knowing them or longer. Your whole universe changes, instead of two souls , you become one, and when one splits as Yas has, you feel dismembered as if a part of you is dead, don’t you understand your sisters pain. I know Yas felt the same shift, his mother informed us.” My father explained in my defence.
“What a load of bull...” Gareth was interrupted by my mother as she shouted “Gareth go to your room NOW!” She was annoyed at his lack of sensitivity.
“No, I’ll go, I’m not hungry any more.” I never waited for an answer I just got up and left the room and headed for the kitchen.
I scrapped my plate and placed it in the dishwasher. I could hear the slight mumble of whispered conversation in the room I just left. A great opportunity to stock up on the blood, I wasn’t sure when I’d be able to get my next fix (pardon the definition).
I consumed four bags, feeling a little slushy and definitely full I bagged four more in a portable ice box, just small enough to fit in my back pack. I sped up to my room and shut my door. All I had to do now was wait.


I phoned the coach station that was situated on Harrison Street, some twenty minutes away from my home. I booked my coach tickets from Port Townsend to Hoodsport, the coach didn’t go all the way to Centralia, then a ticket from there to my final stopping point.
Relived the tickets were booked and ready, departure was thankfully at 4:00am, excellent timing. To kill time I decided to write a letter to my parents, explaining why I had left without a simple good bye. So I opened up word on my laptop and began typing.

Dear Mother & Father,
I am so sorry that I have broken your trust as well as your hearts, especially without saying a simple good bye, but I have to do this. I have to protect you all.
Try not to worry too much, I have a property that I have purchased, I’m sure I can make it home soon enough; I will send you all the details in time.
I want you both to understand that I love you both very much and I want to thank you for being the most wonderful parents anyone could wish for, and also putting up with me over all the years.
I love you both
Can you please pass on the attached latter to Tohopka for me.
Thank you x x x

I began typing Yas’s mother’s letter when I heard my family retiring to their bedrooms.
I swiftly minimized the office document and opened up my media player and selected mellow calming music to play.
I heard a pause at my door, I knew it was mother I could smell her lavender scented perfume.
She lightly tapped the door and popped her head from round.
“Are you ok baby?” she asked, her tone was almost a whisper.
“Yes, I’m fine; I’m just choosing some relaxing music to listen to as I unwind.”I replied. She smiled but I knew she wasn’t convinced.
“Ok honey, good night.” She blew me a kiss as she shut the door to.
Gareth was playing his metal music in his room, I recognized the band, as the song chewed at my heart, it was a new band from England Clowncorps, both Gareth and Yas had seemed too locked onto them. Just hearing the screaming lyrics of the song seem to portray how my heart was feeling.
I had to pull myself together as I would have succumbed to the pain and torment again and become a useless wreck.
I maximised the document I was typing Yas’s mother’s letter on and began writing again.

Dear Tohopka,
I know the last person you want to hear from is me, but I am writing to let you know I am leaving Port Townsend.
I know me being here it will draw the evil part bloods to town and the thought of them here and even worst if that dreaded premonition were to become true, well I just couldn’t live with that.
I am doing this not just for the people of Port Townsend, but more for the people I love and hold dear to my heart.
Yas I love more than anything, I need to protect him, even though he doesn’t want me, so me leaving is the only answer.
So please, if he gets in touch and I am sure he will, please reassure him that I love him and that I have left and that I don’t blame him or anything at all.
Good bye



Amazingly after three long hours all was quiet, I know had to check that they were asleep.
I let my mind wonder to check their thoughts, something mother had taught me to do; she used to lie there watching my dreams when I was little.
I was right, Gareth was dreaming about the new red headed cheerleader, which I swiftly slipped right out of. Mother was worrying about me, even in her dreams I invaded her like some retched disease. I felt guilty that I was having such a depressing effect on her.
I check fathers last, it was always harder to read his thoughts, it was only easier tonight because he was deeply asleep, but the effort still gave me a headache.
He was dreaming of regret, he regretted moving here and mo so I sensed that he deeply regretted not being able to protect me from the pain I was feeling.
My decision to leave seemed even more ideal by the second.


I dressed down as I planned to leave, trainers, jeans an old t-shirt and sweatshirt and my warm winter bomber jacket (not that I needed it). I grabbed my purse making sure I had plenty of cash and rechecking to make sure I had my ID and credit cards.
Satisfied I loaded the heavy (for a human) back pack on my back and leapt silently from my bedroom window. I sped round the front of the house and posted the letters addressed to my parents and Yas’s mother through the mail box, so they would receive them first thing.


There didn’t seem to be a moon tonight, the sky was completely overcast blocking the usual bright moon.
Not a soul in sight I raced at lightning speed to Harrison St. Time was of the essence I only had 15 minutes to get there.
Five minutes later and I arrived at the coach station. The exhaust fumes and the strong smell of diesel burnt my nostrils as I inhaled.
The ticket clerk was a very spotty overly eager hormonal teenage boy to say the least eagerly served me my tickets trying to make conversation, I simply cut him off with simple “thank you.” And walked away leaving the ginger headed boy drooling.
I made my way to the coach and boarded the huge bus, ignoring the stares of the other passengers, which weren’t many, not surprising this early in the morning. I made my way to the back of the bus and lowered the back to the floor behind my legs as I took my seat.
Finally comfortable I leaned my face against the cool window, as I waited for the coach to depart. Now I could think openingly and not have to worry about upsetting my family.
Thoughts of Yas and the future we could of had raced through my mind, perfect images I had saved of his face flash before me.
My thoughts were disrupted for a second as the coach began to move; at last I was on my way to solitary.
I return to my wondering thoughts of Yas and my family, imagining my father welcoming Yas into the family with open arms.
I must of let my imagination run wild because as the coach turned off Harrison Street I swore I saw my white wolf on the corner, staring directly at me as we passed by.
I shook my head to clear my mind as I swivelled back in my seat and took another look out the back window, definitely my imagination , there wasn’t any white wolf there now.
I turned back and re-laid my head against the window, my mind now blank as the bus continued its journey.
After a few moments later the coach came to a sudden stop, I almost bashed my face off the front head rest in front of me.
I heard the driver shout a line of profanities as I looked up to see what the commotion was about, when the driver opened the doors.
As soon as the doors opened my body acted strangely. It was almost if an electric charge of static ran over my body from tip to toe, and my heart swelled.
I couldn’t understand the reaction to my body, and it confused me that my body should react this way at all.
And that’s when I saw the answer. I heard my own intake of sudden brief and felt my tears overlap the edges of my eyes, as my heart pounded with joy and excitement.
Standing there as if a gift from god was Yas.

Chapter 7

I couldn’t believe my eyes; that he was standing there it felt as if I was hallucinating. His face filled with pain his jaw tight. His beautiful ocean blue eyes locked on mine if I was an anchor for him. Feeling the breath catching in my throat by his perfect image, god I wanted to cry.
“Excuse me, but we waiting to leave kid,” said the driver, yas turned to him nodded and strolled right up to me grabbing my bag and hand.
“You’re not going anywhere, at least not till we talk,” he said as he pulled me from the back of the coach. I just stumbled unable to talk I was to amazed that he was here, his warm soft hand in mine.
I walked awkwardly down the coach ignoring complaining passengers just completely focused on Yas, He held my hand as we stepped down from the steps of the coach the driver spoke and I barely understood his words.
“Will you be ok love?” he asked his voice full of concern, I nodded and he shut the doors with a sigh and started on his way.
I watched as the coached turned the corner and disappearing around the buildings, I took a deep breath and looked back at Yas, his eyes were clouded by tears, my heart bled at the sight I reached for his face taking it gently in my hands.
“Baby what is it?” I panicked I hate seeing him hurting and even though there was no physical evidence of pain I knew he was hurting it radiated of him with each of his torn breaths.
“You really were leaving?” his voice broken, not a question but a statement of fact, I dropped my hands and sat down on the kerb.
“Baby I had no choice, I need to leave if they are following my scent for whatever reason I need to leave , for you for my family for everyone here,” I gestured half hearted with my hands.
I watched him sit down next to me he took my hand again in his rubbing his thumb in small circles across the top of my hand.
“You can’t leave, I need you ....I love you Carrie you are my life,” he looked straight into my eyes; I felt my heart skip and race and the tears of joy pool out over my cheeks.
“But...but you left, you were gone?” I rambled out fast what was he saying that he wanted me that he was back for me I couldn’t hope or wish I knew we were going to be strained because of what I was and he is.
He took a deep breath, which seemed to have hurt him before he spoke again “I left for the same reasons you were about to, I didn’t want anything happening to you, I didn’t mother being the cause of your death,”
Shocked and relieved so many emotions running through my mind and body I laughed hysterically “I am so sorry just we are fools, we hurt each other by trying to protect each other,” shaking my head thinking I am such a fool, “baby I love you I always have I always will, you are the only one I want and need, without you there’s no point in anything!”.
In one fast sweep he leant down and kissed me hard , his tongue sweeping my mouth, pausing as he swiped my fangs with his tongue, a growl of appreciation rumbled from his chest as his fingers went through my damp hair, I gasped into the kiss, he tasted wonderful magical even.
“We will never be apart again, we will fight together and stay together no matter what,” he said with strong conviction, I nodded and threw my arms around his thick neck kissing his beautiful face.
“Always baby, just us!” I replied excitedly.
Dawn was vastly approaching, Yas took my hand and helped me up, and lifting my bag over his shoulder we headed back to my place.
I was dreading seeing my parents, knowing by now, they would have found my letter and hearts broken, would words fix this?
We walked home in silence, his huge soft hand wrapped around mine, stealing glimpse’s from each other along the way.
We reached my house just as the sun broke through the clouds, birds singing high in the tree tops greeting the sun in their normal chorus.
My heart stopped I could hear arguments coming from my home, I frowned I recognized Yas’s mothers high pitched tone as she verbally attacked my father.
Rushing to the front door Yas banged hard to get their attention, the door vibrated through the power of his fist.
Gareth answered a few moments later, his eyes scarlet red as he looked upon us.
“I should kill you now,” he said through gritted teeth.
Ignoring him, we pushed past him to get to the argument, wanting to diffuse the situation before bleed spilt.
The scene looked like something from a horror movie, my father leering over Yas’s mother, her standing her ground trembling, my mother standing foolishly between them trying to break up the argument which was escalating very rapidly to a fight.
Yas shouted his voice so deep bellowed across the lounge, everyone stopped, and they snapped their heads in our direction.
The atmosphere in the room was so tense, so close to bloodshed I latched onto yas afraid to let go.


Text: Cover picture by LAZARUS T K
Publication Date: 03-25-2010

All Rights Reserved

For my children Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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