
Copyright © 2009 by W. Addison Gast
Format Electronic Book Text
Medium E-Book
ISBN 978-0-9826462-0-5
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission from the copyright owner.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events or locals is entirely coincidental.
ALSO BY W.Addison Gast;
EXTRACTION ISBN: 978-0-9826462-1-2 Tim Ryan series
PATRIOT HUNT CLUB ISBN: 978-0-9826462-2-9 Hunt Club Series

1. Prevent illegal entry
2. To prevent somebody or something from entering a country illegally
3. To stop or impede entry by force or other actions.
(D J Jacobs Series #1)

Chapter 1: Tikit Iraq, June 6,1996
Chapter 2: Near the Iraq Iran border June 12, 1996
Chapter 3: Jabil, Saudi Arabia, command Headquarters
Chapter 4: Nawabshsh Pakistan Museum Sah Kabarsa
Chapter 5: Intelligence work requires patience and focus
Chapter 6: An amazing discovery starts the ball rolling
Chapter 7 West Point Virginia. East campus
Chapter 8 Tango camp-outside Mazr I Sharif
Chapter 9 Nawabshsh Pakistan University Laboratory
Chapter 10 Homeland Security Arlington Va.
Chapter 11 Delivering the goods
Chapter 12 Rooftop OP Mazar I Sharif
Chapter 13 Big Bird touched down at Rota Spain 0330
Chapter 14 Thirty Kilometers east of Mazar I Sharif
Chapter 15 Goldmine beneath the street in Mazar I Sharif
Chapter 16 Arlington Situ room seven AM
Chapter 17 On the run. Faisalabad air terminal
Chapter 18 Holding area for the prisoners, Mazar I Sharif
Chapter 19 Eighteen miles from the India Pakistan border
Chapter 20 Approaching Kabul airport
Chapter 21 Same game, different room
Chapter 22 Meanwhile, back at the wheat farm
Chapter 23 Kabul Terrorist Observation Command
Chapter24 Arlington Va. One day later
Chapter 25 Operation stingray opens a new era in covert tactical procedure
Chapter 26 A finger in the dike is needed
Chapter 27 Outskirts of New Delhi in the Royal Entourage
Chapter 28 All Eyes on Texas
Chapter 29 University Library UT San Marcos, Texas
Chapter 30 Delta flight 5 at 32,000ft altitude over the East Atlantic Ocean
Chapter 31 Ready to set the trap
Chapter 32 Lackland AFB San Antonio Texas
Chapter 33 Lingo is in the car….
Chapter 34 Last thing she wanted was a car chase
P r o l o g u e One
. Tuesday Morning April 21,
Tikrit Iraq
Haydar yawned as he approached the breakfast table and greeted his mother Abidah “Close your mouth when you do that Haydar.” She instructed the teen age son of Anmar, her late husband. “You and your friend- Bishar were up very late talking last night. What does he speak of that is so interesting that you would sacrifice the sleep you appreciate so much?”
“He relates to me the adventures of his cousin that was in the Republican guard.” Replied Haydar with eyes sparkling as if he was relating how he had listened to Marco Polo or Alexander the great describe their latest conquest.
“Where are his parents from Haydar? He speaks like a fellahin ( farmer) that just arrived from Yanbu Al Bahr.”
“He has no parents. He is alone except for his Uncle-the shepherd and his cousin.” Replied Haydar
“What happened to them?”
“The war.”
“How? “When?
“The Americans killed them in a bombing of his village. The soldiers of Hussein were camped just outside the town and when the Americans dropped their fire sticks from the sky, they were burned to death. Bishar escaped the killing as he was with his Uncle, a shepherd in the hills. He watched the massacre in horror from his campfire.”
“How sad. So he is now here in Tikrit with relatives?”
“No Mother-he has no relatives or family other than the Shepherd who is always in the mountains. He is here looking for his cousin in hopes of joining him in the army of Osama, the leader of Al Queda.” Replied Amr casually as though he had just explained that his friend was looking forward to joining the local Boy Scout troop.
“You are telling me that that Young man-Bishar is an insurgent? Do you know what they do to insurgents in this area?” His mother had stopped in the middle of making Haydar’s griddle cakes.
“He is not an insurgent Mother. He has never been in combat. Bishar has not yet had the training. I know he will make a good soldier as he is very brave.”
“He is what? Perhaps 15 years old? He is a baby, not a soldier. Your father was a soldier and then an honorable professor.”
“He is fourteen Mother same age as I and a person’s age makes no difference if you are worthy of belonging to the army of Osama. He told me so.”
“I don’t think this Bishar is a good person for you to befriend so quickly. He will turn your head and you will regret that you did not listen to your Mother. Do not ask him here again. Do you understand?”
“But Mother, he…..”
“Not here in my home again—you understand?”
Haydar picked up his text books from the table and was out the door. He turned the corner onto the street where his school was located and saw Bishar talking to a group of his school friends. As Haydar approached Bishar smiled and said to the others;
“Here is Haydar. We have talked for many hours about the army of Osama. He will someday soon join us in the cause I am confident. Haydar, tell your friends here what we discussed only last night about the adventures of soldiers fighting for Osama that are our same age.”
Haydar was broadsided. He was not a good conversationalist .He did not have the strong charisma that Bishar possessed and he was somewhat shy.
“Yes, we have talked for many hours on the subject. Bishar has many friends that are in the Army and knows the ways of a soldier. Even now, he travels on his own throughout the country looking for his cousin who was in the Republican guard.”
“Really? Your cousin was in the Republican guard?” Asked Omar, Amr’s friend as he looked again at Bishar with widened eyes this time.
“He was an officer—a lieutenant “replied Bishar.
“Was he captured by the Americans or British?” Asked Omar not taking his eyes off Bishar.
“Yes he was captured and detained for awhile but there were no reprisals or actions taken against him. It was when he was in the detainment camp that he was recruited into the army of Osama “
Bishar explained how his cousin met some men that were also in the camp that said they made the connection through a contractor that supplied food to the prisoners in the camp. Three of the men that were later released ahead of his cousin went directly to Afghanistan. It was there that they gave Bishar’s cousin’s name Awwab Qasem to their commander. . He in turn made arrangements to have Awwab take some preliminary training in Syria. That is where he is presently so far as Bishar knew.
“So, when your cousin returns from Syria do you plan to join him?”
“Yes Omar, I do. That will be sometime next month as I am told,”
The school horn sounded and the group broke up. Before going inside the school, all the boys bowed on the large mat inside the entrance to the classrooms. to say their second morning prayer.
“I will see you by the marketplace when you have completed your studies Haydar.” Said Bishar as he waived over his shoulder leaving the school yard.

P r o l o g u e Two
Tuesday Morning April 21,
Jabail, Saudi Arabia
“D-J you have a lot of lose ends to get out of the way before we move back to the states in two months. Your father is counting on you to help with this transfer to Washington and to help set up our new home in Alexandria.
It was Dennis’s Mom Janet being a Mom again
Dennis Wesley Jacobs,”D-J” as his mother and American friends called him had a full plate for a teenager. It was especially a full plate when you are a son of a Brigadier General serving in Saudi Arabia who has his family living on base with him. D-J hardly knew what it was to be and American teenager he had been in the Middle East with his Dad so long. He was six when his father made Brigadier and moved the family to Saudi to be with him. D J hardly remembered the kids in his school in Virginia where they moved from. He was educated on several military bases during the enlistment of his father and spoke several dialects of Arabic and proficient Urdu. It was necessary. It was part of the social life in elementary and junior high school in this part of the world. D-J had kept his American culture alive with his American and NATO friends playing soccer and baseball and his scouting. He would receive the much revered Eagle Scout award before he left Jabail. His father was most proud of his accomplishments in scouting and kept a photograph of D-J in his uniform on his desk at the command post headquarters. Outside of the several visits back to the U S for his grandfathers birthday, his older sister’s graduation from Southern California university and other family occasions, D-J‘s life was very cosmopolitan. He never felt disconnected from any of his family or relatives.
“Mom, I have soccer practice after school and then I have to attend the pre award ceremony at the scout center. I’ll be home by seven and after my homework, I can help box the stuff in the garage-OK? I’ll call you on my cell when Jim’s Dad picks us up and we are on the way home, I promise.”
D-J then picked up his sports bag with his gear in it and was out the door onto the base school bus.
As D-J exited the bus his pal Abdul-Matin . greeted him “Masa alkhar” (Good morning) he responded “Masa alnur” Abdul, what’s hangin man?
“Not a lot D-J but I want to talk to you after you drop off your gear and I finish my morning prayer-OK? I’ll meet you outside first period chem. Class.
“Deal” Replied D-J and they parted ways.
D-J put his gear in his locker and walked over to the Chemistry building and, seeing that Abdul was not there yet he lay down on the grass under a large fig palm. When Abdul came across the lawn and sat down with D-J he was not his smiling self. D-J sensed there was something heavy on Abdul’s mind.
“We have talked many times about college and what you want to do D-J and you know I want to be a chemical engineer with a nuclear major. But we will never accomplish these things living on military bases with our parents. I know you are going back to the states and will most likely be appointed to West Point and I am proud of you. But I know that I must also come either to the United States for my continued education or Great Britain. My parents have made funding for this available but I will have to seek employment in order to live. Will you assist me in this endeavor when and if I am able to come to the United States?
“Hey man, you can have my room while I am at the Point if I make it. If not, we can be roomies together at whatever University we can get into—OK?” Said D-J
D-J made this promise and offer full well knowing that Abdul’s parents would feel good about their son having an American family to live with. Abdul’s father was a Saudi liaison between the Sheik and US Forces. The two boy’s parents knew each other well and socialized quite often.
The class bell rang for the second time and the two got up and started walking at an increased pace to the lab.
“Late again D-J. Mr. Long is going to have a cow.” Said Abdul.
“I’ll tell him you were showing me how to chart the chemical comp of nitrogen before we came in and we forgot the time. You do know how to chart the composition of Nitro don’t you—just in case he asks? Asked D-J smiling as they went thru the lab door.

Fast forward to
Monday June 6, 1996
Jabail, Saudi Arabia
Base Housing Quarters for Brigadier General Jacobs
“Mom, I can’t open the letter.. I know what it is this time. After all the tests, physical quals and essays I can’t take it if they tell me to apply again next year” Said D_J
“Is that any way for a future general of the United States Army, perhaps a chief of staff to talk? Bravery is a requirement Dennis Wesley Jacobs. Something they will not be able to teach you at West Point, you have to possess it and unfortunately, you can not inherit it from your father. He earned that distinction on the battlefields of Korea and Viet Nam. Open the letter son.”
D-J opened the manila envelope slowly as if it was a precious document directed to him from the President of the United States. It was.
The letter went into detail about the required physical and educational examinations that were scheduled to follow. It explained that the letter of acceptance was only a formal announcement and that his final acceptance and induction into the academy would be based on his qualifications as a result of the aforementioned exams and physical. The letter ended by stating that a framed letter and certificate was to follow.
Brigadier General Tomas Jacobs had just finished his Monday morning briefing when his cell rang.
“Dad-its D-J—I got the letter from the point this morning.”
“Well son, tell me, and are you going to be mowing lawns on base this summer or will you be learning to sleep standing up?”
“Dad—it says I’m ACCEPTED!”
“Wonderful son. I’m really proud of you. You know the really hard part is yet to come. We’ll probably have to get you set up with your Aunt Mary and Uncle Clyde so you can go back to the States and start the program before your Mom and I get transferred. We should be following within a few months. Did the acceptance letter give a report date?
“No. It said a certificate and details will follow. I guess that’ll tell my schedule for the summer-right?”
“We’ll see. Right now you need to relax for the next twenty four hours and come down off the cloud because from the day of your next letter, your ass belongs to the U.S. Army and you can forget about extra activities.”
The General spoke briefly to D-J’s Mom and then replaced the cell back in his cami jacket pocket and smiled as he shook his head and hit the desktop.
“Som bitch.” It was a release of excitement the General seldom displayed.
“Something I should know General?” Asked Capt. Tom More, the Generals XO, not knowing if the news would be good or bad.
“D-J got his acceptance letter to the academy this morning.”
“Bravo Zulu!” The Capt. Replied with a hi fiver and now also smiling.
“It’s good to see the review board at the point are reading all the lines and in between the lines on applications General. What a catch for the Point. Here is a young man, physically 4.0 with a grade point average of….what???
“3.90” Injected the beaming General.
“3.90” Continued the Captain.
…Speaks not only fluent Arabic but Urdu as well. I’ll bet there are some pretty anxious instructors waiting to talk to him. Congratulations Sir. You did a great job raising D-J.” It was not platitude. The Captain had known the Generals family since they were both stationed in Pakistan.
“Thank you Captain. Now back to work. Any thing in those pages of Intel that came in this morning that I should read?”
“I have some concerns about the recruitment activity we have seen around the northern part of Iraq. Tikrit in particular. It would appear that Al- Qaeda has established a pretty solid transportation corridor from the northern part of Iraq to Iran and then on to Afghanistan for recruits. We are checking on how and why these guys are so focused on getting recruits to Afghanistan.”
“Any particular recruit profile they seem to be looking for?
“Good English is evidently a prime requirement.”
“Any other?”
“Younger than most they have approached before.”
“What kind of numbers are we talking about that we know have been recruited?”
“So far about a dozen have been signed up so to speak. However, they have not moved out of the area yet. We have a set of eyes in the group but can’t communicate often because we do not want to blow his cover before they actually leave the area.”
“I don’t like the English and young requirements in this scenario at all Captain. It looks like they are setting up a special Madrasa Khasa to do something nasty in the western world. Let’s keep a close eye on them. Any way we can get photos of these kids that have joined or are entertaining the thought?”
“As you know General, most Islamic kids are camera shy except for American TV reporters and their crews. Not a good idea to let Gomer know we are photographing his Mujahideen boot camp candidates.”
“Stay heads-up on this group Captain. Code name the folder and the group Saih. We’ll consider them tourists until they leave the country or do something. Ok?”
“Roger, General.
That evening, D-J, his Dad and Mom enjoyed a quiet dinner at the officer’s club where their table continually received a stream of well-wishers for D-J and his new military career.

*Chapter 1

Tikrit, Iraq Morning June 6,1996

Haydar had his mind made up. He would join Bishar and his cousin Awwab in their journey to the Madrasa Khasa in Pakistan. His mother would have a very dim view of his travel away from his home and birthplace but the thought that he would be in the company of Bishar and Awwab would certainly not be good. He would explain that he has been offered an education that was not available to him in Tikrit. He could become an engineer as his father wanted him to be. He would study engineering and return to Tikrit and become a very notable and distinguished professional designing a new infrastructure for his city. The Americans and NATO were bringing into the country contractors from all over the world to rebuild the country after the recent war. He would be able to take advantage of that opportunity if he had a degree which he certainly could not obtain here with the limited funds of his family. His grades were good enough to obtain a scholarship but he would have to be schooled in another country. It sounded good to Haydar and he hoped it would sound as good to his mother. He had never lied to his mother and felt bad about what he must do but as Bishar had explained to him, sometimes the older people are fearful of change and hold back and therefore lose the chance to advance. Some things are necessary Bishar assured him, to make progress for the family. Sometimes even a slight “embellishment” on the true nature of the trip to Pakistan. He would write often and send details of his progress in the school and would assure his mother that he would say his prayers three times a day no matter where he was. He would tell her that He absolutely knew that his late father would want him to take this opportunity and he would, in a manner, be honoring him by returning to his city of Tikrit as a engineer .Haydar had it all in his head just how he would present this planned odyssey to her at the right time. He would have to hurry. Bishar said that they would be leaving day after tomorrow.
Bishar trusted this man known only as “Mannar—the strong one” simply because his cousin had written in his letter that the man would bring the group together when they left their homeland. Today however he was beginning to fear Mannar. It was understandable that the man would be somewhat nervous and anxious to get the group of young recruits together and leave for their new training location. It was not so much the way Mannar barked commands at the group—that was to be expected of a military leader, it was the look that this man had in his eyes. His eyes were not bright and clear like those of his teachers and cleric. This man had evil eyes and was dark set. They looked even more fearful when he looked at you from beneath his head cover.
“Bishar you have the responsibility of getting all these recruits assembled tomorrow by the warehouse and it must be done without anyone noticing that we are leaving the village as a group. Before the light of the sun comes over the east side of the Mosque we must be underway on our journey.” Mannar was pointing at the chest of Bishar as he spoke.
“There will be no problems my captain. These are all my friends and will obey my requests.” Promised Bishar.
“Are we all going to be in one vehicle or will we leave in small groups?
“Why do you ask youngster?
“I would like to travel with my friend Haydar if we are going to split up.” Replied Bishar.
“I do not often give advice to one so young as you Bishar, I command and you follow. Because you are the cousin of my combat brother Awwab, I will give you this one last bit of advice and after this you will not ask for favors or advice. Is that understood young man?”
“Yes my Captain. I will not bother you again, I promise.”
“Good. Remember this and keep what I am about to tell you as our secret and confidential understanding.”
“I promise.”
“Good. You must never ask where your next journey is going or when. You will never ask your leaders to explain why they ask you to do something. Doing so will indicate to these people that you have doubt and are not secure in your belief. This could bring you great problems within the organization because secrecy is one of the most important elements of strategy and logistics. Should one of our leader’s suspects that you are becoming inquisitive in respect to where we are moving to or when, your life could be in danger. Never forget this friend because you will not be told it again or by anyone else.”
“I appreciate your valued knowledge Captain and I will retain this in sincere confidence.” Replied Bishar
It was getting late in the evening and Haydar knew the time had come when he must tell his beloved mother of his decision to go with Bishar on his journey. He had packed all that he would be permitted to have with him on the journey according to Bishar’s instruction. No family photographs or items with his family name or initials. No items of clothing or sports attire that had his school name embroidered. He had everything that he could take neatly tucked into his knapsack and tied very tight. The charm that his father had given him on his 10th birthday would not be a problem he told himself because he would keep the silver coin on his necklace and out of sight. Only he would know that it would be constantly around his neck to remind him that he was in the sight of his father no matter where he was. His Quran was small and was made of sturdy material also given to him by his father.
“I can not believe you are directly disobeying me. You dishonor your late father and our family to do such a thing as this. “His mother went on and on.
“I am doing this in honor of my father mother. I will become an engineer and help rebuild this village and my country for the future.” Bishar sounded convincing to himself but he could see that he was definitely not registering with his mother.
“I promise to write you every possible chance I get mother. You will always know my thoughts are with you and you will also know where I am. Really.”
“Can you not see young one? It is not that you are leaving me alone here in this village to grow old by myself but who you are going with.”
Abidah Jarrah could see that her son had made up his mind and there was no changing it. No matter how she referenced her family pride and the fact that this Bishar was not a person that would be a good associate for Haydar, the fact was there. She had lost her son to Satan and he was doomed. She would give him her love and then remove him from her thoughts. She could not worry about something she knew so little about. What would be, will be. She gave her son a kiss on his forehead and held him ever so tight in her arms.
He was gone when she awoke the following morning.
The sun was just behind the hill and still out of sight when Haydar joined the group assembled by the warehouse. He recognized two of his classmates in the group that he had never known were considering joining this adventure. He was pleased that he would have some friends that could provide something of a reference to family as he moved forward in his new life.
“As of this day forward you will not be known by your family names. The only time you will see your family name is when you will require identification for the authorities. Other than on these occasions, you will be known to each other by your new names.” The strong one was talking.
“In the next few days we will all be traveling in very tight and uncomfortable quarters and so it is now that you will be given your new name. You will come to me with the name the group has chosen for you and I will consider if it is appropriate.”
When Haydar was introduced to the strong one by Bishar, he asked that they be permitted to travel together.
“Of course young man. Bishar will be your constant companion from this time forward. I can see that your friendship is genuine and that is a quality that will make you an important warrior.” The strong one then motioned for the entire group to come inside the warehouse.
As they opened the large doors to the building, Haydar was surprised to see three large white nine passenger vans lined up. They were American made and appeared to have air conditioning. On the side of each was the name of a university in,……..Iran??
“I am confused Bishar.” Said Haydar to his friend.
“About???” replied Bishar.
“These vehicles are from some university in Iran. Will they be safe to travel in when we reach Syria?”
“Yes, did you not say that you were going to see your cousin who is training in a camp in Syria?”
“Everyone here was told they were going to Syria when they were recruited Haydar. It is the first part of learning to be a good Mujahideen. Never let your enemy know where you are going next or when. You were told this in case any of the group were questioned by someone that may be a spy or give away our intent. Do not ask the strong one that question. You will be starting off on the wrong foot for sure.”
The group boarded the vans and left the warehouse in the dark of early morning. As they headed east and into the countryside the sun came up and was very bright.
After several hours on the road the three vans came to a small road leading to the south and turned onto it. The vans went another five miles off the main road and over a small mountain. When the vehicles entered the crest and started down into a small valley, Haydar who was sitting in the first seat with Bishar saw a small gathering of tents and more vehicles.
“We will have a rest here of one hour. During that hour you will be given some reading material to take with you on the remainder of our journey. Do not let this material out of your sight in the next few days. If you sleep, the material must be beneath your body so no one may take it. Anyone who loses, misplaces or destroys any of this material will be dealt with accordingly.” The strong one was looking at the group very sternly as he spoke.
There was a very big meal served to the group and they were given bottles of water to take on their next leg of the trip. After the meal all individuals were given a notebook three ring binder with several pages and photographs.
When they returned to the vans, the driver was outside Haydar’s vehicle talking to one of the men at the camp. They were discussing the fact that one of the front tires on the van had a slight bulge and there was a possibility that it could blow out during the next leg of their trip. Haydar could not contain himself. “Why do you not change that tire to the rear of the van so that if it blows out, you will have better control and not send us into a ditch?” He asked the driver. The driver said something to the man at the camp in a language Haydar did not understand and he left. “You know of such things by what means young man?” Asked the driver of Haydar’s van..
“My uncle had several vehicles in his fleet in Tikrit and he was able to obtain many more miles on such a tire if it was moved to the rear and some air left out.” Haydar replied. The man returned with a hydraulic jack and was removing the tire when the strong one came over and asked why they were not getting into the van. The rest of the group were ready to leave. The driver explained what Haydar had said and finished changing the tire.0
“So we have an engineer in the group now?” Said the strong one as he looked out over the group as he spoke.
The recruits boarded the van and they were under way again.
The material to be read was the first in a series of tactics and purpose of warriors of Dar al-Islam, or the house of Islam. It explained that al-Qaida had a black and white view of the world as being “with us or against us.” The interpretation of the Qur’an (114:4-5) supporting much of this action is the need to defend against the “mischief of the slinking prompter, who whispers in the hearts of men.” Those “pure in faith” will be “afflicted” or tempted by the freedoms of the west The methods of warriors for the army of Bin Laden are highly motivated, skilled, creative, resourceful and courageous. Operations are planned out in detail and discussions of such operations are a primary feature of life among the better warriors.
It was early the following morning when the vans rumbled into the next camp. This camp was not as easy to find as the last. Haydar noticed that their driver was looking closely at the road just after they passed an overturned army truck. A man stepped out of the darkness and raised his arm to signal the driver to pull to the side of the road. All three vans pulled to the roadside and turned off their lights.
The driver’s hand held radio a walkie-talkie of sorts came alive and gave the driver instructions to follow the man on the camel. Over the hill that was about two miles from the main road they came to some tents where several men were carrying flashlights and directing the driver to park under some tents.
The recruits disembarked the vans and were gathered into a tent and told to find sleeping space where they could. No one was to use a flashlight or candle unless they asked one of the men by their door in advance.
Haydar found a blanket and a small pillow made of rags and a sack to sleep on. He immediately went to sleep.
Before sun up the following morning, the recruits were given dry meals and water. They were loading back into the van when Haydar discovered he was on the wrong vehicle.
“Where is he?”
“ I had breakfast with him only moments ago. He could not have gone far” Replied the other voice.
“Who are you looking for?” asked a voice that was obviously that of the strong one.
“The one that suggested the tire change. “The engineer “Answered the driver.
Haydar got off of the van and immediately went around the front of his vehicle where the driver was talking to the strong one.
“I am here Captain. I am sorry. I got on the wrong van in the darkness. They are all white and I made a mistake.” Said Haydar.
“Get in the van-now” Instructed the strong one.
As Haydar took his seat beside Bishar he heard the recruit behind Bishar say; “Now we know what your friend will be named.”
Bishar turned and looked at the boy.
“And that is what? Lost?” Jokingly said Bishar.
“No” Said the boy.
“The Engineer. He will be known as the Engineer.”

*Chapter 2

Near the Iraq Iran Border June 12,1996
Early morning

When the vans were forty five minutes from the border, the strong one had the drivers pull off the road onto a shaded rest area where he assembled the group of young men around five picnic benches. They were told to return the material they had been given to read to the driver of the third van and it would not be returned to them. He had hoped that they all had read the entire contents diligently as there was important information they would need in the next few days in their travel. He then cautioned each and every person that should they be pulled apart from the group for questioning, the following information was to be given to whoever was doing the questioning.
They are above average students that have been awarded scholarships to the university in Iran. They are all orphans and they have few if no living relatives. If the officials want to inspect their belongings, they are to freely provide their property without discourse or objections. The property will be returned to them. If the officials take photographs of them they are to tell the strong one immediately as soon as they come out of the indoctrination room. Then, the strong one asked if anyone in the group spoke a language other than their native Farsi. Bishar raised hi hand.
“My uncle was from Pakistan and I lived with him and my cousins for several years. I speak their language of Urdu. I also write the language-which is very difficult as it is written from right to left.” The strong one replied; “Fine. If you should be asked, you are from Karachi. You were sent to this school by your teachers. How many of you speak English fluently?” He looked at the group and saw, to the person; they had all raised their hands. This was not so amazing as most all of the group was from and area close to the military base and English was taught as a main language and several of the American teenagers were known to attend the village schools in addition to their own on the base...”Any other?” the strong one asked. Haydar raised his hand.
“Yes? Mr. Engineer.” Remarked the strong one.
“My grandfather was from the north of our country and he spoke Dari. I continue to use it sometimes with my relatives who were also from the same area.”
“You have no relatives engineer. I have just caught you lying. I want you to think carefully before you answer any questions at this border station. Volunteer no information answer only their questions as briefly as possible.”
Having said that, they returned to their vans and again were under way.
The line at the border started about half a mile from the crossing point. Trucks loaded with goods, animals and freight were idling in the hot sun and dust of the area. It was uncomfortable and hot in the vans even with the air conditioning running at full speed. A truck had stalled right at the crossbar for the crossing and men were attempting to push it across the opening and over to the side of the road. It was loaded with large bags and several sheep and two goats. The truck was six vehicles in front of the group’s three vans and you could see the soldiers looking through the truck bed, pulling sacks off and moving the animals. Suddenly, from under one of the large bags, a man with an automatic rifle,-an AK47 jumped to the ground and ran about thirty feet from the truck inside the border and turned to fire. The following scene was enough to bring start reality to the young recruits watching in horror as the spectacle unraveled in front of them.
The man with the AK47 ran to a car that had just crossed the border and pulled the driver from the car and shot him without hesitating one moment. The body lay by the car bleeding as the man jumped inside and started to race down the road. The border patrol soldiers that had gone over to inspect the truck had taken cover when they saw the rifle and were not able to fire at him because of the multitude of people walking across the border. One of the soldiers raised a hand held radio to his mouth and was shouting orders as the others were firing at the fleeing sedan. The sedan was almost out of sight when a lone figure stepped out into the middle of the road in front of it. He had a weapon on his shoulder and all the young recruits saw when the man fired was a large ball of fire and parts of the white sedan flying in the air. The driver of the truck that the man had been in was screaming at the border patrol soldiers that he new nothing of the man hiding in the back of his truck. One soldier came up to the man who was in his late sixties and hit him with his rifle but. The driver collapsed and was then pulled into the small building by the crossing.
Haydar and Bishar were speechless and had observed the entire fracas from the front seat of the van. They were still looking at each other when the soldier came over to the van and after looking at the sign on the side of the three vans, ordered the drivers to pull off into an inspection area and wait.
The “students” were told to get out of the vans and come into the small building. They were told to bring whatever belongings they had with them along for inspection. Haydar was trembling as he laid his knapsack on the table for the inspector to look at. He was one of the first to go through the process. Inside the building it was cool and despite the heat and dirt outside, the place was relatively clean. A central office with a desk and two flags behind it was the main eye catcher. Adjacent to that office that obviously belonged to the station chief was a room with a long table. At the end of the room there was a sign that said EXIT over one door and AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL on the other.
The room with the table had a window at the end that opened into the other room. Haydar was told to leave his knapsack on the table and come to the other room.
The Iranian officer looked at Haydar and asked his age. Haydar answered with a number and nothing more.
“What is your major at this university?” Asked the officer.
“Engineering” Replied Haydar
“Mechanical or civil? Again asked the officer
“Civil engineering sir.”
“You will be working on sewers and working in crap that is infected with vile germs you realize? Change your major to aviation. It will be more interesting and rewarding young man.” As the officer was talking to him, Haydar noticed through the glass between the rooms, a man going through his knapsack looking closely at the contents. The man did not look Arabian or Persian. He stopped when he came to Haydar’s Quran and as he was looking inside, the officer talking to Haydar snapped his fingers in front of his face and said;” I am talking to you young man. Never mind what is going on in the next room “ As he spoke, he pulled the blinds closed over the window so Haydar could not see into the other room any longer. The officer told him to sit in the chair by the far wall and wait. He left the room.
Soon, a young woman came into the room and told Haydar to sit straight while she took his photograph. She took the photograph and then asked Haydar to stand and give her his hand. She inked his right hand and fingers and pressed them onto a piece of cardboard. As she handed Haydar a paper to clean his fingers with, she instructed him to exit through the opposite door and wait in the area with the rest of his group.
Only the recruits were in the room. The drivers and the strong one were absent
After a long time the door opened and the strong one and the drivers joined the group and all were told to stand in a line facing east.
The students were told to come forward as their name was called and then form a line on the other side of the room.
“Al Badawi” Yelled the officer.
Hesitantly, a young companion of Bishar’s walked forward and over to the officer.
The officer looked at Al Badawi and then handed him a card with his photograph on it. On the back was a copy of his fingerprints. This process continued until all were processed. The strong one protested in rapid Arabic to the head official but the official remained unmoved and directed the students to return to the vans. Once they were again on the vans and in their seats the official climbed on the vehicle steps and addressed them again.
“You have been issued a student identification card at this facility. You will present this card as identification at any time you are requested for identification while in this country. If you have reason to return to Iraq or cross any border of our country, you will be required to return this card to the border guards or at any airport when you exit this country. Do not lose this very important document. Have a nice trip.” The officer exited the van and motioned them to proceed across the border. The strong one was in a very excited condition as they left the area. He was talking in rapid Arabic to the driver and saying that this procedure was never imposed before at this crossing.
The paved road was easier to travel on and the group started making up for lost time at the crossing. Just after sundown the three vans pulled into a small village and drove to a large building similar to a warehouse but it had no truck docks. The vans entered the building and the doors closed.
Inside the building they were greeted by several young men with automatic weapons and pistols on their belts. Haydar noticed that they were not much older than he but they looked somewhat tired and nervous
The strong one came up to Bishar and told him to follow him while the group was shown to their new living quarters.
“I’ll rejoin you engineer as soon as I finish with the strong one.”Bishar used the new given name for his friend and left with the man.
The following morning the recruits were given an early meal and after prayer they broke into groups of five and started their training.
It was three days before the engineer saw Bishar. He came to the engineer’s quarters after evening prayer and sat with him as he related his last three days experiences.
“I have been given my Mujahideen name and it is Saladin. This name as you know from our history was the name of the famous commander during the crusades. He had a way of bringing men together and making warriors of the common man. They say I have that ability.”
“I am pleased to hear you have made such a connection with these people my friend. I am proud of you and will always think of you as Bishar, my trusted friend.” Said Haydar.
“I must now return to the teacher’s place where I am staying. I will be leaving tomorrow to return to our country to bring more believers into the brotherhood.”
“Leaving? You are going to leave the school here? I thought we would be together during this period in our instruction Bishar.” Haydar was almost crying. He was thinking how lonely it already had become living in such dark dismal surroundings.
“I will be back here often my friend. I will always look for you when I do.” He gave Haydar a strong embrace and left the quarters.
Haydar rolled over on his sleeping pad and began to have thoughts of his decision to enter into this adventure. He must get those ideas out of his mind. They were the workings of the evil one that he had already been instructed to be wary of. He rolled over and pulled the blanket over his shoulder and tried to fall asleep.

* Chapter 3

Jabal, Saudi Arabia, Command headquarters
September, 1996

“What have you heard from D J General? I know that he left several months ago for the states and was to enter the point but I have neglected to ask how he is doing.” Asked Capt Tom More.
“He is doing just fine Captain. Thanks for asking.” Replied the General.
“You will get to see him in about another six weeks when you take your new assignment at the Pentagon right?
“Well some much needed vacation time Tom and then we will see if we can spend a weekend with him at the point. As you know, undergrads don’t get much free time in their first year but seeing as his company commander Ron Wetmore was my roommate at the point in 63, I might be able to get DJ a “special assignment” for a few days.” The general smiled.
Speaking of special assignments, I want you to keep me wired in on that group we discussed back in June. We named the file Saih. What do we have in the way of updates on that group?”
Pretty thin as of the last thirty days sir. We did manage to get our operative in country bribe some border guards into getting some photographs and fingerprints.”
“You amaze me Captain. How did you manage that?
“Required identification for all students crossing the Iranian border sir. They fell for it and we lined up all twenty six of them and got positive I.D. Our asset there informs us that the leader never reported it so far as he knows because it would show he was asleep at the switch by letting the Iranian guys do this. We have run all the prints and there is no record or problems with any of the group as of this date. One interesting aspect of tracing their family records developed an interesting bit of info.
“And that is ,…what?” asked the General as he took a second cup of morning coffee from the tray.
“The kid they have named “the goat” has a pretty famous grandpa.”
“Goat? These individuals already have their Mujahideen names? So who is his grandfather?”
“None other than Izzat Lbrahim al Duri”
“What is the reliability factor on that intel? Do we know this as of when? Christ you would think that the guys in third army G2 and our DIA would be shadowing every move this kid makes. How did he get across the border?”
“Well, it appears that when they named him “the goat” he got pretty angry and said his grandfather would be ashamed of him with a name like that. When asked who his grandpa was he replied Izzat…… and then caught himself. Our asset reported that and DIA tracked him back from where they picked him up in Tikrit. Checks out so far as we can tell. He doesn’t seem to get any special favors in the group so maybe his bosses don’t know of his bloodline.”
“We know anything about the stuff they are training these guys?”
“Usual indoc stuff for the first six months or so. Playing with their heads and pumping up the glory of killing yourself for the future of Islam and the whole six yards with the seventy two virgins waiting on them story.”
“Keep me wired on this Tom. I don’t know for sure where they are going to put me when I report to the pentagon but I’d like to be someplace in counter terrorism and this could be useful. By the way. How did the kid get the name “goat” anyway. Any idea?”
“No details from our asset on that but when you look at the guy’s photo it’s not hard to guess. He has a goatee and his eyebrows are heavy and turn up like horns”
“Ok Tom. Good work on staying abreast of those tangos and where they are. Don’t for Christ sake let them get out of sight or lose that asset with all that info. These guys are up to no good and have a definite plan in mind.”
“Will do General.”

*Chapter 4

Nawabshsh Pakistan Museum Sah Kabarsa
December, 1998

Adib was resplendent in his American tailored Brooks three piece and his Alan Edmond four hundred dollar shoes. He turned heads of both men and women in the entrance of the museum as he signed in to see the exhibition of the jewels of King Solomon that was to be displayed only three days in this remote city of Nawabshsh. It was not enough that the museum was built on grounds that made it hard to get to from any of the hotels in town; it also had some very steep steps to climb to get to the special exhibition rooms. He was again reminded how out of condition he really was. If this was three years prior he would have climbed the steps without even a bit of perspiration. At that time he had just finished his training in Kabul and was on his way to the university in the United States. His father had set the plan for his son to follow for the next fifteen years in order to keep the family name in front of the powers in the international banking world. His identity as that of a member of a sleeper cell for the Taliban had been well protected. He traveled throughout the world using commercial air transportation with no problems.
She was just entering the viewing area when he glanced her way. He stopped and had to look again. Yes, it was Sadaqua. She had not changed that much in the past three years and still had the unmistaken poise in her walk that separated her from all the American girls he knew at the university. She was beautiful and apparently, alone here.
He maneuvered closer in back of her and in a voice as calm and without a trace of his Pakistani accent he said; “Fight on for USC and on to victory”
When she wheeled around to see where the voice came from, he continued; “You meet the nicest people in these cultural centers. One of the reasons I frequent one whenever I am in town. Hello Sadaqua.”
“You remember my name. I sincerely hope you remember our friendship dear classmate of 1995”
“I can not believe that it is you! You have not aged a bit handsome one!”
“Still the silver tongued politician as ever Doctor Altaf. It is good to see you. May I join you as we review these beautiful treasures from the past?”
“I’d like that Adib. We have much to talk about. I last heard of you when I was reading a newspaper in Britain. You have been making quite a name for yourself in the banking world. All good I sincerely hope?”
“Unless you are one of my competitors seeking to lower the currency exchange.” Adib smiled.
The two college friends continued through the museum and then over coffee Sadaqua related how she had entered the university there in Nawabshsh as a research technician. Her department had been given a grant to research a certain characteristic of cancer cells during metastasis. She invited Adib to visit her lab the following day at the university if he was to be in town?
“I was to leave early in the morning dear lady but I can not pass the opportunity to see your world that has kept you from meeting and marrying a rich professor” He chided as they parted.
Her laboratory was nothing less than spectacular when it came to equipment and facilities. There were spectrophotometers, computers and MRI machines along with a myriad of electron microscopes. All this was surrounded with lab cages and animals.
“Quite a zoo you have here Sadaqua.” Adib said as he peered into a cage that held two monkeys with shaved heads.
“We have a track on a process within the animal world of survival that may offer great rewards.”
“The different values of how venom proceeds through the circulation system. In some cases and certain animals, the proteinaceous action is amazingly fast.”
“You mean how quick one of these nice little reptiles can kill you.-right?”
“Actually not so much HOW they can kill, it’s the speed or the metastasis of the venom. For instance, see this little green fellow here? She pointed to a glass cage that contained a very small green viper not more than six inches long.
“He can kill a water buffalo in less than two minutes after injection.”
“Incredible.” Remarked Adib.
“I have heard that those little guys have a terrific punch that paralyzes the nervous system.” Continued Adib.
“We thought it was the nervous system also until we did some micro analysis of the process that kills his prey. It’s actually a process that immediately removes all oxygen from the victim’s blood stream red cells. Without oxygen to muscles, brain cells and vital organs, all systemic functions cease.”
“I’m impressed.” Said Adib.
I’m glad there are not many of these little fellows crawling around in our world with that kind of potential.”
“In reality, we found that it is possible to duplicate the venom metastasis synthetically. We do not need to use the animal. Even when diluted the synthetic venom carries a lethal punch. We are attempting to use that process in a controlled release that is activated by another chemical or hormone.” Sadaqua was involved in her work and enjoyed relating what the University was doing to assist in the research for cancer but Adib had to leave to catch his flight.
When Quantas flight 1209 reached cruising altitude, Adib laid his seat back and prepared to catch some rest before they arrived in Zurich. He thought of how nice it was to see Sadaqua again and secondly, how this relationship and her work could prove very beneficial to him and his acquaintances. Very beneficial indeed.

Chapter 5

Intelligence work requires patience and focus

Mazar I Sharif Afghanistan itself was a good sized city but the camp and training area was a hundred and twenty kilometers from there. It was hot, dry and very remote. Haydar and not seen others with the exception of new recruits arriving and the people that occasionally brought food and supplies for many months. His training had moved from the classroom instructions in Iran where he was taught the meaning of the true believers and the ways of the Mujahideen to this desolate wasteland He never cared for the food that he and his comrades were given at this place or the living conditions. There was an argument going on in the next sleeping cubicle and the participants were yelling at each other and hitting the wall and moving furniture As he lay back and placed his arms over his head trying to go to sleep, he thought back over the past few years since he had seen his mother and closed his eyes. He was back at the warehouse in Iran with his friends.
“You have never had the experience of flying on one of the great aircraft we see in the sky over our encampment have you Engineer?” Asked the man that was to be in charge of moving the twelve “students” to their next location. “No master but I am not afraid. I want to have the experience so I can tell my mother the circles I am traveling in. she thinks I am begging on the streets of this country and living in alleys.” Haydar had not had a letter from his mother in the past five months and even then she exhibited her disgust that lingered from his choice to join this group now two years ago.
The distance from Mashhad to Mazar I Sharif was not that far but the purpose of the trip provided the opportunity to request a passport and further establish his identity. It had taken several weeks and many trips into the city to present the required papers to the Iranian authorities and have his photograph taken once again. He noticed while looking at the two photographs taken some months apart how he had changed. He looked much older than his twenty years. He compared the photo that was taken at the border when they crossed and this one. There was definitely a difference. The passport and visa were stamped “student” in a very noticeable typeface and in his “next of kin” area on the passport was a name and address he had never seen before. He was not comfortable with the fact that his group of friends were now narrowed down to the twelve he was to travel with.
At the airport he wanted to stay in the large terminal with the clean marble floors forever. It was air-conditioned and smelled fresh even with the multitude of humanity that was waiting on flights, carrying baggage and buying tickets.
The master held all the tickets and passports for the group. When the tickets were purchased and it was necessary to personally match the passport photograph with the person, the master called the student’s name and each in turn presented their self to the agent as their name was called. All bordered the Air Afghanistan flight with no problems. Even in the security line, the students were passed promptly and preceded to the area to board their flight.
It was at this airport that Haydar saw for the first time in three years, an American soldier. He was on the same flight as the group and was seated across from Haydar and the “Goat.”
The master did not come on the flight. He left the students group just before they went thru security. He waited to see that they were all in the boarding area and then on the aircraft. He left as Air Afghanistan flight 3701powered down the runway and into the sky.
“Masa Alkhar” Said the American solder in perfect Farsi to Haydar.
Haydar as well as the Goat about swallowed their crackers the hostess had given them whole when they heard the sergeant look at them. .Haydar calmly returned the greeting;
“Masa Alnur”
“Is this your first flight? Asked the American, again in Farsi.
Haydar was now in a very unfamiliar position. He had been instructed by the master what to answer if asked any questions in the terminal and not to talk to strangers but this was a direct question from this infidel that Haydar had not expected. He decided to do as his training in Iran instructed. Do not attract attention and do not volunteer information. He decided to engage in conversation that his friend the Goat would not understand. Haydar knew that the Goat’s English was poor and he was very slow to understand the words even when spoken distinctly and slow. Haydar knew that both he and the goat would go through a “debriefing” on this encounter when they arrived in Mazar I Sharif.
“I am a student of engineering and seen these aircraft many time in the sky but, yes, this is the first time I have traveled on one.” Said Haydar in what he considered very good English. Suddenly, he realized that the other students that had been watching the encounter between him and the American were quiet and very much attuned to their conversation.
“Your English is perfect. Do you use it very often in your university or where you are going to school?” asked the American. This time in English.
“It is a part of my education. Yes.” Answered Haydar
“Are you camped in Mazar I Sharif?” Asked Haydar of the American.
“You mean am I STATIONED here in this area? Yes. I train the local police recruits.” Answered the American.
“Perhaps we will meet again then Sergeant in Mazar. Now I think I will take a bit of sleep as we have had a very long journey.” Haydar thought he had ended the conversation well and the American asked no further questions. Only a warm “good-bye” as they parted at the terminal
When the group arrived at their destination they were met by an instructor that they had all seen before. Abdid al-salmar. This man us one of the most feared men within the tribal organization of Osama . He had been compared to and described as the modern day Gestapo head. With little or no rebuttal, accused recruits and seasoned mujahedeen veterans, accused of spying or being unfaithful to the cause were eliminated. There were horrid stories of the torture they had withstood before their death that made recruits look at this person as a devil.
It took only a brief period of time for Abdid to hear of Haydar’s conversation with the American on the plane.
He was separated from the group when they arrived at the camp he was led to a small room where there were three of the older instructors from the camp that Haydar had known before. They were all trained insurgents and had killed many infidels, it was known.
“You were given instructions before you got on the airplane about talking to strangers-right?” The older, taller and very thin master started the questioning.
“I was given the seat that I was in by the airline and the American said good morning to me in my language. What was I supposed to do? Ignore him and possibly insult him?”
The second instructor that had been sitting on the side of the room on a wooden chair absolutely flew out of the chair at Haydar across the room. Haydar remembered being hit on his jaw by what he thought was a bar but it was the man’s fist.’
“You will not question our reasons or use such disrespect to the master in your replies, insolent one.” The man was furious.
The questioning continued for two hours and then he was left in the room alone. It was the first time Haydar had been struck in the face in many years. The last time he remembered it was during an argument in the schoolyard and both students had been taken to the masters office and their parents had to come take them home. The welt that was rising on Haydar’s face made him think and have concern.
Just then, he had the shock of his life
Through the door came the feared Abdid and he was not smiling.
“They call you the Engineer, is that correct ?” He was looking at Haydar very quizzically as if he was trying to place his face or something.
“Yes master”
“You had many friends in school I am told. They say you were a very popular person with your classmates and teachers.”
“I enjoyed the friendship of many during that time of my life.”
“You speak as if that was a long time ago and you have made some different decisions since then.”
“I am a true believer master and I want to serve in the army of Osama with honor.”
I’m sure you do. I believe you have the potential to serve our cause in a very responsible mission considering your young years.”
Haydar can hear the master continue to tell him what he has in mind for him to accomplish to prove his convictions and commitment to the cause. He was taken back to his sleeping area where none of his fellow students asked about his swollen face or what had taken place in the room. The goat came over and was trying to explain that he had no choice but to tell them all that he had heard in his conversation with the American.
“I have no problem with your loyalty Goat. I would have found it necessary to do they same had I been in your place. No problems.”
It was the following day that there was much rejoicing around the camp as the masters placed a small television set in the largest room in the camp and assembled all of the students and masters to see what had transpired in New York City on that morning. It was September 11,2001.

The argument next door became quiet and the room noise ceased. Haydar adjusted himself to his opposite side and fell asleep.
Haydar’s group consisted of seven other students in addition to himself. All had had completed the training both in Iran and the isolated camp here in Afghanistan. They were all trained in explosives and how to figure the force of a given blast from the materials used. They were also trained in the skills needed to make explosive devices from several commercially available products.
Their new training was now was in a much more relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. The classroom had a television set at one end with several desks around it. It was not for entertaining it was for training in the ways of the American way of life.
Several language tapes were used every day that were designed to teach foreigners perfect dialect free English. Haydar’s entire group spoke English very well but this training was just to keep them sharp in the slang terms they may run up against in their effort to blend into the American social environment
The entire group were housed in a remote section of the camp and had meals specially prepared and were exposed to an atmosphere of that which would be found in any American city. They had discarded their djellabas and started wearing western style pants and shirts in order to get used to the dress. They were all ordered to start shaving on a daily basis as well. They could keep a small goatee if they desired but the full beards had to go. This made the Goat happy as he did not want to lose his immaculately trimmed goatee.
Haydar had never been told what his mission was going to be but when the dark master Abdid selected him as leader for this special group, he knew in his mind it would be soon and one of honor. Perhaps his group would be as famous as the heroes that completed the Trade Center mission?

Chapter 6
Lessons in spying on the unsuspecting.
Sadaqua was very pleased with the way that her work had progressed and was hopeful that they would soon be able to complete one of the most meaningful research projects within her project. They had to find a way to control the speed in which the compound accelerated through the tissue of the patient. The university had recently been given funding for additional research and the benefactor had specifically named the cancer project as the intended recipient of the majority funding. They had even given Sadaqua an additional laboratory assistant that was to report to her just this morning..
Badra Husna parked her small much used VW car in the university parking lot for the laboratory and exited after grabbing her small briefcase. She thought that on her first day it would be more appropriate to wear the black pants suit and low cuts than “scrubs” or her favorite-Levis and tennis. Badra smiled to herself as her mind wondered over to the lite side as she thought; perhaps they think I will come into the laboratory this first day wearing a Burqua because I am a Pakistani?
The two women exchanged pleasantries and then related their education and family backgrounds. By lunchtime it was obvious that the two would work together well and possibly become great friends.
The second day in the lab Badra was given a briefing on the status of the research project. She appeared very interested in all aspects of the research and their progress especially the production of the deadly venom which was known in the lab as “437X”. By the second day, Badra knew all there was to know about how 437X was synthesized.

Chapter 6

An amazing discovery starts the ball rolling

There was not a lot of terrorist activity to deal with within the city of Mazar I Sharif but sergeant Bill Prestin brought his new recruits into action in force whenever possible in order to give them real time training. Training classes in air conditioned classrooms were good but nothing beats good in-the-field hands-on training.
That is what his group was doing today.
“Scorpion-you still have the nest in sight?” It was Prestin talking to the captain of his recruit group.
“Cowboy, we have five images on our IR scan that are inside the house. It would appear that there are two floors to this little shack because two of the images are lower than the rest. Wait minute Serge, we are getting some RF emissions on our other scan. It looks like we might have something very interesting here. They evidently have a radio or a satellite computer.”
“Cowboy to Scorpion—hold that surveillance and see if you can record any of those RF emissions coming from there. Look especially for designator codes-you know what I mean. I’m moving to your position in five-out.”
The top instructor of the police recruits was excited but calm. Prestin had missed the heavy action he had been engaged in doing evasion analysis of tangos in Iraq. The police recruit training job came by way of a CENTCOM
recommendation. His work in Baghdad and the surrounding area finding how tangos moved out of the area of engagement and into the local population earned him a reputation and a name.-- Cowboy.--He liked to use this as an operative name whenever possible. On his first tour in Iraq the cop from San Antonio Texas knew he had found his calling. He studied the language and dialects intensely so that he could communicate more directly with his students than using one of the interpreters that were available to force personnel. His students soon realized that Prestin was a very focused individual and demanded the best from his action group. Prestin was” innovative and resourceful” . This was the description in his package that was sent to CENTCOM when the request went out to commands for recommendations for this top spot in Afghanistan On his first month in Iraq he was assigned to the IED tracking unit SWUMED. When the company commander asked for input during a morning briefing, Prestin stood up and asked permission to put forth an idea on how to decrease the number of IED using cell phones as detonators. The Commander gave Prestin the floor.
“Tangos are using about six different makes of cell phones in their detonators. These are French, Italian and U.S. makes and basically the same circuitry. Very few are satellite and most are using the local network powered by a switchwork that is pretty basic and common. There are only three network providers in all of Baghdad that all the cells here use. My suggestion is, we set up a plan to ring every cell in the circuit all at one time on a given hour. This may only detonate the cells that are attached to IEDS presently or those in place but it will sure give Gomer thoughts on the reliability of using phones on detonators. He will never know when the phone will ring on this test. It may just happen to ring while he is making his little piece of handy work in his living room.” The idea worked and earned Prestin a commendation for his efforts. The second commendation came to Prestin for his work with the Iraqi local police. The problem was getting the locals to report sightings of individuals placing the IEDs and booby traps in their respective neighborhoods. Force leaders knew that the locals had to be witness to the Taliban digging holes in the roadside and disguising bombs in old cars parked alongside the road. It was obvious that someone had to see this. It just went unreported until someone was killed. The operation took only one week to increase the amount of calls to CENTCOM local police headquarters by thirty percent when locals saw Gomer placing explosives in their neighborhood. It was a pretty simple and basic plan. After one of the IED had exploded in an outlying neighborhood wounding several Iraqi police in a van, the area was evacuated around the detonation site for five hundred yards. The local police and U.S. forces made much ado of the evacuation procedures and made sure there was sufficient population watching when they leveled everything within the five hundred yard sight line to the area. All of the buildings and structures within the five hundred yards were leveled. The local population was told that this would be done whenever an IED was detonated in an ambush. The way to keep your neighborhood intact was to call the authorities when you saw strangers doing unusual excavation work in your block.
“Head shed to Cowboy; are you putting a hold on the ops?” It was the boss calling to see why the tactical unit had been told to hold their position. The tactical unit was comprised of two Bell HU2 special equipped light helicopters with troopers standing on the rails ready to rappel onto a rooftop and take down any resistance on the roof that may cause the assault force on the street any problems. They were especially small for a military craft but very lethal in operation.
“Affirm head shed. Advise sparrows to stand-down until we get additional info on this location. It is not your usual suburban household if you get the meaning. Over”
“Roger Cowboy-your call. When you have firm intel call us back –pronto. Head shed out.”
Prestin was climbing up the back stair to the building where Scorpion had set up his OP. He called his unit squad leaders and told them to stay out of sight as much as possible and stay away from the building under observation.
“What made you push the hold button Amur?” Asked Prestin of the young Iraqi laying on his stomach and looking thru field glasses at his discovery.
“Take a look at the five IR images and then check the RF activity. This is a very active little bungalow boss.”
Prestin gave the building a close inspection. The guy on the roof was just sitting there by the wife’s laundry drying and flapping in the breeze---so it appeared at first glance. On closer inspection you could see that under his djellabas was an automatic weapon and that there was an insulator on the clothesline attachment to the building. The wire clothesline was actually a hi freq antenna. That was the only visible tango outside the building. The other four images were all in one spot apparently in a sub floor location. Checking the RF emissions on the RF3708 Rand monitor, there was a lot of activity on three channels. They evidently had a switch control as the emissions would shift from one frequency to other every ten seconds. This would keep most tracking devices in the dark but the Rand unit had been developed for just this type of emission detection
“What is this?” Asked Prestin pointing at a sine wave on the monitor.
The technician working with Scorpion replied; “Internet—these guys have a wireless broadband or a satellite unit working. I can’t get a good fix on the exact channel but it looks like a chat room.”
“A CHAT ROOM?” Prestin was astounded.
“Yes sarge, it looks like one of the teen age yakety yak 24/7 web sites. I can’t get what they are typing or saying but it looks like a chat room for sure.”
“Can we monitor what they are saying with different equipment?” Asked Prestin.
“A laptop sarge. We could match the freq here with the I.P and back it out but its probably in Pashi or Urdu. We’d need an interceptor that spoke the language.”
“Ok. Stay hooked up to everything they are transmitting and feed it back to head shed. I’m going to set up a special task force at headquarters to direct this operation. Right now, I’m going to get you two some cami cover here and a watch rotation. Make sure that tango on the roof does not see you or the game is over. Roger?”
“Gotcha Sarge. If you send some chow and some water over with our relief, we can stay here on this rooftop and keep the activity down to a minimum.”
Scorpion was thinking like a leader. His parents were Iraqi and Brit and he had a very good command of the English language as well as Arabic. Prestin was impressed with his dedication to his job
“Good thinking Abduar. I’ll advise as soon as I get some face to face time with head shed. Hang tight.” With that, Cowboy exited the building and climbed into the humvee three blocks away. As he returned to the vehicle, he surveyed the area to see how many locals had seen him climb the building stairs to the rooftop. It was afternoon prayer and all the men were either inside of in a shaded area doing their prayers. He felt confident it would look to the locals like it was just another American patrol checking out the local neighborhood and leaving. Then the idea came to him. He went back to the communications unit that was in the group of three vehicles . He took two of the battery powered mini cam videos and walked across the street to a shop that had been abandoned after a recent firefight. Inside the building he looked out onto the street and at the building across the street where his two men were located on the roof. It was perfect. The camera would feed a constant image to head shed of any street activity and cover Scorpions six. He placed the others at the base of the stairs. Prestin then had his men make a cover for the observers on the roof to hide under from a canvas cover that was in the Humvee .They were even fortunate to find a fan that could be placed under the cover for some air movement for the observation crew.
“Good decision Sergeant. We will use this little tango scorpion pit as a convenient collection platform and see what we can catch.” It was Col. Branding, Preston’s boss talking. The colonel turned to an aide and continued issuing orders. “Get this feed to Langley and also have the guys flying the Rapto patrol do a surveillance report on each pass they make over the scorpion pit. Depending on what priority Langley puts on this discovery, they may decide to task a satellite to get in on the act .” The Colonel then issued a heads-up to the other units in the area not to get close to the scorpion pit with their patrols. He wanted these guys to think that they were on their own little planet doing their thing without anyone watching or knowing they existed.
When Langley received the encrypted message that this small police group had uncovered what they considered a major intelligence find, the event caught the attention of the deputy director. His morning briefing outlined what resources they had assembled and a preliminary report on what some of the first transmissions from the scorpion pit were. The DD immediately decided that this was an excellent opportunity to turn the task over to the new agency just created within homeland security to coordinate intelligence gathered in different countries. The agency was given the designation DOCIS-Department of cooperative Intelligence Sources. It was headed by a Brigadier General that had a lot of time in the Middle East working with the various forces and was now assigned to the Pentagon. Brigadier General Tomas Jacobs

Chapter 7

West Point Virginia. East campus

The cell rang twice with the familiar ring and D J smiled as he acknowledged the call from his best friend, Abdul Matlin. Abdul had stuck amazingly well to the plan that he expressed to DJ now over almost five years prior. Abdul had obtained a scholarship to Georgetown University and then moved to the United States where he stayed in D J’s room at his parents new home. He was in the process of moving out now and was going to take post grad courses at Georgetown. D J had made a name for himself and his family by graduating from the point last year with an unheard of 3.7 GPA. That placed him at the number five position and made his father Brigadier Tomas Jacobs very proud.
“Did you get the van and the truck for this weekend buddy?” DJ asked his friend.
“Everything cool DJ. I have two buddies that are coming along to help us so long as there is enough beer to keep their attention.”
“Ok. I think you know Lester? He will be with me so this should be a short operation. I was over there last night and the place is pretty well aired out—no fresh paint odor.”
“Ok DJ, I’ll have the van and the truck here at the house and meet you here soon as you leave the point.” The two had rented a place in Georgetown away from the main village but close enough to be close to the nightlife. D J was doing post grad work at the point working with a research team from a contractor much respected in the military community as a very hi tech explosives supplier. He hung up the phone and returned to the classroom.
“Before I enter into the discussion of the product we call simply N12, We need to review the basics of explosives, explosive forces and how they work. I know this is basic to many of you but what you are going to learn here this afternoon is a very different principle of physics when it comes to ordnance” The representative started the class thinking with that statement.
“Explosives are substances that, through chemical reaction, rapidly and violently change to gas, accompanied by high temperatures, extreme shock and a loud noise. An explosion is the process of the substance transforming into the gaseous state. “
Explosives are classified as low or high according to the detonating velocity or speed at which this change takes place and other characteristics such as their shattering effect. In all chemical explosions, the changes that occur are the result of combustion or burning. The difference between a stick of dynamite and a burning log is the rate of combustion.
The velocity of instantaneous combustion has been measured for most explosives and is referred to as the detonation velocity of the explosive. Detonation velocities of high explosives range from 3,300 feet per second to over 29,000 FPS. To bring this speed down to our terms, -if we took a five-mile length of garden hose and filled it with a high explosive and then detonated one end of the hose, it would take only one second for the chemical reaction to reach the other end of the hose.
The representative instructor went on to discuss the effect of blast pressure waves and positive and negative phases of the explosion.
“We are going to take a field trip tomorrow over to the department of Homeland Security where we will continue this instruction and also witness a live demonstration of what N12 will do in comparison to the highest power explosives used presently, namely Simtex, RDX and C4.”
D J immediately cornered his captain after the class and requested permission to separate from the class tomorrow so that he could have morning breakfast with his dad at his office. He would then join the group and continue his class work. The Captain was almost anxious to let one of his students have breakfast with the Brigadier General.
This was ideal. DJ could have his dad’s aide pick him up at his barracks and he could stay with his parents that night and ride in to “work” with his dad in the morning. He would then return to the point with his group. Cool.
“We will have a guest at our breakfast table DJ that is anxious to meet you.” Said D J’s dad.
“Someone I know Dad?”
Laughingly the General replied; “Well, its someone you should get to know. The acquaintance may turn out to your advantage some day.. We’ll split eggs Benedict with Charlie Peterson-the director of Homeland security. Tomorrow at 0645”.
“Our uniform of the day for this trip tomorrow is BDU Camis. Considering this guest, should I wear my class a’s instead?” Asked D J.
“There will be others in the officers mess wearing BDUs DJ no problem. Remember, a lot of us never know when we will need to move to a tactical atmosphere in this job.”
The general’s driver slowed and stopped at the gate to Langley and presented the General’s and D J’s identification. “Brigadier General Tomas Jacobs and Lieutenant Westly Jacobs the ID cards read. The sentry looked in the back of the car at DJ and waved the vehicle to the next checkpoint. Here the General gave the guard a different ID and signed DJ in as his guest.
The officer’s mess was beautiful and opulent for a military and government dining facility. Their butts had no sooner hit the seat than a steward was at their side pouring coffee.
When Charlie Peterson joined D J and his father, it took only a few minutes of conversation between the three for DJ to feel relaxed around such horsepower in the U S Government. They chatted about the difference in living in base housing overseas and suburban Virginia, the football season and families. Director Peterson had just gotten into talking to DJ about his past four years and how proud his dad was that he had graduated twenty spots closer to the top than the General did when he attended the point. The steward came over to the General and whispered in his ear. He then turned and a young Captain approached the table. He handed a folder to the General which was opened and read while the Captain stood at ease a few steps back from the table.
“Thank you Captain, I’ll be along shortly. I think my driver just sat down to eat. Would you please let him know that I will need to leave in about ten minutes?”
“Yes General.” The Captain left the room to look for the General’s driver.
“Duty calls even at the breakfast table eh General?” smiled the Director.
“Well, we are a little short on language people so far and I have to find me a Pashtun to read some data that my guys are having trouble with.”
“Dad, what is it they need? Don’t tell me you forgot my friend Izat that I went to school with in Pakistan. He taught me a lot of Pashtu.”
The General asked; “What is a dunjar and what is a kasblanah D J you have any idea?”
D J smiled and took the piece of paper that was in the folder and wrote next to the word dunjar skateboard and then by the word kasblanah a paki internet chat room called In my back yard
“Looks like your people are talking to some young Pakistani kids on the net dad.” Was D J’s reply.
The Director was amazed. He had watched this entire situation unravel and come to a conclusion within minutes. It would still be a question if this young Lt. had not stepped in and volunteered his help.
“Tom, I think you had better take your son here with you when you go back to work. Seriously. I don’t know where he is supposed to be after breakfast but if there is any problems getting him lose to go to your area, give me a call.”
The General and D J left the dining area and headed to the DOCIS headquarters as the Director returned to his office in the white house.

Chapter 8

Training camp-thirty five k outside Mazar I Sharif

Haydar’s group now consisted of himself and seven other Mujahideen that had been together for the past three years. They all had received the same military training and in the past three months had entered into the “special” mission training that had come from the supreme leader as they were told.
This morning they were introduced to a new instructor that was tasked with getting the group briefed on communications and evasion of authorities. The eight young men were loaded into one large white van and headed for the city. The goat made the first comment in respect to their appearance “I hope we are not ambushed by the hill people on the way into town. Without our beards and dressed in the western shirts and pants, we look like American contractors.”
“Do not worry Goat. This van is known to all within our brotherhood and it will not be challenged. It is good however that you think of such things. You must always keep your guard up and think as the enemy would if you are to be successful in your mission.”
The new instructor was friendlier than any of the militants that had been in charge of them in the past. He was from California in the United States and had been with the Taliban for the past eight years. He went by the simple name of Raj. No code name or last name just Raj. He spoke English very well and was to be the person that they would, talk with from this day forward according to Raj.
“We are going to a very special location today to learn the basics of how we will communicate once you are in place away from here.” Raj detailed how members would use the internet and cell phones to communicate. It was very clever Haydar thought. The Americans and British would not suspect that the army of Osama would use teen age chat rooms for contact medium. The text messages could be sent on the cell phones and erased immediately possibly before anyone monitoring the channel could track the number
After about two hours after leaving the camp, the van entered the city. The driver stopped several times and they all left the van and were told to observe if anything or anyone appeared to be watching them. They were told to observe the locals and see if any looked out of place or were looking at the group suspiciously. The second time the van stopped and the students disembarked, Haydar noticed they were in a very depressed section of the city. The marketplace for the neighborhood had very little food and not many people milling around. Something caught the eye of Haydar. It was the beggar. He was on the corner when the van parked but now he was approaching the group of students asking for hand outs. He was not successful in getting any of the students to answer his begging so then he sat down by the back wheel of the van. Haydar moved over by Raj and motioned for him to come inside the shop they were standing next to. Raj entered the shop and looked at Haydar with a puzzled frown on his face.
“Why do you want to bring me in here away from the group Haydar?” He asked.
“The beggar. Look closely at him Raj.”
“He is harmless; he wants only to get some money for more opium .”
“No, he is listening to our conversations closely.”
“What makes you so suspicious about this person engineer?” Asked Raj, now more intent on Haydar’s answers.
“Look closely at him sir. He is a street beggar but look at his djellabas.”
“What about it?” Asked Raj now standing only inches away from Haydar’s face.
“He is not as he would want us to think. He is not a beggar I will assure you. His clothes are pure white and appear to be flattened with the hot plate.”
“It is called an iron Haydar. It is used on laundry in the western world and in the business world of our larger cities.”
At this, Raj smiled and motioned with his arm to come with him back to the van.
As the two returned to the van, the students were still assembled close to the door waiting to get on and sit once again in the air conditioning. As Raj came around the back of the van with Haydar only a few feet behind him he reached down and took the hand of the beggar who now stood up straight as a board and smiled at Raj. He was no old man he was young, athletic and trim.
“All of you. Come here and listen.” Raj commanded of the group.
“What can you tell me Conjari of this group here?” He asked of the beggar.
“Very talkative young men Raj, my brother. Very talkative indeed.
This one—they call Goat, he dislikes the water they bring from the well at the camp. This one, called Punji, longs to hear from his mother in Baghdad and has been away for a year and a half. He wants to back to Baghdad before he goes to America. I could tell you what the others said as well but it is the same. If this was to be a secret journey or where you are from or going, it would be useless. I know all about you and your group.” With a wave of the hand the beggar was gone.
The group stood motionless in fear after hearing the beggar.
“Idiots. All of you. Simple brainless, non observant stupid fools. Only the engineer here was observant enough to question this man the beggar. You all have much to learn yet to be considered worthy of a mission assignment.”
There was very little conversation in the van the remainder of the trip to the city.
The van pulled into a covered area between two buildings and sat for a moment. Raj left the van and instructed the group to stay seated and not talk while he was gone. After a bit the drivers hand radio crackled and he turned and instructed the group to leave the van and enter the house through the door that was only inches away from the side of the van. The van door was slide open and the house door opened immediately disclosing a large room with very little furniture. Raj was standing in the darkness of the room next to the large room and motioning the group forward. There was a small cellar door and stairs leading to a room beneath the house. A dim light provided only enough light to see the steps on the stairs. One by one the students dropped down to the darkened room only to find that it was not a room after all. It was the opening to a long tunnel that appeared to go under the street in front of the house. After walking with their heads lowered beneath the low overhead, the group came to a large room that was lighted and had three other people sitting at tables and in chairs. There were maps on the wall at one end and two computers on desks at the side. Several files were stacked on the one desk and several automatic weapons and a case of fragment grenades was in the corner .Hanging from a large rack in a small room like a closet, Haydar could see several RPG launchers and ammo.
“Engineer. Come sit with Umar here and learn the code.” Instructed Raj.
It was a very advanced computer and large monitor being used by the man called Umar. He was talking on the internet on a chat room and the dialogue was rolling by as the participants posted their talk/
Spitface-why do you think your school is the only one that has produced three professional quarterbacks in Texas?
Sarah has a big butt(different conversation by another person in the chat room to another)
Biker-do you have the disk for the dungeon game from vimar?(different conversation yet)
Skunkbreath-Name any other school that has that record in the last ten years in Texas or any state
It was endless chatter and to any adult meaningless. Just teens talking. It was an international room and several languages were being used but it was mostly American and English.
The operator then switched rooms and went to a Pakistani chat room-also for teenagers but the talk was different and in Pashto Suddenly, the operator behind the computer that was with Haydar wheeled around in his chair and informed the others in the room;
“Rat is online. He is in this chat room on schedule. Start the log for this session” The others in the room came over to the computer and almost pushed Haydar away in their excitement.
Rat-good to see you we have not talked for some time. Posted the technician on the computer by Haydar
I am pleased you are there skateboard. I wanted to tell you that my uncle finally got me my pet and he will bring it to me this coming week.
That is good news Rat. Will we ever get to see it? Will you be coming to our city to visit your relatives in the near future?
I have to make sure that my Uncle gets the pet then I will let you know Skateboard. I must go now. I am at the library and it costs money.
The entire transmission was in Pashto as were most of the other posts on the room
“He does not sound confident that he will have it by next week. I wonder why the delay?” Asked the operator of the other technicians.
“They must be very careful how they transport it I’m sure.” Responded the other technician.

Raj called for Haydar and the goat to join him by the map on the wall across the room. The others were told to observe the other technicians working on the computers and how to send and receive text messages on their cell phones. Raj pulled a large curtain across a wire strung in front of the map on the wall. The three were now sitting in front of the map and Raj started his briefing.
“This is a map of the Metropolitan Water district in Los Angeles California in the United States.” Began Raj
As he pointed to the top part of the map he explained how the entire population of Los Angeles depended on the water from the Colorado River to survive. The water was used for industry and most importantly, for consumption by the population of nearly three million people within a one hundred fifty mile radius of the city of L.A. On the map locations of the pumping stations and distribution stations were shown as small red squares. Each red square had a number beside it and another number in a circle. Raj then explained the mission that Goat and engineer had been trained for over the past five years. They were tasked with the responsibility of injecting into the water distribution system of this large American city, an element that would strike terror in the hearts and minds of every American infidel. They were to do this simultaneously with their other brothers doing similar work in other cities of the United States. The mission would make the September 11 attack on the world trade center look like a small undertaking.
“We have some more training to accomplish before we send you on this mission and you both will need to get located in your “cover” identities. Engineer, you and Goat are being “transferred” to the University of Texas in San Marcos Texas to continue your studies. You will learn how to blend in with the student population and become as “Americanized” as you possibly can so when you travel to the Los Angeles mission, you will not attract attention. You will be two foreign students traveling to see places in that country.”
Raj continued to explain how the two were to travel to the United States within the next month and start their preparations for the attack. They would not be able to talk to mullahs or enter any mosque while they are on this mission as that would draw attention.
Raj was interrupted by one of the technicians asking which of the students was to be first in taking the watch on the roof. The man who was sitting by the clothesline needed a relief.
“Brief these two here—engineer and goat and then rotate the others over the next four hours so that each has a turn at the duty.” Commanded Raj to the technician. With that, the man took Haydar and goat to the rooftop and instructed them what the duties of this sentry were. Stay observant of any and all movement around the building and alert the technicians if there was an American patrol or anything suspicious going on in the neighborhood. The man that had been standing the duty handed Haydar his weapon and went down the stairs to join the others in a cooler place to get time for a nap. Haydar and Goat were now alone on the rooftop.
“We have been assigned a very important mission Haydar. This accomplishment will make our families so very proud of us.”
“Yes Goat. This will be a large undertaking on our part but as Raj explained, we will have the support of our brothers who are already in place in America. This mission will not require for us to give our lives for the cause so we will be able to do things like this again to strike terror in the American population. No longer will they take our threats and promises lightly when we send them to the American media. There is a possibility that we may get to meet the supreme leader before we disembark. Raj told me that if he is in this area, it will happen.” Haydar then expressed to his friend the Goat what was also on his mind.
“I only wish that they would let me visit my mother in Tikrit before we leave. That is too much to hope for considering the secrecy required. “At the sound of the aircraft both Haydar and Goat switched their attention to the sky. It was a small white aircraft; obviously American and flying very slow at about five thousand feet above the city. It passed overhead and continued west. When it had gone to the other edge of the city, it turned and came back flying at the same altitude in the direction from where it came. It did not come back again.
At nightfall, the group was assembled and brought back to the training ground. It was after midnight and the group was surprised to find that they were now going to move to a different camp closer to the city. They would live in the local house for the next few days then depart for the Philippines where they would change planes for their trip to America. It was at this last location that they would stay at in Mazar I Sharif that they would learn the final details of their mission that would terrify the American population. It would take courage and dedication to complete this task but knowing that it had come to them directly from the supreme leader made the horrendous results that their work would have somewhat easier to live with. There was no doubt that Haydar had been the chosen one from the day that he decided to join this group. He would not fail and he would make his parents proud. That last thought made Haydar wonder how his mother would know of his accomplishments?

Chapter 9

Nawabshsh Pakistan University Laboratory

Badra Husana had all the appearances of the dedicated assistant to the research director. She put in many hours of work and frequently stayed over after Doctor Sadaqua Altaf and others had gone home. Badra had no family or friends in this area and absolutely no social life here. That aspect of her life was without concern to her. She was a dedicated member of the Talabanni el Assid. This was a very covert organization within the Taliban organization that used women and especially young girls to perform deep intelligence operations that were known only to the supreme leader and a close cadre of wealthy educated Afghans. Badra had been somewhat envious of her leader Adib because of his open travel and opulent and frequently lavish social life. Posing as an international banker. They had attended the same schools at different times but were close in their assigned missions but never too friendly or openly affectionate of each other. This was not difficult for Badra to portray because in reality, she despised Adib as a man. He was the typical chauvinist that most men his age were as a result of centuries of religious thought that women were just not equal. She would complete this mission and then return to her friends in Sweden and await her call again to duty when the occasion arose. She had been an excellent choice for this mission because of her education and background. Now, tonight she would show Adib that she possessed the ability of a master spy by processing a quantity of the lethal substance known as X437 in this laboratory and putting it in the hands of her countrymen for use in America. She must be concise. She must be absolutely positive that the substance she would produce here would do the killing and horrible disfigurement she had seen in the lab animals. It also had to be possible to simply manufacture this in the most basic of laboratories again once the formula was passed to operatives who would use this to strike terror in the minds and hearts of the infidels that were responsible for her parent’s deaths.
The process to make the X437 was not a rapid procedure. Badra had jokingly compared the process to making Afghanistan kufdra or sourdough bread. It required a starter compound that was then used in the following batches to produce the bio progression of the red cell oxygen deprivation within the victim. Badra had carefully set aside over the past month, the quantity needed for this evening’s project. The container that Adib had given her to place the shipment as he called it was nothing more than an exotic small mason jar used for caning fruit. There was a big difference between this container and the average fruit jar. This container was made of quartz-not glass. Quartz would not show the fluid inside the container when placed in an airport security X-ray machine.
Badra had slowly poured the contents into the special container when she saw the lights in the parking lot. It was a car. She did not want to go to the window to look out onto the parking lot because she was still dressed in the bio-protective clothing and that would surely bring suspicions into the mind of anyone seeing a person working alone in the lab at this time of night. All she needed now to finish her mission was to put the formula onto the CD diskette for the operatives to use to manufacture the bio-weapon. She was looking for a blank disk when the laboratory door opened and a startled Dr. Sadaqua Altaf entered.
“What are you processing? Why do you have the Bio protective gear on and am I being exposed to something right now?” Sadaqua was livid. She was yelling.
“Doctor, Doctor. Do not be alarmed. I have found a means to control the fluctuations of the speed in which the cells are attacked.” Badra was getting up from the computer and removing the protective bio gear. Why not? She thought? She was finished with her intended mission and would be gone when everyone else came to work in the morning. Badra was very calm and collected as she convinced the unsuspecting doctor to come and look at the computer model of the adjusted chemical she had used.
The doctor sat her purse and car keys she had been holding down on the bench beside the work table.
“The computer model shows only the charting of the compounds used at present but if you look here in the electron microscope, you will see the cells accelerating movement away from the plasma base.”
“I see only the usual absolute devouring of the cells by the fluid which I take is X437.” The doctor was looking and adjusting the eyepiece on the microscope when the scalpel entered her right side of her throat. A twist and with a strong pull back and the doctors head was almost removed from her body. There was no sound. Only the sound of a lifeless body falling to the floor.
Now, there was no time. Badra must act quickly or everything that her brother Taliban had worked for would be lost. She quickly removed the disk from the computer and then moved to the directory on the hard drive that had the employment files. There it was; Husana, Badra assistant to the director. The file had a photograph that was taken several years ago and intentionally used when she applied for this position. Badra deleted the file and all images. Then as deftly as a computer engineer, she removed the backup files from the drives and inserted a short line of script that read *.* Delete all. The computer faithfully began eating itself alive.
Badra then left the building unnoticed and with her clothes and sparse belongings in her small VW wagon she headed toward Mazar I Sharif with her prized quartz jar beside her.

Chapter 10

Homeland Security Arlington Va.

The DOCIS office main communications center had
All the toots and whistles of the CIA center over at Langley and then some. Technicians sat in front of large thirty six inch monitors watching events and locations all over the world from this room. One complete floor of the building was dedicated to operational command of their UAV Predator. From this location the technicians could view enemy activity from twenty five to fifty thousand feet. The UAV would permit these operators, sometimes an entire continent away to read a license plate or lettering on a moving vehicle with a DLTV television that had a variable 955mm zoom lens. Predators were becoming more useful in covert operations throughout the world because of their stealth characteristics and use of IR detection the unmanned surveillance could go on for forty hours continuous. This was way beyond the capability of a U2 manned aircraft with its human limitations. The small bird would fly unobtrusively over an enemy position usually in the middle of nowhere and report back everything from images to conversations and data transmissions. It was not unusual for one of these to fly unnoticed over a training camp and hover for hours conveying every word, data transmissions, GPS positions within three feet and an image of the individuals in the camp that walked outside the buildings or tents. If necessary this small aircraft could also become very lethal with its AGM-114 Hellfire missiles. One of the recent testimonials of its capability was on the news describing where and how it took out a known terrorist riding in a SUV deep in the Iraqi desert.
On the top floor of the building was located the satellite tasking group. With the advent of the UAVs into the surveillance system the duty of the satellite crew changed to a larger geographical format. Tracking of ship movements and aircraft as well as vehicles could be accomplished in such a detailed operation that a known target could be moved several hundred miles from the original contact and recognized.
In the center of the building was the main conference and briefing room. This area was electronic wizard’s dream come true. It was also a multi media fantasyland. Large surround sound speakers dominated the ceiling and walls. Sliding video monitor screens that could be grouped to make the picture showed as large as ten foot by twenty feet. The resolution of this projection plasma engineering miracle actually made the image three dimensional. The entire room was made of glass walls. You could see out from just about any position in the room at the conference table to the cubicles in the outer office. The glass had a state of the art technology that enabled the glass to block out all light and make it impossible to see inside the room when onscreen presentations were being made that were secret or classified.
North side of this floor consisted of several smaller glassed in offices with cubicles. These rooms were the home to the encode people and language technicians.
Brigadier Jacobs office was next to the media and conference room. It was small by bureaucratic standards for the D.C. area but retained a definite image of authority and leadership. There was no doubt that the head honcho did his magic from this office. The receptionist and the General’s aide shared an area between the lobby and the Generals office.
As Brigadier Jacobs and his son Lt. Jacobs entered the building the two sentries beside the main lobby reception desk came to attention and saluted. The General returned the courtesy and turned to his aide who was also his driver and instructed him to take DJ into the pass and ID office and get him processed.
“I want Lt. Jacobs to have credentials for access into every area of this building. If you run into problems processing my request, please call my office immediately. DJ-meet me in the conference room as soon as you have those credentials. Have Capt. Walsh here escort you through the building until you get the proper identification. I expect you to be there within the next forty five minutes. Understood? The General was a General now, not DJ’s father. It was a very subtle way of reminding DJ he was a junior officer and could be expected to be treated as such in this area.
“Yes sir, I’ll expedite the process as rapidly as possible Sir.” Was his serious reply. Captain Walsh withheld an urge to grin.
Processing DJ’s entry card and photograph did not take long. His eye and finger images required the longest processing. When the technician wanted to take a small blood sample from him, DJ commented; “My blood type is A positive—its on my ID card here.” The master sergeant processing his paperwork smiled at DJ and looked over at Captain Walsh and said; “Its not for your blood type sir, we establish your DNA chart here for more positive ID.”
The conference room was a beehive of activity as Lt. Wesley Jacobs; recent graduate of West Point entered the room. Several individuals in civilian clothes and one or two enlisted were mixed into the group of very busy people. There was a Navy Captain and a Marine Major.
The General spoke;
“Max, I want that data feed from Mazar I Sharif sent here real time and have the leader of that surveillance group on the horn ASAP. What is his name again? Sergeant Prestin? Code name Cowboy-right?”
Things started happening rapidly. A video image appeared on the large screen of a mud hut or stucco building with nothing around it except for a skinny dog lying on the ground in front of the door. It was not sun up yet early morning at the location. The sound came on and a voice announced;” Sergeant Tom Prestin here General They call me Cowboy, We’ll keep the video streaming live here while I give you a quick brief on what we have found so far.”
The Sergeant continued to relate finding the RF transmissions coming from the building and then the IR readings later indicating four individuals inside the building on a floor below or in a cellar. The fifth person, the guard on the rooftop was still sitting in the chair by the door to the roof.
“I’m going to run some footage we shot this afternoon that makes this scene even more interesting.” Said Prestin.
An image of two young men appeared on the rooftop and talked briefly to the old man that had been sitting by the door. The man stepped inside the door and one of the young men who were dressed in western clothes. Followed. If you looked close, you could see the man pass a weapon to the young man and then lean it against the inside of the door.
“Are these two a part of this family that lives here or what? “Asked the Navy Captain.
“That’s the interesting part Sir. All of a sudden we start getting multiple IR images in this area but there is no traffic on the outside the house. At one time, there were nine people in this area. There has to be another entrance to this room they are in.”
“Ahmed, show Lt. Jacobs here the transmission you obtained this afternoon.” At this comment by the General, a middle aged Indian man came over to the table where DJ was sitting and briefly introduced himself. He laid several sheets of data transmission in front of DJ and started to explain.
“This line here is what we understand to be a posting from an internet email.” Said Ahmed
The Indian started to explain the other part of the transmission when DJ interrupted him.
“This one here, it’s clearly one of the postings to another in a chat room. See this one? That has nothing to do with the conversation; it’s from a different person online. This skateboard is talking to this other guy about his pet.”
“You read Pashto?” Asked the surprised Indian.
“He does Ahmed, and that’s one of the reasons he is here.” Broke in the general.
“My guy that interps for me here says this one has a dialect he can’t quite get but its definitely some kind of code for an expected delivery. “Said Cowboy.
“Badalisi, he is using Badalisi” Said DJ
Badalisi? Asked the Navy Captain.
“It is a kind of slang. Back in the fifties and sixties in America it was hip to use the word man several times in a sentence and cool, those were in the dictionary but not by the definitions that they were used in. Then later in the 90’s teeners would start and stop fifty percent of their conversation with “I go” or “He Goes” and other what you might call “extra” words. It changes the entire meaning to a person that has learned the language from a classroom or a book. Another confusing habit of Americans in the past few years is to end every sentence with a voice inflection of a question. An Example; It was right over here in the box is a pretty straight remark but if you put the voice inflection into it as some college kids think is hip it comes out it was right over here? They think it’s trendy to inject that inflection in each sentence as they speak. It plays hell with comprehension until you know to expect it. That’s what these guys are doing by using Badalisi.”
“What do we have on these “extra” gomers that showed up here today? It was the Navy captain again.
“Actually sir, they were very cooperative. There were seven all together that were new to the group. Evidently they got a little stuffy in that small area below the house and came up for air or they were taking turns at the guard position. In any case, we started taking photos of them as they appeared and before we knew, it was like we asked them to all come up and have their picture taken. All seven eventually came to the rooftop.”
“Have you run the photos thru CENTCOM tracking yet? The General asked.
“We sent them early this morning General.” Replied Cowboy.
“Only one bingoed so far and that happened within a heartbeat of putting these images into the network. Evidently this one guy, -- we think is the leader of the group that just came, is wanted in several countries. Mossad is ready to send a force detail to get him. I hope they don’t screw up our operation here. Some Israeli Colonel named Nygel wants to come and interrogate this one in person. He said to hold everything until he arrived, like he was taking over the ops.”
“That’s the Mossad for you. They are very aggressive and borders and international treaties don’t mean much when they want to operate in your backyard.” The general obviously had experience with the group prior to this.
“This so-called leader, the person of interest the Mossad is interested in again, what is his name?”
“Raj Al Akayev.”
“He stayed in the nest here when the others disappeared this afternoon “Said Cowboy.
“They were all together in that room and the IR could not separate the images and then suddenly they were gone. There has to be a tunnel or passageway down there to another nest.”
“So, all but the one guy that came with the group, this Raj, left?” Asked DJ
“Affirm sir. We think they returned to the training camp. Hopefully, they will return tomorrow.”

Suddenly the video showing the live surveillance of the house had a small red flashing icon in the upper corner that said Motion. The room became quiet as the sergeant narrated the scene for the group back at Arlington.
A small white VW van pulled up by the house next to the target and stopped the engine. After a few minutes, a man came out of a door across the street and approached the person, a woman and they started talking.
“Smile honey, you are on candid camera” Said the sergeant coolly as he watched the monitor.
The two moved over to the van and each carried items into the door the man came from.
“Did you get that sergeant? Do you have a voice pickup at that OP? Asked the marine Major.
“Got it sir. When she looked up at the guy on the roof, we got a good shot of her face and we are running it now. The plate on the van is Paki and it is full of suitcases and clothes. Looks like the guys here are getting a room mate.”
“Play the voice conversation” Requested the General.
The voices came over the large speakers in the room and resounded around the place like it was playing at the local megaplex movie. It was in Pashto and the woman’s voice was excited. The conversation lasted only a few minutes before the two went inside the house.
“General Sir, they are going to return to the van and the woman is going to leave. One of the men inside is going with her the guy said that came out to meet her. I think they may be going to the training camp where the others went to earlier. Can we track that van?” DJ had jumped into the meeting with both feet now and was participating without concern for the fact that he was the junior spook in training here. No sooner had DJ made the comment than the woman and a different man came out of the house and left in the van.
“Can we get a bird in the area pronto?” Asked the General.
“Closest is Islamabad General. They would be ahead of the bird by several miles by the time it got there” Volunteered one of the enlisted techs.
“Get a bug on that dam van then. Have a patrol stop them briefly and after they plant a bug, turn them lose.” The General was desperate.
DJ could see that this was going to be a long week end. He never knew that his father dealt with this kind of excitement every day in his job. DJ’s adrenalin was flowing at top speed.
He was hooked. This is where his career should be.

Chapter 11

Delivering the goods

The morning sun was directly in the face of Badra Husana as she drove down the bumpy asphalt and rock road. This road was the only decent road leading out of the city onto the main highway. She was only a few miles from the new paved highway when the Army Humvee pulled up behind her van and honked their horn. Badra immediately pulled as far to the right as possible but the truck continued to honk and now flash its lights. She stopped the van and the truck stayed behind her for a few moments as though they were calling in the description of the car. Finally an American corporal came up to the side of the van and was followed by two other GIs in full battle gear.
“Good morning “ Said the infidel with the sunglasses in perfect fasi.
“Good morning Sir”. She replied in her best English. “I am traveling to Kabul” Anticipating his next question.
“Yes mam. Will you and your friend please step out of the van?”
“My papers are all in order and I am short on time.” She said, again anticipating his next statement.
As Badra and her travel companion stepped out of the van, the American motioned for them to follow him.
“Step back here out of that hot sun for a moment while I look at your papers please. These trucks are not very cool to ride in but they give a great amount of shade when you stop.” The American was trying to make humor obviously because he had found that she spoke English. After only a few minutes and without asking to look through the back of the van in the suitcases, the Army Humvee did an about face and drove back into the city.
This puzzled Badra but she said nothing to her guide.
She had been driving for almost an hour on the good paved road when she came upon a common traffic problem in Afghanistan- Nomads traveling across the modern highway on their slow moving camels. These desert people always had the right of way. You sat and waited on them to pass Badra sat in the air conditioned car for moment thinking and then got out and looked all over the car and under it. Her training had kept her from getting into trouble in the past and her intuition had not failed her in this instance. Why did the American patrol bother to stop her and then not inspect the cargo she was carrying? The move that the sergeant had her make to the rear of the Humvee was for a reason. Her suspicions were confirmed. .She went up to the nomad that was riding the small camel and gave him some clothes for his wife or family. He accepted the gift graciously and as the caravan finished moving across the highway, Badra continued on her mission. Her companion had fallen asleep long ago but that was alright. He was an illiterate fool and talked of nothing important. It would be another hour before she would need for him to wake up and show her where to turn off the highway.
The two observers on the rooftop were relieved and their replacements briefed. Cowboy stayed and continued his contact with the people back in Arlington. The activity at the nest slowed somewhat but other than the radio traffic that consisted of lookouts reporting American patrol movements, nothing changed. Several attempts were made to get voice surveillance inside the nest but because it was below the ground and probably under two or three feet of hard packed dirt, the equipment was not capable of getting anything useable.
“Ok people, this looks like we need to get some help in on this surveillance and decide if we want to take them out or let them stay there and provide us with more information. One thing we obviously do need is a person on the ground there that can immediately tell us what these Pashti are talking about and that can’t wait for transmission and decipher back here. DJ looks like you have a tough assignment here on your first day on the job. Be ready to leave in two hours. You are going to Afghanistan.” The General had both hands on the map table and looked up at DJ across from him. “Capt. Walsh will take you back to your barracks and after you get packed, will take you on over to Andrews to catch our GS550. Big Bird as we call her You should be on the deck there in Mazar I Sharif this time tomorrow. Get some sleep on the plane. Capt Walsh will get you issue of a secure satellite cell phone and a GPS. Any other gear you need, call the Capt back here and he will assist. Punch in our numbers here on that cell Captain, so DJ has a one-touch contact available with us. DJ, call me on the cell as soon as you get to Andrews and board Big Bird.” The General returned his attention back to the table and the people around it. This is the way it would have to be if DJ was going to work for the department in any capacity. He would be treated like any other operative regardless if the orders came from his father or another commanding officer.

DJ wondered how many times in his life, starting today, he’d have to either stretch the truth or outright lie to his friends. He called his future roommate on his cell and told him the bad news. He would have to report to Ft. Bragg for an infantry demo tomorrow morning. No excuses. Dj’s friend Mark would help Matin move into the apartment. The tough part to explain was how long DJ would be gone. “I really hate to broadside you with this little exercise Mat but I have no alternative. The demo is tomorrow and I don’t know how long it will last. Stock the refrigerator with enough corona Light and steaks and we’ll party when I get back-deal?”DJ was hoping Mat would not ask any questions or for details. He didn’t.
“DJ, when you get back I want to talk to you about a job offer I have.” Said Mat.
“Cool man. It’s always good to have a roomie that is employed I say.” DJ didn’t ask where the offer was from.
“Yeah Mat.?
“Be careful dude, OK?”
“Always. I cover my six you know that Pal.”
DJ knew from the comment he had just made that Mat knew that there was more to this quick unplanned trip than was out in the open but still, he had not questioned DJ. He would make a good roommate for DJ in his new job. DJ closed the cell as he and Capt Walsh entered Andrews Air Force Base. he glanced at his watch. They were on schedule. The only other task to complete before he would board the aircraft was his BDU hardware and vest.
“I have two people from the department that will be traveling with you DJ. They will brief you on our communications network in country and who will be assisting you. They will not stay in country so they will be giving you this heads-up onboard during this trip. Get to know these teammates because you will be working together in the future and it’s good to know how each other think. It could save your life someday. OK?”
“I’ll say this for you DJ, for a guy that is new to the group and taking a lot on your shoulders, you appear pretty calm.” The Captain was not patronizing the boss’s son, he was serious.
“Confidence Captain. I know I can do what is required. It is just going to be a little interesting to see what bumps in the road we’ll encounter doing what’s required.” DJ smiled at the Captain and then his attention moved to the aircraft that they were driving up to parked on the tarmac at Andrews. He was impressed. The GS550 was a beauty. It could range up to 5,600 miles if necessary and fly at .85 mach. The two rolls Royce BR710 turbofan jets were not only powerful but very quiet for their size. DJ felt he was peeing in the tall grass with the big dogs as he climbed the stairway to the open hatch. This was the Army’s best. It was almost too much to wish for but there they were; Two very attractive uniformed flight attendants waiting at the entrance to the cabin.
“Welcome aboard Lt. Jacobs. We have an area in the rear set aside for your group. Airman Yang will direct you. I understand that part of your baggage will be brought separately onboard ?”
“Yes it will Miss, please see that it is brought immediately to the Lieutenants cubicle.” Interrupted Captain Walsh who had accompanied DJ up the stairs.
The Captain then shook hands with DJ and wished him well and left.
The attendant pulled the curtain back on the area where DJ would spend the next 18 hours. The seats around the table were the large recliner design with several different items on the armrests. It was all there. A connection for his lap top complete with video input/output, head phones, a pair of Buck Rogers looking virtual image headset and a sliding panel that exposed a multitude of dials and controls when opened.
The kid sitting in the seat closest to the windows dressed in Dockers and tennis shoes looked up from his lap top and stuck out his hand.
“Danny Nero Lieutenant, welcome aboard the company’s air nautilus.”
“You know-Captain Nero-Nautilus forty thousand leagues and all that?”
“Gotcha. Didn’t we meet earlier today?”
“Observant Lieutenant and a good memory for faces I’d say. I was in the briefing but the action was a little tight so I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself.”
“DJ unless we are in mixed company-OK?”
“I’d say you are the annalist of choice for this mission Danny is that correct?”
“I’m your communications and spook-gear instructor-provider-type-guy, DJ, your angel should be here now but like always, she is late for the party.”
“Girl-type. You know, knockers, wigglebutt and all. One exception. This one has it all in one bag and knows which shelf it is on and you will like her, believe me. Only negative about miss bitchin to look at is that she is engaged to a Goliath Marine that is six four and his hands hang down to the floor.”
“Duly noted, my friend.” Said DJ, smiling.
“Lieutenant Jacobs?” The voice on the other side of the curtain asked.
“Yes?” Answered DJ as he pulled back the curtain.
“Your gear here sir. Do I stow it up forward with the attendant or do you want it here?” The sergeant was holding a large black duffel bag.
“Here will be fine. Thank you sergeant.” As he answered the enlisted man and took the bag, she came down the aisle to the cubicle and stood behind the sergeant waiting on him to go around her and leave. Danny was right, there was a definite wiggle in her walk and it was bitchin to look at .
“Thank you for waiting on me Danny. I know you’d love to leave without me.” Without taking a breath she continued. “I’m Penny Buckley and you are Lieutenant DJ Jacobs.” Extending her hand she went on. “You are younger and bigger than I had imagined. The smile was a killer. You expected a little glint of light to come off her perfect teeth as she spoke.
“Nice to meet you miss Buckley. Please join us here if you are ready.”
“I’m going to use the com room up forward for a bit. I’ll see you gents right after we level out.” She was gone as fast as she appeared.
“Lets go over a few items in your duff bag DJ so you can know how to use your new tools of the trade when you need them.” Danny was ready to start his brief.
“Hang tight one Dan. I need to make a call before we get airborne.”
DJ sat down in the seat next to Danny and punched in the speed dial for Arlington on his new satellite cell. An odd occurrence then took place. Instead of the number dialed showing in the screen area only a symbol appeared. It resembled the Greek Omega symbol but different.
“Standby one DJ, we will be right with you. “ The voice on the opposite end was familiar. DJ held and waited.
After a few moments the voice returned.
“DJ, we are getting flash traffic from UIR counter T headquarters and it relates to your situ. I’m going to review the data we have as it come in but in the interim, have Buckley brief you on what we have on codename Saih I will be sending you an update factor. I’ll get back to you while you are enroute.”
“Roger sir. The group is assembled and we are going over the mission engagement tactical. Out”
“Lets start with this item here. You requested this instead of the standard issue weapon. Can I ask the reason for the preference?”
“You are talking about this wonderful piece of Austrian engineering, I assume?” DJ was pulling the 9MM Glock17 out of the bag. “I’m comfortable with this model is most. Of the reason for the request but in addition with having lived with one of these on the range at the point, it carries 19 rounds in the two column magazine. The silencer is just that; not more than a bottle of Dom Perignon being opened. I can strip it and reassemble in the dark --three minutes fifty three seconds-tops. The six pound trigger is a nice plus.”
“Sounds like you know what you want. We’ll make a note in your package back at the nursery to that affect.” Acknowledged Dan.
“The rest is pretty much what you used in your counter t training at the point; Kevlar--new XP series tactical vest, a Garmin GPS-72 with all the important waypoints for the mission area preset accurate to within three feet and two nice cutting tools. A Ka-bar for your leg sheath and a new item from Smith & Wesson I thought you’d like, a folding Zytel four incher for the more exacting close-up work you may have to do. The waterproof black ten inch pouch-like folder has some local pocket change in it and two cards that can be used—with discretion, if you get into an area where the local commander’s treasury is empty.” Dan was reviewing the radio frequencies that were used in the area around Mazar I Sharif when Penny Buckley opened the curtain.
“Excuse me Dan, I hope you are about finished with DJ. I have a TACO from the General for DJ.”
As Dan climbed out of the chair and laid his lap top on the table he offered to bring back something to drink or eat from where he was going-the galley where the two attendants were on duty.
“You got the codename for this folder from your Dad,…..”
DJ immediately placed his hand on top of her hand that was still on the folder Buckley had laid on the table.
“Lets deal with this right away-OK?”
“It was a slip.”
“Lose lips sink ships, Penny.” Was DJ’s retort referencing the slogan from wwII that warned defense plant workers from talking about their jobs in unsecured areas.
“To my knowledge, you and Dan are the only ones on this aircraft or in my new world of contacts that know the family connection. Let’s keep it that way-ok?”
“Good thinking and not a problem. I’m sorry.”
“Codename Saih. Which in Farsi incidentally means tourist . Tell me a story.” DJ relaxed and sat back in the large seat and listened to Buckley relate how the CENTCOM counterterrorism group had worked this folder since a number of young Iraqi youths had been recruited in and around the city of Tikrit. The last contact that CENTCOM had with them was when they crossed into Iran over a year ago. There was supposed to be a mole, an informant, an asset with the group but as no one had heard from him since the Iranian crossing, they assumed he had been compromised or dropped from the group. When the face photos from the nest in Afghanistan were run in the I.D. image system, they bingoed on this bunch. However there was Zippo on the asset.
Buckley continued; “All of this group are within two years of age between them all. This leads us to believe that they were hand picked for some particular reason and an asset they have for Al Queda . Possibly the student status and English capability. We are not sure.”
DJ’s cell rang and after getting over the surprise that there was someone in addition to the General that had his number, he answered.
“DJ”. That was the best he could do for an acknowledgement. He all of a sudden felt like the new kid on the block again. He didn’t have a codename like the rest of the party.
“Cowboy here Sir. I just had a look at the photos that CENTCOM sent back to us on this group on the roof here. The photos are sharper and a lot clearer than what we saw in the camera when we shot them or I would have seen it then.”
“Seen what Cowboy?” DJ asked.
“I know this bunch”
“You know them? There was an understandable surprise in DJ’s voice.
“I know of them I should say. These people were all on the same flight I was on to this location about a year ago. I even talked to one of them, the one called Haydar. At least that is his name on the student card issued at the Iran border. When they left the terminal here at Mazar I Sharif, they were picked up by a large white van. That’s all I can contribute but I’m positive these guys are the same. I have not seen any of them in town since that day but they evidently have been here all along..”
“ok Cowboy. Good recall. Thanks for the heads-up. We will see you in about eight hours. Out”
“Why don’t you get some rest Lieutenant, we are due to make a refueling stop in Rota Spain and then we will be on the deck in Afghan shortly thereafter.” Suggested Penny.

Chapter 12

Rooftop OP Mazar I Sharif

“Cowboy to rover boy. Have you finished your patrol and mission?”
“Rover to Cowboy. Affirm. We accomplished mission about two hours ago and was on our way home when we had a call on the other side of town. We are just entering the compound now.”
“Is the baby riding piggyback with its mother?” Cowboy was asking if they got the bug on the VW Badra was driving.
“Affirm Cowboy. You can turn the radio back on, I think the baby is asleep and it wont bother him.”
“Roger Rover, Cowboy out. The sergeant turned to the technician and instructed him to turn on the tracker on the bug in the van. He would feed the signal to the Predator that was due in the area in seven and see where the two occupants were headed or if they were still moving..
“Head shed we are going to send the tracking feed directly to you via Predator so we can get a GPS on the van-Roger?”
“Cowboy, we have the signal. It would appear that the van has turned off the highway and headed south very slowly. We do not show any vehicle roads in the area where they are.”
What the fuck? We just deployed half the local force into planting this bug so we can find where they have gone and they have decided to park and play dip the weenie or what? Thought the Sergeant.
“How much longer can we get feed from Eagle-Eye? Asked Cowboy.
“Way past when you will be relieved Cowboy. Eagle just arrived on station. He will be there as long as we require.”
“Head shed. Do you have an image from Eagle yet?
“Negative Cowboy. We are getting an image but it is only the flight path enroute to your GPS tracker.”
“How about keying in that freq from the bug to SATCOM and requesting an image? Asked Cowboy thinking his options for finding what is causing this van to be moving across the desert slowly in an are where there is nothing but more sand.
“Negative Cowboy NAVOBSERV says we need a deeper priority for them to task one of their birds for the project.”
“Cowboy, we have the target on the screen. It will come up on your viewer in three. You’re not going to like this.”
Cowboy looked at the viewer. He could see why the tech back at head shed made the last comment.
The lead camel appeared to have a problem with its hoof. It was limping and the Bedouin was walking beside it. The rest of the caravan was at the same pace. Nomads have wondered that part of the earth for centuries and were not at all concerned about arriving anyplace special on time. Cowboy looked at the group closely. There was no van crawling along in the progression. Did they ditch the van and are using the Bedouin as cover to get to the training camp? Cowboy had to find out. He knew the general had been watching all of this.
“Sir, can we request that Sand Trap send some sparrows to look-see this camel brigade?”
Affirm Cowboy. We’ll feed them the video from Eagle and ask them to keep you wired in. What is the action from the OP on the roof?”
“Zippo Sir. Looks like Gomer is catching some z time.”
It was approximately twenty minutes after the last transmission that the commander of the sparrow team called in to report that they were about to interdict the Bedouin caravan.
As Cowboy watched the live feed from Eagle of the sparrow team looking in the caravan, he saw the team gather around one Bedouin and look at some clothing. Cowboy’s next thought was well, you’re fucked.
When the team leader of the sparrow unit made his report that the transmitter was in a bundle of clothes that the lady and the man in the car had given them, the search was terminated. They would have to get the intel of where that camp was from the room beneath the house. They had to watch the nest very closely from this point on because as soon as the woman could communicate back to the room beneath the house, she would of course inform them of the planting of the bug and the group would get squeamish.

Chapter 13

Big Bird touched down at Rota Spain at 0330 and was immediately refueled. The pilots and attendants left the aircraft briefly as the ground crew refreshed the coffee and emptied the honey bucket and replenished the blue water. DJ and crew were asleep when the pilots re boarded. DJ had always been a light sleeper but was capable of getting a good rest regardless of where he was. One thing he did have as an asset in his new job was that he remained as cognizant of happenings around him regardless of how deep a sleep he was in.
There were extra people that had joined the group here in Rota. He heard different voices in the forward cabin.
Three hours from touchdown at Mazar I Sharif, Danny and Penny yawned and stretched as they started their day. The attendants brought them each a breakfast tray and then hot towels and a freshen up tray that had toothpaste, a razor and mouthwash.
DJ had completed his breakfast and was in the head. He washed his face and placed the cold cloth on his neck and started to use the razor and then thought,not for awhile, let it darken and grow. You’ll look less like a spit and polish west pointer on his first tour. He returned to his seat. He smelled something. Something vile and puke related. He got up from his seat and went into the forward cabin. As he came thru the door, he saw the newly added passengers from Rota Spain. One was a dark skinned middle easterner with hair longer than the usual military cut and a trim dark beard. His uniform was more that of a swat team member than it was a uniform. The two companions seated on the opposite side of the aircraft looked up at DJ as he came forward and made a remark to the bearded one in Israeli. DJ’s Hebrew was not as good as his other languages but he could tell it was something like here is your guy now.
DJ looked at the three new additions to the passenger list and continued forward. The tall flight attendant was completing a customs report and looked up at DJ.
“Can I get you something Lieutenant?” she asked again with a beautiful smile. My god, how can these gals fly for hours at a time thru three time zones, not sleep and still be miss personality to her passengers?
“Good morning. May I ask you a question? Have you told our new passengers that this is a non smoking flight?”DJ was signaling over his right shoulder at the bearded one with the stinking cigar.
“I’m sorry sir but I did inform the gentleman as soon as he lit that but he,…..well, he declined to extinguish it at my request.”
“In other words, he was rude and used some language that was not necessary-right?”
“I’m really sorry sir,…I…..
“Thank you Miss. Now tell me who these people are. They are not obviously department of Defense personnel.”
“I’m sorry sir, I can’t tell you that. They are onboard at the request of the state department I can say.”
“Ok, thank you.” DJ turned and started back through the cabin. He stopped next to the bearded one who was at that moment exhaling a large plume of cancerous garbage.
“Excuse me, my friend”. He said to the man laying one hand on the back of his seat and the other on the seatback across the isle.
“I can see that you obviously enjoy the Cuban cancer sticks and certainly care less about the people’s health around you, but this is a non smoking flight. You’ll have to save your enjoyment until after you depart the General’s aircraft here.”
The bearded one withdrew the cigar from his mouth and smiled up at DJ after looking at him directly for several seconds before he spoke.
“In my country, a gentleman can smoke in anyplace at any time and that includes our aircraft.”
DJ took the same amount of time to respond and stared back into the cold black eyes of the bearded one.
“Yes my friend, I have been on some of the aircraft and in places in your country and smelled where at one time or another you were there with your cigar but this is not your countries aircraft. This is a Gulf stream 550 aircraft, one of the finest engineering accomplishments of our aerospace industry and it belongs to Brigadier Thomas Jacobs who does not smoke. “
“Lieutenant, I am……..”
DJ cut him short. He looked at the man again and as he spoke in perfect Hebrew this time.
“Out with the fucking cigar Ben Groin. Now.”
As DJ spoke those words in Hebrew, the flight attendant looked around the corner of the bulkhead and watched as DJ reached over and turned on the air jet nozzle to full.
He then reached over and took the half empty glass of scotch the wide eyed companion in the seat across from him and put it in front of the bearded one.
“In here. Sir and the attendant here will assist you in disposing of same.”
The bearded one extinguished the cigar in the glass of scotch and handed it to the attendant who hurriedly vanished with the ill smelling package.
“Thank you sir on behalf of General Jacobs and the crew here.”
DJ returned to his seat.
“You react pretty strong when you get tilted don’t you guy?” Smiling Danny remarked as DJ took his seat.
“Pissed me off man. They are guests on this plane, they don’t own it. Who are those people anyway?”
“Ask Penny. She is you Google-lady on two feet DJ. She can give you the guys mothers name and which side he dresses on.”
“You know-googlize the question-it returns tons of info—she is that. The guys in the department back at Langley nicked her.”

It was amazingly quiet in the front compartment from that moment on.

The airport at Mazar I Sharif was used by the Russians to launch air strikes against the Northern alliance and Taliban during their conflict. It is the home of the famous Blue Mosque and the second largest city in Afghanistan The name literally means “Tomb of the Chosen One” It is also very dirty and very dry. Dust and debris clutter the streets and only the market areas appear to have any maintenance to the buildings. Many buildings are either vacant or occupied by vagrants who lost their homes to bombs and shelling during wars in the past twenty years. It does have a decent modern airport. The Gulfstream V landed and taxied to a secure area some distance from the terminal. As they taxied into the area and parked, DJ noticed out the window an older turbojet resembling a Short 360. It was secured and several guards were walking around the aircraft armed with automatics. The Star of David insignia was the only bright paint on the aircraft.
Penny had been in the forward section of the aircraft using the secure communication desk. When she returned to where DJ and Dan were just getting their gear together to exit, she gave some last minute instructions.
“Hang tight for a few you guys, this sergeant that has been in contact with these suspects here will join us onboard for an update and then Dan and I will go to the Embassy for the night and return to Langley tomorrow.”
Outside the window on the left of the aircraft, DJ could see three large black SUV parked alongside two humvee. A tall tan master sergeant was walking toward DJ’s plane with two other soldiers in full combat gear. They came up the stairs to the open hatch and looked inside while talking to the flight attendants. Penny looked around the edge of the cubical bulkhead and motioned for the trio to come to the rear of the aircraft.
Penny asked the two soldiers accompanying the master sergeant if they would like a cold drink and they accepted. Penny then politely offered two seats to the men motioning to the center of the aircraft.
DJ’s first question after the intro was to find out what was going down at this moment at the OP.
“We have full stream video on the entire block Lieutenant and a rapid response team on alert if needed.”
“Penny, do you have anymore on those images we sent CENTCOM” Asked DJ
“I have the entire story we have so far in this briefing folder Lieutenant. You can read it as you have time and need. I’ll leave it with you.”
“And what about these two people that left the place last night? Did we track them to wherever they were going?”
Penny looked sheepishly over at Cowboy for a response.
“We got burned Lieutenant. The gal that was in the car or her friend that she picked up evidently found the transmitter and placed it with some Bedouins moving across the desert. “
DJ visualized that story and thought of how this group felt about being outsmarted by a lone, unidentified woman.
Penny gave the group some last minute intelligence that she had received from Langley and they departed the aircraft.
At the bottom of the stairs was the bearded one with three others including the two on the plane. This made the Israeli group six. The three black SUV came around the back of the aircraft and stopped about twenty feet from where DJ and Cowboy were walking. As Cowboy and DJ started to climb into the SUV the bearded one raised his hand and spoke.
“Lieutenant Jacobs wait just a moment please. I am colonel Nygel of the Israeli intelligence agency.”
DJ didn’t lose step and continued to the front SUV in the group. Cowboy was already in the back seat holding an M60.
“You have an observation post that is watching a person that we want to question very badly.”
DJ was climbing into the SUV.
“We would like to join your group and assist in any way possible to apprehend these people alive so they may be questioned. Do you understand me?”
DJ held the door open for just a moment as he looked at the Israeli and replied.
“Colonel, I have no idea who or what you are talking about. I have orders for my group here and you are not included. For you to accompany my unit here you will need specific orders authorized by this area command and if you want to go looking for suspects in the Afghan desert, I could care less. Driver lets move out.”
DJ slammed the door as the bewildered Colonel shouted. “We will follow and talk to your superiors!” The colonel’s face was red.
As they approached the security gate from the airport, DJ asked Cowboy;
“You know anything about this Colonel and who he is talking about?
“The Israeli hard case? -never heard of , or seen before but the guy he is probably talking about has been identified as Raj Al-Akayev by his face image we sent to CENTCOM. Langley put his mug on the system when our group was trying to get feedback and Tel Aviv must have cracked it. This tango is still in the nest so far as I know Lieutenant. The thing that pisses me is what he said about us watching him. How did he know we had an OP here?”
They approached the security gate. It was manned by U S Marines.
A master gunny came to the passenger side of the first SUV as DJ lowered the window. He looked at the gunny’s name badge and at the same time showed him his Langley top security credentials.
“Gunny, I need a little assistance from you and your men here at this post.
The sergeant saluted and stepped closer to the SUV.
“Yes Sir. Lieutenant, what can we do sir?”
“This group behind us-the three vehicles behind the last humvee here,….”
The sergeant looked back at the rear of the departing column of vehicles.
“In my opinion, those people need a real heads-up inspection prior to leaving this airport. I’m going to be moving this group to an operational area and I don’t want these sports fans to follow me to the playing field—got me?”
“Yes Sir-have a good day sir.”
The sergeant stepped back and the security post rose to pass the three SUV and two humvee. It came down again between the last three SUV and the Humvee
Cowboy’s radio crackled and a call sign came over the secure channel.
“Go ahead Scorpion.”
“We have activity here Cowboy
“Describe Scorpion.”
“Tangos have increased the rooftop smokers two in number now and they are at different positions.”.
“Any change in the RF?”
“Not to mention but they seem to be moving around a lot according to the IR we are getting.”
DJ interrupted.
“Scorpion. Are all the same individuals still in the nest?”
“Affirm Sir, no change in that and we don’t see any smoke or anything that would suggest they are burning files or trying to clean the place.”
“Scorpion. You have a direct link to head shed there. Ask them to put Eagle over there to catch any runaways roger?
“Roger, Sir”
“We’ll be there in about ten . Cowboy out.”
DJ ordered the two humvee with the 50 cal to stay back two blocks but ordered the three SUV to come up behind the building where the OP was.
“How many men do you have in this group Cowboy?” DJ was planning as he spoke.
“Six in the other SUV and two on the roof plus two on lookout across the street.”
“Can we take out the nest.? Its your group. If you need assistance let me know now
“I need some cover for my injection team Lieutenant maybe eight more guys. “
Ok, call em and on my command, get the rapid response team here. We’re going to have to take this nest apart before they clean it so bad we can’t read shit from what they leave.—move.!”
Just as DJ instructed, the two humvee dropped back and stayed two blocks from the tango’s nest. The three black SUV pulled up silently behind the house that had the OP on the top. Cowboy brought all his unit together and briefed them on what they were going to do. DJ climbed the ladder to the OP and got down on his belly and crawled over to the op cover with Cowboy.
“Let me have the earphones that are hooked to the RF.” He asked the man who had been manning the op since daybreak.
“DJ was listening to the conversation on their radio. It was in Pashtu and the guy was talking very fast and excitedly. .
Just then Cowboy nudged DJ and pointed up to the sky and then put his hand to his left ear. It was the predator-Eagle had come on station.
“Can I take a look through the glasses from the edge over there? Asked DJ of one of the observers.
“Not a good idea Sir. We have been using the video from the cameras mounted on the corner over there and the building across the street.”
“Let me take a look”
“That house directly across the street-is that where you think this tunnel is?” Asked DJ
“Afirm sir, but cpl stanis and I think there is another entrance or exit to this room where all the activity is going on.”
“How so?”
“We never see any of these guys come or go using that house across the street. Its only the people that come by show up on the IR as entering the room. They never go upstairs except to crap or chow down. There has to be a bunk room or something else off to the east of the room.”
“Ok. How can we find out? Doesn’t the IR show anything over there?”
“No Sir. The IR is limited by distance and we don’t dare try to get closer. We’ll have to wait till we enter the place.”
“We got company” Said the corporal.
“From? Said Cowboy.
“On the street behind us—by where our humvee are parked. It’s not our guys, I can see them coming up this other street to our echo.”
DJ and Cowboy made the same exclaim nation At the same time as they looked at the surveillance camera back a street by the humvee.
The two large SUV continued to come down the street closing on the OP. They were a block from the parked humvee.
“Cowboy to rear guard. Detain those vehicles approaching from your six. Let them see what size weapons are mounted on those trucks-now!”

Immediately in the video DJ could see both gunners on the top of the humvee turn and train their weapons on the approaching vehicles. The drivers responded as any intelligent person would if they saw two large humvee with gunners behind two large 50 caliber point at them.
They stopped dead in their track.
Cowboy’s support team had arrived and was in the back of the building assembling their gear.
The door to the black SUV opened and the bearded one climbed out. His two traveling companions that were on the plane were with him as he brazenly walked up the street passing the gunners by holding up his identification. He proceeded to the group behind the building and again showing his identification to the surprised private at the bottom of the ladder to the rooftop. The three climbed the ladder and took a quick look at the op and saw the cover. Only the Colonel got on his stomach and crawled forward. The other two stayed low by the ladder top.
When Cowboy saw the bearded head come into the O P by lifting the canvas cover slightly, he drew his glock19 and pointed it at the man’s head.
“Hold on Cowboy. He is here. Don’t make a fuss.” Said DJ
“Thank you Lieutenant we only want to observe your observation and then talk to the one suspect. I will not get in your way.”
“We can do that if you work with me on this” Said DJ
“How do you mean Lieutenant?”
“Take your men back and wait until we bust this operation and get the prisoners. Then you can interrogate your man.”
“Fair enough. So they are in this house across from you here that is on this video? Is Raj Al Akayev with them?
“I have no idea Colonel. We will soon find out.”
At that, the Colonel moved out from under the canvas cover and returned back to the vehicles with his men. As soon as the three returned to the SUV parked behind the humvee, they left and moved over a block where they were not visible from the OP or the rear guard .Cowboy asked one favor of the young Lieutenant who was about to command his first take down operation. “Sir, no offense but can I respectfully request that you let my injection team and I take out the location and you control the ops from here?” “I would not have it any other way Sergeant. I have never worked with your team and I’m smart enough to know that I can better operate from here observing.” DJ smiled.
It took about fifteen minutes for Cowboy to brief his injection team and move them around to the side of the house where the OP was on the roof.
Cowboy had just finished setting the charges for the alley back of the house to stop any runaways when the three black SUV came to a screaming stop in front of the house the OP was watching. Six troopers in attack gear came out of the three vehicles armed with two m60 and automatics. They rushed the small house that was on top of the room where the terrorist operation centered. They obviously did not know of the tunnel from across the street.
“Shit.” Was all Cowboy could get over his lip mike when he saw what was coming down.
“Lieutenant, do you see this? Cowboy called to DJ
“Afirm Cowboy. The SOB is going to try to take his man with out letting us in on the action.”
“Head Shed do you have this video stream from our OP?
DJ was asking Arlington if they could see what was going on.
“We have it all right here Lingo. It is your call. From what we see, the Israeli Colonel is trying to upstage our team on the takedown. Arlington out.” DJ got the word. It was his call and Arlington was going to watch to see how the new kid on the block played hardball.
“Cowboy, send a squad over to the house across the street. Grab the runaways and try to take them alive. We’ll be in the back to get the left-overs if they come to the alley. DO NOT GO IN-REPEAT DO NOT GO IN. We will let the mod squad here do the injection and we keep our guys outside. Tell the injection team to stand down and move to the alley. Scorpion we will be on the deck in two. Give me a play-by-play from there on what the Tangos do. Move out.”
DJ was down the ladder and into the alley by the house in three heartbeats. He didn’t think that he used more than two rungs on the ladder coming down to the ground.
“Tangos are panicking-they know they have company. Their RF just went dead but they put out an alert in code that is running continuous on the internet channel they were using.
We have action in the tunnel between the house and also in the top of the house. It’s a madhouse over there. Cowboy you have a runner coming at your twelve- standby.
The sound of a M60 is something that can not be mistaken for a nine millimeter or an AK 47. The M60 was at the top of the stairway to the underground room and was clearing a path to come down the stairs. Just as a concussion grenade went off in the main room, the door to the small garage next to the OP house that exited from the garage to the alley flew open.
DJ was standing just three feet away behind a trash container when the guy ran out the door and was about to make it down the alley at full speed. As the man approached where DJ was hiding, he was looking back over his shoulder at the house to see if anyone was coming. DJ stuck his foot out from behind the trash container and tripped the tango on the run. The guy pulled a pistol from his chest holster and before he could aim it, DJ kicked it out of his hand and then put his knee on the tango’s gut and shoved his nice new Glock into the guys face.
“Hold still. I don’t want to kill you. Said DJ in Pashtar.
It felt like a bee sting. Then it was wet. DJ’s leg was on the guys stomach and he had the guy’s right arm pinned to the ground but his left arm was able to get the knife from his sheath and stick it in DJ’s leg. Without giving the action a second thought, DJ planted his Glock 19 pistol butt into the guys face just between his eyes and his forehead. He went limp.
Two more tangos had tried to use that same garage door and Cowboy’s men were there waiting on them. Across the street, the injection team that held at the entrance to the tunnel had two more..
The explosion shook the ground and the middle of the street erupted as the blast went off. It was from the tunnel under the street.
“Scorpion-sitrep!” Called DJ into his lip mike.
“That was from the tunnel under the street sir. We didn’t have any one in there but I can’t answer for the SUV group. That blast took out two of their vehicles. Standby one—we have a guy on the rooftop waving for a medic. It’s the Israeli – not the Colonel the guy that was with him.”
“Don’t send any of our guys ---medics—in there until we have it cleared Scorpion—pass that word to the rapid response team that just arrived also. Get someone on that rooftop to talk to the Israeli and see what is going on in the nest.”
“Cowboy, take all these prisoners back to base and hold them in a secure location until I get there. Make sure they are searched black hooded and cuffed prior to transporting. In other words, be careful that they don’t have a knife someplace that they can stick you in the leg with.
“Roger sir. Request one change if possible. Over.”
“”Roger Cowboy what is it?”
“Scorpion can take the gomers to that location and I can stay here and review this operation with you sir.”
“Afirm Cowboy good idea. Make it happen.”
“Lieutenant. Sergeant Reagan here Sir. I’m inside the room and it is secure. Tunnels in both directions are clear also. It would appear that we have everyone that was in here in custody sir.” The transmission was week but DJ got the message.
“Is that Colonel there Sergeant?” Asked DJ.
“I am right here Lieutenant. Your sergeant here has been kind enough to loan us his radio so we can get medical attention for our brothers here. .”
“Colonel, without going into the stupidity of your last twenty minutes and the jeopardy you placed my unit in , I’m going to ask you to stay away from the prisoners we took. If you so much as ask where they are being held I’ll see that you do not have access to them until after their arrest and trial which may take about five years. You understand? I am serious.”
“I’ll talk to you here Lieutenant. At the moment please see that my men receive immediate medical attention. I have one casualty and two wounded”
Cowboy came around the corner of the garage and when he saw the blood on DJ’s leg he called for a medic and told DJ to stay by the ambulance while he went down into the underground room.
DJ’s leg was not a deep wound but it was going to make a big scar behind his knee. The knife had not cut anything vital and no arteries. He was lucky.
The two Israeli wounded and the body bag came out of the tunnel with the medics and left in the ambulance. DJ was sitting on the ambulance gurney with the medic bandaging his leg when the colonel approached.
“The prisoners have been removed from the area while we were in the tunnel. Where are they?
“Wasn’t that radio working when I told you the terms on which you could interrogate the prisoners?”
“Was Raj Al Kayev among them?”
“I have no idea Colonel.”
“You have not interrogated the prisoners?”
“There you go again Colonel. I told you, I can not give you any information until our people finish talking to these guys. You’ll just have to cool your britches,…..sir”
“Lieutenant Jacobs. You are in way over your head here son. I realize this is probably your biggest mission since you joined your agency but I must give you some background on who you have here. First of all, I need to know if you have Raj Al Kayev in fact. If you do not I need to immediately pick up his trail before he gets away again. We have been tracking this dog for over three years.
Raj Al Kayev is not an amateur in this game. He is a skilled professional and a killer. A psychopath and maniac He will slip through the knots you have tied on him and be on his way to kill again.”
“If, indeed, we have been fortunate enough to capture this Raja what’s-his-name I’ll guarantee you he will not slip through our knots. He will be questioned and then probably sent to Gitmo where he will tell us his story in time, I assure you colonel.”
“Are you married Lieutenant?”
“No Colonel, I have not had much time for that in the past five or so years. Why do you ask? I’m sure you don’t want to line up a backyard bar B Que between our families.”
“Raj Al Kayev was captured the last time in Tel Aviv while planning to bomb our Parliament building. We caught him and three of his terrorist madmen and had them in a secure holding area for questioning. One of the guards at that location thought Raj was a person that was just on the wrong side of the law and tried to convince him to promise to take up a new life when he was released. He became friends with the guard—as I mentioned, he is sly and can be charming- and before long the guard was bringing food and clothing to him. Raj Al Kayev escaped the holding center and before he left Tel Aviv through his Taliban connections, he went to the guard’s home. He killed the guard when he arrived home and raped and murdered his wife. He took their eight year old son and nailed him to the apartment door and opened his body from his chest to his gonads and let the entrails fall on the floor. We know for a fact that it was he that planned the assignation of our ambassador to Italy last year. This is the bastard that you have in your possession Lieutenant being guarded by some young American that was probably only a year ago, football quarterback of his school.”
“Colonel. First of all, its not my call to give you access to our prisoners. That is now a decision that comes from our Justice Department. Secondly, it is my responsibility to return these prisoners over to authorities in relative same condition in which we captured them. Not is pieces or as blubbering mindless zombies.” While DJ and the Colonel faced off on international issues, cowboy was busy under the tunnel.
Cowboy worked his way down the tunnel to the room where all the action on the radio and computers had taken place the past week. Tables were on their side and papers were all over the place. In several piles of papers and books, there was evidence where they had tried to burn them. Then he looked around at the maps and newspaper clippings pasted to the wall. He turned the halogen flashlight on wide beam and looked at the wall across from him. It was a map. It was in English and had red marks on it. He then read the bottom corner title to the map. For the first time in years while searching these underground terrorist caves, he broke out in a cold sweat as he re-read the name of the map. He keyed his Radio.
DJ had hopefully convinced the colonel that he was not going to get anyplace in respect to getting his hands personally on Raj Al Kayev when his radio crackled.
“Lieutenant? Cowboy here”
“Roger Cowboy. Lt. Jacobs here.
“Sir, you better get down here.”

Chapter 14

Thirty Kilometers east of Mazar I Sharif

Haydar was sitting on his bed talking to Goat when the curtain was pulled back and one of the camp security guards started shouting to all the recruits in the room. There was no time to lose. Their security had been breached and they were moving out. All recruits had been trained to know that this episode could happen any time and at any hour of the day or night and they were ordered to have their belongings together in one place so that they could pick them up and leave within five minutes. The white vans that the group usually traveled in were not in the camp. Two large semi trucks with canvas covered box-like containers were running and supplies and people were being loaded. At the far end of the camp there was a small fire and instructors were hurriedly moving files and records from the main tent out to the fire and burning them. The strong one came up to Haydar and grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him to the side of the mess tent.
“You will have a new leader and instructor from this point on in your mission. She has the complete mission intelligence and briefing materials. As you know, your team will consist of yourself, the Goat, actor and the one called Ali-Baba. Allah has bestowed upon you a great responsibility engineer and it is up to you now to prove you are worthy. Do not fail. All of your Mujahideen brothers will be with you in spirit wherever you travel. Go now and join your team on the truck. We must separate here but we will meet again when you return from your mission and we are with the supreme leader in his camp. Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! After saying those words to Haydar the strong one turned and jumped into the first truck as it started to roll out of the camp.
She? The strong one used she when he spoke of our new leader thought Haydar. He climbed in the back of the second truck and surveyed the people sitting and laying in the large bed of the vehicle. He saw his three other team members and summoned them to come sit with him in the rear of the vehicle. It would be dusty here but they would have at least some breeze coming in the back to help cool off the group.
The trucks turned onto the main road and turned west.
“We are heading back to Mazar I Sharif Haydar! We will all surely be captured by the Americans that patrol this road as we saw on our last trip to the city!” It was Goat expressing his amazement at the fact that he thought they were driving into the very laps of their enemy. “It is a large city Goat. Our leaders know that in such numbers, we will be harder to locate and identify. “You will see” The next voice came from a darken corner of the truck; “Your friend is correct young warrior of Osama. We are heading to a safe location deep in the heart of the city that is completely unknown to the British and the Americans. We will be safe. Get some sleep. We have many tasks to complete tomorrow.” The voice was strong and direct. It was a voice that was not that of the typical Amatullah “You are the person the strong one informed me about?” Asked Haydar, knowing that this person that would speak to two male travelers directly had to be someone of great courage. Women who spoke directly to males traveling like this in this country had been known to be stoned just for the act. “You may call me Badra, Haydar. Come sit here across from me and we shall talk of our journey about to take place.” As Haydar moved over to the area across from the person that had just identified herself as Badra he noticed she had a western style suitcase beside her and she was sitting on a small wooden box that had rope for handles. It reminded Haydar of the boxes used to carry ammunition around the camp.
“As you are aware by now Haydar that the headquarters room under the house has been discovered and our Mujahideen brothers have all been captured or killed by the Americans.” She was talking in a low voice and it was difficult for Haydar to understand all that she was saying due to the noise of the Truck. It was reasonable to assume that none of the passengers around the two could hear her speaking as well. “Our plan is difficult Haydar so you must memorize every detail that I am about to give you and never, ever write down any notes or names—anyplace. You understand?”
“Yes. We studied the way to detail the necessary information for a mission plan and memorize it almost two years ago now back in Iran.”
“Good. It has been decided to let the other team leave first from the airport tomorrow. If they are stopped at the security gate it will show that the Americans have our identity and our team here will need to find a less conventional way of leaving the country. When this truck stops after we enter the city, you will all change into the western clothes you were given. This is what we will travel in. Do not keep or bring any of your clothing that is not levis and shirts. I will have your passports and some cash to be given you at the airport before we leave tomorrow. I want you to pass on to your team these instructions for escape and evasion in case we are detained or discovered at the airport before we leave.” Badra then proceeded to instruct Haydar on how they were to hide in the airport until nightfall and then go into town to a safe house where they would get new instructions and a revised plan on how to leave the country. The plan on what the mission involved once they landed in America would not change. The infidels would be celebrating their July fourth independence day and it would be a day that would be remembered in history for more than that Nation’s beginning.
It was not quite sunrise when the truck pulled into the main produce market area in downtown Mazar I Sharif. Merchants were starting to assemble their carts and stands to show their wares to the buying public and the restaurant owners, chefs and food service people of the metropolitan area. Badra climbed down from the truck very agedly and carrying her suitcase in her left hand and the wooden box in her right, she walked directly to a waiting small mini-bus that looked very much like one of the airport shuttles used from the major hotels to the airport. The driver never left his seat He was constantly looking around the area as Badra loaded her belongings and motioned her four escorts to do the same. The minibus was just pulling into the baggage check-in for Continental Air when Badra told the driver in rapid Pashtu to pull around and go around the airport again. He did as she instructed and as they passed the baggage area they saw the airport security detail loading the dogs back into their cages. Their work for the day had been complete. The Prime Minister’s plane was in the air and on its way. And the increased security was being shifted back to the standard everyday routine. When the van pulled back into the area the second time, they all departed and left the baggage in one large heap. That is, all except the wooden box Badra was carrying. Haydar’s team was trying to take in the sights of this new world they were becoming a part of. Here they stood, in Levis, polo shirts and sandals looking like any traveling student. The porter looked like all the others working the area but there was something different about his uniform. It just didn’t look like the other porters uniforms. He came up to the pile of baggage and loaded it all onto the cart and then went inside with Badra. She had instructed Haydar to wait with the group and watch her at the ticket counter for any signal that would mean trouble. The porter unloaded the baggage in front of the security check in machine and as Badra purchased tickets for the entire group, the porter picked up the baggage on the other side of the security machine and placed tags on each. Badra turned from the ticket counter and walked with the porter to the conveyor belt and as they loaded the checked bags onto the conveyor, Haydar saw the porter pull a baggage ticket from his jacket and place it around the handle on the wooden box Badra had given him. It also went onto the conveyor belt out to the waiting aircraft… Badra came out to the waiting group and handed each his passport and airline ticket. “Haydar keep this group together and sit over in the waiting area before we all go through the security together. I will be right back. As she turned her back Haydar noticed something about this lady that he had only caught a glimpse of in the past day. She had a large curvature in her back. It was something like an older woman with osteoporosis but larger. She was carrying a knapsack or package under her Burqa on her back!
“Where the hell is Actor?” Haydar suddenly missed the large Iraqi that was constantly causing problems in the training class. Haydar wished in many ways that this moron had not been assigned to his team.
“He is at the bookstore—over there. He said he wanted a newspaper.” Said Goat.
“Stay here-all of you. Do not leave this spot. I will be right back.” Haydar started not walking but marching over to the bookstore. He could hardly contain his anger when he came up to Actor who was just paying for the paper.
“Actor, if you ever leave this group again without my knowing where you are going, I will plunge a knife into your entrails and pull them out for the buzzards to feast upon. I mean this and I will not warn you again. You will be dead in a place unknown to you, your family or others, buried in a grave with no name. You understand the seriousness of this mistake you have made?
The face on the large Iraqi who was a head taller than Haydar indicated that he had read the meaning in Haydar’s eyes as he spoke those words.
“Come, return to the group.” Said Haydar.
As they walked across the terminal area where people were now starting to fill the ticketing area Haydar could see that his friends he had just left were violating one of the prime rules they had been trained on when they travel. Never speak to strangers or initiate a conversation. Here was Goat and Ali Baba talking to a girl in western dress except for a shawl. She had tight fitting Levis on like most infidel whores and a knapsack on her back. He could see Goat and Ali Baba actually smiling as they talked to her. This infraction would have to be dealt with when they were all alone. He would try to be calm as he approached the threesome. The girl had her back to Haydar but as she spoke, there was something familiar about her voice. He was thrown off somewhat by the smell of the western perfume. She turned as Haydar and Actor walked up with the precious newspaper in his hand.
“You have a discipline problem engineer. Your group has a problem remembering my instructions. That was to stay in this spot. No wandering”. Her eyes were narrow and looking into the heart of Haydar. He was astonished at her beauty. He had seen her eyes through the eyeholes in her burqa and knew that she was relatively small or slim but he never thought that under that Burqa there would be a body like this.
“I will remind my brothers of this infraction at another time Badra.” Haydar could see and tell from her action and voice combined with the way she looked coldly at him as he spoke, this was not to be considered a female. She was as dedicated and evil as any of his Mujahideen brothers.
Badra pulled the group together around a small table in the corner of the food area and asking the four to sit as close together as possible with their backs to the crowd so that people passing by could not see what she was working with on the table. . Each was given a small cell phone and a charging unit. On the keypad were several numbers keyed in as direct dial memory numbers. Badra went over each number on the keypad and how to use the phone with each of the young men. They had all seen these phones in their training and knew how to use them not only for communication but, if necessary as detonators for bombs. The scene at the terminal was the usual scurrying of businessmen and women pulling their carry-on baggage and briefcases through the terminal concourse. As the group remained in the corner of the coffee shop, Badra went over to the counter and purchased sandwiches and drinks for all. It was a pleasant surprise to Haydar when she handed him a large bottle of cold coke-a-cola. Haydar had not had a cold coke in over a year and thanked her graciously. Badra had been watching the security line for their Faisalabad flight and it appeared as now was a good time to move the group. She became more conversant with Haydar and smiled as the group entered the line and started processing through the sensors. She was at the last of the group with Haydar and he noticed she kept her scarf close on her face but was laughing and smiling as she spoke on her cell phone placed next to her ear. She never looked up, always at the knapsack on the conveyor belt and at the others in her group. All passed the security check and metal detectors smoothly until Badra was just entering the metal detector when a young man came running against the crowd through the security area with police close behind. The suspect was over six feet and heavy so when he hit Badra, who did not see him running toward her because her head was down, the two tumbled to the ground like a tight end being tackled in the end zone. Immediately the three police had the man restrained and was examining Badra to see if she was injured. She could not get away from them quick enough and rejoined the group.
“That was a scare, Badra. We thought sure they would want to take you to the first aid station to examine you.” Said Haydar.
“The idiot reeked of marijuana and crack. He was stupid enough to think he could get past the security dogs and electronic sniffers I guess. Anyway, I am fine, thanks.”
The group joined the other passengers bound for Faisalabad Pakistan without incident and managed to get some rest during the three hour flight. They would have a lay over in Pakistan before they could move from Faisalabad to Karachi where they would get a direct flight to Los Angeles California USA..

Chapter 15

In the Goldmine beneath the street

It was 103 degrees on the street in Mazar I
Sharif but closer to 115 in the tunnel and room beneath the street. Even with the fans blowing full force to get the smoke and tear gas evacuated, it was a nasty place to work. The smell alone would make the average person vomit and obviously, the inhabitants had not had much choice where to dump the daily garbage generated by the seven technicians manning the stronghold. Suddenly, the lights came back on and the tunnel became easier to navigate. As DJ entered the main room, Cowboy was up righting tables and chairs and generally cleaning up the area. The lights were on again in the room now as well as the tunnel. In addition to the main tunnel that came under the street from the house there, a second tunnel exited off the large room and to the East. This must have been the exit that the Tango that knifed DJ’s leg came out of Cowboy thought.
“What do you have sergeant?” Asked DJ looking over at Cowboy who was standing in the middle of the room with some files in his had while three of his specialists were attempting to reboot the three computers.
“I don’t know how this correlates with all the people coming and going from this hole Lieutenant, but it doesn’t look good.”
Cowboy was pointing at the map on the wall.
D J immediately saw that the map was in English and detailed a large metropolitan area complete with street names and parks and water reservoirs. The street drawings and outlines were in lighter print so that the underground structure that ran beneath the streets and to the water reservoirs stood out boldly. DJ removed his clear goggles and battle helmet and stepped closer and looked at the bottom of the title block on the drawing. He then said aloud as if it was impossible.
“Water distribution network for the city of Los Angeles and surrounding areas from Northern California and the Colorado river”. DJ moved closer to the map to see what the red ink pen marks indicated if possible. Each location of a filtering and pumping plant in the system was circled with a number beside it.
“Sergeant, get in touch with Scorpion and instruct him that the prisoners are to have a 24-7 eyeball to eyeball watch and their location on the base is to be known only to them and myself. Keep them hooded and do not let them talk to each other—pronto” DJ gave a second thought and added to his instructions. “Detail a watch on the Israeli group and their aircraft at the slightest indication of movement, I want to be advised.”
“Roger Lieutenant. You think this Israeli Colonel is going to try to get at these guys again?
“I’m not taking any chances, Cowboy until I get to question these characters. They have the story behind this map and if we lose them, we are toast. “
“Anything from the hard drives on the computers?
“No sir. We have just started to copy all the data and stream it to Arlington as instructed.” Replied one of the specialists to the open question to the group.
“I want a printout of the last ten minutes of transmission on that radio over there and the same from the computers.”
“Cowboy get head shed on the line and tell them we need priority task on Eagle to find that VW that left here last night with the gal in it. The one that was stopped by the patrol. Incidentally see if that army patrol vehicle has any capability for video used for stops and get the film in the system to see if we can ID her face with anything we have in the surveillance file.”
With those instructions to the group, DJ headed up from the subterranean room to the street. Suddenly, he stopped. Instead of walking through the tunnel to the house across the street and up and onto the street from there where anyone and everyone could watch his exit, DJ turned and left by the other tunnel to the back alley. When he surfaced and opened the door to the alley, there was a specialist on guard who was somewhat surprised to see the Lieutenant but served a good purpose. As DJ stood alone in the alley, the specialist went around the house and got one of the smaller jeeps and returned for DJ. They left the scene unnoticed and headed for the base.
When the jeep arrived at the base gate and DJ showed his credentials, he asked for building 1245. The Maine looked at the specialist driver and then back to the Lieutenant and replied. I’m not sure about that sir, let me get my post supervisor.”
“1245 sir? “ The specialist that was driving DJ said. “I have been on this base for over two years and never heard of that one.”
“There is no building 1245. I told scorpion to use this as a code to where the prisoners are being held. They will escort us there.” Smiled DJ
“Good afternoon Sir. Master Sergeant Bob Nance. I’ll escort you to the location you are looking for. “ It was the same Master Sergeant that was on duty when DJ asked him to hold up the Israeli party the day before.
DJ asked his driver to ride with the escort vehicle and let the Master Sergeant drive so he could have a chat with him.
“Bravo Zulu to you and your guys on that charade yesterday Master Sergeant. It worked for the required delay. Thanks.
“It looks like you still haven’t shaken them. What’s up?
“I need your help on another tactical maneuver if we can call it that.” DJ described the scenario he wanted to do that afternoon to the Master Sergeant and they both smiled.
After several turns around and behind the warehouse area of the base the Master Sergeant came to a stop by what appeared to be a vacant Quonset hut. He instructed the driver to take both vehicles to the adjacent larger warehouse and park them inside behind the sliding door.
When the Master Sergeant and DJ entered the Quonset hut by the wooden front door, they were immediately met by two guards in full battle dress.
“I’ll check with you later sir. Let me know when you want to execute the plan we discussed. I’m going to call it Pinocchio. Give me about an hour to put it together and we will be ready. Its been a pleasure working with you in the cause of freedom Sir.” Smiled the Master Sergeant.
One of the guards walked with DJ down the screened hallway to the center of the Quonset hut where there was a large square pit covered with diamond plate. On the sides of the pit the edges were all marked with yellow and black caution tape. The guard pushed a button on the post beside the pit and a horn sounded and the diamond plate doors slid back and a large elevator rose to the floor surface and the door opened.
“Down about two floors sir and there will be someone to meet you there.” Said the guard.
The elevator door opened and there stood scorpion with three other enlisted men.
“I’m, impressed.” Said DJ to Scorpion.
“Cool isn’t it sir? This was used by the first CENTCOM headquarters team when we came to Afghan. Air-conditioned and self contained living. Actually, this is better than our barracks. It hasn’t been used since the second base commander here installed the fifteen holding cells and the video. Truthfully, I don’t think this base commander knows it is here.”
“What do we have for an interrogation room?” Asked DJ
“First class Sir. Sound, video recording, the usual table chairs and leather snake whips.”
“Not funny Sergeant. As a matter of fact I want each of these guys to have a medical exam and any treatment required as well as complete body photographs of each to show we haven’t carved our initials in their backs. I want complete audio and video of every minute we talk to them-understood? “
The sergeant acknowledged and left the area after telling DJ they had set up his secure satellite communications with Arlington and he could use it at any time.
After reviewing the photographs of Raj Al Kayev and his known background, DJ reviewed the other photographs of the prisoners. So far, he only had an I.D on Raj Al Kayev. But that was enough to get started on.
DJ had the first two captives brought into the interrogation room. They still had their darkened hoods over their heads.
“Remove the hoods and have them kneel on the floor in front of me. No chairs”
The two were brought into the room and made to kneel with their hands tied behind them.
DJ removed the hood from the first. It was not Raj Al Kayev
“Air conditioned rooms here are much better than your little sauna you had to work in are they not?”
No answer.
DJ looked at the man closely and did an analysis of perhaps what his thoughts were about.
Why don’t we start out by you telling me your name and where you are from?” DJ said to him in perfect Arabic
No answer.
I’m very much interested in your woman visitor that came to see you all last night. What is her name? DJ said again in Arabic.
“The pig has no information on our force. Do not give him any” Said the one that still had the hood on. It was in pashti. Probably this one was skateboard --the one that had been talking in the teen kids chat room.
DJ moved over behind the first captive and yelled in Pashti;”well, well, we have at least one person that will talk to me here and pulled off his hood.
“Just as I thought—it is none other than the loud-mouthed Skateboard, the one that likes to demoralize young women on the internet.” Again in Pashtu
The man suddenly became wide eyed at both hearing his internet name and that his captor spoke his language.
This one was not Raj Al Kayev either.
“That’s right shitheads; we know all about everything you have been up to in that little room. I just need to fill in the gaps with some names and we will send you on your way to a nice retired life in a place we call Abu Gharib. Maybe we will take you on to our beach facility at Gitmo bay Cuba. That is, if the Israeli don’t take you away from us in the process. If that happens, I’m not sure if anyone will even know your name or where you are buried.”
DJ looked at the first one that had not talked yet. At the mention of the word Israeli his eyes widened.
“You didn’t know that the bunch that stormed your room was Moussad? They say that being as you all were with your friend Raj Al Kayev, here who is on the top of the Moussad fugitive list; they can execute you all along with him. I’m the only thing keeping your sorry asses from being hauled to Tel Aviv right now!.
“He is not involved at all in our mission. He is only an instructor to the recruits we train. We are not a part of his doings – anyplace. Shouted the first captive that had not talked.
BINGO! We hit a nerve. Thought DJ.
“I don’t believe that for a moment you moron. If I don’t have something to talk to you about within the next five hours, we’ll consider your value is zero to us and give you all to that group Take them all back to their cells and .bring the others in. I want to see if we are wasting our time here.” Instructed DJ in Arabic as he had forgot that the guards were all American.
DJ instructed the guards to return the prisoners to their cells but not as before. They were to be in separate cells and not possible to communicate with each other.
DJ reviewed the photographs once again and then replaced them in the folder that held the profile of Raj Al Kayev.
When the door opened and the two hooded prisoners were brought into the room, DJ again, instructed them to kneel and look straight forward.
“This scene looks familiar to me I have seen something like this on recent TV. The only thing missing is the hooded assholes standing behind you guys with a sword reading from a piece of paper”. Everyone in the room knew to what and who DJ was referring. It had only been a month since the last tape of a beheading had shown on TV.”I think it’s possible that we take this opportunity to reciprocate but with a slight change. No tape, no confession to sign, no messy bullshit that involves the U S Attorney general or the Geneva Convention. We’ll make it simple; we ask a question, you answer. Sometimes we already know the answer so if you are lying, we will know right away. Am I getting through to you two? Just nod your head if you are willing to cooperate. Your buddy next to you here will not know if you nod your head because like you, he still has his hood on his head as well. Ok, one time is all you get. O-incidently, I almost forgot, we do have an option to just slitting your fucking throats, remember the guys that raided your little room under the house? Recognize any of them? That is the Israeli Mossad team from Tel Aviv and they are real anxious to talk to all of you. I don’t think that their plan for your future is in any way similar to what we have in mind if you cooperate with us. Here comes the big question and we are looking for that all important nod of your head ok? First we want to know the name of the woman that came to your place last night and then left with one of your brother mujahedeen in the Volkswagen Surprised? Of course we know about her. Like I told you both I know a lot of the answers to the questions I am going to ask. You just don’t know which ones. We have been watching and listening to all your escapades. For the last month going on in that stinking hole. Who is the Woman and are you willing to save your sorry ass by cooperating with us. Nod yes or no.”
Immediately the prisoner on the left nodded yes. It was like someone had jabbed him in the ass and told him here was his golden opportunity for salvation. The prisoner on the right just remained kneeling motionless. DJ moved over to the back of the two and ran his hand that was opened and stiff like DJ was bout to make a Karate chop with it, over the back of each prisoners neck as he said in Pastar; I have been speaking to you perhaps in the wrong language. Do you understand what I have instructed?
No response from either.
DJ stepped forward and simultaneously pulled the hoods off of the two captives kneeling before him. The room was not brightly lighted but both prisoners blinked and looked at each other.
“Abu-al-Khayr! Shouted the one on the right as soon as he saw who his companion was,
“Do not tell these pigs anything. Serve Allah by sealing your mouth. They will not kill you; it is against their infidel laws to do so.” Shouted the one on the right to the younger captive that had nodded that he would cooperate
Immediately DJ put the face with the photograph and yelled back at the captive on the right in English “Well thank you Raj, for the name of your companion here. That will save us all time when his turn comes to talk.” Surprised again Raj Al Kayev that we know who you are? You just don’t believe me when I say we have a lot of answers do you?” DJ also recognized this tango as the one that stuck his leg with the knife.
“Guard, take Abu al Khayr to his cell and see that he gets his first meal compliments of the US Justice System.”
The guards were picking up Abu when Raj started yelling at him again in Pashtu. He was in the middle of a sustenance when DJ. .slammed his boot down on the back of the yelling captive’s knee. A loud pop was heard across the room as Raj Al Kayev learned the hard way that stories of how you are treated in captivity can vary from captor to captor and who is in charge. DJ then stood on the man’s knee as he screamed in agony. The guards looked at DJ with astonishment. “Lost my footing when I started to step behind the prisoner-right? Said DJ smiling at the two guards.
“Sorry there Raj ol man, hope it doesn’t smart much.”
“You are a motherless pig Lieutenant Jacobs and I will give your name to my legal representatives and you will be lucky if you can continue your military career as a private.” Said Raj in Pashtu.
“Raj, lets keep the rest of our conversation in English—ok? It makes for easier translation and recording of your confession and the answers you want to give me. Is that a deal?
“I want to see an attorney immediately.” Said Raj in perfect English.
“Sorry Raj, we are a long way from any of our field legal departments and no attorney available. I still have to decide if you are a keeper anyway. I may decide to let Colonel Nagel take you off my hands and make some points with my friends at State for providing Israel with one of their most wanted.”
At the mention of the colonels’ name, Raj Al Kayev’s face turned white. DJ noted that the mention of Mossad in itself had an impact on the prisoners but the mention of the colonels name itself held and explosive impact on Raj’s thinking.
“Where was the gal going in the VW Raj?”
“I thought you were the one that had all the answers.” Said Raj.
DJ walked around behind Raj who was still kneeling and as he stepped on his knee again he said; “I really dislike your smart-ass attitude Raj. If you can work with us just a little here, I’ll see that that Israeli keeps his knife out of your scrotum sac-ok? Raj screamed again as DJ stepped on his knee again.
“That is in return for this little scratch with the six stitches you gave me, asshole.”
“I want to see a lawyer. I am given that right under the Geneva rules.
“You know Raj, I’m not that up on Israeli military law but I don’t think they give you attorney’s, lawyers, even much food or medical attention—like for your knee there so you’ll just have to wait till the good colonel from Mossad tells us where to deliver you because that’s where you are going Pal, my patience is pretty thin and I haven’t had much sleep. Guard, take Raj here back to one of the cells at the far end of the complex so the others can’t hear his mournful, agonizing screams about his knee.”
DJ left the interrogation area and walked down the passageway to the main office area.
“Do we have a secure phone line here Scorpion?” He asked
“We set up a communications room as soon as we moved in here sir. I think we even have the video conferencing installed by now.”
Arlington will be coming to work in another half hour Sergeant, get me a hook with Penny Buckley, Dan and if possible, Brigadier Jacobs “At that DJ looked across the conference area to a small room. DJ pointed at the door to the room and asked Scorpion; “What’s in there?”
Just an excess area sir. We use it as a bunking area when we have multiple watches here or we have been out on patrol and need a air conditioned room to recover in.”
“Keep the lights down while you are setting up that equipment and give me twenty minutes in there Scorp==ok?” Smiled DJ as he headed for the bunk inside the door. “ One thing more Scorpion—do we have any pigs on the base here?”
“Pigs sir?”
“You know, Bacon and pork chop type pigs—live ones?
“I’ll find out sir.”
“Thanks, wake me in twenty”

Chapter 16

Arlington Situ room seven AM
The General had just finished his morning read book when the Captain announced that Penny Buckley was in his outer office and requested to see him.
Tell her to come on in and find Danny Nero as well and ask him to join us please Captain.”
“Danny is on his way here Sir.”
The general went over to his secure file and pulled out three manila folders and returned to his desk. The general was a keeper. He loved to transport information files from one command to another when he was transferred. It gave an impression of a fantastic memory to those that did not know that he did this as a matter of habit. Many times when he had been at a new command for a month or so, his replacement at the previous command would contact him and ask him to recall a certain mission, project or person. The caller would be amazed when the General would cite dates and times as well as names to the caller. In this case, it was the file copy on the group of young recruits that had left Iraq for training in Iran several years ago. He had it all in front of him.
Penny Buckley was radiant as she entered the general’s office. Her gray Talbot’s pantsuit with white collar and Jill St. John flats on her feet let her blend in with the other government workers without making a dress statement. Danny Nero, who was on Penny’s, heals entering the office was a little different. Dan’s hair looked like it had been frizzed by some electronic current giving him an appearance to that of the character on Seinfeld known as Kramer and he was wearing Nike tennis that needed a good cleaning job done on the white areas.
After the morning greeting, Penny took the seat directly in front of the General as instructed and began her presentation.
“We have a lot of data that has been collected and is still being collected as a result of that bust yesterday in Mazar-I-Sharif sir. It is starting to match with some other Intel that we have keyed to this group and their actions. We now know a lot more than we did yesterday on the profiles of several of the players and it would appear that this is the apex of a very long planned mission by Al Queda. Rather than repeat all the data again when DJ comes online in fifteen minutes direct from the base there at Mazar-I-Sharif, with your permission I’d like to put it all together when we have the full group assembled.”
“By all means Penny
“General. Do you have any idea what Lt. Jacobs wants with the five pigs?” Danny sat in the chair next to Penny with yellow tablet in hand.
“Yes sir, Lt. Jacobs requested one of the interrogation staff to locate at least five live pigs on the base there. I was wondering if you knew what his intentions were.”
“I haven’t a clue Danny.” Said the general smiling.
“He may not want to disclose those intentions to the group here Dan so please don’t ask him during the video conference-OK?”
“Yes sir.”
The intercom on the general’s desk crackled;
“General, the conference room is ready and we will have everyone assembled except Navy Captain Wiley and General O’Neill who are on a mission in Saudi.” The voice in the box instructed.
The room as the usual pleasant seventy-three degree temperature, not seventy five or seventy even, this was a requirement of the computer and visual aids technicians so that their precious toys could function at their peak. Coffee was at the end of the room and some discrete small-no doubt fat-free muffins were on a try to the right of the coffee.
The screen came alive at the middle of the conference table and DJ’s face greeted the group and he introduced Scorpion and Cowboy. The camera panned back to show the table in the interrogation center with DJ in the center with the people that helped take down the cell on either side of him.
DJ started the conference by showing each prisoners photograph on the screen as he talked about what they knew of each at this time and then turned the conference over to Penny Buckley to gather the latest Intel on what was available.
“We have confirmed that the individual you have in custody is indeed Raj Al Kayev “Started Penny.
“The others are of less importance but obviously know of the intended mission of the cell and timetables. We would suggest that you continue to interrogate these individuals as rapidly as possible because of the tactical intelligence being valuable for only a given time”.
“Here is what we have been able to put together from the information gathered in the past seventy two hours.
The woman in the Volkswagen that visited the subterranean room is a central figure. We believe her name to be Badra Husana a covert member of Talabanni el Assid a secret organization that includes women as operatives. She is definitely a person of priority interest because of the following;
Three months ago she went to work in the University at Nawabshsh Pakistan as a research assistant to Doctor Sadaqua Altaf . Dr. Altaf was working on cancer research at the University and had recently made some very valuable discoveries in the field of the metastasis of cancer cells and their progression through the human body. The formula that Dr. Altaf was known as formula X437, a very deadly virus that can kill thousands simply by oxygen deprivation of cells. One week ago today, Dr. Altaf was murdered late at night in her laboratory by Badra Husana. The act was filmed unknowingly on security video inside the laboratory. There was no connection known between Badra Husana and this group until yesterday at five thirty PM. At that time the suspect Badra Husana was involved in a non related security incident at the Mazar I Sharif airport. Her face image was gathered as a part of the security incident and when run in the CENTCOM and Interpol system, it bingoed as a person of interest instead of the guy that ran the end around on the metal detectors. We then ran it with the photo of her and the man that left the terrorist room in the Volkswagen and it bingoed again. We just received the patrol stop video from the Army group that pulled the VW over at Mazar-I-Sharif outskirts.. The image map again indicated it being Badra Husana. This obviously connects her with this group and as far as we know, she is enroute to complete her mission. I don’t need to tell everyone what the implications are when you put this information together with the map found on the wall of the terrorist’s underground room of the Los Angeles Metropolitan Water district.
DJ interjected at this point;
“Do we have any indication on what their travel plans are? Did we get anything from the airlines in respect to her schedule?
“They boarded an Afghan air flight for Faisalabad Pakistan three and a half hours ago. They are probably in the terminal there waiting on their lay over to Karachi and then Los Angeles. We have wired photographs of the group to the Paki security people and will have some live feedback during this conference I’m confident. There’s more. For some time we have been trying to make contact with an asset we have had in the group of young men recruited for this mission back in Iraq. One of the photographs taken of the group when they came to the rooftop across from our OP indicates that our asset is still with this cell but evidently can not make contact..Three hours ago our airborne surveillance unit Eagle found the white Volkswagen in an area approximately sixty K from the underground room. The area has been used as a training location and had several bunks and well as mess facilities. In one of the mattress of one of the bunk beds, there was a quickly scribbled sheet directed to CENTCOM by our asset. He indicates that in addition to the LA Metro mission, there is an alternative mission close to a college in Texas. No details except that he will try to make contact should they get to the US shore. This is the first we have heard of an alternative target and believe it to be priority data.”
“Any indication on what College or town in Texas?” Asked DJ.
“None. We suggest that your people working over that intel you found in the subterranean room keep an eye out for anything that might direct us.” Replied Penny.
“I have everything that was in that room or passageway up out of the room and in a secured tent area where our technicians can make a prelim analysis of the data. Miss Buckley” Replied DJ
“Yes, Lt. we have received several patches from your people there just this morning. It would appear that what you have uncovered there is a major link to the theatre operations of the Al Queda organization. Nice work.”
The camera panned over to Danny Nero as he asked; Lt. what kind of computers was in that rat hole? Do you know the make?”
“Not sure Dan but they are French I believe not a US brand from what I remember. Is this important? I can get the info to you while we are talking here.”
“We are just having an interesting exercise in getting into the cashe area of the hard drives is all. The French explanation may be the key. Those guys do the store process a lot different than US computer manufacturers do.”
The general broke into the conversation and after the camera panned over to him he continued.
“I’m bringing Colonel Miller of the 103rd expeditionary forces online here in a minute so we can get an update on the bunch that left for Faisalabad. The colonel is on the ground at Faisalabad and has a detail searching the airport and checking the flight schedules for names that match those used in this last flight. Its not unusual for these tangos, especially the ones with any covert training to use several different passports and identities. While we are waiting on the colonel, Lt. would you give us an account of the operation where you took out the location? I’d like to hear it in your own words if you please.”
DJ looked over at Cowboy and scorpion with a somewhat puzzled expression and began to give a complete blow by blow account of the way they let the Israeli Mossad go into the tunnel after they interrupted DJ’s planned operational take down. As he was explaining the part where colonel Nagel assaulted the house direct and had lost one of his men and suffered two wounded, Brigadier General Jacobs smiled over at the CIA liaison sitting to his left and commented;
“So you let the Israeli group do the frontal attack and you waited outside and rounded up the tangos as they tried to escape?” Asked the general.
“Pretty much so General. We did have some contact with the individuals as they attempted to escape. “
“So Lt. you remained at the observation post and held command by communication with your troops from there?”
“Until sir, it was obvious that we were going to need as many personnel on the ground around the outside of the house to catch the fleeing insurgents. I left the OP and joined in the roundup so to speak.” Said DJ.
“Anything else Lt?” Asked the general.
At this point he felt as if he was back standing in front of his mother and father explaining why he stayed out two hours past his curfew when he was age fourteen.
“No Sir. I have not had time to complete my after action report but it will all be in there.”
“Very well Lt. Not to beat this operation to death but we are still waiting on the colonel in Faisalabad to establish communications so I want you to hear what Lt. Colonel Davis, the base commander at Mazar I Sharif put in his after action report. As you may well know, he is the commander of the unit that assisted you in this tactical operation. Here is what he has passed on to this agency along with most of what you just described. The following is in his summary”
At exactly 0530 this morning units of the Afghan police force in Mazar I Sharif led by their U S Army instructors engaged several Taliban operatives in a tactical assault on enemy headquarters. The operation concluded with the live capture of five of these operatives who are now being detained by US forces on the base here at Mazar I Sharif. The actions of Lt. David Wesley Jacobs and his non commissioned officers exhibited the teamwork that personifies cooperation of international forces. In this action, Lt Jacobs was wounded but continued command of his unit until they were in a clean-up mode. For his leadership and courage exhibited in this operation Lt. Jacobs is recommended for the Global War on Terrorism medal and the Purple Heart.”
DJ could hardly believe his ears and what he was hearing.
“To this citation Lt. All of us here want to say to you Bravo Zulu”
DJ heard the room behind the general break out in a round of applause as the camera changed scene. This one was a Marine colonel standing outside the entrance to the Air Afghan ticket counter. There were over thirty troopers in full combat gear moving through the area looking in shops and rest rooms.
“Good morning Colonel.” Said General Jacobs forgetting that it was twenty three hours later where the colonel stood.
“Good evening sir.” Politely corrected the colonel.
“As of this time Sir we have the terminal covered as well as the service areas with crews that have the photographs and descriptions of the people you are looking for. Checking the flight information you gave us earlier, the aircraft landed, the passengers departed with their baggage. We are inspecting any baggage that is being transferred to any other destination for suspicious appearance”
“Did you talk to the flight attendant on that flight from Mazar I Sharif to Faisalabad? Did they remember the people?”
“Not much help General. They said that majority of the passengers were asleep and the overhead lights turned off during most of the flight.”
“Colonel, we have some other actions we need to start on this end but we will keep the communications contact and live streaming video of your search of the terminal. Contact us immediately if you have anything. Out” With that the General turned to Penny Buckley and asked for a file. As he leafed across the pages he looked up at the camera and asked;
“Lt Jacobs. I have here a request for a C-130 aircraft from you for a priority mission to Kabul. It says only prisoner transfer. Can you give me more detail?”
“Just that Sir. I need to get these prisoners away from the possible diplomatic fiasco that this colonel Nagel could start to get his hands on one of them. It will also aid in the questioning procedure I have in mind to get these tangos to start talking. He explained his plan to the General and the general replied that it had his approval. They would contact DJ when the C-130 was on the inbound approach to Mazar I Sharif.
“May I speak to Penny Buckley before we end this conference?” Asked DJ.
The face of Penny Buckley came on the teleprompter and a gentle voice replied; “What can we do for you Lt?”
“I need some background info on this X437 stuff that you think this Talabanni is carrying. What is the antidote or how do we handle it if we find them and they have this crap?”
“I do not have all the particulars from the research lab as yet but I can assure you Lt. that it is a deadly item that is to be treated with caution.”
“Any kind of description or how they may try to use it?”
“None that I can find at this time DJ all we know at this point is that it is a very high density toxin that can be diluted to only three parts per million and still be lethal.”
“Three PPM?” Jesus Christ Penny, did I hear you right?
“Right DJ, you heard me correctly. Just one eyedropper of this injected into a typical city water tower could kill the entire city population.”
“Do we have Atlanta and USAMRIID working on this?”
“Yes-both and more. DJ be aware that its not necessary to ingest this stuff according to USAMRIID, it can kill just by skin exposure or contact. Do not attempt to touch any container or package suspected of having been even close to this.”
“Don’t worry, we will stay a football field away from this stuff if we find it is in the area.”
DJ ended the conference video but left the contact hot while the Marine colonel did his search of the Faisalabad air terminal.
“Scorpion –any luck on the pigs?” DJ was asking the master sergeant that he had given the request to earlier.
“Sir—I located five that are on base here but they belong to the CIA guys. They use them for bartering with the hill tribes.”
“Ok, have the station chief call me and arrange to have all five brought over her to the compound.”
“In here sir?”
“In here sergeant. You afraid of a few pigs running around like house pets here to keep us company?”
“Where should we put them Sir? Do we need to build a pen outside in the back?”
“No, bring them in here and put them in the last cell back there on the right. I saw that there is a back door to that area and a water hose so we can wash down the deck in the cell when we finish with them.”
“Lt. Sir don’t tell me you are going to put them in with the prisoners. They will freak out.”
“You catch on quick Scorp. Incidentally in that regard, when you send the detail to get them from the spooks, make sure its all our guys that go for them. Do not send any of the Afghan police-some may be Islamic-OK?”
“Roger Lt. I’ll get on it right now.
“Scorp—you and cowboy secure after you bring that detail here and meet me back here at 0500 to transport the prisoners”
“Roger on the secure Sir. We have made arrangements to feed our guys here and to birth them as well so there won’t be any chance of those Israeli dudes knowing where on base we are. So cowboy and I are going to be right here in this building. We have quarters prepared for you as well sir. Let me know when you are ready to use them.”
“Way to go Scorp—I can see you on the short track to Sergeant Major in no time at all thinking like that.” Smiled DJ as he sat down at the table and turned on his lap top. He would have supper and try to get a few hours sleep before they moved the tangos to where they could question them and get more results. As DJ started transcribing his after action report he tried to remember when he last had a full nights sleep.

Chapter 17

On the run. Faisalabad air terminal
The photographs were hanging from every security station in the terminal. Haydar saw the first as he passed by looking for the men’s room. He then looked at other locations in the terminal. The photos were everywhere! There was no way that the group was going to slip past any of these security checks without being seen. He gathered the group and told the astonished Badra who in turn made a carefully executed surveillance of the nearest check-in. The photos were all over the place. Badra began looking at the second floor where the offices of the airlines were as well as offices for the airport administration department. She saw the office she needed and called the group to come with her in the elevator. When in the elevator by themselves, Badra pushed the hold button and stopped the elevator at the first floor with the door closed. She then instructed the group as to what they would have to do to get out of the terminal without being captured. She then pushed the button for the second floor and the group moved together out of the elevator on the second floor. She stopped in front of the door marked “Airport Security employees only The door opened easily it was not locked. Once inside Badra could see the time clock and lockers for the airport security force. No one was in sight with the exception of two clerks at their desks in the adjoining room. Badra listened to their conversation and then quickly moved over to the lockers and started down the line quietly opening each that was not locked. The four men behind her searched each locker for weapons or equipment that they could use in their escape from the area. As Goat opened the first locker quietly, he could not believe his eyes, right there on a hanger was a nine mm pistol and holster. The belt held probably 50 extra rounds. Haydar found another Nine mm and also a mace canister. Badra pulled a knife from the side of a boot that was in one locker. Actor immediately pulled the set of car keys he saw hanging beside another holster. This one was empty however so he took only the car keys. Badra then found the bonanza of the search. An employee had actually left his security ID badge and shirt hanging in an unlocked locker. She immediately grabbed both and then motioned for the group to move out the door. Badra was only inches away from the door when one of the clerks got up from his desk and started into the locker area. Badra stepped back as the small man turned the corner into the room.
“Wha,………..” Was all the man got out of his mouth before Ali Baba had his arm around the man’s head and the knife in his back. The man made a short gurgle sound and slumped to the floor. The second man heard the noise and was coming to see what was going on when Badra rushed out of the door between the office and locker room and stuck the knife in the mans throat before he could utter a word. She looked around the office and found what she was looking for. The keys to the patrol vehicles were on a board that was secured to the wall and the keys were held in place by a hinged bar that extended across the row and was locked on the opposite side with a padlock. The padlock was not in place. It hung there useless and open. Badra grabbed three sets of keys and as they left the room she removed the ID badges from the dead officers on the floor. No one saw them leave the office or out the elevator on the first floor.
Dinjar Mubar had just parked his patrol vehicle in the designated spot and was starting to enter the terminal and punch out from his shift when the five people carrying only a small wooden case by the rope handles approached him leaving the security parking lot. He had just turned to lock the gate behind him when he heard the voice command. “Hold that just a moment, my hands are full please.” He turned to see a woman holding a security badge and carrying a wooden case. There were four men behind her. Seeing this, Dinjar moved aside and held the gate as the lady followed by the men behind her came through to the parking lot. As the last of the group came thru the gate the last one , the largest one in the group grabbed Dinjar and pulled him between two of the white nine passenger security vehicles and as he fell to the ground blood was gushing from his slit throat. Goat reached down and retrieved his weapon, badge and keys to the parked security vehicle. Within seconds, the group was in the vehicle and the engine running. Badra was driving. As soon as she backed out of the parking spot she looked at the fuel gauge. Dinjar, obedient to his training, had refueled the vehicle prior to bringing it to the parking lot for the next shift. The vehicle was the most excellent bit of luck the group had encountered yet. It was fueled, held valid security plates and the windows were darkened so that outside, no one could tell if anyone except the driver was on board. They could drive this vehicle almost to the Indian border. There they would have to find another means of crossing the border but after they were on the other side, Badra’s connections could get them new passports and identities in order to continue their mission. Lahore was only two hours away. Badra drove at the designated speed as the group continued east toward New Delhi. After leaving Lahore they would have to change vehicles before they approached the Pakistan India border as by this time the airport police had put together the assault on the airport office and surely they had reviewed the security tapes and discovered who the killers were. Lahore would have to provide the vehicle for all of them to use and it was only a short distance away. When the rain started it was just a mild summer shower but as they started climbing the mountains on the Pakistan Indian border, the rain turned into a very strong storm complete with lightening and it became difficult to drive and navigate the mountain roads especially without any reflective markers or lines. This slowed the groups progress to the extent that they were barely crawling when they came to the bridge crossing a small creek. It was a small creek most of the year but now it was starting to get very large and wide. Water was about to start coming over the top of the bridge when Badra looked down from the top of the hill approaching the bridge. The bridge was about 300 feet from where she stopped the van and got out to look at the possibility of crossing without incident. There were several vehicles on each side of the bridge that had stopped and were thinking the same thoughts can we make it across?
“We can wait here until the water recedes so we can cross Badra. I don’t think it would be wise to try to drive across the bridge with that much water coming across. It looks very swift from here.” Advised Haydar
“And wait for the Army to just pull up behind us here and surround us with no escape route? That is not a good plan Haydar, get into the Vehicle, we are going to cross.”
“Wait. Let us walk across holding onto the bridge railing and you then drive the van across. That way we will endanger only part of our mission Badra! Haydar was looking at the woman’s face only inches away.
“Go then. Get the others and make it quick. We do not have time to lose here.” The consenting Badra yelled back above the rain that was now pelting the area harder.
“”I will stay in the van with you Badra.” Said Actor.
“Why such bravery, tall one? Go with the others and cross holding onto the bridge rail.” Said Badra motioning with her hand to get out of the van.
“I will stay,……….I can not swim.” Admitted the young man.
The group started walking down the slight incline to the bridge approach Haydar was the first to slip and roll down the rest of the hill and grabbed onto the bridge approach railing. Goat and Ali Baba were no more agile and they also slipped in the slick clay. The three held tightly to the bridge railing and started walking across the bridge with the water up to their knees moving swiftly. It was getting dark and as the moon came out from behind a cloud, the rain stopped as fast as it had started. With the three men on the opposite side of the river, Badra started down the slope in the van. Actor was in the seat just behind her and as she started down the slope to the bridge approach, she turned the lights on bright and turned the van to the center of the bridge. The water was still running at a fast pace and covered the bridge. Badra turned the van slightly to the left and increased the speed thinking that she could drive through the water and get across faster if she were going faster.
The van was ten feet from the bridge when it turned to the left and as Badra turned the wheel in the opposite direction, the van slid in the clay mud and headed for the bridge railing post. The front of the van hit the side of the bridge and forced the rear of the van to continue to the left swinging the van, Badra and Actor into the swift river current. The van rolled under the bridge and stuck there. The driver’s side door to the van opened and Badra made her way out of the entrapped vehicle and with water up to her neck, worked her way back to the rear of the van where the back window was open. She could see Actor thrashing around in the rear seat trying to get to the window. The interior lights in the van were on and you could see Actor thrashing around in the seat.
“The box! Get me the box. Do not let it get away! Commanded Badra of Actor. Suddenly, actor raised his hand and handed Badra one end of the wooden box. The box was broken and straw that had been used to cushion the glass jars inside the box started to float past Actors head. Badra grabbed the handle on the opposite end of the box and pulled it away from Actor through the back window. When she had the box outside the window, she took her scarf that had acted as both a scarf and a veil from around her neck and tied it to the box. By this time Haydar and Goat had ran to the middle of the bridge and was pulling Badra from the current which was slowly but definitely slowing. Badra dragged the box up onto the edge of the shoreline and treating the small box like it was extremely heavy, drug it up higher on the shore. It was then she saw in horror that the side of the box had been damaged and one of the glass jars was cracked and a green fluid was ever so slowly pouring from the side. She quickly pulled the two jars that appeared intact from the box and let the remains float away in the river. People had started a rescue attempt to get Actor from the entrapped van and were yelling to him to come to the window. Several men had entered the water from the opposite—downstream—direction trying to move under the bridge to free the young man inside the van. Now there were more people in the water trying to free Actor from the van. Badra quickly took the two glass jars and wrapped them in Goat’s jacket and started up the bank to the roadside. As the three reached the top of the roadway on the opposite side of the bridge from where they had approached, Haydar looked back to see if Actor had gotten free. He was nowhere in sight. Some people had positioned their cars and trucks as well as using flashlights to illuminate the area around the bridge.
“I have to get Actor—keep climbing to the road where it is not so slippery and we will be with you soon.” Said Haydar.
“No-No” Screamed Badra at Haydar almost financially.
“Let him be—he is dead” We must go-hurry”.
How could she know he was dead? In such a slight amount of water he was able to keep his head above the rushing current Haydar thought. It was then that Haydar looked back at the scene below on the riverbanks. People that had gone into the water were nowhere to be seen. Others were screaming that the people were being washed downstream and they were wading out into the river to assist. More people came out from under the bridge and were lifelessly floating downstream. Haydar could not get the picture out of his mind. It was horrible. He wanted to yell at the people;” Do not go in the water, you will be killed” But he knew that no one would understand.
A man driving a small stake truck with goats in the back was sitting back at the end of the line waiting to cross onto the other side of the river to Faisalabad when Badra opened the passenger side door and as the man looked over at her mud covered face she raised the nine millimeter pistol and blew out the mans brains. She then quickly placed the jacket holding the two glass jars on the floorboard and instructed Haydar, Goat and Ali Baba to get in the back with the goats. As they followed her instructions like obedient Rottweiler, she shoved the dead Indian in with them and ran to the driver’s seat where she turned the vehicle around and headed the opposite direction back toward Lahore. It was early Saturday morning when the truck entered the city. Badra had stopped by a long expansion bridge several miles from Lahore and dumped the dead driver over the side. It was an unusually busy morning and the streets were very crowded for this time of day. Then Badra saw the reason. The banner over the street entering the park read “FESTIVAL OF SHALAM AK AL AMAR RASHID today at the park. It was a local holiday where the population gathered at the park and celebrated the memory of one of the countries ancient warrior Kings. Lahore was not a popular place for the Taliban. It was the city fathers of Lahore that just two months ago turned over twenty Taliban fighters that had come to Lahore to seek refuge from the Paki and Afghan terrorist coalition. Badra was surprised when Haydar who was sitting in the rear of the truck with the filthy goats started banging on the cab and motioning for her to pull over. She did and as she stopped by a vegetable market Haydar jumped into the cab beside her. He was excited and talking rapidly and very animated.
“We can not be here. We can not take part in what will happen here today. We will be captured and executed immediately in the square if they find it was us who poisoned their water. We either have to warn them somehow or get out of the area. I do not want to be caught here and accused of the terrorism.”
“What are you talking about Haydar—make sense—what terrorism are you speaking of?” She actually did not have a clue what was about to take place! Haydar thought
“The stream—the river where we broke the deadly container that killed Actor—it flows directly into this cities central canal where thousands will be swimming and cooling off today. They will all die.”
The look on Badra’s face was both the realization that what Haydar had just told her was true and that there was no way they were going to warn the people of Lahore She decided on a different plan. One that would let her brother and sister Talabanni know that she was still very much in the fight.
“Get in the truck Haydar. Tell Ali Baba to come up front and ride with me in the cab of the truck.” Commanded Badra.
As soon as Ali Baba changed places with Haydar the truck pulled out slowly from the market place along the side street. Three blocks later, Badra stopped the truck in a small gas station and after filling the truck and getting some water for her passengers and Ali Baba returned to ride in the back with Haydar and Goat so that he could inform them of what Badra wanted to do.
The truck moved slowly through the center of town and then as the traffic became lighter and she could drive faster, Badra started looking, looking at the people coming into town for the festival. There was what she needed! It was perfect. The Pakistani grandfather was taking video of the kids walking to the park. They were all happily moving down the street together when the truck stopped thirty feet in front of them. The three masked youths in western clothing jumped from the back of the truck and grabbed the video camera from the bewildered grandfather and back on the truck. The truck sped down the street and turned onto the main highway exiting the city of Lahore. It was now almost eight am in the city. More people were coming into the park. Some were in the water already. The truck pulled over at the shaded area alongside the highway and Badra got out and walked with the three men over to a bench that had a stone wall behind it that was similar to many in the city. With the stone wall as a background, Badra had Ali Baba hold the camera on her veiled face as she spoke;
Badra removed the tape from the camera and was about to throw the camera in the trash can when a police car pulled into the shaded area. The officer on the passenger side immediately exited the patrol car and went inside the relief station marked MEN. Badra gave Haydar instructions and then as Haydar went inside the men’s room where the policeman was, Badra approached the patrol car with the officer inside. His window was up. He was enjoying the air conditioning and as Badra approached and smiled, the window came slowly down. Badra could now see that there were only the two occupants in the patrol car. The one in the restroom and this one. AS the officer looked up at Badra and returned the smile, the nine MM cracked twice and the officer’s brains splattered against the passenger window of the patrol car.. Almost immediately after the second report from the gun, there were three shots heard from the men’s room. Haydar came running out of the small brick building carrying the policeman’s radio in one hand and the nine MM he had acquired at the airport in the other. As they jumped into the truck, Badra placed the video tape on the dead officers chest and keyed his shoulder mike shouting; “ALLAHU AKBAR! ALLAH IS GREAT!”
They all returned to the truck and sped onto the highway and headed for the border with India

Chapter 18
Holding area for the prisoners, Mazar I Sharif

Oatmeal, eggs, fruit and buttered toast for breakfast in a combat zone is almost unheard of. But then, DJ was running the operation here and the team respected what he had done for them in the prior day’s operation. They knew he was a leader and leaders like a good breakfast with hot coffee. After a gentle knock on DJ’s quarter’s door, cowboy’s voice told him that “The pigs are here sir”
For some unknown reason, that remark had a ring of humor to it and DJ acknowledged the information and picked up his cup of coffee and was out the door into the main area. The soldiers had done well on making room for the squealing livestock. Around the bottom of the cell they had placed a series of sandbags that would confine any mess generated by the animals as best possible. There was a wooden feeding trough at the corner of the cell and it was filled with corn stock, tomatoes, and some unknown yellow substance that the soldiers said was left over chicken chow mein from the chow hall and noodles. The pigs were making quite a noise outside the front door and when the soldiers opened the gate to the rear of the truck, they all ran into the building. Their direction was confined to heading to the rear of the building by the sides of the iron bars on the cells. As they headed to the rear of the holding area where the cell door was open for them to enter, they were squealing and snorting at the top of their lungs.
So were the prisoners.
As soon as the fifth pig entered the cell, Scorpion slammed the door and locked it. The pigs were in the cell between the five prisoners and chomping on the corn cobs like it was the first meal they had been given in a week. Grunts, squeals and pigs sliding already in shit was the scene. DJ walked casually back to the cell where the first two prisoners that he had interrogated the day prior were climbing the cell wall opposite where the pigs were and yelling.
DJ told Scorp to bring him the prisoner that, the day before had nodded he would cooperate. This prisoner had done this while they still had their hoods on and therefore the others had no idea he had indicated his cooperation.
When they entered the interrogation room DJ noticed that the man had evidently showered and had on a clean set of orange overalls.
“Have you been fed?” Asked DJ in Pashtu.
“I have. Do not return me to that evil place with those animals. I am only a technician and not a Muhadeen. I have killed no one.”
This can’t be this easy. Thought DJ. I ask the guy if he has had breakfast and he starts pouring his heart out to me.?
“Well Punjab, you are on the right track. Yesterday you indicated to me that you had something to tell me. Lets hear what it is. You know that there are some things we know and some things we need to know. You will not know which so I will know when you are lying. Where was the woman and man headed that stopped by the room the evening of four nights ago?
“She was going to the training camp to pick up the rest of the operatives that were to make up the mission team.”
As soon as he said that statement, a tone sounded in the corner of the room from the control booth on the other side of the glass. The prisoner evidently thought it was an indication that his answer was a lie and started yelling that he was telling the truth. It was almost comical. DJ left the man sitting at the table with a cup of fresh coffee and a Quran and went into the control room.
“Arlington is on the speaker Lt” The sergeant said as he turned to DJ from his desk in front of the see thru glass into the interrogation room.
“Penny Buckley here DJ, you copy?
“Yes Penny. Go ahead”
“We have a live feed on your interrogation there and I don’t want to interfere with your tactics but why not turn this Tango over to one of the other staff? He sounds like he has diarrhea of the mouth and is going to be giving info faster than we can record. Move over to Raj Al Kayev and see where the group with the X437 is headed.” Suggested Penny.
“Roger. Good idea Penny.” DJ replied
DJ returned to the interrogation room and sat across from the prisoner who had given the name of Rasmeid Abdun from Islamabad.
“I’m going to leave you with these people for awhile Rasmeid. But before I leave, I want to know the names of the four recruits that Raj Al Kayev brought to your room the other day for communication indoctrination. You know who I mean. Don’t play games, just give me the names.”
“No one knows the family names of Muhadeen recruits. Only their operative names. They were Engineer, goat, Ali Baba and Actor “
“Ok, we will check that out. Guard, return Rasmeid to the holding area and see that he has a cell by himself away from the pigs and……o yeah. Make sure the Israeli colonel does not take him with the others. I want Rasmeid held here in Mazar I Sharif.”DJ was taking a chance that Rasmeid spoke English and overheard his orders to the guard. It may play well before the day was over.
Raj Al Kayev looked refreshed when he was led into the interrogation room. His beard and hair was trimmed and he had a pair of clean orange overalls on . They were clean except for the side of one leg that was wet and brown. Actually, it smelled also. His hand and leg restraints were still on and as he hobbled to sit at the interrogation table, DJ could not keep himself from obviously looking down at the pig shit on his leg and commenting;
“Jesus Raj, you need to find a place in that cell where the pigs won’t cuddle up to you while you are sleeping. You smell like hell.”
“Again Lt. you will pay for your thoughtless treatment of me and my brother Muhadeen when we have legal counsel.” Cursed the prisoner.
“Still thinking you are going to have that almighty representation that you think the financial spooks of al Queda will provide aren’t you? News to you Pal, unless you come up with a major attitude change and decide to cooperate with me, you are going to Israel where I’ll guarantee that you will not want to be that close to five pigs that belong to the Mossad. I was thinking last night as I slept on my cool bunk after reading a great novel by Ahmed Rashid, that you may not be that familiar with our porky friends in the other cell. Outside of the fact you have already learned by the looks of your leg there that when they shit, anything within three feet behind them is a target.
I want to show you what the Mossad does with pigs”. With that DJ ordered the guard to take Raj back to the area next to the pig cell. The soldiers had prepared the cell next to the pigs just as DJ had requested. In the far corner of the cell, they had placed a manikin from the Post Exchange against the corner and tied its arms behind onto the cell bars. The legs of the manikin were spread apart. Where the manikin’s manhood would be, the soldiers had attached a carrot and a large piece of celery. The carrot and celery were protruding straight up giving the manikin a humorous looking configuration.
DJ was standing next to Raj who was being detained by the cells edge by two guards. “Now, I have never actually seen this done but I think we have this about as close as we can approximate it” Said DJ
“Now, you may be aware Raj being as you have been the only neighbor these animals have had for the last few hours, they never stop eating. They devour anything that resembles food. Let me show you something about how these guys love corn on the cobb”. At that DJ motioned for the guards to throw into the pen where the pigs were several ears of feed corn. The pig immediately pounced on the corn squealing and fighting each other to get the last ear. The animal’s jaws were so strong that they could snap a good sized ear of corn into with a single chomp. When the corn was gone, DJ instructed the guards to now enter the cell where the manikin was and place corn around his manhood and pour corn syrup on top of all that. The prisoners in the adjoining cell that had been watching this entire proceeding with astonishment began yelling in Farsi, Pashtu and English. They could see what was about to happen. The guards opened the adjoining cell door to the cell where the manikin was and within seconds, the five pigs rushed into the cell and straight for the manikin in the corner. It was the first pig that took the majority of the simulated dick and balls from the manikin in one bite chomping and tearing at the corn as well as the carrot. The other pigs, not to be outdone by their heavier counterpart, began eating the manikin’s legs and upper torso that was covered with the corn syrup.
DJ looked over at Raj and the two guards holding him and simply said; “Hungry critters aren’t they? Now you get the idea of what is meant when they say someone eats like a pig Raj” Raj’s face was white. The other prisoners were still yelling and screaming. Probably about now, any of them would have spilled their entire life’s story complete with any Taliban secrets known just to get out of there.
DJ had Raj returned to the interrogation room where he knew the live feed to Arlington was back on.
“I’m going to give you this last chance to talk to me Raj or you are on that plane headed for Tel Aviv with colonel Nagel. Where is the X437 that Badra stole from the research laboratory and how much of it was there?
“I know nothing about any “X” weapon that you are talking aobut Lt. If you think that your demonstration in there with the pigs was supposed to frighten me, you are wrong. I am a Muhadeen and have the rights to counsel and protection from such torture you have shown me. I know that your legal system and your military laws will never condone torture.” The Palestine background and the lifestyle of the Taliban had hardened this person so well that nothing short of drugs was going to pry the information DJ needed from him. Time was running out. DJ tried one more attempt before he decided to make the move to the airport.
“OK Raj, you seem to have the U S Judicial system down pretty patt. You are right we don’t like to use torture but then you have to remember, sometimes in a combat zone, not everything reaches the media. There are a lot of happenings that go unrecorded shall we say? Now, on the other hand, I don’t ever remember hearing of any Israeli torture events. Mater of fact once a prisoner is turned over to them, we don’t hear much of anything of them after that”
DJ sat on the corner of the table and looked over at the prisoner squarely in his eyes. “Maybe its because you and I got off to a bad start, you know, the knife in my leg and all that, I think I’ll let someone else talk to you before we transport you. Hang tight Raj. Want some water? A coke perhaps? I’ll be right back. The bewildered Raj asked for some water and a Quran.
DJ left the interrogation area and asked Cowboy to take charge of the prisoners. He was to make sure they were in clean orange coveralls and hooded by the time he returned. He left instructions to have his personal gear loaded on the C130 as soon as it landed and to make provisions for the prisoners on the aircraft. He wanted Raj to be held in a separate area on the aircraft. They were not to take the prisoners to the tarmac and load them until DJ returned and gave the OK.
DJ left the interrogation area and drove to the base security office where he located the Gunny that had helped him the day preciously.
“Any idea where the Israeli squad is right now gunny?”
“They set up a small bivouac over on the far side of the base, Sir. They have a field phone if you need to contact them.”
“Here is what I want you to do Gunny. With your help, I think I’ll be able to get my group and the Massaud people out of your hair by nightfall.” DJ passed the instructions on to the gunny and then returned to the interrogation hut. Cowboy was waiting at the entrance.
“Gunny called and said that he was on his way here with what you wanted.”
“Cool. You know what to do when he gets here Sergeant. Anything else?
“The C-130 is inbound and will be parked over at the other end of the base where Delta Force maintains hanger space.
“Roger that. Tell the pilots to file for a mission to Kabul, refuel and be ready to go shortly. Get in touch with the flight engineer and loadmaster to make the seat configuration changes we need for transporting the prisoners.”
DJ had no sooner given the instructions than a base humvee pulled up in front of the Quonset hut. The Gunny got out of the passenger side and then opened the door behind him assisting the hooded individual out of the vehicle. The driver and two other soldiers stayed with the vehicle looking around to see if any eyes had seen them enter the area..
DJ motioned with his fingers to his lips to be quiet that he was present and pointed to the door to the interrogation area. DJ led the way and the group followed. As they entered the passageway to the interrogation room the temperature dropped to a comfortable 75 degrees
“I must compliment you Lt., you seem to have found a very comfortable area to set up your command on this base.” The Colonel said as they were walking down the passageway to the eating area. DJ smiled over at cowboy and then reached over and removed the black hood from his guest’s sweating head.
“Is that better colonel? Said DJ
“Yes, thank you. Now, if you could remove the hand restraints, I would be most comfortable.”
“Anyone shake him down before you brought him here? DJ asked in a general question.
“He is clean Sir. His hardware in is the humvee outside and will be returned to him when we leave.” Said Cowboy.
The group entered the eating area and DJ gestured to the picnic type table and asked the Colonel to please sit. DJ then instructed the colonel that he was going to let him talk to the prisoners but if he so much slapped or hit any of them during the questioning, he was going to remove him from the area and not provide any information to Mossad what they had obtained from the prisoners. The colonel agreed and said he understood the terms of his being able to question Raj Al Kayev.
The group moved back to the interrogation room where DJ had left Raj not more than an hour before. DJ asked the group, The colonel, cowboy and The Gunny to wait outside the door until he called for them.
“May I take this ice water into the interrogation room Lt.?” Asked the colonel.
“By all means sir.” Replied DJ.
Guard, take the glass from the colonel and replace it with one of those Styrofoam cups over there with plenty of ice and water.” Just in case, colonel you don’t have any ideas of breaking the glass on the table in front of the prisoner and slitting his throat with a piece of it. Thought DJ
DJ entered the room as Raj was reading his Quran. “Is there a section in there that tells you when to get smart Raj? Not to belittle your holy book there but you seem to lean on it pretty heavy for advice.. Let me let you in on a few bits of information we have obtained over the last few hours. Number one, we have a track on the group that left Mazar I Sharif and headed for Faisalabad, you know, Badra, the goat, the engineer, actor and Ali Baba ? He walked across the room and picked up the file and removed several photographs “These friends of yours,” quickly letting Raj glance at the material only long enough to confirm what DJ was saying. Secondly, your camp outside Mazar I Sharif and the subterranean room have provided us with quite a bit of information, especially those computers, they were loaded. We’ll keep the surveillance section of our agency busy just confirming these locations and cells you were talking to on the net and radio. My point being, you could save yourself a lot of misery by agreeing to just answer a few questions about what you know about the planned operation in the United States. Besides, with all these people in our detainment area, there probably isn’t anyone left on the other end to carry out the mission. Especially considering the fact that we are about to get our hands on the last of the X437.” DJ looked at the prisoner and with a gesture of open hands, said; “This is the last offer Raj, it won’t get any better.”
“Stupid infidels. You think that because we have lost a few of our brothers that this mission can not go on? It is too late for you to stop what will happen. You will learn soon that the power of Al Queda extends far beyond the borders of these countries. The American people with live with terror in their hearts every time the name of the supreme commander is spoken. Allah is great!”
“Ok, Raj. Boy, I really thought you were smarter than that. I mean you would think that a guy with your background would know when his balls were in a vise and who was turning the crank.”

“Guard, tell the Colonel he can come in now.”
The leader of the Mossad unit entered the room and silently moved to in front of the prisoner. Raj Al Kayev recognized the man in front of him and he also understood the threatening look in his dark evil eyes.
“Congratulations Lieutenant, this is indeed Raj Al Kayev you have captured. This is the murderer of hundreds of my countrymen and women who can now rejoice from their graves that this demon will soon get the death he deserves..
In the name of the Free State of Israel and according to United Nations convention on the capture and treatment of enemies of the homeland, I demand that you, representing your government of the United States of America, turn over this individual for prosecution. “
“Well colonel, I’ll have to check on all that foreign affairs terms and conditions before we do that. Besides, we still have a lot to talk about, don’t we Raj?” Asked DJ
The prisoner remained silent this time. No expletives, no bragging and no bravado. He just remained quiet as the colonel walked behind him. Cowboy moved to be between the prisoner and the colonel if the Colonel tried anything silly. The colonel slowly raised his had at cowboy as if to say hold on, I’m not going to hurt the guy, just get some answers,…
DJ stood in front of the prisoner and asked a very easy question.
“Was this group of people we just discussed, heading for the United States Raj?”
Raj remained silent. He turned to look at the Colonel behind him.
“Keep your eyes on the Lt. Raj” Ordered the colonel.
DJ asked the question again.
No answer.
The colonel reached into his cup and brought out an ice cube and held it above Raj’s neck. The first drop went between his collar and his neck probably running all the way down the prisoner’s hot back. He jumped.
“Eyes forward you stupid coward” commanded the Colonel. Raj could see that he was becoming more stern with each of his commands.
Another drop down the neck.
“Do they have the x437 with them or is it traveling separate?”
“They have everything they need to strike terror in the minds of infidel Americans.”
The first time this yo-yo has even made a hint as to knowing the operation plans! Thought DJ
Another drop. This time the annoyed Raj tried to move in his chair away from the water.
“What city are they planning to bring the X437 in to?” Asked DJ
“ I don’t know.” Replied the obstinate Raj.
“Well colonel, this is what I thought he’d do, just when it gets to the point where he can save his good-for-nothing life, he gets a acute case of forgetfulness. Let’s go ahead with your plan. “At that DJ motioned for the guard to replace the hand and leg restraints on the prisoner and return him to the cell. He practically shoved the Mossad colonel out the door.
“Ok colonel, Thanks for your help when we are finished with the prisoner, he is all yours.”
“When can I expect to pick him up Lt.?”
“Well, I’m kinda new at this international prisoner release and turnover thing Colonel so I’ll have to let you know when my government tells me when and how. OK?”
“I expect an answer with twenty-four hours Lt. or I guarantee you that this will go to the highest level of your administration immediately.” Good Day.”. The colonel climbed back into the humvee and shoved the black head cover away when the gunny started to place it on his head. From in front of the vehicle, DJ motioned the gunny to forget the head cover. The Colonel was not going to have time to get his group together and come back here anyway before DJ had all of them on the 130 headed for Kabul
The small convoy carrying the very annoyed Moussad colonel no sooner left the compound than DJ put his plan into action to move the prisoners. It was perfect timing. DJ had made one last offer to Raj, who DJ knew had the entire operation plans for the terrorist mission into the United States in his head before the Colonel left the room. Raj had refused to cooperate so the group was now being moved. As instructed, all the prisoners were led out of the compound without head covers. DJ wanted them to have a good look at the countryside they were leaving and a hint where they were headed. The group was loaded into one nine passenger van with darkened windows. The prisoners could see out but there was no way to see who or what was inside the van. Cowboy would have to stay in Mazar I Sharif and continue his training of the local police but DJ would take Scorpion and five of his team with him to transport the prisoners.
“Anyone speak decent Israeli?” Asked DJ of the group that was walking out to the escort vehicle that was to follow behind the prisoner van.
One of the team raised his hand and in Hebrew said to DJ. “I do sir, it’s a kind of Yiddish mixture from my grandfather and Israeli from my Mom but I think it will be good enough to converse with the guys in that Moussad group if that is what you have in mind.”
“What is your name Corporal?” Asked DJ in Hebrew.
“Bernie Shapiro sir.” Was the answer.
“Shalom Bernie. Here is what I have in mind”
DJ said goodbye to cowboy and thanked him and the base commander for their excellent cooperation during the mission. He also made it a point to personally speak with each of the non coms that were in on the take down and the group that organized the holding area and then headed out to the waiting van. As he climbed onboard the prisoner van, he looked back to see just where his friend Raj was located. He was in the second seat back from the driver next to the window. DJ sat down in the seat behind the driver and keyed the sat radio on his combat vest.
“Head shed, sheepherder is moving out”
“Roger sheepherder. Advise when you are in a position to initiate a tactical change.”
When DJ heard that on his radio he placed his arm on the drivers shoulder and said; “Hang tight a minute here until I see what this is. Advise our escort that we are getting communications from Arlington and will resume our operation as soon as possible.”
“Head shed, Sheepherder. Go ahead with the tac revise.”
“Standby for Google, Lieutenant.” Was the reply.
DJ recognized the next voice that came on the speaker was that of Penny Buckley.
“Sheepherder we have some instructions from Mother in respect to your prisoners, do you copy?
“Roger Head shed. Go ahead.”
“Mother advises that we can not turn over the sheep as intended. Due to previous experience with the receiver you are in touch with there, Mother advises that the turn over be conducted in Kabul where we have DOJ assets. They want to make sure the international agreements are observed and agreed upon prior to any release of these assets. Copy?”
“Roger Head shed. What does Mother want me to do?”
“You will accompany the heard to Kabul and will act there as the military turn over liaison. Work with the DOJ people if you need to make any changes to this instruction and advise us.”
“Roger Head shed. Sheepherder out.”
The entire assembly inside the van was still sitting quietly and obviously trying to figure out who “mother” was and what changes this had made to the original plans for their detainment. That is all of them were trying to figure out what the revised plan was except one prisoner. He knew his fate was in the hands of this young Lieutenant sitting in front of him.
“OK driver, lets go.”
The van left the interrogation compound and headed for the area where the Gulfstream nine had parked next to the Israeli jet. The prisoners were all talking among themselves in Farsi, Pashtu and Paki as the van sped down the tarmac and came to a stop three hundred yards from the Israeli jet. When two of the prisoners saw the star of David on the wing, they broke out in wild yelps at Raj.”You piece of Camel dung, you are going to get us all executed! They screamed. It was obvious that they knew that the reason they were going to Tel Aviv was that Raj Al Kayev had not volunteered to cooperate.
DJ ordered the guard to replace the darkened head hoods on all prisoners and for them to be quiet.
About this time, DJ saw Bernie get out of the escort vehicle in front of them and come back to the driver’s window. In a loud voice so that he made sure Raj heard every word, DJ said;
“Driver, roll down the window so I can talk to the Israeli officer.”
The sound of the window coming down was the only sound inside the white prisoner vehicle.
“Good afternoon Lieutenant Jacobs, I am Captain Maloof Shapiro of the Israeli Moussad and will sign for the prisoners.” Bernie was playing the part well. You could almost hear his heals click together as he saluted DJ.
“Captain, these prisoners have not eaten since breakfast today and have not had their prayer time. Can you provide these assurances that they will be fed and have a prayer carpet onboard?”
“Sorry Lt. but we do not have food or a galley on this aircraft. We will of course see that they are all fed upon arrival at their destination.”
Looking over Bernie’s shoulder two of the Israeli guards that were standing by the Moussad jet were looking over at the van and the escort. This could mess up the entire plan if they decided to come over and see just what was in that van and what was going on. DJ had to hurry.
“Then I can’t turn them over to you Captain. I’ll see that they have these requirements and then be back with them. Driver, take us to building 489 on the other side of the base.”
The van left the area and drove east for about eight minutes to a small area inside a security fence with two guards. They saw the van and opened the gate for both vehicles to enter. Once inside the area the van stopped by a building and the hooded prisoners were taken inside and sat at a long table. The hoods were then removed and their hand restraints removed. They were seated ten feet apart and not allowed to talk while they were fed. They were given fifteen minutes to eat and use the head. They were all then provided with a single prayer mat and given ten minutes to say their afternoon prayer. At the end of this exercise, they were loaded back into the van, hooded and as the driver turned onto the tarmac, the occupants of the van could tell from the sounds of aircraft taking on an off next to them that they were again driving alongside the runway of the airport. Only this time what they did not know was that they were going to a different area of the airport where a C-130 awaited .When the prisoners arrived at the aircraft Still Hooded, they were all lined up at the stairway to the jet.
“The paperwork is all in order Captain so it is your responsibility from here to Kabul. Said DJ
“Thank you Lt. The flight attendant will show you to your area. I will place the prisoners.” Replied Bernie in English with an Israeli accent this time.
Taking Raj by the shoulder Bernie said in a loud voice in Hebrew;”This one the Colonel wants in the area himself. Make sure he has the leg, waist and hand restraints secure. The others all go to area Charlie and the same” Having said these instructions, Raj Al Kayev was then literally picked up off his feet and shoved up the stair to the open cabin and then back to the rear of the aircraft to a small room. He was seated in a bucket type seat and tied to the restraints in the side of the aircraft. He would not be able to move more than a few inches in any direction much less stretch out. The others were brought onboard and taken past where Raj was restrained and into a cubical area that had six seats, enough for the prisoners and their guards. The C-130 taxied out to the duty runway and was airborne on its way to cruising altitude to Kabul when DJ came back to the prisoner area and pointed at the young terrorist that had cooperated with his team earlier. “That one—bring him to me in the other cabin instructed DJ. The head covers had been removed after the jet had left the area of the airport. No sense in letting one of the gomers look back at the airport parking area from the air and see the Israeli jet still sitting there. That would lose everything they had worked for. DJ wanted each of these bad guys to think they were on that Israeli jet.
DJ sat the young terrorist across from him and removed his hand restraints. He kept the seat restraint on him and secured to his belt. He was not going anyplace,….fast.
“Abu al Khayr, I need to tell you some important news before we start our discussion here. First of all, you have indicated that you were only a technician working for the Taliban in that location. If this is true and you cooperate with us, we will see that you are given safe journey to our prison in Guantanamo Bay Cuba. That location, I assure you is different than Abu Gahru outside Baghdad. You will be treated to three meals a day, your Quran and a prayer pad. You will also be permitted to walk freely around the facility with only leg restraints. You will be given a fair and honest trial and depending on that outcome, you may be returned to the country of your choice and your family. Those of you here on this aircraft that do not decide to cooperate, will be going on from Kabul to Tel Aviv with the Israelis. From there I don’t care or can’t control what happens to you.”
DJ sat back in the chair across from the prisoner and looked him straight in his eyes.
“Abu, I’m listening. Tell me what the name of the town in Texas is that you were sending communications about and when the mission is intended to take place.”
“I do not know the exact date of the incident Lt. but it is in the area around San Marcos, Texas by the college there.”
“What? What Incident will take place there? By who?”
Asked DJ
“Something to do with the river that flows from the Lake into the city is all I know. Believe me. There was very little discussion on that part of their mission. I did not have any direct contact with the operatives involved there this is just what I overheard from the other technicians.”
“Which of these other techs has that information Abu? Come on, you are doing well so far, tell me which of the other technicians had communications with the San Marcos operatives?”
“Munthar was usually in contact with the one contact we have there. An exchange student from Saudi Arabia. I don’t know any more than what I have told you, honest Lt.”
“Ok. Do us all a favor here. If, you and your pals start talking among yourselves, try to get a date for me on this
happening in Texas. You know all this cooperation will go well for you at your trial don’t you?”
“I know nothing of your governmental laws and customs but I will trust you Lt.”
This kid was scared shitless and was going to be a real asset
DJ called for Scorpion to take the prisoner over to one of the other seating areas, give him whatever he wants to drink or eat and continue talking to him about what he knows. DJ gave Scorp a quick list of the questions he needed answered if possible.
DJ returned to his seating area and turned on his lap top and contacted Danny back at head shed to fill him in on what he had learned so far. DJ asked how he could set up the lap top so that Dan and Penny would have a direct feed on the next set of interrogations DJ was about to conduct. With Raj Al Kayev
DJ set up the lap top on one of the seats across from where he was going to question his prisoner. He also focused the camera so that Arlington could watch the facial expressions of the prisoner. DJ then tested the set up and once it was adjusted properly, he called to have Raj brought to his area.
The prisoner came to the seating area where DJ was and as the guard changed his restraints so that he could be hooked to the aircraft bulkhead as well as the seat, DJ started the questioning.
“Raj, I was just trying to remember how many times I have told you this is your last chance to start talking to me. I think its been maybe three or four. Well, Raj, this is come to Jesus time for you, I guarantee you. I will not be around to save your sorry ass once you leave Kabul, so this is it. Before you answer, let me do some thinking for you. This might help. Number one, we are learning more every hour about your operation. Probably by this time tomorrow, we will know as much about it as you do.. We know about the San Marcos Texas target, the Los Angeles target, what part Goat, the engineer, Actor and Ali Baba play in the mission. We have a close track on the group being led by Badra and will probably pick them up very soon. So, Raj, your value is diminishing as you probably can guess. Now, on the other hand, you are not in a very good position to bargain for anything. You appear to be a pretty smart guy and can guess how long you will be sucking air after we turn you over in Kabul to the Moussad. That colonel --Nagel --? has a real hard on for you. Something about you pinning a kid to a door and torture I have never heard of before”. At this point, Raj’s eyes got big and round. He definitely was making comparisons in his mind.
DJ continued.
“So, when we get to Kabul and meet with the Justice Department snake charmers, we can tell them to go ahead and trade you for whatever and give you to the Moussad for more questioning, or we can tell them we are taking you to Gitmo for detention and further questioning. Actually, it would probably be faster come to think of it to just turn you over, tell Nagel what we need to know from you and let him use his methods to obtain that and then he can keep you. That presents a problem in the long run because usually, the prisoner doesn’t have much ability to think or talk anymore because of the drugs they use.”
“The name of the exchange student at the college in San Marcos Texas to start with Raj.?”
“I don’t know of any student or College in Texas.”
“Aw come on Raj, we know that Munthar has been sending communications to that operative from you on a weekly basis. Tell me their name.”
“Munthar is a week and mindless coward. He will never have the blessings of Allah.”
“Ok Raj. Sorry, but that is about all the time we have. I’m turning your ass over to colonel Nagel as soon as we land. No Department of Justice release required or anything, I’ll just give you to him and his group. They don’t keep very good records of prisoner exchanges either from what I have heard. After the Moussad get you, there is not much record keeping that takes place. People just seem to disappear. One thing I want to leave with you. Never think about going into business Pal because you certainly don’t know a good deal when it’s presented to you and I want you to think back on this conversation every time they stick a needle in your ass in the next week or so. CIAO and adios”
DJ instructed the guard to return Raj to his restraint area.
“Hard case huh?” DJ said as he looked into the lap top.
“Not very smart I’d say DJ. Did you see his body language when you mentioned that torture with the kid—is that true?
“According to the good colonel Danny, according to him it is.”
“DJ, we have a situation alert from the Pakis. An event has taken place that they are going live on the system in twenty minutes that may have some importance to your operation there. We’ll keep on top and pull you in if it is relevant”
“Roger. We are about two and half hours out of Kabul so give us a call if it rings any bells. Sheepherder out.”
DJ closed the lap top and leaned back in the seat. His thoughts turned to where the clandestine “Bio-Five” had disappeared to. That was a good name he thought, the Bio-Five, even if he did know all of the names in Badra’s group thanks to Abu Al Khayr.

Chapter 19
Eighteen miles from the India Pakistan border

The road was full of shrapnel from the aircraft that bombed and patrolled the road on a daily basis. Badra had changed a tire twice now since they stole the truck from the goat farmer at the river crossing and there were no more spare tires. It made little difference as the group should soon meet their contact that would get them into India without alerting the allied command. Only a few more miles to the maintenance station and there they would get the next set of plans from a contact there. As the truck pulled into the large open area used as a maintenance station by the local transport companies, it was obvious that things were not normal. There was a large crowd of drivers surrounding a large recreational vehicle with a government license plate. Badra drove by very slowly and saw what the attraction was. The TV in the RV was showing the catastrophe at Lahore. The news commentator was moving from talking heads in the station to live on the spot scenes by the canal in downtown Lahore. Badra immediately turned the truck away from the crowd and drove to the most remote spot on the parking area. There, she drove the truck into the trees as far as possible with the front pointing out to the main road. To any drivers pulling into the area it would appear as if the driver and occupants of the truck were just looking for some shade to rest in. It was too risky for Badra to return to the TV in the recreational vehicle to see more of the news event so she instructed Haydar to go see what he could. Dressed in his levis, sweatshirt from the airport that said CORONA in gold letters and his Lakers cap, he looked like the typical long haul driver that stopped in the area. Goat took off his large dark sunglasses that he had purchased at the airport and gave them to Haydar. Haydar now looked like any of the others looking at the TV.
The commentator was giving the horrible details on the event and at the same time in the upper right corner of the picture was……….a video of BADRA talking!!! It almost made Haydar let out a loud O No! However, his training told him to be quiet, observe as much as possible, speak to no one and then get back to the truck. It was not a pretty sight. There were hundreds of bodies laid out in the open parking lot by the canal that ran through the center of the city. Red Cross trucks, ambulances and several military trucks were around the area. Men in protective gear were bringing the bodies to the parking lot where they were immediately placed in sanitized body bags. The commentator was saying that all along the river from the bridge crossing of the highway into Lahore to the city itself, dead bodies were piling up and more were being added to the casualty list as people were disregarding the warning not to go into the water and as they did, they collapsed after several minutes and were dead.
The TV then went full screen to Badra and her threat to the city fathers for not giving aid to the Taliban group that requested their help only two weeks earlier. AS Haydar watched in horror at the happenings on the screen, he heard the trucks. Looking back at the highway, a large, long convoy of Indian Military was heading west to Lahore. Several had the BIOHAZMAT symbol painted on the side.
Haydar tried to keep from running but eventually broke into a jog-like run back to the truck and his group.
“Your video is running on all the stations and there are thousands of people dying alongside the river and in town.” His voice was trembling and he was very animated. “They are comparing what happened to the use of an atomic bomb Badra!! They are threatening reprisals on the Taliban wherever they may be. These people are very upset!!”
“Praise Allah! We have given the infidels reason to know now that we are very much alive and a definite threat to those that oppose us and refuse to work with their Islamic brethren!” Badra was almost financial as she danced and gestured in her rejoicing
Haydar pulled out the radio he had taken from the policeman he killed back at the restroom and turned it on. It had a lot of static but there were emergency crews coming to Lahore from all over the country. India was sending relief teams by air and the Afghan Red Cross was on the scene doing what they could. The description that the officer was calling into the headquarters on the radio indicated that there were more bodies than the morgue was going to be able to handle. He heard no mention about their group or any transmissions about the dead officers they had left at the rest stop.
Badra’s cell phone rang twice. It was the first time any of their phones had rang since they were given to them back at the training camp.
She answered in Farsi and continued to speak to the caller in straight talk-no code or call names.
We will be at the far end of the parking area when you get here. No, we have only the clothes we left the camp with…..hurry because as you know by now, they have seen the video. Yes, we will be ready. Out. Badra turned off the cell phone and told the group to stay together under the trees and out of sight if possible.
It was about an hour later when a yellow Mercedes with dust and much road residue drove slowly past where the group was assembled. It turned and as it approached the area where Badra and the others were standing, Badra placed her hands on top of her head then on her hips. The Mercedes stopped and two Indian men with turbans climbed out of the car and walked toward Badra. They greeted and then the three came over to the group. The first Indian looked closely at all the men’s faces and then asked if any of the group spoke a dialect of Farsi that was peculiar to a certain part of Saudi Arabia. None answered in the affirmative. He then asked if anyone in the group considered their English to be of college quality and could they inject a British accent. Haydar stepped forward and told the man that he considered his English ability qualified to perform whatever the man needed.
“From this point on and until you are safely on the Indian side of this border, do not speak anything but English. Do not speak Farsi, Pashtu or Urdu among yourselves even when you think you are alone. There will be people around you that will be listening to your words and if you break this instruction, you will all be captured and turned over to the Indian authorities and most likely executed on the spot. Is this instruction clear to all?” He asked the group.
Haydar answered “Yes Sir”
The Indian looked at Haydar, smiled and in English said; “Very good”
The Indian then spoke with Badra and returned to the Mercedes where he brought back to the group several jackets, coats and other apparel that indicated they were about to start a hike into the mountains behind the parking area. After all the clothing was distributed and the group properly outfitted, the Indian led them to an opening in the trees just off of the parking lot where there was now a trail that headed east into the mountains. After they had walked less than a mile from the parking area, they were met by six mountain tribesmen on horseback. The Indian was talking to Badra and the older tribesman in a language Haydar had never heard before. The other tribesmen had dismounted and were feeding and watering their animals. While they were waiting on Badra or the Indian to return with more instructions, Haydar pulled the stolen radio from his pocket and turned it on thinking that he could learn more about the scene back in Lahore. The Indian quickly turned to look at where the sound of the radio was coming from. He saw Haydar with it in his hand and came over and grabbed it from him.
“Where did this come from? You were not given this radio from the training camp were you? Where did you get this?”
The Indian was furious. He took the radio and slammed it to the ground and then took the rifle from the tribesman standing watching in astonishment and smashed it again and again as if he was taking out his frustration on the stolen hand held device rather than Haydar. Then, he straightened up and looked at Haydar and slapped him very hard across his right cheek. When Haydar tried to get up, the Indian again kicked him in the chest. Badra stepped in and the Indian got a hold of his composure and yelled at Haydar; “You fool, you idiot. Did you not get training on such devices? You have compromised our position by using that radio!”
“I did not transmit anything! The microphone was never keyed how could that compromise anything?” Haydar was screaming back at the Indian.
“The police use a combination cell phone and radio frequency device such as this one was. It has a built-in GPS that transmits the global position of every time it is turned on. When you turned that radio on, it sent a GPS signal to the main headquarters indicating where it is now located. Our only hope is, that they have not thought of looking at the log of where that device has been used today. .Come we must hurry”
At this point, five of the tribesmen that had ridden in with their leader started walking back up the trail. Haydar mounted the small horse and adjusted himself in the saddle and watched Badra do the same. The group then headed up the trail into the mountains. It was late afternoon when they finally stopped for a rest under some large pepper trees. The Llamas that were with the mountain men were led into a small grazing area where there was a spring and plenty of grass. They had just sat down in a circle and began to talk about Lahore when the helicopter came over the ridge and passed directly over them.
“Do not look up! Do not look at the aircraft!” yelled the Indian.
The Helicopter with the Indian insignia turned and continued over the valley and headed directly east.
“They sometimes take photographs of our groups on these trails and then compare them with photographs taken the day following to track where we travel.” Said the Indian. “If they do not have your face in the image, it is of no value to them unless you have another special characteristic. It is always best to just look down at the ground until the aircraft is gone. Remember that.”
When they again started up the trail Haydar noticed the Indian looking over his shoulder and several times across the canyon or valley they were passing through. He would stop, raise his hand, make a motion and then continue. It was close to nightfall when the group came to a very steep incline in the side of the mountain. All had to dismount and pull the horses up the incline and then literally shove them through a very narrow crevice that led to a large rock that overhung the trail. The trail continued on through the crevice and on to a very small area just large enough for the llamas and horses to stand next to each other as they were in a corral. Haydar then noticed the cloth covering over the entire area. It was brown and in the dusk of the evening, you could not tell it was camouflage. It appeared to be all part of one big rock. When Haydar looked closely at the tops of the surrounding rocks, he could see men hiding in the rocks covered with the same brown cloth. They all had either RPG or large machine guns next to them. The Indian dismounted and with the older tribesman, walked under the enormous rock overhang and went to the end where there was again, a piece of the same brown cloth hanging to cover a very small opening. The Indian motioned for all to come follow him into the cavern and as they entered, Haydar saw the sides of the entrance were hiding more than fifteen men with guns. They appeared to be reading, talking and cleaning their weapons. The group continued into the cavern and the opening that was so small turned into a very large room lighted by torches and one electric light at the far end. A spring ran out of the side of the wall and down through a hole at the bottom of the cavernous room. Across the room there was another opening that had been worked on to make a flat area about the size of a basketball court. The rocks from the excavation were piled across the middle of the room. On top of the rocks was a very small and precarious walkway leading to the basketball court area. The group with the exception on the older tribesman walked across the walkway into the large area and was told to be comfortable on pillows made of llama hides and rags. The cave was very mild in temperature compared with the ninety degree heat outside. One of the guards came over to the group and brought some dates and figs on a tray. He instructed them to stay where they were and be silent. He told them the next person that would talk to them insisted that they make no noise, do not talk among themselves while he spoke and not to ask questions so that he may give them the benefit of his entire time. The group all agreed.
It was almost two hours later when they were instructed to sit up and pay attention to the person entering the area. The man came over to the group and with his five companions walking with him, sat in front of the group. It was after dark and even with the torches lighted; it was not possible to see if this person was a tribesman, Indian or Taliban.
“You are a very special group of warriors that have been given the blessings of Allah to complete your mission to the Infidel land of America.” Started the voice. It was in Farsi and very clear. The man spoke with a staccato-like continuous stream of rhetoric that echoed what the strong one had told them in their camp. He continued;
“You are trained in your mission requirements and I am confident that you will perform in the most outstanding way to warrant the praise of Allah. But what about after you accomplish this first mission? What do you do in the land of infidels that are searching for you each and every day? You must learn the ways of the lone wolf. Al-Muhajr is such a lone wolf in America. I ask you to listen to what he tells you and learn each day you are walking the land of the infidel after your first mission.. “Sleeper cells are walking around the infidels’ land using different cover methods and white names that don’t attract American internal security’s attention, but that is not what terrifies the FBI in particular and internal American security in general. It’s our lone wolves that disrupt their tranquility and sleep” In clandestine activities, a “sleeper” is an operative who establishes deep cover to evade security forces and accomplish his mission in hostile environments.
Let me give you some of the basic skills to succeed in your following missions if you are to become a lone wolf for the Supreme cause as outlined by Al-Muhajr the professor of terror in the minds of Americans and their governmental agencies. The tall man repositioned his legs and drank from a goatskin. He then began a very interesting and detailed explanation of what was expected of these warriors in front of him this evening.
• “The sleeper should have excellent command of the local language, accent and slang.
• The sleeper’s appearance must not reveal their Arab or Islamic origins. To pretend to be of Hispanic extraction is preferable; therefore sleepers should learn Spanish and use Hispanic aliases.
• The sleeper must carry false identity documents, which are easily obtained in the United States. False identities must be used when buying munitions, shotguns or night vision equipment, etc. from licensed Wal-Mart stores or other shopping centers.
• Sleepers must choose their place of residence very carefully. The preferred choice of residence is in multicultural neighborhoods while eschewing areas frequented by drug dealers to avoid scrutiny from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
• The sleeper should learn martial arts and keep fit for personal protection.
• The sleeper must become highly literate in computers and the internet.
• The sleeper should become an expert in surveillance, counter-surveillance and observation.
• The sleeper should train with sniper rifles, especially U.S.-made weapons that are easily obtainable within the country. Al-Muhajr recommends five different types of U.S.-made rifles.
• The sleeper should train with assault pistols with silencers, the weapon of choice for assassinations.
• The sleeper should learn to prepare explosive belts and explosive charges big enough to booby-trap a small car.

Al-Muhajr will tell you “It’s a well-known fact that the perfect sleeper is the highly trained loner risking less chance of compromise. It takes one mistake by a cell member to compromise the entire cell.” To conclude, al-Muhajr cites the case of John Allen Muhammad, the serial killer who carried out sniper attacks in the Washington, DC metropolitan area in 2002. Muhammad was eventually captured because the fingerprints of his younger accomplice, Lee Boyd Malvo, were found at a crime scene. Therefore, al-Muhajr cautions, sleepers must be careful not to let their guard down at any time: “The lone wolf doesn’t worry about security penetrations.”

Although going under deep cover in Western society may involve contradicting certain aspects of our Islamic ideology, Salafi-Jihadis can justify certain unreligious practices under the principle of “deterring the bigger evil with a smaller evil.” Hence, the American law enforcement agencies know that profiling for possible sleepers must include ideology-oriented variables. This is what the FBI will look for and you must become adept at covering. Because no matter how well the sleeper assimilates to a foreign society, close scrutiny is bound to uncover certain latent and unavoidable habits.”
The man continued to speak with a very direct and strong voice, looking at each person in front of him as he did so.
“Soon you will be in the land of the American infidel and starting to assimilate into their society. You mission is a very important one and you each must remember that it only takes one person to fulfill the task assigned to you. You have lost one of your team but you continue on in the ways of the Muhadeen. Allah will be proud of you when your task is accomplished.” With this, the man turned and left the cavern with the soldiers he previously entered with.
The team was then given llama hides to sleep in and some food for the evening. A special campfire had been made for them in an area close to the wall of the huge cavern. Just before the fire started to die down one of the women from the hill tribe that obviously had been residents to this place for a long time, brought Badra a special carrier for the two glass jars of the X437. It was handmade of llama skin and had straps and ties that would hold the deadly fluid firmly and safely during transport. The team went to sleep as the fire died and the only sounds in the cave were the flying bats as they entered and exited.
The following morning the group started to make better time as they moved closer to the Indian border. The grassland and hills were occupied by farmers and goat herders who , although they saw the strangers, made no signs of wanting to communicate. The team followed the trail for several miles across the valley and then had started again up a rocky mountain path when they came upon a dirt road. The leader of the group brought all the animals up to the road and ordered Badra’s team to walk up the road to a spring in the side of the mountain and wait. He took the animals back to the trail they had come up the hill on and gave them to one of the mountain men to take back to the valley. He then returned to where Badra was standing and as they were talking, a large SUV type vehicle came slowly around the curve and stopped about one hundred fifty feet from the group. The man made two hand signals to the vehicle driver and it came over to the springs and six armed men, including the driver exited and shook hands with the man. All of the men that came up in the SUV pulled different supplies and back packs off the vehicle and moved on down the trail to where the llamas and horses were. The exchange took only a few minutes and they were gone again headed down the trail.
The Indian then ordered the group to get into the SUV and they headed back the direction the vehicle had come. It was nearly noon when they came around a curve in the small mountain road and were immediately confronted with a problem. An Indian mountain patrol comprised of four men driving an American made Humvee was stopped up ahead. The Indians looked at the SUV coming at them and two of the men drew their side arms and one brought his M14, a 7.62 mm bolt action sniper rifle to bear on the approaching SUV. The driver yelled to the soldiers that they were university students returning from a geology expedition and did the soldiers need help?
The one Indian by the Humvee yelled something back to both Badra and the driver who were now walking toward the soldiers. “We have a tool kit if you need a wrench or other tools.” Called out the Indian driver who was now only ten feet away from the soldiers. Seeing that it was only this old man with the turban on his head and the woman, the soldiers relaxed their guard. The Indian was now talking to the soldier that was working on the wheel of the truck as he and Badra joined the soldiers. Goat slid behind the wheel of the SUV and slowly rolled toward the soldiers. He stopped the SUV far enough away that the soldiers could not see what Ali baba was getting out of the rear of the SUV. It was a tool box. Ali Baba was carrying the tool box over to the group around the humvee when Haydar climbed out of the SUV and went to the rear where ali Baba had left the rear door up.
The shot from Badra’s nine mm was first and it dropped the soldier standing beside the one that was working on the wheel. The Indian blew the brains out of the man standing closest to him. Haydar had pulled the Russian-made 7.62 mm AK 47 assault rifle from the SUV and had the clip in and the safety off by the time he heard Badra’s second shot. Haydar leveled the weapon at the man holding the sniper’s rifle and let go a burst of ten or fifteen rounds. In less than six seconds, they had made sure that no one would report their entrance into India.
“Put all the bodies in the Humvee” ordered the Indian.
“They have four RPG with ammo in the back of their vehicle here. Shall we take these?”
“Of course Goat. Put them in the SUV and be careful of the munitions. Make sure the safety noses are attached” Said Haydar.
The bodies of the Indian Army soldiers were quickly placed in the Humvee and when they were ready to leave the area, the Humvee was pushed over the side of the road and down a steep cliff. Two bounces off the rocks below and it ignited as it continued to plunge into the canyon below. Ali Baba had taken the supply gas can from the Humvee and emptied the contents into the SUV tank. The SUV quickly rumbled away from the area and continued down the mountain trail for another mile or so and then climbed up onto a paved highway heading east. Haydar observed that the road sign giving the distance to New Delhi was in Hindi. They were in India.
The road curved away from the mountains the group had just left and started to parallel a large irrigation canal. The entire countryside was nothing but wheat farms. The SUV travelled only a short distance on the paved highway before it turned off onto a large dirt road. The road was wider than the average Indian farmland roads so that the local farmers could bring in the heavy wheat harvesting thrashing machines. Soon, there was nothing to be seen of the mountains they had just left or any other distinguishable landmarks. Only wheat as far as the eye could see. Golden acres of the crop appeared as though it was an enormous ocean and the waves made by the wind blowing across the field enhanced this impression. The entrance up to the main farm house or ranch was magnificent. It was totally surrounded by the tallest palm trees Haydar had ever seen. Large rubber trees and a mixture of fruit trees grew in the area surrounded by the trees with the large estate sitting far back on a very plush green lawn. Visible to the left of the house was a beautiful marble and stone oasis swimming pool with several tables and chairs for lounging and dining. Badra was no longer driving. She had turned over that task to the Indian who was familiar with the procedure to be used when approaching the farm house. The Indian stopped by a very deep trench across the roadway. This trench was not even visible until the driver was within twenty feet of it. It appeared to be a cattle guard but it was deeper and more strongly built than the typical cattle guard. From a small hut hidden in the large crape myrtle bushes and oleander, a guard came forward to the Indian and asked for his identification. He then called on his hand held radio and after a few moments, he stepped back and re entered the hut. With the sound of moving machinery, a large iron and steele grate started sliding from under the side of the road opposite the guard hut. It took about five minutes for the grate to completely cover the trench so that the SUV could cross over the top. As the vehicle pulled in front of the entrance to the old British colonial designed estate, Haydar caught a glimpse of a hanger and airfield in the rear of the estate.
All of the occupants were ordered to get out of the SUV and remain in one spot under the shade of a large fig palm while servants dressed in crisp white linen uniforms emptied the vehicle of equipment and luggage including the confiscated RPG launchers.
Suddenly the servants all assembled to the front porch and made two lines l in front of the huge carved mahogany and brass entrance door. The door opened and a small squat Indian in a powder blue turban and long white Throbe, sandals and a large gold pendant walked hastily out to the waiting group and addressed them;
“Allah be praised you have arrived safely and please be welcome. Forgive our need for understandable security at our facility here and provide my men with your weapons and any items that might be considered a security risk.” At this, the Indian that had driven the group to this location complied and provided the servant with two knives and a nine millimeter Glock.When Badra reached under her lose fitting jacket and produced a GarraII knife and two pistols, the greeter did a double-take .When the servant attempted to remove the small strap and llama skin pack holding the X437 jars, Badra took a hold of his arm and twisted it making the small Indian stumble backward and regain his footing.
“Let the woman keep the package.” Suddenly ordered the Host. He obviously had been briefed that Badra and the package she carried were not to be separated-ever.
All entered the estate and led to an open area resembling the magnificent settings from the Elizabeth Taylor movie ELEPHANT RUN for quick refreshments and a small snack.
The host again addressed the travel weary group with;
“We are. Most honored to have you in our presence here and want to provide you with fitting hospitality and rest in preparation for your upcoming journey. Please now take advantage of the cleansing areas and refresh yourselves using our spa and personal servants.” The host had no sooner finished his welcome than six of the servants left the room and reappeared with towels and large white robes. Badra went into a separate area with two of the female attendants and the men were led by three male servants into a large hot bath area where they removed their dirty clothing and immediately entered the warm soapy water of the spa. Haydar soaped the rag and ran it along his arm cleansing his left side. He was surprised to see that his right arm was dirty on the bottom with a red residue. He then realized it was blood from the policeman he had killed back at Lahore. This made him do a flash back to the scene he left at the river. He also thought of what happened to the body of his friend Actor that was left wallowing in the back seat of the doomed vehicle pinned under the bridge. Haydar lost his relaxing mode and tried to focus on the mission that so many people had worked on to make a success. He must make them all proud and he must be worthy. What would his mother think at this point if she knew her son had killed over five men since he had left their home? How could he ever tell her he was a part of the river massacre in Lahore? The thought made Haydar even more conscious of his involvement and responsibility. He needed to regain control and focus.

Chapter 20
Approaching Kabul airport

The 130 had just started its let down when the airman came back to DJ with a written message from the aircraft flight deck communication center.
Upon reading the message, DJ called Scorpion into DJ’s seating area.
“Looks like we have a change of plans for our stay in Kabul Sarge. I have been directed to do a little errand for Mother and I don’t know if it will be a day, week or how long at this time. I want you to take charge of the group here, including the prisoners until I get back. I’ll give you a briefing as soon as I get some additional word after we land at Kabul..”
“You leaving the area sir?”
“Right now I’m not sure Scorp so lets set some communication procedures where you can get me at any time.’
“I have your satcom cell Lt. If you can hold this bird at Kabul for us to use as a secure base, we can operate from here and wait on your return.”
“We’ll have to transfer the prisoners to a different detainment and holding location Scorp. I don’t trust that Mossad Colonel and his tactics.” DJ wrote down Scorpion’s sitcom cell number and confirmed it. He told Scorp to call Danny or Penny Buckley at head shed if he needed anything special. Penny would see that his team got their birthing and quarters during their stay in Kabul.
“Any special instructions Lieutenant?” The question indicated to DJ that the sergeant had some doubts about his responsibilities. “You know my special fondness for Raj Al Kayev Scorp and you know that I have told you he can be slick so be on guard 24/7 with him. If he was going to try to make a break, it would most likely be like this when we are transferring. Do not let him know that I have left the area-OK?”
“I’m broad siding you with one hellofa load here Sergeant and I realize that. Just keep in mind that we are here to deliver these prisoners--or maybe not deliver them. It depends on how our negotiations go with the Israelis. But until we make a move, they are not to be questioned or interrogated by anyone but us. Understand?”
“Roger Lt. I have what I need. Thank you and good luck on your trip.”
The C-130 was parked in an area away from the main terminal. The area was surrounded by small line shaks where maintenance crews came in and out of while working on aircraft requiring maintenance. Nothing looked out of place. There were two black closed vans waiting with their rear doors open. DJ could see from his window on the C-130 that the vans were security types with grated cages inside. Not knowing what was going to be required on this trip with the IBAR guy, DJ changed to his tactical vest and black swat coveralls and boots. He could always change back if the conditions changed. His duffel bag was getting lots of air miles on it and so far, it had been with him on every stop. Military baggage handlers are sensitive to baggage tags with the Homeland Security Agency emblem attached.
The Sikorsky Superhawk was sitting by the edge of the taxiway and the doors were open and the crew was outside waiting on their passenger. AS DJ came down the ramp at the rear of the 130, he was met by a blonde six footer in Camis who introduced himself and directed DJ over to the Superhawk. They could get details together while the chopper flew its mission to Pakistan. AS DJ climbed aboard the chopper, he saw five other individuals sitting in the seats forward all wearing full HAZMAT protective gear.
They lifted off and Tim Moore started his briefing . DJ was impressed with the sound level in the interior of the new Superhawk. As a standard practice when boarding a chopper, DJ had learned to pull his ear plugs out of the small container he always had on his tactical vest and place them in his ears. He was surprised that Moore did not have any plugs in his ears yet he had the small medical corps container hanging from his belt loop. Moore described what the Pakis had found at the bridge crossing and the scene downstream from there. They would stop there first so DJ could get a first hand look. Moore cautioned DJ on touching anything or going outside the decontaminated areas marked with the vibrant yellow and black tape without wearing protective clothing
“How large an area we talking about here?” Asked DJ
“Right now, we have the distance between the bridge where we think the bio was injected and the middle of the city of Lahore. About twenty some miles to the city and once inside the city, the river goes for another five miles through a cement lined canal. At the end of the canal, we have run some tests and it looks like the stuff loses its lethal effect after about twenty five miles of river travel considering this current and flow for this time of year. Nasty stuff. Some of the bio team that have been working on this today seem to think that it may be temperature sensitive.”
“In what respect? Does it accelerate or dilute or whatever you guys call it when it changes.”
“Dissipates. It starts to break down in the colder spots of the river and that is not very often.
“So this stuff can be controlled by lowering the temperature of the water and making it,fade?”
“Not conclusive at this time but Yes, it looks like if we could dump a bunch of colder water in on this contaminant it would halt the process somewhat.”
The Skyhawk started its descent into the LZ established by the Pakistani emergency teams. As the chopper set down fifty yards form the bridge that was still closed, DJ began to get the horrific picture of what this nightmare could become.
“We have the body of the young man that was in the back of the van that was caught under the bridge in a body bag over here. “
“Lets take a look at this sad piece of humanity. I want to see what someone that could do this to their fellow man looks like.” Cursed DJ as they walked to the area.
“Body is still pretty much intact except for the usual water damage. When this bio kills, it evidently just takes the life out of its victim by sucking the oxygen from the blood. Everything else remains unchanged. No rash, deterioration or unusual marks. When they opened the body bag, DJ looked at the corpse. The man was in his early twenties a bit younger than DJ and still dressed in the western Levis. DJ took out his satcell and dialed a number that Danny answered immediately from his desk in Arlington.
“Dan I’m going to take a satcell picture of this tango that was in the van with the bunch from Faisalabad and I want you to see if you can ID him. I know its not very good photo quality but we’ll have to wait on the crew to get here before we can use the better quality equipment. You ready?”
“Transmit DJ.”
He had just finished taking the pictures when Tim Moore came over to him and introduced him to the local EOC director who was just completing a call to the Military Commander that was airborne and on his way there from Karachi
The commander described what the scene was like here and downstream and into the city of Lahore. DJ was unaware that Badra had made use of the accident by making the video and claiming responsibility for the attack until the commander told him the story. The TV studio that first ran the video had made a public service warning the first ten minutes that got the film. The police confirmed that there was some kind of disaster happening on the upper part of the canal and started getting people to leave the area. This was not easy to do with his limited manpower even after they activated their emergency response teams. He estimated that as many as three thousand men, women and children were dead as a result of the attack. A small tribal village between the bridge and the city of Lahore, in a very secluded part of the canyon where the river flowed into town had been completely wiped out. Every person in the town had perished. The women washing clothes along the banks of the river, the people that had taken drinking water to their homes and used the water to prepare food. Cattle and goats as well as any pets that drank or touched the water were now dead. The International Red Cross had gone to that small tribal village as the villagers had no medical facilities or doctors. When they arrived it was, indeed a ghost town..
“Lets go over to the area where the van went over the side of the bridge Tim. I need to get this picture in my mind how this contaminant got dumped at this time. Was it an accident or was this their sick way of testing if the crap was truly as potent as advertised.”
“The areas pretty clean now according to my scrubbers Lt. But I would not pick up anything or walk in the mud of the banks of the river much, we don’t know what the lethal life of this compound is We need some more full cover suits here so we can recover more of the bodies.’
“Roger. We’ll be heads-up Tim. Thanks.”
DJ picked up his satcell and called head shed for either Danny or Penny. “Dan here Lingo, what’s up?”
“Bad scene here Dan and they need protective clothing for their crew here to go into the river and recover bodies. This is quite a way from Kabul and not very accessible. This disaster location is in a deep valley and would be difficult to make an air drop.” “DJ-we can use some of the new JPADS GPS guided chutes for that-no problem. Give me the GPS coordinates and stand back.”
“Make it happen Danny. Sheepherder out.”
DJ observed that the footprints and marks on the riverbank on the upstream side of the bridge were not disturbed much. The would-be rescuers of the young man had worked from the downstream side of the bridge. Something caught the eye of DJ in the afternoon sun. The banks of the rivers were usually strewn with rubbish and junk from the trucks and traffic crossing into India and it was common to see all sorts of items on the banks, especially after a recent flood or heavy rain, but this was rather unusual. It was a small hand made box with rope handles. It also had straw laid on the inside as if to cushion the now removed contents. DJ looked at the box a second time and decided he needed more help in placing this crate into the puzzle that was presented here but he was positive this crate was of significant consideration. He called Tim over and asked him to have his scrubbers test it for chemicals and then box it for return on the chopper with him to Kabul.
DJ’s satphone rang twice. It was Danny.
“Good news, bad news Lingo.”
Now even Danny had started using the nickname lingo that was hung on him when he first started the interrogation on the prisoners.
“I’ standing here with three hours sleep out of thirty six Danny, it won’t make any difference which you give me first.”
You remember the group of young recruits that left Tikrit Iraq your Da,…..The General had a file on? Your guy was one of them. Name was Amir Johunni. This is the one they called “actor” in the group.”
“Ok so he bit the bullet for Allah and there is one less tango to contend with. What else?”
“This is the part where our luck really turns brown DJ.”
“Just tell me Dan, let me make the analysis.”
“Amir was our asset in the group.”
“Great! Just when we could really use some direct intel where these guys are headed. He must have known that by this time in the operation. You think he was compromised?”
“You mean, were they on to him that he was sending-or supposed to send Info?”
“Yeah, something like that Dan.”
“Don’t think we’ll ever know that until we get another one of that bunch and they start to sing. Speaking of singing, smile, you are on candid camera—CNN to be exact. Look behind you by your chopper over there.”
DJ looked over his shoulder and saw the CNN chopper and while he still had the phone to his ear he asked Dan;
“How’d you know that? I know this satcell doesn’t transmit pictures that well?
“We have your area on satsurv for the next hour DJ, I just asked for a close-up of your area while I was talking to you. Incidentally, don’t be any too surprised if you start getting some spam calls from people here in D.C that will want to know WTF you are doing there. That all comes from the CNN camera crew so just thought I’d give you some no-charge heads-up on media relations.”
“I won’t be here Dan, I’m on my way back to Kabul to work on those remaining prisoners.”
“There you will run into CBS DJ. They found out we captured Raj and they made a b-line for the Air Afghan ticket counter”
“I’ll handle that when I get to Kabul. I assume that big brother eye in the sky you play with there is watching all the mountain passes and roads from Pakistan here into India-Right?
“I could make a lot of busts for the DEA guys if they wanted to know how the majority of the opium gets from Pakistan into India DJ but nothing that looks like our elusive nomands.”
“Ok. Keep looking. Now tell me who wants to look at my travel expenses or whatever back there. Any names I should know?”
“You’ll be just fine DJ—no problem. The VP, Sally O’Malley is a great friend of the Generals and she can cover most anything that is thrown our way. If she calls, be straight out with her and give her what she needs. You’ll make a good friend there.”
“Roger. I heard that she is pretty cool. I remember just before she was chosen for the big guy’s running mate, she came over to Saudi and my folks were her host probably three or four times. My Mom sure likes her.”
DJ closed the communication and headed for the chopper.
He didn’t make it to the chopper before a tall awkward looking and loud talking reporter was trying to catch up with him. DJ reached over and grabbed one of the HAZMAT head covers and placed it on his head leaving the cami jungle cover in place and with the sunglasses, he could as well been Anwar Sadat. No cameras allowed on this jobsite thought DJ. The last thing I need is photos of me first on the scene here.
Tim was already in the seat behind the pilot giving instructions when DJ jumped in. The reporter, dressed in kakis that looked like they required every ounce of starch the hotel had in inventory to make the razor sharp creases continued to press for conversation while running up to the chopper. The idiot looked like something between a stork in an Army uniform and Frank Buck complete with button down flaps over the pockets. There was probably one on the back of his hat as well. “Tell FOSS NEWS how long ago this disaster happened” he yelled sticking the microphone inside the door.” You want a ride back to your hotel bar guy? DJ screamed at the guy standing outside. “Then you better move that chopper you came in on because there is going to be an air drop right where it is parked in ten minutes.” DJ climbed in and slammed the door on the microphone and it broke into three hundred small plastic pieces. He opened the door just wide enough to push all the pieces back out at the amazed looking reporter standing there holding the end of a wire that had nothing on the end of it./

DJ moved over to where Tim Moore was sitting and noticed that he had on an intercom lip mike. He asked Tim to request the pilot to make a pass over the city of Lahore on the return to Kabul. He watched as a lengthy conversation between Moore and the Captain that was skipper of the shiny new Skyhawk. Tim turned to DJ and said; “The Captain asked who wanted the route change and I told him you did. He asked what authority you had to do that and I told him Homeland Security. He says he needs someone with more horsepower than a Lieutenant to make the mission shift. “
“Can I use your lip mike Tim?” Asked DJ
Placing the lip mike and earpiece on his head DJ moved over to where the pilot could turn around and see who was talking to him.
“Captain I need to take a short recon of the disaster area around Lahore on our return. Are you low on fuel or what is the reason you can’t fly east for about twenty miles.? We won’t need to land, I just want to look at the area.”
“Lieutenant, we are flying this mission under the control of CENTCOM Kabul and my orders were to take Tim Moore and group to the bridge there and return. No deviation. Those were my orders.” The Captain was being a puss about the situation and he knew it. His copilot looked over at DJ and smiled a grin fuck at him.
“Tim. Tell them to hold here. No lift-off. Give me five minutes on my satcell.”
“Not a problem here DJ. You know that even if I asked to make that change these two Aces we have driving would give me the same story.”
“Right Tim. Back in five.”
DJ went to the rear of the cargo compartment and dialed on his satcell and told Penny his problem. Penny asked the side number of the chopper and its call sign then she said she’d take care of it immediately and while they were connected, she wanted him to know that he would be getting a call from the Vice President shortly because the event had hit the media like a ton. He assured he would give the Vice President whatever she asked. He closed the call and returned up to where Tim was seated. He motioned over to the crew chief of the Skyhawk that he would like a lip mike and earpiece. The crew chief handed the set to DJ and indicated where he could insert the jack so he could talk and hear not only the intercom but also the VHF and other frequencies.
DJ inserted the chord into the communications panel and turned on the ear piece. It was the pilot talking to the copilot.
“Thinks every time they get onboard that they automatically become the aircraft commander. Well, he’s not, he is a freeking Lieutenant and from what I can guess, fresh out of West Point.”
“Be careful what you say to the other guy though Captain, the IBAR, he has a lot of juice around the command.” Chimed in the copilot.
“We’ll only be a few more minutes Gentlemen. I’m expecting a call authorizing our plan change.” DJ looked at the two pilots who were surprised to see that DJ had on the lip mike and was listening to them as well as what he had said. Within a nano-second the radio crackled;
The Captain grabbed the volume control and acknowledged the call. He had never had a call direct from CENTCOM.
It was if blue smoke was coming out of the radio mike. The Captain was saying “Roger,Yes sir, Yes Sir very well sir.” 498941 out.”
The Captain turned to DJ and said “We’ll be over the city in fifteen sir.” Before realizing he had addressed a junior officer as Sir.
Tim Moore who had witnessed this entire escapade, smiled, laid his hat forward to shade his eyes, folded his arms on his chest and stretched out to catch ten
“Was that actually Lt. General Finny on the radio Captain? “Asked the copilot over the intercom.
“Shut up and establish a heading for Lahore Captain” Was the reply from the left seat.
The river entered the town from the north and directly divided the area neatly in two halves. Straight through the town, no turns or bends. From the air it was possible to see not only the number of bodies lined up next to each other in several parking lots, but also the activity of the medical teams working the area. The river was completely empty of people but not bodies. They had removed some of the bodies by using emergency crews in shifts dressed in hazmat clothing. The military had established an incident command center off to the left of a large soccer arena and was working from there. Vehicles coming into the command center were being directed to the assets reserve area for assignment logistically. Flying to the south of town where the river exited the heavily populated area, DJ remarked to Tim that it would appear that the main damage was done in the city and there was no longer a danger to the people downstream. Tim Agreed
The chopper turned one eighty and headed back to Kabul. They had been on the return leg about fifteen minutes when the pilots received a call for DJ. “Please put Lt. Jacobs on the radio. He has a call from the Vice President.” Was all the caller said. This time it was a positive assumption that both pilot and copilot made brown hash marks in their skivvies.
Dj took the call. “Lt Jacobs here, not a secure link.”
“We have a scrambled link on this end Lt. what is the problem?” It was Penny. She was acting as a communications director for the VP.
DJ told her that he was airborne and the pilot and copilot were connected. “Tell them to disconnect their phone jacks until this conversation is ended DJ” Was the reply. DJ only had to glance at the two up front and the were reaching for their chords to comply with the wishes of that feminine voice.
“Lt Jacobs. VP Sally OMally here. I have a few questions for you if you will please excuse the lack of formalities but I think you’ll agree this is a most urgent situation.”
“Yes Maam. What can I provide you with?” Asked DJ
“Do you believe this is the same group that you were tracking in Afghanistan.”
“Reliability factor nine Maan. We have a photo of the same guy that crossed the Iran border with them and it matches the body we found in the van.”
“Do they still have this deadly formula that Brigadier Jacobs has told me about to your knowledge or do you think that they used it all where you are now?”
“I’d bet the farm Maan. They still have enough to cause a very large disaster if they get the opportunity again.”
“Are you getting the support you need there to carry out your mission Lieutenant ?”
“Yes Maam, 100% cooperation. We had a slight problem with the Israeli group here that Penny can tell you about but that is history.”
“Very well Lieutenant, please call my office when you return to this area. I’d like to meet with you.”
“Yes Maam, I will be pleased to do that. Right now I can’t tell you for sure when that will be, but I will do it.”
“Thank you Lieutenant.” The VP was gone.
“DJ—are you returning at this moment to Kabul?” It was Penny Buckley.
“Advise what you decide to do with that one captive we have been discussing. “ She was talking about Raj—he was sure. Evidently, she was smart enough to know that the Mossad was turned onto their frequency-scramble or no scramble.
“My first priority after we hit the deck Penny. I’ll advise within the next five hours. Sheephearder out.”
The chopper swung in low over the tarmac at Kabul and stayed airborne up to the operations building and then set down. DJ asked Tim if he needed a lift or wanted to go anywhere else.
“Thanks Lieutenant but after a few hours back here at the office, I think I’d better set up headquarters in Lahore for awhile.”
DJ gave Tim his satcell number and thanked him for the assistance that afternoon and climbed into the black SUV and headed to the detention area where Raj and the others had been left.

Chapter 21
Same game, different room

The detention center for insurgents in Kabul was
Very different than the previous locations where DJ had held the prisoners. This was a large penitentiary and it looked very foreboding As the SUV drive presented his credentials to the security guard, he turned and asked DJ to do the Same.
The guard looked at both ID’s and then came to attention and saluted DJ. The sentry called inside his guard shack and immediately a young Lt. came around the car and climbed in with DJ and the driver. “He will take you through the next check points and to the holding cell Lt. Jacobs.” The guard called him by name.
It was not surprising to see three of the Moussad crew standing outside the entrance to the small detention center. They were without their leader but DJ was confident that he would see his face within minutes..
The warden was an Afghan Lt. General and wanted to see DJ as soon as he landed in the chopper. DJ complied with his request and met the general in the interrogation area. The Lt General wanted to get rid of the prisoners from his area as soon as possible. He was going into detail how the Taliban had attacked his prison looking for such captives when Colonel Nagel walked into the area.
“Lt. Jacobs. You will give Lt General Al Yamani the release for me to move the prisoners immediately so my crew can start our return to our home base.” It was a demand, not a request and without any kind of a greeting like Hello Lt, I see you are back
DJ looked at the Colonel. He looked at the Lt General who had just turned and seen the Mossad commander enter the room. and paused again. Then he said calmly to the Colonel Nagel;
“”Its very interesting to me Colonel. I can’t quite understand the reason.”
The bewildered Colonel looked at DJ with a puzzled look and asked;
“What reason Lt?”
“The reason that a military officer can enter the room where a full Lt. General is standing, the host and commander of the installation where that person is a guest and not have the courtesy to render a salute.”
The Lt. General Al Yamani’s eyes glared at the Israeli and the Colonel immediately came to attention and provided the Lt. General with a very crisp salute.
“My apologies Lt. General. I have most urgent business on my mind.” The Mossad warrior said patronizingly
“I want to talk to all of the prisoners individually General. Then I will make the decision which will be turned over to the state of Israel with proper authority”
“Use this interrogation area just down the passageway Lt. and please call my office when you are finished and you and Colonel Nagel have come to an agreement. Your American embassy legal people are waiting over at the officers club for your decision.”
DJ started walking to the interrogation area and the colonel was on his heals. DJ stopped, turned and advised the Colonel if he wanted to talk to or question any of these prisoners, he would have to wait in the adjoining room and be called after DJ was finished with each. The Colonel opened the door that was just across from the interrogation room and pulled out a cigar as he entered. He did not say one word more.
The first prisoner was the young man that had given DJ a lot of permission previously. DJ asked him three important questions and then told him.
“I am taking you to the United States with me. You will be tried after being provided legal counsel. If you are released, you will be returned to your country. I have discussed this with you before. I keep my word. I thank you for your cooperation and if you can come up with any of the answers to the questions I just asked, tell your guard you want to speak to me again. You will be returned to your cell now.”
The young man smiled for the first time since DJ had seen him and walked out of the room.
The next person that was brought into the room was none other than Raj Al Akayev. He looked bathed and clean and even appeared to have his beard trimmed .He certainly looked more tidy than before.
“Well Raj. Looks like we have had a bath, trim and maybe a pedicure? Better than living in one of those nasty caves in the mountains—right?”
“I want to see a lawyer.”
“Gee Raj, either your English has gotten a whole lot better or you have been practicing that line a lot?”
DJ walked around in front of the prisoner who was in ankle and hand restraints.
“You can give me some more details on where this group being led by miss Badra is headed or this will be our last meeting Raj. You will be turned over to Colonel Nagel. What will it be? Where is she headed and how do they plan to get into the country?”
“The attack in Lahore was only the start. You and your American citizens, infidels they are, will also pay deeply and soon.”
“News travels fast I see. Even in prison. You now have an idea what that formula can do. How can you be responsible for so many of your own and not feel compassion for others on this planet?” DJ was very sincere and said quietly to the prisoner; Raj, You have the opportunity to keep this from happening to more of your fellow men, women and children won’t you please cooperate?”
I am a Mujahideen, a warrior. It bothers me not to kill for the justice for my people and Allah.”
“Sad. Really Sad Raj. I had hoped that I’d be taking you to the USA with the others and then on to Gitmo but now, you have earned your ticket to Israel or wherever Colonel Nagel wants to take you. Remember this opportunity you had here.
Guard; Take the prisoner back to his cell and tell colonel Nagel to come in . We are ready to arrange the transfer.”
The Moussad Colonel came through the door with a confident stride and said to DJ;
“You did not get him to say one word did you? You Americans. You are so politically correct and proper.”
“Be nice to me Colonel. You want this guy? I have a few conditions and then he is all yours.”
“I need no conditions Lieutenant; my foreign affairs people are making the arrangements to take this prisoner into custody under UN code 1403.”
“Lets shorten the process then. I take the other three prisoners to the US with me and you get Raj Al Kayev. The others were only extra baggage for you. You only wanted your boy Raj all along-right? Here is what we can do.” DJ outlined the deal and the Colonel agreed and had it written for each to sign.” One last request colonel Nagel-OK?” DJ had his hand on the Mossad commanders shoulder as he asked the question.
“That is??
When we transfer Raj from our aircraft to yours, leave the head cover off. I want him to see where he is going.”
For the first time since they had met, the Colonel smiled from ear to ear and replied;” It will be done. Nice touch to the final resolution in my opinion. Have a good trip home Lieutenant.”
Taking the prisoners home on military aircraft was too involved and not expedient enough to work in DJ’s plan. He called Penny and had the office dispatch Big Bird for the mission. Considering the needed crew rest for the crew coming from Arlington, he would be back in Arlington day after tomorrow. That was playing the game close to the wire but DJ had a plan. He decided to wait out the arrival of Big Bird on board the transport that had brought them to Kabul. As he was sitting by his window working on his lap top reviewing his after action report for the day he saw the screaming, kicking Raj Al Akayev being taken onto the Israeli jet.

Chapter 22
Meanwhile, back at the wheat farm

Activity at the wheat farm appeared to be quite
Normal unless you looked closely at the operation. The harvest of wheat was of course, just a front for the real mission of this farm. It was a central gathering place for all sorts of covert operations by the Taliban. The one large metal barn held an enormous arms cache under the foundation which was accessed by opening two large diamond plated steel doors in the floor. Once open, an elevator lowered and raised the material to the storage area below the foundation. There, fork lift trucks would take the munitions and weapons to storage locations underground. The place looked like the Rocky Mountain Arsenal in Colorado. In the back of the large lot by the farmhouse was what appeared to be a mill. There was a large silo obviously filled with grain and a loading dock with several hundred sacks of flour on pallets. Haydar could see several workers walking around the mill but they were not moving any pallets. They were just coming and going from the building.
The attendant came into the room and interrupted Haydar’s observation of what was going on outside his window on the second floor room of the farmhouse by announcing;” There is a meeting being held in thirty minutes in the main dining room for you and the woman. The others need not attend. Also, they told me to instruct you to not shave.”
The servant left the room after leaving a tray of hot tea and bread.
Do not shave? What can the reason for this request be? Haydar pondered.
Badra was already in the room when Haydar arrived. She looked up from the table where she was talking to three men dressed in police uniforms. The two remaining X437 formula glass containers were on the table and the men were all looking at them and measuring. Two metal containers were sitting alongside the glass containers. The metal containers had a small sight level on the side of each to show the liquid level of whatever was inside. It was the first time Haydar had seen the formula when it was not enclosed in either the wooden crate or the llama skin pack Badra carried them in. The fluid was a eerie green color resembling liquid soap. The Indian entered the room and asked for their attention.
“I trust you all have had a good rest and are ready to continue on your mission. We are all very proud to have you as our guests here but the time has come for us all to make your trip arrangements and cover.” Please do not consider my attitude rude but the two of you here, Ali Baba and Goat do not need to attend the rest of this meeting. You may go outside and have a tour of our facility here. I will assign a security person to accompany you.” With that remark, Goat and ali Baba left the room and with the security guard walked over to the mill to watch the operation there.The Indian went on to explain to all the events that would take the rest of the day. They would all be given new clothing and instructions on how to act when traveling. They were going to New Delhi airport where they would catch a flight to London and on to New York City. From that point they would assimilate into the population and again change identities for the final part of their mission. They would travel from New Delhi under diplomatic disguise as emissaries from a Saudi Provence. Their purpose for the trip would be to announce a new processing procedure for petroleum that their engineers had been working on for several years. The group’s travel cover was to be going to a meeting in Houston, Texas of the American Petroleum Institute (API) the following month.
The Indian was explaining how difficult it had been to obtain the covert identities of each through bribing a member of the Pakistani immigration agency when one of the men that had been working outside ran into the room.
“Sahib, we have an emergency. There was a small strange aircraft flying over the hills to the west of us and it turned and followed our road to this house and passed overhead before we could cover the material.”
The Indian ran to the window and looked out over the wheat field at the low flying aircraft as it disappeared into the eastern horizon.
“Keep the materials all inside and do not open the storage doors or have any of the trucks out in the yard. Take precautions to not have any visitors we do not know or can readily identify and clear come to this location for the next three days.” The Indian seemed to consider the alarm commonplace and nothing to be concerned over. Haydar watched as Badra and the three policemen removed the glass containers and the metal containers from the table and took them over to the mill building. There, they would transfer the formula to the metal containers while wearing protective clothing. The plan was to change the color of the formula to a shade of brown resembling refined petro. On the way to the mill building, Goat approached the group walking across the open area.
“Did you see the strange aircraft that came over while you were meeting? It looked like one of the small model airplanes I have seen in magazines. It was all white and had no marking on it-anyplace.” One of the men accompanying Badra with the containers remarked that they were on a flight path from Lahore to New Delhi here and it was not uncommon to see several aircraft each day. Changing the containers went reasonably well considering the danger of exposure involved. Badra had the men who made the color change and the transfer remove and burn the clothing they used for the operation. After a lot of discussion about how the formula looked every bit like oil specimen in the containers, the group returned to the large house.
The excitement slowed and the men were taken to a large room off of the dining area for their fitting of their new Saudi clothing.
Haydar was given a white cotton Thawb and sirwal to begin his change in dress. To Haydar’s amazement, they fit perfect .Even the length of the Thawb was high enough so that his madras would not catch when he walked. He would wear a dark brown Bisht with gold lining to finalize the typical attire of a royal Saudi traveling to the United States. He chose a Shumagh made of white and red embroidered threads. This was held in place with a black wool igal that was a bit tight on his head but he could get used to it. Perhaps it was the Kufeya that made it tight. Once each person had their clothing fitted, they had their photographs taken with the clothing on for their new passports. Each passport had the letters in red Diplomat stamped across the page with the photograph
Haydar looked at Goat and had to think that with his large growth of hair on his chin and the unshaven young cheeks of his face, he looked every bit the part of the young Saudi privileged oil tycoon. Haydayr knew now why they told him not to shave. A rough growth of stubble would increase the disguised photographs. Credibility.
Budra was given a beautiful white linen and cotton Kurtah. This was covered with a very sheer white gown that was trimmed in gold and lace. They would travel with three servants that would care for the clothing and also assist in the baggage. Handling. It would not be fitting for royalty to carry their luggage through the terminal and directly onto the aircraft bypassing security and inspection. This the servants would do. All except for the small delicately carved teakwood box that contained the oil samples. They were ready. They would be driven to the New Delhi airport tomorrow in six large black SUV vehicles with Saudi diplomatic flags and markings.

Chapter 23
Kabul headquarters, Terrorist observation command.

The analyst moved across the room quickly with a printout from his laser printer. He saw the command officer across the room reviewing some new maps that had just come in. The operations room was large. It was a covert location somewhere in the city of Kabul that was the eyes, ears and dispatch center for allied forces in four countries. They commanded unpiloted aircraft flown from locations all over the world and special operations tactical assignments within their theatre. Technicians sat for several hours at a time looking into monitors of over flight operations from Predators, helmet cameras of personnel on the ground in combat scenarios and satellite images. What the technician had seen on the image from the predator had been passed over to the analyst who then processed it in detail. What he saw made him rise from his chair and head for the commander after getting another tech to operate his observation post.
“Sir, I believe we have some urgent data for that group from Arlington that was just here in country.”
“What’s up?”
“Eagle was at the far end of its range this morning and heading for station headrest to refuel when it sent these images of that wheat farm we have been watching in western India.”
“Ok, I’m familiar with that target; give me an assessment, description, or explanation of the significance of this morning’s flight.”
“Unusual activity. They had additional vehicles enter the facility in the last twenty four hours because we were able to read some residual IR on the driveway. The tracks came from the area we have suspected as being one of the Tango’s pathways from the mountains.”
“All very interesting—what is the significance?”
“We got an image on the over flight that we ran through the system that made the computer bark like a hound dog on scent.”
“Of?” The commander asked with more interest now.
“These Tangos here. They are on the hot list from Lt. Jacobs outfit in Arlington and CENTCOM.” The technician handed the Lt. General a photograph of three men walking across a stretch of ground between the house and mill building. They were looking straight up at the Predator and the photograph had so much detail you could almost see the buttons on their shirt. The angle and position of the image of Goat was so close to the same position that his head was in when he was photographed at the Iranian border crossing, the system gave a 97% reliability reading on the comparison.
“Ask the CIA spooks if they still have an asset at the farm. I think its time we used him.”
“Roger sir. Shall I contact Lt. Jacobs also?”
“Negative. He is airborne on his return to CONUS and will have to let us know his input when he is briefed in Arlington. Get me that info from the spooks-pronto. We are going to have to set up a take-out of that farm house once and for all.
Also, alert the 103rd special weapon operations squadron in Islamabad that we may have a mission for their ATL group, the Directed Energy engineers from Boeing.”
The commander moved over to his office and made a phone call. The person on the other end was receptive as always but then the Lt. General explained;
“Before I get your approval, you need to know one other item that could twist the knickers into a wad back at State.”
“You saved the best for last—as you always do John. What should I know?”
“The target is in India. It is Just across the border at the end of that mountain trail and road that is responsible for bringing in the majority of recruits and insurgents into Pakistan.”
“Shit” Was the response on the other end of the phone line.
“It happens, like they say Charlie. I’ll call you back after I talk to Arlington. They are closer to the horsepower on the hill that can give the ok. Incidentally, we intend on using the new toy from the 103rd on this one. The ATL. I doubt if there will be anyone that can tag us for the operation. It will just look like Tommy Tango got careless with all those explosives stored in that underground locker and it blew. You might say that they didn’t operate according to OSHA guidelines for safety?”
“It’s never that simple John-you know that.”
“We’ll do our best Charlie, Command out.”
The analyst was standing outside the Lt. Generals door when he sat the phone back on the saddle. Lt. General John. Bone motioned for him to enter when all the time he was wishing in his mind that the news from the CIA group would be encouraging.
“They have a high time operative at that location sir.”
“Those spooks keep inventing new English over there. What the hell is a High time operative?
“That’s one of their people that have been under cover for close to the maximum time. It’s about time to pull them and reassign.”
“Ok. Can we get a sitrep from this operative?”
“I requested that and they tell me that he will be online tonight at six PM.”
“Yes sir, The Tangos are not the only people that use the net for clandestine operations.”
“You know what to ask. Bring me the data as soon as you compile and authenticate alright?”
The analyst left the office and returned to his station awaiting the opportunity to talk directly to someone inside that farm that could give them what they needed.

Chapter 24
Arlington Va. One day later

Some may have complained about the air quality around the city of Arlington with its smell of coal burning furnaces and diesel powered vehicles combined with the usual industrial smog but to DJ it was fresh air and a bright morning when the cabin door to Big Bird was opened at Andrews AFB. They had made a refuel stop in the Azores and continued home. The prisoners were turned over to the Department Of Justice officials. They had been questioned again while they were on the way home. Nothing new or anything that could be added to what they had already given so they were released to DOJ on the condition that they could question them again if needed. It was 0430 local time and DJ decided to call Abdul his roommate at the apartment to warn him that he had returned Stateside and not to shoot him when he came in the door to his unused bedroom.DJ called Tom Moore and told him he would be into the office at 0930 and that he needed transportation to his apartment. Tom replied that he would call transportation and a driver would pick him up shortly and hung up. From the sound of Tom’s voice he was going to roll over and try to get another thirty minutes sleep when he finished the call. DJ made a phone call and awoke Abdul and told him he was on the way over to the apartment. Abdul took one look at the unshaven, slightly ripe DJ dressed in combat black tactical BDU and told him;
“I’m glad you called me DJ. I have to tell you, if I saw you come through our door there without knowing it was you, I’d have stitched three rounds up the left side of your face. Why the beard? You know how ripe you are? Why are you limping on your right side?”
“Shit Abdul, is this the way its going to be living together here? You sound like a inquisitive mistress that has not seen her John in a week. Let’s go have breakfast after I shower and get a clean uniform.”
Abdul started the table conversation as the two friends started the day together over breakfast.
Abdul told DJ that he had a job. He was going to tell him when DJ had called before he left but he never had a chance. “This may or may not surprise you but you and I are working for the same employer.”
“You got a government job?”
“Not just any government job—I’m working with Penny and Dan in the bubble room.”
“Right—well, I’m still on security clearance hold but I’m the FNG in the department.”
“You worked an angle with my Dad?
“Negative. The General never knew I was hired until I walked into a briefing room the second day I was there.”
“So, how did they get in contact with you?”
“Your background check amigo. The agency was still conducting some final checks on your package , you know, who your friends are, etc? When they saw my education and background as well as language capabilities, they picked up the phone,- I answered.
“How totally cool man. Here is a hit for you, that sure takes care of the carpool aspect of the job from here does it not?”
They both laughed, high fived, low fived and bumped hips
When DJ and Abdul arrived at the Homeland Security headquarters, they separated. Abdul was relegated to running interview interpretations and non classified field reports until his security clearance was authorized. DJ passed thru the three security check points by eye scan and fingerprint recognition and joined Dan and Penny in the main office.
“Welcome home, Lieutenant “ Was the cordial greeting from Penny.
“Thank you. Good to be here.”
“Debrief in ten. Want some coffee?”
“Yes-I guess I’m falling into the caffeine routine for this job. It takes about a gallon before noon to get me started.”
“You have a pri-one international message from a Col. Nagel in Tel Aviv that just came in. you want to take it now or wait till after the de-brief?”
“Save it for the de-brief. We’ll save some time if we all get the data at the same time instead of repeating it again in the de-brief.”
“DJ was about to enter the bubble room when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see the General smiling at him and as he greeted DJ with a warm Good morning he gave the stubble on DJ’s face a short tug.” Don’t shave it. I think this will become part of your uniform of the day young man. Call your Mom when we get out of here. She needs to know that you are working hard and do not have much time for family social occasions.-OK?”
“Check that Dad. I’ll call her . What do you think of Abdul’s latest move to becoming the all American boy?”
“The opportunity was there and he took it by the horns DJ, I had nothing to do with it.”
“I know that Dad. We had breakfast this morning and came into the office together. The fact that he and I are roomies is all that anyone needs to know about his relationship with the family in my opinion.”
“That’ll work. Let’s get things started in here and get our day in gear. From what I hear from Kabul and Dan & Penny, this thing is getting to become combustible. We need to have some answers when we are asked.”
With that, the Lt. General opened the door to the bubble room and immediately started greeting people and at the same time reading urgent notes that were in place at his station at the table .The teleconference screen came alive and the seal of Homeland Security filled the 72 by 96 monitor. Just below the seal in large Roman type were the words DEPARTMENT OF COOPERATIVE INTELIGENCE SOURCES.
The Lt. General opened the de-brief and noted that the people that needed to know were there. No more. The room was darkened and the glass changed color as the one-way sight feature took place. You could see out into the outer offices and cubicles but no one would see in or see what was on the teleprompter. Each station at the huge table had a microphone and input jacks for audio-video quips or data from individual lap tops that would be presented on the large 72 by 96 inch screen at the end of the table. A small desk lamp lit the work area in front of each station.
“Penny, give us a synopsis on this, chronologically -mode from the take down in Mazar I Sharif. That will give us a background on what we have here today. Everyone please hold your questions until she is finished.”” The General requested of the young woman everyone referred to as the “Google-Lady” because of her unlimited sources of information.
Penny began; “Eighteen days ago at 1530 hours in the city of Mazar I Sharif Afghanistan, units of the local Afghan police force under the control and direction of US trained instructors discovered what was thought to be an operating Al Queda communications cell. The operation was structured as a real time training exercise and used a series of new equipment in the action forecast calculation. One such item was the use of Infra red (IR) image scanning. When the discovery of several additional images was made, the team leader, a Sgt Tom Preston decided to call off the take down and use the location as an information platform. Results from additional IR scans and RF emissions verified that this was indeed a high value target. Because of the language dialects and the urgency for immediate interpretation, Lt Jacobs was ordered to the area where he assumed command of the event. Data discovered in the actual take down of the cell location by Lt Jacobs and his team indicated a conspiracy of international proportions. During the tactical operations we captured three of the operatives working in the sub terrain room that have been an information source ongoing. Lt. Jacobs physically captured a known international terrorist by the name of Raj Al kayev. Lt. Jacobs was wounded in the confrontation yet managed to detain the insurgent and two operatives. Intelligence obtained from the two operatives led to the discovery of a plot to use a biological formula that was to be transported to the United States and used in two geographical locations. The group responsible for the transport and use has been known to this agency for over three years but up to this time, they have done nothing with the exception of receiving al Queda training that would permit us under international law, to detain them. This group has been trained in Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan over the past four years. A fourth individual joined the group while they were being trained outside Mazar I Sharif. “Penny then showed the photo of Badra in several situations. One of the photos was the actual killing of the research scientist Sadqua in the university laboratory. Several others followed including the photo taken at the airport by the security camera when the group was leaving the airport. “We believe that this woman is carrying the bio-threat article with her at all times. During an accident while the group was moving to cross the Paki border into India, one of the containers broke injecting the formula into the waters of a river that flows into the city of Lahore, Pakistan. The result was that one of the terrorist operatives known as the actor was killed when the formula injected into his body. Downstream from the accident and in the city of Lahore, there was a disaster of atomic proportions. As of this date the Pakistani government has reported 12,489 people dead from the exposure to this formula. The operative shown in the previous photos claimed responsibility for the action on behalf of Islamic Muhadeen warriors and warned of additional threats to come.” Penny then played the video of Badra speaking into the stolen video camera in Lahore. After Badra had finished her fanatical rants and the video quit, the next scene was beside the river in downtown Lahore where hundreds of people had come to cool off and enjoy the afternoon in the river. There were bodies of men, women and small children all long the banks where paramedics and doctors were loading them onto stretchers to take them to the local morgue or crematorium
It is our belief that the group left Lahore and changed transportation mode and crossed the mountains into the western border area of India. This was confirmed this morning when the CENTCOM headquarters in Kabul sent us a flash report that indicated that the group is now on a farm in western India or on their way to exit the country. Kabul has a take action request pri-one to take out the farm while the group is still there. As of this point in time we are awaiting the green light from the VP and state to go ahead with the take down of this wheat farm. The proposed mission for that operation is somewhat ouside of the box so to speak but I’ll go into detail on that provided we get the light in the next few hours. Some of what I have just presented is new data to you Lt. Jacobs and I apologize if we broadsided you but events are moving fast here and it would appear that this take down will present the only immediate alternative to terminating this threat . I’ll take questions now.” Penny remained standing at her position.
The general was the first to speak.
“Thank you Ms. Buckley and please, be seated and be comfortable. We are going to need to use a lot of brain cells here to whip this program back onto track and get those individuals. Let me ask; These people have now crossed three borders and obviously changed vehicles, identification and who knows what else to stay on the move. Is this an indication of what type of an organization Al Queda has in this area? Where is all this support coming from?”
Penny listened to the question and held back a very deep sigh as she answered the boss.
“Sir it is almost beyond comprehension how Al Queda has financed and controlled this one single operation. The finance we know comes from a banking organization that is tied very closely with the Saudis but because of political ramifications, we , at this time in our agency can only keep track and stay aware of the methods used. In respect to the ground operation of moving these individuals from Afghanistan to India? That was directed and controlled from this wheat farm we have previously discussed in India. According to intel from an operative we have there, the farm is a serious supplier to the Muhadeen in all those boarding countries. Kabul CENTCOM has tracked over three hundred IED explosive charges, detonated and not detonated as coming from this location.”
The voice came from the side of the room where three figures had entered while Penny was giving her presentation. It was feminine and deliberate as well as very audible.
“That is exactly why we have given the order to CENTCOM to proceed with operation stingray. “
“Attention on deck. Vice President of the United States entering!”
The general called the group to attention as the lights went up showing the vice President of the United States approach a seat by the general.
“Please, everyone be seated. Within the hour I expect to have a video direct real time from the DELA, a Direct Energy Laser Aircraft on our screen here. They will carry out the mission without NATO being informed or the Indian government. What we are about to see here ladies and gentlemen may be the way that stealth tactical operations are conducted in the future. I would like to introduce the gentleman that entered the room with me who will explain the use of the ATL but for security reasons, I shall not. Suffice to say that this individual has dedicated the major part of his engineering career to what we are about to witness. The VPOUS then asked if there were any input that should be given at this time and when there was no response, she then announced;
“While we are waiting on the CENTCOM hook up and some fresh coffee, I would like to congratulate Lt. Jacobs here on a mission well done in Afghanistan. Lt Jacobs not only exhibited outstanding leadership in the organization and tactical accomplishment of taking out an important terrorist cell in the city of Mazar I Sharif, he captured one of the most wanted Al Queda terrorists on our watch list. I have been in touch with Simon Weisenberg, the Israeli Prime minister who will be on our screen here ……the VPOUS looked at her watch and over at the technician in charge of the audio video equipment in the room who nodded affirmatively…. In three minutes.” This was a very, together, organized Lady that knew the ballgame. “He has expressed his country’s gratitude in the capture and turn over to their government of Raj Al Kayev” As some of you may know, this terrorist has some special and heinous crimes against Israel that make him a very high profile fugitive. “
The screen changed from the HAS seal to a picture of a room or office that was very opulent and well equipped. It was the office of the Prime Minister of Israel and his face was looking into the room where the VPOS responded to his greeting
“Good day Mr. Prime Minister. We are pleased that you could take the time to join us for this conference.”
“Thank you Madame Vice President. The honor is mine the morning. The state of Israel wishes to express our gratitude for the recent apprehension of the terrorist Raj Al Kayev by your personnel. In that respect, may I ask if Lt. Jacobs is in attendance in your meeting there?
DJ almost ruined the fresh pair of skivvies he had put on that morning upon hearing his name from the Prime Minister.
“He is. Would you please stand Lt.?” The general said as he motioned with his hand.
It was on two very week legs that the young Army Lt., only two and a half years out of the academy, proudly stood at attention and responded to the leader of the nation of Israel.
“I am here Prime Minister Weisenberg. I am honored Sir.”
Lt. Jacobs, the entire nation of Israel is thankful for what you did for our country in this recent mission. For your bravery in the apprehension of this terrorist even while wounded, this nation will present to you our Nation’s highest award, the Medal Of Valor. We would request your presence in our country for this occasion and understanding your present concerns in capturing the remaining terrorists, will wait a period of time before making the presentation. Again thank you on behalf of the people of Israel.” He then said good bye to the VPOUS and the screen returned to the agency seal.
The room exploded in applause and the very proud General and the VPOUS got up from their seat and came over to DJ. The general gave DJ a very firm military handshake with a pat on the back but the VPOUS grabbed him and gave him a big hug.
Sally O’Malley was a strong gal. DJ blushed and thanked her as the room returned to the attention of the individual that came in with the VP.
“We are ready Madame Vice President.” He simply stated as a photograph of a C-17 cargo aircraft flashed on the screen. It was a unusual configuration because of the round turret mounted on the belly. It looked somewhat like a flying fortress with an extremely large belly gun turret.
He started his presentation.
The advanced tactical laser ( ATL) is mounted on the underside of this c-17 transport aircraft. The five point five ton unit combines chlorine and hydrogen peroxide molecules to release energy that stimulates iodine into intense infra-red, silent and invisible laser with a twenty kilometers striking range.
One of the most desirable attributes of this weapon is the “plausible deniability” of its use. The advantage is that the US could deny any involvement with the destruction it causes. There would be no munitions fragments that could be used to identify the source of the strike. Besides the covert-plausible deniability angle the other pros to this 100KW-class high energy chemical laser include ultra speed of light engagement and pinpoint accuracy. The unit is capable of picking off a vehicle’s tires. A larger unit is under research that is said to have capability to pick out an incoming ICBM.
The engineer concluded by stating that he was unaware of just how the unit would be used in the mission they were about to witness

Chapter 25
Operation stingray opens a new era in covert tactical procedure

The screen did a slight fade and the face of Lt.General Raul Montalvo appeared. The background of the room behind the Lt. General indicated he was teleconferencing from a tactical operations center. The general had a very serious look on his face as he spoke the opening to his presentation.
“Good morning Madame Vice President and others of you who are present for this exercise. I want to give you some background on the weapon we are about to use here today prior to the real time display of the actual mission in progress. The Boeing engineers in this operation are, in most part, the people responsible for the design and development of this weapon. We considered the fact that although somewhat out of DOD normal operating restraints, they should take part in the actual launch of their many years of work. Therefore, the three technicians that are going to arm the weapon are civilians. This is a bit outside the box but in our opinion, necessary for the success of the mission. I must note here that the actual firing of the weapon will at all times be conducted by a military combatant
In the background you could hear the pilot of the C-17. “STINGRAY COMMAND, THIS IS SCORPION, ETA TARGET IN FIFTEEN MINUTES PAST THE HOUR” The commander of the C17 was clear and spoke with a very distinct pronouncement describing their approach. The teleconference screen then shifted to a overall view of the farm house and target area that was obviously from a sat cam on station miles above the earth.
The scene was the usual movement of workers moving to and from the mill area. Over at the large enclosure that held the underground arsenal, the doors to the underground storage area were wide open. It was a clear day with no cloud cover of haze. This was almost like the location and area that a movie producer would dream about for filming an action movie.

The silence of the room at Arlington was broken by a question from the VPOUS.
“Lt. General Montalvo?-- To your knowledge will this detonation of the target be detectable by nuclear atmospheric sensors?
“We have not seen any trace of the explosion in the past tests at Kirkland AFB Madame VP. However, the magnitude of the expected explosion here will possibly be different depending on the number of items of ordinance stored here. I think it would be prudent if you could ask the atmosphere people in Las Vegas to take a look to see if we register on their sensors. If, you can do that without compromising our security? “
“Lt General Jacobs?” Asked Sally O’Malley, the best looking VPOS ever to enter this command sit-center
“I’d have to object to that unless you have a very important reason other than being prepared if we get any questions that come over the red phone. I’d like to keep the security ring as tight as possible Sally.”
“OK. No request to Vegas. It will be interesting if they do come at us—Vegas that is--- with a statement.”
The speaker crackled a bit then an obvious air to ground transmission announced to anxious ears in the room and in Kabul that Scorpion was inbound to the target.
Kabul answered the command pilot of the C17 that was about to make history.
The teleconference screen then split. The image on the left screen was the farmhouse from the satellite and the right side screen was the target painted with the target laser from scorpion. The right side screen suddenly added a cross hair scope configuration. In the upper right of the screen rolling numbers indicated the distance to the target image painted on the screen. In the opposite corner, real time clock in minutes and seconds was rolling. The Julian date was at the bottom.
On board the C17 adrenalin was flowing like a fast trout stream. Mike Aguirre’s mind kept flashing back to one of those documentaries on the history channel where the crew of the Enola Gay, the B29 crew that dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima. He returned quickly to safety check and release when he heard the words arm the weapon and standby to fire came over his intercom. Mike took a reading on the temperature of the hydrogen peroxide tank and recorded it in his portable computer. The data was automatically transmitted wireless to the main design center at Boeing Corporation in Renton Washington. Mike then turned to his right and gave the technician sitting in the ATL control seat a thumbs up and remarked ; “Everything is go on this end Sheila. Do your thing.” Sheila Tait responded with a glance at the air force Major who was the trigger man in this operation and said; “Major, I will now make the final settings and the weapon will be ready for fire. Make your RTF to command at your discretion.” She then set several toggle switches on red and moved a dial. “Boeing control, I have ground temperature of 103 degrees F and humidity at 87 percent. I show wind from the southeast at 15 knots. Sending arming code …….now.” The intercom relayed the response from the people in Renton and suddenly, a second and third panel came to life on the aircraft weapon station. On a large rectangular section of the panel the numbers slowly appeared in sequence. 7…1….3…..6….7…..1…..4. And then flashed three times to acknowledge that the sequence was complete. The forty-two year old Sheila Tait looked at the numbers and keyed her mike. “Control I have 7136714. Is my read back correct?” She received an affirmative in response and then turned to the Major and in a very loud and clear voice announced that she was turning control over to him for the tactical fire procedure. On the screen showing the target the words WEAPON ARMED AND RFF appeared. Mike reported to the plane commander; WE HAVE WEAPON ARMED AND LOCKED ON TARGETS ALPHA-BRAVO-CHARLIE AND DELTA. The commander then called Kabul command.
Stingray this is Scorpion. We are over target and ready for launch. The pilot of the C17 was in position and requesting permission to fire.
Scorpion this is Stingray. Fire all phases when ready and stay on station for additional instructions. Over.
The Lt. General in Kabul wanted this mission to be flawless. For this reason he commanded the aircraft to stay over the target after firing the four phases of the laser in case there were other targets of opportunity that appeared after the blast.
The aircraft was at 37,000 ft and circling above the farm. Haji Abibi was moving the pallet of black boxes from the truck that had just arrived to the opening to the underground warehouse when the red flash came from the sky above. One minute Haji was moving his forklift and within the following three seconds there was no fork lift or truck with the material had been removed. There was nothing. Nothing within fifty feet of where Haji had been doing his work. His last minute on earth was consumed in a crackling snap and then nothing but a cloud of debris swirling like a wind storm. The entire building, fork lift and all material vaporized into a heated cloud of dust. The entire farm was completely gone. Scorched level ground with dust and debris from the munitions explosion settling back to earth was all that was left. Five hundred yards west of the spot where Haji had been there were now secondary explosions going off like a chain of firecrackers as the munitions in the sub terrain storage ignited. The room at Arlington where the VPOUS and others were witnessing this remained silent. No cheers. No shouts of BRAVO ZULU or other remarks. It was obvious that people had died and did so in a very painful way. The wind over the ground removed the cloud quickly and the devastation was extensive. There were no buildings, no vehicles and nothing moving where the farm had once been. There was an odd straight line of burning wheat in the field adjacent to where the mill had been. It was three feet wide and extended into the field for a quarter mile then stopped. This immediately prompted Lt. General Jacobs to ask Stingray;
Stingray command this is Lt. General Jacobs in Arlington. Can you tell me what the long black line into the wheat field might be? Is that perhaps a part of the munitions trench?
Stingray command hesitated for a moment and then announced;
“In consulting with the Boeing people here General, we believe it to be a track of laser beam reflected from perhaps one of the large rear view mirrors on one of the vehicles. Mirrors are used to direct the beam in some applications and we believe this is what we are seeing here.”
The general thanked Kabul for the explanation and then gave them a well done-mission accomplished and the screen returned to only the satellite image of the farm—or where the farm had been.
The VPOUS made several observations about what they had all witnessed and then left with the Boeing engineer.
General Jacobs remarked that some of the RDX and shells that exploded were probably from the supply that was lost to insurgents, following the advance through Iraq two years ago. It was said that truckloads of RDX, TNT and other explosives slipped away from allied control when the advance forces left an area of extensive arms and explosives unguarded.
Penny reminded DJ that there was a teleconference request still on hold from the Israeli Mossad headquarters that he should see.
“Damn Penny, I almost forgot about all that with these other things going on. I hope my good friend Colonel Nagel is not pissed for being put on hold.”
“He saw the stingray operation along with all of us DJ so he was entertained I’m sure.”
“ I thought that this was a closed presentation for security reasons Penny. How did he connect to it?”
The question was answered by Danny Nero.
“He was with the Prime Minister when he made his call and the Prime Minister requested that he be permitted to see the operation.”
“Jesus, that guy is getting to be a real pain. As soon as these other people leave the room, let’s hear what he has to say.
The room emptied of analysts that had watched the operation and others that were not essential to the mission to interdict this band of terrorists that were about to enter the United States. The screen then split and on the right was an image of the Mossad colonel and the other was DJ.
“Good afternoon Colonel. I was about to apologize for holding you up but I understand that you made good use of the time by watching our operation sponsored by the Boeing Company.”
The screen image of the colonel indicated that he evidently wanted to carry a different image at home in Israel than he did in the field. He had shaved and his military haircut was fresh. His shirt was starched and emblems polished.
“Good afternoon to you Lt. Yes, I appreciate the opportunity to see the tactical aspect of that particular item. Your country has shared the information about its existence for some time but this was the first time I had seen it in action. I have some information for you that I believe you will consider helpful in locating these three remaining terrorists.”
“Please, Colonel, let me hear anything you have obtained we might use.”
“First of all, the support for this particular group is coming from an international banker and his son that we have known about for some time. We have never had the accounting records or proper documentation to present to the international court or he would have been detained by this time. His name is Hidjar Sajabir His son is Adib Sajabir and is the principle that has been in contact with your fugitives. Beyond that I can not tell you more in respect to how he transfers the actual money to the group but we know his dealings have been confined to the woman, Badra so far.”
“Ok,-that is some help. Anything else on the possible contacts inside the United States for this bunch?” DJ asked hopefully. He needed a break in this investigation. It was slowing down and he wanted to pick up the pace.
“They will pick up two more operatives after reaching the United States. These are two college students at the University of Texas by the last name of Sanjar and Shawr. One is male, the other female. The operation they are creating is to be on the Fourth of July in the area around the college there in Texas. The name of green came out in several of the answers from Raj.”
“Do you have any further details about this Texas operation or names?”
“Unfortunately, I do not Lt. You will have to use what I have given you.”
“If you continue to question Raj and he provides any additional information, please send me a priority-one information flash. Would you do this Colonel?”
“I would Lt. but unfortunately, Raj is not able to speak coherently any longer. The stress of these last weeks have been too much for his mind.”
DJ knew without asking what the Mossad Colonel meant when he said too much for his mind. Raj Al Kaev was probably now a vegetable. After the mind altering drugs that the Israeli Mossad interrogators had used on him, his mind was probably a glob of irresponsive jelly.
“Anything else Colonel? If not we will wish you good day.”
“Good day Lt. and good luck in your investigation.”
The screen went blank and closed. The teleconference screen and speakers neatly folded into the wall of the conference room automatically.
“Well, I told Raj that his butt was in scalding water when I gave him the last chance to give us that information less than twenty four hours ago. I guess that tells you something about the Israeli method of interrogation versus our politically correct system of justice for all.” DJ just had to get that out of his system to the immediate select crowd in his office. OK people. We have only a slight bit more intel than we did this time yesterday but every day means that cell is getting closer to our homeland and we have nothing to stop them from penetrating our defense.” DJ then thought of something else that needed to be done ASAP.
Danny? The conference screen moved to Dan Nero who was waiting on DJ’s question.
“Just double checking but have you issued those face photos that we got from the over flight of the farm out to law enforcement organizations in our weekly update?”
“Yes Sir. The packet includes the face photos and the background criteria on each individual. We gave it a priority ALPHA and included the cat that the penetration point was unknown. This cell could come in at dead center Iowa or downtown Los Angeles.”
“Since we obtained this information on the exchange students at Texas U, let’s make sure that we have some solid contacts in Dallas and San Antonio that we can work with on a five minute notice. Get on a first name basis with their counterterrorism agents in both those offices. Make sure they each have a running data link to everything we do on this case. Bring them into the team and give me any input they offer. We have to meet these killers as soon as they hit the U.S.”
“Unless they have already arrived. “ The ominous statement was made by Penny Buckley. All eyes in the room looked over at Penny then back to DJ.
The door to DJ’s area opened and an analyst stuck her head in the door and said; “The general wants to see us all back in the bubble-pronto. He doesn’t sound very happy.”
‘Who said this job was going to be nothing but paper pushing and linguist intercepts? Let’s go gang. Sounds important and I have not had a good meal in three weeks and I’m not real pleased to hear that I’ll probably miss chow again today.”

Chapter 26
A finger in the dike is needed
The General was already in the bubble. He was standing as people entered the room.
“We are missing two analysts. Where are they?” The General was unusually impatient. The general’s office was the same distance from the bubble as DJ’s cubical/office but the opposite direction in the large room that comprised the central headquarters of Homeland Security.
The general called to the security guard that was stationed just outside the bubble.
“Master Sergeant; I want these two people brought to me immediately. Danny- give the guard their names from the roster that was signed from the earlier meeting.”
Dan scurried over to the door and handed the Master Sergeant the roster from the morning’s previous meeting with the names highlighted in yellow.
Dan returned to where DJ, Penny and he were sitting.
“This won’t take long.” He said in a low voice to DJ and Penny.
“You know where they are?” Asked DJ.
“No, but we will in about thirty seconds. As soon as that guard keys in their names and security card codes, the system will come back and tell him which doors they went thru in the last thirty minutes and then the screen will move to an infra red display where those card are presently in the building.” Danny had no sooner said those words than the guard re-entered the room and standing almost in a brace attention stated in a proud, clear tone; “The individuals are in the cafeteria on the third floor General. I have dispatched two people to escort them here “
“Thank you Master Sergeant.” The general responded.
Danny jumped from his seat and intercepted the guard who was returning to his post.
“Master Sergeant- can you contact the people that are escorting these analysts back here?
“Yes sir, we have secured radio contact.”
“Contact the escorts and inform them to hold anyone that was sitting at the table with them.”
The guard raised his radio to his mouth and passed the request to the three marines that were sent to bring the analysts back to the bubble.
“There was a third person at the table but they have since left the area sir.”
“Bring the two analysts here and I want you to lock the time sequence on the security video for the cafeteria so we can identify this third person if the individuals don’t cooperate.”
“Will do sir.”
The guard again spoke into the walkie talkie and nodded to Danny that he had told the third marine to stay in the cafeteria and obtain the security video.
“Nice work Dan. That was quick thinking “
“Crimminy DJ if these two nerds compromised our meeting, I want to get them keel hauled and to the guillotine. There is no excuse to disrespect national security just in order to get the favor of these people on The Washington Post. “
“How do you know it was the Post?”
“They have a reputation of working our cafeteria.”
“Yeah, its public area once you pass the building security so they hang there and get chummy with our people. Most of the people in this department are aware what they are looking for and avoid the creeps but every once in awhile, they find a way to start a conversation and subsequent relationship with anyone that goes there for lunch or coffee.”
The two individuals arrived at the door of the bubble escorted by the two marines entered, sat down and looked down at their hands. Then their shoes, anyplace except directly at the steel grey piercing eyes of Lieutenant General Tom Jacobs.
“This morning, less than two hours ago, we had a meeting in here and discussed a very sensitive operation. We also watched the execution of that same operation. This was not a black ops, cover clandestine gangland killing of citizens. It was special operation that eradicated a very potential threat to the lives of our people in not only Pakistan but Afghanistan as well. Within ten minutes of the conclusion of that meeting, the Vice President got a call from a very high profile Senator asking what we were doing killing people in India. One of our allied countries in the war on terrorism.”
I’m going to ask each of you a direct question and I want a direct, honest answer. We’ll start on my right. Since you left this meeting this morning have you spoken with anyone not employed or working in this department?
“Negative General. DJ,Dan and myself have been in a meeting since we adjourned.”
“I guess that answer takes care of you two gentlemen and Lady. Nodding at DJ and Danny.
“Mr. Symington. You were here recording the meeting for our logs. Your answer Sir.
“Negative General. I have remained in this room working on the audio system since we adjourned. The marine guard can attest to that fact.”
“Very well. Ms. Lipnisky. Your answer please.”
The girl turned red and was almost in tears. Emotionally she was about to erupt.
“General, I have worked in this department for over six months and I love my job. I would never, ever disclose anything that would disgrace my father who worked here and retired or my country.”
“I have a feeling that was a partial confession to what I am about to hear. Ms. Lipnisky. Please continue.”
She was now in tears, streaming down her cheeks and her mascara was running to the corners of her mouth. The young man next to her in the pink striped Geoffrey Bean shirt with an ear ring in his left ear and peroxide hair was now also blushing red and very uncomfortable.
“I went to the cafeteria with Andrew after we left here Sir. I was hungry and had not had time for breakfast. When we entered the cafeteria………”
“STOP! JESUS! “Shouted pink shirt.
“A person can not even talk to friends in a public place without being scrutinized as a possible spy if you work for this organization. I did nothing wrong. The person I was talking to is an aide to a very high placed Senator. Both he and the Senator will be very offended if and when they hear of this inquisition you are putting me thru……”
“Did you mention the use of this weapon in your friendly little chat over coffee with your friend Andrew? Answer the question now or so help me I’ll come from behind this desk or perhaps right over the top at you and get the information in a way that will really give you something to discuss with the Senator. Did you?
Pink shirt stood and threw his security badge on the table and shouted that he quit and started to head for the door.
He had to pass DJ to get to the door. That was his Waterloo. As he approached, DJ who had on his utility steel toed field boots suddenly stood and in doing so, stepped on pink shirt’s foot in the isle. Pink shirt screamed and then uttered a “O GOD, YOU ARE A BEAST!” at DJ as he grabbed him by the back of the neck and the seat of his pants which could easily have been by his balls from behind and marched him to the door. As DJ turned him around for the marine guard to handcuff him pink shirt cleared his throat and was about to spit in DJ’s face. With a move that was only a blur to those in the room watching, DJ moved his head slightly back and then directly forward into the nose of pink shirt. The blood splattered clear over to the conference table and onto the burgundy colored briefing tablet.
The marine guard then took the screaming bleeding ex-analyst down the hall and then to the security retention cell.
“As for you young lady….” The General was addressing
the girl, Ms. Lipnisky. “I would select the people that I have coffee with in the future more carefully. You will need to spend some time with our security people but I believe you may be able to continue your work here if you provide these gentlemen with the proper answers about yours and Andrew’s conversation with that Senatorial aide.”
The girl was led from the room-not handcuffed as her coffee mate – but firmly escorted.
The general came over to where Penny, DJ and Dan were standing getting ready to return to their desks and said;” I’m sure the Marine appreciated your assistance Lt. but I think the head butt was a little over-kill.”
“I don’t like being spit on general. The last person that tried that was a low life insurgent less than two days ago and he got the same treatment.”
The General smiled, turned and under his breath muttered how his mother didn’t need to worry about her son any longer out there in the real world among the bad guys.
DJ caught the General before he made it to his office and asked him; “Ok, so we found the leak from this room. What about the Senator? “
“I’ll take care of the Senator. I’m going to give him a call right now. If any of this gets to the Post or media, we’ll have both the Senator and his aide,-- the queen of the Senate staffers before the services committee with a heavy fine and possible request for resignation hanging over them.”
“Queen of the Senate staffers? So I wonder just how many conversations our Andrew and their guy had over pillow talk.”
“Security will find out. Right now I want you and your team to find those foreign exchange students in Texas before the cell makes contact with them. Go!” The General continued into his office.
“Penny, you got the names from Nagel during the transmission. Have you run them yet?”
“Nothing on the specific individuals yet DJ. We have a list of students with those last names and we are running them now. By the time you make your plans for getting to San Marcos Texas final, we’ll have everything on them including their sexual preference.”
“Go for it. I’m going to backtrack our gomers from that farm and then see if they set off in a direction we can pursue. Meanwhile, Danny,-Call that station chief in Kabul and see if his asset-- that was on the farm can tell us anything that will help locate this bunch of slippery idiots.”
“Dan, I saw you on your cell talking to someone in San Antonio. Did you get me a name?”
“Yes sir. Agent Charlene McBean is your contact and she gave me her cell plus email and said to call her at any time. “
“Do just that Dan and tell her to meet me at Lackland AFB whenever Big bird gets there. I’m going to my apartment and get some clean skivvies and will meet you back here. Better yet, I’ll head on out to Dulles and catch Big Bird. I’ll be at the Lackland or Randolph AFB BOQ for the next few days so Penny, please make me some reservations. –I’m out of here.”
It was getting to be the same drill. Hit the office for less than a day and be briefed on the progress and off again to wherever he might interdict this cell. The pace was getting faster and DJ was getting thinner. He had lost eleven pounds since last month.
“Penny, one last item.”
“Yes DJ?”
“Does Big Bird have a galley that can cook a steak?”
“ I think so sir. However, most of the meals are in flight type and just warmed up onboard.”
“I know. Tell that flight Steward that I’m going to want a steak that isn’t just warmed up in a micro. Thanks in advance.”
On the way out of the building DJ stopped by Abdul’s desk where he was working with a group of other young analysts breaking a conversation in Farsi into English and tossed him the keys to his Beamer. “You are batchloring it again for a few days roommate. Got to go. I’ll call you. Don’t forget to feed the cat.”
A puzzled Abdul looked back at DJ from the group who also were all looking at the Lt.
“We don’t have a cat DJ.”

Chapter 27
Outskirts of New Delhi in the Royal Entourage
Most of the trip from the farm was very quiet in the sedans carrying the remaining four Muhadeen warriors. They had learned of the attack on the wheat farm and the results from an operative that had just been outside the fence by the main road. His description was not at all believable but they could not make contact with anyone at the farm by satellite phone or radio so it was assumed that the farm and the supply location had been compromised. Ali Baba had slept most of the trip and Goat was reading his Koran. He knew that as soon as they reached the shores of the American infidel he would have to forget all thoughts of reading his beloved Koran. Their disguise as Saudi Oil royalty would be good enough to get them to Houston Texas but from there on they would have to look, talk and act like foreign exchange students becoming “Americanized” from their time in the United States. This meant Levis, tennis shoes and college emblems on sweatshirts and ball caps. The beautiful white thawbs would be discarded.
The three sedans pulled in off the road into a run down area of New Delhi that evidently once was a market center. A flood on the local river washed away most of the smaller adobe constructed huts and small buildings leaving only a large brick warehouse standing in the far rear of the complex. As the sedans approached the empty building, a very ferocious dog ran out to greet the cars barking loudly. It came to the end of a chain that was holding it and began barking louder and jumping in the air at the black sedan. Soon a small Indian in a blue turban came out of the building and restrained the dog and motioned for the drivers to come through the gate he has just opened. When all three sedans were inside, the Indian put the dog back in place on the outside and closed the gate.
The turbaned one came up to the drivers door of the lead sedan.
In a very pronounced Arabic dialect he greeted the driver who had rolled down the window.
“Masa alkhar” (Good morning)
The driver responded “Masa alnur”
“Enter the building straight ahead and we will start working on your vehicles.”
The driver did as he was instructed and while several people who were inside the building approached the vehicles and started applying flags, different plates and embassy emblems to the black sedans, the passengers took a break and ate some rations that they had brought with them.
Within two hours there was an official Embassy Entourage assembled and the occupants looked every bit the Royal image required.
At the airport they were met by a distinguished looking young man in a western pin striped three piece suit and a turban. The drivers pulled into a designated reserved area alongside the curb while the man who met them collected their passports and asked them to follow him into the terminal. Four uniformed Indian soldiers escorted the royal group up to the ticket counter and as pin stripe collectively gave the ticket person the passports and a large manila envelope, the person behind the counter handed the escort four ticket envelopes.
The group then proceeded to the security area and marched easily up to the area marked “Aircrew and diplomat”
There was no hesitation. As each passed thru the metal detector they were directed to get on the personnel cart waiting to take them to the gate. Badra was carrying the container under her large cover robe. Even though the detector gave out a distinguished “Beeeeeep” as she passed, the attendant waved her on over to the waiting cart. The uniformed army personnel took a second cart out to the gate and escorted the group directly onto Delta flight 5 outbound for Kennedy Airport ,New York City, USA. The entire first class section had been purchased by the Royal Family. There were three other “escorts” that were already onboard the aircraft when Badra and the three men walked into first class and they greeted Badra ignoring the other three passengers with her. After a short discussion, they all took seats. Badra’s veil was in place and had been since she stepped out of the black embassy sedan. The headgear of her three escorts was so lose and flowing around their faces, no one could have gotten a good look at the group as a whole or as individuals.

As the other passengers boarded and proceeded thru the reserved first class section, one girl looked directly at Badra and started to greet her. Badra looked at the girl and tried to think if they knew each other or had met. She had the girl’s face memorized and kept trying to remember the occasion where they may have run into each other. The University!! My God, she recognized me from the university where I had to kill Sadqua! She can not leave this aircraft alive. Badra told none of her team of the comprise to her identity and sat back in the seat and continued to think. She had to silence the girl somehow..
Shortly, Delta flight 5 was airborne and headed for New York City carrying a cargo and some determined individuals that had the capability to render a devastating attack on an unsuspecting nation.

Chapter 28
All eyes are on Texas
Big Bird touched down at Lackland AFB in
San Antonio Texas and taxied to the transient operation hanger. An Air Force Staff car was there to get the occupants of the late night flight. DJ gathered his gear plus a new lap top that Danny had configured for him in the last week and climbed down the stairs of the GS5.
“Lt Jacobs?” The voice was a throaty, smooth, velvet covered feminine one. DJ looked beyond the glare of the car headlights to see a young lady in a pants suit outfit wearing a necklace and a holster for her Glock 19.
“Be with you in just a moment Maam.” DJ replied.
“Andy—did Penny make reservations for you and the crew or are you doing a turn around?” DJ asked his pilot.
“We’re staying the night here DJ and returning in the AM. And, --yes—Penny has taken good care of all of us—have a good stay here and call us back when you need transportation again.” Andy was turning off the cabin lights to the aircraft.
“I’ll be in touch.” Replied DJ. He then turned and walked over to the waiting staff car and the two people beside it.
The airman held out his hand to take DJ’s duffle and computer. DJ handed the luggage to the man and reached out to shake the hand of the person that called to him from the side of the car.
Charlene McBean was twenty eight years old, a graduate of Roanoke College and the FBI’s academy. She had been in the field for over three years and attended several counterterrorism schools held by both the FBI and the department of Homeland Security. Just under five foot eleven, she would have looked DJ eyeball to eyeball if she had been wearing her heals. Golden blonde hair that probably would have come down to her shoulders if she had undone the tight roll on the back of her head. There was no bulges where there should not be on the lady. She was trim and undoubtedly athletic. It went with her job. DJ gave her hand a quick firm shake and opened the rear door of the car for her to get in.
“I didn’t mean for you to interrupt your evening to meet me Ms. McBean. I could have found the BOQ on my own and seen you in the AM.”
“I thought we could perhaps have a cup of coffee after you check into the BOQ Lt. and we can bring each other up to speed on this project if that meets with your approval.”
The lady was all business and a team player. DJ liked that.
“That would put us about a day ahead Agent McBean.”
They both smiled as the driver pulled up in front of the BOQ and DJ went inside to get a room.
“Just my duffle bag. I’ll keep the computer with me.” Said DJ as the driver took his gear into the BOQ lobby. He checked in and returned to the car and got in the back seat next to the agent.
“First of all, I don’t need a driver. I’ll check out a SUV from the motor pool in the morning and drive myself around the area.”
“Ok Lt. we’ll release the driver and car after he lets me off over at my wheels and then we can go to the security office here for our meeting or the “O” club. Your choice.”
“Drop me at security, get your wheels and meet me back there.”
DJ had just picked up two yellow tablets and some pens from the stationary room at security when agent McBean entered the small room. DJ had his computer on and the faces of the four insurgents were on the full screen.
“You have seen these before?”
“Right, and their backgrounds back to when they crossed the Iranian border back a few years.”
“And the woman?”
“She is a piece of work that one. Yes—I have her background as well. Evidently we are seeing somewhat of a change in the typical Islamic cell structure.”
“In what respect Charlene?”
“She is obviously the leader of this operation. That is beyond conception for Al Queda to have a woman lead an operation.”
“I agree. However I don’t think there is any dispute in the fact she is calling the shots and she is the contact with the other cell operatives.”
“Do we have anything on these two foreign exchange students at Texas U?”
“Both have overstayed their visas.”
“They what? By how much? Why haven’t they been brought in?”
“Fell thru the cracks. None of the agencies have a procedure in place to track and bring in students that have overstayed their visas.” The agent obviously felt as responsible for the oversight as did several agency directors. It was a fact. No one had bothered to put in place a system that would automatically bingo as soon as a foreign exchange student’s visa expired. Someone in State had compiled a list of known offenders but when it went out to the other agencies, the liberal media had pounced on it as if Rosa Parks had been taken off the bus for wanting to sit up front. It was dropped and now outdated by this time.
“I’m really having a problem with this Charlene. You mean to tell me that after 911 there was not an immediate review and search of all foreign exchange students in the US?”
“There was DJ, and it is in a database deep in the Justice Department secured archives, but is being held as evidence in this screwball lawsuit by the ACLU.”
“I thought those people were on our side.?”
“No comment DJ, I guess this is what keeps young lawyers employed by Justice is all. I have an idea how we can smoke these,…lets call them sleepers , because that is what they are, sleepers, out into the open.”
“Lets hear it.”
“Go in that chat room that was in the report and look for that screen name tigerman that the operative skateboard was talking to from that cell location in Madar I Sharif. Get some dialogue going and tell him that his cousin will soon be in the US and will contact him. If you can get him—or her to respond, we can track the IP number of the computer and see where these gomers are. I think it’s worth a try.”
“What if they have been contacted already?”
“We’ll just have to take that chance unless you have something different.”
“I don’t. I went dry trying to figure how we were going to find these students with Danny and Penny. Dan says that the exchange student enrollment at TSU is over 3,490 names. We have the two last names, Sanjar and Shawr that Raj Al Kayev provided us with so tomorrow, first light we start at the university.”
In the meantime, I’ll get Danny to try to do the contact on the chat room. If he can’t find an analyst that can speak Pasto I’ll have my room mate help him. Maybe we can make contact tonight.”
“Good enough Lt. I’ll pick you up here at the BOQ at 0730 and we can be on the Interstate 35 up to San Marcos.”
“Do we need to get your supervisors ok for your time and release from your work in San Antonio?”
“Believe me; my boss has released me for whatever time this project requires. He got a phone call and telecom from the Brigadier that heads up your section. Evidently these two guys served in Nam and the result is that you have my time as required and my section will set an appropriations budget release that will cover the operation.”
“0730 it is. I’ll buy breakfast on the way.”
“You have all my numbers.”
“And you mine. See you in the AM agent McBean.”

Two hours behind Mom and Dad in Arlington. I need to check in and make sure Mom knows where I am. I know Dad won’t tell her. DJ thought to himself as he dialed the home number from his room at the BOQ.
The ring went three times and DJ’s mother came on.
“I’m looking forward to you being here for the Fourth of July young man. Your father has invited a number of people but you are to be the guest of Honor. Your father told me of your Israeli medal. I am so proud of you,…..” She was gushing. His mother was used to military protocol and the secrets that had to be kept from the rest of the family and relatives so when she got the opportunity to have family and friends over to their quarters, she did so in grand style. The Independence Day gathering was going to be her event of the year and she was planning on DJ being there come hell or high water. She told him so.
“You father wants me to relinquish the phone DJ. He evidently has something important for you to interrupt his iced brandy and Monday night football. Hang on. I love you son.”
“Same here Mom. “ As usual when it came to phone conversations, DJ’s Mom monopolized the conversation and online time. His Dad was just the opposite.
“DJ. You settled in out there?”
“Yes Dad, I’m in the BOQ at Lackland.”
“Good choice. Randolph’s a nice base but the q’s are in older buildings as I remember.”
“Right Dad, I just---.”
“Redskins on the Patriots nine yard line, second and goal to go DJ, I’ll make the good news quick and then talk to you during your report tomorrow.” The general interrupted.
“Seems that your new found friend Miss Sally doesn’t think that a recent graduated Army Lieutenant holds enough juice to be heading up this interdict with the suspected cell members.”
“So,--- what? Am I being relieved? She gave me all sorts of support when we meant in the bubble. I’m surprised.”
“I was surprised at her solution also DJ “. Said his father.
“What is the solution Dad?”
“You have been promoted to Captain, United States Army, effective the first of next month. I have not told your Mom yet so we’ll let her pin on the railroad tracks at the 4th party—agreed?”
“ I can’t talk Dad, I’m---”
“Dammit! Redskins scored and I missed it. Thank God for the replay system on this TV. Bye son.”
DJ smiled thinking how good it was to hear that his family was relaxed and doing well. His Mom always adjusted to new surroundings quickly and made friends easily. Sounds like she had no problems adjusting to D.C. life.
One more call. Game or no game I need to get Danny turning pages with me on this project.
Danny Nero answered his cell on the second ring.
“I know Dan, Redskins just scored. I was talking to my Dad just a few ago.”
“Know what DJ? Guess again, I’m not a Redskins fan matter of fact I don’t even watch football unless it’s in the line of work.”
“You are strange Nero. Penny warned me.”
“What’s the happenings Captain?”
“ Jesus! Nothing gets by you does it? Why didn’t you tell me when we last talked?
“She just called and told the general at 1630 boss. Congratulations.”
“Thanks. Anything on the two names at Texas U?”
I can access it if you give me five but when I left the office, they were still keying data.”
“I want Lexis-Nex,Choicepoint,CDB Infotech D&B and FBIS all on this Dan. We have to have something to work on by tomorrow AM. One thing more, Agent McBean came up with an idea. Have someone see if they can go online win that chat room and make contact and arrange a meeting at the University or someplace. Get me the results in the AM. Got it?”
“DJ, get a nights rest. You will have a read out that will give you names, phones, drivers licenses, marital, medical, vehicle registration, court proceedings and credit records on anyone with those names that came into the US using a passport or registered for class at any University by 0500 your time tomorrow.” Danny paused long enough in his answer for DJ to hear a female voice in the background ask Danny if there was any cheese?
“Go back to your recreational substitute for football Nero. Talk to you in the AM.”
A chuckling Danny Nero said good bye and DJ hit the shower. Tomorrow was going to have to produce some results.

Chapter 29
University Library UT San Marcos, Texas
Omar Sanjar laid his books on the table beside
The computer cubical and took out his lap top. He used the library location every Tuesday evening when he talked to skateboard and reported the week’s activity. Tonight he was late getting online again. Using his own computer and bootlegging the University’s wireless connection had certain problems. He had not been able to make a connection with his handler for over five days. Tonight he would try again but if he did not make contact, he would have to initiate the back up contact he was given to call by phone. He had never had to do that in the three years he had been living in this small college town in central Texas with his female team mate Ammur. It had been an excellent cover. Both he and Ammur were accepted as eager learning students from Arabia- Most did not even know that they were Muslim as neither had a prayer mat in the small house they rented nor did they attend a Mosque in the area. Most students thought that the two were more than roommates but there was never any evidence that they were romantic. They were never seen holding hands or hugging when they met on campus or elsewhere. Unlike other students they did not hold a part time job as a waiter or waitress at Cracker Barrel or TGIF Fridays which made their small circle of friends believe that they were “oil Bedouins.”
In the three years the two had been at the University they had been called on to assist the Army of God as their section of Al Queda was called, only one time. Omar had been required to go to south Texas and meet five men that came ashore at Padre Island in what looked like a dilapidated shrimp boat and take them to the Dallas airport. Omar’s lap top finally came to life and the much awaited icon “wireless connected” sprang to life. It was early but he decided to try the room anyway. He was relieved to see the screen name skateboard in the posting queue.
Omar watched the screen as it rolled quickly as the teen agers posted their comments. He had logged on so that his name would be in the upper queue for skateboard to see but nothing happened. Finally he posted;
Tigerman; Skateboard you are quiet tonight
The response came quickly
Skateboard; My friend tigerman. I am sorry we have not been able to talk lately. I have had to move and just now reconnected my computer. Everything is well here and you?
Tigerman; I am pleased to hear you are all right. I was about to call your relatives.
Skateboard; They are very busy this time of year I would not bother them. I have some good news for you and your roommate.
Tigerman; What is the news? At this, Omar was suddenly puzzled. Skateboard had never talked this length of time. He must have very important information.
Skateboard; Your cousin Qusay will be where you are one night from tonight. He is at this moment on his way. Greet him at eight PM your time tomorrow.
Omar was now totally confused. He had no cousin Qusay and why did Skateboard not suggest they go to the other chat room that spoke Pashto? There was less chance of anyone understanding their conversation.
Tigerman; skateboard, it has been so long since I have seen him I probably will not recognize him.
Skateboard; He says to tell you that his shirt has your favorite beast on it and the year that it became famous. I have to go now. Qusay has much to tell you. Do not miss him there.
Omar thought about the strange message. Who would be coming? Why did they do this all of a sudden? What did he mean they had to move? When he came back to the apartment, he impatiently asked Ammur what she thought of the communication. He had never before asked her advice or opinion in these matters. He was in control. He was the commander here but this was different.
“Why the cryptic shirt message do you think Ammur?”
“I do not know at this time Omar but we must take caution. I will go with you but stay in the background. If this is a trap I will notify the people in California for instructions.”
“Do you still have the weapons?”
“Of course. We will both carry the weapons. There are no metal detectors at the library.”
“Good. Now, try to get some rest. Tomorrow, I think will be a very defining time in our mission here.”
“Praise Allah. Allah is great. We shall serve.”
Abdul Matin logged out of the chat room and rolled back in his from his computer desk and yelled to no one in sight.
He got up from his chair and did a low five, a high five and a arm clinch in his excitement. His first assignment from the general’s group and he had bingoed it. He made contact and set up a meeting for DJ to follow up on the following evening. He would call DJ himself in the morning after reporting to Danny the results of the online chat. He was one of the team!

Chapter 30
Delta flight 5 at 32,000ft altitude over the East Atlantic Ocean
The cabin lights had been turned off for over an hour now. Everyone had enjoyed a meal and movie and was intent on trying to get some sleep before they would arrive at JFK in five hours. Badra moved quietly from her seat into the large first class rest room. Moments later, she emerged, unseen by the attendants who were all busy chatting or drinking coffee in their forward galley area without her Arabic robes. She was wearing designer Levis and a black sweater with the word “GUESS across the front. She neatly folded the beautiful Abaya robe and laid it on the seat under a blanket she pulled from the overhead luggage compartment. The sound level was enough that most of the heavy snoring people were not bothering the other passengers plus, they could not hear Badra’s movements. She started back to the business class section looking for the girl that had given her a double-take when boarding. Several individuals had left their seat lights on and were reading. The small lights provided just enough light for Badra to look at each passenger’s face. Halfway through the section there she was. She was reading a book and did not look up at Badra as she passed the girls location and continued to the rear. At near the end of the seating in the rear there it was. This was what she had hoped for. Three entire rows in the rear of the aircraft were open. She opened the overhead compartment and pulled three blankets down and laid them end to end on the five open seats. She then returned to where she had seen the girl. As she moved silently up the isle to where she was sitting, Badra composed her plan. It all depended on getting her to come to the rear of the aircraft.
“Excuse me, I think we know each other.” She said to the girl in English and very low.
“Somewhat startled, the girl looked up from the book she was reading and looked at Badra with a puzzled face.
“I may be mistaken, I’m sorry….”said Badra continuing in English
The girl closed her book and looked up at Badra who was now only inches away from her face. To the other passengers who may have been looking or listening to the conversation, it looked only as if two girls were trying to have a conversation without disturbing the others. Most were asleep.
Badra then spoke again to the girl this time in Pashto.
“Why don’t we go to the back of the plane where we can chat without waking everyone?”
This time the girl smiled and began to get up out of her seat. Badra was hoping that she would comply with her wish and in the process, not wake the person next to her and tell them where she was going. Her sleeping companion never even stirred as the girl got up out of the seat and started to the back with Badra. When they got to the back of the aircraft where Badra had laid out the blankets, there was a young American boy just starting to lay down on the seats.
“Excuse me young man, but those are reserved for the two of us.” Badra said to the boy in English.
“First come, first serve Lady, I’m going to z out here where I can stretch out.” Said the impolite youth with the baby fat and zits.
This shocked Badra. She had not heard a young person speak in such disregard for their elders. He obviously was of a lower class, wherever he was from. Reaching over and placing her right hand on the boy’s shoulder close to his neck, Badra squeezed firmly and pulled the youngster out of the seat into the isle. The humiliation and loss of dignity of having a girl pull him out of the seat kept the kid from yelling or screaming but it obviously hurt.
“Thank you so much. You are a gentleman.” Chided Badra as the kid walked forward up the isle holding his neck ignoring the available open two rows behind the girls.
“You may sit by the window if you wish although there is nothing to see at this time of night except the lights of perhaps some cruise liners.” Offered Badra.
The girl slipped into the row of seats and sat in the one second from the window.
Perfect. Thought Badra.
“Are you going on into the other part of the United States or are you getting off in New York City?” Asked Badra.
“Chicago. My cousin and my Aunt are meeting me at the airport there.” Said the girl somewhat relaxed.
They made small conversation and then Badra thought she would ask the test question.
“Were you at the University when they arrested me for that poor Professors demise?- It was such a mess and horrible misunderstanding.”
The girl’s face suddenly changed and took on a fearful and almost terrified appearance. It was as though her mind was saying that’s where I have seen her—she is the one they say murdered that Woman in the science laboratory.
“Yes, I left the University the following day but I remember the news story. You say it was a misunderstanding?”
“O yes, didn’t you see the end of the story? They caught this young Man, an Arab who had long hair and resembled me they say. He confessed to the crime thank goodness”
Badra felt that the girl believed the story but that did not change things. Badra could not risk her telling anyone that they had meant on the aircraft. The two continued to talk for another ten minutes and when the girl was at ease in the conversation, with the darkness and the blankets covering her move, Badra took out the syringe and quickly injected the girl’s side.
“Whaaaat? Why,……did…….dooo.” The girl did not finish the sentence as Badra pulled up the arms on the five seats, laid the lifeless body of the unfortunate girl in the seats and covered her with blankets and a pillow. To the attendants or anyone passing the area it would appear as though the girl had made herself a nice comfortable place to sleep. Badra returned to the front of the plane and after redressing in the rest room back into the Arab Princesses robes, returned to her seat and turned off the light. Her thoughts turned to the plan that the supreme one had given her that night in the cave in the mountains while the others slept. The Americans have never had an attack in places other than the east coast. He had said. New York City is a cosmopolitan atmosphere of mixed ethnic and religions groups. Some of these people come from areas that have had war brought to their doorsteps and perhaps some may have seen death and destruction in their homeland but the people living in the interior of the American country have never had reason to fear any enemy. Even during the great World War II these inland states were relatively secure because of their geographical location. We will show Americans that there is no place that the army of God can not reach out to and retaliate for the hurt they have done to Muslims the world over. We will not only take many lives in the state of Texas on the river while the American infidels drink and indulge in their moral depravity, we will also attack the major west coast city of Los Angeles to show our capability for reining terror and fear three thousand miles from our last attack in New York.
It was all working. The plan that had taken three years to prepare and assemble was proving to be a masterpiece of covert organization. Badra felt secure that nothing could stop the group from finishing this final phase of the plan. It would all happen within the following three days.
The sun came up on the horizon behind Delta 5 and gave a soft golden glow to the cabin area where several of the passengers were now moving about using the rest room and drinking hot tea. Haydar looked over at Badra and greeted her in a solemn tone.
“We are almost to the first stop in America, Badra. Allah has seen us through some very important situations so far. I pray that our good fortune will continue.”
Badra looked over across the isle at the young man who was trying to make conversation with her. She studied his face and tried to read his thoughts. This young Iraqi was to be her companion warrior in the Texas slaughter of thousands. Could this young, innocent looking face complete what was necessary to accomplish their mission? Did he have the nerve to kill? Could he live with the fact that it was his work that was responsible for killing so many people and then just slip into the population and wait, living in this country that is foreign to him in so many ways other than his language and customs? Could he go underground and live among the Americans in a low profile that would make him an asset again when needed?
“Yes Haydar. We are indeed fortunate. Our efforts have worked because of the disciplined teamwork we have been trained to use. Let us not forget that we must continue to keep that discipline.” Badra gave a slight smile as she spoke directly into Haydar’s face. Suddenly, Haydar felt a different emotion come from her reply. It was different than he had experienced before when talking to Badra. This was a warm feeling, almost like when he was talking to his mother but different. He looked closer into Badra’s eyes only to find a different response again. She smiled and asked Haydar; “Is there something I’m missing here Haydar? You seem puzzled for some reason.”
“I think it is the aspect that I have never been to America and I do not know what to expect. What if we are discovered? Will we be tried in the American criminal system or will they send us back to Pakistan or Afghanistan?”
“Your training provided you with those answers Haydar. You know that the Americans do not torture captives because of their pacifist system of law. They do not torture captives in the field and especially here in their homeland. But why do these fears come into your head now? You are a Mujahedeen and must be ready to give your life for Allah at any time. Never let the infidels capture you alive. Turn your weapon on yourself and take as many with you as you can if you are outnumbered and about to be captured.
From the corner of her eye, Badra noticed that one of the flight attendants who had been talking to the other attendant at the galley was looking at her and Haydar. As soon as Badra looked directly at her she turned and started another pot of coffee. She could not possibly have heard their conversation over the sound of the jet engines and the music that was now coming over the intercom could she?
Delta 5 inbound made a smooth landing at JFK and the flight attendants started working the cabin to make sure everyone had their passports and customs forms out and ready to depart from the aircraft.
They were almost to the terminal when one of the flight attendants came forward and got the senior attendant and they both went back to the last row in the aircraft. Soon the flight engineer opened the cabin door and came out and moved to the rear of the plane very promptly. The captain then came on the intercom and announced that everyone was to remain seated as they had a medical emergency that would require everyone to remain seated and keep the aisle clear for the paramedics to evacuate the patient. The cabin door opened and there were two paramedics standing at the entrance to the terminal. They came past Haydar and his group and directly to the last row in the aircraft. The two medics attended the patient only a short time before they lifted her on to a gurney and pulled it down the aisle and off the aircraft . From where Haydar was sitting in first class he could see that they had taken the girl down the stairs to the tarmac and immediately into a waiting ambulance. The captain then came on the intercom and thanked everyone for their patience and advised that everyone was to have their customs forms and passports ready when they exited the aircraft.
Badra and her group were the first off of the aircraft and down the exit to the terminal . As they left the aircraft the flight attendants thanked them and wished them a good day. The attendant that had been looking at Badra and Haydar during their conversation unconsciously greeted her in Pashto instead of Arabic or Farsi. This concerned Badra but there was nothing she could do at this time. At the end of the walkway and the exit to the lobby of the terminal, there were two young men in very sharp looking Brooks Brothers suits that came up to Badra and asked for the group’s passports and customs forms. As Badra gave the taller of the two all of the passports and identification she noticed the two men dressed in white throbes and black ghutra with gold weaving. They greeted Badra in Farsi and told the group to follow them to a small stairway that led to the tarmac below the terminal. When they reached the tarmac there were three black limos waiting to take them to their next flight. Badra and the three men with her bordered the first limo and the remaining party climbed into the remaining two limos. Before the limos moved out, there were three TSA uniformed security that climbed into the last limo with the two suits.
As they pulled up to the Continental 747 they remained in the limos while the three TSA uniforms and the two suits boarded the aircraft using the stairway usually used by the aircrew and ground personnel. Soon the three TSA securities came out of the door at the top of the stairs and motioned for them to come onboard. Badra was first and started up the stairs her brilliant flowing robe flying in the breeze. Again they were all seated in first class but this time they were joined by the two Arabs that had greeted them at the Delta
Terminal. The two new additions to the group seated themselves at the rear of the first class cabin and promptly took out two laptop computers and started work. One of the men in the suits that had been in the limo in front had come onboard the aircraft and approached Badra and started a conversation that made Badra constantly shake her head in the affirmative. After the conversation he left the aircraft with the other suit. The flight attendant then closed the cabin door and announced their departure. Haydar saw Goat motion to him that he needed to talk. When they came on the aircraft, Goat had been given the first seat in the front of first class and Haydar was in 3b back two rows. Haydar motioned for Goat to wait until they were airborne and he would be there. Continental 1405 left JFK on time and as soon as the seat belt light went off, Haydar moved forward to see what Goat wanted.
The seat beside Goat was empty so Haydar sat there and leaned over to talk to Goat. This aircraft was noiser than the Delta and Goat had to talk into Haydar’s ear.
“They kept our passports!” Screamed a wide-eyed Goat.
Haydar looked over at Goat. He was sweating and his Throbe was soaking wet at the neck down to his middle chest.
“It is part of the plan I am sure my brother. Do not worry. Relax and look out the window. Have you ever imagined that there would be that many forests of trees in this devil’s homeland?”
Haydar was about to continue to calm the friend that he had come to think of as a younger brother when one of the Arabs came up the aisle and leaned into the area between Goat and Haydar.
“Please listen to what I have to say and do not interrupt me.” Said the man. He was faking a smile as he spoke which made it appear to anyone watching that the man was just having idle conversation with the two young men.
“In the luggage compartment in the overhead directly above you is a suitcase with your name on it. Your new passport is in this case in the front pocket. When we reach Houston Texas, you will leave the airplane and go into the first men’s room in the terminal and change into the clothes provided. In the suitcase is a folded brown paper bag with the printed words in red SALVATION ARMY. You are to put all the clothes you are wearing now into these bags and leave them in the men’s room when you leave in a neat pile by the door. Do not keep any of the items. There will not be anyone at the terminal to meet you or any of our party. You will ignore Badra as you move through the terminal. She will also change into American casual clothes. You will go to the baggage claim area and wait for her there. Do not leave the baggage claim area until she is with you. She will go to the Alamo Car Rental and obtain the SUV that you will use in the coming week. When she has the car she will come and get all of you and you will leave for San Marcos together.”
The man did not ask if they had any questions and just returned to his seat.
“You see my brother the Goat, you worry too much. Relax as I told you and we will be fine. Allah has given us providence again and we shall succeed.” With that, Haydar returned to his seat. In just four more hours, they would be in Houston.

Chapter 31
Lackland AFB Texas 0645
A Tiger Woods golf shirt and casual Perry Ellis gray slacks and Allan Edmond low cut shoes made DJ look like he was either one of the students or maybe a young professor. McBean picked him up in front of the BOQ. In her gray pants suit and black Susan Monroe low cuts, Charlene McBean looked like just what she was-an FBI agent.
“What is your choice for breakfast Agent McBean? Officers club over there or I Hop or McDonald’s,- what?
“I’m a milk and cereal girl Captain. Anyplace we can talk is fine with me. I have some plans and some questions to go over with you.”
“Let’s do the O club then. Maybe we can find a relative secure conversation area there.”
“Works for me.”
DJ had just pulled the chair back from the table for McBean to sit on when his satellite phone gave a ringtone that indicated a secure call from Danny.
“We have a new member of the bubble team, Captain. Wait till you hear the results of his first assignment.” You could almost see the smile on Dan’s face over the phone.
“You are talking code again Nero what new member?”
“I gave that chat room assignment to your room- mate Abdul because we didn’t have an analyst that we could brief rapidly and that spoke Pashto.”
He hit a home run. Matter of fact out of the park. He has you set up to meet the Tango cell member in the University library tonight at 20000 hours.”
“Fax me the entire chat room conversation to McBean’s office ASAP. We’ll have to set up a net and get ready to drop it on these guys. Anything else I should know?
“Your Nexus report awaits you Captain but I don’t want the government to have to pay the cost to fax that to you. I have put them in your agency database under the code name Guadalupe. That’s the river that runs through the area there.”
“I know Dan.”
“Penny has some data for you. Hang tight.”
“DJ good morning. We have something that may put a closer track on our traveling cell. A young lady suffered a fatal breathing attack on a flight from New Delhi to JFK last night. We didn’t think much of the incident until one of the analysts found a similarity in the medical report with that of the cases on that river in Pakistan. She died from the same depravation of oxygen in her cells. “
“You think there is a connection between this group and the killing?
“It gets closer. She was a student at Nawabshsh University about the same time as the demise of Professor Sadqua.
“You think that she spotted Sadqua’s killer on the plane and they did her in to cover their entrance to the US.?”
“On target Captain.”
“I know that you are looking at the surveillance tapes of everyone getting off the aircraft but has anyone talked to the flight attendants?
“Another cigar Captain. The flight attendant said that they had a group of Saudi royalty in first class that made her think a bit.
“The woman in the group—and get this there were three young men and this woman--- were speaking in a foreign language.”
“What is different? Arabic is a foreign language as I recall Penny.”
“Right but they were speaking a dialect of Pashto .”
“Shit--. Excuse me Penny”
“My words exactly Captain.”
“Now tell me that we have the connecting flight this quasi royalty family connected to?”
“That is a real embarrassment to the TSA guys at JFK DJ. They have no record of any special escort for a royal family in the last three days.”
“ I can’t believe this. You mean that these people set up a fake TSA escort under diplomatic immunity, cleared security AND customs, moved either off the base or to another flight using the airport tarmac?
“I just got a quick alert from our agent in New York. They have been reviewing the surveillance tapes of the control tower that cover aircraft movement and ground handling around the airport. They tell me they were escorted to a Continental flight bound for Houston.”
“And that flight is due in Houston—when?”
“Landed an hour ago, DJ”
“You are repeating yourself DJ.”
“Charlene lets get the net in place. This is going to be a race between us and the people that were in that aircraft to make contact with the students. Let’s hope its not going to be a tie, time wise.”
“Operations have fifteen agents in San Marcos right now DJ. We need to brief them and set the tactics for tonight. Have you talked to the University about this little party we are going to have in their Library tonight?”
“We have four hours to set this in place and review all possible engagement strategy. I need to do this face to face with the Dean or Chancellor at that campus. Can you set it up for me while I scout the library area?”
“We will be on campus in about forty five minutes DJ. I have told the force to meet us at the ROTC armory on campus. My thinking is that a few extra federal black SUV s and a tactical command van won’t cause that much attention if they are in that area around the armory.”
“Check that.”
Charlene was driving and as DJ looked out the passenger’s side of the SUV, something caught his eye. It was a sign that read alongside I-35 ---. Tube and raft on the Guadalupe in Gruene. Special Forth of July rates on all tubes and rafts.
“You have a meeting with Dean Wilkins as soon as we come on campus DJ. I’ll give you his background on the way to his office.”
“Thanks Charlene. Tell me something-this Grue-eenee tube floating thing they do here. Why does it tweek my memory for some reason.”
“First of all, DJ its pronounced GREEN. G-r-u-e-n-e is the German spelling of the town. It’s a place where all the kids come for the hot summer holidays and float down the river in inner tubes and rafts and drink beer, play their boom boxes and just generally have a good time. Sometimes there are over a thousand tubers on the river strung out from where the water comes out from Canyon dam down through Gruene to New Braunfels.”
Then Dj’s mind flashed back to the conversation that he had with the Colonel Nagel. During the telecom account of the last interrogation of Raj Kaev Nagel had said the name or word GREEN had come out several times. They just could not make the connection. Holly cow! These assholes are going to do the same thing to this Guadalupe that they did to that river in Pakistan!
In the following fifteen minutes drive time required to make the turn off exit 206 of I35 and head for the TU admin office, DJ told Charlene what he thought was the plot involved for the attack. They would poison the river on the Forth of July when all the rafters and tubers were there just as they did to the river in Pakistan. Charlene had just parked the car and looked over at DJ. She was white and pale as she uttered
“My God DJ we have to stop this some way.”
“Needless to say, Charlene, this is our secret. If this got out in the next few days, it could cause a really big problem. We have to crush the plot and get these tangos before they have a chance to do this. One thing for sure—this changes the operation here tonight.”
“In what respect?”
“We can’t take these sleepers out until we know who they are. That could kill the operation from a standpoint of time.”
“I don’t get you. You mean we would have to detain them, interrogate them and find the location where they are going to attack and head off the others that are on their way here from Houston?”
“Close. Plus, we don’t know that the bio-five are really headed here. There was some talk about a simultaneous attack. They could possibly be split and some here, some at another location.”
The Dean received DJ and agent McBean cordially in his opulent office in the top floor of the admin building. A panoramic view of the sprawling Texas University campus was the background to his desk through a large window. Beyond the window was a small patio with two round tables and chairs.
“Sir, in all sincerity I apologize for broad siding you like this but a most urgent situation of National Security has come to our attention within the last twenty four hours and by the time we could confirm, well, we just ran out of time. I hope you will understand.”
“Just what is it you need to use our student library for this evening?”
“We need to set up a secure area that can be sound tight and make sure that there are no students in the immediate area. This has to be handled so that the person or persons that we are going to meet do not suspect anything is amiss . This will only require a few minutes to complete but we need to know that the area is secure. “
“I suppose you have a plan on just how to do that without tipping off the uninvolved students Lt.”
DJ noted that the Dean had read his ID card closely when he entered the room by his remark.
“We will Sir and there will be no danger to any of the surrounding students.”
The dean looked at DJ and swiveled in his chair before carefully making his next statement.
“I’m sure that Agent McBean has given you my background prior to this meeting Lt. so I am not going to tell you I appreciate your candid explanation on what you and your team intend on doing here tonight. I just want to add that if there are any cowboy rough and tumble confrontations and God forbid any shots fired, I will see that regardless of your position with Homeland Security and your relationship with our VP, your governmental career will be short lived. I am responsible for the safety and welfare of my students and I take that responsibility very seriously.”
“Yes sir. You have my solemn word that we will conduct this operation with the safety of the students in mind at all times.”
“Then good luck. Please brief my head of security here CMDR. Sanchez and he will assist you in whatever you need.”
“Thank you sir. I am thankful that this nation has people of your character that appreciates our concern for national defense.”
“Well said Lt. By the way, please tell your father that we need to get together sometime this summer in Montana for more fly fishing.”
DJ smiled at the distinguished gentleman.
“I will sir. With any good fortune at all , I’ll be with him and my mother this weekend.”
McBean and DJ left the building and headed for the armory to brief the team. The campus security director was alongside as McBean asked DJ;
“That was a surprise. Did you know that he knows your dad?
“It was to me as well. No, I have never heard his name. But in the background brief you gave me on him it indicated his service with the NIS under Nixon and the DIA during Carter admin so I would say that when he heard we wanted an appointment with him, he made a few phone calls.” I’ll ask Penny for some details on him.”
“Sly old guy.” Said Charlene.
The armory was walking distance from the admin building so the two walked across the campus discussing what the plan for tonight should be. The fifteen agents that were assigned to the operation were already inside and standing around a weapons display used for training. When DJ and Charlene entered the building with the campus security commander, the agents grabbed a chair or a bench and sat down to hear the plan. DJ was in his civvies and looked pretty casual. He looked around the room and noticed one thing that may not work well. “No offense gentlemen and ladies but with few exceptions, this does not look like a typical campus student gathering. How long has it been since most of you were in college? The room chuckled and one young lady in the back, dressed very much like Charlene answered; “We are all returning to school on the G.I. Bill if anyone asks, we are veterans.”
“We’ll just have to keep the attention of our suspect so he—or she does not look too close at the room. Spread out as thin as you can but be in position to watch the suspects or follow them at any time.”
DJ laid out the mission plan and asked if there were any questions.
“Just one to satisfy my own curiosity sir if you don’t mind.”
It came from one of the youngest looking agents in the room in the front row.
“Unload. I want all of you well informed and aware why this is not a take-down exercise.”
“Why not detain these suspects for questioning and hold them from making contact with the others you say are on their way to this area?”
DJ looked at the agent and walked over in front of him to speak directly to him as he answered.
“These are not our main players in this attack so far as we know. We do know that the biochem that they plan on using is never out of sight of the woman involved. She is in the group that came into Houston this afternoon. If we take out these individuals we will lose possible contact with that person and the material they intend on using. “ At this point, keen surveillance is our strongest weapon. The person I meet may or may not have another individual with them. I want you to watch the room closely and if you see anyone taking special interest in my conversation with the person I meet- keep them in view. Do not approach but get a good profile if possible. We have set cameras and microphones in place throughout the library so we will have some data to research who these people are and how they got here.”
It was 1830 and an hour and half to go. DJ decided to call Danny and Penny and let them know what was planned. Danny answered his phone on the first ring and said he was still in the bubble and intended on staying there until this operation was over.
“We have a live camera on the room right now DJ and we can zoom in on the meeting you will have with the suspect. As soon as we can get a facial image, we will run it to see if we have anything on those sleepers there in Texas.”
“ok Dan. We are set here. Wish us luck.
“Did you get the shirt I asked the FBI guy to get for you this afternoon from the student store DJ?”
“I did. I didn’t understand what the significance of the Longhorn logo and the words 2005 National Football Champions - until Charlene read me the chat room log where you referenced how this guy was supposed to recognize me in your report you emailed to me on the plan. I took it to the General and he made one comment. I want you to hear what he said DJ.”
“What? That was a contingency plan. I may not have to use it Dan. What did he say?”
“His comment was on the part where you said that you may have to stick with this guy the rest of the night and tomorrow or till they try to make contact with the Bio-five. He said that was dangerous and to never let the agents lose contact with you at any time.”
“I understand. We’ll play it cool. Thanks. Got to run. See you on TV Dan.”
The library was in constant movement. Students were checking in books and checking out others at the main desk. The row of computers was relatively empty of users and DJ took one closest to the entrance to the library. Looking around the room he felt comfortable that the agents that were in place were not obvious. He saw Charlene sitting at the next table over from the computer position and held a smile as he observed her disguise. Reading glasses, hair in pony tail and a longhorn sweater. Cute. She looked the part.
2000 on the dot DJ opened the chat room on the screen but did not sign in. He turned the screen slightly so that a person approaching the IT section of the library could see what was on the screen.
“The attendant at the desk over there may make you leave if she sees you logged onto that Chat room. These computers are for studies and research.”
The voice had a slight tremble to it but was in perfect English. The young man was approximately thirty years old and clean shaven. His dark features were the only indication that he may have been from the middle east. He looked at the shirt DJ was wearing as DJ turned around and then a faint smile came to his face.
“I’m about finished here anyway. I just came to meet a friend here tonight.” Said DJ
The young man then sat down in the computer chair next to DJ. He was nervously looking around the room when he said: “Will your friend have to travel far to meet you here?”
DJ took the opportunity and as he looked closely around the room answered in perfect Pashto; “I am the one that has travelled far to meet my friend. There will be some others joining us in the next few days and we are looking forward to renewing friendships.” The man almost broke into a smile but restrained himself.
“I am Sanjar my friend it is good to see you. We have much to discuss.”
“And I am Ousay. Please call me Oskar here-OK? We can talk here safely I believe. This room is very large and if we speak in our language, we should be all right.”
“You say our language. You do not appear to me to be Afghan Oskar.
“I am Afghan Sanjar. My father was from Kandahar And my mother was an American missionary. I speak several dialects and have traveled the country extensively since joining the brothers. You are from where?” DJ was attempting to try to feed some data to the listening audience.
“I was born in Delaram but my family moved to Kabul when I was eleven. Then my father took me to England where I was schooled and trained for my mission here.”
We will have more time to talk about our beloved country after our mission Sanjar. I am surprised that Badra did not come with you. Has she contacted you yet?”
“Badra?” The man looked terribly puzzled by the question.
“The mission leader-Badra she has not been in touch with you or your companion?” There was a look of surprise on Sanjar’s face at the mention of Badra’s name.
“The mission leader is a woman?”
“ A very dedicated woman and also a professional warrior Sanjar. I can see that you have not talked or meant her. She is due to contact you soon. Do not tell her that I am here if she does call you or contact you. Let me be the one to tell her that I am to command part of the mission. Do you understand?”
“Yes, I will let you be the one to inform her. Is she alone or are there others coming also?”
Perfect. This guy is leading me on the questions he does not have answers for. In a minute I’ll have the name and location of the other sleeper. DJ thought.
“There are others. But first, I must give you the plan for the coming holiday and what we plan for the infidels in this ungodly hot state. How far from here is your apartment?”
Sanjar gave his next answer a lot of thought before answering. DJ could see the doubt in his eyes and thought that perhaps he was pushing him too fast when Sanjar answered; “ Not far, do you have a car?”
“No. I took the bus line from Austin airport to San Marcos here and then a taxi to the campus. If you do not have a vehicle, we will rent one—a van so that when the others arrive we can all travel together.”
“I have a very small car. We can use it tonight but we should get more reliable transportation tomorrow as you suggest. Excuse me a moment. I will be right back I need to use the men’s room before we leave.”
“Sure. I’ll be right here. I need to check in with my handler and let him know we have made contact.” DJ turned around in the chair and started to boot the library computer as Sanjar left the area. DJ was confident that Sanjar was being tailed and his voice monitored by McBean and her team. He slowly raised his hand up to his ear and leaned on the computer desk. To anyone watching, it would appear as he was looking intently into the computer monitor. DJ listened as he squeezed the microphone key on his belt buckle with his other hand.
It was Penny’s voice on the other end. Nice going DJ. He is in the corridor at this moment talking to a young girl who looks to be East Indian or Arabic. Danny says that they started talking Pashto so he has to wait for Abdul to translate. Standby
“No-monitor it but patch it directly to me here so we can save the time. “
Roger that. Here it comes. Your voice will override theirs if you need to talk to us. Over.
……….knows the names of the others that are coming to complete the mission. I believe he is as he says he is.I will bring him to our apartment but first I will search him to make sure he is not “wired” as they say and if he has any weapons. Let me have the weapon. I will search him before we get to the apartment so that if he is a problem, no one will know where the apartment is located. The reply from the girl was not audible enough for DJ to understand but it was short so DJ assumed she acknowledged Sanjar’s plan. DJ had to get rid of the microphone in his belt quickly before Sanjar returned. He knew that the team would be able to follow him because of the small microchip in the button on his pocket. They would just not be able to hear the conversation.
Removing the transmitter. Use the microchip and geo-locator to track me. If I have any problems, I’ll smash the button. Have the Calvary ready to come over the hill if that happens. Out.
“I don’t like this at all. DJ is taking a chance that there are not more people back at this apartment that will try to blow his cover. “ Penny was expressing everyone’s concerns as she spoke.
“I’ll have a tight track on him Penny. We have ten agents on this task force that are all watching his movements and we won’t let him out of our sight.” Charlene tried to give confidence to the team listening and watching in Arlington.
The microphone removed, DJ sat at the computer waiting on the return of Sanjar. A young man in a Longhorn t shirt, Dockers and tennis shoes came up to the computer next to DJ.
“May I use this station”
“Yes, no problem. I am about to leave as soon as my friend returns. Said DJ. He noticed the student had left his knapsack under the desk almost under DJ’s feet. The student’s eyes flashed from DJ to the knapsack and back. Again his eyes flashed from DJ to the knapsack under DJ’s feet. The student sat down and started to boot the computer. DJ turned from the computer in the chair and as he did, he dropped his pen and tablet he had brought with him. The microphone and transmitter went into the knapsack as he reached down to retrieve the pen and tablet. Not too soon. He saw Sanjar approaching from the library entrance.
“Lets go back to my apartment. We can talk more there. Are you tired from your trip? You will of course be staying with us until our work is completed. Am I not correct?”
With US? He used the plural. There are more involved. It will be interesting to see just how many is “US “ when we get to this apartment. Thought DJ.
“Right. There is much to do in the next 72 hours Sanjar my friend so let’s get moving.”
As the two were leaving the campus walking out from the Library to the parking lot, DJ noticed a young girl following them and walking faster now in order to catch up. Sanjar turned and waved to her as he called her by name.
“Come Ammur, meet my friend Ousay.”
The girl caught up to the two walking and came alongside Sanjar. DJ noticed immediately that the girl was carrying a purse. Most students carried everything in a backpack, especially the females.
“Call me Oskar.” Said DJ. It sounds more American.
The small car that Sanjar referred to in his conversation with DJ when they meant turned out to be just that, an aged Honda Civic. DJ managed to get his over six foot frame into the back seat with a minor amount of effort and they began to leave the parking lot. It was getting late and the Library was about to close so there was not much traffic entering the parking lot. There was no conversation between the three occupants of the Honda as they began to leave the parking lot. Just before Sanjar, who was driving reached the exit drive, he turned to a far corner of the parking, lot where there were no cars and very dark with the exception of one lonesome street light. He stopped the car abruptly and as he did so, Ammur reached into her purse and pulled out small 9 mm pistol and pointed it over the seat at DJ.
“Please get out of the car. She commanded in English.
As she spoke DJ noticed Sanjar coming around the rear of the car to her side and he also had a weapon in his hand.
“Be careful with those weapons. Do not brandish them so obviously. I do not want to be arrested by the infidels for merely carrying a gun when I am this close to my mission goal. What do you want from me?” DJ asked the duo who was somewhat surprised at his obvious coolness at the situation. He knew that he needed to so some fast talking in hopes that the audio monitors that were on them got it all and Charlene did not blow the operation by rushing to DJ’s rescue from out of nowhere.
“Stand tight everyone. Unit two, remain off campus and wait for us to exit. Unit three Retain your cover and continue surveillance. When Danny gets the residence address from the plate on the Honda—move to that address and hold. We will position at twelve o’clock from the front door they enter and unit two position at nine o’clock from the door to the apartment No fast moves. Our operative has the situation in hand.” This was the command that came from Charlene McBean who was watching the entire fiasco from across the parking lot through night vision glasses.
Sanjar came up to DJ and instructed him to take off his shirt and pants behind the car. DJ slowly complied with the request. When DJ had removed all clothing except his jockey shorts, Sanjar came up and did a body search without saying a word.
“Put your clothes back on. Commanded Sanjar when he had finished searching DJ’s belongings.
“We will go now to our apartment. You can understand my concern and precaution”. Sanjar said apologizing.
“Of course my brother. It reflects the excellent training of the Muhadeen. DJ replied in Pashto which seemed to catch Ammur off guard.
“You speak Pashto with a Karachi dialect. Are you from that region? That is my homeland and I miss speaking the language.” Gushed Ammur.
Again in Pashto DJ replied to Ammur; “I can say that I have spent much time in the area but we do not talk of family or homeland. It is a security requirement. I am sorry. “
The reply brought a new impression of DJ to Ammur. One of increased confidence and almost to the point of friendship.
DJ leaned back in the small seat and from that position he could see the large black SUV following them from a distance in the rear view mirror. His driver did not notice his tail as he started talking more freely and was becoming almost glib as they turned into the large apartment complex.

Chapter 32
Welcome to Houston
The sign over the airport exit displayed the only greeting that the group received as they entered a different state and a new area. The large black SUV that Badra had rented was very comfortable and air conditioned. Although the local weather was very humid and the temperature 105 degrees no one made mention of the fact. It was much as the weather at home for most of the group. When Badra had pulled up in front of the terminal for the others to load into the SUV, Haydar noticed a new large bag in the back. As they had not brought any luggage with them he asked what were the contents. Badra did not turn around to answer him but looked at him in the rear view mirror.
“Weapons Haydar. You did not expect to accomplish this mission without having to use force perhaps? We will take the weapons out and look at what we have when we reach a secure place on the road. Right now I need to get on the highway out of here and west to our first mission location.”
Haydar glanced again at the ominous looking duffel bag and wondered if there would be a confrontation with the authorities. He had heard of the tremendous force that was possessed by the American police. They even had special armored vehicles called swats that were impervious to rocket propelled grenades .
Haydar and Ali Baba were sleeping most of the way. Haydar woke up to see that it was dark and the glow of a strange large screen in front of Badra and to her right was illuminating the entire front seat. The box was talking to Badra.
You are 35 miles from your destination. Turn right onto I35 in 2 miles
The box was instructing Badra on how to get to a new location called San Marcos. Haydar and the goat were intrigued by the changes on the green screen that looked like a map.
Badra found a lonely space of road and pulled over under a large pecan tree. She got out of the vehicle and opened the rear door and removed the heavy bag of weapons. There was a 9MM automatic for each as well as one small grenade launcher with five rounds. The largest and heaviest was an m-60 and a box of ammunition for same. She gave each a pistol and three boxes of ammunition Haydar and Goat immediately took out the duct tape from the bag and taped the extra ammo to their legs and belt under their large and floppy shirt.
Ali Baba was best trained with the M-60 so he was given the task of not being more than a few steps away from the weapon at all times. Even if it meant sleeping in the car with it. They returned to the route that would take them to San Marcos and the apartment of Sanjar.
When Badra turned off the I35 highway and into the town of San Marcos, she instructed all to check their weapons. They would be arriving at the apartment of Sanjar and Ammur within ten minutes and she needed to go over the plan that they were going to use when they got to the apartment.
“We have not told these two contacts here that we are coming. They do not know us, the mission or how many of us are involved. Do not tell them---the contact Sanjar and the girl living with him-- Ammur any details on our attack plans for security reasons. We need this location to properly prepare the river insertion. Be on guard at all times. I will make a phone call to the two in the apartment telling them of our arrival and for them to let Goat and Ali Baba into their apartment as quietly as possible. I do not want their neighbors to know that there are additional people in the residence. As soon as Goat and Ali Baba are inside and verify that the place is secure, I will come in with Haydar.
The box on the dashboard spoke for the last time.
You have arrived at your destination. 3416 wonder world drive is on your right one quarter mile ahead.

Chapter 33
“Lingo is in the car and they are heading away from the campus. It looks like he sold them a story because they do not have a weapon pointed at him that we can see. Unit two are you in contact with the Honda?
“Affirmative. We have it in sight. Looks like they are turning on to wonder world Drive and heading west.”
“Roger that. Unit three stay in position with us and when they get to the destination, pull in close as possible without them seeing you and standby for details. Out”
Charlene McBean had the geography covered. Now all she needed was to find out if DJ was going to stay the night or what their next move was going to be.
The Honda came to a stop in front of a large apartment complex on wonder world drive across from the Texas Medical Center. The three occupants got out of the car and went into apartment 132 on the ground floor.
“All units, Lingo and party has just entered apartment 132 move in and secure the area. Try to stay unnoticed in case there are more here than we can see.” McBean was being cautious .
It was now 2230 hours and DJ had been inside the apartment for twenty minutes when the phone rang.
As Ammur picked up the phone she was looking over at Sanjar who had just sat down with DJ at the kitchen table and opened a coke. Sanjar had laid his weapon that he carried in the small of his back in his jeans on the table and was just sitting down.
“Who is calling at this hour?” Asked Ammur as she answered
“Yes, he is here. Who is calling? Just one moment.” The phone had a hold button on it and Ammur pushed it as she said “This person says her name is Badra and she wishes to speak with you immediately.”
Dj’s right hand grabbed the 9 mm from the table and smashed it against Sanjar’s head as he grabbed Ammur around the mouth and pulled her across the room. Sanjar was out cold on the floor. DJ quickly took off his belt and tied Ammur’s wrists together as he told her to be quiet and she would not get hurt. He removed the belt from Sanjar’s jeans and tied her to the bedpost in the adjoining bedroom. Just for good measure he stuffed a pair of panties that were on the bed in her mouth to act as a gag and returned to the kitchen where the phone was blinking on hold. He picked up the receiver and spoke.
“Hello, who is this?”
The voice answered in Pashto
“You are the chosen host tonight of friends that have travelled far to visit you.”
What is this? It sounds like some kind of code that requires a countersign. Shit! Thought DJ
“I know of no such travelers.” DJ answered in Pashto
“We will be at your front door in a few moments. Do not delay our entrance to your apartment. I will explain when we meet.”
Click. The phone went dead.
“Dam! McBean if you have audio on me, I have company coming and may need some back up here. DJ was shouting. If he was at all lucky, McBean’s team also had the apartment being scanned with IR so they could see the movements inside. If that was true, then they knew of the action that took place after the phone call. DJ went over and pulled the still unconscious Sanjar into the bedroom.
In the Unit one black van outside the radio was busy. The agents had seen the rented SUV pull into the parking area with the four occupants and wait. Audio indicated that the conversation inside the van was Pashto.
“Unit three ---cover the SUV parked over by the recreation area with the four occupants. Unit two see if you can move to the rear of the apartment and see if there is a rear door.” Charlene was on uncertain ground here and without any communication from DJ she was taking a big risk.
“Audio indicates that Lingo is trying to communicate that we are to hold position. He says that there is more coming to the apartment.”
“Damn. Central, get me an Angel and some ground back up to this area –pronto’ McBean was barking orders over the radio to Danny and Penny in Arlington as well as her command center in San Antonio.
“Unit one command from unit three. We have two unknowns approaching the apartment from the SUV. They appear to be carrying some kind of gear that could be weapons.”
Charlene looked over at the sidewalk in front of apartment 132.
“Roger three. Contact.”
Badra sat in the driver’s seat with the engine running while Haydar was directly behind her in the passenger seat. They sat there with the lights off while Goat and Ali Baba moved to enter the apartment. Ali Baba had left the M-60 in the van and taken instead the 12 gauge shotgun with him that he could carry under his coat. They went up to the door to the apartment and knocked as they looked around the neighborhood. They could see Badra and Haydar sitting in the SUV and the only other action in the complex was three men in a van that evidently had been out for the evening and were returning home. Two of the men were outside the van saying good night to the driver and laughing loudly. They were obviously drunk.
Goat knocked on the door.
“Who is there? “ DJ asked in broken English.
“Travelers. Open the door Sanjar.” Said Goat in Pashto
DJ opened the door and replied in Pashto as he looked at the two men carrying weapons not very well hidden under their coats,./.”How do you know my name? I do not know you.”
Goat looked surprised to see that “Sanjar” was a very tall white person. Not at all a typical Afghan or Arab.
The two shoved their way into the apartment and upon entering they pulled the weapons out and pointed them at DJ.
“Where is the girl that answered the phone? Goat demanded.
“She left to be with our neighbors. The phone calls frightened her” Answered DJ
DJ backed into the corner of the kitchen with his hands not quite raised but where the two could see them. He was hoping they were not going to search him and find the 9 mm in the small of his back.
“Where is the woman I talked to?” Asked DJ in Pashto.
“She will be here in a short time. We must know that your apartment is secure before we proceed with the mission plans you imbecile “Goat was trying his best to take command of the situation.
Ali Baba was looking out the front window and Goat was watching DJ when the door to the bedroom opened and A bloody Sanjar staggered out into the front room. As Goat turned to see what was happening behind him, DJ pulled the 9 mm from his waist and fired three shots. The first hit Goat in the shoulder and he dropped the weapon immediately and the other two shots took Ali Baba by surprise. The first shot hit his hand holding the 12 gauge shotgun. When it discharged it was pointed out the window. Dj’s second shot entered Ali Baba’s upper leg and he was on the floor. The shot from the 12 gauge fired out the window took out the street light in front of the apartment and triggered a response from all the agents in the vans and on the ground in the area.
“It is a trap! “ Yelled Badra as she pulled open the bag on the seat.
“Haydar. Keep firing into the apartment and kill anyone that comes to this car while I get us out of here.”
Three agents immediately rushed the door to the apartment. Haydar grabbed the first weapon he could get to when the action started. It happened to be the grenade launcher. He quickly loaded it and fired the first round at the apartment door as instructed. The look on Badra’s face said it all. She was wondering why he was using the grenade launcher when the m-60 was right there. Haydar’s first round missed the apartment by three doors exploding on a large sculptured water fountain. Badra gunned the SUV and drove over the lawn to the exit from the apartment complex firing the m-60 out the passenger window as she drove. When the action started McBean and all the agents in unit one exited the vehicle and hit the ground. This was fortunate because Haydar’s last shot with the grenade launcher made a direct hit on the black Chevy SUV turning it into a huge fireball.
Inside the apartment, DJ had again hit Sanjar on the side of his head and he was out, slumped in a recliner as the three agents entered the front door. Ali Baba was in shock from his two wounds and was just standing there looking at his hand. Goat tried to pull a knife on DJ but was laying face down on the floor before he knew what had happened. DJ grabbed Goats “good” arm and did a quick go-behind and flipped him to the deck and had his knee on Goats throat when the agents came into the room.
DJ had not had a chance to look outside until one of the agents in the apartment that was cuffing Ali Baba
Called Charlene. “Unit one, apartment secure. You copy?”
A very week radio response that indicated McBean was transmitting from her body wire radio rather from the amplified boost from the unit one SUV that had been blasted replied.
“Roger three we’ll be there asap.”
DJ looked outside to see what looked like a war zone. The debris from the three rounds from the grenade launcher included the unfortunate water fountain, two cars that were parked on the street and a burning tree. The rounds from the M60 had blazed a trail across the parking area where it had ignited several cars and gas tanks. The place was burning and people were coming into the street looking at what was left of their neighborhood. None of the agents were hit in the firefight.
“Cuff these two, secure them and get them some medical but don’t let them out of the area.” DJ was pointing at the bleeding Goat and Ali Baba who were still in a daze after watching all the blasts from Haydar’s grenade launcher and the M60 tear up the neighborhood outside the apartment. At that moment, Charlene came busting into the apartment. Her left side of her jacket was black and burned indicating she did not get away from the burning unit one command SUV entirely unscathed.
“Did we get a tail on them?” Asked DJ in a hurried breath as he looked out the door of the apartment still holding his nine mm with both hands.
“They took out all three units and the San Marcos police have not made it to the scene as yet. Campus security declined to follow us off campus so we lost their help in the surveillance. Angel has the vehicle description and plate number so lets hope they come back with something we can use. Have you had a chance to question any of the captives?”
“Not as yet but that starts in the next heartbeat.” DJ picked up his cell and rang Danny’s secure line.
“Tell me you had this all on sat image and you locked in on that Black Chevy Tahoe that the two escaped in?
“We had you from the campus parking lot to the apartment in the Honda but when the action started, we switched the image lock to the moving Tahoe but lost the lock on it when they fired the first pineapple. The sat image automatically moves to the explosion target. To answer you question DJ –No-lets hope that Angel comes back with something. Everyone ok there? One hellofa lot of fireballs out by the curb from what we saw here DJ.”
“We’re cool. Charlene rates a campaign medal for exiting a burning SUV and taking her weapon with her as she rolled on the grass with her arm on fire from the gas in the tank. She emptied her clip at the escaping vehicle but evidently no hits.”
“Do you think DJ that the vehicle that got away has the biochem---the X437 in it?” It was Penny’s voice on the cell.
“If the gal-Badra is driving, I can assure you she has the bio. All the more reason we have to locate her and the guy with her asap.”
“DJ, Danny just gave me this location of a closed national guard armory about six miles from where you are now. He suggests you take the prisoners there for immediate questioning.”
“Tell him I said nice work and give the location to Charlene. I’m going to talk to the prisoners. We have to get these last two gomers before they think the world is deserving of this catastrophe and starts getting anxious to use it.”
The San Marcos fire department had the fires all out and was cleaning up the street when DJ went out to the SWAT van where all the prisoners were being held. Ali Baba had his leg and arm bandaged and had been given some pain medicine . Goat was sitting on the floor of the van with his arms cuffed behind him and moaning about his shoulder. Sanjar was cuffed with his hands in front of him and the girl was cuffed with a chain around her waist and ankles. Sanjar was mumbling something to Goat when DJ climbed into the van.
“We are all going for a short ride.” Started DJ to the captive audience.
“I don’t want any conversation between you four so If I hear you coaching your buddy about how to handle your captivity, I’ll just gag all of you for the rest of the trip. I hope that is clear because I’m only going to say it once.”
The van started moving. DJ raised the cell to his lips and called Charlene who was just finishing sitting with the paramedics back at the apartment.
“No problems here DJ. Medics released me after doing a bandage job on my elbow. I’ll meet you at the Armory.”
“Anything from Angel yet?”
“No DJ. It doesn’t look good. We have to find out from those four in front of you now where the hell she might have headed for when she and that other one blew the scene.”
Would be nice to have my friend Col Nagel and his ultra-fast interrogation team here with us now. Thought DJ as the SWAT van pulled up to the dark brick building that was once the local guard armory.

Chapter 34
The last thing that she wanted was a high speed chase through an area she was unfamiliar with. It would be better to try to hide the Tahoe in the dense traffic of a shopping center than to try to outrun the police. It was then she saw it. The ideal cover!
“This business is closed Badra. Why are you pulling in here? Is there something wrong with the vehicle?” Asked Haydar.
“No you fool. I am going to park this truck in with all the other black SUVs and trucks here on this car lot. It will be less obvious while we devise a plan for the remainder of the mission.” Haydar saw what she was doing. Badra had parked the Tahoe carefully between two other black Chevrolet trucks and turned off the lights. She rolled down the side window that had taken three of Charlene’s salvo of nine mm so that the holes would not be as obvious. She then laid back the drivers seatback and pulled the M60 weapon next to her.
“Keep your head below the dashboard so that our movements in here are not seen Haydar.” She commanded.
“Tomorrow Haydar, we will locate the river that will have the thousands of people in it during the American’s day of celebration. This will be bigger than the attack we accomplished in Lahore and more degrading because it is in the middle of the Infidel’s homeland. Right now, we must sleep so that we may move out from here unnoticed in the morning.”
“I am concerned for my fellow warriors Ali Baba and Goat. Surely they will torture them and they will remain silent only to bring more desperate and painful torture methods.” Said Haydar as he laid his head down on a rolled up towel that was in the back of the truck.
“They know nothing of our plans. They can not tell the infidel anything useful. Not even any other contacts we have here that can be used for our escape after the attack.”
I should know such things Badra. I do not have any instructions that would help me if anything happened to you.”
“I will be with you. Do not worry.” She did not offer a good answer that calmed Haydar. She was silent and this concerned Haydar but he said nothing.
Haydar was almost asleep when he heard Badra turn over and look at him directly.
“In the city of Austin which is north of here, there is a food Bazaar named Kasabien’s . They serve an Indian and Pakistanis menu. It is located on thirty second and I35 close to the hospital. Go there and order Bolaanee made with goat meat. They will ask you how it is made and you will reply that you will have to phone your mother in Kabul. From there, they will know who you are and assist you”
She rolled over facing away from Haydar as he memorized the instructions again in his mind. Strange. Bolaanee is not made with goat meat. It is made with cheese. Perhaps that is the “code” I use if I am confronted with this escape and extraction from the area. The July evening was pleasant and not so warm that it was not comfortable sleeping the rest of the night in the Tahoe.
He was pounding on the side of the Tahoe and shouting in the open window.
Badra awoke with a start and turned to see the white-haired man tapping his baton on her window.
Her reaction was immediate. She opened the driver’s door and without getting out, stuck the nine mm pistol in the aged security guard’s stomach and fired three times. The man didn’t have a weapon or even a holster for one but he reached to his hip as if he expected to have one waiting on his side. He fell against the car next to the Tahoe and twisted as he tried to run back to his patrol car that was in the drive. He never made it. Badra started the car and shoved the T-handle gearshift all the way back instead of just moving it to drive. The Tahoe leaped forward and then quit. The engine was flooded.
State trooper Helen Madre and her partner Bill Watkins were just out of their patrol car and on the way into Starbucks when they heard the three shots and looked across the used car parking lot at the security patrol car with the door open. Then they saw the guard stumble forward holding his bloody side and fall gasping his last. The Tahoe laid rubber and was heading for the interstate.
“Command, we have a 419 in progress. Shots fired. Black Chevy Tahoe plate number RBH-8 heading south on I 35 from Exit 204. Two occupants. One male and one female. The female is driving. We are in pursuit.” Bill Watkins was trying desperately to talk on the radio and fasten his seatbelt and put on his helmet at the same time. Helen had her gear on and was flooring the interceptor to get on the Tahoe’s tail.
The call with the first part of the plate number triggered the alert system and immediately rang Agent Charlene McBean’s cell.
“We have a black Chevy Tahoe answering the description of the suspect vehicle involved in last nights raid in San Marcos.” Quipped the operator to Charlene’s cell.
“Location and status?”
“Our unit is in high speed pursuit southbound on I35 and approaching exit 195.”
“Roger command. We will interdict from our position.”
Charlene ran to the small room down the passageway that DJ had set up as a temporary interrogation room and yelled to him as she opened the door.
“Let’s scramble DJ. State trooper just spotted the black Tahoe on I35 and heading our way.”
DJ had just sat the Goat in front of him at a small table and was beginning to get in position to start asking the terrorist some very difficult questions when Charlene came through the door. He was on his feet and out the door behind McBean jumping into the tactical cruiser that was waiting by the Armory door.
As DJ buckled in and turned on the radio they heard Angel calling.
“We have just finished refueling at the New Braunfels airport and are airborne heading for I35. do we have a present fix on this suspect vehicle?” Asked the pilot.
“Standby one angel while I set up the channel for cross communications with Texas State command in Austin.”
“Austin—tie in your pursuit vehicle with our airborne tactical, call name Angel on 137.45”
The driver’s voice from the police car came in loud and clear.
“We have contact with the suspect vehicle and closing. Request backup before we engage.”
Trooper Helen Madre’s worst nightmare came into focus as they approached the Tahoe that was doing almost 95 miles per hour. She could see a figure in the rear of the vehicle holding something that looked like a pipe on his shoulder and he was rolling down the rear window of the Tahoe.
“Trooper in pursuit. This is agent Charlene MCBean of the FBI. Do not attempt to engage the Tahoe. I repeat DO NOT engage the Tahoe. There were heavy weapons involved in the attack last night and we believe this vehicle also has a M60 on board. Do you copy? “
The response word was simultaneously uttered by both occupants of the pursuit car but only Trooper Helen Madre’s transmission was heard by all on the channel.
The puff of white smoke left the rear of the Tahoe and made a direct trail leading to the cruisers front grill. The special made interceptor sedan made a sudden jerk to the right and the engine quit immediately. The sedan stopped in the center of the highway and both officers bolted from the vehicle and ran for the cover of a ditch.
“Jesus Bill, that damn thing didn’t explode. You ok? Asked officer Madre of her partner.
“Yeah, I’m alright but look at that thing. Its stuck in the front of the grill like a broomstick. If that had exploded,…..”
The words were not completed when the explosion blew the sedan completely apart and into a huge ball of fire.
“Son of a,….”
“Command, you copy? We took fire from the suspect vehicle and we are no longer in pursuit. “ Madre was trying to use her remote radio. The transmission was weak but heard by Angel who was just coming over them at 2,500 feet.
“You ok down there? We just observed a huge fireball from your location .We have the Tahoe in sight and will follow. They are exiting on exit 191 highway 306 heading to Canyon Lake.” Angel dropped down to 1500 feet behind the Tahoe. At this distance, he was in the target range of both the m60 and the RPG but the pilot was hoping the suspects had not thought to look in the sky above them for anyone following.
“Angel we have you in contact. We are behind you turning onto 306 from Common ave. DJ was dialing Danny and Penny as Charlene turned on all the code three emergency lights on the vehicle. The road was filled with boaters heading for the lake. If there was not a boat behind the pickup on the road, it was loaded with toobs and inflatable rafts and coolers.
In the Tahoe, Badra was keeping her hands on the wheel and dodging oncoming cars and pickups as they raced east on the highway to the popular lake community.
“Haydar. Listen to me. In a short distance from here, we will come to a bridge where the river goes beneath and on down into the town. There will be a lot of people here in the water. A good target. I will get out of this car and inject the chemical into the river from the bridge. You take over this car and continue on for only about five hundred yards where the river again loops and comes back under that bridge. You will dump the second container here into that part of the river. I will hold off the infidels chasing us with the m60 automatic. You take the RPG and the three remaining loads and kill as many of the infidel as possible. If you can get lost in the crowd so much the better. You will live to attack the devil Americans again . Allah is Great. Allah is God.”
“Get away from them Badra!! Kill as many as you can then get lost in the crowd and meet me in Austin!! “Screamed Haydar.
As Badra looked over at Haydar surprised at his last statement she sideswiped a large pickup and trailer carrying a pontoon boat. The Tahoe came back to the road and suddenly right in front of them as they rounded a curve was the bridge and the river.
The area was in gridlock. A stoplight at the other side of the bridge was holding traffic from proceeding smoothly on eastward toward the second crossing. Toobers and party animals were turning into a parking lot by the river park where they could launch their flotation gear but they were blocking the road also. The left lane was open because the oncoming traffic was stopped at the light at the top of the hill. Badra turned out into the left lane and was about to enter the bridge when a round came through the back window and into the seat. A second round came into the left side of the Tahoe. It was coming from the black SUV screaming down on them from the roadside with lights flashing.
“Go! Praise Allah. She screamed as she exited the car with the X437 canister in one hand and the m60 in the other. Haydar quickly moved over to the driver’s side and crammed the Tahoe in gear leaving Badra in the middle of the bridge. She turned the m60 at the oncoming black SUV and fired. She then grabbed the x437 and was about to throw it over the side into the water when she discovered to her horror the bridge had a tall wire fence to keep people from throwing trash into the Guadalupe. She could not possibly throw the canister over the top into the river. She would run to the end of the bridge and throw it in from there. The SUV was now on the edge of the bridge and both DJ and McBean were firing at the figure running to the other end. Both had a clear field of fire because on the first shots, people began running into the river park for cover.
DJ jumped from the SUV and gave the figure standing with its raised arm and the green can in her hand a full clip from his Glock. The figure twisted, stumbled and fell only inches away from the bridge approach.
“I’ll take care of this. Get the sonofabitch in the Tahoe before he gets to the other crossing.
Charlene sped off with lights on code three and could see the rear end of the Tahoe. Angel was now right over the Tahoe. It was like a solid stream of fire that came down from the black Bell Huey raining bullets into the vehicle. The Tahoe swerved, left the road and tore through a fence that was by the river. The Tahoe ripped through camping sites hitting several people in the process and then attempted to leave the park and get back on the road but came to a dry creek that led down to the river. Haydar could not stop. The Tahoe plunged down into the creek bed and rolled .All Charlene could see was the four tires up in the air turning as the plume of white smoke coming from the Tahoe suddenly ignited and became a fireball engulfing the trees and bushes next to the river. It was difficult making progress through the campsite where Haydar had hit so many people that were sitting at tables, eating and sunning themselves. By the time she made it through the campsite and to the scene where the Tahoe had rolled. The area was full of people trying to put out the fire in the trees and bushes. The hot dry weather made it impossible to get close to the Tahoe. It was too hot. The vegetation all around it was on fire. All she could do was stay clear and hope that Angel could see anyone leaving the site like Haydar. Her main concern was the second canister. Where was it?
Angel went into hover over the accident site and with his loudspeaker on full blast, told the crowd that it was a toxic spill and to stay away and out of the water until it was tested. Angel was joined soon by three additional National Guard Heilos from Lackland to secure the area.
There was no sign of Haydar and the site tested clean. When the fire had been extinguished, the canister was found intact lying under the passenger’s seat where it evidently rolled during the high speed chase. It would have been impossible for Haydar to drive the vehicle and recover the canister and at the same time return fire at DJ and agent McBean.
Charlene returned to the bridge where she had left DJ to find him watching the coroner load Badra’s body into the van.
“Innocent looking isn’t it? DJ was pointing at the small green canister with the glass fluid level indicator on the side. Sitting in the HAZZMAT van.
“Unless you know what is inside I guess DJ. Charlene replied.
“Do we have a vehicle that is not shot up so much we can’t get back to the armory?”
“This one will make it. We might get a ticket for the broken windshield but it still runs well”. Smiled McBean
“We have an all-points out on the last terrorist. That would be the one called Engineer or Haydar. He is the one I really wanted to corner. He won’t get far. Too bad the green goo didn’t break and spill all over him when that Tahoe rolled.”
“God DJ you have a perverse side of your personality I have never seen to now.”
“I hate to loose. This psycho is out wondering around in my backyard, my homeland wanting to kill Americans and I intend to make his life miserable. “
The SUV pulled onto 306 and headed back toward the armory.
Earlier you said there was quite a story on the Dean. We have some time between here and the armory where I fully intend on finding out from our guests where this Haydar may be headed.”
“Penny has the story. We need for you to check in with her anyway DJ. Give her a call.”
Penny and Dan were in the same cubical working on a different problem when DJ called.
“I’ll have my after action report into you by 0900 tomorrow but for now, give me this story about Wilkins and my Dad. My curious hormones are peaking.”
“Really? Is Agent McBean there with you DJ?”
DJ looked over at Charlene who had the radio on speaker so they could both hear the story.
“I’m here Penny. Go ahead.” Charlene looked over and smiled at DJ
“ok. Here is what I turned up.” Penny started the story.
You are right in the fact that his government service goes back to the Carter admin. But there is more. Back in the 60’s there was a group of SEALS that put together a unit and called themselves RED CELL. This was with the full knowledge of the State Department but they kept it away from most of the Admirals in NAVSYSCOM. The reason was that the unit was to test the base security of all of the major commands. The base commanders knew very little of this and when their base security commands were breached, it went on their records of command as a big negative. Needless to say, the unit was not very popular and they evidently had an attitude to begin with. The commander of the unit was a scruffy individual that looked a lot like the cartoon character “BLUTO” in Popeye because of his untrimmed, scraggy beard This gave him and his team the nick of “Bluto and his boys.” The unit would slip onto a base and capture the base commander and usually his executive officer and then turn them lose after reporting to NAVSYSCOM that they had breached another military base. Well, Dean Wilkins was at that time just putting together what eventually became our first counterterrorism unit. Your dad was a young Major then and between Wilkins and your Dad, the department had access to any communication system in the administration. In an intercepted fast-advise from this red cell unit to one of the air mobility commands, your Dad and Wilkins discovered what base the unit was going to breach on their next operation. It was NAS Cubi Point in the Philippines. Wilkins sent your dad and a team of twenty agents to Cubi and informed the base commander what red cell had in store for them. Base security went OPCOM2 without the usual obvious reinforcement of security. Everyone just got heads-up on anything that looked out of norm. Well, one of the landscape contractors on the base found a weapons cache stored in a culvert next to the beach recreation area. Reviewing security cameras for the location of the culvert, they saw a team of evidently UDT bring the bundle ashore in a nimrod, stash it in the culvert and leave. Your dad’s team took the bundle apart to find several weapons –all loaded with rubber bullets and blanks. They took the weapons apart, reworked the firing pins so they would not work and replaced the cache in the culvert and waited. Then, that same day, they got a call from a sailor that was in charge of the transient air operations passenger terminal. He was concerned that he recently had several individuals that were being inbound processed, fail to pass the security process. In checking out the problem, the base security team found that there had been several “Space-available” passengers that failed the process---all in the past three days. They also found another “gotcha” in the review. All passengers that had not passed the security process were grade E-9 and retired. Three of the ID cards had the same birth dates on them. Additional check on the names indicated that there were six of these individuals on base presently staying in the military lodge for travelers. Within the following 72 hours the team had spotted four more of the travelers who incidentally did not look old enough to be retired military. They were all tagged and observed 24/7. On the following Monday evening, all these ten individuals gathered at the base enlisted club and then abruptly left after a few beer. The team had them cold in the act. When they went to get the weapons from the culvert and make their attack, the team was waiting. It happened the following morning at 0700 when the base commander went to his office. The team knew that one of the infiltrators had broken into the Captain’s office and was waiting on him. The team had the radio frequencies of the infiltrators and knew where each was at that moment. As the door to the Captain’s office opened, it was not the Captain arriving for his day’s work but your Dad and five of his team. They arrested the embarrassed infiltrator SEAL and told him to call each of his team members and surrender to the security force. They assembled them in one of the hangers and had them strip to their skivvies and then they were all photographed and fingerprinted. Wilkins then called the scruffy Greek Captain of the group and told him to personally come get his men and if they ever planned another assault on a WESPAC base, he would pass the photographs and prints of his entire team to every base commander in the Pacific. I guess when the Captain arrived to get his men, one of the master chief boatswain’s mates on the base security team tossed the Captain one of the weapons and told him to fire it. The weapon didn’t fire at the dismay of the captain and when the master chief told him that his team had not even checked their weapons and that they had beer on their breath when captured, the shit really hit the fan. So there, DJ is a great story to ask your dad for details about. I thought it was great reading. Incidentally, the SEAL captain was later charged with a felony for another instance of bad discipline and did a few years in Leavenworth”
“Quite a story Penny.” DJ smiled at Charlene and gave her a thumbs up.
“I have some instructions from the General for you DJ. You are to return here after you take care of the necessary reports and thanks for the assistance in this operation to the local command . Big Bird will be at Lackland AFB tomorrow at 0800.”
“We still have one tango on the lose in Texas Penny. I think we’ll have to stay and finish the job. Tell the General I respectfully request a delay in that request to return.”
“Negative DJ. The General anticipated your response and said to tell you these orders are firm.Copy?”
“Roger. We’ll be airborne tomorrow by noon. We’re finished on this end. I’ll call you tomorrow just prior to leaving and if you have anything for me, I’ll be at the Lackland AFB BOQ.”
DJ looked over at Charlene who was driving. Her blonde hair was gently blowing in the breeze that was coming into the SUV through several of the bullet holes. He could not take his mind off of the way she had conducted herself during this entire operation. She was fearless. She was well trained and educated and had the guts to make it all work when the cards were down. Beyond the professionalism DJ saw in this lady he had just met less than a week prior, there was something else. He was not sure what it was but something in his mind said he was attracted to her.
DJ’s mind could not put aside the fact that one of the most trained and savvy terrorists was still lose. Haydar had to be captured and brought to justice. The hundreds of Pakistanis that died in the Lahore incident demanded it if not his actions in the past week here in America. He would be elusive and so far, from any intel DJ was able to gather from the two quasi students, Haydar was now a lone wolf. He had no contacts with any other cells operating in the US . But DJ knew that kind of thinking was what brought about problems. Never underestimate your enemy especially an Islamic trained terrorist. Their training was not to rush and short-cut a mission. They had been known to plan years for a single mission. From the Lackawanna five, US intelligence had found that they planned the 911 mission for six years in advance.
Charlene entered the Federal garage parking area and after showing her ID to the security guard turned to DJ and asked;
“The team is bringing the prisoners to this location for more interrogation in about an hour. Do you want to hold them here or are they going to be transferred to Gitmo or elsewhere?”
“Good question. I’ll have to call Justice Department. or see if they have someone here to take them off our hands.
“The reason I asked is, you see those two over to your right taking pictures of this war torn vehicle with the bullet holes in the windows we are driving? Those are the first of the press corps that will be all over us in the next hour. If you want to keep the prisoner aspect an unknown, we’d better secure this entrance area from the press.”
“Tell the entrance security detail to the garage to keep the press back a hundred yards and the team to place hoods on the captives.”
Charlene parked the SUV and as they were walking to the building entrance, she called security on her radio and gave them the instructions.
DJ reached over and took hold of Charlene’s arm and asked her to wait a minute.
“WE may not get a private moment for the next few hours Agent McBean so I need to ask you here if you’d like to come back to Arlington with me and enjoy a family back-yard Fourth of July party. We’ll be back here Tuesday to clean up the details.” Charlene was taken off guard for the first time since the two had met. In her mind she wondered if the young Captain even noticed she was female. This was the first time he had hit on her and his timing was not off but the topic was totally unexpected.
“I like the idea DJ but I wonder what department policy people would say.-- I mean riding across country and back in a department private jet for a weekend with your family?”
“All part of the program Agent McBean. I need your personal attention to my after action report I am to make to the department of Homeland security Monday morning.” What we do in the interim is only our business.”
“You have a deal Captain. I’ll look forward to the weekend.”
DJ realized that he had been holding on to her arm all the time he was presenting his plan. She smiled and glanced down at his hold on her arm as if to say; now that I have agreed, you can turn lose of my arm..
DJ turned lose of her arm and opened the door to the FBI central office for the State of Texas. He felt relaxed and a little excited at the same time.
The press conference was the usual how- close- to- a catastrophe-were-we questions and why wasn’t the press informed sooner? Where are the prisoners and who are they?
The deputy director handled the main line of questions and DJ and Charlene stayed in the background. DJ was informed after the gathering dissipated that the prisoners had been turned over to Justice without a hitch. The agent that continued the questioning of Goat and Ali Baba after DJ left to pursue Badra and Haydar left a message for DJ at the FBI office. The note simply said; “Contact Dan Nero at Arlington for additional details on the interrogation of the four captives.” DJ decided to call Dan now and see what the message contained.
“Danny—DJ what was the detail in the interrogation of the tangos I should know?”
“Several things. Lingo. The coroner’s report came back with a curious message that, when we followed it up turned out to be a goldmine in our opinion. The report said that the female –Badra was pregnant. No big shocker for us until we got curious about who might be the father. We thought if it perhaps was Haydar we could use it effectively but after questioning all the captives we found that she was never alone with any of them and the two that were knowledgeable of her time volunteered the award winning response.”
“That was?—“
It appears that the night they stayed in the mountains between Pakistan and India, They had a chat with none other than Osama Ben Lama or, as they called him, The supreme one.”
“Ok that’s cool so now we have a probably location for OSBL?” Is that the information?”
“Not exactly.”
“What then Dan? I don’t know where we are going here.”
“After the little chat with the supreme one, they all turned in for a nights rest. All except OSBL and the female. They didn’t see her again until the next day.”
“You mean that,-------“
“Right Captain, we think that the supreme one left a bun in the oven and if so, we now have his DIA.”
“Kind of speculative isn’t it? I mean, it could have been prior to the mountain night.”
“Maybe but the coroner says the time coincides with the mountain overnight stay. We have tested the goat and Ali Baba and they are negative so when you get Haydar, we can eliminate him as well. I think we have what Interpol and a whole lot of law enforcement types the world over have been looking for. You know he is supposed to be using a kidney dialogist machine—this could make it easier to find where he is getting his treatments.”
“Ok Dan. If you don’t have anything else, we’ll see you at the Monday morning meeting.”
“That’s it boss. We’ll see you and Agent McBean then. Have a good flight.”
“Wait a min Dan.—how did you know that Charlene is going to be with me?”
“Her name is on the passenger manifest for Big Bird Captain.”
“Bye Dan.” (click)

Charlene drove DJ back to his quarters at Lackland AFB and as they parted, agreed to pick him up at 0630 tomorrow for the flight to Arlington.
DJ called his family and informed them they would have one additional house guest for the week end. His mother was excited beyond description to think that her son had finally decided that it was time for a woman in his life. The General only raised an eyebrow upon hearing the information.

Austin Texas, the following week.

American cities lack the infrastructure for the general public. Very little or no public transportation exists. People are also ignorant in respect to helping strangers with information on train depots, bus stations and the like. They know nothing of these things even in their own community. Haydar’s thoughts wondered but he was finally on a bus headed for Austin. His clothes were covered with mud and he needed a change to keep from being so obvious in the crowd. When the bus arrived in Austin he looked across the street at the red sign with the shield. Salvation Army Store. He had heard of the organization in his training. This was a good place to purchase clothing for a nominal fee and he would not appear to be wearing a complete set of newly purchased clothes. For the first time in the last three days, his luck appeared to be getting better. He came out of the store wearing some American levis shorts and a t-shirt. The shoes were uncomfortable but better than the heavy boots he was given in Houston when his group landed. The address on thirty-second street was right and he saw the large neon sign above the entrance; KASABIEN’S. Some small signs were pasted on the window denoting the specialties of Pakistani and Indian food available. This was the place Badra described to him. It had to be. This was his only chance to make contact with his Islamic brothers in this infidel’s hell hole of a country. He would wait and watch the happenings before he tried to enter the restaurant. He was on his own now. No Goat or Badra to help him. What about Goat? Did they kill him as they did Badra? Was he taken prisoner? Haydar’s thoughts were running wild when he saw the three bearded men get out of the car and enter the restaurant. They were all well dressed. One was obviously a banker or a person of wealth. He had expensive shoes and a silk tie. When the restaurant owner greeted them it was in the typical Middle Eastern fashion of cheek to cheek and opposite. They were all smiling. He could wait no longer as it was getting late and the store would soon close. He crossed the street and opened the door letting two students from the University out before he entered somewhat unnoticed. He took a seat in the rear close to the kitchen. AS he sat he welcomed the sound of people in the kitchen and the other tables speaking Pashto and dialects of Afghan .
The waiter approached Haydar and laid a menu and glass of water in front of him. Haydar was surprised when the waiter, a young bearded man greeted him in Afghan.
Haydar replied to the waiter in his same language the greeting while looking around the room to see if the conversation was being heard by any others. It obviously was not. He blended into the crowd in the restaurant and for the first time in two days, felt relaxed.
“I would like some Bolaanee. Not just any Bolaanee, I’d like it made with goat meat.”
The waiter gave Haydar a closer look. His expression became stern as he quizzed Haydar closer.
“How is that made may I ask?” Said the Waiter.
“My mother knows how. I would have to call her and ask.”
“I will bring you the owner my brother. Please relax while I go and get him. You are among friends.”


Publication Date: 04-11-2011

All Rights Reserved

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