Why We Love to Write

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For those of you who enjoy meeting other writers, and sharing stories, please join this group.

Let us discuss our writing interests - and what other people like to read. I think it will help us all be better writers if we know what it is we are trying to convey with our stories.


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There is all kinds of stories being written, the question is what sells these days? there is so m... By: Backwood writer
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There is all kinds of stories being written, the question is what sells these days? there is so many mysteries written that the market is full of them , it seems they have been over written.

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Backwood writer

I do understand that you have to make the foundation in the Beging of a story, with just enough details to get the story flying and off the ground,
but if a writer takes to long in doing this , he will bore his reader in my opinion, which might not agree with your thoughts on... Show more

Backwood writer

writers who want to make money and hobbie writers are a different breed, hobby writers love to write as more of a pleasure , they could care less to sale their work in most cases that is ' But the money minded writer, writes for cash,
the hobby writer is like a driver on the... Show more

S.P. Johnson Jr.

I don't know, I've come across a few books that have gone a fair distance without being well written.

Some of us write because we want to share our characters with readers, so they will get some kind... By: Backwood writer
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Some of us write because we want to share our characters with readers, so they will get some kind of joy and pleasure as they read our stories.

Coming up with a good theme can be hard, and many of us go through a dry spell, lacking ideas on what to write. Finding a good theme can be hard, and often each of us goes through a dry spell, having no idea what to write about. Is it the mood we get in that blocks themes and stories,... Show more

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I think I am quite different from most of the writers in this world. Although I have done pretty well with fiction, my work is mostly autobiographic....what I know. I have never felt compelled to write stories...even though I have done so over the past few years...but rather I... Show more

Mia Tchoukour

But when I do it's more for therapy like writing a journal or a poem. I need to get more on bookrix and maybe start a memoir or something.


I was inspired.

There are so many authors out there that can grab your attention and inspire you.
Me? I was inspired by my idol, Jacqueline Wilson. :-)

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