Slayers Unite!

  • 14 Members
  • 1 Posts
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  • Group Language: English
If you are a slayer writer here is the group for you! Based off the legends of the Slayer and Buffy the vampire slayer also the book
'the Return of the Slayer'
Only a true Slayer knows the legend.
Do you?


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In each Generation a girl is chosen. She only will have the strength, the skill and the wisdom to... By: whymylifesucks
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In each Generation a girl is chosen. She only will have the strength, the skill and the wisdom to face against the vampires and the dark forces.
She is the Slayer. Born at midnight. Wrapped in satin. The dark forces will not stand against her. They will run at the sight of her or go for her blood.

The legend of the slayer is told in every generation. No one knows if it’s true or not. The signs of the slayer are that she is... Show more

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