Mystic Christianity

Mystic Christianity
Running throughout nearly all of the teachings and messages of Jesus, is to be found the constant Mystic Message regarding the existence of the Spirit within the soul of each individual—that Something Within to which all can turn in time of pain and trouble—that Guide and Monitor which stands ever ready to counsel, advise and direct if one opens himself to the Voice.

"Seek ye first the Kingdom, and all things shall be added unto you."
And, again, as if to explain: "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you."
This is the Mystic Message which gives one a key to the Mysteries of
the Inner Teachings.

There is but one real Occult Philosophy, and we find it in evidence everywhere—once the Truth is grasped, it is found to be the Master Key with which to unlock the various doors leading to the esoteric phase of any and all religions or philosophies. The Yogi Fathers, centuries and centuries ago, solved the Riddle of the Universe, and the highest efforts of the human mind since that time have but corroborated, proven and exemplified the original Truth as voiced by these Venerable Sages. Let us read the words of Jesus in the light of this Ancient Wisdom.

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