The Rape Of Lucrece

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The Rape Of Lucrece
The Rape of Lucrece (1594) is a narrative poem by William Shakespeare about the legendary Lucretia. In his previous narrative poem, Venus and Adonis (1593), Shakespeare had included a dedicatory letter to his patron, the Earl of Southampton, in which he promised to write a "graver work". Accordingly, The Rape of Lucrece lacks the humorous tone of the earlier poem.

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New York, NY

This story of choices reminds that many jazz musicians walked away from the
academy because the teaching methods were institutionalizing their creative
thought. Miles Davis is an example. He became great after being just ok on the
bandstand: the time spent with Charlie Parker instead of Juilliard pumped the
latent creative juice (and unfortunately toxic stuff as well got pumped). Duke
Ellington's first teacher was a... Show more

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