Advice To Young Men And (Incidentally) To Young Women In The Middle And Higher Ranks Of Life. In a Series Of Lett

User: paul
Advice To Young Men        And (Incidentally) To Young Women In The Middle And Higher Ranks Of Life. In a Series Of Lett
. It is the duty, and ought to be the pleasure, of age and experience to warn and instruct youth and to come to the aid of inexperience. When sailors have discovered rocks or breakers, and have had the good luck to escape with life from amidst them, they, unless they be pirates or barbarians as well as sailors, point out the spots for the placing of buoys and of lights, in order that others may not be exposed to the danger which they have so narrowly escaped. What man of common humanity, having, by good luck, missed being engulfed in a quagmire or quicksand, will withhold from his neighbours a knowledge of the peril without which the dangerous spots are not to be approached?

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