Life In The Spirit Volume -2

Overcoming In The Spirit World By:
Life In The  Spirit Volume -2


OVERCOMING IN THE SPIRIT WORLD” is the volumes 2 in series of two volumes on “Life in the spirit world”.


A classical series on basic deliverance Haven began to introduce the reader into some basic deliverance principles in volume 1 of this series. Dr. Venture O. Omor further goes on to solidified the believers firm control on the invisible activities of the spirit world. The author Dr. Omor reveals “How believers can soar as eagles in the spirit realm confidently unhindered”.


On completing volume 1 and 2, the reader is set on fully understanding a more detailed revelation by Dr. Omor on “DELIVERANCE FROM HEREDITARY SPIRITS AND LINEAGE Series”

This eBook is available at the following stores (among others):

and in many other eBook-stores

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