Necklace Smiles and Memories

Happy memories that I will never forget By:
Necklace Smiles and Memories
A true story of mine talking about my happy memories which is full of smiles and a necklace that I will treasure my whole life. When the feeling of not being fit in changed completely when I met those persons that let me realized that sometimes the happy memories you've kept searching for is right there in front of you.

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Thank you so much for your help and comment. I appreciate it. I will follow your advice it means a lot to me. ^_^
Thanks again.
Yours Truly,
Valerie Evening

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Important Post

I read the short piece...and I smiled. You conveyed a feeling, a host of feelings, experienced by so many of us; beginning school, not feeling "a part of", and then as life happens, finding those few true friends.
Now, to improve the story consider this:)

Check your tenses in each paragraph. Do they agree? For instance, do you begin in past? Stay there if you do. All following sentences should be in past tense except for... Show more

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