Story of Will

Without Coal, Oil, Natural Gas, or Hope By:
User: kingxme
Story of Will
William Gray is all alone in The United States 2064. There is no electricity because fossil fuels have all been depleted and everyone lives in darkness. His parents are gone and they left him with nothing but a note, and William must survive alone in a land of riots, and darkness. Story of Will.

Posts and Comments
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thanks so much. im actually gonna try that out :D. good idea.

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i do too, but it was originally written for a 4 page contest. im thinking about writing more of them like kisa said

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this is awesome T i fell in love with will on the 1st page, i wish there was more tho :)

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Deleted User

I think it was good, very detailed, and descriptive. I like the fact that he found his mom, but I also think you could make this more than a short story. You can make it a story of their struggling to survive and them in search of a place with actual power. Also since he's deaf you should give him a special love interst which would spice up the story. You should also make a cover that describes the story.


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