The Assassination of Mr. Cock oder weiß jemand was besseres

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Arlington, Virginia

Ah yes; trump is in full cover-up/panic mode.

Doing more tweeting of his lack of guilt, denigrating Mueller, the FBI, CIA
and you name it. Expanding his lies to not only call facts ""false news"" to
now call documented facts ""false memos"".

None, absolutely none, of his actions and lies are those of an innocent man.
Meanwhile, Mueller slowly gathers incriminating evidence and the noose is
getting tighter... Show more

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Deleted User

es gut zu tarnen - mit dem Titel, dem X-Rated drauf... und trotzdem habe ich es (leider) schon am Ende des ersten Absatzes gewusst. Dadurch war der Knalleffekt der Geschichte für mich weg und sie hat mich nicht vom Hocker gehauen.

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