In Antipathia

Contest edition By:
In Antipathia
A unique take on dating presented through a series of poems from one lover to another. This wry collection of works weaves a potent concoction of heart, cynicisim, humor, loss, disaster, self-absorption, and meaning.

Posts and Comments
Important Post

Love the tittles, love the poetry, simple, yet, the style and arrangment made them very intellect, my response was awesome! God Bless You!

Important Post

Rather tart and tangy poetry of odd and strange subjects. Fun, I might add.


Thank you, RDL. Having lived it, some was fun, other times not as much but in the end the point of the poetry is to resonate with the reader.

By the way, I missed out on the previous contest as it was over Thanksgiving and I was taking holiday. How did your submission do? What... Show more


HI Tim,
I came in second. I don't know about Christmas yet. I hope you will find one of my stories worthy of a recommendation. I enjoyed your vulures and crows and tugging child. You do know how it is. If you get a chance I would appreciate a read or two from you. Thanks, RD Larson :-)


Hi Timothy,
I enjoy your work and you're very good.You must write a lot. That's what writers do, is it not? Every other thing goes wanting for the love of the story. I am rather sad these days as my dog, sixteen years old, died. He had a good long life, though.

I am finishing... Show more

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