Regents Park

User: timjibiza
Posts and Comments
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Thank you for sharing this piece with me. It's quite different than some of your other work. I'm not really that familiar with what this contest is about, since I'm not entering this contest.

Some of your descriptions capture the essence of the place in time. I know it must mean a great deal to you, because you spent lots of time there. I'm sorry about your animals. I have had many pets pass on over the years. They are like... Show more



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Poetic :-)
I love it.
I was there ... in my memories!
All the best,

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The bit I did not put in, my pets are all buried there. I lived by the park for 13 years and much as I love the park.

So its one of those places

Memories, I visited last year having been away for a long time and i cried my heart out and i am doining it now sorru


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Your description took me back to the days when I used to wander through Regents Park, hand in hand with Nicholas, my boyfriend at the time,(also in the mid-60's jonmark222. Amongst other things the details about the grey, furry squirrels and the faddy ducks gave this description authenticity.
Good luck in your competition.

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Thansk, it is a lovely place. Timmi

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I liked it...the images..the atmosphere you conveyed.
When I was between 19 and 23 I used to go to Regent's Park to the Open Air theatre. Strawberries and cream; champagne; Shakespeare.
The zoo, the lake.
And my French girlfriend Vivianne. Se lied in Baker Street.
Those were cool times - the swinging sixties in Regent's park. Your story woke up memories.

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Thanks, it is a lovely place

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Hi Timji,

Just reading your newest story. I am wondering why you've chosen not to use quotation marks for dialogue. It confuses me a little. I find I'm not sure if your protagonist is thinking to himself or talking to another. The use of bold & italics also confused me.

You've used nice small paragraphs and your your prose show your talent.

This didn't seem a story so much as a written descriptive of a visit to regents park. I... Show more

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It is for a competition that wants stories about places, so the place is the story and it is just my musings on the place. Like the idea about quotation marks. Yes I use the bold and italic instead of he said, she said, which I think is archaic in a world that is used to TV and... Show more

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A very good vignette. I, personally, enjoy reading works of this venue, they are quick flicks of a moment in time. You've got the gift of observance, and make well use of it in this piece. Thanks for sharing. Elizabeth

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Thanks much appreciated tim

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