The Happy Tips Book

The Happy Tips Book
"Every once in a while each of our lives stalls a little. We may not feel as happy as we once did or new circumstances have taken our priorities away from ourselves. We begin to feel like life is a series of duties rather than fulfilling moments. We lose touch with ourselves and wonder how to reconnect with a joyous, fulfilling, and happy life. Unfortunately, a trusty magic wand is of little use. We must each do some soul-searching and re-prioritizing." -Susan Spira

The Happy Tips Book is a collection of 100 quick and easy self-edits for greater personal joy and fulfillment. Written in a fun, down-to-earth, practical style The Happy Tips Book is like having a friend on your shoulder prompting you to take care of yourself. After all, happiness is more about who you are and how you live rather than material possessions. Poignant, real-life applications presented with charming graphics, everyday talk, and emotional support. A book you'll read and reread to embrace your life, your joy, and your best. The Happy Tips Book -- Try A Little Happy Tip...OR 100 by Susan Spira is a great investment in your personal happiness bank.

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