
About the book:

Lily is a spirited young woman studying at Bombay University. Amidst the vibrant chaos of Mumbai, she finds solace in her friendships within the university hostel, where she shares an unexpected bond with a cactus named Spike. The cactus becomes a silent witness to her life's moments, symbolizing the resilience and quiet support found in genuine companionship.


The story explores the complexities of relationships, showcasing how love and hurt often coexist, sometimes even coming from those we trust the most. Through the analogy of Spike, the cactus, the narrative highlights the silent but unwavering support and resilience found in genuine friendships.

about the author:

Sukanya Basu Mallik's works have been featured in Reader’s Digest, Times of India, Sahitya Akademi, Writer's Life, UK, AIPF Int. Anthology ( Diverse City Youth Contest, Austin, US), etc. Bestowed with Best Manuscript Awards for fiction & non-fiction categories (Mumbai Litofest, 2018), she has also been recognized for her short story ‘Healing of Wounds’ at NCLF, led by Ruskin Bond. She's currently pursuing a PhD at IIT Madras in organizational behavior, her subject being using art-based therapies for enhancing teaching-learning effectiveness using immersive technologies

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