Damaged Childhood

User: lenie28
Damaged Childhood
No child should ever grow up in a home like this.

© Story Hall

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This is a very heart warming book. I just cannot understand how a child or amother could live like that.

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Thank you for participating in our short
story writing contest "Family Stories".

The Librarian

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This is such powerful and brave writing Lenie. Filled with fear, anger and loneliness. I want to know more: why the violence? did the mother ever escape? What of the father - surely a tragic as well as damaging figure.. A bit late now but you could still enter it for the Family Stories competition. I'll vote if you do. Really good.

1 Comment

hi, i am having trouble entering it into the contest? not sure what i am doing wrong. any advice? i'm new :)

this piece of writing is my story- my childhood.
maybe that's why it touches people, it's a true family story.

my step father was an alcoholic & Schizophrenic.
he was violent... Show more

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