I'll be T.H.E.R.E for you

I'll be T.H.E.R.E for you

Everyone needs help. It's nature. You can't do every so you can know that loads of people have the same problem as you. So they can help too.


Your name will be secret. No one has to know it's you. 


But hey....even if your just lonely.....Send me a message and we can talk.




Posts and Comments
Important Post
Deleted User

Actully wow! That was amazing. It's really good and helpful.

1 Comment
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Important Post
Deleted User

Do you plan to add to this one? I think you have a good idea but use your best judgement. I think you can help many with this book and more if you expand it. It's a good feeling book and I think it's good. Thanks for sharing.

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Deleted User

Mom you're so nice ^_^

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Deleted User

Hello Skylar,

very good book. What is written by it I think it is very good. Maybe someone will think about the things are written in this book.

1 Comment
нαρρу ηєνєя αƒтєя


And Thanks for adding it!

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Great read, I had a daughter who self-harmed for awhile. It was due to stress in her life at the time, now she cooks for a living. I even wrote a story about cutting, and as far as the other thing you talked about- sometimes it's us that the blinders fall or come off letting us see the real person or their true identity. Life has a funny way of doing things to us or for us, just depends on how you perceive things. I'll add... Show more

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