Awakening to the Healing Powers Within

An Energetic Perspective on Self-Healing By:
Awakening to the Healing Powers Within

Meditation is natural healing. It is the natural way to heal the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. It is a process of learning to let go and allow your natural state of being to be brought into your reality.

The basic concepts presented in this book are rooted in ancient energy healing practices that are written in a general, simple and easy-to-understand format. It is also rooted in the Law of Attraction. In this book, you will learn simple, yet effective techniques to allow energy to freely flow through your body. One of the techniques is a moving energy meditation. The moving energy meditation will teach you to relax, breath and allow the natural state of energy to flow into your body. When the natural sate of energy flows throughout your body, healing occurs on all levels.

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