The Withering Rose

Cover art by Philip G. Bell By:
User: trestran
The Withering Rose

When a harsh winter falls over the woodlands, a young squirrel named Cole finds that he must do anything it takes to save the life of his sister.

Posts and Comments
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Why did you chose to have the main characters as squirrels? The book was rather good I have to say, I am just curious how you were inspired to pick squirrels. :)

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The response on this story has been much better than I expected. I really appreciate everyone who has taken a look at my work.

Sorry I haven't been the fastest in responding to everyone. I'm trying to take a look at lots of different stories from people who have favorited or read Withering rose.

Until then, thank you for the support.


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As others have pointed out needed corrections, there is no need for me to proof read so I can say this was a great read because of your use of not only having the front story but the wisdom of using time and the backdrop of harsh reality...voted and kept...Paula

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This was a very good story. I’m glad I saw your message or I might have missed it. Plot development was good. You didn’t meander about anywhere, or go off track. The owl was a great addition. I understood what she meant and found myself getting nervous as I waited for her brother to get it. I don’t have a lot to off up for help except a few grammar and punctuation problems. Remember though, anything I offer up is strictly my... Show more

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I love the way the story started, especially love the pacing it didnt even feel like I read 42 pages

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I must say that I really enjoyed the storyline. It opened with a bit of mystery but jumped right into the action. It was a good read.

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Shobana thank you for your support. Your words have led others to my story as well to which I am greatly appreciative.

Rdkane, having family and friends support my work has meant a lot. Your encouragement keeps me going. Thank you for taking the time to join the site. More than that, thank you for reading the story.

Mario, I'm glad you enjoyed my writing. I hope you don't mind me stalking you a bit and reading the stories... Show more

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