
It's all make believe, isn't it? By:
Mika lost everything she ever had, which consisted of her sister and ignorance, at the age of eight and she never forgot the man who ruined her life, who stole her sister and as she reaches the age of her demise the man's son surfaces, buying the girl at a steep price, against her wishes.

She is immediately thrust into a world and life she doesn't understand and doesn't want. As lies and hidden plots begin to reveal themselves she must struggle with her feelings for her new 'master' Tatsuhiku and discover her place in this new world.

Boundaries are crossed by people she trusts and herself, to her dismay. Until the end when the truth is finally revealed, Mika is thrust into a silent war and forced to confront her biggest fears and worries. Will everything Mika believes in be torn apart by the world of deception or will good prevail, like in all the story books?

romance, bonds, secrets
Posts and Comments
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wow i didn't think anyone would like this book. i try to upload new pages every week...although im kinda should i continue? anyone got any ideas??? :)

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really great !!i hope their is more to come !! i want to knw what happeneds!

Important Post

really great !!i hope their is more to come !! i want to knw what happeneds!

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