Camp Dead

User: sdaypink
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<3 ➮ ︀➥ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?_ebook-sdaypink-camp-dead

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While the main point is well-taken, it's also widely understood: humans will
be humans. What I find problematic is that in a column explicitly about
philosophy, the only philosopher cited in an article about a non-European
tradition with an exceptionally long philosophical lineage is a European:
Immanuel Kant. The section on the lack of self-transparency where Kant is used
can be easily phrased in Buddhist terms (after all,... Show more

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<3 ➮ ︀➥ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?sdaypink_1310118084.8032469749

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Turners Falls, Massachusetts

I am generally liberal and despise the Trump administration. But I think that
the Democrats/liberals are hobbling many mainstream issues by embracing too
many fringe issues. I personally believe that the very large illegal immigrant
population in the US today exists because powerful economic forces (businesses
that employ lower-wage/skill workers) have made substantial profits by paying
tax-evading... Show more

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