Why is Evil so Sexy?

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User: bananers
Why is Evil so Sexy?
Hi my name is taylorlynn but everyone calls me tay or lynn or dare,,im 15 my birthday is June 5 i know theres secrets in my house but i just know what they are.my parents are hiding something they've been this way since i was 11. Im about to find out a big secret. Read to find out.!!!xoxo

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U could do were they meet atba house party and he smells a very nice smell and goes to her or she goes to his house to use the phone cuz her cr broke down so he let her in and they talk over a glass of what ever u want lol let me kno

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They meet at school like twilight or mine

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Nice ill do it..... tell me if you want me to write a book for u ill do if u want

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since there both young and about the same age you should have them meet at some kind of club maybe she wanders away from her friend and they start talking and danceing and drinking haveing a good time but tie her powers into it some how so they know that one another is vampiers. THen the next day have him switching schools and then after school thats when they find out. MAke it so he moves to be closer to her but she already... Show more

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