Naked Solutions Of Dressed up Life Woes

Naked Solutions Of Dressed up Life Woes

Human mind is the most capable and instinctively galvanized mechanism to solve big problems. Still, the same human consciousness is the most potent trouble. The core dilemma is, modern day problems are so ‘dressed up’; partly by our complex environment and partly by our consciousness that we fail to see the ‘naked’ reality of the nature of problems. We can see them clearly, if we ‘undress’ them. 

Solution of problems is not a big task. If you have a problem, you already know it that solution is somewhere ‘inherent and embedded’ in the problem itself. The milieu around us presents some factors in an ‘arrangement’, which stand in our disadvantage, at a particular stage of our life positioning and we call the outcome of such an arrangement as a ‘problem’.
Often, solution presents itself as some ‘alternative’ arrangement or placement of the same factors in such a way that they turn advantageous for us, hence qualifying as a ‘solution’.
In most cases, especially the modern day problems we face, the artistry of arriving at solutions is not in ‘creating’ or generating something externally but in ‘rearranging’ and ‘repositioning’ the already present factors and elements in some alternative ways. That is why, we need little ‘action’ but loads of calm and objective ‘reception’ in analyzing the ‘factors’ that essentially constitute a problem. This eBook details all these in an assimilative and integrative way.

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