Journey Into Intentionality Of A Woman

Journey Into Intentionality Of A Woman

Beyond biology, morphology; epistemology of form, firmament; ontology of typology; there is a landscape, of probabilities of self; a novel and alternative intentionality. Is that you? There are dimensionalities, on the other side of populism of feminine frontiers and individuality of womanhood. Step in to probe the pandemic of pathologies of perceptions in scammed cultures. Say hello to a new you.

Labeling, objectification, insinuations of inferiority and subjugation; as a woman, you faced them all. You’ve been made to believe ‘realities’ about your personhood, against your discretion. You felt conflicted, consternated, even violated handling ‘dualism’ of your womanhood? Dump them; journey your true realities, potentials, as a woman, human with 21st century Science of Self & Intentionality.

Since the inception of civilization, humanity has strived to unravel the mysteries of Self or ‘I’ but their journey could not be fruitful as only 21st century modern science has now deciphered the deep and complex mechanism-processes of Intentionality. For a woman; this journey into her true and real Intentionality is the core-critical knowledge she must have as since ages; she has been told and made to accept her own Self and Intentionality, explained and imposed on her, without her own personal and subjective experiences and knowledge. It is almost like you accepting your own face and persona, which a distorted and scammed mirror shows you.

Objective, logical and singularly explainable science of Reality, especially the human realities have shown the doors to all hypocritical and stupid perceptional beliefs about almost every aspect of life-living, which humanity has held true since ages. Contemporary scientific knowledge of realities tell us that the Intentionality of  your Self or ‘I’; as it stands in perpetuity of interactional loop with that of all Others; may not always be restricted and smothered to this Form-Finality of populist and culturally benchmarked Gender identities and realities, which are assigned to forms. The Reality is too colossal and its causalities are too massively complex to enslave it to and chain it with peripheral element of male-female situation. The Consciousness, cognition, causalities and the Intentionality, which pervades them, are too multidimensional to be restricted to populist gender-validities.

This ‘I’ is a huge landscape. The consciousness, this feel and finality of ‘Me’, the subjective self, is a universe in itself. Why? Simply because ‘I’ and Consciousness is probabilistic! The Intentionality is probabilistic. The morphology, the body-mind causalities, the form-finality are only a miniscule aspect of the vastly stretched reality of ‘I’. They are only a ‘context’ and ‘specificity’ for certain causalities and there are infinite contexts for expansive realities. The experiences, feelings, perceptions, purposes, the will, expressions, learning et al are massive landscapes, all constantly and endlessly evolving within ‘I’ in entire lifetime. These landscapes of ‘I’ are interacting with infinite causalities and gender morphology is only a small ‘context’ of these massive interactions.

Modern science has added magic into the process of understanding the Self or ‘I’ and its Intentionality. The Intentionality now has scientific basis. Not only human mechanisms and processes; rather, everything about Reality, is now available for completely novel, deeper and holistic understanding and internalization. Many Walls, between You and Me, which hindered and vitiated mutual understanding, now stands crumbled, thanks to the objective knowledge contemporary science has extended to us.

‘I’ can now journey better and deeper into the landscape of ‘your’ Consciousness, as pathways are clearer; broader. I can now journey into your Intentionality, which even ‘You’ may not have ever thought is You and inside You. Knowledge is the cure of all pathologies. Enter the landscape of scientific knowledge, wellness and true empowerment.

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