If Truth were to be Told

User: saket71
Will, New Thought, determinism
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this is the best thing i have ever read. And i can truly say i have come to the same conclusions but i have never stopped and tried to find out how these philosophys are justified and i truly value your effort and talent that went into this. you have inspired me

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I enjoyed reading your book. As you have used the small font size for the size of letters, I could not enjoy my reading. It strained my eyes. Can you make it bigger? I would love to read it once again for you are discussing the most common issues that happen in everyone's daily life.

1 Comment

HI Kalai29,

I have converted the pdf for print which was made available to me from the paperback publisher, however, have uploaded it again with larger font and I trust it would now not be much taxing for the eyes. I am glad that you liked what you could read with difficult on... Show more

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