The Forbidden Rose

A Retelling of Beauty and the Beast By:
The Forbidden Rose
You know the classic tale of Beauty and the Beast, right? The Beast is enchanted and needs a young maiden to love him despite his horrid depiction. In a twist to this classic tale, Brianne is betrothed to a young Prince, but she does not love him. She runs from him, hiding in a forest. Where she finds...the Beast.

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Hey I think this is a good start!
I think your "beauty" could be developed a little more. A better physical description of her would be good. I'm unsure of her age.
The story seems rushed. I would love to see the scene where she's with "Avery" in the garden, be a little more indepth also. More conversation perhaps so the reader can get a feel of their relationship. Does "Brianne" trust her, are they close or newly acquainted? I want to read more!

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