...is close to Godliness

...is close to Godliness
There is a bit of the Divine within us all.

Creation, Magic, God
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Deleted User

Short but so apt for us writers, Ryan. Does get you thinking of how we create the worlds our characters dwell in.

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Excellent! I really enjoyed this story. Not only does it make us think of ourselves as creators, but also of where our creativity comes from. Good job.

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Ryan Harker

Double comment, all right! Hahaha, y'all are a great bunch of people and I just want you to know that besides myself the ones I write for are you! Thank you all for enjoying my writing! :)

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This work is like a zephyr of thoughts expressing the joy of creativity. Just beautiful - thank you.

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In high school, we were forced to read the book "Sophie's World." This reminds me of it, but in a much more ethereal, beautiful way. Ah...it is lovely, being a divine creator...

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