Kentucky Coal Miners

Where They Worked, Where They Lived By:
User: dodger1
Kentucky Coal Miners
The coal miner I know comes from a special breed of man who works in the darkness under dangerous conditions and breathes the coal dust that gives him black lung and no hope of a retirement future. The work is dirty and dangerous and many lost their lives due to the neglect of mine operators and poor implementation of State and Federal laws regulating the way mining should be conducted. The work is dirty and dangerous and many lost their lives due to the neglect of mine operators and poor implementation of state and Federal laws regulating the way mining should be conducted.
The miners and their families lived in a settlement called coal camps. The houses, merchandise store, church, and schools were owned by the coal company. I am the son of a Kentucky coal miner, I was raised in a coal camp. This is my story.

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Thank you tilden.editing

I appreciate your comments. As I previously commented, my web sites inspired me to write the book.

I invite you to visit. You can access both sites here.

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Thank you dessie for your kind words. Folks that have experienced this life can certainly relate to my book./Roger

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I spent my early years in southern Kentucky and i remember setting in the car waiting for the train to pass by. I would count the coal cars to pass the time, wondering where it all came from and where it was going, never knowing the hardships the miners had until i was much older. I learned many things reading your book and enjoyed reading it. I'm going to be passing it along to my son. He has to pick a subject for his... Show more

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All this is so true. In Begium were we lived, it was in a townhouse owned by the coal company, and rented to us. Also about 30 years later here in Canada my dad died from silicosis, even though he only worked for about 5 years in the mine.

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I've heard many of stories in the South as I was growing up about the lives of Coal Miners and they we're all very sad stories about the struggles and so forth. This is telling it like it is not bending the truth.
Thumbs Up.

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Thanks again Joe.. grammar is not one of my best attributes. I will work on getting those corrected.

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Congratulations on a most compelling true story of the men and working conditions of coal mining. There are a few grammar mistakes that can be corrected with a couple of read- through efforts to make it perfect./joeparente. I'm glad you are bringing these problems to the surface. Joe

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Thank You..This was my first book. All content was taken from my personal web pages. Which are about coal mining.

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