Firefly Hearts

User: Rgabel
Firefly Hearts
A virus from the Black Plague era mutated and created two different diseases. The Preservers were granted longevity, the Vamps, a need for raw blood. One keeps the other in check. It is inconceivable that one could fall in love with the other, yet it happens.

fantasy, romance, virus, vamps
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It is funny that you mentioned on another users book that many people never finish stories. This one is unfinished as well. You write perfectly and so beautifully. I hope that you write more! I would love it if you would review my book: darkest vow. Your skills surpass mine and your feedback would be valuable.

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Oh my! Thank you, but I suspect it is the 'voice' that has touched you so. Each of us have a unique voice and we all have our favorites. I love to read Tolkien for that very reason. I would be honored to check out your book.

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I'm not into Vamp stories anymore, but this one held my interest. It should be interesting to see where it is headed to.
A few minor spelling mistakes, but didn't distract from the tale.

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