"Left Out in the Cold"

A betrayal of our homeless animals By:
"Left Out in the Cold"
A poetic tribute to homeless and abandoned animals.
A collection of short-story poems, meant to honor some of the animals I had come to know and love. This book also carries with it a message of hope for the future of all animal ahelters.

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The whole point behind this collection, was to make it just sad enough to engage emotions. I may move on to something more positive, in the near future :)


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this was a sad book but most of all it hits you in the heart. i have give a home to a dog that was abused and she still with me today. but your right they all dont get that chance and thats so sad.

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Wow, i haven't felt this bad before, I would like to help the homeless dogs and cats to get a home.

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i love this book. it made me cry. i heard a similar story about a dog left to freeze near where i live.

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I volunteered at an animal shelter for 7 years and saw the good bad and ugly. This book made me cry and I prey every day that one day there will never be homeless, abused, neglected animals in this world.
Touching poems.

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Beautiful poems.
Everything had feeling, and I almost cried for a few.
You are talented, but that's besides the point, the animals deserve better lives. Very few think of what they would be feeling if they were in there shoes-- er, paws.

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this made me cry, it is so sad. Kudos for writing this small tribute to all the neglected, unwanted animals of the world. They truly deserve better than the misfortunes that have befallen many of these poor animals.

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