The Square Root Of 5

User: paul
The Square Root Of 5
The square root of 5 is the positive real number that, when multiplied by itself, gives the prime number 5. It is more precisely called the principal square root of 5, to distinguish it from the negative number with the same property. This number appears in the fractional expression for the golden ratio. It can be denoted in surd form as:

\sqrt{5}. \,
It is an irrational algebraic number.[1] The first sixty significant digits of its decimal expansion are:

2.23606 79774 99789 69640 91736 68731 27623 54406 18359 61152 57242 7089... (sequence A002163 in OEIS).
which can be rounded down to 2.236 to within 99.99% accuracy. As of April 1994, its numerical value in decimal had been computed to at least one million digits.[2]

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