The Case Of The Berkshire Hog

User: shibashi
The Case Of The Berkshire Hog

On the late afternoon of Sunday, May 16,c 1926, Roger Fleming a potato farmer in Essex, near Chelmsford, England heard someone knock on his door he went and opened it. He was found dead by one of his workers.

 The police were notified and after a brief investigation arrest Silas Mercer, a neighboring pig farmer. Mercer is arrested, tried, convicted and later hanged for the crime.

 The children of Silas Mercer fight to prove the innocence of the father. In doing so they hire Basil Morgan, Barrister who knowing the reputation of Alistair Basham asks his assistance in finding who actually killed Roger Fleming


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I love your writing!
If you ever want to read my crap ..... words can't even ! Thanks Tiffany

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