The Mystery Girl

(in progress) By:
User: Rebecca
The Mystery Girl

Malinda. She is just an average girl who goes to school, has friends, but takes a curious interest in a silent girl. The kinda girl that doesn't talk to anyone, just leans up against a wall and keeps to herself. Once Malinda sees her at school and gets curious she starts to see her more often. One day the girl goes missing, but she doesn't want to let anyone know that she has taken interest in fear of being made fun of. All while dealing with trying to figure out the girl Malinda has to deal with he family breaking apart along with dealing with her new boyfriend Owen, her best friend Max, and their new hate towards each other.

Posts and Comments
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Nicely written! Try 2 finish it quickly... Wanna read the rest of it


added a part but not the full chapter. have to turn my computer in. may or may not write much in the summer because of no computer, and dont like using my phone. but i will try.


Thnx...keep updating the book n then me. Salute 2 ur efforts!


will do.

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Deleted User

i like your book :)

1 Comment

thank you, its my favorite.

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