Howard The Great

An Inanimate Wonder By:
Howard The Great
To say it all began easily would be a faux pas. It started abruptly, with
shakes and quivers so capricious that it was hard to say exactly where the
act of vitalization really began.

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Wow, you finished chapter one. I love it. Will I live to see the story completed? Only time will tell.

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Can I get a Howard the pencil, along with my very vanilla ice cream.....Very Nice! Can't wait to read about Susie.....

1 Comment

I hope to have something to add by the end of the month!

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I lost the connection... or perhaps there isn't any... yet? How did Howard leave Susie to trip up Chris? Anyway, its a cute tale and it brought a smile to my lips. Nicely done, Rebecca.


There's a lot more to come. I've barely even started this story... But, alas, I've had writers block for several months (I blame the darkness of winter), so we might not know more about Howard until the sun starts shining again! (You know what I'm talking about, you're a fellow Canadian!)

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Well, you could start by explaining how he got his name carved into his hide. That would make an unusual tale, I am sure. hmmmmmm, I wonder if he was last sharpened by a sharpener... or perhaps a knife... and in whose hand?


I think the story of who carved the name will come much later in the book - but, you've brought up a good point - I'm still not sure how to deal with the whole "sharpening" issue...

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I'd love to hear more from Howard and Chris. You have such a command of the English language, it's a joy to read!

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What a great and thought-provoking story. Your usage of the English language is very interesting, your style unique. A thoroughly enjoyable tale. Thank you.

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I'll never look at an HB pencil in the same way ever again.

Well done, Rebeckdawn.

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This is a very cute story. I love the tone of the whole piece and the gentle urging of the narrator. Chris was cute, but I think Susie and Howard were my favorites ;)

You did, however, have a few spacing errors(maybe on purpose though..?) and several typos, but if you read over the thing yourself you'll probably find them really quick.

Otherwise, it was an absolute joy to read! This work reminds me a bit of J.M.Barrie's Peter... Show more

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not write more to this little, cute tale. Your writing is very good and descriptive. Can Howard communicate, i wonder. Well done, update soon. :)

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