The Sacred And The Profane

The Message From A Planet Beyond The Stars - We Created Man on Earth- By:
The Sacred And The Profane

The date, December the 13th. The year, 1973. It was Winter in France, and the Great Dry Season in the African country of Cameroon. On that day, two space vessels appeared in Earth’s sky. The occupants of one of the space-crafts were good, fair, true and decent. The ones in the other one were brazen, deceitful, liars and vulgar.

On that day two meetings took place. As one of the two groups of visitors was meeting a teenage old girl in Cameroon, the others were meeting a young man in France. Both had amazing stories to tell… Two stories … Similar in appearance, yet different… Find out what those visitors had to say. Click the following link to buy the book:


Posts and Comments
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Ingeborg Kazek

I very much like this book. Not having the time right now to read the book from beginning to the end, I read sometimes here, sometimes there. But no matter where I open the book, every page is immediately interesting and I want to continue to read. So I wish you all the best and many readers. Make more paragraphs to make reading easier for the eyes.

1 Comment
Desiree R. Ntolo

Thank you, Ingeborg. The book is now for sale on Amazon. If you had the book, you'd have no problems reading it. here is the link:

Important Post

This story is nicely written. You have a number of major formatting issues, but those are easily repaired. The story itself is fascinating, and I love your imagination! A quick suggestion - when writing in the first person, you can get away with large portions of what they call "telling" (which only became a problem in recent years, for some reason), but after several paragraphs you could introduce a bit of dialogue to break... Show more

1 Comment
Desiree R. Ntolo

Thanks, Judy.. I am looking for someone to edit it for me as a matter of fact. English is my seventh language so I am quite not good enough in the language I am afraid.. I had to write in English though... You are right about that technical problem.. Some were deliberate as the... Show more

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Desiree R. Ntolo

I have not had the opportunity of hearing about that Australian writer.
I'll follow that link you gave me and check it out.
Peace be with you
Rabbi Desiree

Important Post
Desiree R. Ntolo

Yes... he is identified in the book. And yes, I actually finally found his book, and read it. That is what definitely decided me to write this book. Later, I also met him. He is still alive and wrecking havoc in people's lives. He has over 50.000 followers now. Just read on, till the end. That is the best way to know what is going on. Then ask me all the queations you wish to ask. I'll see where you are at, now.

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Did you ever identify who the french guy was and the book he wrote? I am up to page 335 and if it is revealed in the book I havent read of it yet.

There is a book I enjoy reading written by a french guy from australia - - this book also says it has something to do with jesus and the various "holy" events, what do you think?

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