Black Dragon Red Sun

The Vietnam War By:
User: usmcgunny
Black Dragon Red Sun
Complete organized chaos for the new guys would begin as we landed in Vietnam. Organized chaos, seemed like a contradiction in terms, but after a few weeks in Vietnam, it seemed plausible. We would be organized militarily, but we would have to break the bad habit, of trying to fight a conventional war in a guerrilla warfare environment. Returning Vietnam Combat Veterans, on subsequent tours, would fall into the routine in a matter of days. For the FNG’s (Fricking New Guys), we would get one chance to adapt, if not we would die.

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War, Combat, Vietnam, Military, Marines
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I appreciate your kind comments.

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Well gunny, today I finished your book and I want to thank you for writing it. When I read about you guys who have waged war, I think too, as you wrote, it is a crazy world.

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Thank you for you comments. I appreciate that you are reading it.

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I am now at page 173 and really feel that I am getting a taste of your life and of other Marines.
Have read several books about Nam but non better than this. It's also neat to know that I am among the few who has read it so far.

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Hey Gunny: Just added you to my group and will begin reading your subhmissions. When I saw your handle I immediately knew you would love my book. It is about the USMC during the Korean War. I just put it on sale and hope you will enjoy it. Check it out - Semper Fi - Ray

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Janice! Thank you so much for such a powerful review. I didn't think anyone would care to read my story or even notice it.

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What a quote!
From Roger Sanchez- "No one knew, whether they would be alive the next day. But we would find time to laugh, to cry, to contemplate. We would learn much about ourselves, in this foreign land called Vietnam.”

A strong, poignant, accounting- from a kid to a man in a short time –this is my summary. Roger Sandchez’s Black Dragon Red Sun captures the soul of a man in war. It reminds us all of wars fought, lives given,... Show more

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